NASSCOM Sample Paper
NASSCOM Sample Paper
NASSCOM Sample Paper
On-Screen Test Instructions (shown at the beginning of the test) The test is in two parts: Part A (Non-Voice Sections) & Part B (Voice Section). Both parts are compulsory. Kindly follow the instructions given below.
Instructions: Step 1: To begin the test - Click on Part A. Dont click on Part B or NAC Report before you attempt Part A. (Screen 1)
Step 2: Enter your NAC Registration ID and other information as requested of you for authentication. (Screen 2) Step 3: After authentication, you will be directed to the Test Home Page. Make a note of the TIN (Test Identification Number), which is provided on the Test Home Page. The TIN is required for you to attempt Part B. (Screen 3 and Screen 4)
Step 5: Enter TIN to initiate Part B. (Screen 6) Step 6: After completing Part B, click on Menu and select Exit to close Part B (Screen 7).
Step 7: After completing Part B, click on the NAC Report (Screen 8) and enter your NAC Registration ID to view your score & print your NAC Score Card. (Screen 9)
Answers for the following sections (from Part-A) are shown on Page15: Section-1: English Writing Section-2: Analytical Ability Section-3: Quantitative Ability
Instruction: Select the option that best completes the sentence below: 6. The (flaver/flavour) of the month seems to be strawberry. a) flaver b) flavour
Instruction: Select the option that best completes the sentence below: 7. The (circumnavigation/circanavigation) of the earth around the sun takes twenty-four hours. a) circumnavigation b) circanavigation
Instruction: Select the correct preposition from the list to fill in the blank(s). 8. The latest fashion is to wear your scarf __________ your shirt and no knot is made. a) above b) of c) over d) off
Instruction: Select the correct article from the list to fill in the blank(s). 9. Mardi Gras is celebrated on a very large-scale in Rio De Janeiro, _________ former capital of Brazil. a) a b) the c) an d) no article
Instruction: Select the correct sentence from the list given below: 10. Pick out the correct sentence from the list of 4 sentences given. a) Please forgive the delay to respond to your letter on 19 December 2005. My secretary have been in vacation and I've fell behind with my correspondence. b) Please forgive the delay to respond to your letter dated 19 December 2005. My secretary was on vacation and I've fallen behind with my correspondence. c) Please forgive the delay to respond to your letter on 19 December 2005. My Secretary had been in vacation and I've felled behind with my correspondence. d) Please forgive the delay to respond to your letter on 19 December 2005. My Secretary have been in vacation and I've fallen behind with my correspondence.
Instruction: Select the appropriate synonym for the word highlighted. 12. There was a deadlock in the bonus negotiations of the company. a) no progress b) people are dead c) good progress
Instruction: Select the appropriate antonym for the word highlighted. 13. The provincial government has laid out its own rules. a) affluent b) local c) sophisticated d) contentious
Instruction: Select the option closest in meaning to the word highlighted. 14. Students enjoy the convenience of home learning as they take regular programmes or enrichment classes. a) to get rich b) endeavour c) to enhance d) to progress
Instruction: Select the option closest in meaning to the word highlighted. 15. Acme Industries is one of the leading manufacturers of machine tools. a) foremost b) exciting c) wonderful d) infamous
Instruction: Spot the error in the following sentence. Certain parts of the sentence have been underlined as A, B and C. If there is no error, mark it as D. Identify the error. 16. They have to face much troubles on their way to West Bengal. A B C a) A b) B c) C d) D
Instruction: Select the sentence with the correct punctuation. 18. Select the sentence with the correct punctuation. a) Pocket watches generally have an attached chain to allow them to be secured to a waistcoat, lapel, or belt loop, and to prevent them from being dropped. b) Pocket watches generally have an attached chain to allowed them to be secured to a waistcoat, lapel, or belt loop, and to prevent them from being dropped.
Instruction: Select the correct sentence from the following: 19. Select the sentence with the correct punctuation. a) "You have bought a dress." b) "you have bought a dress."
Instruction: Select the correct sentence from the following: 20. Select the sentence with the correct punctuation. a) Her husband said, "She can cook delicious meals, as well as keep a clean house" b) Her husband said, "She can cook delicious meals as well as keep a clean house."
4. Who is second to the left from Geeta? a) b) c) d) Rakesh Seeta Ramu none
5. 'Q' is the brother of 'R', 'P' is the son of 'Q', 'T' is the brother of 'S' and 'S' is the daughter of 'R'. Who are the cousins of 'P'? a) R' and 'Q' b) 'R' and 'T' c) 'S' and 'T' d) 'S' and 'Q'
Instruction: Select the correct option. 7. If 'APTITUDE' is coded as '3N22G22S6C', then 'WINNER' is coded as ____________ a) 25G16L7P b) 25H15L7P c) 25H16L7P d) none
Instruction: Select the correct option. 8. Find the missing number in the following sequence?
a) 10 b) 15 c) 20 d) 25
Instruction: In the following questions, there are three figures which follow a certain sequence or pattern. Find the next figure in the sequence from the answer choices provided below: 9.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Instruction: Select the correct option. 11. Venkat walks 10 kms towards the west and turns 45 to the right and walks another 5 kms, turns o o 135 to the right and walks 5 kms. He then turns 45 to the right again and walks 8 km. In which direction is he walking now? a) North b) West c) East d) NE
Instruction: Select the correct option. 12. If * stands for /, / stands for -, + stands for * and - stands for +, then which of the following is True? (A) 36/12*4+50-8 = -106 (B) 12*8/4+50-8 =45.5 (C) 36*4/12+36-8 = 4.7 (D) 8*36/4+50-8 = 300 a) b) c) d) 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'
Instruction: Select the correct option. 13. The questions below are based on the following sequence of letters MNMNNMMNMNMMMUUMNMNNMMMN How many M's are preceded by N and followed by M? a) b) c) d) 1 2 3 4
Instruction: Select the correct option. 15. In the given Venn diagram which one represents the Engineers who are not Owners and Good Administrators?
a) b) c) d)
1 2 3 4
Instruction: Select the correct option. 16. How is my father's wife's brother's only sibling's daughter related to me? a) b) c) d) cousin sister niece aunt
Instruction: Select the correct option. 2. Four bells ring at intervals of 10 min, 12 min, 15 min, and 20 min, respectively. If they ring together at 8 a.m., find out the interval of time after which they will ring together again. a) 9 a.m. b) 10 a.m. c) 11 a.m. d) 1 p.m.
Instruction: Select the correct option. 3. The difference between the simple interest and compound interest obtained on a principal amount at 5% per annum after two years is Rs.35. What is the principal amount? a) Rs.15,000 b) Rs.10,000 c) Rs.14,000 d) Rs.13,000
Instruction: Select the correct option. 3 1 4. 16 ? + of 2144 of 2655 = 30% of 1550 8 5 a) 12 b) 169 c) 256 d) none
Instruction: Select the correct option. 5. The total population of a town of both males and females was 8,000. In one year the male population increased by 10% and the female population by 8%, but the total population increased by 9%. So the number of males in the town is ___________ a) 4,500 b) 6,000 c) 5,000 d) 4,000
Instruction: Select the correct option. 7. Two numbers are in the ratio 3: 4. The difference between their squares is 28. Find the sum of the squares of these numbers? a) 4,096 b) 390 c) 420 d) none
Instruction: Select the correct option. 8. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 140% and the denominator is increased by 150%, the resultant fraction is 4/15. Find the original fraction? a) 3/5 b) 5/16 c) 3/10, d) none
Instruction: Select the correct option. 9. In an examination, a candidate got 30% marks and failed by 30 marks. If the passing marks are 60% of the total marks, then the maximum marks will be _________ a) 450 b) 600 c) 300 d) 100
Instruction: Select the correct option. 10. A student reached his school late by half-an-hour after travelling at the speed of 12 mph. By increasing his speed by 3 mph, he reached his school in time the next day. Find out the distance between his house and school? a) 15 miles b) 30 miles c) 45 miles d) 60 miles
1 21 x 7 5
a) 6/5 b) 54/125 c) 54/25 d) none
18 x 25 = ?
Instruction: Select the correct option. 13. A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables a housewife to purchase 6 kgs more of it for Rs.240. What is the original price per kg of sugar? a) Rs.10 b) Rs.8 c) Rs.6 d) Rs.5 Instruction: Select the correct option. 14. If 10 men can reap a field in 4 days, 8 men will reap the same field in --- days. a) 3.2 days b) 4 days c) 5 days d) 20 days Instruction: Select the correct option. 15. Travelling at th of his usual speed a man gets late by 10 minutes. What time does he take travelling at his usual speed? a) 15 min b) 20 min c) 25 min d) 30 min Instruction: Select the correct option. 16. A certain number of men can finish a work in 60 days. However, if there were 10 men less, it would take 20 more days for the work to be finished in. How many men were there initially? a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40
Instruction: Type the phone numbers in the Table-B boxes (as shown in Table-A). Incorrect keyed-in characters will be deleted by the system automatically & each such character will be counted as an error. Q1. Table-A Place Alaska Algeria Argentina Australia Bahrain Belgium Bosnia Brazil Canada Chile Q2. Instruction: Type the passage in the text area provided. Click on the 'Start' button and type the passage and, on completion, press the 'End' button. Only then will your typing speed be captured by the application. You need to type the passage only once. If you press the 'End' button, then you are not permitted to type the passage again. Incorrect keyed-in characters will be deleted by the system automatically & each such character will be counted as an error. Passage: The advent of the Internet has revolutionised the way the financial services industry conducts business, empowering organisations with new business models and new ways to offer 24x7 accessibility to their customers. The ability to offer financial transactions online has also created new players in the financial services industry, such as online banks, online brokers and wealth managers who offer personalized services, although such players still account for a tiny percentage of the industry. Over the last few years, the mobile and wireless market has been one of the fastest growing markets in the world and it is still growing at a rapid pace. According to the GSM Association and Ovum, the number of mobile subscribers exceeded 2 billion in September 2005, and now exceeds 2.5 billion (of which more than 2 billion are GSM).
Start End
Phone No. 1-097-907-22554 213-2-554771 54-51-56771 61-89-874638 973-225541 32-50-9640381 387-71-34412 55-61-911432 1-416-746159 56-2-381697
Table-B Place Alaska Algeria Argentina Australia Bahrain Belgium Bosnia Brazil Canada Chile
Phone No.
This is an automated spoken language test that is taken on the computer using a headphone & microphone.
Part A: Reading. Please read the sentences as you are instructed. Examples: 1. The driveway to the Patterson house is steep and uneven. 2. They don't mind; they're used to driving up the narrow road in the dark. 3. Often, during the winter months, guests park on the side of the road. 4. That's okay; there's plenty of room on the road and not much traffic. 5. Many people believe that most politicians are not honest. 6. Yet they'll also say that the ones they vote for are the exceptions. 7. It is other people's choices who are not honest. 8. The logical problem with their position seems to escape them.
Part B: Repeat. Please repeat each sentence that you hear. Example: A voice says, Leave town on the next train. and you say, Leave town on the next train. More examples: 1. It is easy to listen to instructions than to follow the book. 2. I was going to see my wife when I met with an accident. 3. The shop is just 15 minutes away from my place. 4. I made a lot of new friends at the party. 5. The doctor was not available at the clinic when I called.
Part C: Questions. Please just give a simple answer to the questions. Example: A voice says, "Would you get water from a bottle or a newspaper?" and you say, "a bottle" or "from a bottle". More examples: 1. Would a piece of wood float or sink? 2. The customer had an overwhelming feeling. Was he happy or disappointed? 3. To preserve an ice-cream, would you use a cupboard or a refrigerator? 4. I made a quick recovery from my illness. Should I be glad or sad? 5. I want to go swimming. Should I go to a swimming pool or to a bathroom?
Part D: Sentence Builds. Please rearrange the word groups into a sentence. Example: A voice says, "was reading"... "my mother"... "her favorite magazine" and you say, "My mother was reading her favorite magazine." More examples: 1. but I friend called... not at home 2. to buy fruits... is going to the market... my father 3. at the restaurant... the other day... I was hoping to see you 4. to see a lawyer... before attending the class... I had to go 5. that incident... to forget... it must not be easy
2. 3. 4.