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Sinter Write Up

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1.1 Preamble

The growth of steel industry significantly contribute towards economic progress of the country. However, any steel industry progress brings along with it a number of environmental problems. Many of these problems can be avoided, if adequate environmental control considerations are thought of during conceptual stage of the project. Once the industry is set up, it becomes very costly to install pollution control equipment and implement other environmental control measures, if the same are not considered in the conceptual stage. Any industry exerts both positive and negative environmental impacts. Negative impact cause environmental degradation. It is the responsibility of Planners, Scientists and Environmentalists to document these impacts separately so that these can be identified, quantified and attempts may be made to minimize negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts for better development with least environmental degradation. 1.2 Background of M/s. BMM Ispat ltd

M/s BMM Ispat Ltd. (BMMI) is a company promoted by Mr. Dinesh Kumar Singhi, proprietor of Singhi Group of companies in Bellary District, Karnataka State. The Singhi group is a well known business group in the field of mining of iron ore and the group is also operating a mini steel plant producing sponge iron, TMT bars and electric power. The Group has sales turnover exceeding Rs 442 crore and has its mining operations in Bellary-Hospet-Sandur belt and mini steel plant at Danapur, Hospet Taluk in Bellary district of Karnataka State. The companies belonging to Singhi Group are 1) BMM Ispat Ltd., Danapur 2) HKT Mining Pvt Ltd., Danapur 3) Bharat Mines and Minerals, Bellary II-1
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These companies are growth centres in the field of iron ore mining and manufacture of TMT bars and pellets. Mining BMM group is in the Business of mining of iron ore and exporting approximately 2.50 Mt/yr of iron ore. BMM Group is working in three Iron ore lease areas in Sandur Taluk, Bellary District having all statuary clearance to produce totally 3.6 mt/yr of iron ore. They have applied for lease for mining in additional area and the acquiring process is in progress. All the existing mines are well connected by rail to steel plants, ports etc. HKT Mining Pvt. Ltd The promoters of BMM Group are the promoters of HKT Mining Pvt. Ltd. HKT have set up sponge iron plant, induction furnaces and rolling mill and as on date are running the plant with all statuary clearances. BMM Ispat Ltd BMM Ispat Ltd. have established pellet plant, power plant and beneficiation plant adjacent to the above HKT plant near Hospet and are running these plants with all statuary clearances. Overseas Venture In addition, BMM group have acquired coal mine deposits over 3696.57 Ha in Tanah Groqet province in Indonesia. BMMI intend to put up a 2.0 Mt/yr integrated steel plant to produce rolled steel products and BF slag based cement. The power requirement for the steel plant will be met by captive power plant.


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Present Project Proposal Manufacturing Units Unit

Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year 1.10 1.10 Mt/year t/year t/year Mt/year MW 1.00 1.00 2x500 1080 1.4 230

3.4 1.20 0.7 0.8 2.5 1.7 2.3

Iron ore beneficiation plant Pelletization Plant DRI Plant Coke ovens Sinter plant Blast furnace EAF & BOF steel making Continuous casting machines Slab Caster Billet caster
Rolling Mills Hot strip mill Structural / wire rods

Oxygen Plant Calcining kilns Cement Plant Power Plant Estimated Investment Project Completion Target 1.4 : :

Rs. 6151.3 Crores September 2012

Importance of the Proposed Project

Steel is the material of choice for industrial applications due to its high specific strength and relatively low cost per unit weight. Present per capita steel consumption in India is around 39 kg as compared to per capita steel consumption of around 500 kg to 700 kg in countries like Japan, EU Countries, South Korea, USA etc. Even Brazil, Mexico and China have per capita consumption of around 110 kg to 150 kg and the world average is about 150 kg.


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Steel is made through Blast Furnace/Basic Oxygen Furnace Route (BF-BOFCC) or Sponge Iron/Electric Arc Furnace Route (DR-EAF-CC). Principal raw material in BF route is iron ore lumps/sinter and in DR route iron ore lumps/pellets. Depletion of high grade iron ore reserves and metallurgical coal reserves, environmental concerns in coke making, sinter plant and blast furnace have forced the industry to look into steel making through EAF route. Shortages, quality and price fluctuations of steel scrap and availability of huge quantities of non coking coal have led to increase in DRI capacity. Domestic Steel Demand Projection In India, apparent consumption of steel increased from 14.8 million tonnes in 1991-92 to 43.5 million tonnes in 2006-07.
Production of steel

As per the National Steel Policy - 2005 of Govt. of India, the demand-supply scenario for steel upto 2020 is as given below: National Steel Policy of Government of India have considered growth rate of 7.3% per annum. The actual growth of consumption during 2005-2006, according to Steel Ministry, was 13.88%. Even if we assume a lower growth rate of 10% per annum, the demand for the year 2014-15, it will be 97.67 million tons. In terms of crude steel, the demand works out 105.5 million tons for 2015. Production of crude steel during 2005-06 was 42.1 million tonnes. It can be seen from the above that demand is likely to be more than double in the next ten years. Though a number of green field steel plants have been announced, because of various constraints, there is likely to be delay in creation of new capacities. Thus the supply side may not meet the growth in domestic demand.


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Based on the assessment of steel market (considering the boom in construction sector and industrial applications) and the resources available to the promoters, it is recommended to set up a 2.0 Mt/yr integrated steel plant with flat (hot rolled coils and plates) and non flat products (TMT/wire rods and Structural) in equal amount. Demand for cement Boom in the construction activities and infrastructure development have lead to increased demand for cement. It is also in great demand in the neighbouring countries like those in the gulf region and Far East. Hence, it is proposed to convert the entire blast furnace slag into cement and produce about 1.4 million ton per annum of cement. Thus the proposed steel plant will facilitate in catalyzing the development of small-scale industries around it. These may be spares and metal based. These will be complimented by the service units. The project is also expected to serve as center of significant small-scale industrial economy around it. This is expected to play a major role in the future economic and social development of this area. 1.5 Rationale for choice of Mariammanahalli hobli for Location of BMM Ispat Complex The Karnataka state Govt. have recommended for approval to establish 2.0 MT/YEAR integrated steal and Power plant in the State High Level Clearance Meeting ( SHLCC ) Held on 21.08.2008 ( given in Annexure-I Sanction and Approvals). Raw material availability at competitive price around the proposed project. Nearer to the allotted mine to BMM Ispat (2530 Km from the proposed industry). Port facilities at Chennai, Krishnappattanam, Mangalore and Goa which is well connected by rail route.


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Tungabhadra river water availability (within 5 km) Railway facilities within 1 km . Availability of sufficient land to cater to all needs of integrated steel industry. Availability of skilled man power. Mega industries/projects are eligible for exemption from entry tax (for machinery and equipment during the project implementation). Reduction of stamp duty and registration charges. KPTCL, Kalyan steels, Kirloskar, JSW Steel & other Thermal power plants near to the proposed site of BMM ISPAT LTD. CBSE/ICSE schools, Engineering Colleges, Training Institutions, Hospitals, etc. are at 12 15 km radius of the BMM Ispat. 1.6 Environmental Clearance

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) have been considered as the most important tools / documents which can be utilized by the project proponent and Government Regulating Agencies and Public to clearly understand the environmental implications of the proposed project with respect to the overall developmental plan and to take decisions in the interest of environment and the national economy. It also helps to analyze the techno-environmental feasibility of the proposed project. The corporate policy of BMM Ispat Ltd. requires Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be carried out for all new projects. This is primarily to ascertain, beforehand the potential impact areas of the proposed project and initiate necessary corrective actions at the design stage itself as well as the appraise the environmental protection regulating authorities for issuing Environmental Clearance for the project, as required under the relevant provisions of Environment Protection Act, 1986, Rules and EIA Notification 2006.


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1.7 Scope of the study The present EIA and EMP report for BMM Ispat Ltd., Bellary has been prepared based on the following TOR provided by MoEF and the existing guidelines of CPCB and Generic structure of Environmental Impact Assessment Document as per EIA Notification 2006. 1. Present land use should be prepared based on satellite imagery. 2. Location of national parks / wildlife sanctuary within 10 km. radius should specifically be mentioned. 3. Permission and recommendations of the State Forest Department regarding impact of proposed expansion on the surrounding reserve forests viz. Hospet RF (4 Km), Nandibanda RF (4 Km) and Sandur RF (4 Km) should be included. 4. Permission from the Railway Department, if any, should be included. 5. Actual land requirement, classification of land, acquisition status, rehabilitation and resettlement, if any, as per the policy of the Govt. of Karnataka should be incorporated. 6. Status of environmental clearance for the captive mines and copies of the letters should be included. 7. Clearance from the Railway Department regarding location of the project should also be included. 8. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall should be collected. 9. A list of industries containing name and type in 25 km radius should be incorporated. 10. Residential colony should be located in upwind direction.


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11. List of raw material required and source should be included. 12. Fuel analysis, quantity of fuel required, its source and transportation. 13. Manufacturing process details for all the plants proposed should be included. 14. A chapter on type and details of coke oven plant including pollution control methods should be included. 15. Type of coke oven and full details and justification for installing nonrecovery type of coke oven should be included. 16. One season ambient air quality data (except monsoon) at 8 locations within the study area of 10 km., aerial coverage from project site with one AAQMS in downwind direction should be carried out. The monitoring stations should take into account the pre-dominant wind direction, population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. 17. Coordinates of the plant site as well as ash pond with topo-sheet. 18. Details of all kind of fuel to be used and its impact on the ambient air environment should be included. 19. The suspended particulate matter present in the ambient air must be analysed for the presence of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), i.e. Benzene soluble fraction. incorporating of RSPM data. 20. Impact of the transport of raw material and finished product on the transport system should be assessed and provided. 21. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-specific meteorological features. Air quality modeling for steel and cement plant for specific pollutants needs to be done. Chemical characterization of RSPM and for


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22. Plant-wise air pollution control measures proposed for the control of gaseous emissions from all the sources should be incorporated. 23. A note on control of fugitive and secondary emissions from as per CPCB guidelines from all the sources should be incorporated. 24. One season data for gaseous emissions during winter season is necessary. 25. Impact of the transport of the raw materials and end products on the surrounding environment should be assessed and provided. 26. Alternate modes of transportation of coal for the project should be examined and their relative merits and demerits in terms of environmental impacts should be provided. 27. Permission for the drawl of 3,850 m3/day water from Tungbhadra Dam and ground water sources from the concerned department and water balance data including quantity of effluent generated, recycled and reused and discharged should be provided. Methods adopted/to be adopted for the water conservation. 28. Surface water quality of nearby rivers and dam (60 m upstream and downstream) and other surface drains at eight locations must be ascertained. 29. Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 locations and near solid waste dump zone, Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area are essential as also. Ecological status (Terrestrial and Aquatic) is vital. 30. A note on treatment of wastewater from different plants including coke oven plant, recycle and reuse for different purposes should be included. 31. Action plan for solid/hazardous waste generation, storage, utilization and disposal particularly tailings, slag, char and fly ash. Assurance that 100 % char will be used in the FBC boiler and copies of MOU regarding utilization of ash should be included.


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32. A write up on use of high calorific hazardous wastes in the kiln should be included. 33. Detailed plan of ash utilization / management, evacuation of ash, ash pond impermeability and whether it would be lined, if so, details of the lining etc. and MOU signed with the Cement manufacturers for utilizing granulated BF slag should be included. 34. Generation and utilization of waste/fuel gases from BF plant and their utilization in the CPP have to be set out. 35. Risk assessment and damage control needs to be addressed. 36. Occupational health of the workers needs elaboration. 37. Green belt development plan in 33 % area and a scheme for rainwater harvesting have to be put in place. 38. Socio-economic development activities need to be elaborated upon. 39. A note on identification and implementation of Carbon Credit project should be included. 40. An Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations made for the Steel and Cement Plants in the CREP guidelines must be prepared. 41. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures should also be included. 42. A tabular chart for the issues raised and addressed during public hearing/public consultation should be provided. 43. Any litigation / court case pending against the proposal should also be included. 1.8 Report Format

The project report covers Introduction Project Description Description of the environment


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Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation measures. Environmental monitoring programme. Additional studies Project benefits Environmental impact statement Environment management plan. Summary and Conclusion Consultant Credentials


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2.1 Preamble BMMI are intending to install a 2.0 Mt/yr integrated steel plant, of which 1.0 Mt/yr will be hot rolled coils and the balance will be non flat products like TMT/wire rods and structural. The former will be produced in a hot strip mill and the latter in light structural mill/ bar and rod mills. BMMI are also intending to install a cement plant to use the granulated blast furnace slag. A power plant will be set up to utilize the waste heat in the DRI kiln off gases. 2.2 Location of the proposed plant and accessibility

The proposed plant is located in Mariammanahalli hobli, Bellary (Dist.), Karnataka. (The latitude and longitude of the project site is 155 - 1510N and 7622 7627E respectively in the Topo sheet no 57A/8. The proposed plant area is surrounded by various industrial Units and iron ore mines. The location map is shown in Fig 1.1 & Fig 1.2. The accessibility and surroundings of the project site are as follows: Nearest State Highway : Nearest Habitation : Nearest major Railway Station: Nearest Industry : Archaeological Importance : Environmental Sensitive Area: Nearest Surface Water Body : Bellary Hospet (1.2 km) Dhanapura village (2.0 km) Hospet (15.0 km) i) HKT Mining ii) BMM spat None within 10 km radius None within 10 km radius i) TB Dam (5 km) ii) Danayanakere (1 km) iii) Gunda Kere (1/2 Km) 1180 feet above MSL 44oC 18oC 86% 41% 760mm (Avg. 10 years) Undulated None within 10Km radius
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Altitude Max. day Temperature Min. day Temperature Max. Relative Humidity Min. Relative Humidity Annual Rainfall Topography Historical places


Sl. No. 1.

Environmental Sensitivity
Areas National Park Name Nil 1. Gunda Reserve Forest 2. Nandibanda Reserve Forest 3. Ramgad Reserve Forest Nil Nil Nil TB Dam Nil Aerial Distance from (in km) 4 km 7 km 4 km


*Sanctuary / Tiger Reserve/ Elephant / any other Reserve

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Core Zone Reserve




Habitat for Migratory Birds Archaeological Sites (i) Notified (ii) Others Water Bodies Defense Installation Industries / Thermal Power Plants / Mines Industries

Kirloskar Ferroys Ltd. Kalyani Steel Ltd. Hospet Steel Ltd. Ultratech Cements MSPL S.P. Minerals Other Mines (10 Nos.) M/s. Jindal Southwest Hospet Swamihalli (Iron ore loading station only) NH 13

10.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 4.0 4.0 10 km radius 25 0.03 1.0

Mines 9 10 11 Airports **Railway Lines National / State Highways

Three Reserved Forest are situated within 10 Km radius of the proposed site and the permission and recommendations obtained from the State Forest Department for setting up of integrated steel plant is given in Annexure 1 Sanctions and approvals. The permission obtained from Railway department is given in Annexure 1 Sanctions and approvals.



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Fig.II.1 Location Map Bellary District


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Fig. II.2 Location Map of Project Site


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Resources / Infrastructure Requirements

2.4.1 Raw Materials The Bellary district is well known for its availability of its low and high grade iron ore. BMM Ispat group is having iron ore mines with a production capacity of 250 MT/year. The environmental clearance obtained for the above capacity is given in Annexure I - Sanctions and approvals. BMM have already applied for lease for mining in additional area and acquiring process is in progress. The raw materials required are given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 List of Raw Materials

Raw material Low grade iron ore fines Iron ore pellets Bentonite Non coking coal Coking coal Limestone Dolomite Quartzite Clinker Gypsum

Quantity Mt/year 4.4 0.43 0.008 1.243 0.92 0.53 0.34 0.13 0.73 0.04

Source Captive mines and from indigenous sources Indigenous source Indigenous source Imported Imported Indigenous source Indigenous source Indigenous source Indigenous source Indigenous source

While coking coal and non coking coal will be imported, all other materials are available indigenously.

2.4.2 Water requirement The total water requirement will be about 3881 m3/hr. The Government of Karnataka has already allotted 22 MGD of water from downstream of TB dam and Almatti dam for the proposed project. The permission obtained for drawl of the required quantity of fresh water is given in Annexure 1Sanctions and approvals. The quantities of water required for various units of integrated steel plant and effluent generated are presented in Table 2.2.


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TABLE 2.2 Water requirement and Effluent generation m3/hour Plant unit Iron ore beneficiation plant Iron ore pelletising plant DR plant Coke plant Iron ore sintering plant BF plant Steel melting shop Continuous casting machines shop Calcination plant & oxygen plant Rolling mill Power plant Cement plant Drinking & sanitation Evaporation & other losses Total Blow down water use Green belt maintenance Dust control in raw materials yard Total water 7300 1800 4610 2200 6950 8880 3870 800 5130 27520 51500 300 100 120 121080 Re-circulated water 7123 1747 4372 2067 6822 8370 3676 718 4976 26687 50350 291 Make-up water 177 53 238 133 128 510 194 82 154 833 1150 9 100 120 3881 400 200 Process loss 171 45 233 120 128 452 150 66 139 719 830 8 100 120 3281

Unit :

Blow down 6 8 5 13 0 58 44 16 15 114 320 1 0 600



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2.4.3 Land requirement

The government of Karnataka has already allotted 3530 acres of land in Danapura, Nagalapura, Danayana kere and Garaga villages in Hospet Taluk in Bellary district and acquisition of land is in progress. The details of land required for each unit is furnished in Table 2.3. The Lay-out plan is given in Figure II.3.


Sl. No

Land description

Area in Hectare

% of Land requirement

Factory Raw materials Storage Yard

Lime stone Dolomite Coal Iron Ore 1.00 3.00 10.0 3.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 40.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 20.0 16.50

Beneficiation plant Pellet plant Sinter Plant DRI Plant Blast Furnace SMS Calcination Plant Oxygen plant Rolling mill


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Power plant Cement Plant & Grinding unit Coke oven plant Admin. Complex & Health Centers Repair shop & Central stores Landscaping, Garden and Tree curtains
2 3 4 5 6 Housing Colony Water storage area Roads & Railway station Dump Yard Green Belt Total

4.0 18.0

26.0 2.0

2.0 54.0

40 350 121 210 472 1429

2.80 24.50 8.50 14.70 33.00 100.0


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Fig. II.3 Layout plan


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2.4.4 Power requirement The energy requirement for various units is given in Table 2.4.


Manufacturing Units

Power Consumption (MW) 7.5 7.5 11.4 4.8 9.6 28.9 73.3 5.6

Ore Beneficiation plant

Pelletising Plant DR Plant Coke ovens Sinter plant Blast furnace Steel Making (EAF,BOF&LRF) Continuous casting machines Slab Caster Billet caster
Rolling Mills Hot strip mill Structural/ wire rods


Auxiliaries ( Oxygen Plant, Calcining kilns etc.) Cement Plant Power Plant Total

12.0 11.4 21.0 230

The annual electrical energy consumption in the plant is estimated to be about 1740 million units. The average demand of the plant is estimated to be 230 MW. It is proposed to meet the entire requirement of electric power from captive sources taking the support of State Electricity grid for stability. Power generation will be effected by recovering the heat from waste gases from the DR kilns and non recovery coke ovens and by firing coal and char from the kiln discharge in suitable boilers. The purchased/ generated power will be stepped down to 6.6 kV. The 6.6kV Switchgear will distribute power to the 6.6 kV motors and also to the LT substations located at load centers. Provision will be made to sell the surplus power if any through the grid. 2.4.5 Fuel requirement


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The fuel requirement and sources of availability are as follows. Production unit Pelletising plant DR plant Sinter plant Fuel Non coking coal Non coking coal Coke breeze BF coke BF plant Non coking coal Non coking coal Furnace oil Furnace oil Quality Ash < 12%, VM 25 30%, Sulphur < 0.6% Same as above Ash < 15%, VM < 1%, Sulphur < 0.6% Ash < 12%, VM < 1%, Sulphur < 0.6% Same as that for pelletising plant Same as that for pelletising plant Sulphur 3% (max) Sulphur 3% (max) Quantity 0.048 Mt/year 0.55 Mt/year 0.137 Mt/year 0.686 Mt/year 0.257 Mt/year 0.3 Mt/year 100,000 kl/yr 30 kl/yr

Power plant Rolling mills Calcining units

The source and mode of transportation of the fuels is indicated below: Fuel Non coking coal BF coke Coke breeze Furnace oil Imported Coke plant Coke plant From Indian public sector oil companies Source Mode of transportation By sea to Indian port and by rail thereafter By conveyor By conveyor By road


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2.4.6 Manpower requirement The manpower required for the proposed integrated steel plant, cement plant and Captive power plant are indicated below. A residential colony with 500 quarters will be set up in the up wind direction of the plant site. Adequate treated drinking water supply and sewage treatment system will be established. S.No 1 2 3 4 Category Managerial Supervisory Skilled Unskilled Total 2.4.7 Construction materials requirement The details of chief construction materials are given below. Sl.No. 1 2 3 7 Sand (m ) Reinforcement Cement

Nos. 340 1070 2680 510 4600

Materials Coarse Aggregates (m3)

2 MT/YEAR 138,000 67500 0-015 MT 0-06 MT

2.5 Details of Manufacturing Units It is proposed to provide a iron ore beneficiation which can convert low grade iron ore into a high grade concentrate to feed the pellet plant and sinter plant. Depending on the characterization of the ore gravity and magnetic separation methods will be employed to beneficiate the ore. Non recovery type coke ovens plant will be installed to supply coke to blast furnaces and coke breeze to sintering plant. The sensible heat in the coke ovens gas will be used for power generation. A 230 MW captive power generation using coke oven gases, DRI kiln gases and coal is proposed. A pellet plant is proposed to manufacture pellets, which would be used to


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feed DR plant and replace lump iron ore in the blast furnace burden. Sinter plant will supply fluxed sinter to the blast furnace and will aid in achieving high productivity. Sinter plant will be supplied with high grade iron ore concentrate from the beneficiation plant. Liquid iron or hot metal, as it is known in steel industry, will be produced in highly energy efficient blast furnaces, where coal dust injection will be practiced to reduce the requirement of metallurgical coke. Two options are available for steel making, electric steel making and oxygen blown steel making. The former is electrical energy intensive and needs solid charge at least partially while the latter can accept wholly liquid charge and widely employed in large capacity integrated steel plants. Both the process routes are considered to produce liquid steel and feed the continuous casting machines. The feed to the hot strip mill will be slabs and to non flat rolling mills, it will be billets. These will be produced in universally accepted continuous casting machines to reduce casting losses and for automated production as against ingot casting. The rolling mill will be designed to produce both flat and non flat products utilizing the state of the art technology. Granulated slag from Blast furnace, clinker, gypsum and coal are used for manufacturing of Portland cement. A schematic process flow diagram of integrated steel complex is presented in Fig II.4.


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Fig. II.4 Schematic process flow diagram Integrated Steel Plant


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2.5.1 Iron Ore beneficiation plant The route adopted for beneficiation in the proposed plant is a combination of gravity separation in spirals and magnetic separation in low intensity magnetic separator and high gradient magnetic system. Iron ore fines of minus 10 mm size will be ground to the liberation size in grinding mills and pressure rolls. The ground ore will be stored as slurry in a buffer tank. The ground ore will be subjected to low and high intensity magnetic separation to recover the magnetite and hematite part of the ore. The size of the ore fed to high intensity magnetic separation will be restricted to below 45 microns by screening and regrinding. The concentrate from magnetic separation will then be dewatered in filters to ensure that the moisture in the product will be low enough for pelletising. The water reclaimed will be clean enough to be recycled back to plant directly. The tailings will be first dewatered in hydro cyclones and then treated in thickeners for water recovery. The thickener sludge will be filtered to recover water and the solid waste will be transported in trucks to the dump area. The beneficiation plant will treat about 4.4 Mt/yr (dry) of iron ore and produce 3.2 Mt/yr of concentrate and 1.2 Mt/yr of tailings. The schematic flow sheet of beneficiation plant is given in Fig. II.5.


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Fig. II.5. Bbeneficiation plant - Schematic flow sheet


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2.5.2 Pellet Plant There are two principal process steps for the production of pellets. The first step is the formation of green balls. Fine grained iron ores having adequate size distribution are rolled with a binder and wetting agent in suitable devices such as discs. In this way, wet balls are formed. These are called green pellets. During ball formation, a binder like bentonite is used. Additives like limestone may be added for changing the metallurgical properties of the indurated pellets. In the second step, the green pellets are dried and indurated to obtain the typical features of pellets. This is achieved, in most cases, by careful heating under oxidizing atmosphere to just below the softening point of the ore used. During heating, not only the crystalline structure is changed, but also other bonds appear such as reaction between slag forming constituents both between each other and with iron oxides. The hot pellets are carefully cooled in order to maintain as far as possible the resulting crystalline and other bonds as well to avoid tension cracks. It is proposed to adopt the grate - kiln process in the pelletising plant. The plant is rated to produce 1.2 Mt/yr of pellets. The induration or heat hardening process for the pellets can be divided into four distinct stages Drying, Preheating, Firing and Cooling. In the grate kiln process, these stages are separate and will be carried out in three separate machines - drying and preheating on the traveling grate, firing in rotary kiln and cooling in annular cooler. Each unit is designed to withstand mechanical and thermal stresses imposed by activities to be carried out in the unit. At the end of the grate machine, the pellets will be sufficiently hardened to withstand the impact of fall from grate machine into the kiln. The hot air from the cooler will go through ducts into grate machine for drying and preheating. The pre heated pellets will drop into the rotary kiln. The pellets will move through the rotary kiln towards the discharge end where coal fired burner


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will be provided. Hot air from annular cooler will be sent to the kiln and grate. Pulverized coal will be injected into the kiln together with hot air from cooler. In the kiln, the temperature of the preheated pellets will be raised to about 1300C. The fired pellets will be discharged through a bunker onto the cooler. The pellets will be cooled in an annular cooler. The pellets are cooled to less than 100C. The cooled pellets will be collected on a heat resistant belt conveyor and transported to product storage. Coal pulverizing unit will receive coal from the storage yard and store in a bunker upstream of the coal pulverise. Ground coal will be stored in a bin and from there injected into the kiln. Since iron ore concentrate is the feed to the proposed pellet plant, the plant proper will start from iron ore concentrate storage. The hourly material balance for the pelletising plant is indicated below: Input, t Iron ore concentrate Bentonite Coal Total 157.5 1.1 6.0 164.6 Output, t Iron ore pellets Process losses Dust recycled Dust loss Total 150.0 5.3 9.2 0.1 164.6

The schematic process flow chart of Pellet plant is given in Fig.II.6.


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Fig. II.6 Schematic Process Flow sheet Pellet plant

Iron ore Concentrate Dust


Proportioning and Mixing

Under Size Pellets Over size Pellets

Balling & Sizing

Stack Green Balls

Drying & Prehealing

Gas Exhaust


Dust Coal

Grinding Firing

Hot Air


Hot Air

Pellets To Storage


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2.5.3 DRI Sponge iron is the product of solid state reduction of iron ore. It is also known as directly reduced iron or DRI. The process of manufacturing sponge iron or DRI is known as DR process. These processes can use gaseous or solid fuels for supply of heat and reducing gases. Coal based direct reduction process using rotary kiln for reduction is proposed for this project. One of the advantages in coal based DR processes is that it uses abundantly available non coking coal and the heat in the flue gases from the reduction kiln can be used for generation of electric power. In the Coal based direct reduction process, a refractory lined rotary kiln is used for reduction of iron ore in solid state. The size depends on the production capacity of kiln. The kiln is mounted with a slope of 2.5% downwards from the feed end to the discharge end. A central burner located at the discharge end is used for initial heating of the kiln. Sized iron ore is continuously fed into the kiln along with coal. Small quantities of limestone/dolomite are added to absorb sulphur from the coal. A number of air tubes are provided along the length of the kiln. Air is introduced through these tubes axially in the free space over charge. The desired temperature profile is maintained by controlling the volume of combustion air through these tubes. The rotary kiln is broadly divided into two zones namely, the pre-heating zone and the reduction zone. The pre-heating zone extends over 40 to 50 percent of the length of the kiln. In this zone, the moisture in the charge is driven off, and the volatile matter in the coal, liberating over a temperature range of 600 C to 800 C, is burnt with the combustion air supplied through the air tubes in the free space above the charge. Heat from the combustion raises the temperature of the lining and the bed surface. As the kiln rotates, the lining transfers the heat to the charge. Charge material, preheated to about 1000C enters the reduction zone. Temperature of the order of 1050 C to 1100 C is maintained in the reduction zone for reducing iron oxide to metallic iron.


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The established kiln sizes for production of sponge iron are 100 t/d, 350 t/d and 500 t/d. Four 500 t/d kilns will be employed to produce DRI. The main production units of the DR plant are Coal and flux preparation unit Day bins building Kiln and cooler area Product separation unit Gas handling system Iron ore pellets will be delivered to the day bins from the pellet plant by a group of conveyors. Coal will be received in 150 mm size from the coal storage area. It will be screened in a primary screen to separate out 50 mm fraction. The + 50 mm fraction will be sent to an impact crusher working in closed circuit with the screen, for reducing the size to below 50 mm. The 50 mm fraction will be ground to 20 mm size in a double roll crusher operating in closed circuit with a screen, for reducing the size to below 20 mm. This coal will be conveyed to the day bins building where it will be screened into three fractions, coal fines, coarse coal and feed coal. There are two bins for feed coal and one each for coarse coal and coal fines in each row. Weigh feeders will be used to proportion ore, feed coal and dolomite charged to the kiln from the feed end. Injection coal will be injected into the kiln from the discharge end with the help of compressed air supplied by the lobe compressor. There will be two rows of bins in day bins building, each feeding two kilns. The raw materials will be charged into the rotary kiln from the inlet end by means of a feed tube. The rotary kiln is of 4.3 m in diameter and 72 m long An AC step-less speed variable motor will rotate the kiln at 0.2 to 1.0 rpm. Due to the inclination and the rotary motion of the kiln, the material will


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move from the feed end of the kiln to the discharge end in approximately 10 to 12 hrs. The fine coal will be blown from the discharge end of the kiln to maintain the required temperature and the carbon concentration in the bed. The kiln has eight shell air fans mounted on the top which will blow air in the respective zones to maintain the required temperature profile. The material and the hot gasses move in the counter current direction; as a result of which the iron ore gets pre-heated and gradually reduced by the time it reaches the discharge end. The hot material, after the reduction is complete, will be transferred to the rotary cooler via the transfer chute. The cooler is 3.2 m in diameter and 44 m long. It will be rotated at 1.4 rpm. The water will be sprayed on the top of the shell which will cool the material inside the cooler indirectly. The material cooled to 80 C will discharge on a belt conveyor by a double pendulum valve. This valve acts as the seal for the prevention of the atmospheric air into the kiln cooler system. The total kiln cooler system is kept under positive pressure of about 0.30.5 mbar. This prevents the atmospheric air from getting into the system. The kiln has to be always operated on positive pressure as any leakage into the system will cause the re-oxidation of the sponge iron. In the product separation building, double deck screen will separate the cooler discharge into 0-3 mm and 3-20 mm and +20 mm size fractions. The +20 mm fraction will be diverted to the sponge iron bin. The 0-3 mm sized fraction will be fed to a drum type magnetic separator where the sponge iron fines and the dolochar will get separated and will be fed to the respective bins through the chutes and conveyor. The 3-20 mm fraction will be similarly separated by another magnetic separator and fed to respective bins. This magnetic fraction will be sponge iron lumps and the non-magnetic will be char, which is the unburnt coal. This char will be used in the power plant. The gasses, which flow counter current to the material flow, will go to the dust-settling chamber where the heavier particles settle down. These


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particles are continuously removed by the wet scrapper system. The gases then pass to the after burner chamber where the residual carbon or carbon monoxide are burnt by the excess air available. The gases at high temperature will be sent to waste heat recovery boiler. The gas, after it looses heat in boiler unit, will be cooled and then cleaned in electrostatic precipitators and let into the atmosphere at about 120 deg C through the chimney. Alternatively the hot gases can bypass the boilers and get cooled in gas conditioning towers before they are sent to the electro static precipitator. The gases from the DR kilns will be used to generate steam in waste heat recovery boilers. Each kiln will have one boiler. The steam generated will be used to drive a turbo-generator and supply power to the plant. The hourly material balance for the DR plant is indicated below: Input, t Iron ore pellets Non coking coal Dolomite Output, t 137.7 71.3 2.9 DRI Process losses Char Dust recovered Dust loss Total 95.0 76.3 28.5 12.0 0.06 211.9



The schematic process & flow chart of DRI plants are shown in Fig. II.7.


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Fig.II.7 Schematic process flow chart - Sponge Iron Plant

GCT Gas Conditioning Tower


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Coke oven Plant ( Non recovery type )

Metallurgical coke is a strong, porous, carbonaceous material which is produced by the destructive distillation of coking coals in refractory chambers called coke ovens or carbonization chambers. Over 90 percent of the world's oven coke production is used for the manufacture of liquid iron by the blast furnace process. Coke influences most the economy of iron making in a blast furnace. In India, over sixty percent of the cost of producing hot metal is on account of coke alone. The cost of coke is determined by the coking coal price and conversion cost at the coke ovens. Coal prices have substantially gone up recently and there is a strong need to economize on coke making operations. In addition, the demands to produce better quality coke are becoming greater, not with-standing the scarcity of premium quality coking coals. In this context, the prime objectives of coke making are: To produce coke of the best possible quality with available coals To maximize throughput of coke To minimize conversion cost To produce byproducts of desired quality with little environmental pollution The two proven processes for manufacturing metallurgical coke are the beehive process and the byproduct process. In the beehive process, air is admitted to the coking chamber in controlled amounts for the purpose of burning therein, the volatile products distilled from coal to generate heat for further distillation. In the byproduct method, air is excluded from the coking chambers, and the necessary heat for distillation is supplied from external combustion of some of the gas recovered from the coking process, or in some instances, cleaned blast furnace gas or a mixture of coke oven and blast furnace gas. With modern byproduct ovens, properly operated, all the volatile products liberated during coking are recovered as gas and coal chemicals.


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While the beehive process was the first leading method for manufacture of coke, the byproduct process has gained wider acceptance and replaced beehive units. Of late, a modification of the beehive technology, known as non-recovery ovens, is gaining prominence especially as a low-capacity economical coke producing unit. During carbonization, a part of the initial charge of coal is evolved as mixed gases and vapors. In non recovery type ovens, these are burnt to supply heat to the process. Excess heat in flue gases is recovered in heat recovery boilers and used to generate electric power. This process is considered for the BMMI project. Stamp charging is a process where the entire coal charge for coke making is compressed and then pushed into the oven for coking. The stamping process brings the coal particles into more intimate contact with each other, which enhances the coking properties. Non-recovery coke making produces a high quality blast furnace coke without the generation of hazardous or toxic emissions, usually associated with byproduct recovery coke ovens. In a non-recovery oven, all of the gas generated is burnt in the process. The ovens or carbonization chambers have a unique sole flue heating design to equalize the coking rate from the top and bottom to produce a uniform product. Because the chambers operate under negative pressure with a horizontal design, it will be easier to comply with the requirements of the emission regulations. Primary air for combustion is introduced into the chamber above the charge through ports located in the doors. The partially combusted flue gas exits the chamber though down-comer passages in the wall to the sole flues. The sole flue arrangement is divided into two sections, each with four passes for combustion of the flue gas prior to exiting the heating system. Thus, the coke side and the pusher side can be controlled independently for uniform heating. An inlet air damper is installed at the turn from the first


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pass to the second pass of the sole flue. This additional damper permits the introduction of air to complete combustion of the flue gas while still in the sole flue. Waste gas is conducted to a common collecting tunnel through uptake passages in the oven wall. The common waste heat tunnel is located at the top along the centre line of the battery and extends the entire length of the battery. The number of ovens per exhaust stack can be varied by changing the diameter of the common tunnel. Each stack has a pneumatically-operated lid which permits closing off the battery should it be necessary for operating reasons. Because the coking chambers operate under negative pressure at all times, there is a minimum fugitive emissions to the atmosphere. Pushing and quenching emissions are controlled with state-of-the-art equipment similar to that used in a byproduct plant. When the coal is fully coked, the doors on each side of the oven are removed and the coke is pushed. A large mechanically operated ram attached to a pusher machine pushes the coke out of the oven and into a railroad car called the quench car. The quench car moves down the battery to a "quench tower" where the hot coke is cooled with water. The quenched coke is then dumped onto the coke wharf, from which it is conveyed to the screening station for sizing, and then to the blast furnace. The hourly material balance for the coke plant is indicated below: Input, t Coking coal 116.7 BF Coke Coke breeze Coke oven gas Dust recycled Dust loss Total 116.7 Total The process flow sheet of coal carbonization is shown in Fig. II.8. Output, t 87.6 19.4 8.3 1.3 0.1 116.7


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Fig. II.8 Process Flow sheet - Coke oven plant ( Non recovery )


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The advantages of Non recovery plant Economy of the plant at the intended scale of production (2 X 0.4 Mt/yr) Power generation potential using the heat in the flue gases and thereby reducing the requirement of coal firing in the power plant and the consequent pollutants. (65 MW of power from gases from coke plant and 130 MW by coal firing) Because the coking chambers are operated under negative pressure at all times, there is a minimum of fugitive emissions to the atmosphere. 2.5.5 Sinter Plant Iron ore lumps were the only iron bearing material initially used in blast furnace for production of hot metal. While mining iron ore, fines are also generated and the quantity of fines depends on the characteristics of ore. To gainfully utilize these fines, agglomeration technologies like sintering and pelletising were developed. The down draft sintering is presently the most important agglomeration process. It differs from pelletising by various characteristics such as Feed of coarser grained ore particles Coke breeze as main energy source Heating up of the materials mix to slightly above the softening temperature The final product consists of a spongy sinter cake, partly molten and solidified, which by crushing and screening brought to the necessary grain size. The major advantages of using sinter in blast furnace are: Use of iron ore fines, coke breeze, metallurgical wastes in steel plant like blast furnace flue dust & mill scale, limestone, dolomite for hot metal production


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Better reducibility and other high temperature properties of burden material

Increased blast furnace productivity Improved quality of hot metal Reduction in coke rate in blast furnaces

The raw materials used for sintering are: Iron ore fines (-6 mm), Coke breeze (-3 mm), Limestone & dolomite fines (-3 mm)

and other metallurgical wastes like blast furnace flue dust, mill scale etc. Originally the sintering process was used to sinter lead ores in up draft sintering. Only in 1904, Dwight Lloyd developed straight line machine and there after iron ore fines could be sintered. Initially, sinter plant was proposed as a scavenging unit where all the metallurgical wastes are recycled and charged into the blast furnace. Wastes are iron ore fines from the mines, limestone and dolomite fines, coke breeze, mill scale, flue dust from blast furnace, SMS sludge and mill scale from rolling mill. Now, straight line sinter machines are available in varying sizes starting from 36 m2. These are widely employed in integrated steel plants for feeding the blast furnaces. The entire requirement of sinter for blast furnaces will be met from straight line machines. There will be two machines, each with 100 m2 sintering area to produce around 2.5 million tons of sinter per annum. The sinter plant will start from proportioning section which will have bins for iron ore concentrate, coke and flux fines and lime. The above described materials will be drawn in the proportion needed as per the calculation on the blast furnace slag regime. The material will go to the primary mixing drum wherein the mix will be homogenized and some amount of water will be added. In the secondary mixing drum, steam will be added to the sinter


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mix, the moisture addition will be based on optimum permeability of the sinter mix. There will be two sinter machines in the plant. The proportioning section and mixing and balling section will supply the sinter mix to both the machines. The sinter mix from secondary mixing drum will be conveyed to the top of the machine where there will be a charging hopper. Below the hopper will be the charging drum with a segregation plate. Sinter mix will roll down as per the size and the bigger particles of ore and return sinter will roll to the bottom. Before the charging hopper, there will be a hearth layer bunker, from which the hearth layer will be spread to the grate and then the charging of sinter mix will be done. Due to the vertical segregation, coke fines will continuously decrease from top to bottom of the bed. Bed height of the sinter mix could be between 600-750 mm. The sinter mix top layer will be dried by recycling hot air from the cooler. Also, there will be line burners which will burn small amount of BF gas. The top of the sinter mix will be ignited. Below the ignition part, the wind box will be closed by damper so that there is no suction. There after the dampers will be open and continuously air will be sucked through sinter mix. The sinter plant will have a high degree of instrumentation and automation level 2. There will be specific models for return sinter control and coke rate control and sinter machine speed control linked to burn raise point of the sinter bed. There will be additional controls to regulate the heat to ignition and moisture control based on permeability measure of the sinter mix. Sinter will be discharged at the end of the sintering machine on to a hot sinter crusher. After the crushing, the sinter will be conveyed to the deep bed, deep rail circular cooler is provided with a segregating arrangement plates. The coarsest size sinter fractions will segregate to the bottom of the cooler. The small size sinter which normally would fly away and create dust pollution problem will segregate above the big pieces of sinter and on top of the smaller pieces medium sized lumps of sinter will segregate. By doing this, the air required for cooling can be optimized and the hot air so recovered can be utilised for heating the top layer of sinter mix before ignition. After the sinter is cooled, it will be screened on the cold screen
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where return fines, hearth layer and product sinter will be separated. The hearth layer will be sent to the hearth layer bunker. The return sinter will be sent back to the sinter plant. Sinter will be conveyed to blast furnace by conveyors. The tumbler index of the sinter will be more than 70% + 10mm. The FeO in sinter is around 7%. The basicity of the sinter will depend on the percentage of sinter in the burden and will vary between 1.6 and 1.8. The hourly material balance for the sinter plant is indicated below: Input, t Iron ore fines Dolomite Lime Coke breeze Quartzite Total 242.3 34.6 20.5 17.5 7.2 322.2 Total 322.2 Sinter Process losses Dust recycled Dust loss Output, t 288.9 28.6 4.7 0.05

The process and flow sheet are shown in Fig. II.9 .


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Fig. II.9 Process flow sheet - Sintering Plant


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2.5.6 Blast Furnace The blast furnace is one of the most ancient and most modern energy efficient processing units. Metallic iron was produced by man almost four to five thousand years ago. From that time, the basic principle of reducing iron oxides using carbonaceous reducing agent at high temperatures has remained unchanged. The main change has been an increase in the size of the operation and improving fuel efficiency and environment control measures. The change has been mainly due to improved understanding of the process. Modern day big blast furnaces produce even 15,000-16,000 tons hot metal/day/ furnace. Four 350 m3 blast furnaces are envisaged for producing hot metal. These furnaces will have bell less top, high top pressure, coal dust injection, high blast temperatures, oxygen enrichment etc. The blast furnaces will use prepared burden such as sinter (75 - 85%) and pellets (0-25%). Blast temperature will be 1050 1200 degree C. The blast furnaces will have the latest in instrumentation and Computerization and automation to achieve maximum production and fuel rate. The blast furnace plant will consist of the following production units: Stock house Furnace charging system Furnace proper with cast house Hot blast stoves Cast house slag granulation unit and emergency slag pits Hot metal ladles and ladle repair shop Pig casting machine shop Dust catcher and dry gas cleaning system Water recirculation system Control rooms


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Raw materials will be supplied to the stock house by conveyor systems. Sinter and pellets will be delivered from the sintering plant and pelletising plant respectively. Coke will be delivered from the coke plant. Quartzite will be supplied from the raw materials storage yard. Separate dedusting systems with bag filers will be provided to control the dust in materials transfer points for stock house and cast house. The hourly material balance for the BF plant is indicated below: Input, t Sinter Iron ore pellets Coke Quartzite, t Injection coal, t Output, t Hot metal to SMS Cold pig iron Granulated slag BF gas Flue dust Dust loss PCM skull loss Total

272.4 68.1 81.7 8.0 30.6



202.4 1.7 73.6 175.6 7.4 0.0 0.1 460.8

The process and flow sheet are shown in Fig. II.10.


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Fig. II.10 Process Flow sheet Blast Furnace

Captive Power generation

2.5.7 Steel Making plant and CCM Two options are available for producing liquid steel. Basic oxygen furnace route Electric arc furnace route


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Both the routes of steel making have been considered for this plant. Electric steel making has been adopted so as to enable production alloy steel at a future date. Basic oxygen furnace route is selected as it is less electrical energy intensive and more suited for production of large tonnages. It is proposed to produce about 0.95 Mt/yr of steel through electric route and about 1.26 Mt/yr through basic oxygen route. Electric arc furnace Basic electric arc furnaces are used to produce practically all types of steel, both for continuous casting and foundry purposes. Basic electric arc furnaces employ a bottom consisting of burned magnesite brick. Side walls are also magnesite lined. The furnace roofs are generally constructed with high alumina refractory. Two electric arc furnaces of 60 t heat size have been envisaged. The furnace will be of AC electric arc type with ultra high power transformer. Main features of the electric arc furnace include EBT, water cooled side walls and roof, water spray cooling of electrodes, hot heel, foamy slag, continuous charging of DRI etc. The metallic charge of the furnace will consist of hot metal, DRI and steel scrap. Hot metal will be charged through launder from the ladle. DRI will be continuously charged from the storage bins. Scrap will be charged from buckets. Additives will be charged through roof continuously. Bins will be provided for storing DRI and additives from where weighed quantities will be charged into the furnace. Hot heel and foamy slag practice will be followed to hasten the process. The steel making shop will have the furnace bay, charging bay, tapping bay. Each bay will be provided with necessary electric over head travelling cranes to handle hot metal, liquid steel and scrap.


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The liquid steel from the electric arc furnace will be tapped into the casting ladle placed on a ladle transfer car. The casting ladle will be moved to the ladle furnace station for refining. Basic oxygen furnace This route is well established for steel making. The feed will be mainly liquid iron from blast furnace. It will be refined by blowing high purity oxygen into the liquid bath. The process is very fast and the production capacity can be as high as 500 tons of steel in less than 45 minutes. The basic oxygen furnace can be used to produce almost all grades of steel. It is proposed to install two basic oxygen furnaces of 60 t capacity along with f inclusions in the stream. Prior to start of casting, dummy bars will be introduced into the moulds. The gaps between a dummy bar and mould walls will be sealed and small pieces of steel scrap will be placed over the dummy bar head for chilling of liquid steel. Water supply to moulds, secondary cooling zone and machine cooling will be commenced. In the liquid steel level in the tundish reaches a predetermined level the nozzles of the tundish will be opened. The liquid steel stream from tundish to mould will be protected by shroud system to ensure good quality slabs/billets. The partially solidified strands after leaving the moulds will pass through the strand guide roller segments where intensive but controlled cooling of the strands will be achieved by direct water spray with the help of water nozzles. The solidified strands will be guided through withdrawal and straightening unit before entering the gas cutting zone. The dummy bars will be separated from the cast strands when dummy bars reach beyond the withdrawal and straightening unit and will be stored in a dummy bar storage device till their introduction is required for the next cast.


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The cast slabs/billets will be cut into predetermined length by automatic oxy-acetylene gas cutting torches. The cut slabs/billets will be delivered to cooling bed through run-out roller tables. Pusher will be provided for pushing slabs/billets on the cooling bed where these slabs/billets will be marked. The marked slabs/billets will be lifted by slab/billet handling magnet crane for storage in the slab/billet storage bay. The flowsheet for the steel making and continuous casting is given in Fig. II.11. The hourly material balance for the steel making shop is given below: Input, t Hot metal Scrap DRI Lime Calcined dolomite Total 202.4 Liquid steel 14.8 SMS slag 78.1 SMS gas 15.4 Dust recycled 3.0 Dust loss 313.7 Total Output, t 263.8 30.5 2.1 17.3 0.017 313.7

The hourly material balance for the continuous casting plant is given below: Input, t Liquid steel 263.8 Output, t Slabs & billets Recycled scrap Scale & muck Total 263.8 Total 250.6 8.6 4.6 263.8


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Fig. II.11. Process flowsheet - steel making and continuous casting


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2.5.8 Rolling Mill The rolled products of an integrated steel plant fall into two categories, flats and non flats. Sheets and plates belong to the first category. Construction steel like angles, channels, I-beams, wide flange beams, special sections such as zees and tees, wires, bars and rods belong to non flat category. Production of flat products The hot strip mill is used to produce sheets and coils. The usual steel composition is C 0.03 0.12% P - 0.04 % max S 0.02% max. This range of composition provides the best reliability. Such steels can be produced in basic oxygen furnaces or electric arc furnaces working together with ladle refining furnaces. Steels are usually killed, as slabs are cast in continuous casting. Slabs can be thin slabs or thick slabs ranging from 80mm 250mm thick. The width could be 1200 2500 mm. The slabs must be accurate enough in dimensions and sound enough in structure to permit conversion rolling operations and their edges and surfaces should be free of defects. The slabs from the casting plant will be cooled, sheared to length, inspected, edge defect eliminated, then charged to reheating furnaces and then rolled in hot strip mill. This method provides full flexibility of hot strip mill scheduling, permits closer metallurgical control of steel rolling temperatures and minimizes injurious steel surface defects resulting from defects in slab areas. Slabs are heated in continuous reheating furnaces. The plant will consist of roughing scale breaker and four 4-high roughing stands, finishing scale


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breaker and six 4-high finishing stands, driven table rolls conveyor from furnace to mill and also from stand to stand. If the mill is to produce strips or sheets of greater width than the maximum width of slab available, the first roughing stand is a broad side mill, in which the width of the slab is increased in a single pass by cross rolling. In this case, turn tables for manipulating the slabs must precede and follow the stand. A slab squeezer also follows the broad side mill. The next three roughing stands are usually provided with integral vertical edgers in front of each stand. Separating the roughing train from finishing train is a holding cable while the finishing ends is a closely grooved tandem train composed of finishing scale breaker and its finishing stands. High pressure, hydraulic sprays are located after the two scale breakers and at several roughing stands to remove scale from the hot slab. A flying shear is usually provided following the last finishing stand for cutting the rolled product into lengths, if so desired. This is called the cut to length sheets. As the steel proceeds from mill, it is carried over a long table called the run-out table consisting of individually driven rollers. Two or more coilers are located in this table. They operate to coil the strips when continuous long lengths are required. When the coilers are in operation and the steam passes over them on to a piler at the end of the table. Additional tables may be installed parallel to the center run out table with suitable transverse for moving material to them. This equipment if used principally when heavier gauges are being rolled. The above desired hot strip mill provides high rolling capacity and rapid steel travel with little loss of heat but entitles a high installation cost and fixed number of passes with some loss of flexibility in making rapid changes in the mill set up when size of the product to be rolled is changed. Depending on the scheduling alternate arrangement can be made to make the mill more flexible. The first strip is taken, while rolling, to determine the proper grade of steel and the size and surface quality of the slab, and then the scheduling is made


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for a proper rolling sequence. The factors taken into consideration at this stage are rolling width, gauge and steel consumption. The next step is getting slabs heated to the correct rolling temperature. The slab should have uniform scale jacket that will clean up readily in rolling. The next step is to rough down the slab to a predetermined intermediate thickness. As the slab leaves last roughing stand, it should be flat, straight, free of furnace scale, true to width and after cross section, suitable for further reduction at the finishing stands. The first rolling pass on the slab is done on a scale breaker followed immediately with a high pressure hydraulic spray to remove furnace scale. There are usually one or two more descaling sprays following the second or third roughing stands and numerous steam and air sprays provided to remove any further scale that may be loosened during rolling or edging. Proper use of broadened mill slab squeezer and three vertical edges normally guarantee the uniform width necessary. The finishing stand is to be operated with careful regulation to obtain a finished hot rolled product of fine quality. Various automatic control elements have been incorporated to assist operators to produce strip to uniformly high quality. Surface gauge width, finishing temperature and cross sectional contour of the direction are all required to meet the given standards. The final step in rolling on a strip mill is the disc position of the hot rolled product and in some mills the product may be cut into required lengths on a plain shear located at the exit end of the mill and sheared pieces move along the rundown table to a hot piler. Greater portion of hot rolled flat material is coiled by the hot coiling machine. This includes the semi finished product designated as hot rolled break down, for subsequent cold reduction as well as hot rolled sheets in coils which may be shipped as such or transferred to the finishing department. The essential requirements of the coiler are to receive the material at mill speeds, should coil it tightly without excessive tension, telescoping, scratching or marking and finally discharge finished coil quickly without damage. About 1 million tons per annum of hot rolled coils will be produced.


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Production of non flat products Billets are rolled into non flat products in merchant mills and bar mills. Most modern of all bar mill designs is the continuous mill with alternate horizontal and vertical rolls, which obviate the need for twisting the bars and the twist guides and eliminate the tendency to scratch bars. The stands of the mill are spaced apart far enough so that a slight loop can be formed between stands. Slight loop eliminates all push and pull between stands. Flat thin material of narrow width can be produced on various types of bar mills. Continuous mills produce rods from 100 mm square billets. There are two types of rod mills. In one type, a group of roughing or breaking down rolls is provided and the rod is directly rolled from the billet. The draw back in this method is that if the rolls are speeded up to correspond to elongated bar, speed of the first roughing group is very slow. Long pieces are thus kept in contact with cold rolls, resulting in cooling to a point where it becomes difficult to finish. If the first roughing group is speeded up, then the piece must be held ahead of the first intermediate and is cooled faster and more unevenly than in the former instance. In some cases, solution to this has been done by placing a heat retainer, a long narrow brick chamber heated by gas, between roughing and intermediate groups of rolls. Best plan involves use of reheating furnaces between two groups of rolls. Efficient operation at the mill depends largely upon the skills of operating groups, for best results roll diameter for different stands must be carefully selected and maintained in proper proportions. The roll passes especially for the finishing group of rolls must be skillfully adjusted and accurately tuned. The rolls and guides must be carefully set in the housings and there after the draft must be regulated through the mill screws to suit the conditions. Uniform heating of the billet is also important. Modern rod mills employ both continuous and looping features to get the best out of the mills. The modern mills have a considerable number of stands arranged in a line similar to continuous type rolls. However, instead of these stands being


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driven by a single motor, the stands are arranged in units of 1, 2, 3 or more, each unit driven by a separate variable speed motor. The length of this mill is greater than that of continuous mill but shorter than the mills where loops are used in spite of variable speed motors. These mills also employ 2-5 loops and the stands driven by variable speed motors to maintain short loops. The rebar mill will roll rebars, plain rounds, low alloy rounds and squares from continuously cast billets. The mill will be of modern design and will have the following features so that superior surface finish, good dimensional tolerances and specified metallurgical properties of the final products are ensured: Hot billet charging Billet weighing Mill floor level at +0.0 m Reheating furnace of walking beam type High pressure water jet de-scaling Billet welding Single strand high speed continuous H-V configured mill for twist-free rolling Housing- less stands for ease of maintenance and rigidity Quick roll change carpet in finishing stands Inter stand tension control rolling Convertible stands for slit rolling of smaller size re-rebars Online water quenching for production of TMT rebars in straight length Two Nos. 6-stand high speed finishing block for smaller rebar production High speed discharge facility at cooling bed entry side for rebars coming from 6-stand finishing block Automatic bundling and tying facilities for straight length rolled products.


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Thus rolling mill complex envisaged for the plant will have a hot strip mill, wire rod mill with a TMT section and light structural mill. The capacity of the hot strip mill will be slightly higher and the other mills are of nearest standard size. This is done to ensure flexibility in production of various products to meet the market demand. The hourly material balance for the rolling mills is given below: Input, t Slabs & billets 350.9 HR coils Non flat products Recycled scrap Scale & muck Total 350.9 Total Output, t 166.7 166.7 8.8 8.8 350.9

The process and flow sheet are shown in Fig. II.12 & II. 13.


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Fig. II.12 Process Flow sheet - Rolling Mill

Slabs / Billets Combustion Gases to stack Oil Firing

Reheating Furnace Hot Billets / Slabs

Rolling Mills Steel Scrap Mill Scale & Sludge Rolled Products To Sintering Plant



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Fig. II.13 Process Flow diagram - Rolling Mill


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2.5.9 Calcining Plant A calcination plant is envisaged to produce lime and calcined dolomite. There will be two 500 t/d kilns for calcining limestone and one 80 t/d kiln for calcining dolomite. The calcining plant will consist of limestone/ dolomite storage bunkers, kiln charging system, screens for calcined product and storage bins for calcined materials from where they will be sent to the consumers. The plant will receive screened limestone and dolomite from the raw materials storage yard. The calcined product will be sent to the consumers in covered belt conveyors. The process flow sheet is given in Fig. II.14.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Fig. II.14 Process flow sheet Calcination Plant

Lime stone / Dolomite

Oil Firing

Screening Lumps


Stack Clean gas Gas Cleaning Dust Dusty air Gases Calcining Kiln Calcined products To Sinter Plant

To Sintering Plant

Screening Lumps Fines


The hourly material balance for the calcination plant is given below: Input, t Limestone/ dolomite Output, t Calcined products Process losses Dust recycled Dust loss Total


Total 2.5.10 Cement Plant


40.1 30.4 1.7 0.008 72.2


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Portland Slag Cement is manufactured either by intimately inter grinding a mixture of Portland cement clinker and granulated slag with addition of gypsum (natural or chemical) or calcium sulphate, or by an intimate and uniform blending of Portland cement and finely ground granulated slag, so that the resultant mixture would produce a cement capable of complying with required specification. No material is added other than gypsum (natural or chemical) or water or both. However, when gypsum is added it shall be in such amounts that sulphur trioxide (SO3) in the cement produced does not exceed the limits specified in Indian Standards. Besides, not more than one percent of air-entraining agents or surfactants, which have proved not to be harmful, may be added. The slag constituent shall be not less than 25 percent nor more than 65 percent of the Portland slag cement. The Portland slag cement should confirm to Indian standard specification IS. 455-1976. Portland slag cements (PSC) is a blended cement. SC, when used in construction, will contribute to higher ultimate strength in concrete structures, which can be constructed more economically than with ordinary Portland cement. It can also be used in construction of dams where low heat of hydration is needed. Cementitious material such as Blast furnace slag and pozzolanic materials such as calcined pozzalana clay, fly ash, rice husk ash etc. are used to blend with ordinary Portland cement clinker and appropriate quantity of gypsum to produce blended cements such as PSC. Grinding process The three raw materials required for manufacture of Portland slag cement, as per Bureau of Indian Standards are clinker, blast furnace slag and gypsum. Ash collected in power plant is also used in the mix. Weighed quantities of these materials are fed to the vertical roller mill through a set of material handling equipments like weigh feeders, belt conveyors, bucket elevator to the inlet of the vertical roller mill. The mixture is ground to desired fineness by regulating the speed of the circuit classifier. The classifier separates coarser and finer III-64 Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

particles of cement. The finer particles are drawn out through vent, whereas the coarser particles are returned to the mill for grinding. The fine cement is collected by an ESP into a silo. This process is called inter grinding process. Sometimes, instead of mixing ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) with clinker, it can also be traded separately. The hourly material balance for the cement grinding plant is given below: Input, t BF slag Clinker Gypsum Coal Total 78.0 91.7 5.3 4.4 179.4 PS cement Exhaust gas Dust recycled Dust loss Total Output, t 176.1 1.7 1.6 0.002 179.4

The process flow sheet for cement plant is given in fig. II.15.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Fig. II.15 Process Flow Sheet Cement Plant

Stack Granulated BF Slag


Hot Gas


Dusty Gas

Gas Cleaning

Clean Gas

Hot Air Generation Purchased Gypsum Clinker Ash to Dump Proportioning

Dust Ash from Power Plant

Grinding Dusty Air Bag Filter



Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.


Power Plant

It is estimated that 230 MW of power shall be generated to meet the requirement of the entire steel plant. Steam will be generated using the waste heat in the flue gases from DR plant and coke plant and this is sufficient to generate about 100 MW. To generate the balance power, coal fired, atmospheric/ circulating fluidized bed combustion type boiler will be used. It is possible to use char produced in the DR plant in this boiler. The main units of the plant will be coal handling system, steam generator and associated systems, steam turbine and associated systems and steam condenser. The auxiliary systems include generator and electrical facilities, control & instrumentation water treatment system, air conditioning system, compressed air system, ventilation system and ash handling system. It is proposed to use low ash imported coal. The coal will be supplied to the power plant from the coal storage yard by a system of conveyors. Coal will be sized and then fed to the boiler. The steam generator system will produce superheated steam with desired pressure and temperature. There will be two types of steam generators, waste heat recovery type and fluidized bed combustion type. The former will be of unfired, natural circulation, vertical tube, horizontal or vertical gas flow multiple parallel pass type, ensuring uniform inlet gas flow distribution to all the parallel processes. The latter will be of the natural circulation single drum type and is a radiant, single reheat, balanced draft, semi-outdoor type system. The flue gas from the boilers will be cleaned in electrostatic precipitators. The dust collected from the flue gases from the coke plant ts recycled to the coke making process. The dust collected from the flue gases from the DR plant is


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

sent to sintering plant. The fly ash will be collected in the hoppers and used in cement grinding unit. Two steam turbine generators, rated for 120/ 130MW maximum continuous output at the generator terminals, have been proposed. The generator will be a two/ three cylinder tandem compound, reheat, extraction and condensing type system. The turbine generators will be complete with lube oil system, control oil system, jacking oil system, seal steam system, turbine drain system, HP/ LP bypass system, Instrumentation and control devices, Turbine supervisory instruments, Automatic turbine run-up system and protection system. The steam condenser will be designed to handle the entire exhaust steam including that of the HP/LP bypass system and all the drains and vents under all modes of operation. The condenser will consist of a divided water box, a hot well and vacuum pumps. There will be condensate pumps, low pressure heaters, high pressure heaters, deaerator, boiler feed pumps and gland steam condenser. The pressure pneumatic type ash handling system has been envisaged for both bed ash and fly ash removal. Ash silos will be used to store ash for use in cement grinding unit. The hourly material balance (coal firing) for the power plant is given below: Input, t Coal Char 44.9 27.6 Output, t Exhaust gas Dust recycled Fly ash Bottom ash Dust loss Total 55.9 13.2 3.3 0.046 72.5




Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Air Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5

Statutory Regulatory Compliance


Stack emission <100 mg/Nm3 Combustion efficiency >99.9% < 100 mg/Nm3 < 2000 g/m3 at a distance of 10.0m < 100 mg/Nm3 < < < < 500 150 120 120 g/m3 g/m3 g/m3 g/m3

Integrated Steel Units De-dusting units Fugitive emission Captive Power plant General Ambient air quality to be maintained at BMM ISPAT LTD (Core zone) i. SPM ii. RPM iii. SO2 iv. NOx General Ambient air quality to be maintained at buffer zone v. SPM vi. RPM vii. SO2 viii. NOx Waste water : General discharge Standards

< 200 g/m3 < 100 g/m3 < 80 g/m3 < 80 g/m3

Sl. No


Inland surface water (a)

Public sewers (b)

Land for irrigation (c)

Marine/ coastal areas (d)


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Suspended solids mg/l, max.

< 100



(a) For process waste water (b) For cooling water effluent 10 per cent above total suspended matter of influent. 5.5 to 9.0 shall not exceed 5oCabove the receiving water temperature

2 3

pH value Temperature

5.5 to 9.0 shall not exceed 5oC above the receiving water temperature 10

5.5 to 9.0

5.5 to 9.0

Oil and grease, mg/l max, Chemical oxygen demand, mg/l, max. Noise






Noise Level [dB(A)] Standards at Industrial establishment i) ii) Day Time (6.00 AM 10.00 PM) Night Time (10.00 PM 6.00 AM) = = < 75 dB(A) < 70 dB(A)

Noise Level [ dB(A) ] Standards in buffer zones

i) ii)

Day Time (6.00 AM 10.00 PM) Night Time (10.00 PM 6.00 AM)

= =

< 60 dB(A) < 55 dB(A)


Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP): Integrated Iron & Steel Industry


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Coke Oven Plant The parameters like PLD (% leaking doors), PLL (%leaking lids), PLO (% leaking off take) will be meet the notified standards under EPA. Industry will submit time bound action plan and PERT Chart for the implementation of the same after detailed engineering of the plant. The coke oven plant is expected to be implemented with all latest technology and shall meet all guidelines given in CREP Steel Melting Shop Controll of fugitive emissions by installation of secondary de-dusting facilities. The primary fume extraction system and secondary dedusting facilties will be installed.

Blast Furnace The plant will be installed with latest available technology. Direct injection of reducing agents will be provided. Sponge Iron Plants The draft guidelines of Central Pollution Control Board for the installation of sponge iron plant will be followed and strictly amended Solid Waste / Hazardous Waste Management SMS slag will be initially dumped suitably and then will be used for road making and ballast for railway track. BF slag will be granulated and it will be utilized in captive cement plant.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Water Conservation / Water Pollution Reducing specific water consumption to 5 m3/t for long products and 8 m3/t for flat products. The effluent generated will be treated, if required and will be reused for gardening and dust suppression. The zero discharge system will be implemented. Air Pollution Monitoring Continuous stack monitoring system & its calibration in major stacks shall be provided. 3 nos. of permanent AAQ monitoring stations around plant is also envisaged. To operate the proposed pollution control equipment efficiently and to keep proper record of run hours, failure time and efficiency with immediate effect during operational phase. Compliance report will be submitted to CPCB / SPCB every three months. A best equipped Env.laboratory for analysis of air, water and other pollutants in addition to on line monitoring of stacks. Training for related employee will be given. The entire activity will be managed by an independent Environmental Management Cell.

Clean technologies/ measures Energy recovery from top Blast Furnace (BF) gas, Committed to adapt best available technology. Tar-free runner linings will be used. Best available indigenous materials will be used. Suppression of fugitive emissions using nitrogen gas or other inert gas will be done as per the best available technology. Reduction of Green House Gases by reduction in power consumption by regular energy auditing. Use of by-products gases for power generation


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

It is included in the project that flue gases from DRI plant & Coke plant will be used for power Generation scheme, Plant will be one of the best example for promotion of energy optimization technology Resource Conservation such as Raw material, energy and water consumption to match International Standards. 2.8 Implementation of Carbon Credit project

BMM intend to put up a 2.0 Mt/yr integrated steel plant to produce rolled steel products and BF slag based cement. The power requirement for the steel plant will be met by captive power plant. The total power requirement of the integrated steel plant has been estimated as 230 MW. BMM could meet this power requirement either by setting up a fossil fuel based power plant or by importing the required power from the state grid. However both these alternatives would have resulted in increased GHG emission due to fossil fuel combustion. BMM realize that installation of a Waste Heat Recovery based captive power generation facility is a step towards environmental sustainability by saving exploitation and depletion of natural and non-renewable resource like coal. The DR plant will have four kilns, each of 500 TPD capacity. The heat in the flue gases from these kilns will support 60 MW power generation. The heat in the flue gases from the coke making chambers is estimated to support 60 MW generation. Thus, 120 MW power can be generated using Waste Heat Recovery boilers in the captive power plant. The balance 110 MW will be generated by using coal. There will be twelve Waste Heat Recovery boilers with different steam generating capacity i.e., four nos in the DR plant of each 60 TPH capacity and eight nos in coke plant of 30 TPH capacity. The boilers will be designed to take care of the fluctuations in the volume and temperature of flue gases exiting the DR kilns and batteries of coke making chambers.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

The project activity is expected to generate around 808 million kWh of electrical energy per year based on the heat energy recovered from the waste gases. The auxiliary power consumption is estimated at about 10% of total electricity generation. The equipment for power generation will consist of waste heat recovery boilers, bleed cum condensing turbo-generator, water treatment system, condensate system, air cooled condenser system, auxiliary cooling water system, compressed air system and electrical system consisting of switch gears, low tension distribution panels, step-down transformer for meeting the inhouse power requirements of the power plant. The waste gases generated in the sponge iron kilns, at temperatures of about 950C, will be passed through heat recovery boilers and then passed through electrostatic precipitator, before being released to the atmosphere. The flue gases from the coke plant will be passed through heat recovery boilers and then released to the atmosphere. In the heat recovery boilers, the heat energy of the waste gases will convert the feed water into steam at 114 kg/cm2 and 540+5C. The steam so generated will be passed through the turbo generator for power generation. A portion of the steam passing through the turbine is bled-off and the remaining portion undergoes further expansion before being exhausted to the air cooled condenser. The feed water to all the boilers is heated to a temperature of 140C in the deaerator which receives the steam bled from the turbine. All equipments used in the project will be designed for satisfactory operation for a lifetime of 30 years under specified site conditions. In the absence of the aforesaid activity, the power requirement of the plant would have been met by power generated from a more GHG intensive source like a fossil fuel based captive power plant. The power generated from the project activity would reduce the power generation from other fossil fuels which are more GHG intensive.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Further, the use of iron ore concentrate obtained by beneficiation of low grade iron ore reduces the requirement of coal for production of DRI and coke for the production of hot metal in the blast furnaces. This also leads to less GHG intensive production practices. Hence, projects like this contribute to the global cause of control and mitigation of climate change. Since utilization of energy in the waste gases coming from the sponge iron kilns and the coke plant result in real and measurable reduction in GHG emission, the proposed activity can be considered as a potential Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under its Kyoto Protocol. Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd. has been appointed as the CDM consultant to guide the company through the CDM procedure to avail any possible benefits from emission reduction.



Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

The present environmental status of the proposed projects has been studied covering 10 Km radius and presented in this chapter. It is necessary to know the present quality of the environment with respect to the various aspects considered under impact identification. These factors include air, water, noise, soil, meteorology, land use, flora & fauna, socio-economic and demographic pattern. For this purpose, a monitoring schedule covering three months of the year was chalked out during December 2007 February 2008 to generate baseline data on ambient air quality, quality of ground water / surface water, soil, ambient noise and meteorological parameters like temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, cloud cover etc. The baseline data on flora & fauna, socio-economic and demographic factors, land use pattern, forests, geology, hydro-geology, soil and agriculture, mineral resources etc. was carried out by field survey and secondary data has been collected from the State Government authorities. The baseline environmental data generation (air, water) were continued during summer season (March May 2008) and presented in this report. 3.1 Air Environment

Identification of different pollutants, which are expected to be released into the atmosphere and having significant impact on the neighborhood, is an essential component in impact assessment of the air environment. The ambient air quality status of the study area of 10 km radial distance from the existing project will form the baseline information. The predicted impacts due to the project will be superimposed to find out the net (final) impacts (post-project scenario) on environment. If the final impacts due to the proposed project are known at the planning stage of the project, a viable Environmental Management Plan (EMP) can be proposed to mitigate and minimize adverse effects on the environment. The design of the ambient air quality-monitoring network in the air quality surveillance programme is based on the following considerations.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Micro-meteorological conditions of the study area on synoptic scale Topography of the study area Representation of regional background levels Representation of core zone Representation of cross sectional distribution in the downwind directions Influences of the existing sources, if any.

3.1.1 CLIMATE AND METEOROLOGY Regional climate and meteorology: The study area lies in sub-tropical region where climate is characterized by hot and humid summer, moderate monsoon and mild winter seasons. Summer is typically from March to June, when temperature ranges from a maximum of 44C during daytime to a minimum of 27C at night. Winter from December to February, when the maximum temperature during day time goes upto 38C and minimum temperature 17C at night. The mean maximum and minimum temperatures of study area are presented in table 3.1 TABLE - 3.1 MEAN MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURES OF STUDY AREA (DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK, 2005) Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean monthly maximum temperature C 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 30.8 32.1 32.8 34.3 35.5 35.9 37.9 37.9 40 40.1 41.4 40.3 40 42.2 42.1 36.7 39.2 36.8 34.3 32.9 33.5 33.6 32.9 34.8 33.5 34.4 31.9 32.2 32.2 31.8 30.5 31.5 31.5 29.4 30.9 32.5 Mean monthly minimum temperature C 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 19 19.6 18.7 20.7 22.5 21.5 23.8 24.8 23 27.2 27.3 25.8 28.4 30.3 24.7 26.9 28.6 25.7 25.7 24.9 24.1 25.2 23.7 25.7 24.9 25.1 23.5 23.8 23.5 23.9 21.4 21.3 19.5 19.3 17.6 17.1


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

The area receives annual rainfall varying between 490 to 870 mm. The rains predominantly occur between June to September due to south-west monsoon. Rains also occur in the months of October to December due to north-east monsoon. Table3.2 presents month-wise average rainfall in (District census hand book, 2005). TABLE - 3.2 MONTHLY RAINFALL (mm) Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 2000- 01 4.9 2.2 5.5 17.2 46.4 76.8 94.9 249.8 58.9 111.75 22.0 35.0 730.0 2001- 02 5.0 0.6 0.3 9.0 49.6 14.9 60.1 94 185.8 404.4 25.2 16.6 865.6 2002- 03 0 0 9.5 3.9 0 68.4 31.1 43.8 57.1 174.9 27 0.9 416.6 2003- 04 0 0.8 10.3 24.6 136.1 20.9 175 89.8 123 236.1 3.4 3.1 822.3 2004- 05 0 2.7 3.4 19.1 36.2 20.9 138.2 10.4 169.2 64.4 30.1 0 494.6

The pattern of rainfall is highly irregular and varies significantly from year to year. Humidity is the percent water vapour content of the atmospheric air. Its content changes the nature and characteristics of the pollutants. Fog provides surface area for suspended particles to Coalesce and also enhance chemical reactions of the gaseous pollutants. The monthly average of relative humidity recorded at 8.30 AM and 5.30 PM is presented in Table 3.3. TABLE - 3.3 RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN DIFFERENT MONTHS (2000 TO 2005) Relative humidity (%) Sl. No. Month 8.30 AM 5.30 PM 1. January 78.4 54.2 2. February 72.8 44.0 3. March 64.6 32.8 4. April 64 34.4 5. May 58 37.2 6. June 60.6 46.4 7. July 67.2 54.2 8. August 68.8 53.4 9. September 69.0 54.4 10. October 77.60 59.2 11. November 82.40 72.6


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.





The following observations can be made from the secondary data. The morning relative humidity (RH) attains the maximum in the month of November (82.4%) and minimum in the month of May (58.0%). The evening humidity attains the maximum in the month of November (72.6%) and a minimum in the month of March (32.8%). The variations in the relative humidity throughout the year reflect the tropical semi arid climate. Wind speed and wind direction have a significant role on the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants and therefore the air quality of area. Ground level concentrations for the pollutants are inversely proportional to the wind speed in down wind direction while in upwind direction no effect will be observed and in cross wind directions partial effect due to the emission source is observed. Micrometeorology at site Prevailing micro-meteorological conditions at site regulate the dispersion (and hence dilution) of air pollutants in the atmosphere. Therefore, study of meteorological conditions is an integral part of environmental impact assessment studies. Accordingly, a meteorological station was set up at project site. The following parameters were recorded at hourly intervals during December`07 February`08. Air temperature (C) Relative humidity (%) Wind speed (m/s) Wind direction (eight quadrants)

The data collected on wind speed and wind direction was used for computation of wind percentage frequencies in all the sixteen directions for wind speed in the range of 1.0 -5.0, 5.1-11.0, 11.0-19.0 and 19-29 kmph. Wind speed <1.0 kmph was considered as calm condition. Table 3.4 through 3.6 show the wind frequency pattern of 06-17, 17-05 and 0-24 hours.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.



Wind frequency (%) Calm 1-5 km/h 0.64 2.02 4.12 1.56 4.85 7.88 1.92 1.37 0.18 5-11 km/h 0.27 1.01 7.33 13.83 4.95 12.09 12.09 4.49 2.28 0.18 0.09 11-19 km/h 0.09 1.28 2.11 0.82 4.76 5.14 1.83 0.82 19-29 km/h Total 0.36 1.65 10.63 20.06 7.33 21.70 25.11 8.24 4.47 0.18 0.27 -


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

TABLE - 3.5 WIND FREQUENCY, DISTRIBUTION (17-05 HRS) Wind frequency (%) Calm 1-5 km/h 0.09 0.09 1.56 3.95 1.10 7.78 8.88 2.38 2.56 0.09 5-11 km/h 0.27 1.19 6.41 10.35 3.40 10.07 10.90 5.31 2.47 0.09 0.09 11-19 km/h 0.45 1.55 4.40 1.28 4.58 4.95 2.84 0.92 19-29 km/h Total 0.36 1.73 9.52 18.70 5.78 22.43 24.73 10.53 5.95 0.09 0.09 0.09



Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

TABLE 3.6 WIND FREQUENCY, DISTRIBUTION (overall) Direction of wind N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW Wind frequency (%) Calm 1-5 km/h 0.05 0.37 1.79 4.02 1.32 6.32 8.38 2.15 1.97 0.14 5-11 km/h 0.27 1.10 6.87 12.08 4.17 11.08 11.49 4.90 2.38 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.05 11-19 km/h 0.05 0.23 1.42 3.25 1.05 4.67 5.04 2.34 0.86 19-29 km/h Total 0.37 1.70 10.08 19.35 6.54 22.07 24.91 9.39 5.21 0.09 0.19 0.05 0.05

Wind pattern during the season (Winter 2006- 2007) the summary of wind pattern is given below: The annual wind rose is given in Fig. III.1. The seasonal and shift-wise wind rose diagrams are presented in Fig. III.2 and III.3.The abstract of micro-meteorological status of the project site is furnished in Table 3.7. The micro-meteorological data are given in Annexure II.


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Fig. III.1


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Fig. III.2


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Fig. III.3


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Table 3.7 Abstract of Micro-meteorological data

Wind speed KM/Hour Min 1.12.07 2.12.07 3.12.07 3.12.07 5.12.07 6.12.07 7.12.07 8.12.07 9.12.07 10.12.07 1112.07 12.12.07 13.12.07 14.12.07 15.12.07 16.12.07 17.12.07 18.12.07 19.12.07 20.12.07 21.12.07 22.12.07 23.12.07 24.12.07 25.12.07 26.12.07 27.12.07 28.12.07 29.12.07 30.12.07 31.12.07 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.6 2.4 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.6 3.8 4.1 6.9 1.9 5.4 1.9 2.4 3.9 1.3 2.6 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.4 2.2 1.6 Max 12.6 11.3 15.9 9.5 16.1 18.6 9.2 9.6 14.5 17.5 16.1 14.6 15.5 18.5 16.2 18.8 18.6 12.1 17.3 14.8 17.9 15.1 7.7 13.6 7.5 11.7 12.1 8.7 5.4 18.4 15.2 Avg 7.5 6.1 6.6 5.8 7.2 7.9 4.5 3.5 5.3 6.0 7.9 6.7 8.3 11.0 12.0 11.4 12.6 7.9 8.5 9.6 10.2 6.2 4.0 5.2 4.2 5.1 5.9 3.8 3.4 10.0 7.5 Predominant Wind direction SE SE SE SE S SE SE SE SE SE ESE SE SE SAE ESE SE SE SE ESE SE SE SE SE ESE SE ESE SE SE SE ESE ESE Temperature (C) Min. 18.5 18.5 19.0 19.0 18.0 17.5 18.0 18.0 18.5 18.0 18.0 17.0 17.5 17.0 17.5 17.0 17.5 16.5 15.0 15.0 16.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 19.5 19.5 20.5 20.0 Max. 25.5 26.0 27.0 27.5 26.5 27.0 26.0 27.0 26.0 27.5 27.5 27.0 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.0 24.5 22.5 20.0 26.0 27.0 26.0 27.5 27.0 26.5 27.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5 30.0 Mean Relative Humidity (%) 67 67.74 65.0 68.5 62.3 61.8 65.8 70.5 69.2 68.0 68.1 71.8 73.6 73.1 74.3 77.2 76.8 78.9 91.6 93.9 77.9 74.8 72.8 71.2 70.9 71.0 70.0 69.8 68.3 68.3 68.7 Rainfal l mm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.0 3.8 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sky Appeara nce Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Rainy Rainy Rainy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear



Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Table -3.7 Abstract of Micro-meteorological data (Contd.,)

Wind speed, KM/Hour Date Predominant Wind direction Temperature (C) Mean Relative Humidity (%) Rainfall mm Sky Appearance

Min 1.01.08 2.01.08 3.01.08 3.01.08 5.01.08 6.01.08 7.01.08 8.01.08 9.01.08 10.01.08 1112.07 12.01.08 13.01.08 14.01.08 15.01.08 16.01.08 17.01.08 18.01.08 19.01.08 20.01.08 21.01.08 22.01.08 23.01.08 24.01.08 25.01.08 26.01.08 27.01.08 28.01.08 29.01.08 30.01.08 31.01.08 3.3 4.6 3.1 3.1 6.5 5.2 5.4 5.2 3.3 3.3 5.9 5.9 4.0 4.4 4.1 3.6 2.2 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.5 1.3 1.9 7.8 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.5 2.9 1.3

Max 15.8 15.6 14.5 15.3 12.1 14.5 18.0 17.3 13.6 14.4 15.4 13.4 13.6 13.6 14.6 13.0 11.2 12.7 13.3 10.0 10.4 10.8 9.6 10.1 16.9 11.8 9.8 9.1 11.4 13.4 8.9

Avg. 8.7 8.4 8.7 9.3 9.5 10.9 10.4 10.4 8.1 7.0 10.7 10.0 8.8 10.1 9.1 7.8 6.7 7.9 7.6 7.2 5.9 5.2 4.6 5.3 11.4 5.8 5.0 4.9 5.1 8.4 4.3

Min. 18.5 19.0 17.0 16.5 16.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 18.0 18.0 18.5 17.5 18.5 18.5 19.0 19.0 18.5 18.5 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.5 20.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 18.5 19.0 18.5 19.0 18.5

Max. 28.0 27.0 26.0 26.0 25.5 26.0 24.5 26.0 24.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 26.0 25.5 26.5 26.5 26.0 25.5 27.5 27.5 28.0 28.5 27.5 26.5 27.0 27.0 26.5 28.0 28.0 28.0 26.0


70.3 74.4 74.0 79.0 77.0 76.1 77.3 77.4 69.6 67.8 65.3 67.1 68.5 67.0 65.3 68.0 68.3 66.6 62.8 61.0 61.7 59.0 60.4 63.0 65.3 63.4 63.6 64.5 61.5 62.0 62.8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Table - 3.7 : Abstract of Micro-meteorological data (Contd.,)

Wind speed KM/Hour Min 1.02.08 2.02.08 3.02.08 3.02.08 5.02.08 6.02.08 7.02.08 8.02.08 9.02.08 10.02.08 1112.07 12.02.08 13.02.08 14.02.08 15.02.08 16.02.08 17.02.08 18.02.08 19.02.08 20.02.08 21.02.08 22.02.08 23.02.08 24.02.08 25.02.08 26.02.08 27.02.08 28.02.08 29.02.08 Season 3.9 5.7 3.1 1.9 3.8 2.1 1.9 2.9 2.9 1.6 2.6 1.6 1.9 1.6 2.9 2.9 2.4 3.2 1.9 1.6 2.6 1.6 2.6 1.6 1.6 2.8 1.9 1.8 2.1 Max 13.5 14.8 12.9 15.1 15.1 16.5 13.5 13.5 13.8 14.0 13.1 10.3 12.6 11.6 14.9 13.5 12.6 15.4 14.5 10.6 14.9 16.5 13.8 12.6 13.5 11.6 11.9 11.5 11.6 Avg 8.7 9.0 7.4 8.8 9.4 19.0 8.5 8.7 9.0 8.9 8.5 8.5 7.7 7.7 8.6 7.1 8.6 8.8 8.1 6.9 8.1 7.8 7.3 6.5 8.8 7.4 7.2 7.1 6.2 Temperature (C) Min. 19.5 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 20.0 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 20.0 19.5 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.5 20.0 20.0 19.5 20.0 21.0 21.0 20.5 20.0 21.0 21.0 Max. 28.5 28.0 28.5 27.5 28.0 28.5 28.5 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.5 12.6 29.5 29.5 29.0 30.0 30.0 29.5 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.5 30.5 30.0 30.5 30.5 Mean Relative Humidity (%) 63.1 63.1 60.8 65.8 65.0 59.3 59.8 62.3 61.8 62.3 61.0 62.0 59.9 60.1 61.5 61.0 60.3 60.8 57.7 58.8 61.6 59.4 56.9 59.1 58.0 59.0 58.2 56.7 57.4



Rainfall mm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.3

Sky Appearanc e Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear


18. 8






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Data Analysis Meteorological data collected during the study reveals the following status. Wind Direction: Predominant wind was from Northeast quadrant. Wind Speed Temperature : Wind velocity readings were ranging from 1.2 to 18.8 Kmph. : Temperature values were ranging from 15.0 C to 30.5C.

Relative Humidity: The mean relative humidity value was found to be 66.7%. Cloud cover : Sky was clear during the study period. Atm. pressure: The mean atmospheric pressure was found to be 752 mm of Hg. Rainfall: A total rainfall of 17.3 mm was recorded during the study period. 3.1.2 Existing Ambient Air Quality Methodology for Ambient Air Quality The ambient air quality monitoring stations are shown in Fig. III.4 and given in Table 3.8. Based on the project activities the parameters chosen for assessment of ambient air quality were Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM), Sulphur di-oxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Carbon Monoxide (CO). Random sampling for Poly Aromatic Hydro-carbons (PAH) and Chemical characteristic of RSPM at one location in core zone and four locations at buffer zone were carried out. A field laboratory for the purpose of calibration of equipments and standardization of analytical procedures was established and the samples were analyzed on the day of sample collection. SPM were monitored on 24 hourly basis and all gaseous pollutants (SO2, NOx & CO) were monitored on 8 hourly basis to meet the requirements of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).


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Fig. III.4


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Table - 3.8 Ambient air quality monitoring stations (Distance & Bearing directions) Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Location name & code Project Site (A1) Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10) Distance in Km 2.5 3.0 3.0 9.5 7.5 6.0 7.5 9.5 Direction NNW NW SSW SW SW E NE NW

Data Analysis Winter Season ( Dec06-Feb07) The ambient air quality status is given in Table 3.9 and data are given in Annexure III. At all location, the SPM and RPM values were ranging between 85 and 186 g/m3 and 30 and 69 g/m3 respectively. The SO2 and NOx values ere ranging between 5 and 16 g/m3 and 6 and 30 g/m3 respectively. Analysis report on PAH and chemical characterization of RSPM are presented in Annexure III.The CO values were found to be below the detectable limit of <114.5 g/m3. Summer Season ( March May 2007) The ambient air quality status is given in Table 3.10. At all location, the SPM and RPM values were ranging between 102 and 185 g/m3 and 32 and 69 g/m3 respectively. The SO2 and NOx values ere ranging between 5 and 16 g/m3 and 7 and 25 g/m3 respectively. The CO values were found to be below the detectable limit of <114.5 g/m3


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Table 3.9 Ambient air quality status

Unit : g/m3

Location name & code

Project Site (A1)

Min 136 135 110 108 102 118 96 96 95 85 32 48 42 36 39 39 30 31 30 31 6 8 6 6 6 6 6

98th Per. 170 172 142 135 131 141 115 126 126 102 62 68 57 47 48 52 38 41 38 40


AM 153.21 157.9 123.4 123.8 117.7 129.4 101.5 115.1 107.6 96.8 52.8 58.9 46.9 43.2 43.4 45.8 34.4 36.6 34.8 36.0 6.8 12.0 6.3 6.3 6.2 7.2 6.2

GM 152.8 157.3 123.1 123.6 117.4 129.2 101.3 114.6 107.2 96.6 52.4 58.5 46.8 43.1 43.3 45.7 34.3 36.5 34.7 35.9 6.8 11.8 6.3 6.2 6.2 7.1 6.2

Std. dev 10.1 13.7 9.7 8.5 8.6 7.2 6.5 10.1 9.1 5.9 6.5 6.8 3.7 2.7 3.0 3.4 2.0 2.7 2.1 2.8 0.8 2.2 0.5 0.6 0.4 1.0 0.4

CPCB Limit 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 80 80 80 80 80

176 186 146 145 132 146 115 132 134 112 RPM 63 69 58 48 49 54 38 42 38 41 SO2 9 16 7 8 7 8 7

Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)
Project Site (A1)

Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)
Project Site (A1)

8 16 7 8 7 8 7

Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7)


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Location name & code Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)
Project Site (A1)

Min 5 6 6 8 16 6 10 6 10 6 10 8 8

98th Per. 8 7 7 18 28 10 18 12 16 10 16 12 10

Max 8 8 7

AM 6.7 6.3 6.3 13.7 24.2 8.4 14.2 8.7 13.8 8.3 13.2 10.8 9.0

GM 6.6 6.3 6.3 13.4 24.1 8.2 14.1 8.6 13.5 8.3 13.0 10.7 9.0

Std. dev 1.0 0.5 0.5 2.4 3.2 1.7 2.1 1.7 1.9 0.9 2.1 1.4 1.1

CPCB Limit 80 80 80 120 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

18 30 10 18 12 18 10 16 14 12

Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)

Note : All CO values were found to be below the detectable limit of <114.5g/m3 (0.1ppm)

Table 3.10 Ambient air quality status

Unit : g/m3

Location name & code

Project Site (A1)

Min 142 146 120 108 108 124 102 112 110 110 36

98th Per. 182 176 145 151 141 141 125 126 125 112 64


AM 158.4 159.2 132.4 126.4 120.2 130.2 108.5 118.1 117.2 106.5 52.8

GM 153.8 158.3 131.8 124.6 119.4 129.2 107.3 116.6 115.2 104.2 51.6

Std. dev 11.2 14.2 10.2 9.5 9.6 8.2 7.5 9.1 9.4 6.2 6.2

CPCB Limit 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 150

Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)
Project Site (A1)

184 185 152 151 142 145 125 130 134 114 RPM 65


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Location name & code Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)
Project Site (A1)

Min 41 40 36 37 38 32 33 34 32 6 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 8 10 7 9 6 9 6 9 8 8

98th Per. 69 55 50 45 54 36 42 37 42 9 15 9 9 8 8 7 8 8 8 16 24 12 14 11 15 14 15 11 11

Max 69 58 52 49 56 40 42 39 43 SO2 9 16 10 9 8 8 7 8 8 9

AM 58.9 46.9 43.2 43.4 45.8 34.4 36.6 34.8 36.0 6.8 12.0 6.3 6.3 6.2 7.2 6.2 6.7 6.3 6.3 13.7 24.2 8.4 14.2 8.7 13.8 8.3 13.2 10.8 9.0

GM 57.5 45.2 43.1 42.5 44.5 35.2 36.1 33.2 35.2 6.5 11.8 6.2 6.2 6.2 7.1 6.0 6.5 6.1 6.0 13.4 24.0 8.0 13.8 8.4 13.1 8.0 12.8 10.2 8.2

Std. dev 6.5 3.8 2.8 2.7 3.3 2.1 2.6 2.2 2.5 0.7 2.3 0.8 0.7 0.5 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.7 2.9 3.8 1.8 2.4 1.8 2.1 1.9 2.4 1.8 1.7

CPCB Limit 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 120 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)
Project Site (A1)

Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10)

18 25 13 15 12 16 15 16 14 12

Note : All CO values were found to be below the detectable limit of <114.5g/m3 (0.1ppm)


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.


Noise Levels

Methodology Noise levels were monitored at twelve locations within and outside the project premises. Noise readings were taken for daytime as well as nighttime. CYGNET 100X data logging Sound level meter was used for recording noise levels. Data Analysis The ambient noise level monitoring stations are shown in Fig. III.4. The noise level abstract is given in Table 3.11. The Day and night time Leq Noise levels were ranging from 42.1 dB(A) to 68.9 dB(A) and 34.8 dB(A) to 49.6 dB(A) respectively. It is observed that noise levels varied at different sampling stations. The noise levels are found to be within the prescribed limits.

Table 3.11 Noise Level status

S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Location Name Project Site (N1) Existing Plant (N2) Dhanapura (N3) Marimanhalli (N4) Nagalapura (N5) Mugimavinahalli (N6) Haravanahalli (N7) Ramgad (N8) Medarahalli (N9) Kalahalli (N10) Ayinahalli (N11) Devalapura (N12) Min 49.7 65.6 46.5 55.6 47.6 46.2 48.1 45.3 45.1 50.1 44.5 50.8 Noise Level, dB(A) Day Time Night Time Max Leq Min Max 54.7 52.4 40.8 47.6 72.6 68.9 60.2 68.6 53.8 49.1 38.3 44.8 65.4 60.1 38.1 44.5 53.2 50.5 39.5 46.6 52.9 49.3 38.6 43.9 53.6 51.0 39.9 45.3 52.1 48.4 38.3 44.2 50.8 48.3 36.5 42.4 58.6 52.4 46.8 51.2 49.6 42.1 34.2 39.6 57.2 51.8 43.2 53.8

Leq 43.3 63.4 41.6 41.3 43.4 40.2 40.8 40.7 38.4 48.2 34.8 46.1


Water Environment

Reconnaissance survey was carried out based on the location of ground and surface water bodies, which represent baseline condition. A total of 16 water samples Viz., 8 ground/drinking water samples (W1 W8) and 8 surface water samples (W9W16)


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

were collected and analyzed as per standard methods. The water quality monitoring stations are shown in Fig. III.5 and Table 3.12. The ground and surface water quality data are given Annexure IV. Methodology Seven no. of water samples and two no of surface water were collected during the study period for Physico-chemical and Bacteriological parameters after taking suitable precautions and analysed as per Standard methods. Samples were collected for Chemical analysis as per procedure outlined in IS: 2488. Sterilised bottles were used for collection of water samples for bacteriological analysis, stored in icebox and transported to the laboratory for the analysis. Parameters like pH, Temperature, DO etc. were measured in the field while collecting the samples. MPN index of coliforms were determined in the laboratory as per Standard methods.


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Fig. III.5


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Table 3.12 Water / Surface water quality monitoring stations S.No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Location name
Borewell, Existing Plant Borewell, Devalapura Handpump, Mariyammanahalli Tanda Handpump, Nagalapura Borewell, Marimanhalli Borewell, Mugimavinahalli Handpump, Danapura Borewell, Hanumanahalli Pond, Dayanakhere TB Dam Pond, near Gunda Pond, near Nagalapura Tank water, Dhanapura Tank water, Marimanhalli Pond, near Nandipanda Pond, near Vysankari

Location Code
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16

Data Analysis Ground water Winter : At all locations, pH values were in the range of 7.28 8.12 with agreeable colour, taste and odour. Chloride and Sulphate values were in the range of 18 386 mg/l and 12 180 mg/l respectively. Hardness values were found to be in the range of 30 380 mg/l. Fluoride values were found to the maximum extend of 0.90 mg/l. At all locations, oil and grease, phenolic compounds, cyanides, sulphides and insecticides were found to be absent and all heavy metal except iron values were found to be below the detection limit. Iron value was found to be a maximum extent of 0.16 mg/l. The maximum total coliforms were found to be 8 MPN/100 ml. While comparing with IS: 10500 1991 norms, all values except total coliforms were found to be well within the limits.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Summer : At all locations, pH values were in the range of 7.13 8.42 with agreeable colour, taste and odour. Chloride and Sulphate values were in the range of 22 408 mg/l and 18 215 mg/l respectively. Hardness values were found to be in the range of 38 396 mg/l. Fluoride values were found to the maximum extend of 0.98 mg/l. At all locations, oil and grease, phenolic compounds, cyanides, sulphides and insecticides were found to be absent and all heavy metal except iron values were found to be below the detection limit. Iron value was found to be a maximum extent of 0.25 mg/l. The maximum total coliforms were found to be 21 MPN/100 ml. While comparing with IS: 10500 1991 norms, all values except total coliforms were found to be well within the limits. Surface water pH values were found to be in the range of 8.1 8.24. At all locations Oil & Grease, Phenols, Cyanides, Sulphides and insecticides were found to be absent and most of the heavy metals values were found to be below the detectable limits. Also, low BOD/COD values and good D.O. content at these locations indicate that the natural restoration of water quality is maintained. 3.4 Soil Environment

In order to assess the baseline status of soil quality of the project site and neighborhood, four sampling locations were selected. At each location, samples were collected using augers and analyzed for nutrient and engineering parameters. The location of Soil Sampling station is shown in III.5.The soil quality status is given in Table No. 3.13.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Table 3.13 Soil quality status Sl. No

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

pH Electrical Conductivity (m-mhos/cm) Nitrogen (Kg/ha) Phosphorus (Kg/ha) Potassium (Kg/ha) Available Magnesium (%) Organic Carbon (%) Grain Size Distribution Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt & Clay (%) Textural Class Bulk Density (g/cc) Liquid Limit (%) Plastic Limit (%) Infiltration Rate (cm/hr) Field Capacity (%) Wilting Co-efficient (%) Available Water Storage Capacity (%)

Project Site (S1)

8.58 0.3 102.0 3.8 140 4.0 1.02 8.0 70.0 22.0 Sandy Loam 1.4 16 8.0 2.4 11.0 0.9 10.1

Danapura (S2)
8.4 0.4 110.4 5.0 168 4.4 1.0 20.0 60.0 20.0 Sandy Loam 1.5 14 8.0 2.8 11.4 0.8 10.6

Gunda (S3)
8.68 0.3 124.0 5.4 170 5.1 1.4 10.0 70.0 20.0 Sandy Loam 1.3 18 8.0 3.1 11.2 1.2 10.4

Mariamanhalli (S4)
8.54 0.3 104 5.0 155 4.2 0.9 10.0 60.0 30.0 Sandy Loam 1.8 15 12.0 3.0 10.4 0.9 9.5

Nagalapura (S5)
8.60 0.3 114 5.1 162 5.2 1.6 11.0 80.0 9.0 Sandy Loam 1.2 16 10.0 2.8 10.8 1.4 9.8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

At all locations, pH ranges from 8.4 to 8.68. The sand content of the soil ranged between 60.0 and 80.0 %. Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus are found to be in the range of 102 124 Kg/Ha, 140 170 Kg/Ha and 3.8 5.4 Kg/Ha respectively. Organic Carbon was found to be in the range of 0.9 1.4 %. Texture Class was found to be Sandy Loam.


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Land Environment

The area is a rugged and undulating terrain with an average elevation of 525 m above MSL with the general slope towards north. In general the slope is moderate but steep slopes are observed close to the Sandur hill ranges, which is the main topographic feature in the area. The Sandur hills trend NW and are found east of the site forming a spoon shaped hill range rising to a height of 1000 m above MSL. It is a doubly plunging synform forming a structural basin broad in the south-eastern part and tapers in the northwest. In the middle of the hill range a valley is found and hence it forms a spoon shaped hill system. Isolated hillocks with sheet rocks or rocky knobs rising to a height ranging from 75 to 100 m above the ground level and boulder outcrops are found around the site as a result the area has an undulating topography. Drainage and water bodies The drainage system forms part of the Tungabadra river basin. The Tungabadra river flows in the north-western part of the region and the construction of a dam west of Hospet Town has formed a large reservoir with a water spread. The reservoir covers much of the north western part of the area examined. The drainage pattern is dendritic and the drainage density is moderate and is formed by the network of several streams originating from the hillocks. Minor streams originating from the Sandur hills, flows directly into the Tungabadra reservoir. Lakes were formed by the construction of bunds across minor streams for storage of water for irrigation. The Dhanayakana Kere is the largest and is located southeast of the site. Several smaller lakes are found through out the area supplying water for irrigation. However, most of the lakes go dry during summer which is fairly severe in this region. Ground water in the region occurs in unconfined conditions in shallow weathered portions and in semi confined conditions, in the fractured horizon. There are twenty seven borewells, drilled within the existing industry area. Examination of the data collected from these borewells indicate that the depth to water table varies from 6 to 10 m, the depth of borewell varies from 40 to 75 m and casing depth varies from 15 to 20 m. In these borewells water has been struck at depths of 25 m to 45 m. Yield of borewell varies from 1 to 14 m3 per hour.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

As per the Hydrogeological survey carried out for the area, it is noticed that there is ample scope for extracting Ground water in the premises of the Industrial Area. The depth of water table being very shallow there is a needed to depress the water table to safer limit of 20 Mtr to prevent water logging conditions and create scope for recharge. Geology The area is part of the Karnataka cratonic nuclei that exposes the oldest rocks of Archaean age (4000 to 2.500 Ma (million years)). The Greenstone belts or schist belts that are metamorphosed under varying grade occur as linear enclaves within grey gneissic complex. These enclaves represent volcano-sedimentary sequences that were formed in shallow seas that were existed during the Precambrian. They are linear belts elongated in N-S and NNW-SSE directions and have been classified into three groups as 1) Ancient Supracrustals, 2) Auriferous Schist Belts and 3) Younger Schist Belts based on the differences in age, metamorphism and mineralisation. The Ancient Supracrustals are the oldest (>3000 Ma) and are metamorphosed under high grade ranging from amphibolite to granulite facies. Occurrences of these schist belts are found in the southern part of the state. Sargur, Krishnarajpet, Holenarasipur, Hadnur, Nuggihalli, Kalyadi, Nagamangala, Ghattihosalli, Kunigal, Gundulupet and Gurgunta belts. The mineralisations include Chromium, titanium, vanadium and tungsten. The Auriferous Schist belts have formed during the time interval 3000 to 2500 Ma and hosts the valuable gold deposits. They include the Kolar and Hutti-Maski, Pennar-Hagari, Mangalur, Hungud-Kushtagi and Raichur-Deodurg schist belts. They are confined to the eastern part of the state separated from the Younger schist belts by the Closepet granite which forms a linear intrusion. The younger schist belts also known as Dharwar type schist belts host bulk of the iron ore deposits and include the Shimoga, Bhababudan, Kudremukh, Chitradurga and Sandur schist belts. While volcanic rocks predominate in the other group of schist belts, bulk of the younger schist belt are composed of metamorphosed sedimentary rocks that were deposited in shallow basins. The volcano-sedimentary sequence is deposited over the tonalitic-trondhjemitic gneisses that intruded the terrain after the formation of the Ancient Supracrustals and Auriferous Greenstone belts.


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The tonalitic trondhjemitic gneisses hence form the basement for the Younger Greenstone Belts. Intrusion of granites called as Closepet granite is an important event in the evolution of the Dharwar craton and forms a linear intrusion extending in N-S direction for nearly 500 km with an average width of 20 km almost parallel to the alignment of the greenstone belts located in the region. The age of the granite is inferred by radiometric dating methods as 2,528 5 Ma. The Sandur Schist Belt: The Sandur schist belt is located in the eastern margin of the area and it contains valuable iron and manganese deposits and has transformed the region into an industrial belt. The Sandur schist belt is the smallest of the Younger Greenstone belts covering an area of 960 sq. km. Its structure is highly disturbed by the regional tectonics and the intrusion of the Closepet granite and has been squeezed out into two parts. The eastern part known as Copper Mountain Range volumetrically is dominated by mafic volcanic material and on the other hand the western part Sandur Belt contains metasedimentary rocks in abundance. The metasedimentary rocks include basal conglomerates, quartzites, manganiferous graywake, phyllite and numerous bands of banded magnetite and haematite quartzites. The basin is known for its richness in both iron and manganese ores. The important deposits of iron ore in Sandur Belt are located in Donimalai, Devadari, Kumaraswamy and Ramadurg ranges with proved reserves of over 500 million tonnes with more than 62% Fe. The area investigated comprise the rocks of the Sandur Schish belt forming the linear hill ranges located in the eastern part of the area. The region west of the hill ranges form the basement gneisses and the younger granites belonging to the Closepet granite intrusion are found forming isolated hillocks and boulder outcrops in the southern part of the area. About the Site: The area is covered by Clospet granite, greywacke and metabasalts, belonging to Archean to lower Proterozoic. In particular the western part is covered by pink granite


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and grey granite of Archean group and the eastern part is covered by argillites, Meta volcanics of Chitradurga group. In geohydrological parallance the rocks are termed as hard rock, which have been dissected by joint planes and have undergone weathering and erosion. Granites in the area are medium to coarse grained, having pale pink and grey color, rocks exposed in the area are bouldery in nature. They have two to three sets of joints at places. Meta volcanics exposed outside the industry area are having defined schistocity. It is generally NNW-SSE. (In the engineering geological context, the rock formations are found out to serves as stable foundation). Land-use Pattern Remote sensing satellite Imageries were collected and interpreted for the 10 Km radius study area with project site as center. Based on the satellite data land -use / land cover maps have been prepared. Land use / Land cover classification system The present landuse / land cover maps were prepared based on the classification system of National standards. For explanation for each of the land use category the two references were used. Viz. 1.Manual of land use / land cover mapping satellite imagery and 2. Manual procedures for waste land mapping. The details are given in Table 3.14. Table 3.14 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Land use / Land cover classification system Level 2 Town / cities Villages Crop land (Irrigated / rainfed) Plantations Evergreen / Semi evergreen Deciduous Saline / Sandy Marchy / Swampy Rivers / Stream Lake / Reservoir / Tanks Shifting cultivation Grass land Salt pans Snow covered / glacial

Level 1 Built up land Agriculture land Forest Waste lands Water bodies Others


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Data requirement IRS-1B Geo Coded False colour composite (FCC) products on 1:50000 scale of path 30 and row 45 with data were acquired from National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad and used for the mapping and interpretation. Besides other collateral data as available in the form of maps, charts, census records other reports and especially topographical survey of India maps on 1:50000 were used. In addition to this, ground truth survey was also collected to verify and confirm the ground features. Methodology The methodology adopted for preparation of land use / land cover maps is mono-scopic interpretation of geo-coded scenes of IRS -1B satellite, Sensor L2A2, L2B2 and field observations taken. The various steps involved in the study area are preparatory fieldwork, field survey and post fieldwork. Pre-field interpretation of Satellite details The false colour Composite (FCC) of IRS-1B Satellite data at 1:50000 scale has been used for pre-field interpretation work. Taking the help of topo sheets, geology, geomorphology and by using the image elements the features were identified and delineated the boundaries roughly. Each feature is identified on image by their image elements like tone, texture, colour, shape, size, pattern and association. A tentative legend in terms and erosion was formulated. The sample areas for field check were selected covering all the physio-graphic land-use / land cover features cum image characteristics. Ground Truth Collection Ground truth field verification was conducted using both topo sheets and imagery. Representative sample areas were traversed to observe the broad landuse features and the sample areas were adjusted according to the field conditions. Detailed field observations and investigations were carried out and landuse features on the imagery were recorded.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Post field work The base maps of the study area were prepared with the help of Survey of India Topo sheet at 1:50000 scale. Preliminary interpreted land use and the land cover features boundaries from IRS-1B FCC were modified in light of field information and the final thematic details were transferred on to the base maps. The tentative legend during the pre-field work were finalized. The final interpreted and classified thematic map was prepared using standard colour coding and detailed description of features with Standard symbols. All the classes are noted and marked by the standard legend on the map. Visual interpretation of multi-sensor false colour imagery composite of the area was prepared using LANDSAT satellite data (Fig. III.6). Final output. The final out put would be the land use / land cover on 1:50000 scale numerals are given different colour code for each category as shown in map. Area estimation of all the features of land use / land cover categories are noted Observations The main interpreted Land use / land cover classes of the study area are presented in Table 3.15 Table 3.15 Land-Use in buffer zone Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Land use / Land cover Agricultural area Forest Scrubland (Open and Dense) Fallow/Wetland Built-up Area Rocky Outcrop/Stony waste/Mining Water body Hilly tract Proposed Industrial Plant Existing Plant/dumping Yard Percentage of composition 3.45 24.87 15.65 25.21 4.58 2.50 6.10 11.34 4.90 1.40


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Please show the location of proposed colony in thia figure. As per TOR NO.10 .


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Biological Environment Flora Analysis

The structure and composition of plant community depends on the factors like location, temperature, water resource etc. A complete structure of plant community could be obtained by studying both the terrestrial and aquatic flora of that particular area. Since they are prone to be disturbed by the socio-economical status, it is necessary to review or analysis their establishment. Hence, the present study was carried out meticulously covering a distance of 10Sq.Km, adopting the standard methodology of quadrant construction (Clements, 1898). It includes laying down square sample plots or units for detailed analysis of vegetation. Quadrants sizes of 1m 1m, 5m 5m and 100m 100m were constructed for herbs, shrubs and trees respectively, giving a replication of 10 numbers. Data Analysis Field survey was carried out at 9 locations in and around the plant site (10 Km radius) Site 1 Ramgad Reserve Forest Herbs Abutilon indicum, G. Don. Abutilon neilghereinse, Munro. Acanthus sp. Achyranthus aspera, L. Achyranthus bidentata, Bl. Amaranthus viridis, L. Aristida depressa, Retz. Boerhaavia diffusa, L. Boerhaavia rependa, Willd Chloris barbata, Sw. Chloris bournei, Rang & Tad. Chloris polystachya, Roxb. Hyptis sp. Hyptis suaveolens, Poit. Indigofera tinctoria, L Justicia simplex, D. Don Mimosa pudica, L. Parthenium Paspalum conjugatum, Berg. Paspalum longifolium, Roxb Pavonia zelanica, Cav. Pergularia pallida, W. & A. Phyllanthus neruri, L. Ruellia patula, Jacq. Ruellia prostrata, Poir Sida cordifolia, L. Sida rhombifolia, L. Stachytarpheta indica, Vahl. Teliocora acuminata, Miers. Tephrosia purpurea, Pers. Tinospora cordifolia, Miers. Tridax procumbens, L. Tridax Sp. Triphyllus oxalis Tylophora asthmatica, W. & A. Vernonia cinerea, Less. Medicinal herbs Indigofera tinctoria, L Justicia simplex, D. Don Justicia, Phyllanthus neruri, L.


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Ruellia patula, Jacq. Ruellia prostrata, Poir Tridax procumbens, L. Tridax Sp. Triphyllus oxalis Climbing Medicinally important herbs Abrus precatorius, L Gymnema sylvestre, R,Br Pergularia pallida, W. & A. Tinospora cordifolia, Miers. Tylophora asthmatica, W. & A Wattacaca volublis Shrub Leea sp. Cassia sp. Cassia tora, L. Crotalaria juncea, L. Dichrostachys cinerea, W.&A. Glycine pentaphylla, Dalz. Lantana indica, Roxb. Pavetta indica, L. Pavetta parviflora Strobilanthes sp Tecoma stans Ipomaea sp. Zizyphus jujuba, Lam Medicinally Important Shrubs Anona squamosa, L. Atalantia monophylla, Corr. Azima tetragantha, L. Canthium parviflorum, Lam. Capparis zeylanica, L. Carissa diffusa, L. Cassia auriuilata, L. Fluggea leucopyrus, Willd. Glycosmis cochinchinensis, R,Br. Jatropha glandulifera, Roxb. Phyllanthus reticulates, Poir. Toddalia asiatica, Lam. Todonia viscosa Ipomaea sp. Ornamental shrubs Dendrocalamus strictus, Nees.

Duranta repens, Nerium odorum, Soland. Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Trees Azadirachta indica, A. Juss. Bambusa arundinacea, Willd. Bassia latifolia, Roxb. Bauhinia purpurea, L. Borassus flabelliformis, L. Cassia alata, L. Crataeva religiosa, Forst. Dalbergia sissoo, Roxb. Emblica officinalis, Gaertn. Eucalyptus globules, Labill. Hardwicka binata,Roxb. Kigelia pinnata, Dc Maba buxifolia, Cl. Mangifera indica, L. Millingtonia hortensis, L. F. Morinda tinctoria, Roxb. Pongamia glabra, Vent. Santalum album, L. Swietenia mahagoni, L. Syzigium alternifolium, Walp. Syzigium jombolanum, DC. Terminalia catappa, L. Tinospora cordifolia, Miers. Wrghitia tinctoria, R. Br. Zizyphus jujuba var. fruticosa,Hains. Zizyphus jujuba, Lam Zizyphus oenoplia, Mill. Dominant plants Amaranthus viridis, L. Cassia auriuilata, L. Techoma stans Hardwicka binata,Roxb. Kigelia pinnata, Dc Wrghitia tinctoria, R. Br Rare occurrence Bambusa arundinacea, Willd. Dendrocalamus strictus, Nees. Leea sp


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Endangered flora - Nil


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Site - 2 Hanumanahalli Village Herbs Boerhaavia diffusa, L. Boerhaavia rependa, Willd Clerodendron sp Gomphrena Sp. Ipomaea carnea, Jacq. Sch..&Wendle Sida rhombifolia, L. Medicinal herbs Phyllanthus maderaspatensis, L. Solanum xanthocarpum, Sch. Todonia viscosa, Linn. Tridax sp Climbing Medicinally important herbs Coccinia indica, W.&A Solanum trilobatum, L Shrub Agave americana, L. Cactus sp. Gajanus gajan, L Ipomaea sp. Zizyphus jujuba, Lam

Medicinally Important Shrubs Cassia auriculata, L. Calotropis gigantea, R. Br. Fluggea leucopyrus, Willd. Jatropha glandulifera, L.. Randia dumetorum, Lam. Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Trees Euphorbia antiquorum, Linn. Eucalyptus globulus, Labill Hardwickia binata,Roxb. Phoenix sylvestris, Roxb. Syzigium jambolanum, DC Moringa oleifera, Lam. Dominant plants Prosopis spicigera. L. Amaranthus viridis, L. Rare occurrence Solanum xanthocarpum, Sch. Endangered flora Nil

Site - 3 Project site Herbs Achyranthes aspera, L Amarantus sp. Borreria hispida, K.Sch. Cassia fistula, L. Cassytha sp. Chloris barbata, Sw. Chloris bournei, Rang & Tad. Chloris polystachya, Roxb. Cyperus sp. L. .Duranta repens, Eclipta alba, Hassk Euphorbia heterophylla, Linn. Gomphrena decumbens, Jacq.

Amaranthus viridis, L. Ipomaea batatas, Poir Ipomaea carnea, Jacq. Leucas aspera, Spr. Salvia sp. Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill. Melochia umbellate, Stapf. Mollugo sp. L. Ocimum canum, L Oldenlandia biflora, L. Paspalum longifolium, Roxb. Sesamum indicum, L. Sesamum prostratum, Retz Sida acuta, L. Sida cordifolia, L Sida rhombifolia, L.


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Teliocora acumunata ,L Tephrosia purpurea, Pers. Threophonum sp Trianthema decandra, L. Vernonia cinera, Lees. Waltheria indica, L Abutilon indicum, G. Don. Acanthus sp. Achyranthus aspera, L. Aristida depressa, Retz. Boerhaavia diffusa, L. Indigofera tinctoria, L Phyllanthus neruri, L. Triphyllus oxalis Tridax procumbens, L. Medicinal herbs Catheranthus roseus Croton sparsiflorus, Mor Cyanodon dactylon, Pers. Evolvulus alsinoides, L Phyllanthus maderaspatensis, L. Physalis minima, L Solanum nigrum, L. Solanum xanthocarpum, Sch.&Wendle Climbing Medicinally important herbs Cardiospermum halicacabum, L. Dolichos lablab, L. Solanum trilobatum, L Aquatic herbs. Marselia sp Shrub Ehretia buxifolia, Roxb Jatropha glandulifera, Roxb. Lawsonia alba, Lam Carissa diffusa, L. Cassia auriculata,L. Cassia sp. Cassia tora, L. Crotalaria juncea, L. Dichrostachys cinerea, W.&A. Glycine pentaphylla, Dalz. Hyptis suaveolens, Poit. Tecoma stans Ipomaea sp.

Medicinally Important Shrubs Calotropis gigantea, R. Br Canthium parviflorum, Lam. Euphorbia tirucalli, L. Nerium odorum, Soland. Ornamental shrubs Rosa sp. Hibiscus rosasinensis, L. Thuja Duranta repens, Nerium odorum, Soland. Ixora corymbosa ,Ham Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Trees Terminalia catappa, L Wrightia tinctoria, R. Br. Mangifera indica, L. Pongamia glabra, Vent. Syzigium jambolanum, DC. Tectona grandis, L. Acacia arabica, Willd Acacia leucophloea, Willd Acrus Sapota Albizzia lebeck, Benth. Areca catechu, L. Azadirachta indica, A. Juss. Borassus flabelliformis, L. Cocos nucifera, L Dichrostachys cinerea, W.&A Emblica officinalis, Gaertn Bassia latifolia, Roxb. Dominant plants Amaranthus viridis, L. Cassia auriuilata, L. Parthenium Rare occurrence Acrus Sapota Bassia latifolia, Roxb. Mangifera indica, L.


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Endangered flora - Nil Climbing Medicinal herbs Cardiospermum helicacabum, L. Pergularia pallida, W. & A. Solanum trilobatum, L Tylophora indica, L. Aquatic herbs Hygrophilla angustifolia,R. Br. Typha angustata, B.& Ch Food crops Oryze sativa, L. Gajanus gajan, L. Dolichos lablab, L. Cucurbita melo, L. Arachis hypogaea, Willd Zea mays, L. Shrubs Cactus sp. Dichrostachys cinerea, W&A. Zizyphus jujuba, Lam Medicinal shrubs Calotropis gigantea, R. Br. Carissa diffusa, Roxb Cassia auriculata, L. Ehretia buxifolia,Roxb. Jatropha glandulifera, L Phyllanthus reticulates, Poir Randia dumetorum, Lam Todonia viscosa, Linn. Vitex negundo, L. Ornamental shrubs Bougainvillaea glabara, Choisy Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Exotic invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Trees Acacia leucophloea, Willt

Site 4 Mariyammanahalli Tanda village Herbs Abutilon indicum, G. Don. Amaranths sp Commelina sp. L. Cymbopogon citrates, Stapf. Cyperus sp. L. Eragosistis sp. Justicia simplex, D. Don. Lagenaria vulgaris, Ser. Martinia sp. Mimosa pudica, L. Mirabilis jalaba, L. Ocimum canum, L Sida acuta, L. Sida cordifolia, L Sida rhombifolia, L. Stachytarpheta indica, Vahl Teliocora acumunata ,L Vernonia cinerea, Less.

Climbing herbs Antigonon leptopus, Hk&A. Ipomaea staphylina R.&S. Medicinal herbs Acalypha indica,L. Andropogon nadus,Linn Croton sparsiflorus, Mor Cyanodon dactylon, Pers. Datura stramonium, L Ocimum sanctum, L. Phyllanthus neruri, L.


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Albizzia lebeck, Benth Borassus flabelliformis, L. Cassia fistula, L. Cocos nucifera, L Dalbergia sissoo, Roxb. Mangifera indica, L. Morinda tinctoria, Roxb. Moringa olefera, Lam Muraya konigii, Spr Pavetta hispidula,W&A. Pavetta indica, L. Phoenix sylvestris, Roxb. Pithocelobium saman, Nees. Pongamia glabra, Vent Strobilanthus sp Tamarindus indica, L. Site 5 MariamanahalliI Herbs Accanthus sp. Achyranthes aspera, L Clerodendron sp Cyperus sp. L. Gomphrena sp.Jacq. Scoporia dulsis,L. Sida acuta, L. Sida cordifolia, L Sida rhombifolia, L. Teliacora acuminata, Miers. Medicinal herbs Aerva tomentosa, Forsk. Catheranthus roseus Croton sparsiflorus, Mor Euphorbia hirta, Linn. Ocimum sanctum, L. Tridax procumbens, Ham Solanum nigrum, L. Climbing medicinal herbs Coccinia indica, W&A. Solanum nigrum, L. Aquatic herbs.

Thespesia populnea, Cav. Dominant plants Eragosistis sp. Abutilon indicum, G. Don. Sida acuta, L. Sida cordifolia, L Sida rhombifolia, L. Rare occurrence Phoenix sylvestris, Roxb. Strobilanthus sp Hygrophilla angustifolia,R. Br. Endangered flora - Nil Marselia sp Hygrophilla angustifolia,R. Br. Apanogeton monostachyon, L. Marselia sp Nymphaea sp. Typha angustata, B.& Ch Food crops Cucumis melo, L. Zea mays. L. Sacharum officinarum, L. Exotic invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Kyllinga sp. Shrubs Anona squamosa, L. Cactus sp. Cassia alata, L. Cassia tora, L Hyptis suaveolens, Poit. Medicinal shrubs Canthium parviflorum, Lam. Carissa diffusa, Roxb Fluggea leucopyrus, Willd Nerium odorum, Soland. Randia dumetorum, Lam Ricinus communis, L. Cassia auriculata, L. Jatropha glandulifera, L


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Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Trees Acacia arabica, Willd Azadiracta indica, A. Juss Bassia latifolia, Roxb. Cassia fistula, L. Delonix regia, Raf. Euphorbia antiquorum, Linn. Ficus Cretovara, Roxb. Ficus religiosa, L Phoenix sylvestris, Roxb. Pithecolobium dulce, Benth. Polyalthia longifolia, Hk.F&T. Site 6 Nandibanda Herbs Abutilon indicum, G.Don. Achyranthes aspera, L Amaranths sp. Clerodendron sp Cyprus sp. Gomphrena procumbens, Jacq. Amaranthus viridis, L. Ipomaea sp. Sida cordifolia, L. Sida rhombifolia, L. Stachytarpheta indica, Vahl. Tephrosia pupurea, Pers Waltheria indica, L. Medicinal herbs Aerva tomentosa, Forsk Croton sparsiflorus, Mor. Cyanodon dactylon, Pers. Eclipta alba, Hassk. Evolvulus alsinoides, L. Physalis minima, Linn Tridax procumbens, Ham Climbing medicinal herbs Lagenaria vulgaris, Ser. Coccinia indica, W&A. Tinospora cardifolia, Miers.

Pongamia glabra, Vent Strobilanthus sp Tamarindus indica, L. Tectona grandis, L. Terminalia catappa, L. Dominant plants Amaranthus viridis, L. Cassia auriuilata, L. Parthenium hysterophorus L. Rare occurrence Marselia sp Nymphaea sp Endangered flora - Nil Tylophora indica, Thw Pergularia pallida, W&A. Food crops Arachis hypogaea, Willd Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill. Phaseolus mungo, L. Exotic invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Shrubs Cassia alata, L. Cassia auriculata, L. Cassia tora, L Clerodendron sp Medicinal shrubs Calotropis gigantea, R. Br Euphorbia tirucalli, L. Phyllanthus rediculatus, Poir. Todonia viscosa, Linn. Vitex negundo, L. Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Trees Acacia leucophloea, Willt. Albizzia lebeck, Benth. Azadiracta indica, A. Juss


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Borassus flabelliformis, L Cocos nucifera, L Euphorbia antiquorum, Linn. Ficus religiosa, L Syzigium jambolanum, Dc Tamarindus indica, L. Wrightia tinctoria, R. Br. Dominant plants Site 7 Dhanapura village Herbs Abutilon indicum, G.Don. Accanthus sp. Achyranthes aspera, L Amaranthus sp. Crotoloria ternatea, L. Dolichos lablab, L. Paspalum longifolium, Roxb. Salvia sp. Sida acuta, L. Sida cordifolia, L

Amaranthus viridis, L. Cassia auriuilata, L. Parthenium hysterophorus L. Sida cordifolia, L. Sida rhombifolia, L. Rare occurrence Lagenaria vulgaris, Ser.

Climbing medicinal herbs Tinospora cordifolia, Miers Pergularia damea Shrubs Crotoloria ternatea, L. Medicinal Shrubs Fluggea leucopyrus, Willd Ricinus communis, L. Exotic invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Site 8 Gaaga village Accanthus sp. Amaranthus viridis, L. Commelina sp. Hygrophilla angustifolia,R. Br.

Lantana camara, L Trees Aegle marmelos, Corr. Albizzia lebeck, Benth. Atlantia sp. Azadiracta indica, A. Juss Carica papaya, L. Cocos nucifera, L Dalbergia sissoo, Roxb. Eucalyptus globulus, Labill Fluggea leucopyrus, Willd Strobilanthus sp Psidium guajava, L. Syzigium jambolanum, Dc. Tamarindus indica, L. Tectona grandis, L. Dominant plants Paspalum longifolium, Roxb. Salvia sp. Rare occurrence Aegle marmelos, Corr. Atlantia sp. Endangered flora - Nil Ipomaea sp. Jasminum sp Marselia sp Merremia vitifolia, Hall.f.. Mirabilis jalaba, L. Sida rhombifolia, L. Vernonia cinerea, Less. Medicinal herbs


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Acalypha indica,L. Boerhaavia diffusa, L

Tecoma stans Thuja Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Trees Acacia arabica, Willd. Acacia leucophloea, Willt. Aegle marmelos, Corr. Anona squamosa, L. Areca catechu, L. Azadiracta indica, A. Juss. Bauhinia diphylla, Ham. Bauhinia purpurea, Ham. Carica papaya, L Cassia fistula, L Casuarina equisetifolia, Forst. Cocos nucifera, L Croton sparsiflorus, Mor Dalbergia sissoo, Roxb. Delonix regia, Raf. Emblica officinalis, Gaertn. Eucalyptus globulus, Labill Euphorbia antiquorum, Linn. Ficus bengalensis.L Ficus Cretovara, Roxb Ficus religiosa, L Mangifera indica, L. Millingtonia hartensis, L Morinda tinctoria, Roxb. Moringa olefera, Lam Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. L. Pithecolobium dulce, Benth. Pongamia glabra, Vent Strobilanthus sp Tamarindus indica, L. Tectona grandis, L. Terminalia catappa, L. Thespesia populnea, Cav. Dominant plants Sida rhombifolia, L Eucalyptus globulus, Labill Rare occurrence Typha angustata, B.& Ch Hygrophilla angustifolia,R. Br. Endangered flora - Nil

Brassica campestris, L. Croton sparsiflorus, Mor Cyanodon dactylon, Pers Datura stramonium, L. Ocimum sanctum, L. Tribulus terrestris, L. Tridax procumbens, L Climbing medicinal herbs Coccinia indica, W&A. Catheranthus roseus Cucurbita sp. Lagenaria vulgaris, Ser. Tinospora cardifolia, Miers. Tylophora indica, Thw Crotoloria ternatea, L. Aquatic herbs. Marselia sp Hygrophilla angustifolia,R. Br. Typha angustata, B.& Ch Exotic invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Shrubs Cassia alata, L. Cassia tora, L Clerodendron sp Zizyphus jujuba, Lam. Zizyphus sp. Medicinal shrubs Calotropis gigantea, R. Br Cassia auriculata, L. Randia dumetorum, Lam. Ricinus communis Todonia viscosa, Linn. Ornamental shrubs Bougainvillaea glabara, Choisy Hibiscus rosasinensis, L. Ixora corymbosa ,Ham Jasminum sp Nerium odorum, Soland Rosa sp.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Site 9 TB DAM Herbs Abutilon indicum, G.Don Accanthus sp. Canna indica, L. Cimbopogon citrates, Staf Crossandra sp. Crysanthimum sp. .Dendrobium sp. Ecbolium viridi Heliotropium brevifolium, Wall. Ipomea sp. Justicia simplex, D. Don. Salvia sp. Merremia vitifolia, Hall.f.. Paspalum longifolium, Roxb. Pongamia glabra, Vent Stachytarpheta indica, Vahl. Tephrosia pupurea, Pers Threophonum sp. Thuja Triphyllus oxalis, L. Vernonia cinerea, Less Aquatic herbs. Typha angustata, B.& Ch Medicinal herbs Acalypha indica,L Androphogon nadus, Linn. Brassica campestris, L. Euphorbia hirta, Linn. Evolvulus alsinoides, L. Leucas aspera, Spr. Ocimum sanctum, L. Cynodon dactylon, Pers Phyllanthus niruri, L. Ruellia paniculata, Nees Solanum nigrum, L. Tridax procumbens, Ham Climbing herbs Dolichos lablab, L. Crotoloria ternatea, L Climbing medicinal herbs Tinospora cardifolia, Miers. Exotic invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Shrubs Anona squamosa, L.

Brassica campestris, L. Cassia alata, L. Cassia auriculata, L. Cassia tora, L Clerodendron sp Medicinal shrubs Todonia viscosa, Linn Phyllanthus rediculatus,Roxb Ricinus communis Calotropis gigantea, R. Br Jatropha glandulifera, L Ornamental shrubs Bougainvillaea glabara, Choisy Ixora corymbosa ,Ham Ixora chinensis ,Ham Thuja Tecoma stans Duranda repens Exotic shrubs Prosopis spicigera. L Lantana camara, L Trees Acrus sapota Azadirachta indica, A. Juss. Callistemon rigidus, L Caesalpinia pulcherrima, L. Carica papaya, L. Cassia fistula, L. Casuarina equisetifolia, Forst. Cycas sp. Delonix regia, Raf. Ficus bengalensis.L Ficus glomerata, Roxb. Ficus religiosa, L Mangifera indica, L. Morinda tinctoria, Roxb. Odina sp. Pongamia glabra, Vent Tamarindus indica, L. Terminalia catappa, L. Dominant plants Salvia sp. Cassia alata, L. Cassia auriculata, L.


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Rare occurrence Caesalpinia pulcherrima, L. Casuarina equisetifolia, Forst. Typha angustata, B.& Ch Endangered flora - Nil


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Fauna Analysis Based on actual field verification and interaction with local people and forest staff it is observed that very few of the listed common wild animals and common birds are actually found in the project area. Also because of high anthropogenic pressure due to the highway and consequent development of human and industrial / mining activity it is not been conducive for wildlife to inhabit the area. The list of wild mammals and reptiles found in the study area are listed in Table 3.16. Table 3.16 List of Wild Mammals Found in the Study Area Common Name A. Mammals Common jungle cat Common mongoose Jackal Wild dog Fox Porcupine Common hares Wild boar Barking deer Sambar Spotted deer Striped Palm Squirrel Rhesus monkey B. Reptiles Indian Cobra Yellow rat Snake Common Krait Russels Viper Checkered Keelback Naja naja Ptyas mucosus Bungarus caeruleus Vipera russelii Xenochropis piscator II II IV II II Felis chans Herpestres edwardsii Canis aureus Cuon alpinus Vulpes bengalensis Hystrix indica Lepas sp. Sus scrofa Muntiacus muntiacus Cervus unicolor Axis axis Funambulus palmatum Macaca mulata II II,V II II IV IV III III III III IV II Scientific Name Schedule of Protection Act in which listed


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The common snakes found in the region are Kraits and Cobras. The main T.B. Dam lies some 5 km away from site. Many of the duck like bird are seen in main reservoir water near the project site. The birds found in the area are given in Table 3.17. Table 3.17 List of Birds Commonly Found in the Area Schedule of Wildlife Protection Act in which listed IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV V IV IV IV IV IV IV

Common Name Paddy Bird Large Indian Parakeet Rose Ringed Parakeet Brahminy Duck Red Wattled Lapwing Crow Pheasant Koel White Breasted kingfisher Small green Bee-eater Coot Common Crow Hill Mynah Common Mynah House Sparrow Golden Backed Woodpecker Red Vent Bulbul Spotted Dove Spur Fowl

Scientific Name Ardeola grayii P. eupatria P. krameri Tadorna ferrugninea Vannelus indicus Centropus sinensis Eudynamis scolopacea Halcyon smyrnansis Merops orientalis Fulica atra C. splendens Gracula religiosa Acridotheres tristis Passer domesticus Dinopium benghalense Pycnonotus cafer Streptopelia chinensis Galloperdix spp

Auatic Ecology The main water bodies in the area are T.B. Dam & Darojikere Reservoir.The data on ecology of the aquatic ecosystem in the study area is based on literature and field survey. There are a number of ponds in the villages in the study area. On visual observation these ponds seems to be oligo-trophic to mesotrophic in nutrients status. The common rooted plants and hydrophytes on the edges of these pons are Nelumbo sp., Potamogeton sp., Aponogeton sp.,Ipomea sp., Dichanthium sp., etc. The water in these ponds are colourless to slight greenish in color.


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The Phytoplanktons in the rivers are basically dominated by filamantous forms. The dominant ones are, Chaetophora sp., Cladophora sp., Pithephora sp., Oscillatoria so., Spirogyra sp., Cymbella sp., etc. The Zooplanktons are basically dominated by Crustaceans and Rotifers. The

dominant ones are Crustaceans : Crustacean eggs, Moinodaphina, Chydorus, Cyclops. Rptifers : Brachionus, Rotiferan, etc. Others : Nematodes, Dipteran larvae, etc. Fishes The T.B. Dam is the main ecosystem supporting fishes in the area. The maximum abundance of fishes was reported during April to July. The fishes observed in the T.B . Dam and the nearby reservoirs is given in Table 3.18. Table 3.18 Fish Fauna observed in the Study Area Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Catla catla Labeo fimbriatus Labeo calbasu Cirrhinus mrigala C. reba Barbus tor Puntius sarana Mystus seenghala Mystus sor Silonia silondia Wallago attu Pangasius pangasius Rita chrysea Eutropiichthys vacha Bagarius bagarius Notopterus notopterus Notopterus chitala Gudusia chapra Rohtee cotio Pama pama Glossogobius guiris Rhinomugil corsula Xenentodon cancila Name of fish


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Sl. No. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Chela sp. Chela bacailla Ailea coilfa

Name of fish

Ambassis nama Ambassis sp Puntius sophore Puntius ticto Puntius chola Puntius dorsalis Mastacembelus armatus Mastacembelus pancalus

Conclusion No endangered and endemic species ( flora & fauna ) recorded in the project site and its surroundings, hence conservation plan is not required. 3.7 Socio Economic Study

Socio-economic development is closely linked with the growth of industrialization. The industrial policy resolution in the year 1956 stressed the need of reducing regional disparities in levels of development in order that industrialization may benefit the country as a whole. This view was further endorsed in the new industrial policy statement (1980) which further felt that revival of the economy was inhibited by infrastructure gaps such as shortage in major industries. The policy also emphasized the need to promote suitable industries in rural areas. The process of industrial transitions where new industrial units are setup in a primarily agrarian economy is bound to create its impact on the socio-economic aspects of the local people. Therefore studies on the socio-economic impact of industrialization on the local population no doubt deserve considerable attention. The present study is being carried out to ascertain the impacts of proposed plant on the socio-economic conditions of local people. The data required to study the above aspects has been collected from secondary sources. 3.7.1 Methodology The methodology adopted for the study is based on Review of secondary data (2001 District Census) with respect to population, occupational structure and infrastructure facilities available in the region.


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3.7.2 Review of Socio-economic Profile The information on socio-economic aspects of the study area has been compiled from secondary sources, which include information from various public and semi-public offices. The demographic data has mainly been compiled from Census of India 2001 data as this document is comprehensive and authentic. The sociological aspects like human settlements, demography and other socio-economic aspects in the study area have been covered in this study. The socio-economic details are briefly described in the following sections. Study area of 10 km falls in Hospet Taluk and part of study area falls in Sandur and Hagaribommanahalli Taluk [H.B. Halli], Bellary District. Major portion of the study area comprises only rural area. Study area contains 21 villages. Of these, 15 villages are in Hospet Taluka, 5 villages are in Sandur Taluk and 1 village is in H.B. Halli Taluk. The villages that come partly within study area of 10 km are also covered in the present study. 3.7.3 Demography As per 2001 census, the study area consisted of 51210 persons inhabited in 21 villages. The statistics regarding the list of villages, number of households and human population is given in Table 3.19.


Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Name of Village Ayyanahalli Byalakundi Danapuram Danayakanakere Devalapura Garga Gollarahalli Hanumanahalli Haravanahalli Kallahalli Mariyammanahalli Mariyammanahalli Thanda Medarahalli (Jaisingapur) Nagalapura Nandibanda Rajapura Ramgad Siddapur Varadapura Venkatapuram Colony Vyasanakere TOTAL No of Households 160 162 939 392 789 348 272 0 159 391 2277 294 335 735 198 348 111 181 387 202 445 9125 Population 927 865 5083 2263 4563 1907 1533 0 995 2132 12195 2089 1814 4320 1137 1922 553 1118 2252 1314 2228 51210


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Source: Census 2001 Karnataka State PCA2912

The distribution of population in the study area is shown in Table-3.20. TABLE- 3.20 DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION Particulars Total Population Male Population (% with total population) Female Population (% with total population) No. of Households Average Household Size Sex ratio (Female/1000 male)
Source: Census of India 2001

Rural 51210 25794 (50.37%) 25416 (49.63%) 9125 5.6 985.34

Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 51210 25794 (50.37%) 25416 (49.63%) 9125 5.6 985.34

The configuration of male and females indicates that the males constitute to about 50.37% and females to about 49.63% of the study area population. The sex ratio i.e. the number of females per 1000 males indirectly reveals certain sociological aspects in relation with female births, infant mortality among female children and single person family structure, a resultant of migration of industrial workers. The study area at an average has 985.34 females per 1000 males. 3.7.4 Social Structure Majority of the people in the study area belong to Hindu religion. The study area also contains Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST). The distribution of population of socially weaker sections in the study area is shown in Table-3.21


Category Total Population Scheduled Castes % to total population Scheduled Tribes % to total population Total SC and ST % to total population Rural 51210 12599 24.60% 11751 22.94% 24350 47.54% Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 51210 12599 24.60% 11751 22.94% 24350 47.54%

In the study area 24.60% of the population belongs to Scheduled Castes (SC) while 22.94% to Scheduled Tribes (ST), thus indicating that about 47.54% of the population is formed by SC and ST population. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe sections are predominant in this area. 3.7.5 Literacy Levels


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The distribution of literates and literacy rates in the study area are given in Table- 3.22


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Particulars Total Population Male population Male literates Female population Female literates Total literates % of study area literates to total population Male literacy rate Female literacy rate
Source::Census of India 2001

Rural 51210 25794 13383 25416 7825 21208 41.41% 51.88% 30.79%

Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 51210 25794 13383 25416 7825 21208 41.41% 51.88% 30.79%

The study area experiences a moderate literacy rate of 41.41%. The male literacy i.e. the percentage of literate males to the total males of the study area is observed as 51.88% while female literacy rate, which is an important indicator for social change, is observed as 30.79% in the study area. 3.7.6 Occupational Structure The occupational structure of the study area is studied with reference to main workers, marginal workers and non-workers. The main workers include 10 categories of workers defined by the Census Department consisting of cultivators, agricultural laborers, those engaged in live-stock, forestry, fishing etc. mining and quarrying; manufacturing, processing and repairs in household industry; and other than household industry, construction, trade & commerce, transport & communication and other services. Due to boom in Iron Ore in recent years majority of farmers as well as agriculture laborers are engaged in the mining activity. This information is not forthcoming from the Published Census Data. The marginal workers are those engaged in some work for a period of less than six months during the reference year prior to the census survey. The non-workers include those engaged in unpaid household duties, students, retired persons, dependents, beggars, vagrants etc.; institutional inmates or all other non-workers who do not fall under the above categories. The occupational structure of the study area is shown in Table-3.23.


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Occupation Total Workers Cultivators Agricultural laborers Household industries laborers Others Total main workers Marginal workers Non-workers Total population Rural % to population 25634 50.05 6810 13.29 No. 7527 771 5284 20392 5242 25576 51210 14.69 1.5 10.31 39.82 10.23 49.94 100 No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Urban % to population 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total No. 25634 6810 7527 771 5284 20392 5242 25576 51210 % to population 50.05 13.29 14.69 1.5 10.31 39.82 10.23 49.94 100

Source:Census of India 2001

Altogether the main workers work out to be 39.82% of the area population. The marginal workers and non-workers constitute to 10.23% and 49.94% of the population respectively. The distribution of workers by occupation indicates that the workers in the other category are (10.31%) followed by cultivators laborers and household industries laborers respectively. The cultivators and agricultural laborers together form 27.98% of the total population. The occupational profile of total workers and their proportion to the total population of the study area is shown graphically in the figure III.7. FIG. III.7 Distribution of Total Workers in Study Area


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3.7.7 Amenities Available Amenities available in the villages considered in the Study Area have been collected from Census Book for the District. Educational facilities, Healthcare facilities, Water supply, Communication facilities, Banking facilities, Road and Transportation facilities, availability of news papers & magazines etc., are covered in these amenities. It is noticed that villages have majority of all these facilities. A bigger town namely Mariyammanahalli is located within distance of 8 to 10 Km from these villages were all these facilities are available. Mariyammanahalli town is located at the intersection of National Highway-13 and State Highway. The facilities available for all the villages in the Study Area and such facilities available in respect of 5 villages in whose jurisdiction lands for the project is being procured is furnished in Table:3.24 and 3.25 respectively.


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AMENITIES AVAILABLE IN THE STUDY AREA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Mariyammanahalli Thanda Mariyammanahalli Hanumanahalli Venkatapuram Colony 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 x 0 Haravanahalli Medarahalli (Jaisingapur) Vyasanakere 1 0 0 1 0 0 x x 3 0 0 X Siddapur (Hunisavuti) 2 1 0 0 0 0 x x x 0 0



SL. No


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Number of Primary School Number of Middle School Number of Secondary School Number of Senior Secondary School Number of Maternity Home Number of Primary Health Sub Centre Tap Water (T) Well Water (W) Tank Water (TK) Tubewell Water (TW) Handpumb (HP) Number of Telephone connections Bus services Number of Co-operative Commercial Bank Number of Agricultural Credit Societies Approach - Paved Road Approach - Mud Road Approach - Foot Path Electricity for all purposes News Paper (Indicate N, if arrived) Magazine (indicate M, if arrived)

2 1 0 0 0 0 x 0 x 0

2 1 0 0 0 1 x 15

2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x 0 0 0

2 1 0 0 0 0 x x 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x 1 0

6 6 1 1 0 2 50

2 1 0 1 0 0 5 0

2 1 0 0 0 0 x x 0 0 x

2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x 0 0

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

0 0 x

0 0 0

0 x

0 0 0 0 0 x x

0 x x

0 0 0 x x

x 0 0 x

0 x

0 0 x

0 0 0 x x

0 0 0 x x

Varadapura 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0






0 x

Source: Census of India 2001 (Note: = Available, x = Not Available)


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TABLE 3.25 AMENITIES AVAILABLE IN 5 VILLAGES FROM WHOM LAND IS TO BE PURCHASED AMENITIES AVAILABLE IN 5 VILLAGES FROM WHOM LAND IS TO BE PURCHASED DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Village Name Byalakundi Danapuram Danayakanakere Amenities available Number of Primary School 2 3 2 Number of Middle School 1 3 2 Number of Secondary School 0 1 0 Number of Senior Secondary School 0 1 0 Number of Maternity Home 0 1 0 Number of Primary Health Sub Centre 0 1 1 Tap Water (T) Well Water (W) x Tank Water (TK) Tubewell Water (TW) Handpumb (HP) Number of Telephone connections 1 26 3 Bus services Number of Co-operative Commercial Bank x x Number of Agricultural Credit Societies x x Approach - Paved Road Approach - Mud Road Approach - Foot Path Electricity for all purposes News Paper (Indicate N, if arrived) Magazine (indicate M, if arrived)

SL.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Garaga 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 x x x

Nagalapura 2 2 1 0 0 1 4 x x

Source: Census of India 2001 (Note: = Available, x = Not Available)


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3.7.8 Industries in the Neighborhood Although marked by forests and considered as one of the backward districts of the state, the Hospet region has a number of industries. The principals among them are Vijayanagar Steel Plant of M/s Jindal Steel Ltd located about 30 km from the area. One Ferro-Manganese Plant of Sandur Manganese and Iron Ore Industry is located SW of the area. Since the area produces high grade iron ore, there are a few steel producing units, about 10 km from the Hospet Town. The principals among them are M/s Kiroloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd and Kalyani Steels. There are more than 50 mines working in the area, most of them produce iron ore. Thus mining still forms main industry of the area. The list of industries in the study area is given in Annexure 3 E Hospet town has a number of small scale and medium scale units fulfilling the service needs of the area. They total nearly 500. Besides this, there is also a Sugar Mill and a Distillery outside Hospet Town.The Hospet Town is rail head to visit Hampi the World Heritage Site. Thus there are number of Hospitality related facilities like Hotels, Taxi Services etc. 3.7.9 Places of Archaeological and Religious Interest The area is famous for the ruins of Hampi the erstwhile capital of Vijayanagar Empire, which is, located about 15 km from the project site as the crow flies. It is declared World Heritage Site. There are also several old ruins of that era in the Tungabhadra River Valley. Almost all major villages and Hospet town have a number of old temples, some of them as old as Vijayanagar time. However, none of them is listed as Archaeological monument.


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4.1 Identification of Impacts

General An essential step in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is to identify all the potential environmental impacts by the proposed steel production on environment. These are then examined critically and the major impacts (both beneficial and adverse) are analyzed in detail. Of the various techniques available for impact identification like checklists, matrices networks, cause effect diagram, computer simulation models etc., the matrix method has been chosen for the present project impacts identifications. Identification of Impact The impact identification matrix is given in Table 4.1. The environmental attributes include ambient air quality, water resources & quality, Noise levels, flora & fauna (ecology), soil and land-use, socio-economic environment and infrastructure development, health etc., Various stages viz., siting, operation of Steel production and secondary activities and also post operational phase. The activities have been arranged in columns and environmental attributes in rows in the matrix. A preliminary scrutiny has been made and the cells, which fall at the junction of activity and attribute that have possible interaction with each other, have been marked with proper notation. The matrix thus, identifies the environmental attributes likely to be affected and the activities responsible for this. The impacts may be beneficial or adverse. These will be analyzed in detail during assessment of the impacts.


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Table - 4.1

Impact Identification Matrix


Raw material storage and handling, Steel production and other allied activities Water discharge Construction Phase Operational Phase Material Handling Ore Storage / handing Water drawl (Surface water) Maintenance Workshop Power generation by DG set Green Belt development

Post Operationa l Phase Transportation Urbanization (Buffer zone)

Environmental Attributes

Ambient air Water resources Water quality Ambient Noise Flora & Fauna Soil & Land use Infrastructure Health & Safety Socio-economics Aesthetics Adverse Impact Identification of Impact during Construction Phase The following are the impacts identified during construction phase. Air : Grading of land, excavation, backfilling, storing and storage & handling of construction materials, etc. The impact is temporary only during construction period. Noise : Blasting, Bore well drilling Concrete mixers, mobility of trucks and machinery Water : Water consumption Land use: Piling of debris, surface earth, waste packing material Socio-economic: Employment, demand for goods and other off site infra structural facilities Biological: Displacement of native fauna (snakes, frogs, Amphibians, etc.) Beneficial Impact


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Identification of Impacts during Operational stage The major activities at BMM Ispat Ltd site in the operational phase involves storage & handling of ore, coal and other raw materials, processing of ore and coal for Steel making, captive power generation and cement manufacturing. These activities may affect the environment in varying degrees through natural resources depletion viz. water consumption, release of particulates and gaseous emissions, contamination of water body, run-off from waste storage area etc. During working life of plant, air, water and noise may be affected due to material usage and processing for steel and associated activities in general. The sources of pollution during operational is given in Table 4.2. Allied operations, e.g. transportation of materials, operations of workshop and garage, canteen etc., may also affect air, water and noise environment. Green belt development will have a positive impact not only on flora and fauna but also on air quality, noise and soil characteristics. Positive impacts on socio-economic environment are expected due to employment, further infrastructure development and also due to socio-economic welfare developmental activities to be taken up by BMMI. Screening of identified Impacts Some of the impacts identified in various phases are insignificant and do not warrant much attention whereas some other are very important. The object is to identify those impacts, which are significant and require a detailed analysis for decision making or formulating adequate management measures.


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Table- 4.2 Source & Types of Environmental Pollutants released due to proposed project Section / Units Raw Material Handling Feed Materials & Fuels Low grade iron ore, imported coking coal, Non-coking coal, Limestone, Dolomite, Form of Pollution Air Pollution Water Pollution Air Pollution Workzone noise Pollution Water Pollution Air Pollution Air Pollution Air Pollution Workzone noise Pollution Air Pollution Workzone noise Pollution Air Pollution Water Pollution Air Pollution Noise Pollution Sludge to beneficiation plant


Pollutants Dust

Recipient Air Drain Air Workzone Plant drain/reuse Air Air Air


Run off /Leachates Dust

Iron ore beneficiation Sponge Iron Plants Pelletization plant

Low grade Iron ore

wet grinding & beneficiation Reduction of Iron Ore Heat hardening Sintering at an elevated temperature

Noise Effluent Dust, SO2, NOx Dust Heat, Dusts, SO2, NOx Noise Heat, Dusts, SO2, NOx Noise Heat, Dusts Particulate Dusts Laden Water Heat, SO2, NOx Noise Oil and Particulates Laden Mill Effluent Heat, SO2, NOx, Fly ash, Bottom ash Noise Wastewater of DM Plant containing acids / alkalis

Sinter Plant

Iron Ore, Coal, Dolomite Iron ore Concentrated Iron Ore concentrate, Limestone recycled fines, etc. as feed and coke and BF gas as fuel. Coke, Iron Ore, Sinter, Fluxes and BF gas


Blast Furnace plant

Smelting of Iron oxide Steel Making, Refining and Continuous Casting of Slabs & billets Hot Rolling of Slabs and billets

Air Workzone Air Plant Drain Air Workzone Air Concentrate d/Treated in thickener

Steel Melting Shop

Hot Metal, Fluxes, Ferro Alloys

Rolling mill

Steel Slabs , billets and furnace oil

Captive Power Plant

Flue gas & coal

Steam Raising and Power Generation

Air Work zone Air Guard pond

Air Pollution

Noise Pollution

Water Pollution


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Section / Units

Feed Materials & Fuels


Pollutants Cooling Tower

Recipient Guard pond Air Work zone Air Power plant

Form of Pollution Water Pollution Air Pollution Noise Pollution Air Pollution

Cement Plant Coke Oven Plant

BF Slag, Clinker, Gypsum and Coal Coal

Grinding, Screening and packing Non-recovery type coke making

Dust Noise Flue gas


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Prediction of Impacts

Impacts during Construction Phase Impact on Ambient Air Quality During the construction phase of the project, a considerable amount of civil work activities like grading of land, excavation, back filling, storing, piling etc involving movement and transportation of earth will take place. This will lead to generation of a large emission of fugitive dust. The fugitive nature of dust will have local impacts in the area where the activity will be carried out. Water spraying is proposed to be carried out on the roads, which will be used for transportation of materials to suppress fugitive dust. Further, the civil construction activities are temporary in nature and will last for 18-24 months and will not have long term impact on the ambient air quality. Impact on Noise Levels Noise levels are also likely to increase due to increased movement of trucks and other diesel powered material handling equipment. This will have an adverse impact in the vicinity of the construction activities. However, movement of trucks and machinery will be mainly during daytime to keep the impact of increased noise minimum. Since the construction phase will be temporary, the impact on ambient noise levels will be temporary and cease once the construction phase is over. Impact on Water bodies The water required for the construction purposes is around 800 cum per day and will be met from down stream of TB dam/Almathi dam/ ground water. Debris, mud etc. generated during construction in rainy seasons will contaminate the storm water runoff with large amounts of suspended solids. This water will be channelized through catch drain to a suitable size settling pond to trap the suspended solids. Impact on Land use During construction, a large amount of construction debris like surplus earth, scrap, waste packing materials, cables etc will be generated. These will be stored in identified areas, which can later be either used in the operational phase or sold to out side parties for reuse.


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Socio-Economic Impacts The construction phase of the project involves large deployment of manpower, both direct and indirect. This period has huge potential for employment, both direct and indirect, which will affect the economy of the surrounding area. But these impacts will be temporary in nature. The construction phases of the project will require different skills of people at different times, involving large migration of labour force over short periods. This will have adverse impact on the existing infrastructure unless adequate precautions are taken in advance. However, over the years, a large number of industries have been established in the surrounding area, as a result of which, the availability of skilled manpower in the nearby area has improved considerably. Further, the infrastructure in the surrounding area has developed in the intervening period to accommodate the migrating population. As a result of which the impact during construction will not be adverse at the project site. Impacts during Operational Phase During operation of the proposed steel plant, impacts are anticipated on ambient air quality and noise levels, water, land-use, ecology and socio-economic environment. Impact on Ambient Air Quality The proposed Steel production of 2.0 Mt/YEAR, 1.4 Mt/YEAR cement production and 230 MW captive power plant will have impact on the air environment beyond the core zone. While the impact of fugitive emissions will be within the core area. The effect of emissions from the point sources is a major concern, as it will have an impact on the ambient air quality in the surrounding area. It is also proposed to limit the design emission norms well within the prescribed standards. The impact of pollution of the steel production plant on the ambient air is assessed using mathematical modeling (ISCST3). The data used in mathematical modeling are presented below. Micro- meteorological data The meteorological data recorded continuously during the winter season 2007-08 on hourly basis on wind speed, wind direction and temperature have been processed to obtain 24-hourly mean meteorological data as per guidelines of IMD for application of ISCST 3 model. Stability classes computed for the mean hours are based on guidelines issued by CPCB on modeling. Mixing heights representative of the region have been taken from the available published literature. Table 4.3 provides information on emission data.


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Table 4.3 Source-wise Emission data Sl. No 1. No. of Stacks 1 1 1 1 Stack height (m) 55 30 30 30 Stack dia. (m) 4.0 / 7.5 1.8/ 2.4 1.8 / 2.4 1.5 / 2.0 Velocity (m/s) 20 8.0 9.8 7.6 Temp (oC) 120 A A A Emission (g/s) PM 12.92 1.02 1.247 0.67 SO2 18.0 NOx 0.02 -

Source Pellet Plant Grate system Proportioning bins Cooler discharge area Coal grinding system DRI Plants kiln 1 kiln2 kiln 3 kiln4 Day bins Coal preparation unit Product Handling unit

1 1 1 1 1

90 90 30 30 30

4.1 4.1 1.8 1.5 /2.0 1.8 /2.4

16 16 11.2 10.8 10.9

130 130 A A 100

5.22 5.22 0.792 0.954 1.387

7.93 7.93 -

8.99 8.99 -

Coke Oven Plant Batteries 1 & 2 Batteries 3 & 4 Batteries 5 & 6 Batteries 7 & 8 Batteries 9 & 10 Batteries 11 & 12 Batteries 13& 14 Batteries 15& 16 Coal preparation unit Coke quenching Sinter Plant Sinter machine 1 Sinter machine 2 Flux crushing units Coke crushing unit Proportioning bins

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 30 30 45 45 30 30 30

3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 2 / 2.5 1.8 / 2.4 3.2 /4.5 3.2 /4.5 2.25 / 3 2.5 / 3.25 1.8 / 2.5

7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 13.1 22.0 22.0 12.8 8.5 9.5

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 A 100 110.0 110.0 A 60 40.0

3.694 3.694 3.694 3.694 3.694 3.694 3.694 3.694 1.225 1.66 9.166 9.166 2.545 2.086 1.208

22.16 22.16 22.16 22.16 22.16 22.16 22.16 22.16 13.750 13.750 -

36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 36.93 1.83 1.83 -


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Sl. No

Source Cooler discharge & Sinter screening unit

No. of Stacks 1

Stack height (m) 30

Stack dia. (m) 2.5 / 3.2

Velocity (m/s) 8.2

Temp (oC) 80-100

Emission (g/s) PM 2.012 SO2 NOx

Blast Furnace BF 1 BF2 BF3 BF 4 Stock house Coal Pulverizing system Cast house EAF & Steel making shop Rolling mill Reheating Furnace 1 Reheating Furnace 1 Calcination plant 1 Calcination plant 2 Cement grinding unit Granulated slag drying system Materials Transfer points dedusting system Cement mix grinding system Captive Power Plant Coal crushing and handling system Coal Firing system

1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1

55 55 55 55 30 30 30 40

2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 / 2.5 1.5 / 2.25 2 / 2.5 1.4

11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 12.6 9.5 12.8 11.0

250 250 250 250 A A 40 110

1.736 1.736 1.736 1.736 1.603 0.84 2.01 0.833


0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 -

6 7

1 2 1 1

80 80 30 30

1.54 1.54 1.26 1.26

15 15 8.0 8.0

150 150 110 110

2.77 2.77 0.5 0.5

41.55 41.55 -

68.4 68.4 -


1 2 1

40 30 60

3 1.8 4/6

13.5 11.2 15

180 A 80

5.0 0.80 9.02

14.5 -

Traces -


1 1

40 220

1.5 3.0 / 4.5

9.5 18.0

A 140

0.84 12.72




Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Mixing Heights Knowledge of site specific mixing height (Convective stable boundary layer and inversion height or nocturnal boundary layer) is crucial in realistic adoption of appropriate plume rise and vertical dispersion parameters. IMD generate data on mixing depth at Bangalore using radiosonde technique with two readings a day, which are available with IMD, Pune. The following tables list out the mixing heights which have been considered in air quality modeling.
Date 01.11.2001 02.11.2001 03.11.2001 04.11.2001 05.11.2001 06.11.2001 07.11.2001 08.11.2001 09.11.2001 10.11.2001 11.11.2001 12.11.2001 13.11.2001 14.11.2001 15.11.2001 16.11.2001 17.11.2001 18.11.2001 19.11.2001 20.11.2001 21.11.2001 22.11.2001 23.11.2001 24.11.2001 25.11.2001 26.11.2001 27.11.2001 28.11.2001 29.11.2001 30.11.2001 Mix (M) 311 277.5 668.6 291.5 238.8 1102.8 611.4 682.5 708.5 613.7 247.9 338.7 598.4 272.4 397.6 336.2 364.3 632.5 314.2 361.2 664.3 363.6 313.4 381.5 727.3 728.2 626.6 343.8 586.5 243.4 Mix (E) 1675.3 315.6 1141.9 623.6 450.4 1190 240.2 799.8 1232.1 718.3 401.5 688 624 400.1 601.5 643.7 651.9 186.6 582.2 696.6 1223.3 353.1 338.2 644.1 1789.1 1771.3 1730.5 675.6 2199 546.8 Date 01.12.2001 02.12.2001 03.12.2001 04.12.2001 05.12.2001 06.12.2001 07.12.2001 08.12.2001 09.12.2001 10.12.2001 11.12.2001 12.12.2001 13.12.2001 14.12.2001 15.12.2001 16.12.2001 17.12.2001 18.12.2001 19.12.2001 22.12.2001 23.12.2001 24.12.2001 25.12.2001 26.12.2001 27.12.2001 28.12.2001 29.12.2001 30.12.2001 31.12.2001 Mix (M), m 720.8 595 311 77.7 232.4 179.1 331.6 307.3 203.0 342.0 426.7 606.1 321.4 274.5 1191.9 679.2 349.9 663.8 670.4 1639.6 737.3 657.1 610.5 725.5 889.4 1169.5 654 396.1 617.9 Mix (E), m 700.8 752.3 672.2 1182.2 646.8 582.9 843.9 843.4 655.8 911.5 961.5 997.2 1200 1308.5 1370.1 1372.7 1263.8 742.8 617.6 1287.7 213.8 642.7 674.9 828.9 1720.9 1807.7 1170 1247.4 716.3

MIX (M) Morning mixing height in meter MIX (E) Evening mixing Height in meter


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Mixing Heights (Contd.,) Date 01.01.2002 02. 01.2002 03. 01.2002 04. 01.2002 05. 01.2002 06. 01.2002 07. 01.2002 08. 01.2002 09. 01.2002 10. 01.2002 11. 01.2002 12. 01.2002 13. 01.2002 14. 01.2002 15. 01.2002 16. 01.2002 17. 01.2002 18. 01.2002 19. 01.2002 20. 01.2002 21. 01.2002 22. 01.2002 23. 01.2002 24. 01.2002 25. 01.2002 26. 01.2002 27. 01.2002 28. 01.2002 29. 01.2002 30. 01.2002 31.01.2002 Mix (M) 395 652.1 409.9 363.5 1682.7 682.9 705.0 1104.2 1278.1 672.7 674.4 913.6 475.4 583.2 651.2 381.1 573.8 301.5 803.7 440.4 690.4 268.9 744.9 364.9 1142.3 592.2 296.0 697.6 1181.7 461.9 1191.3 Mix (E) 623.8 1169.8 684.6 1249.1 1781.6 1666.1 1175.0 1224.6 1327.8 805.2 1188.3 1618.1 1650.2 1613.5 1696.8 1119.0 1081.8 701.3 1434.7 787.3 1101.9 1277.7 1699.1 1744.8 1786.6 1773.7 620.7 1203.2 1559 1188.8 1598.9 Date 01.02.2002 02. 02.2002 03. 02.2002 04. 02.2002 05. 02.2002 06. 02.2002 07. 02.2002 08. 02.2002 09. 02.2002 10. 02.2002 11. 02.2002 12. 02.2002 13. 02.2002 14. 02.2002 15. 02.2002 16. 02.2002 17. 02.2002 18. 02.2002 19. 02.2002 20. 02.2002 21. 02.2002 22. 02.2002 23. 02.2002 24. 02.2002 25. 02.2002 26. 02.2002 27. 02.2002 28. 02.2002 Mix (M), m 672.9 221.9 873.6 602.6 267.6 272.3 328 643 359 334.4 300.9 449.6 340.1 649.4 298.2 217.2 717.3 278.1 228 261.1 160.6 161.5 652.6 315.3 199.9 166.3 302.2 268.1 Mix (E), m 1367.2 105.8 1037.6 1250.6 765.4 1712.1 1223.4 934.4 714.5 1197.3 1132.6 1021.5 1175.7 2222 1343 2268.5 2083.6 1944.2 2287.6 2317.2 1764.8 1348.3 2350 1680.2 1855 1865.4 2868.6 2228.5

MIX (M) Morning mixing height in meter MIX(E) Evening mixing Height in meter Terrain characteristics The core and buffer zone areas are fairly plain in nature except in North Eastern area which is hilly. No tall buildings, are present and the area is rural in nature.


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Application of ISCST 3 for prediction of ground level concentration Prediction of cumulative ground level concentrations due to emissions from the integrated steel plant and cement plant have been computed using ISCST3 model. ISCST 3 model with the following options has been employed to predict the ground level concentrations due to emissions from the various units of steel production. Area being rural, rural dispersion parameters are considered. Predictions have been carried out to estimate connection values over a radial distance of 10 km around the source. A total of 1200 receptors with combination of polar and Cartesian receptor network have been considered. Emission rates from all the sources are considered as constant discharge and magnitude during the entire period. Ground level concentration computed is based on without any consideration of decay coefficient. Calm winds recorded during the study period have also been taken into consideration. 24 hourly (for 24 hour mean meteorological data as per guide lines of IMD and MoEF) mean ground level concentration was estimated for Winter`2007-08. An option of creation of data file giving average ground level concentration for the mean meteorological data of winter season has been used for post processing in Surfer-6 graphic package. Basic Input data requirements The basic data inputs include the run stream set up file and the meteorological data file. The run stream set up file contains the selected modeling options, source location and parameter data receptor locations, meteorological data specifications and output options. The meteorological data file contains the hourly data on wind speed, wind direction, ambient temperature, atmospheric stability class and mixing height. Output data


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The output may be obtained for short term (hourly, daily or monthly) averages or long term (annual) averages. Predicted ground level concentrations Air Environment in Core zone - Post project Scenario (g/m3) 24 hourly concentrations Baseline Scenario(max) Predicted Ground level Concentration(max) Resultant concentrations NAAQ standards Suspended Particulate matter(SPM) (max) 176 41.3 217.3 500 Sulphur dioxide (SO2) (max) 9 41.2 50.2 120 Oxides of nitrogen (NOX) (max) 18 25.6 43.6 120

Isopleths for SPM, SO2 and NOx are give fig. IV.2 -IV.4. Air Environment in the study area - Post project Scenario (g/m3)
S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Baseline scenario (max) SPM Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10) 186 146 145 132 146 115 132 134 112 SO2 16 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 NOx 30 10 18 12 18 10 16 14 12 Predicted values SPM 24.5 23.1 21.0 9.2 3.8 4.8 3.9 4.9 3.6 SO2 31.6 28.4 12.6 21.2 6.8 8.9 2.1 1.3 2.4 NOx 28.2 26.1 12.5 11.8 1.2 1.8 0.8 0.4 1.4 Post Project scenario SPM 210.5 169.1 166.0 141.2 149.8 119.8 135.9 138.9 115.6 SO2 47.6 35.4 20.6 28.2 14.8 15.9 10.1 9.3 9.4 NOx 58.2 36.1 30.5 23.8 19.2 11.8 16.8 14.4 13.4 NAAQ standards SPM 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 SO2 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 NOx 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Location name


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Fig. IV.2


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Impact on Water The total make-up water requirement for proposed steel plant complex will be met by augmenting the water from the down stream of TB Dam/Almathi dam by a pipeline. It is proposed to build a separate reservoir to meet the requirements of the various uses. The proposed plant will also draw ground water for steel plant operations. Thus operation of the plant will not affect ground water availability in the study area. The effluents likely to be generated from the following sources: 1. Wastewater generated from hot rolling mills. 2. Waste water from the run-off from Raw Material Storage Yards 3. Waste water from the soft / DM plant 4. Sanitary wastewater from canteens and toilets. 5. Blow-downs from ICW and DCW circuits 6. Backwash from side stream pressure filters of cooling towers

EAC water from GCP`s : The wastewater collected from the individual GCPs are treated in respective clarifiers, where the solids are removed by addition of water treatment chemicals. The clarified water is recycled back into the system. The slurry collected at the bottom of the clarifier is pumped to the pellet plant. However, due to continuous and repeated use of recycled water, the solid concentration in the recycled water will increase needing periodic blow down. The blow down water will be led to an effluent storage pond for further treatment and will be recirculated.
Rolling mills: The water used in hot steel cooling operations gets contaminated with scales and oil. The metallic scales are separated from the re- circulating water in scale pits. The solids free water is passed through pressure filters for removal of residual solids. The treated water after the filters are recirculated in the process. The wastewater collected from the backwash of the pressure filter is further treated in a thickener for recovery of water, which is led back to the system. The slurry is led to the pellet plant. However, due to continuous and repeated use of recycled water, the solid concentration in the recycled water will increase needing periodic blow down. The blow down water will be led to an effluent storage pond for further treatment. Run-off from Raw Materials Storage Yards: The wastewater from the run off of the raw material storage area contains solids, which are led to a settling pond located at the individual yard. The decanted water is led to the effluent collection pond for further


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treatment. The pond gets is dried during non-monsoon seasons and the sludge is used in the beneficiation plant. Soft / DM plant: The wastewater from the soft / DM water plant contains acids, alkali which are treated by neutralization in a tank and the neutralized effluent is led to the effluent collection pond. Sanitary waste from canteens and toilets: The wastewater contains organic solids, which is treated in a centralized sewage treatment plant using a conventional activated sludge process. The treated water is led to the effluent collection pond. Blow-downs from ICW and DCW circuits: The blow down from the ICW and DCW circuits contain dissolved solids and to some extent suspended solids. These are led directly to the guard pond. Backwash from side stream filters: The backwash from the side stream filters contains large amount of solids. The slurry collected from the backwash is fed to the nearby gas cleaning pant circuits for separation of water and solids. Effluent collection pond: As can be seen, the effluent collection pond collects partially treated wastewater from all the above units. Seven days storage guard pond will be provided to avoid excess water discharge during rainy season. The influent water contains suspended solids and dissolved solids. The water is used for gardening and dust suppression. The sources of discharge from the proposed steel plant and the control measures to be adopted are given in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 List of Water Pollution Control Systems Sl. No. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9 10

Source Raw material handling yard Raw Water Treatment plant Beneficiation Plant Pellet Plant Sponge Iron Plant DM Plant Steel Melting shop CCM Calcination & Oxygen plant Rolling Mills

Pollutants SS SS, Colloidal matter, Dissolved gases, microorganism

Control system / Treatment Catch pits followed Chemical coagulation with sedimentation and filtration Hydrocyclones, Thickneres, slim pond Collection sump, guard pond Collection tank & Ash handling dust suppression Neutralization pit Guard pond Settling Tanks fitted with Oil & Grease Trap Settling with Guard pond Settling Tanks fitted with
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pH SS Suspended Solids, Oil & Grease SS, Alkalinity SS, Oil & Grease ,

Sl. No. 12


Pollutants mill scale

Control system / Treatment Oil & Grease Trap Direct use in ash handling & excess to guard pond Reused in the plant for dust suppression and slag granulation Sewage treatment plant

Captive Power Plant Cooling Tower & Boiler bow down Temperature, Dissolved Solids BOD, Suspended Solids


Sewage Treatment system

Impact on Noise Levels During normal operations of the plant, ambient noise levels will increase significantly only close to the compressors and blowers and other plant operations. But this will be confined only within plant boundary. The noise level within the plant boundary will be confined within shops. The level will be further minimized when the noise reaches the plant boundary and the nearest residential areas beyond the plant boundary, as elaborate green belt development is envisaged for attenuation of noise and fugitive emissions. The noise production in various units of the steel production plant are as presented below. Noise Levels in various units of the steel making Plant S.No. 1 Source Sponge Iron Plant In front of Rotary Kiln & Cooler Near Crusher and Screen Near Bag filters Near Main gate Mini Blast Furnace Plant Sintering plant (Phase II) Pelletization plant EAF & LF Plant Billet Casting machine section Rolling mill section Material Handling Material charging and conveying Compressors Pumps ID Fans Noise Level dB(A) 70-82 75-78 79-80 65-68 75-80 70-75 70-75 75 80 75-80 85 70 75 75-78 80 75-80 85

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

All the equipment in the blast furnace complex will be designed/operated in such away that the noise level shall not exceed 80 dB (A).


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However, if during operation, the noise level exceeds the above norms then the protective measures given in Environmental Management Plan will be followed. Hence, no impact due to proposed plant on ambient noise is anticipated. Noise Dispersion Model For the purpose of Noise modeling, the plant is considered as one source. Hence, total Noise will be equal to 80 - 87 dB(A). The dispersion of this noise is computed by using the model LP2 = LP1 20 log10 (r2/ r1) Where LP2 and LP1 are Sound Pressure Levels at points located at distances r2 and r1 from the source. The combined effect of all the sources then can be determined at various locations by the following equation. LP (total) = 10 log (10Lp1/10 + 10
LP2/10 +

10 LP3/10 ---------)

Where LP1, LP2, LP3 etc. are Noise levels at a point due to different sources. Based on the above equation, a user-friendly model has been developed. The details of the model are as follows. Noise level can be predicted at any distance specified from the source Model is designed to take topography or flat terrain Co-ordinates of the sources in meters Output of the model in the form of isopleths and Environmental attention factors and machine corrections are made for the measured Leq. Levels Input to the Model Major noise sources as Cumulative noise source has been identified and monitored in similar type of proposed plants. The input to the model has been taken as the cumulative noise of 12 major noise generating sources in the plant. The resulting noise from the cumulative source is taken as 87.8 dB(A).


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Noise Impact analysis on surrounding community There will not be any noise impact on surrounding village residents by the proposed Steel production plant. Impact on traffic density To quantify the impact of the proposed steel plant at Danapura and its allied activities on traffic, it is necessary at first to evaluate the existing load of heavy vehicular traffic at the site. Proposed site is connected with a bitumen road of two lane from the highway (Hospet, Bellary) at a distance of 2.6 km. As the site has quite significant traffic density, monitoring was carried out in January 2008 for 4 days indicate that the traffic density in the Highway range 300 to 350 vehicles per hour. The mode of transportation of Raw Material required and Products and Byproduct generated by rail and road due to the proposed project is given in the below table: Quantity transported, t/yr By road By rail 4,400,000 --1,243,000 924,000 526,000 342,000 125,000 726,000 --1,600,000 1,000,000 ------10886000 (~ 92%) --8,400 ------------42,000 400,000 400,000 14,000 74,000 22,000 960400 (~ 8%)

Material Raw materials Low grade iron ore fines Bentonite Non coking coal Coking coal Limestone Dolomite Quartzite Clinker Gypsum Rolled products Portland slag cement Cold pig iron DRI Coke breeze TOTAL (Raw material & Products)

From the above table, it is understood that the traffic density by road is insignificant as major transportation of raw material and products is by rail. The construction and operational Phases of the proposed plants is likely to increase the traffic density on Highway and on the road leading to the plant from Highway.


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The railway loading/unloading station is very nearer to the project site and the major commodities of raw materials and finished products are planned to be transported by rail. The transportation by rail is having more economical and environmental benefits and hence no alternative method of transportation is planned. Impact on Ecology Ecological Impact of the proposed industry in the area is discussed under following sub heads. Aquatic The important perennial water body is TB dam 5.0 Km away. As the plant is being designed for maximum recirculation, with zero discharge concept no effluent will be discharged outside. The domestic and plant sanitary water is also proposed to be treated and used for gardening purposes. Hence no adverse impact on aquatic bodies are anticipated. Terrestrial Air pollutants released by the steel making plant found to be well within the prescribed standards and no significant impact on terrestrial flora is expected. Solid Waste Generation The major solid waste expected to be generated from the various facilities of integrated steel plant are given in Table 4.5. Table 4.5 Quantity of Solid Waste Generated and re-used in the Steel Plant Sl. No. PELLET PLANT 1. Solid Waste Nature of Solid Waste Dust Quantity (tonnes/day) 220.0 Probable Reuse sintering plant

Dust from ESP

DRI PLANT 1. 2. 4. 5. Dust Settling Chamber De-dusting System Product Separator System (Char) Heat Exchanger and ESP Sludge Dust Fines Dust with fly ash 20.0 48.0 684.0 215.0 Sintering plant cement plant captive power plant cement plant


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SINTERING PLANT 1. Sinter Dust BLAST FURNACE 1. 2. Sinter BF return BF Slag

Solid Sinter Slag

113.0 178.0 1766.0

Sintering plant sinter plant cement plant

STEEL MELTING SHOP 1. 2. Slag Flume dust from bagfilter Slag dust Scales 732.0 415.0 110.0 266.0 control landfill sintering plant sintering plant within the steel plant within the steel plant sintering plant sold to authorised vendors Land filling coke oven plant cement plant cement mfg brick mfg/ road construction


ROLLING MILLS 1. 2. 3. 4. Scrap Scale & Muck Oil and Grease Traps Reheat Furnace Scrap Scale Oil and Grease Broken Refractories Dust Dust Dust Dust 211.0 211.0 0.3 465 31.0 316.0 80.0

COKE OVEN PLANT 1. Coke breeze 3. Dust from bag filters CAPTIVE POWER PLANT 1. 2. Ash including fly ash Bottom ash

CEMENT PLANT 1. Dust from EAP Dust 38.0 Cement plant Incinereated and control landfilling sold to authorised vendors

Oil Soaked cotton waste, organic wastes Lead acid batteries


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Socio Economic Impact The project is not going to cause significant damage to the existing agricultural situation. Instead, it is likely to provide the farmers with supplementary income. The project has very strong positive employment and income effects. There is a great possibility of industrialization in the vicinity of the proposed steel plant. This is likely to bring dramatic changes by transforming this backward area into an industrially developed one. The project has very strong positive impact, which is likely to result in improvement of economic situation of Hospet Overall peoples perception on the expansion project is a mix of advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, they expect job opportunities, market expansion etc. as advantages and on the other hand they are worried about the damage to agriculture. As an impact of identification of the project, small-scale industrial economy is likely to flourish in the surrounding area. The small-scale industrial units are expected to get financial supports from the financial institutions and banks. In this way, an overall development may take place in this area. The process of development will have maximum impact on the lifestyle of the local people. The project and the consequent peripheral industrial economy will generate income to the local and migrated people which will increase the aggregate demand. This demand will get realized in the market and finally, lead to the market expansion in the locality of the project. Market expansion supported by expected infrastructural developments like roads, electricity, water supply etc. will result in improving the economic development in the entire region. the


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5.1 Preamble Several measures have been suggested in the Environment Management Plan (EMP) for mitigation of identified adverse environmental impacts. These have to be implemented to ensure compliance with the environmental regulation and also to maintain a healthy environmental conditions in and around the steel plant. A monitoring strategy is required to ensure that all environmental resources which may be subject to contamination are kept under review and hence monitoring of the individual elements of the environment is necessary. The Environment Management Department (EMD) of BMM will be entrusted with this responsibility. The officers of EMD will assess the progress and analyze the data periodically. In addition to the above, the unit will take all necessary steps to implement the measures suggested in the Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP) for Integrated Iron and Steel Industry. Some of the measures have already been included in the plant design. The others will include: Direct injection of reducing agents for examples, pulverized coal into the Blast Furnaces. 100% utilisation of Blast Furnace and Steel Melting Slag. Hazardous wastes to be handled and disposed of strictly in accordance with the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2003. Specific water consumption to be brought down to less than 8 m3/ton of crude steel. Promotion of Energy Optimization Technology including periodic energy audits.


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Meteorological Station

It is necessary to monitor the meteorological parameters regularly for assessment and interpretation of air quality data. The continuous monitoring will also help in emergency planning and disaster management. BMM will install a designated weather station for this purpose and the following data will be recorded and archived. 5.3 Wind speed and direction Rainfall Temperature and humidity Emissions and Air Quality

On-line continuous monitoring system will be installed in major stacks to monitor particulate matter and gaseous emission. In case emissions are found to exceed the norms, the on duty personnel will check the relevant process parameters and take appropriate corrective action. BMM ISPAT Ltd will monitor the ambient air quality regularly in 5 locations in and around the plant (downwind direction and where Max. GLC of SPM, SO2 & NOx) to ascertain the effect of process emissions on the ambient air quality. BMM will establish 2 continuous particulate matter monitoring stations. The locations will be identified in consultation with KSPCB. The equipment will have facilities to monitor both SPM, RPM, SO2 and NOx. 5.4 Water Quality

Surface and ground water will be sampled regularly once in a season from various locations in and around proposed plant to ascertain the trend of variation in the water quality, if any. Treated process wastewater quantity will also be monitored for pH, TSS, COD and Oil & Grease regularly. The metallic constituents in the untreated effluent will be ascertained once a month through recognized laboratory of KSPCB/CPCB . 5.5 Drainage System

The effectiveness of the drainage system depends on proper maintenance of all drainage pipes/channels. Regular cleaning of drains will be done to remove accumulated sludge/sediments. The catch-pits linked to the storm water drainage system from the raw material handling areas will also be regularly cleaned to ensure their effectiveness. This exercise will be carried out during the pre monsoon and at regular intervals. 5.6 Noise Levels


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Noise levels will be measured at the source of generation on quarterly basis- It is desirable that the noise attenuation measures are taken at the design stage of the plant itself. However, in case of high noise generating equipment which are not frequented by the plant personnel, the area may be cleanly marked as `High Noise" area and the employees be provided with personal protective equipment like ear plugs/ear muffs. 5.7 Occupational Health

Occupational health surveillance of the workers will be done on regular basis especially for those to be engaged in handling hazardous substances and high noise generating equipment and process area. 5.8 Biological Monitoring

A massive tree plantation will be taken up along the boundary of the plant leading to a favorable impact on the surrounding environment. BMM will continue to improve the green cover in the area by planting trees in the open area. Trees survival rate will be monitored in the plantation areas and will be maintained at about 80% by replacement of dead trees. 5.9 Socio-Economic Development

BMM ISPAT Ltd. will undertake various social welfare programmes for upliftment of surrounding villages. The community which is benefited by BMM ISPAT Ltd. are thus one of the key stake holders for steel plant. The BMM ISPAT Ltd. will have structured interactions with the plant surrounding villages people to disseminate the measures taken by the BMM ISPAT Ltd and also to elicit suggestions for overall improvement of the surrounding villages. 5.10 Housekeeping

The EMD shall be keeping a very close monitoring of house keeping activities and organizing regular meetings of joint forum at the shop level (monthly), zonal level (once in two months) and apex level (quarterly). The CED (Civil Engineering Department) shall take care for the house keeping of shops. 5.11 Interaction with State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)


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EMD shall be in regular touch with KSPCB & MoEF and send them quarterly progress report on EMP. Any new regulations considered by State/Central Pollution Control Board for the Industry will be taken care of. 5.10 Laboratory facilities

It is imperative to BMM to have a well-equipped environmental control laboratory inside the plant premises. The Environmental control laboratory shall apply for recognition as per EP Act 1986 and notified in Government of India Gazette. The laboratory shall be running continuously 24 hours in three-shift operation and will be carrying out all monitoring as specified in their Consent and EC condition. All the personnel deployed in the laboratory will be given training by external experts so as to carry out necessary environmental monitoring as well as analysis. The equipment to be made available for carrying out environmental monitoring is given in Table 5.1.


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Table 5.1 List of Monitoring / Analytical Equipments Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Respirable Dust Sampler Stack Monitoring Kit HVS Flow Calibrator PM-10 HVS Dry Gas Meter Analytical Balance Digital Balance Personal Sampler Nephelo Turbidity meter DR-2000 Spectrophoto Meter COD Reactor Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter PDV-2000 Digital Voltameter Selective Ion Meter Composite Sampler Visible Spectro Meter BOD Analyser BOD Incubator Ultrasonic Flow Meter Vaccum Pump Drying Oven Ultrasonic Cleaner Adjustable Digital Pipettes Spectrophotometer Digital Multimeter D.O Meter Hot Plate Muffle Furnace Digital Conductivity meter Sound Level Meter with calibrator & Octave Pilter Set Electronic Balance On-line ambient air monitoring station On-line stack monitoring of major stack weather monitoring station Item Quantity 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 1


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Frequency of monitoring of pollution sources

Regular monitoring in a systematic and standardized manner helps in assessment of current environment and provides information on operational performance of installed pollution control facility.
Sl. No. 1. 2. Place of Monitoring Stack emission Ambient air quality at plant boundary and nearby habitation Monitoring of Surface and ground water quality surrounding areas of dumping site Noise monitoring near kilns, product house, raw material yard power plant and plant boundary Effluent outlets Parameters of Pollution Temperature, Velocity, Gas discharge, SPM, NOx and SO2 SPM, NOx, SO2 and RSPM Frequency of Monitors To be carried once in a month Weekly twice at 6 locations and continuously at 2 locations To be carried once in 3 months ( Seasonal ) Workzone noise levels once in a month Ambient noise levels once in 3 months once in a week


As per IS:10500 norms


Leq dB(A) pH, SS, Phenol, COD, BOD, DO, NH3-N, Temperature, Oil and grease


Note : The monitoring will be carried out as per EC & Consent conditions and in consultation with KSPB 5.12 Cost Profiles of Pollution Control Measures

Cost of Project Particulars Land & Site Development Buildings Plant & Machinery Engineernig Services Preliminary and Preoperative expenses including interest during construction Contingency Margin money for working capital Power Plant` Total Project Cost Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) 200.0 326.9 3269.0 326.9 375.8 610.5 206.9 85.3 6151.3

Mode of Finance

Rate of interest


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Borrowing for working capital Term Loan

14% 13%


Cost of Pollution Control/ Environmental protection Measures Recurring cost per annum (Rs. in Crores) 10.0 10.0 3.0 5.0 0.50 2.50 2.0 2.0 1.50 5.0 0.25 41.75 10.52 %

Area of Expenditure Air Pollution Control Water Treatment System Waste Water Treatment System Solid Waste Management System Noise Pollution Control Environmental Monitoring and Management Social corporate responsibilities Road diversion/development/Modification Occupational Health Greenbelt Development Others Total Percent of recurring cost in terms of Capital Cost for pollution control measures Percent of capital cost of pollution control measures in terms of total project cost

Capital Cost (Rs. in Crores) 200.0 50.0 30.0 50.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 3.0 25.0 2.0 397.00 -

6.45 %



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6.1 Risk Assessment, On-Site Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Management Plan

It is presumed that the proposed facilities in the 2.0 MT/Yr steel bars & rods, 230 MW captive power generation and 1.4 MT/Yr cement manufacturing at BMM Ispat Ltd. Will be designed and engineered with all possible safety measures and standard code of practices of engineering. In spite of this, there may be some design deficiency or due to operation and maintenance faults, which may lead to accidental events causing damage to life and or property. This Chapter presents an overview of environmental risks associated with various production facilities, suggested remedial measures and an outline of the emergency preparedness plan. Risk Assessment The objectives of environmental risk assessment are governed by the following, which excludes natural calamities: a) To identify the potential hazardous areas so that necessary design safety measures can be adopted to minimize the probability of accidental events. b) To identify the potential areas of environmental disaster which can be prevented by proper design of the installations and its controlled operation. c) To manage the emergency situation or a disastrous event, if any, from the plant operation. Managing a disastrous event will obviously require prompt action by the operators and the crisis management personnel using all their available resources like alerting the people and other plant personnel remaining inside, deployment of fire fighting equipment, operation of emergency shut off valves, opening of the escape doors, rescue etc. Minimizing the immediate consequences of a hazardous event include cordoning off, evacuation, medical assistance and giving correct information to the families of the affected persons and local public for avoiding rumors and panic. Lastly, an expert committee is required to probe the cause of such events and the losses encountered, and suggest remedial measures for implementation, so that in future such events or similar events do not reoccur.


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Identification of hazards The hazards are attributable due to processing of raw materials and chemicals used in steelmaking and the other plant operations. A list of major raw materials used in the Plant and the process units with their hazard potential is presented below; Hazard Identification of the proposed steel plant facilities Group Raw materials & Products Coal Other fluxing minerals Product steel Acids/Alkalis Lube oil Iron Ore beneficiation Processing Sintering/ Pelletization Iron making in BFs Dusts BF gas Hot Metal Molten Slag Steelmaking in EAF`s EAF / LD gas Liquid steel Molten Slag Rolling Mills Utilities Liquid Propane Fuel gas Distribution Electric power Supply Leaks/ vapour cloud Gas leaks Short circuit Major Major Major Fire/explosion Fire and CO pollution Fire Gas firing/LDO firing Moderate Major Major Major Major Major Major Moderate Environmental Pollution Flammable and CO pollution Personnel injury & fire Personnel injury & fire Flammable and CO pollution Personnel injury & fire Personnel injury & fire Fire Iron ore dust Item Iron ore Hazard potential None Moderate None None Major Moderate Moderate Fire Bio corrosive Flammable Environmental Pollution Remarks


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Group Transformer


Hazard potential Small Power Plant

Remarks Explosion & Fire

Steam turbine generator building Moderate

Fires in Lube oil system, Short circuit in control room / switch gear, cable galleries & oil drum storage Fire / steam explosion Fire or dust explosion

Boilers Coal Handling plant Coal Storage FO/ LDO tank farms Cement Plant Dust

Moderate Moderate Moderate Major Moderate

Spontaneous combustion Fire

Environmental Pollution

From the above Table, it may be observed that major on-site emergency situation may occur from the organic coal chemicals storage and handling, fuel gas handling, molten metal and slag handling, acids and alkali storage / handling and electrical short-circuits. The off-site environmental disaster may occur if large-scale fire and explosion occurs, the effect of which extends beyond the plant boundary. The off-site environmental disaster may occur due to significant environmental degradation prolonged for a sustained period. HAZOP Study It is suggested to have HAZOP Study for the fuel gas distribution network handling facilities prior to commissioning, for last minute corrections in the design of the systems from fail safe angle. The HAZOP analysis for the gasholder has been carried out for safe operations. The degree of Hazard is identified based on FEI and TI range as per the criteria given below. FEI Range 0-60 61-96 97-127 128-158 159 & above Degree of Hazard Light Moderate Moderately High Heavy Severe


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TI Range 0 5 5 10 >10

Degree of Hazard Light Moderate Severe

Fire and explosion are the likely hazards which may occur due to the fuel storage. Hence F & EI has been calculated for storage capacities of fuels in the plant and are shown in table below. Fire & Explosion and Toxicity Index for storage facilities Fuel FO/ LDO Total quantity of Storage 2x360 m3 F & EI 8.5 Category Severe TI Category -

Electrical safety: Adequately rated and quick response circuit breakers, aided by reliable and selective digital or microprocessor based electro-magnetic protective relays will be incorporated in the electrical system design for the proposed project. The metering and instruments will be of proper accuracy class and scale dimensions. Risk management measures The risk management measures for the proposed project activities require adoption of best safety practice at the respective construction zones within the works boundary. In addition, the design and engineering of the proposed facilities will take into consideration of the proposed protection measures for air and water environment as outlined in earlier Chapter. The detailed risk management measures are listed below; Coal Handling Plant Coal dust when dispersed in air and ignited will explode. Crusher house and conveyor are most susceptible to this hazard. The minimum of explosive concentration of coal dust (33% volatiles) is 50 grams /m3. Failure of dust extraction & suppression systems may lead to abnormal conditions and increasing the concentration of coal dust to the explosive limits. The sources of ignition are incandescent bulbs, electric equipment & cables, friction & spontaneous combustion in accumulated dust. Dust explosion may occur without warning with maximum explosion pressure upto 6.4 bars. Another dangerous characteristics of dust explosions is that it sets off secondary after of initial dust explosion. Stack pile area shall be provided with automatic garden type sprinklers as well as to reduce spontaneous ignition of coal stocks piles, necessary water distribution net work will be provided for distributing water at all transfer pints, crusher houses, control room, etc.


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A centralized control room with micro-processor based control system has been envisaged for operation of the coal handling plant. Except locally controlled equipment like traveling tripper, dust extraction / dust suppression / ventilation equipment, sump pumps, water distribution / ventilation equipment, sump pumps water distribution system all other in line equipment will be provided for safe and reliable operation of the coal handling plant. Control measures for coal yard The entire quantity of coal will be stored in separate stack piles, with proper drains around to collect washouts during the monsoon. Water sprinkling system will be installed on stocks of pile to prevent spontaneous heating combustion and consequent fire hazards. The stack geometry will be adopted to maintain minimum exposure of stock pile areas towards predominant wind direction temperature will be monitored in the stock piles regularly to detect any abnormal rise in temperature inside the stock pile to be enable to control the same. Blast Furnace Preventive Measures If any job is to be undertaken in BF areas where the BF gas is toxic, the following procedure has to be laid down to ensure safety of men and the equipment. a) Gas Safety man will accompany the team and will test the atmosphere for the presence of CO, before starting the work. b) If `CO' concentration is found exceeding the safe limit, the job will be undertaken using necessary safety appliances viz., Oxygen Breathing Apparatus/ Blower type Gas mask. c) Any gas cutting/welding job will be undertaken with the clearance from Gas Safety man. Gas Explosion, Prevention & Preventive Measures The following actions will be taken to prevent any gas explosions in case of gas leakage. 1. For jobs on gas lines/equipment, non-sparking copper tools will used. If such tools are not available, grease coated steel tools will be used. Electrical drill & other electrical equipment will not be used as these can give rise to sparks. 2. The gas line will be thoroughly purged with steam before undertaking the job on the same.


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3. Naked lights will not be used near any de-pressurized gas main or equipment unless the same has been thoroughly purged. 4. In case of profuse leakage of gas, action will be taken for water sealing and isolating that portion. 5. The approach road to the gas line complex will be kept free from any obstructions. 6. If gas catches fire due to some leakage, it will be extinguished with plastic clay, steam or water. The portion of gas main affected will be cooled down with water. The valve will not be closed when fire is still there and the pressure in the main will be maintained at minimum 100 mm (WC). 7. Gas tapping points of flow or pressure measurement will be cleaned with wooden stick or grease coated wire. 8. If lighting is necessary near gas line, portable spark proof electric lamps of low voltage or explosion proof torchlight will be used for enclosed areas. Hot Metal & Slag Sudden break out of molten metal & slag may result in heavy explosions, due to their coming in contact with water, thereby causing serious burn injuries to persons and damage to equipment. These breakouts may take place from weak portions of the Hearth, Tuyeres & monkeys. Preventive Measures 1. Any accumulation of water will be prevented in such vulnerable areas. 2. In case of minor leakages, the flow of molten metal & slag will be controlled. 3. If there is major breakout, the area will be cut off and cordoned. 4. Vital connections e.g. water, gas, compressed air, oxygen etc. will be cut off or regulated, as per requirement. Steel Melting Shop The main hazards arise out of the use of hot metal and oxygen at the Arc Furnace. The spillage of hot metal/slag can cause serious burn injuries and fires. Severe explosions are also caused due to hot metal/slag falling over a pool of water, resulting in injuries to


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persons, fire and damage to equipment due to flying of hot splinters & splashing of liquid metal/slag. Preventive Measures 1. Any accumulation of water will be prevented in such vulnerable areas. 2. In case of minor leakages, the flow of molten metal & slag will be controlled. 3. If there is major breakout, the area will be cut - off and cordoned. 4. Vital connections e.g. water, gas, compressed air, oxygen etc., will be cut-off or regulated, as per requirement. Oxygen plant The oxygen though not itself flammable, supports combustion and is, therefore hazardous as any combustible material burns internally in its presence. Any oxygen leakage can also cause severe burn injuries if it comes in contact with human body. Similarly, the liquid oxygen, frequently referred to as LOX is liquid at about 147C. It is pale blue in color and is slightly heavier than water. It is classified as a non-flammable gas. However, since it supports combustion, any organic or inorganic combustible material burns with enhanced intensity in its presence. Apart from this hazard, liquid oxygen due to low boiling point when exposed to atmosphere takes away heat from the surrounding to get evaporated. This results in instant freezing if any contact is made between the human body and this material. The protective material worn for fighting emergencies related to liquid oxygen will not be used near any sources of ignition, as the large volume of gas produced from small amount of liquid will create an oxygen rich atmosphere. The part of human body coming in contact with liquid oxygen should be sprayed with ordinary water and later treated in a similar way to frostbite treatment. For Fire fighting involving LOX, water is the best extinguishing agent. Water will be sprayed to prevent rapid boiling and splattering of liquid that may be caused by a straight stream. Care will also be taken not to direct the water spray on to mechanical relief devices which will result in freezing of water, rendering the devices in-operative. Fuel oil Storage & Pipe lines The fuel oils stored in bulk are L.D.O. & LPG. Main hazard in the storage areas and pipelines is due to any leakages which may result in serious fire.
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Preventive Measures The storage tanks are constructed and maintained as per the guidelines laid down in the Petroleum & Carbide Act. Cable galleries For container of fire and preventing it from spreading in the cable galleries, unit -wise fire barriers with self closing fire resistant doors with minimum fire rating of approximately 90 minutes are planned. The ventilation system provided in the cable galleries will be interlocked with the fire alarm system so that, in the event of a fire alarm, the ventilation system is automatically switched off. Also, to avid spreading of fire, all cable entries / opening in cable galleries, channels, barriers etc., will be sealed with non-flammable / fire resistant sealing material. Instrument cables will be fire resistant low smoke type. Transformer Section This section includes generator transformer, station reserve transformer, unit auxiliary transformer and switch-gear bays. Temperature rise detectors will be used for detection of fire for transformers and the lube oil storage area, while automatic type High velocity Sprinkler Protection System is planned to put out the fires. On-site Emergency Preparedness Plan The On-site Emergency Plan relates to the laid-down and well-practiced procedure after taking care of all design based precautionary measures for risk control. This plan is aimed for tackling any emergency situation, if arises. Objective of the Plan The emergency plan has been prepared to ensure the smooth working of the steel plant complex. The main objectives of the plan are to take immediate actions to meet any emergency situation making maximum use of combined in-plant and allied resources for the most effective, speedy and efficient rescue and relief operations. These are briefly enumerated below: 1. Cordon and isolate the affected area for smooth rescue operation 2. Rescue and treat casualties and safeguard the rest 3. Minimize damage to persons, property and surroundings 4. Contain and ultimately bring the situation under control 5. Secure and safe rehabilitation of the affected area


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6. Provide necessary information to statutory agencies 7. Provide authoritative information to the news media. 8. Ward off unsocial elements and prying onlookers. 9. Counter rumor mongering and panic by relevant accurate information. Methodology Keeping in mind the detailed information on the proposed steel plant, the plan is formed on the following basis: Identification of possible hazards in various units and their impact on the surroundings Detailed information on the available resources and control measures.Industrial Safety and Fire Fighting As detailed above, many working premises of the plant have hazardous and fire-prone environment. To protect the working personnel and equipment from any damage or loss and to ensure uninterrupted production, adequate safety and fire fighting measures have been proposed for the project. Consequence analysis (Petroleum Class C) Major Hazard scenario at the tank premises spillage of FO and LDO from pump discharge nozzles side failure. The main hazard is of forming a pool of fire and toxic effect due to release of above fuels. Various scenarios of toxic and thermal radiations impact consequence have been estimated and summarized based on the models presented in Gele Book or Yellow book published by TNO, The Netherlands and other Tests. Above Ground Tank Farm
Sl. No Scenario Stabilit y class and wind speed F,1 B,2 F,1 Realeas e Rate (Kg/s) Release duratio n (Sec) Poo l dia. (m) 37 37 IDLH dista nce (m) Pool fire impact distances (m) 4 KWm2 44 44 34 12.5 KWm2 23 22 18 37.5 KWm2 5 5 5 Flash fire impact distance (m) 23 23 5

FO storage tank bottom nozzle failure LDO pump discharge

3.44 3.44 3.1

2353 2353 500


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nozzle failure






Fire fighting arrangements Types of fire extinguishers, its capacity and total numbers proposed in the Integrated Steel plant of BMM Ispat Ltd are as follows.

S.No. 1 2 3 4 5

Types of extinguishers Dry Chemical Powder CO2 extinguisher Water with CO2 catridge Foam type ABC type extinguisher

Capacity 10 Kg each 22.5 Kg each 9 Kg each 2 Kg each 9 litre 50 litre 9 liters 2 Kgs 2.5 Kgs

Quantity 264 Nos 72 Nos. 96 168 48 48 72 24 24

Fire Hydrant system The list of hydrants proposed in the Integrated Steel plant are as follows. S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hydrants Hydrant Hoses Hose reel Fire suit Fire Pumps Water monitor Foam monitor Hose boxes Fix hose branches Foam making compound Siren Emergency Stretcher


Quantity 30 Nos 30 Nos. 4 Nos. 8 Nos. 4 Nos. 2 No. 2 No. 30 Nos. 30 Nos 40 litres 2 No. 2 No.
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13 14

Asbestos blanket Fire Engines

2 No. 2 No.

Fire reservoir Sources of firewater will be from the main water supply line connected to the fresh water reservoirs. Safety Plan during Construction & Erection phase A highly qualified and experienced Safety Officer will be appointed. The responsibilities of the safety officers include identification of the hazardous conditions and unsafe acts of workers and advice on corrective actions, conduct safety audit, organize training programmes and provide professional expert advice on various issues related to occupational safety and health. In addition to employment of safety officer, every contractor, who employees more than 250 workers, should also employ one safety officer to ensure safety of the workers in accordance with the conditions of the contract. Safety of Personnel All workmen employed in hazardous working conditions will be provided with adequate personal safety appliance as applicable to the work like; Industrial safety boots Industrial helmets Hand gloves Ear muffs Welders screens and aprons Gas masks Respirators Resuscitators

Fire Protection facilities Keeping in view the nature of fire and vulnerability of the equipment and the premises, the following fire protection facilities have been proposed for the plant.
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Portable Fire Extinguishers All plant units, office buildings, stores, laboratories, MCCs etc. will be provided with adequate number of portable fire extinguishers. The distribution and selection of extinguishers will be done in accordance with the requirement of fire protection manual of the Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC). Hydrant System Hydrants will be provided in the coal handling plants at suitable locations and in different levels inside the plant buildings. Yard hydrants will be provided in the vicinity to meet the additional requirement of water to extinguish fire.

Automatic Fire Detection System Unattended vulnerable premises like electrical control rooms, cable tunnels, MCC, oil cellars, etc. will be provided with automatic fire detection and alarm systems. Manual Call Point Systems All major units and welfare/administrative building will be provided with manual call points for summoning the fire fighting crew from the fire station for necessary assistance. Fire Station BMM ISPAT LTD is going to provide elaborate arrangements for managing any incidents of fire. The Fire station is centrally located with adequate communication facilities and trained manpower. These are adequate for meeting the requirements of the proposed plant facilities in the 10 MT/Yr stage also. There will be one central fire station with fire tenders to extend the necessary assistance required for fighting fire in any of the plant units and associate premises with requisite augmentation. The following equipment will be provided in fire station/fire posts. Water tender Foam tender Portable pump Wireless set
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Hoses Hot line telephone, etc.

Plant Disaster Control The On Site Emergency Plan is prepared considering all the different units of the proposed steel plant complex. Organization A Central Disaster Control Cell will be set up under the direct charge of the Chief Executive of the project. He will be the person nominated to declare any major emergency and will be in-charge of all operations in such situations. In his absence, Sr. Vice President (Works) will be the in-charge. He will be supported by the other nominated members of cell, e.g., Senior Manager for Plant operations and service agencies BF, Coke Oven and by product plant, SMS & Mill, Personnel, Security, Fire and safety, Administration and Medical Officer. In case of any major emergency, the Disaster Control Cell would operate from Disaster Control Room. At the shop level, Senior Managers, have been nominated as Controllers who will be assisted by Manager, Shift-in-charges and trained key workers to deal with any minor emergencies arising at the shop. Information Flow The following guidelines will be observed by any person after noticing a gas leak, fire, etc. till help is made available from the Central Disaster Control Cell or Shop level Disaster Control Cell. Raise alarm Communicate to the control room about the incident/emergency. Communicate to fire station for relief in case telephone is available otherwise try to attract attention by any available means. Attempts to close doors, windows or ventilators of the room to prevent any contaminated air getting in. Central Disaster Control Room Upon receiving information from any site regarding emergency, the person operating from the Disaster Control room will :


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Depute a person to rush to site and assess the situation. Inform fire, transport, safety, medical and concerned control room. Organize operating personnel and arrange for control over the situation. Keep the management informed about the gravity of the situation from time to time. On receiving the call, the Disaster Control room will immediately direct the different supporting service agencies as enumerated below :

Security and Administration services : responsible for safety of the plant against trespassers, saboteurs, any crowd, information to Government authorities and in the neighborhood (if required), provision of transport facilities, telecommunication facilities and fire service facilities.

Safety service: responsible for implementation of safety measures at work place and occupational safety.

Medical service: responsible for providing medical care to the injured or the affected in an event of emergency.

Stores: responsible for providing adequate number of tools, tackles and accessories for proper emergency control.

Preservation of evidence and taking of photographs, if necessary, for future enquiries to determine the cause and taking further preventive actions.-

Welfare: Provide food, clothes, shelter etc., as per requirements. Power and water supply : To ensure supply of fire fighting water requirement and provisions of power supply.

Shop Level Disaster Control Cell The Controller at the shop level will take immediate charge of any emergent situation and will assume full responsibility regarding mobilisation of resources, guide and help service agencies in properly carrying out their assigned duties. Being from the operations side of the plant, he has full knowledge of the process aspects and he will decide whether to stop the plant/process. He will be responsible for overall co-ordination. In his absence, his Deputy will be Controller of the operations. The duties of the Shop level Controller are enumerated below:


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Assess the magnitude of emergency and decide, if any possibility of major emergency exists and inform the Central Control Room, if necessary.

Direct Safe close down of plant or any operation, if necessary. Direct evacuation of areas in the vicinity, which may be endangered. Ensure key personnel are called in immediately and they start carrying out their assigned duties.

Direct rescue and fire fighting operations from safe operation point of view. Direct the shop personnel to the designated places for safe assembly. Control rehabilitation of affected areas and any victim on emergency. Ensure complete safety before restarting the plant/ operation.

At Shop floor, teams of workers will be trained, who will be present at the incident site for doing the needful. They will assist and extend help to the following : Fire brigade team in controlling fire. Operational staff in shutting down plant to make it safe. Search, evacuation, rescue team. Movement of vehicles for emergency control. Plant pollution monitoring staff for carrying out atmospheric tests. Medical team for providing necessary help. Any other special operation.

Contingency Plan It is based on the following considerations: The plant general layout. The available resources. The analysis of hazards.

It is aimed at the


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Pre-emergency activities. Emergency time activities. Post-emergency activities.

In the event of an emergency, the people from affected pockets will be directed to move to safe assembly places nearby the units. The following facilities will be provided. Security service Fire fighting service Medical service Pollution control service Public relation service Telecommunication service Transport service Evacuation service Welfare service

An alarm system will be provided with a wailing type siren at a centralized place and actuators at the strategic locations in the plant. Adequate number of telephones will be provided in each unit at Shop floor so that a person can either directly raise the alarm or ring up disaster control room from where the alarm can be raised directly. The wailing siren will mark the beginning of the emergency while a continuous note will mark the end meaning all clear signal. All fire fighting equipment like valves, fire hydrants, pumps, monitors, etc., will be checked periodically to detect defective parts and such parts would be immediately replaced. Mock drills will be conducted for training the persons and to check the performance of men and equipment and also to keep them fit for any emergency. The plant will be equipped with a separate Medical Centre with necessary instrument/appliances, medicines and trained manpower. The Medical Officer will maintain close liaison with different hospital in the nearby city. Rescue and Repair Services The responsibility of effective working of Rescue and Repair Services will be with the incident controller.
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Rescue Services To extricate persons from the debris of collapsed building/structure and safe human lives. To hand over the extricated persons to first aid parties. To take immediate steps as may be necessary for the temporary supports or demolition of buildings and structures, the collapse of which is likely to endanger life or obstruct traffic. To cut off supplies of water, gas, electricity to damaged buildings.

Trained Rescue parties will be formed at the Shop levels, who will be provided with the following equipment: 1. Self contained oxygen breathing apparatus 2. Blower type gas mask 3. Resuscitators 4. Petromax lamp / Torches 5. Axe/hand saw 6. Bamboo ladder 7. Necessary Safety appliances 8. First aid box 9. Blankets On-site emergency planning rehearsals need to be carried out from time to time. It requires monitoring by experienced persons from other similar factories or by senior officials from the State Inspectorate of Factories and/or the Directorate of Fire Services, who can help in updating the emergency plan procedure. Off-site emergency planning Off-site emergency planning is normally under the jurisdiction of the district administration. The designated official of the Steel Plant is required to have co-ordination with the District administration for responsive action in off-site emergency planning.


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Fire Fighting Organization and Procedure There will be trained fire fighting personnel and a Fire Officer under the Fire & Safety Department. The following important instructions will be given for fire prevention and tackling of any fire in the plant. Overall control of the Fire fighting operations will rest with the senior most officer present at the scene of fire, who will be assisted by the operational and fire staff. Close co-ordination and planning for fire protection will be done between Plant Operations and Fire Service. While turning out for fire calls, the fire staff will be guided to the correct location immediately on their arrival. In-charge of the section at Shop floor will explain special risks involved and guide the In-charge of the Fire fighting crew. He will, however, not interfere in the method of fire fighting operations. No one will tamper with the sources of water supply/ fire hydrants or misuse them in any manner. The passages/approach to/from fire hydrants to the fire appliances will always be kept clear. Fire drills will be held in each, zone periodically under the direction of the Fire Officer.


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The organization and brief procedure for fighting small, major and simultaneous fire is given below :

Degree of fire emergency Small fire

Fire chief Functional head in charge of affected area Head of the production department In-charge of affected area

Siren code No siren

Persons attending First and second line fire-fighting teams First, second and third fire-fighting teams Persons already present at the scene of fire, operators

Major fire

Wailings two minutes No siren except for major fire

Simultaneous fire Definitions : Small fire

: A fire in its incipient stage which is controlled by the first line fire fighting team.

Major fire

: The fire is spreading to other equipment or areas and which threatens to go beyond the control of first line and second line fire fighting teams.

Simultaneous fire

: More than one fire occurring at the same time.

Fire Control Office: The Fire Control Officer will be in-charge at the scene of fire. In case of small fire, Section Head / Functional Head of affected area will be fire Officer. In major fire, the Head of Production Department will be the Fire Control Officer. In simultaneous fires, in-charges of the respective affected areas will be the Fire Control Officers. Fire call: Fire call will be received at the fire station regarding occurrence of fire and its location. The message will be conveyed either by telephone or fire alarm or in person. While giving Fire call message on telephone, the person will Give his name, Section & Department. Exact location of Fire and if possible, nature of fire.
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Confirm that the Fire call message is repeated by the Control room attendant.

When the call message is given by the Fire alarm, the person will stand rear the Fire alarm to guide the Fire fighting team to the location of the fire. Fire Siren Code For small fire For major fire For all clear Testing of the Fire Sirens Fire sirens may be tested by sounding straight for one minute on Wednesday at cogeneration power plant. Fire Fighting for Small Fire The small fire will be tackled by the first line team which will comprise the persons already present at the scene of fire. However, the second line fire fighting team whose composition is given below will also report at the scene of fire immediately after receiving the Fire Call of affected area at the time of fire. The team will consist of the following: Fire Control Officer First line Fire Fighting team: Operational / maintenance staff and/or other plant personnel working in the area. Second line Fire Fighting team : Fire station shift-in-charge and trained fire fighting personnel. Ambulance driver with ambulance. Functional head of affected area. Shift Officer production. Security personnel. 9 AM for : : : : No siren will be sounded. Wailing type continuously for two minutes. Straight sound for two signal minutes.

Third line Fire Fighting team : Fire Officer & Auxiliary Fire Fighting personnel. All Departmental & Functional Heads. Local Fire Brigade from Govt., if necessary.
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Fire Fighting for Major Fire The major fire will be tackled by the first line, second line and the third line fire fighting teams. The fire chief in this case is the Head of the Production Department. The fire chief for small fire will judge the nature of fire and in case of major fire, he will inform Fire Officer (either himself or through responsible persons) to sound the fire sirens (wailing type) continuously for two minutes. The team will consist of the following who will immediately report at the scene of the fire. 1. Fire Officer 2. First, Second and third line Fire Fighting team. 3. Auxiliary Fire Fighting personal All the members of the auxiliary fire fighting crew will have thorough training on the job. Responsibilities of Fire Control Room Operator During fire Call : To take correct message regarding location, type of fire etc., from the caller. To repeat the message. To inform fire fighting personnel on duty immediately for turn out by hearing the bell. To ask the pump house operator to maintain adequate head in the fire water line. To inform Telephone Exchange. To inform first aid centre.

Responsibilities of Fire Fighting Personnel : To report immediately at the scene of fire. To take instructions from Fire Officer.

Responsibilities of Fire Officer: To direct the deployment of Fire fighting personnel and fire fighting appliances.


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To organize additional fire fighting crew, if required, depending upon gravity of the situation.

To guide plant employees in fire fighting. To co-ordinate between different groups of fire fighting personnel & team of trained workers from the department.

To control the spread of fire and rescue operation, if necessary. To extinguish the fire. To replenish the required fire fighting material/equipment. To arrange relievers wherever necessary. To assess the situation and arrange additional help if necessary in co-ordination with Disaster Control room.

To advice for all clear siren to be blown after the major fire emergency is over.

Responsibilities of Ambulance Driver : To report to the scene of fire with ambulance immediately. To carry the casualties, if any, to the medical centre as directed by Medical Officer/Fire Officer at the earliest. To park the ambulance without obstructing the fire fighting operations and traffic.

Responsibilities of Security personnel at the manned gate : To prevent entry of unauthorized persons. To keep the gate open for emergency vehicles and officers and staff concerned with fire fighting and allied operations. Responsibilities of Telephone Operator : To receive fire call messages. To inform Shift Officer for all fires.

Responsibilities of Medical Officer during major fire : To be available at the first aid centre for necessary medical advice.
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To depute one of the medical staff to the scene of fire to render any medical assistance, required at site.


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Responsibilities of Head of the Personnel and Welfare Department during major fire : To arrange the transport of the fire fighting personnel with minimum loss of time in consultation with the Fire Control/Fire Officer. To make arrangements for the refreshment/meals for persons engaged in fire fighting. To inform the Fire Officer regarding the actions taken.

Responsibilities of Head of the Maintenance Department during major fire: To report to the Fire Chief and render all help that may be required from Maintenance Department. Responsibilities of Head of the Electrical Maintenance Department during major fire : To report to Fire Officer and render assistance to be required from Electrical Department such as installation of equipment, provision of temporary lighting etc. Responsibilities of Head of the Materials Procurement Department during major fire : To arrange to man the stores for emergency issue of materials. If the materials are not available in the stores or are likely to be exhausted during fire fighting operations, he will arrange for the same from other sources. Cloud Burst / Lighting Cloud burst/lighting may at times lead to minor to major emergency. In such an emergency, actions indicated under fire and explosion will be undertaken. Food Poisoning In case of food poisoning in plant canteens, the following will be done : Disaster Controller will inform the Medical Officer for immediate first aid. Medical Officer will contact other hospitals and seek their help, if necessary. Security will help in evacuating the affected people to various hospitals, in co-ordination with the Medical Officer. Mutual-aid System At times the possibility of a major emergency (a situation out of control of plant authority) cannot be ruled out. In such a case, the plant authority will declare it to be a major emergency and total control will be transferred to the district level office of contingency plan committee.
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Necessary help will also be sought from the concerned Government agencies having necessary infrastructure for dealing with disaster.


Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plan

Land use and Land required for the proposed Industry The State Government in its order No.CI/312/SPI/2008 dated 21.10.2008 has permitted the industry to acquire 1429 hectares of land (3530.70 acres) coming in the jurisdiction of the following five villages. Out of this land 785.54 hectares are patta land and the balance 643.35 hectares are Government lands. The details are as follows. Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Village Danapura DN Kere Nagalapura Bylakundi Garaga Total Gov. Land Hectares 38.82 68.73 243.58 172.40 119.83 643.35 Patta Land (Private Land) Hectares 203.72 212.36 25.73 6.59 337.13 785.54 Total Extent Hectares 242.54 281.09 269.31 178.99 456.96 1428.89

As per the information gathered from Revenue Records the farmers from whom the land will be purchased on Consent Basis have been classified based on their land holdings and information is summarized in the table given below

Area In Acres Ranges

Danapura Extent of land Acres 100.57 91.51 106.98 52.74 63.82 84.94 0 500.56 No of land loser 218 63 44 16 14 14 0 369

Nagalapura Extent of land Acres 0.66 3.40 9.15 23.74 14.84 11.80 00 63.59 No of land loser 1 2 4 7 3 7 00 24

D.N.Kere Extent of land Acres 11.63 48.86 74.46 66.96 110.47 37.31 57.77 407.35 No of land loser 20 35 32 20 25 7 1 140

Garaga Extent of land Acres 10.77 50.99 123.21 135.98 329.91 69.53 112.65 833.04 No of land loser 31 43 51 48 83 14 12 282

Byalakundi Extent of land Acres 0 1.8 0 10.04 4.45 0 0 16.29 No of land loser 0 1 0 17 2 0 0 20

0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 Above 10 TOTAL



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It is intended that only dry agriculture land will be purchased from the farmers. No Village Tana land will be purchased. There will not be any displacement of people from their house hold. There will not be any displacement of people from their respective villages. Therefore, there will not be any Rehabilitation and Resettlement of any Agriculturist or Landless laborers. Recruitment in the Existing Industry. BMM Ispat Pvt Ltd and its sister concern M/s HKT Mining Pvt Ltd., are the two existing units in operation at Danapura. The company is always willing to honour the Government Direction to comply with the Saroojini Mahishi report regarding providing jobs for the local people. Right from the beginning the policy followed by the company is to give preference to Kannadigas in general and local people in particular. These two companies have presently recruited above 882 people in all caders and out of this, 660 people are from Karnataka which works out to 75% of the total employment. It is further to be observed that 57% of staff about 506 people are from Bellary District and balance 18% are from Karnataka State. Only 222 people which is 25% of the total strength are from out side the State. It is further to be noted that the company has been providing jobs to persons who have sold their land for the industry. We have recruited 147 persons who have sold their lands to the company. This is one of the requirements of Dr. Saroojini Mahishi committee report and we have been honouring the said requirement. It will be our endeavor to follow the Dr. Sarojini Mahishi report to the maximum extent regarding recruiting kannadigas and giving employment to one member of the family who sell the land to the company for our proposed 2 MT/Yr Integrated Steel Plant. Diversion of inter connecting village roads passing through the Project area Following village connecting roads are passing through the proposed project area. 1. 2. 3. 4. Danapur Garaga Tanda DN Kerre Garaga Tanda Mariammanahalli Garaga Tanda Nagalapura Garaga village

The above village roads need to be diverted to provide connectivity to the road users. The project proponent is willing to undertake diversion of these roads at his cost in consultation with concerned village elected representatives. The project proponent is making adequate budget provision for diversion of these roads.
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Main features of R&R Policy With the main object of establishing harmonious and continued relationships with Land owners, the project proponents will be offering a lucrative package with a human face to all such farmers who will be willing to offer their land for sale on Consent Basis. The project proponents will ensure that special care is taken for protecting the Rights of weaker section of society especially members of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes. Though there is no displacement of any farmer or landless laborer from their Habitation and yet the proponent is willing to adopt a benevolent farmer friendly

Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy and is willing to discharge its social responsibility to benefit the surrounding villages. The features of such a policy may
include the following. 1. The recommendations of Sarojini Mahishi committee report will be adopted in the recruitment of staffs. 2. As far as possible the recommendations of the National Rehabilitation and Resettlement policy 2007 pronounced by Government of India will be adopted. 3. The Proponent is willing to provide one job either to the Khatedar who has

sold the land to the company or to one member of his family to be identified by the Khatedar, commensurate with his or her education qualification, age and suitability for the job. If needed, the proponent is willing to deploy to the extent of man power required for the development of the green belt each year, the services of landless labourers and farmers belonging to the above 5 villages in this program.
In addition to a benevolent rehabilitation policy, the proponent is likely to carry out the following social responsibilities. i. ii. The company may adopt few villages located in the Study Area. The company will improve the drinking water supply, street light and maintain them. iii. The company will provide adequate drainage & sanitation facility to these villages and plant trees in the village limits & develop green belt around the villages.


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The company will build additional rooms to the existing schools wherever it is needed, provide drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities in these schools.


The company will extend financial help in providing Mid-day meal to school going children.

vi. vii.

The company through their hospital will extend medical facilities to such villages. Widows and unmarried daughters of the land loosers from these villages will be trained in tailoring and sewing machines will be supplied to each one of them.


If the village authorities desire, the company will be willing to take up maintenance of the water body (Tank) of these villages.

Financial Outlay To meet the above social obligations, the proponent is willing to make the required budget provision for capital as well as Operation & Maintenance expenses every year. The total capital cost allotted for the socio economic development is 25.00 crores and recurring cost assumed to be 4.0 crores per annum.


7.1 Following aspects of State Industrial & Mining Policy favours the establishment of the proposed project Government accords highest priority to the objectives of dispersal of industrial investments in various backward regions / districts of the State so that the fruits of economic development and employment opportunities are


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shared by all segments of society and in all parts of the state in as equitable manner as possible. To focus on strengthening of the manufacturing industry in the state and to increase its percentage share in the GSDP from the present average of 16.70% to over 20% by the end of the policy period. Special incentives for entrepreneurs setting up units in backward areas. Additional incentives for units promoted by entrepreneurs from the category of SC/ST, Minority, Women, Physically challenged & Ex-servicemen. Industrial Corridor / Cluster development would be taken up in potential locations viz. (i) Bangalore Mysore (ii) Hospet Bellary (iii) Mangalore Upipi (vi) Bhadravathi Shimoga (vii) Nelamangala Kunigal (viii) Davanagere Harihar (ix) Kolar KGF etc. Bulk of Iron Ore Resources are in Bellary/Hospet area. State has declared Bellary Koppal area as Steel Belt. To maximize value addition to the mineral extracted, the state is encouraging maximum investments in down stream industries. Priority will be given to the entrepreneurs who propose establishment of industries for value addition with in the vicinity of the mineral bearing areas. To promote indigenous utilisation of Iron Ore fines and Beneficiation of low grade ore. Encourages existing / new industries to set up facilities to use available raw material & enhance quality up to the required specifications by the processes like. Beneficiation, Pelletization and Sintering. Stand alone industry is to be encouraged as it provides large scale employments. Such industries enhance value to the raw material by converting a resource into a product and spawn auxiliary industries. 7.2 Employment and income effects
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Employment and income generation are the most important aspects that need detailed investigation in case of any industrial project. The present project has some positive employment and income effect. A sizable number of local persons are likely to be involved in different activities of the plant. For execution of the project, a large number of people will be required directly and indirectly. This will create a huge employment and income effect on the socio-economy of the study area. So far indirect employment is concerned, the effect is very strong and widespread. The project is expected to generate indirect employment and income which is 4-5 times higher than the direct employment. In view of this, it can be justifiably concluded that the present project will have tremendous positive employment and income effects. The manpower required for the proposed integrated steel plant, cement plant and Captive power plant are indicated below S.No 1 2 3 4 Category Managerial Supervisory Skilled Unskilled Total Nos. 340 1070 2680 510 4600

In addition to the above, the operation of the steel plant, itself will generate revenues to the State and Central governments. Some of the potential economic benefits likely to be accrued from the project are as follows: Earnings by the Govt. by way of taxes levies and duties like ED, IT, VAT, TDS etc Business opportunities for the local entrepreneurs to set up small and medium scale industries Business opportunities for the local entrepreneurs serving as service providers, suppliers, contractors Investment opportunity for local infrastructure development


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Thus, the steel plant will facilitate in catalyzing the development of infrastructure, health care, upliftment of civic amenities, education for economic upliftment of the locals and improvement in their living standards. 7.3 Industrialization around the steel plant

Steel plants by nature serve as the nuclei for development of small-scale industries in the areas around them. These small-scale units usually have input-output linkages with the steel plants. The demand for spares, assemblies and sub-assemblies by steel plants are generally met through the supply (of these items) from small-scale units located nearly. The small-scale units, in turn, get necessary steel products from the steel plants. In the vicinity of major Indian steel plants e.g. Rourkela Steel Plant, TISCO, Bhilai Steel Plant etc. similar type of small-scale industries are visible. This brings forth mutual advantages with one acting as complementary to another. The advantages to steel plants as well as small scale units are listed below :


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Advantages to steel plant i) ii) iii) iv) v) Assurance of a reliable source of supply of spares and consumables; Supply on short-delivery schedules enabling maintenance of lower inventory; Saving foreign exchange through import substitution; Lower freight element in comparison to materials supplied by firm located far away; Better service facilities

Advantages to small scale units i) ii) iii) iv) v) Availability of ready market; Availability of raw material source for steel / by-product consuming industries; Getting price preference over distant suppliers; Availability of facilities from government; Availability of infrastructure support from the steel plant

Proper utilization of these mutual advantages is expected to play a catalytic role in the development of the region where the present project is proposed to be implemented. The small scale industries that are likely to come up in the vicinity of the steel plant can be grouped into two i.e - spares, metal based. These will be complemented by the service units. The proposed project is expected to serve as centre of significant small-scale industrial economy around it complemented by the services sector. This is expected to play a major role in the future economic and social development of this area.


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7.2 Road

Improvement In The Physical Infrastructure











develop remote areas, better connection between the economic centers of state, and also cross-border transport and for personal mobility of the masses. Rail Network Railways provided an important mode of transportation in the public sector spreading over the entire country. It contributes to the countrys economic development by catering to the needs of large-scale movement of freight as well as passenger traffic and is a major source of promoting integration among the masses. Railway provides transport facility to people and handles freight above 600 million tons annually. The Indian railway is intended to modernize the vast railway network, keeping both the economic and social dimensions in mind. Other Tangible Benefits The other tangible benefits will be in the form of plant township hospital and schooling facilities which will also help local population to enjoy the fruit of better facilities in nearby. BMM Ispat Ltd also will undertake various community welfare measures for up liftment of plant surrounding villages. These measures include: Encouraging female education Encouraging entrepreneurship among locals Vocational training Upgrading one/ two primary school buildings and play grounds. Adoption of few villages for infrastructure development (Sanitation, water supply, education, primary health) Construction of bus shelters. Health camps and eye camps.
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Improvement of road network in the nearby villages Traffic islands, wherever required in Bellary / project surroundings


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After collection of base line data, subsequent identification, prediction and evaluation of impacts, EIS has been delineated for five basic environmental components that are likely to be affected or benefited due to the proposed 2 MT/Yr steel plant, 1.4 MT/Yr and 230 MW captive power plant and its allied activities near Danapura village, Bellary District, Karnataka state. For proper assessment of environmental changes in the coming years, impacts predicted due to proposed industry are presented for each environmental parameter in table 8.1. Impact check list for plant construction and operation phases are presented in table 8.2 and 8.3. The environmental impact matrix is presented in table 8.4. which classifies the environmental parameters listed under impact statement and check lists into different heads. Likely beneficial impact is indicated by positive sign, likely harmful impact is indicated by negative sign. EIS has been furnished for the following; I. II. III. IV. V. Air Environment Water Environment Noise Environment Land and Biological Environment Socio Economic Environment


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Component I. Air Environment 1. Air Quality Impact scenario of air component due to the proposed plant emissions is significant. However the predicted concentrations are well within the standards as prescribed by CPCB. The meteorological data collected confirmed that the climatic status of the study area is consistent with regional meteorology. The industrial activity that is coming up has very negligible influence on the meteorology of the region. As such, the same pattern may continue. Impact Due to Plant

2. Meteorology

II. Water Environment 3. Water Surface water quality will not get affected as entire quantity of effluent generated from sanitary uses will be treated within the plant site. Similarly, the process effluent from the Steel manufacturing units, boiler blow downs and cooling water discharges will be taken in to a large guard pond. The outlet of the guard pond is treated and treated by physico-chemical treatment process and treated water is utilized for green belt development. The storm water during season is harvested from roof tops, vacant plots, landscaping and paved roads. The harvested water is infiltrated and percolated into the ground water table. The water used for the industrial purpose is very significant. Water will be drawn from down stream of TB dam/Almathi dam/ ground water to an extent 3880 m3/hr. The impact on the water resources in and around the industry is significant. Water conservation practices, especially Rainwater harvesting and subsequent recharge into ground water table would likely improves the groundwater potential on a local basis.

4. Water Supply

III. Noise Environment


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5. Noise

There may be slight increase in noise levels due to the steel plant operations such as compressors, ID fans, pumps, material handling systems etc., There is no direct or indirect impact on nearby residence due to the noise produced in the plant. The noise level beyond one kilometer from the industry is insignificant.

IV. Land and Biological Environment 6. Forests 7. Flora and Fauna No impact on forests and endangered plant species. Greenbelt has a positive impact on flora. Slight dislocation of fauna due to increased human activity. Plant site, which is about 1429 Ha (3530 acre) is utilized for various establishments. As human activities increases around the plant site, land prices may likely to increase Plant erection and rich plantation improve the visual effect. Positive impact due to demand for milk, eggs and meat. Solid waste generated, which are not usable for any purpose will be disposed in control land filling in plant premises. Other solid waste will be reused in the plant itself. Fly ash will be utilized in cement manufacturing.

8. Land use

9. Landscape 10. Livestock 11. Solid waste


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V. Socio Economic Environment 13. Educational Facilities 14. Medical 15. Occupational Facilities 16. Transportation 17. Power supply 18. Housing 19. Economic aspects No significant impact is anticipated immediately. Industry will provide medical facilities at factory premises at initial stage itself. Some of the employees will find direct employment and many others indirect employment. Slight impact due to increase in vehicular traffic. Power will be drawn from the captive power plant established by BMM Ispat as auxiliary units. Some increase in house construction activity. Local economy may improve through employment and rise in commercial activity.


Environmental Parameters Activities Site clearing Road laying Foundation Works Concrete Works Mechanical Erection Material Storage Material Handling Transportation Water Requirement Temporary Constructions Temporary Services Hazardous Materials Social Services

Land use T P P P

Water Quality

Air Quality T T


Solid Waste T T T


Infra structure P P P P P






T Temporary Impact P Permanent Impact


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Environmental Parameters Activities Plant Commissioning Water Requirement Gaseous Emissions Raw Material Handling Product Handling Spill/Leakages Startup/Shutdown Equipment Failure Transportation Housing Education Health and Recreation

Land use


Water Quality

Air Quality


Solid Waste


Infra structure




Note: Y Indicates Possible Impact


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Environmental Parameters Activities Construction Plant Operation Water Requirement Gaseous Emissions Spills/Leaks/ Equipment Failure Material Handling Transportation Social Activities

Land use


Water Air Quality Quality


Solid Infra Services Waste structure

Socio Economy















N Indicates Negative Impact P Positive Impact

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9.1 General This chapter discusses the environmental management plan (EMP) to minimize the adverse impact of the proposed project of 2.0 Mt/Yr steel production, 1.4 Mt/Yr cement manufacturing and 230 MW captive power production. Environment Management Plans are a useful vehicle for integrating and implementing the environmental management commitments, conditions, and statutory requirements. Environmental Management Plans and statutory requirements that are developed by proponents / his consultant during a proposals planning and design stages are presented in this chapter. 9.2 Objectives of EMP

The objectives of the proposed EMP are aimed for meeting five basic requirements, namely i) To integrate comprehensive monitoring and control of impacts. ii) To comply with the environment protection regulations. iii) To ensure that adverse environmental impacts on the core and buffer zone are minimized, and iv) To fulfill the Corporate Responsibility on Environment Protection (CREP) v) To plan for ecologically sustainable development (ESD) within the frame work of existing legislation and environmental management policies.


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Applicable regulations

Following regulations on environment protection have been considered in formulating this EMP: 9.4 Section 21 of the Air (prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 Section 25 and 26 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 The Hazardous Wastes Management Handling Rules, 2000 The noise pollution (Regulations and Control) Rules, 2000 The Environment (protection) Rules, 1986. Scope of EMP

In order to meet the above stated objectives, the proposed EMP would be an integral part of the project from the design stage itself. This EMP is not conclusive and may require further improvement as and when the situation demands. The EMP is prepared in three stages, viz., EMP at design stage EMP at construction stage and EMP at operational stage

9.4.1 Environmental Management Plan at Design Stage Technological improvement At the design stage of the proposed production facilities, the basic process route of steel & Cement productions, and captive power generation, latest technologies available to minimize pollution generation and reduction of water and power consumption, wastewater recycling, solid waste recycling, waste heat recovery and energy savings which are required to be looked into while selecting the process route of each of the major production units. Following are the key areas where technological improvements are suggested for arresting environmental pollution.


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Conservation of Air ,Water and Energy recovery Fugitive dust emission control by dry fogging and dust extraction system. Fugitive emission control at raw materials storage and handling by land based fume suppression system by sprinkling water. Fugitive emissions control at Sinter Plant and pelletization plants through feed material controls and enclosures Extraction of electric power from BF top gas. Heat recovery in BF stoves. Arresting fugitive dust emissions in MBF shop. Reuse/recycling of treated wastewater.

Instrumentation & Controls 1. Blast Furnace Instrumentation Cooling water flow / temperature metering Humidity control / water injection Hot blast / dome temperature control Fuel / Air ratio control Oxygen enrichment control 2. Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Cooling water flow, temperature and pH metering Gas flow metering 3. Converter Cooling water flow, temperature metering Gas mixing stations VD/VAD/VOD instrumentation 4. Ladle Furnace Cooling water flow, temperature metering Argon rinsing station


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5. Con-cast continuous casting of steel Mould cooling water Flow control Pressure control Temperature monitoring Secondary cooling system Flow control Temperature monitoring 6. Rolling mill Instrumentation Furnace Pressure control Furnace temperature control Fuel / Air ratio control Temp core system 7. Sintering Plant Damper settings controls Pressure drop controls Strand speed controls Feed material controls Sectional re-circulation of gases controls 8. Pelletisation Plant Feed material controls Pressure drop controls Damper controls 9. Power Plant Automatic blow down control Foot traps with trap monitoring, strainers, disk check valves Direct acting temperature regulations


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Land environment management It is necessary that at the plant layout design stage, optimum land area should be considered, with requirements for material movement logistics so as to have more free space for future retrofitting measures and beautification of the landscape. There is a scope for beautification of the land area within the steel plant and township by planting trees, flower gardens, grass lawns and fountains to improve the aesthetic quality of the steel plant, as has been done in the existing steel plant. Green Belt Development Green belt is an important sink for air pollutants. Trees also absorb noise and by enhancing the green cover, improve the ecology and aesthetics and affect the local micrometeorology. Trees also have major long-term impacts on soil quality and the ground water table. By using suitable plant species, green belts can be developed in strategic zones to provide protection from emitted pollutants and noise. In the proposed plant, green belt will be developed in vacant areas, around office buildings, around stores, along the side of roads, along the plants boundaries and around the waste dump area. Plant species suitable for green belts should not only be able to flourish in the area but must also have rapid growth rate, evergreen habit, large crown volume and small / pendulous leaves with smooth surfaces. All these traits are difficult to get in a single species. Therefore a combination of these is sought while selecting trees for green belt. The green belt should be planted close to the source or to the area to be protected to optimize the attenuation within physical limitations. A total of approximately 33% of total area will be developed as green belt or green cover. The following species are suitable for planting in the area as recommended by Central Pollution Control Board in their publication Guidelines for Developing Greenbelts (PROBES/75/1999-2000): A very elaborate green belt development plan has been drawn for the proposed plant. The areas, which need special attention regarding green belt development in the industrial area, are: - Along Plant Boundary - Along Road Side - Around Various Shops - Around Office and Other Buildings - Stretch of Open Land - In and Around Township
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Selection of Species The species for plantation have been selected on the basis of soil quality, place of plantation, chances of survival, commercial value (timber value, ornamental value, etc.), etc. It is to be noted that only indigenous species will be planted. Exotic species such as Eucalyptus and Australian Acacia will not be planted. The Species will be selected in consultation with State Soil Conservation Department. Mixed plantations will be done keeping optimum spacing between the saplings. Along Plant Boundary The row of plants facing plant should be smaller species and those facing outside should be taller species. The species suggested for plantation is:

Small Species Kaneer (Nerium sp.) Prosopis (Prosopis juliflora) Bougainvellea (Bougainvillea spp.) Ber (Zizyphus spp.) Gulmohar (Delonix regia) Duranta (Duranta sp.) Kamayani (Murriya exocitica) Bilayati Babool (Prosopis juliffera) Babool (Acacia arabica) Tall Species Amaltas (Cassia fistula) Siris (Albizzia lebbeck) Neem (Azadirachta indica) Druping Ashok (Polyalthia longifoila) Mango (Mangifera indica) Peepal (Ficus religiosa) Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophylla) Palash (Butea spp) Cassia (Cassia siamea) Bottle brush (Callistemon lanceolatus) Road Side Plantation Avenue plantation should include the following species: Siris (Albizzia lebbeck) Gulmohar (Delonix regia imli (Tamarindus indica) Siris (Albizzia lebbeck) Neem (Azadirachta indica) Druping Ashok (Polyalthia longifoila) Mango (Mangifera indica) Peepal (Ficus religiosa)
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Bargad (Ficus bengalisis) Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) Cassia (Cassia siamea) Around Various Shops

As there will be limited space (in height) due to various over head pipelines, thus small and medium sized species are suggested and they should be planted depending on the vertical height and lateral space available for the plant growth. The species selected will be from among the following: Small Species Ber (Zyziphus sp.) Sharifa (Annona squamosa) Prosopis (Prosopis sp.) Cassia (Cassia auriculata) Duranta (Duranta sp.) Kamayani (Murrya exotica) Medium Size Species Kaner (Nerium sp.) Amaltas (Cassia fistula) Subabool (Leucaena leucocephala) Cassia (Cassia alata) Babool (Acacia arabica)

Around Office and Other Buildings Plantation will be done around various shops, stores and other buildings, along the side of connecting roads. Species suggested for plantation are as follows which are mostly ornamental plants: Cassia (Cassia javanica) Amaltas (Cassia fistula) Cassia (Cassia siamea) Amaltas (Cassia fistula) Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) Lagerestromea (Lagerestromea flosregennae) Peltophorum (Peltophorum feruginium) Gulmohar (Delonix regia) Druping Ashok (Polyalthia longifoila) Stretch Of Open land In the proposed plant, green belt will be developed in vacant areas. Species suggested for such areas are: Siris (Albizzia lebbeck) Pakur (Ficus racemosa) Gulmohar (Delonix regia Imli (Tamarindus indica) Peltophorum (Peltophorum feruginium) Gulmohar (Delonix regia Siris (Albizzia lebbeck) Neem (Azadirachta indica) Mango (Mangifera indica) Peepal (Ficus religiosa)
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Bargad (Ficus bengalisis) Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) Cassia (Cassia siamea)

Mixed plantation will be done to take care of different heights and rates of growth. In and Around Township In the proposed township plantation will be done in following areas: - Along the township boundary - Along the roads - Stretch of open land For the above areas the plants to be planted will be from among the list given above for respective areas in the plant premises. Phase Wise Green Belt Development Plan Green belt will be developed in a phase wise manner right from the construction phase of the proposed plant. In the first phase (in the first and second year of construction) along with the start of the construction activity the plant boundary, the township boundary, around the proposed waste dumps, and the major roads will be planted. In the second phase (in the third year of construction) the office building area will be planted. In the third phase (in the fourth and fifth year of construction) when all the construction activity is complete plantation will be taken up in the plant area, in stretch of open land, along other roads and in the township will be taken up. The trees may be watered using the effluent from the sewage treatment plant. They will be manured using sludge from the sewage treatment plant. In addition kitchen waste from the town-ship and plant canteen can be used as manure either after composting or by directly burring the manure at the base of the plants. The green belt development plan is shown in Fig. IX.1


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The year-wise planning of the trees & shrubs is presented below.

Year 2009-2010 20010-2011 20011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Total Number of plant species to be planted 1,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 650000 Shrubs 10000 20000 10000 10000 50000 Landscaping Grasses & Avenue plants Grasses & Avenue plants Grasses & Avenue plants Grasses & Avenue plants -


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Total area : 1429 ha

Green Belt Area : 472 ha

Management of Water environment: During design stage, water environment management measures will consider two aspects, that is, i) ii) Conservation of water by Rain water harvesting, and Waste water treatment, recycling and disposal system

Rainwater harvesting BMM is planning to have a system of rainwater harvesting at plant. Rainwater harvesting is primarily dependent on various site characteristics such as soil properly, catchments characteristics; rainfall characteristic, and ground water table etc. There are artificial as well as natural rainwater harvesting system. The recharging system can be implemented for i) ii) Individual units Centralized collection system

Scheme I: Collection of rainwater harvesting from individual building units and construction of filter beds at individual building unit. Rainwater falling on other open area is to be collected, through constructed drainage system and discharge system and discharge to surface out-fall (by passed for rainwater harvesting) Scheme II: Construction of rainwater filter bed at centralized place where water from individual unit as well as storm water from open area shall be diverted. The rainwater carries suspended solids as washed out from open area. A filter bed filters the particles thus prevent them from reaching / contaminating ground water. The first layer of filter bed shall be coarse sand the second layer shall be pebbles and third layer shall be gravel. The filtrate thus collected from the bottom of filter bed shall be piped to recharge bed.


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Liquid waste handling system (i) Clear water sump ensures continuous cleaning of the contaminated water for its reuse for the operation. (ii) Unloading sprout helps in avoiding the dust nuisance during the unloading of coal char from the bunker. (iii) A large waste dumping yard will be developed in an area at a safe distance between the plant where the waste products generated during the process of sponge iron production is disposed. To avoid its flying, a thick layer of sweet soil is spread over the heaps and grass is planted to make the area clean and green. (iv) Concrete flooring will be done at such areas inside the plant where the dust normally settles in some amount. Continuous water spraying will be done to clean these floors and allow the dust to flow to the nearby drains from where the dusts are collected and disposed in waste yards. Wastewater treatment, recycling and disposal Wastewater will be generated in individual steel production facilities. It is recommended that each of the production units be designed to utilize less amount of water and recycle of water to the maximum by cascading use of water. There will be blow downs from each of the systems. It is suggested that the blow down water be collected centrally and treated to make the water usable in less critical applications like slag quenching, green belt development etc. All efforts will be made to re-use and re-circulation the water and to maintain zero effluent discharge. The following schemes are proposed for wastewater management comprising treatment, recycling and disposal systems: Gas Cleaning Plant wastewater The Blast Furnace gas cleaning scheme will be of the conventional venturi type which have become the bench mark for similar application. The effluent coming out of the wet scrubber will be contaminated with high concentration of suspended solids. The slurry effluent will be clarified in the clarifier to recover clarified water for recycling to the wet gas scrubber after cooling in the cooling tower. The sludge settled in the clarifier will be pumped to the existing pellet plant as a feed material for making


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pellets. It is suggested that the blow down water from the cooling water circuits be used as make up in the gas cleaning re-circulation systems. Treatment of billet Caster effluent and mill effluents This effluent will be contaminated mainly with suspended solids and traces of oil. The effluent from the mill will be collected first in scale pit which is a large settling basin to separate out the floating oil and settable iron scales The clean water is passed through sand filters to remove finer particles, after which the water is recycled in the process. The backwash from the filters is sent to the settling tank for removal of particulates. The settled sludge is sent to either pellet plant and/or sinter plant for agglomeration. It is suggested that the blow down water from the cooling water circuits be used as make up in direct contact re-circulation systems. Treatment of Power Plant effluent The power plant effluent will be the backwash of DM water plant. This effluent will be relatively free from solids and oil and thus the effluent will be treated in a neutralizing pit for pH correction only. The neutralized effluent will be stored in the treated effluent lagoon for reuse along with cooling tower blow down in the direct cooling system. Use of Cooling Tower blow downs It is noted that the re circulating water in cooling towers gets contaminated with the dust in the atmosphere, necessitating blow down. It is recommended that all cooling towers be provided with side stream pressure filters to reduce the volume of blow down. The cooling towers shall be designed to operate at high cycles of concentrations (>8) to conserve water. Further, Cooling Tower blow downs of indirect cooling water system shall be used for slag quenching, as make up to direct contaminated cooling water circuits and surplus if any will be stored in the treated wastewater lagoon for inplant use.


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Design details of proposed wastewater treatment plants The following scheme shows the proposed Wastewater Treatment plants in BMM ISPAT LTD. The design of the effluent treatment plant for waste water generated from process operational system need to be aimed towards zero discharge which means practically no discharge or minimum discharge. It will be difficult to attain zero discharge, as repeated recycling will disturb the quality of recycled water, making the plant operation unsafe. Hence, a part of treated water needs to be discharged through the plant drain into the guard ponds for maintaining the water quality of recycled water. It is proposed that in spite of having total recycling based design of the plant, for all practical purposes, the plant should have drainage provision 15-20 m3/hr of treated water, in compliance with the regulating standards. That is around 0.4 m3 per MT of steel. Thus the water usage in the steel plant will be around 99.5%. The drainage of treated wastewater will be made through the treated waste water lagoon, serving as a guard pond for quality control of effluent to be drained. Flow Assessment from Different Sources (m3/hr) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Total Beneficiation plant Pellet Plant DRI Plant Coke oven plant BF Plant Steel melting shop CCM shop Calcination & Oxygen plant Rolling mill Power plant Cement Plant = = = = = = = = = = = 6.0 8.0 5.0 13.0 58.0 44.0 16.0 15.0 114.0 320.0 1.0 ---------600.0 ----------


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Likely Characteristics of Wastewater Wastewater Characteristics (mg/l) Oil and Metals / SS Grease others 6000 - 8000 1000 1500 200 300 1500-2000 1000-1200 200 -250 300 400 500 -1000 500 600 200 300 100-200 10 30 50 70 <2 <1 <3 <5 <3 < Fe, Fe, Mn, Zn Fe, Mn, Zn Fe, Mn, Zn Mill Scale Mill Scale -

Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Beneficiation Plant Pellet Plant Sponge Iron Plant Coke oven plant Blast furnace Steel Melting shop (EAF +LF CCM Calcination & Oxygen plant Rolling Mills Captive Power Plant Cement Plant

pH 6.0 6.8 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 8 - 9.5 7-8 7 -7.5 6.5 7.0 10 -10.5 78 67 7 -8

Treatment Processes Beneficiation plant effluent The tailings will be first dewatered in hydro-cyclones and then treated in thickeners for water recovery. The thickener sludge will be filtered to recover water and the solid waste will be transported in trucks to the dump area.




Water recycling

Recycle To Loading Point

Slime Pond


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Pellet Plant The waste water requires treatment for the removal of suspended solids.
Pellet Plant Flow
Collection Sump

To guard ponds

Sponge Iron Plant No treatment is required. The entire flow is utilized in ash handling and dust suppression.
Sponge Iron Plant Flow Pump
Collection Tank Ash handling Dust suppression

Blast Furnace
BF Plant Flow Pump
Collection Sump Tube Settlers Sand Drying Beds

To guard ponds

EAF + LF Plant Flow

To guard pond


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

CCM Plant A. Mould and equipment Cooling Water blow downs

To guard pond
Oil & Grease recovery

B. Spray water

Scale Pits

Oil and Grease Trap

To Re-circulation

Mill Scale

Rolling Mills Sintering

Plant Rolling Mills Scale Pit Settling Tank


Removal of SS

To re-circulation /guard pond

Captive Power Plant Cooling Water blow down Boiler blowdown (UF + RO + MB + Softner + Filter) Rejects Side stream Filter rejects Total

Scale to Sinter Plant

= = = =

172 m3/hr 28.0 m3/hr 87.0 m3/hr 33.0 m3/hr --------------320 m3/hr -----------------


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Cooling water blowdowns Boiler blowdowns

Direct Re-Use
Collection Pit Pump

B. (SSF Backwash water)+ (UF + RO + MB + Softener + Filter Reject )

To guard pond

Cement Plant Effluent Effluent Guard Pond

Process of Guard Pond Effluent Treatment Seperate guard ponds for major production units will be designed with HDPE lining. The effluents from the ponds will be treated by physical and chemical processes. The treated effluent will be reutilized for various secondary uses. The overall treatment process is presented below.
Lime + Alum

Flash Mixer

Guard Ponds

Floccu lator Polymer

Plate/Tube Settlers

Treated Effluent





controlled land fill


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Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Uses 1) 2) 3) 4)

Slag quenching Ash handling Green belt Dust suppression purposes.

Treatment of Plant Sanitary wastewater Sanitary waste generated from all sections of the steel plant are collected from a closed drain and treated by fluidized aerobic biological treatment. The treated wastewater is utilized for green belt development. Process description The raw sewage shall be collected in the equalization tank after passing through a bar screen where from it is pumped to the Sewage Treatment Plant comprising the following units. 1. Flash mixer (RCC tank) - Installed with slow speed agitator for chemical mixing. 2. PAC and Polymer Dosing Systems: (Comprising HDPE Tanks, Dosing pumps and agitators) - for coagulation and flocculation of Colloidal and suspended solids. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reactivate or clarifier (RCC tank) - for primary chemical treatment FAB Reactor (RCC tank) - Fluidized Aerobic reactor with diffused aeration system for bio degration of dissolved organics. Secondary Clarifier (RCC tank) - to provide sedimentation and sludge recirculation of activated sludge from FAB. Chlorine Contact Tank (RCC tank) - to disinfect the treated sewage

Estimation of design flow i) ii) iii) iv) Rate of water supply Total man power Rate of sewage generation Quantity of sewage = = = = = 60 litres / capital / day 4600 85% of water supply 0.85 x 60 x 4600 234 m3/day

Canteen wastewater generation Total flow = 295 + 200 Design sewage flow

= 250.0 m3/day = 484 m3 = 500 m3/day = 500 m3/day


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

CHIEF DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE PROJECTIONS Chief Design parameters The characteristics of the sewage will be as follows Parameters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Sewage flow pH BOD COD TSS TS Characteristics 500 m3/day 7.5 200 - 450 mg/L 400 - 900 mg/L 600 mg/l 1200 mg/l

Performance projections The sewage after the proposed treatment system will give the following output character tics when operated under optimum design conditions. Parameters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total flow pH BOD COD SS Characteristics 500 m3/day 6.5 - 7.5 < 10 mg/l < 250 mg/l < 10 mg/l

Management of Air environment The design and engineering of the proposed production facilities require adequate air pollution control measures to minimize the adverse impact on air environment . While adequate pollution control systems have been established for process emissions, the major area of concern will be to mitigate the fugitive emissions, from non-point sources both in open and within the shop. The fugitive emission control measures are given in Table 9.2 . The secondary fugitive emission control measures are given in Table 9.3 and shown Fig IX.1. The details of stacks provided in the integrated steel plant, cement grinding unit and captive power is presented in Table 9.4. The dedusting facilities is given in Table 9.5. Fugitive dust emissions control of Raw Materials Handling Section (RMHS) To control the fugitive dust emissions at the stock piles on the ground, stacker reclaimer, conveyor transfer points, vibrating screens, etc, both water sprinkling and dry fogging (DF) will be adopted for dust suppression. The DF system generates a layer of fine water droplets (fog) with which dust particle collide. DF requires only compressed air and water pressure for atomization through specially designed nozzles.
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DF is applicable for coal dusts, coke dust, ore dust etc which are non-reactive with water. No dust suppression reagent will be used. For lime dust abatement, conventional dust extraction (DE) will be adopted. No dust suppression agent will be used. The DE system based on electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and fabric filter will be provided for room air cleaning such as Sinter Plant Stock House, BF Stock FA House and BF Cast House fume extraction. The EAF Shop will be one of the prime sources of fugitive dust emissions during charging/tapping/blowing, argon rinsing, steel pouring, de-slagging etc. The EAF shop will thus be provided with secondary emission control system by means of dust and fume extraction system followed by bag filter/ESP. The converters will be totally enclosed during the oxygen blowing operations. The summarized list of APC measures for the production facilities is given in Table 9.1. Table - 9.1 : SUMMARISED LIST OF APC MEASURES FOR THE PRODUCTION FACILIIES
Sl. No Area of operations Raw material handling 1 Fugitive emissions in material handling Air pollution control measures proposed to be adopted Dust suppression systems (chemical and dry fog type) Water sprinklers DE systems with bag filters in case of conveyors, lime handling 2 3 Sponge Iron Plants Sinter Plant Raw material preparation and handling (procurement of proposed sized materials to minimize crushing and screening) Sintering process 4 Sinter screening and transport Pelletization Plant Raw Material Preparation and Handling Pelletization Process 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Blast Furnaces Cacination Steel melting shop Coke oven plant Rolling mills Power Plant WHRB & AFBC Coal Handling Plant Cement plant Electrostatic precipitators, bag filters

DE systems with bag filters ESP for collected waste gases Bag filters DE System with bagfilters. ESP De-dusting with bag filters Bag filters Bag filetrs De-dusting with bag filters Use of Low sulphur fule Electrostatic Precipitator Bag filters Bag filters


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Table 9.2 Characteristics of Secondary Fugitive Emissions

Sl. No. 1)

Item Leaking of Pipe Connection Valves

Secondary fugitive Emissions Iron Oxide, coal dust, H2S, CO, NOx, SO2 etc Iron Oxide, coal dust, H2S, CO, NOx, SO2 etc Iron Oxide, coal fines, H2S, SO2, NOx and other

Control Strategy Weld together


Seal-less Design


Fans, Compressors Raw material preparations Sinter and pellet plants

Closed vent system Dual mechanical seal Binding agent in the water spray dedusting with bag filters. plantation around source Recovery by suctionhood installation with bag filters. Recycling of cleaned heated air Dust capturing devices coke side enclosure hoods and fans to reduce emissions at all transfer points. Closed conveyers, hoods to bag filters converted hoods at all transfer points runner side root extraction Extraction of fumes and scrubbing/ bag filters. Acid alkali neutralization. Hoods with fume extraction followed by bag filters partial enclosures.


Iron Oxide, Coals, recycled ducts


Dust from sinter plant cooler and transfer points Coal or coke dusts sulfur oxide or, carcinogenic emissions, smoke, steam Iron Oxides, H2S, cast house fumes, CO, coke dust


Coke ovens


Blast furnace


Hot metal treatment

Na2O, K2O, Lime Oxide fume, Dust, iron


Steel making

Fine Iron Oxide, Alloy flumes



Fume, lead, SOX, Fluorides

Fume extraction, water spray




Dust extraction and venting, side stream water spray Extraction of fume followed by wet chemical scrubbing / bag filter.



Chlorined hydrocarbons Solvents, acid mist


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Table 9.3 Fugitive Emission Control Measures

Fugitive Emission Source Categorization Of Control System Capabilities

Control Technique

Control Equipments

Active Storage Piles

a) Watering b) Windscreens c) Plantations b) Water Sprays b) Hooding & Ducting a) Windscreen b) Hooding & Ducting a) Windscreens b) Water Sprays a) Water Spray b) Concrete/Tar Road c) Plantation a) Watering b) Windscreens c) Hooding & Ducting a) Heat Recovery b) Dust Collection a) Chemical Stabilizers b) Vegetative Cover c) Windscreens d) Plantations

- Water Sprinkler on yard


Conveyor & Transfer Points

- Dust suppression system - Bag Filters


Product Handling

- Bag Filters


Loading & Unloading

- Water Sprinkler on yard


Internal Road Transportation

- Water Sprinkler - Construction of Internal roads - Plantation at road sides - Dust Separation system - Bag Filters


Crushing & Screening


Waste Gas

- WHRB - Electrostatic Precipitator


Waste Sites


RACT Reasonable available Control technology BACT Best Available Control Technology LAER Lowest Available Emission Rate


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Fig. IX.1

Schematic diagram of Secondary emission control in Electric Arc Furnace


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Table 9.4 Details of Chimney

Plant unit Pelletising plant DR plant Coke plant Sinter plant BF plant Calcination plant Rolling mills Cement grinding unit Power plant Steel making shop Flow rate, Nm3/h 930,000 376,000 266,000 660000 125000 36000 100000 650000 458,000 60000 No. of Chimneys 1 2 8 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 Height, m 55 90 70 45 55 30 80 60 220 40 Diameter, m top/ bottom 4.0/ 7.5 4.1 3.5/5.0 3.25/4.5 2.0 1.26 1.54 4/6 3.0/4.5 1.4 Scrubber/ ESP and its efficiency ESP > 98% ESP > 98% -ESP > 98% -Bag filter > 98 % -Bag filter > 98 % ESP > 98% Bag filter > 98 %

Table 9.5 Details of Dedusting Units Plant unit Location of dedusting systems Proportioning bins Cooler discharge area Coal grinding system Day bins Coal preparation unit Product handling unit Coal preparation unit Coke quenching station Flux crushing unit Coke crushing unit Proportioning bins Cooler discharge and sinter screening unit Stock house Coal pulverizing system Cast house PCM shop Limestone/ dolomite screening unit Product screening unit Granulated slag drying system Materials Transfer points de-dusting system Coal crushing unit No. of dedusting systems 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Air cleaning system Bag filter ESP > 98% Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter -Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Bag filter Stack height, m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 5 m above roof 30 30 40 30 40

Pelletising plant

DR plant Coke plant

Sinter plant

BF plant

Calcination plant

Cement grinding

Power plant


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Point source dust emission control: BF stoves and reheating furnace mills use cleaned fuel gases as fuel as such no dust emission control devices are proposed. Process dust emission control: In case of sinter plant and lime kilns. the waste gases contain large amount of dust and will require ESP/bag filter to arrest the particulates. The ESP/Bag filters will be designed to limit the emissions to less than 50 mg/NM3. S02 emission control: The main source of sulphur dioxide from the steel plant operations is the metallurgical coal. In consideration to this, it is proposed to use low sulphur blended coal. (S < 0.5 wlw). A major portion of sulphur present in coal or coke will be fixed in BF and EAF slag. The other major source of SO2 emission is due to coal firing in power plants. Since it is envisaged to use relatively sulphur free fuel gases for power generation. the sulphur dioxide emissions will be drastically reduced. The other sources of sulphur dioxide emissions are from the sponge iron and sinter plants. The emissions can be reduced by using metallurgical coal with low sulphur (<0.5%) and also by incorporating waste heat recovery systems. NOx emission control: NOx will be formed during combustion of fuels. It is therefore proposed to have combustion control devices by adopting waste gas NOx. Carbon monoxide emission control: The sources of carbon monoxide generation are from the waste gases from the combustion operations. The control of air/fuel will be adjusted in such a way that formation of carbon monoxide is minimized in the presence of excess oxygen in the flues. Energy conservation measures: Energy conservation measures at the design stage are equally important as pollution prevention and control measures, since the energy consumption has a direct linkage to the emission of carbon dioxide, a green house gas. It is suggested that the energy conservation measures be adopted wherever possible to reduce the specific energy consumption. The incentives offered for energy conservation by the National and international bodies like CDM mechanism should be used to conserve energy. The project at the design stage, envisages energy consumption of 6.0 Gcal/tcs, but after plant stabilization, further reduction of energy consumption needs to be attempted. re-circulation in the combustion process and using low NOx burners so as to minimize the formation of


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Other considerations of EMP at the Design Stage The following aspects also need to be looked into: Noise emission control: The design criteria for selection of noise prone moving machineries should be of low noise design. These equipment require dynamic balancing and vibrations dampened by suitable mounting mechanisms and proper grouting. The work zone standard noise level shall be maintained at 85 dB(A) Leq for 8 hrs continuous exposure. Where there is a high noise prone equipment generating continuous noise above 90 dB(A) Leq, the same needs to be housed separately to ensure that continuous attendance is not necessary. The operational control rooms and pulpits will be provided with noise shield walls. In addition, administrative control will be required to adopt the practice of using ear plugs in very high noise prone areas. Air conditioning and ventilation: The design shall look into best practicable congenial work environment from occupational health care point of view. The control rooms, pulpits and control cabins will be provided with chilled water air conditioning facility. The room inside temperature will be maintained at 252C and relative humidity at 55 5%. It is suggested that CFC free refrigerants be used in air conditioning. The production shops will be designed with adequate natural ventilation. The additional heat within the shop floor may be ventilated by forced air clean supply system. Dust handling: It is a common source of instantaneous fugitive emissions while collecting the dust from the DE equipment and transportation of collected dust to the other plant units. While designing the dust handling system, pneumatic transport or covered conveyor system will be preferred if layout permits. Otherwise, the collected dust will be moistened or pug milled and transportation of the same by in-plant vehicular transport system covered with Tarpaulin so that no further dust is emitted to the plant environment. Provision for continuous monitoring of stack emissions : It is proposed to install online continuous monitor for particulate matter in the major stacks like Sinter Plant waste gas stacks, Power Plant combustion stacks and BOF& BF secondary emission stack. On-line monitored values will be logged in the process computer of each plant or a central data logging computer. Landscaping: While developing the Plant General Layout, it needs to be ensured that no unpaved areas will remain vacant. The unpaved areas will either have black top/cemented or will have grass lawn cover to prevent wind borne fugitive dust.
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Each production shop layout shall leave open land area by the sides of the access road for landscaping purpose with plantation of flowering trees, water fountains for beautification purpose. 9.4.2 Environmental management measures during Construction period Construction activities at site will also require environmental management measures, which are as follows: The earmarked zones where the construction activities will be taken up will be fenced so as to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. The storage site for stockpiling of construction materials will be contained within the temporary bund wall of low height. The storage site should be such that no spill of construction materials like sand, gravels & stone chips, choke the plant drain. The excavated earth left over after land filling will be used for grade level preparation, terracing and filling up of low lying areas. Attempt will be made to bring the plant equipment by rail.

Batching plant washings will be drained only after passing through Settling chamber. This sentence is deleted. Alf construction personnel will be given safety training and will use compulsorily safety helmets, gum boots, goggles as required by the construction safety manual. Safety surveillance on each working day. No child labour Cleaning of site after completion of construction and erection activities at the respective construction zones. The construction wastes will be disposed of in an earmarked site within the steel plant till its safe disposal place is found out or sold out.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

9.4.3 Environmental management measures during Operation Once the plant is ready for commercial production, the following pre- commissioning checks will be done: Witnessing the environmental performance test for the APC equipment and wastewater treatment plant as stipulated in the design specification. Implementation of necessary corrective measures for the installed facilities for environment protection Training of operating personnel who will run and supervise these environment protection equipment The plant operation will be brought under comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS) in accordance with ISO 14001:2004. Solid waste management It is proposed to dispose / reuse solid wastes as per plan given below. Beneficiation of Tailings Tailings are only the solid waste in beneficiation plant. The quantity of tailing are about 220 T/day on dry basis. Management System Tailing will be dewatered before dumping in the earmarked area. Pellet Plant Sl. No. 1.

Waste Generation Location Flue Dust from ESP

Nature of Waste Dust

Quantity (T/day) 220

Management System Flue dust from ESP will be collected and recycled into the sintering plant.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Solid Waste Generation in sponge iron plants Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Waste Generation Location Dust Settling Chamber / Wet Scrubber De-dusting System Product Separator System (Char) Heat Exchanger and ESP Nature of Waste Sludge Dust Fines Dust with fly ash Total Quantity (T/day) 20.0 48.0 648.0 215.0

Management System The solid waste generated from the plant is collected in bunkers through bag filters and magnetic separation system Sludge will be reused in sintering plant. The dust with fly ash collected from heat exchanger and ESP will be temporarily stored in waste disposal yard and to cement manufacturing Dolochar and dust from bag filters will be collected and used as a fuel in WHRB of Captive power plant. Sintering Plant Sl. No. 1. Waste Generation Location Flue dust from ESP Nature of Waste Dust Quantity (T/day) 220.0

Management System Flue gases dust collected from ESP will be collected and recycled into the pellet plant


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Blast Furnace Sl. No. 1. 2. Waste Generation Location Sinter B.F. Return B.F. Slag Nature of Waste Sinter Slag Total Quantity (T/day) 178 1766

Management System Sinter B.F. returns are recycled back into a sinter plant. B.F. Slag for production of cement. Steel Melting Shops (EAF + LF) Sl. No. 1. 2. Total Quantity (T/day) 732 415

Waste Generation Location Slag Flume dust from bag filter

Nature of Waste Slag Dust

Management System Slag is discharged into suitably designed landfill. Fume dust is utilized in sintering plant. Continuous Casting Machine Sl. No. 1. 2. Waste Generation Location Scale & Muck Scrap Nature of Waste Scales Total Quantity (T/day) 110 266

Management System Mill Scale is returned to sintering plant. Scrap will be reused.

Rolling Mills Sl. No. 1. Waste Generation Location Scrap Nature of Waste Scrap Total Quantity (T/day) 211.0


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

3. 4. 5.

Scale & Muck Oil and Grease Traps Reheat Furnace

Scale Oil and Grease Broken Refractories

211.0 0.3 200*

* Annual Discharge Management System Scrap will be collected and reused. Reheating and rolling mills scales will be recycled in sintering plant. Oil and Grease collected in drums and sold to authorized vendors. Broken brick refractories will be dump in suitably designed landfill. Coke oven Plant Sl. No. 1. 3. Waste Generation Location Coke breeze Dust from bag filters Nature of Waste dust dust Total Quantity (T/day) 466 31.0

Management System Coke breeze will be recycled to Coke oven Bag filter dust will be utilized in cement manufacturing Cement Plant Sl. No. 1 Waste Generation Location Dust from EAP Nature of Waste dust Total Quantity (T/day) 38.0


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Management System Re-use in cement plant Captive Power Plant

Sl. No. 1 2

Waste Generation source Ash including Fly ash Bottom ash

Nature of Waste Dust dust

Total Quantity (T/day) 316.2 79.2

Management System The solid waste in the form of bottom ash and fly ash will be utilized for manufacture of cement, brick manufacture, road and embankment constructions. Ash pond The Fly ash generated in the captive power plant and other ESPs of the plant unit will be totally utilized in the captive cement plant proposed. How ever an ash pond for emergency usage at the plant site will be established. The ash pond will be lined with geo textile membrane to make the pond impermeable. The coordinates of ash pond is given in Fig IX.2. Incineration Ash Oil socked cotton waste, organic wastes collected in steel plant, paper, plastics, waste bag filters etc. will be about 2200 MT / annum. These will be incinerated in the incineration plant. Approximately about 22 T/annum of ash will be generated. This is disposed into the suitably designed landfill. Lead Acid Batteries About 2500 3000 number of lead acid batteries will be generated per annum. These will be stored properly and sold to the authorized vendors.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Fig 1x.2

DESIGN OF CONTROLLED LANDFILL Design Data 1. Quantity of Solid Waste (T/year)

SMS sludge Broken Brick Refractories Incineration Ash Total

: : :

219600 200 22 --------------219822

Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.


2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Design Life of the Landfill Average till depth Solid waste to cover ratio Average bulk density of solid waste

: : : :

15 Years 10 m 4:1 1.45 MT/m3

Calculations Total quantity of solid waste per annum Volume of solid waste = 2,19,822 -------------1.45 : = = = 189501 -----------10 = = = = = Gross area required (for 15 years) = 2,19,822 MT/year 151601 m3/year 37900 m3/year 189501 m3/year 18950.1 m2/year 15 years 18950.1 x 15 284251 m2 28.42 Hectares 34.10 Hectares.

Additional Volume required for soil cover Total required volume Area required Life of the Land fill Area required for the entire life period of the land fill =

Additional land area required for access roads, greenbelt and buildings = 20% A typical landfill section is presented in Fig. IX.2


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Fig. IX.2 Schematic diagram of Composite Double liner system for Land fill


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Leachate Collection And Management Leachate is generated during rainy season. This leachate is a liquid that contains a number of dissolved and suspended materials. The leachate volume so generated is calculated based on: Leachate Volume = (Volume of Precipitation) + (Volume (Volume of Pre Loss Squeeze through Liquid) evaporation)

(Volume of water absorbed by the waste) Leachate Management 1. Recirculation One of the methods for the treatment of leachate is to recirculate it through the landfill. This has two beneficial effects: a) the process of landfill stabilization is accelerated and b) the constituents of the leachate are attenuated by chemical and physical changes occurring in the landfill. Recirculation of leachate requires the design of a distribution system to ensure that the leachate passes uniformly throughout the entire waste. 2. Evaporation of Leachate

Another technique used to manage leachate is to spray it in lined leachate ponds and allow the leachate to evaporate. Such ponds have to be covered with geo membranes during the high rainfall periods. The leachate is exposed during the summer months to allow evaporation. The above two methods are quite satisfactory for management of hazardous solid wastes of integrated steel plants. If required lime is added to the leachate for immobilization and precipitation of soluble metallic constituents. It is suggested to install an incinerator to handle organic wastes that do not have any use or cannot be sold to out side parties. The incinerator shall be designed to handle all solid & liquid wastes. The ash collected from the incinerator shall be stored in a specifically designed pit with impervious lining and covered to prevent rainwater ingress.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Hazardous Management All solid wastes found to be hazardous will be handled and disposed of in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2003 and as directed by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board. The following table gives the type of waste, their quantity and mode of disposal. No hazardous waste will be used in the process. Name of the waste Waste Oil Lead acid batteries Oil soaked cotton waste, organic wastes collected in steel plant Approximate quantity per year 400-500 KL 2500 3000 Nos. 450 500 Mode of disposal To be used in the non-recovery coke/coal for process improvements Sold to authorized vendors To be incinerated

Safety surveillance: From a safety perspective, the steel making process is a high temperature and bulk solids processing operation. This requires significant amount of thermal and electrical energy, water, handling of molten metals, bulk material and product handling. The steel plant therefore requires best practice of safety surveillance for which no compromise is made. Some of the key areas requiring routine safety surveillance are listed below; Fuel gas distribution pipe work its pressure, temperature, line isolation device and purging device with portable gas leakage monitoring instrument, control valves etc. Corrosive chemicals, acid/alkali storage and handling Electrical installations, tripping devices Smoke detection alarms and operation of automatic fire extinguishers Fire hydrant systems Emergency systems like DG sets, lighting, evacuation areas etc. Quality of house keeping Compulsory use of safety appliances like gum boots, helmets, ear muffs, goggles and heat insulated hand gloves


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

A full-fledged safety department headed by GM (Safety) along with a team of trained staff, which looks after the safety aspects will be set up for the plant. This arrangement is adequate, with up gradation of facilities and staff to handle the additional requirements. The productivity of the plant is linked with the plant safety, the lapses of which will lead to loss of man-hours and productivity loss. 9.5 Organization

In order to implement the suggested measures, it is necessary to have the adequate team in place. A Environment Management Department, headed by GM (EMD) is to be created. This department will have staff and monitoring facilities as detailed earlier. Training: To have the good results of comprehensive environmental management system of the steel plant, it becomes essential to train the operational and maintenance personnel, including senior executives by formulating appropriate training modules. The objective of the training will be to make aware of environmental performance of the plant, amendments in the environmental regulations, corporate policy on environment, health and safety, and community perception. Social Upliftment As a responsible corporate organization, BMM ISPAT LTD cannot survive only on the growth of business potential unless it has got much wider vision to the overall development of the society. The BMM ISPAT LTD should take several initiatives in encouraging entrepreneurship among locals, female education, primary education etc with established Liaison department. The following are the areas where Social uplifment will be initiated by the BMM ISPAT LTD. Encouraging Entrepreneurship among locals Vocational Training. Encouraging Female Education Upgrading One/Two Primary Schools Improvement of Road Network in the nearby villages. Tree Plantation in Wastelands.


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Adoption of few village for infrastructure developments (Sanitation, Education, Health & Water Supply) 9.6 Occupational safety and health

Maintenance of occupational safety and health is very closely related to productivity and good employer-employee relationship. In addition to these, safety of employees during construction, operation and maintenance of plant and equipment shall be achieved by following proper safety measures. For occupational safety, the following will be provided. Inspection and maintenance of pollution control systems only after getting official shutdown or with permission of authorized officer. Regular cleaning of floors, road, rooftops, conveyer galleries and any other dusty place. Checking for availability of spray water system for moistening the coal yard/dump. Heat insulation of hot surfaces All pollution control systems will be interlocked with operation of process equipment. The workers exposed to noisy equipment will be provided with ear plugs. If necessary, the duty hours will be rotated, so that noise exposure time is kept within specified limits. Regular medical check up for the employees will be done.

9.7 Environment management department (EMD) An Environment Management Department (EMD) headed by a General Manager with adequate number of analysts, scientists and engineers, who will be responsible for environmental monitoring and also initiate environment improvement in line with ISO-14001 systems will be established. The EMD will interact with the various units of plant, Environmental Laboratory & Horticulture Department, for functional requirements primarily responsible for work environment monitoring and industrial hygiene. The EMD will also conduct


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monitoring of air, water, noise and soil in and around the plant. The major portion of work under EMP Implementation and monitoring will be carried out by EMD. To achieve the objectives of pollution control, it is essential not only to provide best pollution control and monitoring systems but also provide trained manpower to operate and maintain such systems. So, the Environmental Management Department (EMD) personnel will be provided with additional specialized training to operate, maintain the equipment to be deployed on the installation. All persons will be trained to deal with pollution emergencies also.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.




M/s BMM Ispat Ltd. (BMMl) is a registered company under Companies Act 1956, promoted by Mr. Dinesh Kumar Singhi, proprietor of Singhi Group of companies in Bellary District, Karnataka. The Singhi group is a well known business group in the field of mining iron ore and has its mining operations in Bellary-Hospet-Sandur belt. The group is also operating a mini steel plant producing Sponge Iron, TMT Bars and Electric Power at Danapur, Hospet Taluk in Bellary District of Karnataka. The Group sales turnover is exceeding Rs. 442 crores. The companies belonging to Singhi Group are BMM Ispat Ltd., Danapur HKT Mining Pvt Ltd., Danapur Bharat Mines and Minerals, Bellary

BMM intend to put up a 2.0 Mt/yr Integrated Steel Plant to produce rolled steel products and 1.4 MT of BF slag based cement plant. The power requirement for the steel plant will be met by captive power plant of 230 MW. 1.1 Scope of the EIA study A detailed presentation was made before the Expert Appraisal Committee of the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) on 7th July, 2008. MoEF have provided the TOR vide their letter no. F. No. J-11011/236/2008-IA-II dtd. 07.07.2008 for the preparation of EIA / EMP report. The EIA/EMP report has been prepared as per the approved Terms of Reference issued by MoEF. 2.0 Project Description

It is proposed to provide iron ore Beneficiation which can convert low grade iron ore into a high grade concentrate to feed the Pellet Plant and sinter plant. Depending on the characterization of the ore, gravity and magnetic separation methods will be employed to beneficiate the ore. Non recovery type Coke Ovens Plant will be installed to supply coke to Blast Furnaces and coke breeze to Sintering Plant. The sensible heat in the coke ovens gas will be used for power generation. A 230 MW Captive Power generation using coke oven gases, DRI kiln gases and coal is


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proposed. A Pellet Plant is proposed to manufacture pellets, which would be used to feed DR plant and replace lump iron ore in the Blast Furnace. Sinter Plant will supply fluxed sinter to the Blast Furnace and will aid in achieving high productivity. Sinter Plant will be supplied with high grade iron ore concentrate from the Beneficiation Plant. Liquid iron or hot metal, as it is known in steel industry, will be produced in high energy efficient Blast Furnaces, where coal dust injection will be practiced to reduce the requirement of metallurgical coke. Electric steel making and oxygen blown steel making are considered to produce liquid steel and feed the continuous casting machines. The feed to the hot strip mill will be slabs and to non flat rolling mills, it will be billets. The Rolling Mill will be designed to produce both flat and non flat products utilizing the state of art technology. Granulated slag from Blast Furnace, clinker, gypsum and coal are used for manufacturing of Portland cement. The various unit operations envisaged under the proposed 2 Mt/year Integrated Steel Plant are indicated in the below table. Manufacturing Units Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant Pelletization Plant DRI Plant Coke Ovens Sinter Plant Blast Furnace EAF & BOF steel making Continuous casting machines Slab Caster Billet caster Rolling Mills Hot strip mill Structural / wire rods Oxygen Plant Calcining kilns Cement Plant Power Plant Estimated cost of the project Crores Project Completion Target : September 2012 Unit Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year Mt/year 1.10 1.10 Mt/year t/year t/year Mt/year MW : 1.00 1.00 2x500 1080 1.4 230 Rs. 6151.3 Capacity 3.4 1.20 0.7 0.8 2.5 1.7 2.3


Raw Material Requirement


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Raw material Low grade iron ore fines Iron ore pellets Bentonite Non coking coal Coking coal Limestone Dolomite Quartzite Clinker Gypsum 2.2 Man power

Quantity Mt/year 4.4 0.43 0.008 1.243 0.92 0.53 0.34 0.13 0.73 0.04

Source Captive mines and from indigenous sources Indigenous source Indigenous source Imported Imported Indigenous source Indigenous source Indigenous source Indigenous source Indigenous source

The manpower required for the proposed integrated steel plant, cement plant and Captive power plant is indicated below. Sl.No 1 2 3 4 Category Managerial Supervisory Skilled Unskilled Total Nos. 340 1070 2680 510 4600

3.0 3.1

Description of Environment Location

The proposed plant is located near Danapura village in Mariammanahalli Hobli, Hospet Tq, Bellary (Dist.), Karnataka. The latitude and longitude of the project site is 155 - 1510N and 7622 7627E respectively in the Topo sheet no 57A/8. The proposed plant area is surrounded by iron ore mines.




Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

The government of Karnataka has already allotted 1429 Hectors of land in Danapura, Nagalapura, Danayanakere and Garaga villages in Hospet Taluk in Bellary district and acquisition of land is in progress. 3.3 Water requirement

The Government of Karnataka has already allotted 100 MLD (22 MGD) of water from downstream of TB dam/Almathi dam/ ground water. 3.4 Power

The annual electrical energy consumption in the plant is estimated to be about 1740 million units. The average demand of the plant is estimated to be 230 MW. It is proposed to meet the entire requirement of electric power from captive sources taking the support of State Electricity grid for stability. 3.5 Baseline Environment

Monitoring of Ambient Air, Noise level, Surface & Ground Water quality, Soil & Socio Economic Study was carried out during December`07- February`08 (winter) 3.6 Micro Meteorology

Meteorological data collected during the study reveals the following status. Predominant wind was from Northeast quadrant. Wind velocity readings were ranging from 1.2 to 18.8 Kmph. Temperature values were ranging from 15.0 C to 30.5C. The mean relative humidity value was found to be 66.7%. Sky was clear during the study period. The mean atmospheric pressure was found to be 752 mm of Hg. A total rainfall of 17.3 mm was recorded during the study period. Ambient air quality: Ambient air quality in both core zone and buffer zone (10 km radius from core zone) showed the SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOx are well within the NAAQ standards specified for rural and residential area. Noise levels monitored in core zone and buffer zones were found to be well within limits. Water samples collected within study area showed compliance of all parameters with the prescribed standards. Soil samples analysis showed moderate fertility. Socio-economic status of the study area is found to be moderate.


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Ecological Environment. No endangered and Endemic species have been identified. As such, conservation plan is not needed.

4.0 4.1

Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Environmental Attributes likely to be affected and the activities responsible are indicated below.

Table 4.1 Impact Identification Matrix

Actions Raw material storage and handling, Steel production and other allied activities
Construction Phase Operational Phase Power generation by DG set Material Handling Water discharge Water drawl (Surface water)

Post Operational Phase


Ore Storage / handing

Environmental Attributes

Ambient air Water resources Water quality Ambient Noise Flora & Fauna Soil & Land use Infrastructure Health & Safety Socio-economics Aesthetics Adverse Impact Beneficial Impact

4.2 Air Pollution Control Measures proposed for various sources to

mitigate Air Emission and to meet the standard stipulated by the State Pollution Control Board are furnished below.
Sl. No 1 Area of operations Raw material handling Air pollution control measures proposed to be adopted Dust suppression systems (chemical and dry fog


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Urbanization (Buffer zone)

Green Belt development

Maintenance Workshop


type) Fugitive emissions in material handling Water sprinklers DE systems with bag filters in case of conveyors, lime handling Electrostatic precipitators, bag filters

2 3

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sponge Iron Plants Sinter Plant Raw material preparation and handling (procurement of proposed sized materials to minimize crushing and screening) Sintering process Sinter screening and transport Pelletization Plant Raw Material Preparation and Handling Pelletization Process Blast Furnaces Cacination Steel melting shop Coke oven plant Rolling mills Power Plant WHRB & AFBC Coal Handling Plant Cement plant

DE systems with bag filters ESP for collected waste gases Bag filters DE System with bag filters. ESP De-dusting with bag filters Bag filters Bag filetrs De-dusting with bag filters Use of Low sulphur fule Electrostatic Precipitator Bag filters Bag filters


Air Environment: Post - Project Scenario

Ambient Air Quality at the station monitored are furnished below together with the predicted values due to the proposed activity. The post project scenario is compared with the stipulated standards. The details are furnish in the below table.
Sl. No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Baseline scenario (max) SPM Proposed Plant (A1) Existing Plant (A2) Dhanapura (A3) Marimanhalli (A4) Nagalapura (A5) Mugimavinahalli (A6) Haravanahalli (A7) Ramgad (A8) Medarahalli (A9) Vysankari (A10) 176 186 146 145 132 146 115 132 134 112 SO2 9 16 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 NOx 18 30 10 18 12 18 10 16 14 12 Predicted values SPM 41.3 24.5 23.1 21.0 9.2 3.8 4.8 3.9 4.9 3.6 SO2 41.2 31.6 28.4 12.6 21.2 6.8 8.9 2.1 1.3 2.4 NOx 25.6 28.2 26.1 12.5 11.8 1.2 1.8 0.8 0.4 1.4 Post Project scenario SPM 217.3 210.5 169.1 166.0 141.2 149.8 119.8 135.9 138.9 115.6 SO2 50.2 47.6 35.4 20.6 28.2 14.8 15.9 10.1 9.3 9.4 NOx 43.6 58.2 36.1 30.5 23.8 19.2 11.8 16.8 14.4 13.4

(Units in g/m3) NAAQ standards SPM 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 SO2 120 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 NOx 120 120 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Location name


Water Environment

The estimated water requirement for the industry is 100 MLD mostly used as makeup water. The industry is adopting state of Art Technology in its water use and Zero discharge of effluents Concept is adopted.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Water Pollution Control Measures adopted in the industry are furnished below.
Sl. No 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Source Raw material handling yard Raw Water Treatment plant Beneficiation Plant Pellet Plant Sponge Iron Plant Blast furnace DM Plant Steel Melting shop CCM Calcination & Oxygen plant Rolling Mills Captive Power Plant Cooling Tower & Boiler bow down 13 Sewage Treatment system Temperature, Dissolved Solids BOD, Suspended Solids SS pH SS Suspended Solids, Oil & Grease SS, Alkalinity SS, Oil & Grease , mill scale Pollutants SS SS, Colloidal matter, Dissolved gases, micro-organism Control system / Treatment Catch pits followed Chemical coagulation with sedimentation and filtration Hydrocyclones, Thickneres, slim pond Collection sump, guard pond Collection tank & Ash handling dust suppression Clarifier, Thickener, Sludge Pond Neutralization pit Guard pond Settling Tanks fitted with Oil & Grease Trap Settling with Guard pond Settling Tanks fitted with Oil & Grease Trap Direct use in ash handling & excess to guard pond Reused in the plant for dust suppression and slag granulation Sewage treatment plant


Based on the above studies following conclusions are drawn

Air Environment : No significant impact is expected on Air Environment Water Environment: No significant impact is expected on water quality Noise Environment: No significant impact on Noise Environment. The predicted noise levels will be within the limits as prescribed by CPCB both during construction and operational phases of the industry.

Land Environment : No significant impact on land environment Biological Environment : No significant impact
Socio-Economic Environment: The project will have positive impact in terms of employment, infrastructure facilities and enhancement of per capita income in the near by region.


Environmental Monitoring Program


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

A monitoring strategy is required to ensure that all environmental resources which may be subject to contamination are kept under review and hence monitoring of the individual elements of the environment is necessary. BMM will install a Automatic weather monitoring stations to measure Wind speed and direction, Rainfall and temperature and humidity on hourly basis. On-line continuous monitoring system will be installed in stacks to monitor particulate matter. BMM will monitor the ambient air quality regularly at five locations in and around the plant (downwind direction and where Max. GLC of SPM, SO2 & NOx) to ascertain the effect of process emissions on the ambient air quality. Surface and ground water will be sampled regularly once in a season from various locations in and around proposed plant to ascertain the trend of variation in the water quality, if any. Treated process wastewater quantity will also be monitored for pH, TSS, COD and Oil& Grease regularly. Ambient and work zone noise levels will be measured on quarterly basis- Occupational health surveillance of the workers will be done on regular basis especially for those to be engaged in handling hazardous substances and high noise generating equipment. Trees survival rate will be monitored in the plantation areas and will be maintained at about 80% by replacement of dead trees. The BMM will have structured interactions with the plant surrounding villages people to disseminate the measures taken by the BMM and also to elicit suggestions for overall improvement of the surrounding villages. A separate Environment Management cell equipped with full-fledged laboratory facilitate will be set up to carry out environmental management and monitoring functions.


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6.0 Additional Studies 6. 1 Disaster Management Plan Identification of hazards Risk assessment of hazards Risk management applications I . Preventive measures II. On site emergency preparedness plan 6.2 Off site emergency preparedness plan Industrial safety and fire fighting Rescue and repair services Shop level disaster control cell Central disaster control room Information flow Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plan The State Government in its order No.CI/312/SPI/2008 dated 21.10.2008 has permitted the proponent to acquire 1429 hectares of land (3530.70 acres) coming in the jurisdiction of Danapura, Nagalapura, D.N. Kere, Byalkundi, Garaga villages. Out of 1429 hectors, 785.54 hectares is patta land and the remaining 643.35 hectares is Government Lands.

The proponent is willing to adopt a benevolent farmer, friendly Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy and is willing to discharge its social responsibility to benefit the surrounding villages.


Objectives of R&R Plan

Though there is no displacement of any farmer or landless laborer from their Habitation and yet the proponent is willing to adopt a benevolent farmer

friendly Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy and is willing to discharge its social responsibility to benefit the surrounding villages. The features of
such a policy may include the following.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

1. The recommendations of Sarojini Mahishi committee report will be

adopted in the recruitment of staffs. 2. As far as possible the recommendations of the National Rehabilitation and Resettlement policy 2007 pronounced by Government of India will be adopted.
3. The Proponent is willing to provide one job either to the Khatedar who

has sold the land to the company or to one member of his family to be identified by the Khatedar, commensurate with his or her education qualification, age and suitability for the job. If needed, the proponent is willing to deploy to the extent of man power required for the development of the green belt each year, the services of landless labourers and farmers belonging to the above 5 villages in this program. 6.4 In addition to a benevolent rehabilitation policy, the proponent is likely to carry out the following social responsibilities.
The company may adopt few villages located in the Study Area. The company will improve the drinking water supply, street light and maintain them. The company will provide adequate drainage & sanitation facility to these villages and plant trees in the village limits & develop green belt around the villages. The company will build additional rooms to the existing schools wherever it is needed, provide drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities in these schools. The company will extend financial help in providing Mid-day meal to school going children. The company through their hospital will extend medical facilities to such villages.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

Widows and unmarried daughters of the land loosers from these villages will be trained in tailoring and sewing machines will be supplied to each one of them.

If the village authorities desire, the company will be willing to take up maintenance of the water body (Tank) of these villages.


Diversion of inter connecting village roads passing through the Project area

Following village connecting roads are passing through the proposed project area. 1. 2. 3. 4. Danapur Garaga Tanda DN Kerre Garaga Tanda Mariammanahalli Garaga Tanda Nagalapura Garaga village

The above village roads need to be diverted to provide connectivity to the road users. The project proponent is willing to undertake diversion of these roads at his cost in consultation with concerned village elected representatives. The project proponent is making adequate budget provision for diversion of these roads. 7.0 Project benefits State Industrial & Mining Policy is favoring the proposed project Direct employment for about 4600 people. Earnings by the Govt. by way of taxes levies and duties like ED, IT, VAT, TDS etc Business opportunities for the local entrepreneurs to set up small and medium scale industries Business opportunities for the local entrepreneurs serving as service providers, suppliers, contractors Investment opportunity for local infrastructure development Improvement In The Physical Infrastructure like road and rail net work BMM Ispat Ltd will undertake various community welfare measures for upliftment of plant surrounding villages. Plant township hospital and schooling facilities which will also help local population to enjoy the fruit of better facilities in nearby.


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8.0 8.1

Environnemental Management Plan Air Pollution Control

Fugitive dust emission will be extracted by extractors with dry fogging and will be treated in bag house and discharged through tall stacks for atmospheric dispersion. Suspended particulate matters are arrested by ESP and discharged through tall stacks by induced draft fans. Material and product yard fugitive emissions are controlled by dust suppression with sprinkling water. A general enforcement in air pollution control process is observed which include Stable and consistent operation of all steel production units Correct proportion of feed materials Hood and dust extraction, wherever required 8.2 Water pollution control

These measures include conservation of water by Rainwater harvesting and waste water treatment, recycling and reuse. The zero discharge concept will be adopted. 8.3 Conservation of water Rain water harvesting Design of units for less amount of water and recycle of water to the maximum by cascading use of water Use of boiler blow downs and cooling water blow downs for slag quenching, green belt development 8.4 Waste water treatment, recycling and reuse


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Gas cleaning plant waste water, billet cast and mill effluents, thermal power plant, cooling tower blow downs are separately treated with standard process and the treated effluent are utilized for slag quenching, ash handling. Excess treated effluents are stored into a guard pond for further secondary use in the plant and for Green Belt Development activities. Treated sanitary waste water will also be used for gardening.


Noise pollution control Design of equipment for less noise generation Dynamic balancing and vibration damping by suitable mounting mechanism and proper grouting


Separate housing of high noise product machinery Use of ear plugs in very high noise prone areas Green belt development around each unit Road side tree plantation Solid Waste Management

Major solid waste will be reused in the plant itself. Fly ash will be utilized in cement manufacturing. Other solid waste generated, which are not usable for any purpose will be disposed in control land filling in an identified area with in the plant premises. 8.7 8.8 Energy conservation measures Adoption of CDM mechanisms Adoption of power saving is power produced principle Green belt development

Out of the total area of 1429 Hectors Green Belt will be develop on 472 Hectres. The local plant species will be selected based on soil quality. The plantation will be taken up at the following areas. At plant boundary At road sides


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Around various steel producing units Around office and other buildings Stretch of open land

The year -wise planning of the trees & shrubs is presented below. Year 2009-2010 20010-2011 20011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Total Number of plant species to be planted 1,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 650000 Shrubs 10000 20000 10000 10000 50000 Landscaping Grasses & Avenue plants Grasses & Avenue plants Grasses & Avenue plants Grasses & Avenue plants -


Cost of Pollution Control/ Environmental protection Measures Recurring cost per annum (Rs. in Crores) 10.0 10.0 3.0 5.0 0.50 2.50 2.0 2.0 1.50 5.0 0.25 41.75 10.52 Capital Cost (Rs. in Crores) 200.0 50.0 30.0 50.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 3.0 25.0 2.0 397.00 -

Area of Expenditure Air Pollution Control Water Treatment System Waste Water Treatment System Solid Waste Management System Noise Pollution Control Environmental Monitoring and Management Social corporate responsibilities Road diversion/development/Modification Occupational Health Greenbelt Development Others Total Percent of recurring cost in terms of Capital Cost for pollution control measures Percent of capital cost of pollution control measures in terms of total project cost



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The potential environmental, social and economic impacts of the project have been assessed and comprehensive mitigation and community developmental plans have also been developed integrating the safety and health system in the work place. M/s. BMM Ispat Limited will successfully implement the environmental protection and safeguard measures as per EMP at a capital cost of Rs.397.00 Crores and a recurring expenditure of Rs.41.75 crore per annum. Environmental Management Plan will be exercised at Design stage Construction stage Operational stage to meet all the consent norms of KSPCB and Environmental condition as per MoEF / CPCB direction. With commitment and dedication, BMM Ispat Ltd. will commission the Integrated Steel Plant, cement plant and captive power plant with modern equipments. Recommendations made in the CREP for the integrated steal plant and draft guidelines by CPCB for Sponge Iron Plant will be totally implemented. BMM Ispat Ltd. has committed to responsible environmental protection. BMM Ispat Ltd has been discharging its social responsibility and is willing into carry this forward and strictly implements its declared R&R policy and helps this area to achieve economical Prosperity.


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11.1 Environment Impact Assessment Study

Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd., Chennai A Govt. of India undertaking under Ministry of Heavy Industry, one of the pioneers in the field of Environmental Engineering for the past three decades. R&C Laboratory is recognised as Environmental Laboratory by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) under the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 and is, also, recognised by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board for carrying out air and waste water emissions monitoring as per Air (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1981 and Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. We are also recognised by various other State Pollution Control Boards as Environmental Consultants for such studies. R&C is regularly undertaking EIA, EMP, DMP, Risk Analysis, Pollution Atlas, Prediction Modelling studies besides ambient air, stack emission, water/ wastewater/sewage, sediment/ soil quality monitoring, analysis & operation and maintenance of Treatment plants. 11.2 Feasibility/ Environmental Study

FerroGreen Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore. FerroGreen Technologies Pvt. Ltd., (FGT) is promoted by Dr. S. K. Gupta and Dr. T. M. Srinivasan with the aim of providing engineering and technology implementation and associated consultancy/advisory services in the Iron & Steel domain comprising iron and steel, mining, mineral engineering, power & industrial gases. The services include Engineering, Construction & Project Management, Environmental Management, etc, to cater to the needs of various Clients. Following divisions constitute FerroGreen Technologies: Technology Development Technology Implementation Assistance for Take-Over/Acquisition of Steel Companies by carrying out Asset Valuation & Technical Due Diligence of Steel Plants


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FGT will provide expert services whenever requested/required and offers a single window services to the promoter(s) / investor(s).

Environment & Power Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore Environment & Power Technologies Private Limited, [EPTPL] is a private company manned by eminent and qualified Technocrats having practical experience for more than three decades, in the field of Environmental Protection & Power Technologies. The main objective of the company, while offering technical consultancy is to protect/conserve environment and contribute to sustainable power development through renewable energy sources. Till date the company has handled, Environmental Issues concerning Bulk Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industries, Sugar, Distillery, Thermal Power Plants, Mining Industry, Integrated Steel Plants, Cement Plants, Residential Layouts, Hospital, Wind Mills, Mini Hydel Plants, etc., and helped these industries in getting necessary Statutory Clearance such as Single Window Clearance from State government, Environmental Clearance, Consent for Establishment, Consent for Operations, Water permissions, Renewal of consents, etc. Besides 10 Directors (one PhD Holder, six Post Graduates in Environmental Engineering, one in Power Engineering and one Mechanical Engineer, and one Software Engineer) it has three Environmental Engineers, one Civil Engineer and two administrative Staff assisting EPTPL as supporting staff.


Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd.

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