M.A Geography DU
M.A Geography DU
M.A Geography DU
A in Geography
COURSES OF STUDY The Masters Programme in Geography of the University of Delhi comprises 16 courses spread over two years with 480 contact hours. Each course has a maximum of 100 marks and a minimum of 30 contact hours. The two years has four semesters of six months each; and in each semester, students will have four courses. Out of the sixteen courses, eight courses are compulsory covering core areas and eight courses are optional leading to specialization. The core courses are on offer in the 1st and 2nd Semesters, optional courses in the 3rd Semester; and specialization courses in the 4th Semester. In the 1st and 2nd Semesters, the eight core courses on offer cover vital areas of Geography, about which all candidates should have knowledge. These eight courses are classifiable as follows, as per traditional classification of knowledge: A. Theoretical Base Two courses on Geographical Thought and Physical Geography build up the theoretical and ideological foundations of Geography. B. Methodological Base Three courses on Computer Mapping, Statistics, and Remote Sensing and GIS strengthen the methodological and quantitative foundations of Geography. C. Systematic Approach Three courses on Environment and Ecology, Human Geography and Space Economy address the contemporary issues in Geography. In the 3rd Semester, candidates will opt four out of the eight optional courses in contemporary branches of Geography. The Department will decide the courses that would be offered. In the 4th Semester, all candidates will select one of the specializations group. All Candidates will compulsorily have to select Course 401 (Project Report, on a theme related to the area of specialization on NCR) and opt three courses, of which at least two will be from the specialization of their choice. The Department will announce in the beginning of the semester, the list of elective interdisciplinary papers which will be offered during the semester depending upon the availability of faculty members. Environment and Resource Social Dimensions in Geography Urban and Regional Studies Physical Geography Political Geography and Area Studies Rural and Agricultural Studies
PART I FIRST YEAR SEMESTER 1 101 102 103 104 Geographical Thought Environment and Ecology Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS Statistical Techniques in Spatial Analysis
SEMESTER 2 201 202 203 204 Advanced Physical Geography Contemporary Human Geography Computer Aided Mapping and Thematic Atlas Spatial Economic Systems
PART II SECOND YEAR SEMESTER 3 301 Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 302 Natural Resource Management (Interdisciplinary) 303 Principles of Political Geography (Interdisciplinary) 304 Systematic Agricultural Geography (Interdisciplinary) 305 Social Geography of India (Interdisciplinary) 306 Urban Settlement System (Interdisciplinary) 307 Regional Development (Interdisciplinary) 308 Cultural Geography (Interdisciplinary) 309 Rural Development Planning and Policy (Interdisciplinary) SEMESTER 4 401 402 Project Report (Compulsory) Regional Development in India (Interdisciplinary Course)
Environment and Resource 411 Hydrology and Water Resource Management 412 Geography of Energy 413 Environmental Impact Assessment 414 Natural Hazards and Disaster Management 415 Urban Impacts on Natural Resources and Environment Social Dimensions in Geography 421 Historical Geography 422 Geography of Landscape 423 Demography and Population Policy 424 Health, Environment and Society 425 Geography of Social Well-Being 426 Gender and Space with Special Reference to India
Urban and Regional Studies 431 Techniques and Methods of Regional Analysis 432 Transport Network and Flows 433 Urban Development Management and Policy 434 Social Impact Assessment Physical Geography 441 Analytical Physical Geography 442 Biogeography 443 Geomorphologic Analysis 444 Geography of Himalayas 445 Terrain Modelling and Evaluation Political Geography and Area Studies 451 Political Geography of India 452 Geography of Federalism 453 Electoral Geography 454 Political Geography of Central Asia 455 Political Geography of Middle-East Rural and Agricultural Studies 461 Agricultural Development and Environmental Degradation 462 Landuse Planning 463 Dryland Farming 464 Food Security System