Example Fahu VFD
Example Fahu VFD
Example Fahu VFD
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Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3 Fresh air handling unit example ....................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Control diagram ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Functional Description ................................................................................................................... 3 Solution with Lonix technologies ..................................................................................................... 4 Required devices ................................................................................................................................ 6
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1 Introduction
This document presents an implementation example for a fresh air handling unit using Lonix technologies. The controls are done using Lonix Modules, and system design and configuration utilizes the Lonix Project Creation Tool (PCT).
Figure 1. Control diagram of a typical fresh air handling unit with variable frequency drives The air handling unit has a heat recovery unit and a cooling unit for temperature control. Supply air and exhaust air fans are equipped with variable frequency drives. Filters make sure that only clean air is supplied. Air circulation can be stopped completely with dampers.
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setpoint and the measured supply air temperature (TE2). In addition, if the difference between exhaust air temperature (TE3) and fresh air (outdoor) temperature (TE0) is more than, say, a few degrees then the heat recovery unit should be on for energy saving purposes. The air circulation in the serving area will be balanced by the simultaneous functioning of the supply and exhaust fans. Separate dampers for the supply and exhaust ducts make sure that there will be airflow only if the fans are running (i.e. at all other times the dampers will be closed). The speed with which the fans should run is determined by the pressure developed in the ducts by the air flow. If all the VAVs are in open position the supply fan will be running in full speed to maintain the required airflow. The variation in the pressure will be determined by the differential pressure sensor mounted in the supply duct (PE1 and PE2). Run and trip status information for both fans are received through the starter panels and in case the fans fail then an alarm is generated. Pressure difference switches (PDS3, PDS4) monitor the airflow in the ducts and generate an alarm in case there is a conflict between the fan run status and airflow status. Filter alarms (PDS1, PDS2) are generated by the pressure difference switches when the filters get too dirty. In case of a fire alarm both fans and the heat recovery unit is turned off and both dampers are closed.
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Figure 3. Speed control of the fresh air handling unit The control can be roughly divided in four separate parts: heat recovery unit control, temperature control, fan & damper control and alarms. The heat recovery wheel is rotateted according to the difference between the outdoor temperature TE0 and return temperature TE3. The wheel is supposed to rotate when the temperature difference is more than 2 degrees. This is achieved by using an on/off controller (HRU Controller) which will enable the wheel run permission when the temperature difference is outside of the certain range (typically -2 to +2 degrees). Notice that the HRU controllers run permission output must be inverted. Without invert function the wheel would run only when temperature difference is within the configured range! The cooling valve is regulated according to the measured supply air temperature TE1 and the given setpoint. A constant controller (Temp Controller) makes sure that the valve is opened when more cooling is needed. An alarm is generated when the supply air temperature deviates more than 5 degrees from the setpoint (sliding alarm feature). All fans and dampers are controlled synchronously. When the supply air fan is started (Supply Fan Start) the fresh air damper is opened automatically and vice versa. The start command is also forwarded to the exhaust fan which works in conjunction with the exhaust air damper. So basically both fans are on and both dampers open, or both fans are off and both dampers closed. The fan speeds are regulated (VFD Controller 1, VFD Controller 2) according to the measured pressures (PE1, PE2) inside the supply and return ducts.
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To be sure the fresh air handling unit is working properly there are several alarming points. Run status and trip status indications for both fans are available through the starter panel. Pressure difference switches monitor the filters and airflow in the ducts. The open/close status of the dampers is also available. Run status, Airflow status and damper status indications compare the system for conflicts. In case of a fire alarm the heat recovery wheel and the fans are turned off with a binding to its nviDOalarmStop. Also the dampers are closed.
4 Required devices
This chapter lists the required devices for the example implementation. Table 1. I/O objects I/O type DI DO AI AO PID Amount 14 5 8 3 4
As you can see in the above table, you will need one (1) Lonix Multimodule 2242P, one (1) Lonix Digimodule 5400P and one (1) Lonix Indication Module 1000S. Table 2. Lonix Modules Module Type Lonix Multimodule 2242P Lonix Digimodule 5400P Lonix Indication Module 1000S Description 2 DI, 2 DO, 4 AI, 2 AO, 2 PID 5 DI, 4 DO, 2 PID 10 DI Units 1 1 1
The following table lists the different sensors, transducers and actuators needed in the example implementation. Table 3. Sensors and actuators Device PDS1, PDS2 PDS3, PDS4 TE0 TE2 TH1 PE1, PE2 Cooling valve & actuator Damper drives Variable Frequency Drives Details 0500 Pa 03000 Pa -40105 C -20105 C -4085 0...100% C, 0500 Pa Model LX-PDS-Filter LX-PDS-Fan LX-TE-O LX-TE-D200 LX-RHTE-D-3 LX-PD-A-LCD e.g. VUD065F300 + AVM234S F132 e.g. Belimo M24 e.g. Mitsubishi S500