Bab 8 Probablity Distribution
Bab 8 Probablity Distribution
Bab 8 Probablity Distribution
Prepared by : Additional Mathematics Department Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah Melaka For Internal Circulations Only
P (X = r) =
Cr p r q n r , p + q = 1
b) c) d)
Mean = np
= npq x z=
Students will be able to: 1. Understand and use the concept of binomial distribution. 1.1 List all possible values of a discrete variable.. 1.2 Determine the probability of an event in a binomial distribution. 1.3 Plot binomial distribution graphs 1.4 Determine mean ,variance and standard deviation of a binomial distribution. 1.5 Solve problems involving binomial distributions.
The binomial distribution is an example of a particular type of discrete probability distribution. It has relevance and importance in many real-life everyday applications. The binomial distribution may be referred to as a Bernoulli distribution , and the trials conducted are known as Bernoulli trials They were named in honour of the Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli (16541705). For a trial to be defined as a Bernoulli trial, each of the following characteristics must be satisfied. 1. n independent trials must be conducted. 2. Only two possible outcomes must exist for each trial that is, success and failure. 3. The probability of success, p , is fixed for each trial. If X represents a random variable which has a binomial distribution then it can be expressed as:
X ~ Bi ( n, p )
Translated into words, X ~ Bi ( n, p ) means that X follows a binomial distribution with parameters n (the number of trials) and p (the probability of success). Consider the experiment where a fair dice is rolled four times. If X represents the number of times a 3 appears uppermost, then X is a binomial variable. Obtaining a 3 will represent a success and all other values will represent a failure. The die is rolled four times so the number of trials, n, equals 4 and the probability, p, of obtaining a 3 is equal to
1 X ~ Bi (4, ) p
We will now determine the probability of a 3 appearing uppermost 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 times. Obtaining 3 is defined as a success and is denoted by S . All other numbers are defined as a failure and are denoted by F. The possible outcomes are listed in the table below.
This procedure for determining the individual probabilities can become tedious, particularly once the number of trials increases. Hence if X is a binomial random variable, its probability is defined as follows. n x n x P ( X =x ) = C x p q , x = 0,1,2,...., n That is: x = the occurrence of the successful outcome. The formula may also be written as n x n x P ( X =x ) = C x p (1 p ) , x = 0,1,2,...., n Here, the probability of failure, q, is replaced by 1 p.
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Since this is a probability distribution, we would expect that the sum of the probabilities is 1. Therefore, for the above example: Pr(X = x) = Pr(X = 0) + Pr(X = 1) + Pr(X = 2) + Pr(X = 3) + Pr(X = 4) =
1.1 1.2
List all possible values of a discrete variable.. Determine the probability of an event in a binomial distribution.
A) Discrete random variables 1. A random variable is a quantity whose value cannot be predicted but is determined by the outcomes of an experiment 2. A random variable with a countable number of possible outcomes is call discrete random variable Example A fair dice is rolled three times and the number of times of getting the number 4 is recorded . Let X be the number of times of getting the number 4. The possible outcomes of X are X = { 0, 1,2,3 }. Thus, X is a discrete random variable.
Example 1 a) If X represents the number of married women in a group of five women, list all possible values of X
b) If A represents the number of boys of a family of four children, list all possible values of A
c) b) If B represents the number of rainy days in a particular of week B list all possible values of B
Exercise 1 a) If X represent the number of days that sally is late for school in a five-day week
b) A fair coin is tossed three times. If Y represents the number of times of getting tails in the three tosses, list all possible values of Y
c) Ali attempts to answer all the ten multiple-choice question. If X represent the number of correct answer obtained by Ali list all possible values of X
Probability Of An Event In A Binomial Distribution Example 1 a) From past records, it is found that 8% of the b) From previous experience, a marksman is found to light bulbs produced by a manufacturer are have a 90% success rate of scoring a bulls eye. If the defective. A sample of 5 light bulbs is randomly marksman fires 8 times, what is the probability that the selected from the production line. What is the marksman is successful on all 8 shots. { answer 0.4305] exactly one of the light bulbs is defective? [ answer 0.2866 ]
Exercise 1 a) Based on past records, 30% of the eggs produced in a farm can be classified as grade A. A sample of 6 eggs is selected at random. Find the probability that only 4 eggs can be classified as grade A [ answer 0.0595 ]
b) In a quick test, a candidate has to answer 10 multiplechoice questions where each question has 4 possible responses with only one correct answer. To Pass the test, one must obtain at least 5 correct answer. If the candidate decides to guess the answer for all question, what is the probability that the candidate that the candidate just passes the test .[ answer 0.0584 ]
Homework Text book Page 199Exercise 8.1 No 3 8 GRAPHS OF THE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION
We will now consider the graph of a binomial distribution. If we refer to the example of 1 obtaining a 3 when rolling a die four times we note that X ~ B (4, ). The probability 6 distribution of the random variable, X, is given in the table and graph below.
Example 2 a) A recent survey shows that 40% of the residents in town A have fixed deposit accounts. A sample of 3 resident is selected at random and the number of resident who have fixed deposit accounts, X is noted Determine the probability of all the events in the distribution and hence draw the graph of the distribution Solution :
Example 2 a) A fair coin is tossed three times. If X represents the number of times heads obtained in the three tosses, determine the probability distribution of X . Hence, Plot the graph of the distribution of X Solution
Mean :
4 A fair coin is tossed 10 times. Find: a the expected number of heads b the variance for the number of heads c the standard deviation for the number of heads.
5. Six out of every 10 cars manufactured are white. Twenty cars are randomly selected. Find: a the expected number of white cars b the variance for the number of white cars c the standard deviation for the number of white cars.
A binomial random variable has a mean of 10 and a variance of 5. Find (a) the probability of success, p (b) the number of trials, n.
If X is a continuous random variable which follows a normal distribution with mean, and
, and
X ~ N (0,12 ) .
Z values are also known as standard score
Example 4. If Z is a standard normal variable, find the value of each of the following
[ Jb a) 0.2119 b) 0.9834 c) 0.0968 a) P( Z 0.8 ) b) P ( Z 2.13 d) 0.1673 e) 0.3239 c) P (Z - 1.3 ) d) P (0.8 Z 1.7) P (-0.24 Z 0.61)
Exercise 4 If Z is a standard normal variable, find the value of each of the following [ Answer a) 0.2417 b) 0.8185 c) 0.6987 d) 0.025 e) 0.7704 e) P (Z > - 0.74 ) a) P(0.5 < Z < 1.5) b) P (-2 < Z < 1) d) P (Z 1.96) c) P ( -0.93 Z 1.15
Example 5 : Z is a random variable having the standard normal distribution. Find the value of a such that P(Z>a)= 0.3446 [Ans 0.4] b) P ( Z < a ) = 0.1841 d) P ( Z a ) = 0.8508 c) P ( Z a ) = 0.6406 Ans 1.04 ] [ Ans 0.9] [Ans 0.36 ]
Example 5 : Z is a random variable having the standard normal distribution. Find the value of b such that
the random variable ( x value) of the normal distribution with mean, and standard deviation, . Example 6 a [ answer 1) a) 3 b) 0.875 b) a) x = 14.25 b) x = 10.944 1) X has a normal distribution with a mean of 40 and 2) Determine the x value for each of the following a standard deviation of 8. Convert the following xz values for a normal distribution with = 16 and values to z- values a) z = 2.125 b) z = 0.472 a) x = 64 b) x = 33
where X is
Exercise6 a [ answer 1) a) 0.5 b) 4 2) a) 19.5 b) 15 1) X has a normal distribution with a mean of 16 and 2) Determine the x value for each of the following a standard deviation of 3 . Convert the following xz values for a normal distribution with = 30 and 5 values to z- values a) z = - 2.15 b) z = - 3 a) x = 14.5 b) x = 28
9 Kertas Soalan Ramalan Represent Probability Of An Event Using Set Notation and Determine the probability of an event Example 7 b) Exercise 7 a) The lengths of pencils produced by a certain factory The mass of a loaf bread baked by a bakery is normally are normally distributed with a mean of 19 cm and a distributed with a mean of 420g and a standard deviation of 12g. standard deviation of 0.05 cm . A pencil is randomly A loaf of bread is chosen at random from the bakery . Find the selected from the factory. Write, in set notation, and find probability that the mass of the loaf of bread chosen is the probability that the length of the selected pencil is a) at most 414 g (Ans 0.3085) a) more than 19 cm
Problems Involving Normal Distributions. 1 The mass of water-melons produced from an orchard follows a normal distribution with the mean of 3.2kg and a standard deviation of 0.5 kg. Find (i) the probability that a water-melon chosen randomly from the orchard has a mass of not more than 4.0 kg ii) the value of m if 60 % of the water-melon from the orchard have a mass more than m kg. ( 6 m ) 2 The mass of babies born in a maternity hospital follows a normal distribution with a mean of 3.1 kg and a standard deviation of 0.8 kg. Find a) the probability that a baby chosen at random from the hospital has a mass of not more than 3.8k ( ans 0.8092) b) the value of a if 75% of the babies born in the hospital have a mass of more than a kg ( ans 2.561)
a) i) 0.2936 ii) 0.79691 b) i) 0.9452 ii) 3.0735
STANDARD NORMAL DISTRIBUTION: Table Values Represent AREA to the LEFT of the Z score.
Kebarangkalian Hujung Atas Q(z) Bagi Taburan Normal N(0,1)
z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 SUBTRACT 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 .5000 .4602 .4207 .3821 .3446 .3085 .2743 .2420 .2119 .1841 .1587 .1357 .1151 .0968 .0808 .0668 .0548 .0446 .0359 .0287 .0228 .0179 .0139 .0107 .4960 .4562 .4168 .3783 .3409 .3050 .2709 .2389 .2090 .1914 .1562 .1335 .1131 .0951 .0793 .0655 .0537 .0436 .0351 .0281 .0222 .0174 .0136 .0104 .4920 .4522 .4129 .3745 .3372 .3015 .2676 .2358 .2061 .1788 .1539 .1314 .1112 .0934 .0778 .0643 .0526 .0427 .0344 .0274 .0217 .0170 .0132 .0102 .0 990
.4880 .4483 .4090 .3707 .3336 .2981 .2643 .2327 .2033 .1762 .1515 .1292 .1093 .0918 .0764 .0630 .0516 .0418 .0336 .0268 .0212 .0166 .0129
.4840 .4443 .4052 .3669 .3300 .2946 .2611 .2296 .2005 .1736 .1492 .1271 .1075 .0901 .0749 .0618 .0505 .0409 .0329 .0262 .0207 .0162 .0125
.4801 .4404 .4013 .3632 .3264 .2912 .2578 .2266 .1977 .1711 .1469 .1251 .1056 .0885 .0735 .0606 .0495 .0401 .0322 .0256 .0202 .0158 .0122
.4761 .4364 .3974 .3594 .3228 .2877 .2546 .2236 .1949 .1685 .1446 .1230 .1038 .0869 .0721 .0594 .0485 .0392 .0314 .0250 .0197 .0154 .0119
.4721 .4325 .3936 .3557 .3192 .2843 .2514 .2206 .1922 .1660 .1423 .1210 .1020 .0853 .0708 .0582 .0475 .0384 .0307 .0244 .0192 .0150 .0116
.4681 .4286 .3897 .3520 .3156 .2810 .2483 .2177 .1894 .1635 .1401 .1190 .1003 .0838 .0694 .0571 .0465 .0375 .0301 .0239 .0188 .0146 .0113
.4641 .4247 .3859 .3483 .3121 .2776 .2451 .2148 .1867 .1611 .1379 .1170 .0985 .0823 .0681 .0559 .0455 .0367 .0294 .0233 .0183 .0143 .0110
4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1
12 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 8 7 6 6 5 3 3 2 1 1 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
16 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 13 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 2
20 20 19 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 13 12 11 9 8 6 5 4 2 2 16 14 12 11 9 8 7 5 4 2
24 24 23 22 22 20 19 18 16 15 14 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 15 14 13 11 9 7 6 4 3 2 19 17 15 13 11 10 8 6 4 3
28 28 27 26 25 24 23 21 19 18 16 14 13 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 18 16 15 13 11 8 7 5 3 3 22 20 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3
32 32 31 30 29 27 26 24 22 20 19 16 15 13 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 20 18 17 15 12 9 8 6 4 3 25 22 20 18 15 13 10 8 6 4
36 36 35 34 32 31 29 27 25 23 21 18 17 14 13 11 9 8 6 5 4 4 3 2 23 21 19 17 14 10 9 6 4 4 28 25 22 20 17 14 12 9 7 5
.0 964
.0 939
.0 914 .0 889
3 .0 866
.0 842
2 2
.02776 .02755
2 2 1 1 1 0 0 3
.02587 .02570 .0 440 .0'427 .02326 .02317 .02240 .02233 .02175 .02169 .02126 .02122 .0 904 .0 874
3 3 2
.0 845
.0 816
3 2 2
.03641 .03619
2 2
.0 483
.0 466
.0 450 .0 434
1 1 1 0
.0 64 .0442