7th Semester UET Taxila
7th Semester UET Taxila
7th Semester UET Taxila
1-3 MV
4-6 MV
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Engine classification, Combustion reaction of engine fuels, real engine cycle. Working principles of SI and CI engines, Ignition delay and combustion phases of SI and CI engines. Testing and performance characteristics of petrol and diesel engines under variable condition of load and speed. Knocking characteristics, Octane and Cetane numbers, engine valve timing and ignition advance and retard, Pressure-crank angle diagram. Working principle of turbo- charged engine, its performance characteristics and comparison with naturally aspirated engine of equal power. Engine emissions and their control through in cylinder and out-cylinder techniques. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. Thermal reactor and catalytic converters. Trade off of NOx and HC emissions. Fuel injected petrol engine and its performance, advantages over conventional petrol engine. Engine performance under part cut-out conditions and fuel savings Introduction to duel fuel / multi fuel engines, CNG engines. Engine lubrication and lubricants, fuel additives. Classification, configuration and working principles of IC Engines. Analysis of Intake and Exhaust. Measurement of fuel and air consumption, volumetric efficiency, supercharging, effect of air-fuel ratio and compression ratio on engine power & efficiency, pumping work, effect of residual gases on intake temperature, injection of fuel, carburetors/fuel injector, ignition system development, exhaust gas analysis and air pollution, control of exhaust gas contents, energy emissions. Fuels and Combustion. Gasoline characteristics, alcohol refining and octane & cetane rating, diesel fuel oil classification, gas turbine & jet fuel, additives, combustion equation, CNG. Theoretical flame temperature, reaction rate and flame propagation, methods of igniting fuel, auto ignition, knock and the engine variable detonation, combustion theories, ignition delay, chemical equilibrium and dissociation, energy charts for unburned air mixtures, stratified charge engine, combustion chamber requirement. Lubricants. Engine lubrication systems, additives for lubricants. Engine Characteristics. Valve timing, torque & mean effective pressure, comparison of real cycles with the ideal cycle, indicated power, brake power, specific fuel consumption, heat balance sheet, relation between indicated thermal efficiency and load, SI & CI engines comparison, speed and load control in SI & CI engine, high output engines, and turbocharged engines.
Recommended Books
1. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals 2 Edition By J.B. Heywood McGraw Hill rd 2. Introduction to I. C. Engines 3 Edition By Richard Stone Palgrave Macmillan 3. Internal combustion engines By C-F Taylor. MIT Press
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Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Measurement Systems Applications and Design, by E. Doeblin, McGraw Hill Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, by R. Figliola, And D.Beasley, John Wiley. Automatic Control, by Francis H. Raven Modern Control System, by Richard C. Dorf Automatic Control, by J.J Distofano et al. Automatic Control Systems, by B. B. Kuo
Recommended Books
1. Production & Operations Management (5 Ed.) By: Everett E. Adam, Jr. and Ronald J. Ebert 2. Analysis and Control of Production System By: Elashed and Boucher. nd 3. Production and Operations Management (2 Ed.) By: Thoums and McClain (Prentice Hall)
Recommended Books
1. 2.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by : W.F. Stoecker & Jones Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by K. L. Dossat Refrigeration and Air-conditioning by Arora
Mechanical Vibrations:
Oscillatory motion. Harmonic motion, periodic motion, vibration terminology.
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Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4.
Mechanical Vibrations : Theory & Applications 5 Edition by W.T. Thompson [Prentice Hall] rd Mechanical Vibrations by S. S. Rao 3 Edition. [McGraw Hill] Elements Of Vibration Analysis by L. Meirovitch, McGraw Hill 2001 Vibrations for Engineers by Andrew Dimargonas, Prentice Hall 1996
THIS COURSE CONTENT HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM: Curriculum of Mechanical Engineering (2003), HEC Pakistan Revised Curriculum of Mechanical Engineering (2008), HEC Pakistan Courses of Reading for B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (1996), FM&AE, UET Taxila
Monday, September 03, 2012 07:35:43 PM Have a Salubrious semester ahead. Rameez Anwar (09me100@students.uettaxila.edu.pk)
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