Foreign Direct Investment: Submitted By: Parneet Walia 95202239175 MBA
Foreign Direct Investment: Submitted By: Parneet Walia 95202239175 MBA
Foreign Direct Investment: Submitted By: Parneet Walia 95202239175 MBA
An FDI May be
an individual; a group of related individuals; an incorporated or unincorporated entity; a public company or private company; a group of related enterprises; a government body; an estate (law), trust or other social institution; or any combination of the above.
Types of FDI
Reasons of FDI
Capital resources. Markets. Cheap Cost of resources. To promote the business. Govt. policies. For the Growth of the Country.
Methods of FDI
By incorporating a wholly owned subsidiary or company By acquiring shares in an associated enterprise Through a merger or an acquisition of an unrelated enterprise Participating in an equity joint venture with another investor or enterprise Licensing and technology transfer. Reciprocal distribution agreements. Portfolio investment.
Benefits of FDI
Economic development of the host Transfer of technology Development of human capital resources Creation of jobs Opening export window / Trade Development of HR of an organization. Provides finance.
Disadvantages of FDI
Company may lose ownership. Difference in language and culture . Policies adapted may not be appreciated /lack of control. Adverse effects on competition. Local market is affected badly. Technological disadvantage.
Although FDI have so many disastrous affects upon host country but it has so many advantages to both the countries . In previous years we had seen large no. of FDI in India because of liberated policies of Govt. So, govt. should adopt corrective measures to promote FDI.