Chapt-5 Exclude From Gross Income
Chapt-5 Exclude From Gross Income
Chapt-5 Exclude From Gross Income
Problem 5 2 TAXABLE OR NONTAXABLE with income tax 1. Nontaxable 12. Nontaxable, if not exceeding 10 days 2. Nontaxable 13. Taxable 3. Nontaxable 14. Taxable (based on proceeds or selling price or zonal value, whichever is higher). 4. Nontaxable 15. Taxable 5. Nontaxable 16. Taxable 6. Nontaxable 17. Taxable, except when BIR registered with 50 year old retiree; 10 years service and first time to avail. 7. Nontaxable 18. Taxable 8. Taxable 19. Nontaxable if Philippine Sweepstakes and Lotto 9. Nontaxable 20. Taxable 10. Taxable 21. Taxable 11. Taxable 22. Nontaxable Problem 5 3 TRUE OR FALSE 1. False nontaxable 2. True 3. True 4. False Proceeds of life insurance is not taxable regardless of whoever would be the recipient, except when the insured person outlived his life insurance and received the proceeds. The excess of proceeds over premium paid is taxable. 5. False include in gross income 6. False Bequest is a personal property. 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. False Nontaxable 11. True 12. False Nontaxable 13. False Some prizes and awards are not taxable. Eg. Ramon Magsaysay Awards 14. True 15. True 16. False Include in gross income because income from gift is subject to income tax. 17. False Exempt from income tax. 18. True Problem 5 -4 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. B Problem 5 6 D Availed 10-day sick leave pay Problem 5 -5 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. C
Problem 5 7 C Take home pay Nontaxable 13th month pay Withholding tax Other income subject to normal tax Taxable income
In general, a MWE is not subject to WTW and income tax on his compensation income. But if he has other income that is subject to normal tax, his entire income during the year will be subject to income tax, his compensation income, however, will not be subject to WTW. Problem 5 8 C Taxable P265,000 50,000 6,000 (27,000) ( 5,000) . P289,000 Taxable P13,000 Nontaxable
Net pay Withholding tax Advances 3th month pay Christmas bonus (de minimis) SSS contribution Totals Problem 5 9 C
Net take home pay SSS contributions PAG-IBIG contributions Union dues contributions Office party contributions Charitable contribution (deductible only from business income) Withholding income tax Totals Problem 5 10 Monthly salary Problem 5 11 Rent of apartment Reimbursement Taxable benefits Problem 5 12 Reportable taxable income D
75 25 400 P13,500
. P500 P15,000
Problem 5 13 B Proceeds of life insurance received by insured person Return of premium Total premium paid Taxable income Problem 5 14 Problem 5 15 D D Nontaxable Actual damages for unrealized profit Interest on non-taxable damages Actual damages for lost products Exemplary damages Moral damages Actual liquidated damages Total P200,000 50,000 50,000 80,000 P380,000
Zero, because, the P270,000 cash surrender value is just a return of contribution of P360,000.
. P120,000
Terminal pay Life insurance SSS death benefit Donations Totals Problem 5 18 A The termination is due to cause within the control of Jalosjos. Problem 5 19 D Last pay ujpon resignation from his first employer Problem 5 20 A Zero, all items enumerated are not subject to income tax. Problem 5 21 D P50,000 business income for year 4 Problem 5 22 C Interest income from bank savings deposit Problem 5 23 D Zero. All gifts enumerated are not subject to income tax. Problem 5 24 D Total income (P100,000 x 10 months) Total average expenses (P20,000 x 10 months) Income subject to income tax
. P - 0 -
Problem 5 25 D Zero. All winnings received by Miss Lara are subject to tax because she has entered into a contest as Miss International. Problem 5 26 Lotto Philippine winnings A P10,000,000 50,000 100,000 500,000 250,000 1,000,000 100,000 P2,000,000 P
Problem 5 27 B Ramon Magsaysay award Athlete of the year award Prize for winning the silver Olympic medal Gift from Mr. Lim Gift from Nissan Winnings Philippine sweepstakes Total winnings/ awards not subject to income tax
Problem 5 28 D Zero. Interest and gain on sale of investment in a 5-year government bonds is exempt from income tax. Problem 5 29 B Interest received from bond investment Problem 5 30 B Interest income Multiplied by final tax rate on interest income Income tax Problem 5 31 D Interest on expanded foreign currency deposit P 120,000 P120,000 20% P 24,000 P100,000
Problem 5 32 A Income from sale of invented products Sale of technology Total revenue Less: Research and development costs Nontaxable income
Note: The cost of product produced need not to be deducted anymore because of the term income from sale of invented products. Problem 5 33 C Interest income on bank savings deposit Problem 5 34 C Interest income from foreign currency deposit (P2,000,000 x 7.5%) Interest income from time deposit (P1,000,000 x 20%) Income tax paid by BBC Problem 5 35 1. Compensation income (P5,000 x 10) 2. Retirement benefits Salary earned Gross income
3. Same answer with No. 1 Problem 5 36 Winnings from charity horse race sweepstakes from PCSO Interest on government debt securities Damages for breach of contract (P1,000,000 x 60%) Gains from redemption of shares in mutual fund Gain from sale of bonds with maturity of more than five years Gifts from friends Total exclusion from gross income Problem 5 37 Proceeds of his life insurance (P2,000,000) (P15,000 x 25) Proceeds of his mothers life insurance Cash gift Inheritance Rent income Total Exclude P 375,000 1,000,000 50,000 3,000,000 . P4,425,000
100,000 P1,725,000
Problem 5 38 No, the P1,500,000 transfer to be received by Miss Tandana is to be included for income taxation because the transfer is in recognition of her services rendered. It is not to be included as a part of estate tax. Problem 5 39 All enumerated items are not subject to normal (tabular) tax.