Camp Organizing Committee
Camp Organizing Committee
Camp Organizing Committee
Members of this committee define the camp's objectives. After defining the camp's objectives, the organizing committee determines the:
Overall camp program Camp location Dates of the camp (they should correspond with school breaks) Method of funding for the camp Official language(s) of the camp Entrance requirements for campers Appropriate age range for prospective campers (a three-year age range is suggested) Appropriate number of prospective campers (between 30 and 60 campers is suggested)
The organizing committee also consults with the Lions district/multiple district youth camp and exchange chairperson concerning all camp arrangements and is responsible for verifying the camp participants have sufficient insurance.
Camp organizers shall provide activiites that fulfill the objectives of the program, which are to:
Bring people from different countries into meaningful contact with each other. Permit the sharing of ideas, ideals, and cultural viewpoints. Promote international understanding and goodwill, and work towards the goals of world peace and human understanding. Encourage respect in young people for the thinking of others.
Camp details will appear in the online Youth Camps and Exchange Directory. Submit the Annual District/Multiple District Youth Camp and Exchange Report form with appropriate signatures to the Youth Programs Department.
Camp Leadership
The committee creates job descriptions for camp leadership positions including: camp director, finance chairperson, program chairperson, lodging chairperson, food/meals chairperson, transportation chairperson and hosting chairperson.
Lions, Lionesses, mature Leos, former camp participants, local teachers, coaches and athletic trainers are often recruited for camp leaders.
The camp leaders accept responsibility for: Providing a safe environment for all campers and camp staff, the camp program, camp policies, legal obligations,insurance, etc.
The camp leadership informs all staff members (in writing) about: Camp goals, objectives and philosophy, camp rules, job descriptions, camp schedule, living conditions, use of automobiles and equipment and alcohol policy.
A pre-camp training session enables the camp leaders to inform all staff members about Lions clubs, characteristics of the selected age group, the role of staff members and first aid basics. This training strengthens camp leadership.