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Invoicing System v2

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Invoice Training Script Date prepared: Prepared by: 1. Access to Invoicing system 1.1 Login 1.2 Usernames 1.

3 Aging days and templates 2. Search 3. Navigation Bar 4. Creating Customers 4.1 Adding a new customer 4.2 Exiting customers 5. Creating Invoices 5.1 Creating an invoice for a new customer 5.2 Creating an invoice for an existing customer 5.3 Producing the invoice 5.3.1 By email 5.3.2 By post 5.4 Putting an invoice into query 6. Payments 6.1 Site payments 6.2 Credit Notes 6.2.1 Full credit notes 6.2.2 Partial credit notes 6.3 Write Offs 6.4 online payments 7. Communication with Customers Pages 17 21 Pages 12 - 16 Pages 8-11 Page 3 Page 4 Pages 5 - 6 20/09/12 Willem Enslin Page 2

7.1 Phone 7.2 Letter 7.3 Email 7.4 Creating Notes 8. Managing Tasks 8.1 Open Tasks 8.2 Home Page 8.3 Invoice Screen 8.4 Completing Tasks 8.5 Creating Tasks 9. Reporting 9.1 Accessing Reports 9.2 Report Selection and Parameters Page 25 Pages 22 23

Section One: Access to Invoicing system 1.1 Login The System can be accessed from any computer with internet access by using the following link. https://clubnameinvoicing.legendonlineservices.co.uk

1.2 Usernames

Users are required to be part of the invoicing user user group which can be found within the control panel in Legend.

1.3 Configuration of the Invoicing System Prior to using the invoicing system your implementation engineer will configure your companies ageing days and invoice templates.

Section Two - Search The search box appears on every screen, on the left hand side. The search will only search text within the invoice or customers. You can search for invoice numbers, invoice descriptions, customer names.

Once you click search it will bring back all the results associated with the criteria you have just entered.

Section Three - Navigation Bar

The system contains a navigation bar at the top of every screen. It shows you where you are within it. E.g The menu below shows I am in Sites, Aberdeen, Company, Invoice Number. All of these items can be clicked and you will navigate to that section of the system, e.g if you click South Notts Hockey club you will navigate to the customer screen.

Section Four - Creating Customers

4.1 Adding A New Customer Once logged in select the site that the customer is for, e.g. South Moorlands (If single site then just select your site). Then select the option New Customer and the following screen will show:

Company name Title, First Name and Last Name need to be written out normally e.g. Mr Alan Smith There must be either a phone, mobile, or fax number filled in. The address Email Should be completed so invoices can be sent electronically. Preferred Method of Communication This option needs to be set for each customer this defines how we will contact the customer. Once all the details are inputted press save changes, if any details are unknown (e.g. email address) then this can be updated by editing the customer at a later stage.

4.2 - Editing Customers

Once a customer is created all of the details can be edited by clicking the edit customer details while being in the main customer screen in the system. This can be accessed by searching for the customer using the search function or clicking on the customers name in any screen of the system. The Customer Screen will contain a summary of the customers invoices. Furthermore this screen will always have a large title of Customer at the top of the page.

The Edit details screen is the same as the create customer screen, but you can amend the current details of the customer. When editing the customers you can also amend the status of the customer. Live : Customer can be invoiced Stopped : Customer cannot be invoiced but can still be seen on all search menus. Archived : Customer cannot be seen in any of the search items (Only to be used if you are not going to use the customer again)

Section Five - Creating Invoices 5.1 - Creating an Invoice for a New Customer Once logged in select the site that the invoice is for, e.g. South Moorlands. Then select the option New Invoice. In the create invoice check that the site is correct and select whether the invoice is for a new customer or existing customer

The screen shot above shows raising an invoice: Select new customer For the customers details follow the instructions for Creating Customer. Description is a summary of what the invoice is for, e.g. 5 A Side Football (This Description will be shown on the invoice) Order Number can be used if a customer provides you with a purchase order or a booking reference. Invoice date is the date the invoice is raised. Category should be selected from the dropdown box. Description Line Item Please enter a description of each line of the invoice e.g Squash Court Monday 8pm Please enter your site code against every line of the invoice (A site code is not required, you will use this if your company has multiple sites) Choose the nominal code from the drop down options. Type the value in Amount column The next column defines the vat treatment of the invoice line. If the price of the booking/session has been taken from your price lists this price is the Gross Price Including VAT

The Vat treatment on every line is set to be standard rated at the current VAT rate. If you need to raise an Exempt invoice, you can select the VAT rate in the final column of the detailed invoice lines.

5.2 - Creating an Invoice for an Existing Customer If the customer already exists on the system then it is a case of selecting this customer and adding the invoice details as above. Type the customer/company name (or leave blank) in the search bar and press search. This should bring up all the customers that are registered at the centre.

5.3 - Producing the Invoice There are 2 options for producing the invoice: 5.3.1 - Email Save changes and send mail is used for sending an email direct to the customer with the invoice attached. From the template dropdown select PDF Invoice and in the attachment dropdown select the relevant company and invoice.

Once save is clicked it will e-mail an invoice to the customer and you will return a summary of the invoice where it will state E-mail Sent Successfully at the top of the screen. The system will also log the communication with the customer so we can state the time and date that the system sent the e-mail.

The communication can be clicked which will display the detail of the e-mail that has been sent to the customer. The attachment will be a PDF copy of the invoice that the customer has received. There is no need to keep paper copies of the invoices as the system stores all of the invoices electronically. 5.3.2 - Post Save changes and create letter is used when sending an invoice through the post. From the template dropdown select the relevant company and invoice.

Once save changes and create letter has been clicked, under the communication history users can click on the letter and then select the attachment from the next screen..

To print the invoice click the print icon in the top left hand corner.

5.4 - Putting the Invoice in To Query When invoices are put into query, all automatic communications will stop. To put the invoice into query, select change status on the invoice screen

In the change status screen select Query

Section Six - Payments 6.1 - Site Payments Once logged in select the site that the invoice is for, e.g. South Moorlands. Then select either the customer or the invoice number if this is known. From the customer screen select the invoice and then the Make Payment option. The make payment option only appears in the invoice screen of the system, this screen will always have the invoice number at the top of the screen.

Select the Date of the payment. Select the media type of payment.

Enter a Reference Type the value in the Amount line without commas etc. or press the full amount button if

6.2 - Credit Notes 6.2.1 - Full Credit Notes Credit notes are applied from the Invoice screen in the system.

If you are crediting the entire invoice you can use the Credit Entire Invoice option under the Payment amount section and then Click Apply Credit Note. Apply Credit Note And Create Document can be used to credit the customer and to create a document to be emailed to the customer.

6.2.2 - Partial Credit Notes

The partial credit notes can be created from the credit note screen, when the credit note screen opens it will copy all the invoice lines and VAT treatment to the credit note screen

To credit note only one of these lines you will need to delete the line that you do not want to credit. Or if the credit relates to each of the lines please adjust the amount. A summary of the

credit note is provided at the bottom of the screen

The description and site code must be blank and the value 0.00 on the lines that you are not using. Once apply credit and create document has been clicked users can view the credit note under communication history. 6.3 - Write Offs Can be located in the invoice screen. Write off is used to write the entire invoice off.

Use the write off buttons on the top or the bottom to write the debt of, users can also input a reference for this.

6.4 - Online Payments All invoices now contain a link where the customer can pay the invoice online. If a customer pays the invoice online it automatically updates the system that the invoice is paid. Examples of Online Link Invoice

Once the link is clicked the customer will be directed to our online payments site, which details the invoice and the amount to pay. Once the customer has paid online they will receive an e-mail confirming their payment and the invoice balance is 0.

Section Seven - Communication with Customers All communications with customers can be logged on the system; the system can log phone calls, letters and emails. 7.1 - Phone To log a phone call you need to be in the invoice screen, this screen will always have the invoice number at the top of the screen.

On the invoice screen on the left hand side of the screen there is a menu where all of the communications can be added.

To add a phone call please click new phone call this will open another screen, which will show the contact details of the customer and a section for notes during the phone call.

Once you have completed the phone call, press save changes and this will record the communication and any notes made. The notes of the phone call will be logged in the communication history section on the invoice screen.

7.2 - Letter This option can be used if the customer calls to say they havent received the invoice, here users can log that we are sending them a second invoice. On the invoice screen select the new letter option on the left hand menu.

The create letter option only allows you to send letters using the templates You can also add manual attachments to the letter by using the manual attachments option. To add a manual attachment, click browse and select the file you would like to add and click add. Once complete click save and show and it will generate you a PDF letter that should be printed.

7.3 - Email This option can be used if the customer calls to say they havent received the invoice, here users can log that they are sending them a second invoice, also users can send a free text email to the customer. On the invoice screen select new email option on the left hand menu.

In the create e-mail screen you may receive an error message if the customer does not want communication by e-mail or the customer has no e-mail address in the system. Please see the screenshot below for an example.

As per the guide for sending letters above the attachments and manual attachments work in exactly the same way. The only difference to sending a letter is for the e-mail you have a free text space which will be the body of the e-mail to the customer. Once you pressed save changes, the system will automatically send an email to the customer, it will notify you that it has been successful and it will be logged in the communication section on the invoice screen. 7.4 - Creating Notes A note can be created on a customer and the invoice. To create a note on the customer you need to be within the customer screen and within the invoice screen to create an invoice note. In either of these screens you need to press new note screens you need to press new note.

The create note screen is free text, therefore you can record any comments against the invoice or the customer.

Once save changes is pressed it will be saved into the notes section of the invoice or customer.

Section Eight - Managing Tasks 8.1 - Open Tasks On the homepage of the system it contains a section where all open tasks per user are stored. These tasks can be created by anyone in the system, therefore please review them on a regular basis. All tasks are stored against an invoice, therefore on the invoice screen you will see the open and complete tasks that are associated with the invoice. 8.2 - Home Page

8.3 - Invoice Screen

8.4 - Completing Tasks Click the open task on the home page which will open the details of the task.

On the left hand side menu the option to mark the task completed, once this is clicked it will open a completed task screen where you can type completion notes. Completion notes are very important as it will give full clarity on how the task has been dealt with.

8.5 - Creating Tasks To create a task you need to be in an invoice screen of the system, you can navigate to this screen by following the payments section of the guide. Once in an invoice screen, click the new task option in the left hand menu.

Once this is clicked it will open a task creation screen, where you can select the task type and the person you would like to complete the task. Also you can set deadlines for each task. Once you press save on this screen the task will appear on the other users home page and on the invoice screen.

Section Nine - Reporting 9.1 - Accessing Reports Reports can be accessed from the Homepage of Invoicing System.

9.2 - Reporting Selection and Parameters The reporting selection is made up of 2 main sections report selection and report parameters. The report selection screen selects the type of report and the report parameters filter the data in the report.

Click Run Report once all fields have been filtered.

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