BelatronIndu GB
BelatronIndu GB
BelatronIndu GB
Wo r l d C l a s s C h a r g i n g S y s t e m s
E x c e l l e n t Te c h n o l o g y , E f f i c i e n c y a n d Q u a l i t y
ien fc gy E Ener
Natur al R e
so ur c
Particular benefits:
Extreme high power density and thus low floor
space requirements at the installation site Possibility for different system combinations in confined spaces. Special ventilation concept for protecting the power supply from dust and dirt Excellent efficiency up to 95 % Reduction of the required mains power through sinusoidal current consumption Remote monitoring option An optimally smoothed charging current extends the life of the traction battery Large charging status traffic light for good visibility
y Energ
n cie Ef
00 70
00 35
Kohlendioxid (CO2)
Electrical energy
00 60 00 50 00 40 00 30 00 20 00 10 0
00 30 00 25 00 20 00 15 00 10 0 50 0
CO2 Emissions
00 80
00 40
CO2 BELATRON high efficiency charging systems reduce the TCO and make an important contribution to climate protection. As the result of their excellent efficiency (up to 95%) and charge characteristic with optimized charge factor, BELATRON high efficiency systems need 25% less electrical energy and less CO2 Emission compared with traditional chargers (see fig. 1). 25% less electrical energy will significantly reduce the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership ) and the Return-On-Invest is achieved more quickly.
Natur al R e
so ur c
Special Measures for protection against acidic air, dirt and dust
Electronic chargers can be affected by dust, conductive dirt or acidic air. BENNING takes this very seriously and uses only coated printed circuit boards for the BELATRON high efficiency charging systems. Also a special designed airflow concept was designed to avoid corrosion on electronic components.
Energy consumption
Fig. 1: Annual energy consumption and CO2 emission when charging a 48 V 500 Ah traction battery (240 charges per year) A: Conventional charger B: BELATRON high-efficiency charging system
24 V / 120 A
24 V / 50 A
24 V / 150 A
10034564.00 GB 04/2011 paus Design & Medien, Bocholt Subject to alterations. Printed on chlorine free paper.
48 V / 120 A
80 V / 170 A
48 V / 50 A
48 V / 60 A
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ien fc yE Energ
Natur al R e
so ur c
BENNING Elektrotechnik und Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG Mnsterstr. 135 - 137 46397 BOCHOLT Tel.: +49 (0) 28 71 / 93-0 Fax: +49 (0) 28 71 / 9 32 97 E-Mail: