Coa 09
Coa 09
Coa 09
M 17009
Namg I .....................................
2. a) With block diagram,explainthe two waysin which byte addresses assigned are acrosswords. b) Illustratewith an examplethe algorithm for non restoringdivision. OR a) What is an addressing mode ? Explain different types of addressing modes. b) Explain Booth's algorithm.Multiply two numbers- 13 (multiplicand)and 11 (multiplier) using Booth's multiplicationmethod.
M 17009
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is b) Explain how a virtual address mappedto physical address using page table. 8
interleaved organizationof multiple memory modules. b ) What is the needof cachereplacementalgorithms ? Explain LRU replacement aigorithm. from severalI/O devicescan be communicated 5. a) Explain how intemrpt request to processor through a single INTR line. explain the sequence eventsfor input b ) Consideringthe timing diagruuns, of transfer and output transfer on a synchronousbus. OR a) Why bus arbitration is required ? Explain with block diagrambus arbitration processusing daisy chain arrangement. b ) Describethe processof DMA. When it is speciallyuseful ?
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