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Important Instructions For The School Principal: (Not To Be Printed With The Question Paper)

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Important Instructions for the School Principal

(Not to be printed with the question paper)

1) This question paper is strictly meant for the use in School Based Summative AssessmentII, March-2012 only. This question paper is not to be used for any other purpose except mentioned above under any circumstances. 2) The intellectual material contained in the question paper is the exclusive property of Central Board of Secondary Education and no one including the user school is allowed to publish, print or convey (by any means) to any person not authorised by the Board in this regard. 3) The School Principal is responsible for the safe custody of the question paper or any other material sent by the Central Board of Secondary Education in connection with School based SA-II, March-2012, in any form including the print-outs, compact-disc or any other electronic form. 4) Any violation of the terms and conditions mentioned above may result in the action criminal or civil under the applicable laws/byelaws against the offenders/defaulters.

Please ensure that these instructions are not printed with the question paper being administered to the examinees.

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SC 2023

Class X /
Time allowed : 3 hours 3 General Instructions :
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix)

Maximum Marks : 80 80

The question paper comprises of two Sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections. All questions are compulsory. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in all the five questions of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted. All questions of Section-A and all questions of Section-B are to be attempted separately. Question numbers 1 to 4 in Section-A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word or in one sentence. Question numbers 5 to 13 in Section-A are two marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 words each. Question numbers 14 to 22 in Section-A are three marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 words each. Question numbers 23 to 25 in Section-A are five marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 words each. Question numbers 26 to 41 in Section-B are multiple choice questions based on practical skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to you.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) 1 5 14 23 26 4 13 22 25 41 30 50 70

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SECTION-A / 1. An organic compound burns with a sooty flame. Is it saturated or unsaturated compound? Justify.


The sky appears dark to the passengers flying at very high attitudes. Why ?


Name the compound responsible for the depletion of ozone layer ?


Why are green plants called producers ?


Two elements X and Y have atomic numbers 12 and 16 respectively. To which period of the modern periodic table do these two elements belong ? What type of bond will be formed between them and why ? X Y 12 16


How does the atomic radius change as we go (a) from left to right across a period ? (b) down a group in the periodic table ? (a) (b)


What is reproduction ? Mention the importance of DNA copying in reproduction. DNA Describe the role of the following in human beings. (a) Ovary (b) Prostate gland (a) (b)



The refractive index of a dense flint glass is 1.65 and for alcohol it is 1.36 with respect to air. Find the refractive index of dense flint glass with respect to alcohol. 1.65 1.36

10. Draw a ray diagram to show refraction of light through a triangular glass prism and show angle of incidence and angle of deviation.

11. A child has difficulty in reading the blackboard while sitting on the last bench in a class Page 3 of 13

room. What could be the defect the child is suffering from ? List two main causes of this defect.

12. List four stakeholders of forests.

13. What is water harvesting? Mention any two water harvesting structures.

14. (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c)

Give a chemical test to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Name the products formed when ethanol burns in air. List two forms of energy that are librated on burning ethanol. Why is the reaction between methane and chlorine considered a substitution reaction?

15. The position of three clements A, B and C in the periodic are shown below : Groups I II III IV V VI VII Periods 1 2 B 3 A C Giving reason to explain the following: (a) Element A is a metal. (b) Element C has larger size than B. (c) Element B has a valency of 3. A, B C I 1 2 3 (a) (b) (c) A C B B 3 II III IV V VI VII




16. List three advantages of vegetative propagation.

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17. How do Mendel experiments show that traits may be dominant or recessive ?

18. (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c)

Name the type of sex chromosome present in (i) human male and (ii) human female. What will be the sex of the offspring if a sperm carrying X Chromosome fertilizes the egg ? Why is DNA copying essential ? (i) (ii) X DNA

19. What are fossils? List two methods by which the age of fossils are determined.

20. Refractive index of diamond with respect to glass is 1.6 and absolute refractive index of glass is 1.5. Find (i) absolute refractive index of diamond (ii) Speed of light in diamond. The speed of light in air is 3108 m/s. 1.6 1.5 (i) (ii) 3108 m/s

21. Name a mirror that can give an erect and magnified image of an object. Draw labelled ray diagram to justify your answer.

22. (a) (b)

Define power of accommodation of eye. A person uses a lens of power -2.0D for correcting his distant vision. For correcting his near vision he uses a lens of power +1.5D. What is the focal length of the lenses required to correct this disorder ? 2.0D 1.5D

(a) (b)

23. An organic compound A is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a molecular formula C2H4O2. The compound reacts with ethanol in presence of an acid to form a sweet smelling compound B. (a) Identify the compound A. (b) Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound B. (c) How can you get A back from B? (d) Name the process and write the corresponding chemical equation. (e) Which gas is produced when compound A reacts with washing soda? Write the chemical equation. A C2H4O2 B (a) A Page 5 of 13

(b) (c) (d) (e) A OR/ (a) (b) (c) (d) B A

Why does carbon form large number of compounds ? Why are some carbon compounds saturated and some unsaturated ? Which of the two is more reactive ? Write the name of the following: (i) CH3 CH2 Br (ii) CH3- CH2- CH2- CH = CH CH3

(a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (ii) CH3 CH2 Br CH3- CH2- CH2- CH = CH CH3

24. Explain the sexual reproduction in plants with the help of a diagram and label the following parts. Female germ cell, male germ cell, stigma and ovary.

OR/ (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) T What is the role of placenta in human females ? What happens if the egg is not fertilized ? If a woman is using copper - T, will it help in protecting her from sexually transmitted diseases ?

25. (a) (b)

State Snells Law. A beam of light passes from air to a substance X. If angle of incidence is 45 degrees and angle of refraction is 30 degrees, calculate the refractive index of substance X. Given sin 30 = 1 2 ; sin 45 = 1 .


2 A convex lens forms a real and inverted image of a needle at a distance of 50 cm from it. Where is the needle placed if the size of the image is equal to the size of the object ? Calculate the power and focal length of the lens.
X 45 30 Page 6 of 13

(a) (b)

X sin 30 = 1 (c)

; sin 45 = 1

/ 50 cm


(b) (a)

OR/ An object is placed at a distance of 60 cm from a convex mirror the magnification produced is 1/2 . Where should the object be placed to get a magnification of 1/3 ? A small electric lamp is placed at the focus of a convex lens. State the nature of beam of light produced by the lens. Draw a diagram to show this. 60 cm

1 3

1 2

SECTION-B / 26. An iron nail is suspended in copper sulphate solution and kept for a while. It is observed that the solution (a) Remains blue and a coating is formed on the nail. (b) Turns green and a coating is found on the nail. (c) Remains blue and no coating is formed on the nail. (d) Turns green and no coating is found on the nail

(a) (b) (c) (d) 27. Four students A, B, C and D noted the initial colour of the solutions in beakers, I, II, III and IV. After inserting zinc rods in each solution and leaving it undisturbed for two hours, noted the colour of each solution again.

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They recorded their observation in the form of table given below. Student Color of I II III the Solution A Initial Colorless Colorless Light green Final Initial Colorless Colorless Colorless Light yellow Colorless Light green Light green Light Green Colorless Light green



colorless Blue

Final Initial

Colorless Colorless

Colorless Colorless

Colorless Blue Light Blue Blue

Final Initial

Light blue Light Green

Colorless Colorless

Dark Final Colorless Colorless green Which student noted the color change in all the four beakers correctly? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) A, B, C D I, II, III IV

Colorless D





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(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D 28. When you open the bottle containing acetic acid you find that its odour resembles with (a) Tomato juice (b) Kerosene (c) Orange juice (d) Vinegar (a) (c) (b) (d)

29. 2mL of ethanoic acid was taken in each of the three test tubes A, B and C and 2mL, 4mL and 8mL of water were added to them respectively. A clear solution is obtained in (a) Test tube A only (b) Test tube A and B only (c) Test tube C and B only (d) All the test tubes. A, B C 2mL 2mL, 4mL 8mL (a) (c) A B C (b) (d) A B

30. A student is asked to add a tea spoon full of solid NaHCO3 to a test tube containing approx. 3mL of acetic acid. He observed that the solid NaHCO3 (a) Floats on the surface of the acetic acid (b) Remains suspended in the acetic acid (c) Settles down in the test tube (d) Reacts with acetic acid and a clear solution is formed NaHCO3 3mL NaHCO3 (a) (b) (c) (d) 31. To determine the focal length of a concave mirror a student focuses a distant object with the mirror. For best results the chosen object should be (a) a tree (b) a tall building (c) a window (d) the sun





32. A student obtained a blurred image of a distant light house on a screen using a convex lens. In order to obtain a sharp image of the same object on the screen he will have to shift the lens : (a) towards the screen (b) towards the object (c) Either towards or away from the screen depending upon the position of the object (d) away from the screen. Page 9 of 13

(a) (b) (c) (d) 33. Out of the following, the best way to do the experiment on determining the focal length of a concave mirror by obtaining the image of a distant object on a screen is to (a) Keep both the mirror and screen in suitable stands with the screen put in front of the mirror (b) Keep both the mirror and screen in suitable stands with the screen put behind the mirror (c) hold the mirror in hand and keep the screen in a stand kept behind the mirror (d) hold the mirror in a stand and hold the screen in hand with screen infront of the mirror.

(a) (b) (c) (d) 34. A student carries out experiment of tracing the path of a ray of light through a rectangular glass slab for two different values of angle of incidence : i30 and i45. The set of values of the angle r and e he is likely to obtain in two cases respectively are : (a) [ r30, e20 ] and [ r45, e28 ] (b) [ r20, e30 ] and [ r45, e28 ] (c) [ r20, e30 ] and [ r30, e45 ] (d) [ r30, e20 ] and [ r30, e45 ] i30 i45

(a) (b) (c) (d) [ r30, e20 ] [ r20, e30 ] [ r20, e30 ] [ r30, e20 ]

[ r45, e28 ] [ r45, e28 ] [ r30, e45 ] [ r30, e45 ]

35. Three students A,B and C traced the path of a ray of light through a glass slab as shown.

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The correct path is traced by : (a) A only (b) B only A, B C


C only


Both A and B

/ (a) A (b)

/ B (c) C (d) A B

36. In the slides showing binary fission in amoeba and budding in yeast, the correct observations are : (a) The daughter cells of amoeba and the bud of yeast are smaller than their respective parental cells (b) The daughter cells of amoeba and the bud of yeast are of the same size as their respective parental cells (c) The daughter cells of amoeba are bigger than the parental cells but bud of yeast is smaller than the parent. (d) The daughter cells of amoeba are smaller than the parent but bud of yeast is larger than parent. (a) (b) (c) (d)

37. The following figures illustrates binary fission in Amoeba in an incorrect sequence

The correct sequence is (a) II, III, I, IV (b)






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38. Budding results in the production of new individual. (a) Due to sexual reproduction in parents (b) From an outgrowth of the parent individual (c) Having no nucleus (d) From germination of spore (a) (c) (b) (d)

39. Out of four slides I, II, III and IV whose details are shown below, which one should be focused under the microscope for showing budding in yeast?



(b) IV













40. Each of the three beakers A, B and C contained 50mL of distilled water. A student placed Page 12 of 13

five raisins in each beaker. The raisins for each beaker weighed the same. The beakers were kept at room temperature. The raisins were removed from beaker A after 10 minutes, from beaker B after 20 minutes and from beaker C after one hour. On calculating the percentage of water absorbed by the raisins, it was found that (a) Maximum absorption of water by raisins was in beaker C (b) Maximum absorption of water by raisins was in beaker B (c) Minimum absorption of water was by raisins in beaker C (d) Absorption of water was equal in raisins of all the three beakers. A, B C 50mL 55 A 10 (a) (c) C C B 20 C (b) (d) B

41. While performing an experiment to determine the percentage of water absorbed by raisins, the following data was obtained: Mass of water taken in the beaker = 50g Mass of raisins before soaking them in water = 5g Mass of raisins after soaking in water for 2 hours = 8g The percentage of water absorbed by raisins would be : (a) (c)

(85)g 100 8g (85)g 100 3g

(b) (d)

(83)g 100 8g (85)g 100 5g

= 50g = 5g = 8g

(a) (c)

(85)g 100 8g (85)g 100 3g

(b) (d) -oOo-

(83)g 100 8g (85)g 100 5g

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