Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis
To win in today's marketplace, companies must become adept not just in managing products, but in managing customer relationships in the face of determine competition. Understanding customer is crucial, but its not enough. Building profitable customer relationships and gaining Competitive advantage requires delivering more value and satisfaction to target consumers than competitors do.
Competitive Advantage: An advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value than competitors do.
Creating and Sustaining superior performance, Michael E. Porter has identified Five Forces that determined the intrinsic long term attractiveness of a market or a specific market segment.
Industry competitors
An industry is a group of firms that offer a product or class of products that are close substitutes for one another. Industry are classified according to number of sellers, degree of product differentiation, presence or absence of entry, mobility and exit barriers, cost structure, degree of vertical integration and degree of globalization. For e.g.. Mobile Phone Market is good example for fierce competition due to segment rivalry
Potential Entrants
The Entry and Exit barriers affect a segments attractiveness. The most attractive segment is one in which entry barriers are high and exit barriers are low i.e. few new firms can enter the industry and poor performing firms can easily exit. If the entry and exit barriers are low, firms easily enter and leave the industry and the returns are stable or low.
The worst case is when the entry barriers are low and exit barriers are high. Here firms enter during good times but hard to leave during bad times.
A substitute product is a product that appears to be different but can satisfy the same need as another product. A segment is unattractive when there are actual or potential substitutes for the product. Substitutes place a limit on price and profits.
A segment is unattractive if buyers possess strong or growing bargaining power. Buyers bargaining power grows when they become more concentrated, when the buyer switching costs are low, when buyers are price sensitive. To protect themselves, sellers might select buyers who have the least power to negotiate or switch suppliers.
Its product or service is unique and/or it has built up switching costs( word processing software)
Competitors Analysis
Steps In Analyzing Competitors
Identifying Competitors
A Company can define its competitors as other companies offering similar products and services to the same customers at similar prices. For E.g.. Jet airways might see Kingfisher or other premium as a major competitors, but not Spice jet or IndiGo.
The Company can identify their competitors from Industry Point of View. From an industry point of view, Pepsi might see its Competitors as Coca Cola and makers of other soft drink brands.
From a Market Point of view, the Customer really wants Thirst Quenching. This need Can be Satisfied by bottle water, Energy drinks, Fruit juice or many other fluids.
Assessing Competitors
Determining Competitors Objectives: Once the company has identified its competitors, it musk ask: what is each competitor seeking in the marketplace. Many factors shape a competitors objectives, including size, history, current management and financial situation. Also a company must monitor competitors expansion plans.
For E.g.. Siemens and Hitachi Home &
Life Solutions (India) ltd Belong to a Different Strategic group.
They produce a narrower line of higher quality appliances, offer a higher level of services and change a premium price
Share of heart- The percentage of customers who named the competitor in responding to the statement, Name the company from which you would prefer to buy the product. Companies normally learn about their competitors strength and weakness through secondary data, personal experience and word of mouth. They can also conduct primary market research with customers, suppliers and dealers.
To improve market share, many companies benchmark their most successful competitors.
Or they can Benchmark themselves against other firms, comparing the companys products and processes to those of competitors or leading firms in other Industries to identify Best Practices and find ways to improve quality and performance.
Competitive Strategies
Market leaders------ 40% (Microsoft, McDonalds, Tata Motors, Google, Future group in Retailing) Market challenger 30% Market follower------20% Market nichers-------10% Market leader should be vigilant. (A product innovation may come along and hurt the leader.) The dominant firm might look old fashioned against new rivals.
Help of advertisement for communicating the advantages of using brand. Increasing frequency involves identifying additional opportunities to use the brand in the same basic way.
Defending market share 1. While trying to expand total market size, the dominant firm must continuously defend its current business.
minute maid orange juice ,Kodak against Fuji. The company should go for continuous innovation. Here the distinguish can be made between responsive marketer, creative marketer, anticipative marketer. Responsive marketer- it finds a stated need and fills it. Anticipative marketer- It looks ahead into what needs customers may have in the near future. Creative marketer- It discovers and produces solutions customers did not ask for but to which they enthusiastically respond.
2.Flank defense
Here the market leader should erect outposts to protect a weak front or possibly serve as an invasion base for counterattack. For e.g. matching the competitors product, advertising, price.
3.Counteroffensive defense
When attacked, most market leaders will respond with a counterattack. Here the leader can meet the attacker frontally. 4. Mobile defense
Here the leader stretches over new territories that can serve as future centers for defense and offense through market diversification and market broadening. In business this would entail introducing new products, introducing replacement products, modifying existing products, changing market segments, changing target markets, repositioning products,
or changing promotional focus. This defense requires a very flexible organization with strong marketing, entrepreneurial, product development, and marketing research skills.
3 Encirclement attack- The encirclement attack is an attempt to capture a wide slice of enemys territory for e.g. Sun Microsystems licensed its java software to hundreds of companies. 4 By pass attack- It means bypassing the enemy and attacking easier markets to broaden ones resource base. For e.g. Pepsi used a bypass strategy against coke by purchasing orange juice giant Tropicana.
A innovator bears the expense of developing the new product , getting it into distribution and informing and educating the market. Another firm can come along and copy or improve market leadership.
A market follower must know how to hold a current customer and win fair share of new customers. As there is a risk to be attacked by the market challengers, the market follower should keep its manufacturing cost low and quality high.
Counterfeiter 1. The counterfeiter duplicates the leaders product and packages and sells it. Music record firms, apple computers and Rolex have been facing a counterfeiter problem, especially in Asia. 2. Cloner- The cloner copy the leaders products, name and packaging with slight variations.
3.Imitator- The imitator copies some things from the leader but maintains differentiation in terms of packaging, advertising, pricing. 4.Adapter- The adapter takes the leaders products and adapts or improves them. The adapter may chose to sell to different markets