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It2357 Lab Manual 1

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Department of Information Technology Lab Manual


Prepared by K.Poornimathi (SL/IT) G.Rajesh Kannan (Lecturer /IT)

RAJALAKSHMI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Rajalakshmi Nagar, Thandalam, Chennai 602 105

1. DESIGNING STUDENT ID CARD AIM: To design an ID card for a particular student. ALGORITHM:

Step 1: Create a html file with table tag Step 2: Set the necessary attributes needed for designing an ID card.[i.e rowspan,colspan,border].

Step 3: Front side of ID card should contains Student name Roll no Department Section Image of the student.

Step 4: Back side of ID card should contains Address Phone number Blood Group Fathers Name

2. JOB REGISTRATION FORM AIM: To design an Job Registration form using XHTML. ALGORITHM:

Step 1: Create a html file with form tag Step 2: Use the following tag Label Button Text Textarea Checkbox Radio Button Menus Step 3: Store the file in the html format and run in web browser

3.HOT SPOT USING HTML AIM: To create a web page which includes a map and display the related information when a hot spot is clicked in the map ALGORITHM: Step 1: Create a html file with map tag Step 2: Set the source attribute of the img tag to the location of the image and also set the usemap attribute Step 3: Specify an area with name, shape and href set to the appropriate values Step 4: Repeat step 3 as many hot spots you want to put in the map Step 5: Create html files for each and every hot spots the user will select.


AIM: To create the several frames using HTML and display to the web browser. ALGORITHM:

Step 1: Create a web page with frame sets consisting of many frames.Use the following tag <frameset cols=50%,50%,50%>

Step 2:Insert the many html files using frame tag and src attributes.Use the following tag and attributes <frame src=example.html> Step 3: Display the several files in the web browser.

5.WEB PAGE CREATION USING CSS AIM: To create a web page that displays college information using various style sheet ALGORITHM: Step 1: Create a web page with frame sets consisting two frames Step 2: In the first frame include the links Step 3: In the second frame set display the web page of the link Step 4: create a external style sheets Step 5: create a inline and internal style sheets and make it link to the external style sheets

6.Scientific Calculator using JavaScript

AIM: To design the scientific calculator and make event for each button using java script. ALGORITHM:

Step 1: Create a title for the web page and declare the script within the <head> use <script> tag for declaring function.

Step 2: Separate functions are given for calculating the total value,sin cos,tan,log,pow.

Step 3:

Use predefined Math function for scientific


Step 4: create the table for structuring the calculator using <table> tag and attributes.

Step 5: Create the button and provide the event handling for each button to make event.Use onclick() method.

7.CREATING CLOCK AIM: To design web page to create a real time clock with a timing event using java script event handling mechanism. ALGORITHM:

Step 1: Create a title for the web page and declare the script within the <head> use <script> tag for declaring function.

Step 2:Create a function with the name of display(). Step 3:Write a script coding for timing event. Step 4:Create the code for body elements with onload() method.This method is used to load the document in the Web browser.

Step 4: Display the clock.

8.a.CLIENT SIDE FORM VALIDATION USING DHTML AIM: To create a Client Side Scripts for Validating Web Form Controls using DHTML Algorithm: The form will include one text field called "Your Name", and a submit button. Validation script will ensure that the user enters their name before the form is sent to the server.

Open this page to see it in action. Try pressing the Send Details button without filling anything in the "Your Name" field. You might like to open the source code for this form in a separate window The page consists of a JavaScript function called validate_form() that performs the form validation, followed by the form itself.

8.b.CHANGE THE SOURCE OF IMAGE AIM: To create the DOM code for changing the source of the image. ALGORITHM:

Step 1: Create a title for the web page and declare the script within the <head> use <script> tag for declaring function.

Step 2:Create a function with the name of change().

Step 3:Write a script coding for change the source image.Use the following code wihin the function. Document.getElementById(hi).img=Image.gif;

Step 4:Create the code for body elements with onclick(). method.This method is used to call the java script function change().

Step 4: Display the new image.

9.APPLET AIM: write a java program to create applets with the following feature Create a color palette with matrix of buttons. a. b. c. Set background and foreground of the control text In order to select foreground or background use To set background images. area by selecting a color from color palette. checkbox controls as radio buttons. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Import all necessary packages and classes Step 2: Define a class that extends applet and implements action listener and item listener Step 3: Declare an array of buttons to set colors, two checkboxes for foreground and background colors Step 4: Declare a text area to hold the text, a checkbox group for checkboxes Step 5: Add the array of buttons in the init function. Step 6: In the actionPerformed() method, do the following: Get the action command in the string, color I) If foreground is checked then set the foreground color to the selected color II)If ackground is checked then set the background color to the selected color

10.REGULAR EXPRESSIONS AIM: To display the area code for the given phone number using java script regular expressions. ALGORITHM:

Step 1: Create a title for the web page and declare the script within the <head> use <script> tag for declaring function.

Step 2:Create a function with the name of display() and with the necessary variables

Step 3:Write a script coding for Regular Expressions. Step 4:Use the following expressions within the function. Var i=str.match(/(d{3})\ \d{3}-\d{4}/);

Step 4:Create the code for body elements with onclick() method.This method is used to call scripting the document in the Web browser.

Create three labels,Text box and one button

Step 4: Display the result.


1.a.INVOKING HTML FORM USING SERVLET AIM: To write html and servlet to demonstrate invoking a servlet from a html. ALGORITHM: Client:

Step1: In index.html on the client side declare the contents that you like to transfer to the server using html form and input type tags.

Step2: create a submit button and close all the included tags. Server: Step 1:Import the necessary package,classes methods.Use the following javax packages. Import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.http.*; Step 2:create the class that extends to the HttpServlet class Step 3:Use the doGet(req ,res)with two parameter that throws IOException,ServletException.


Step 4: In the servlet side using the parameter request get the stings declared in the client side (requst.getparameter)

Step5: Include necessary html coding that helps to display the content.

1.b.SERVER INFORMATION AIM: To write the servlet program to display the server information in the web browser, ALGORITHM: Server: Step 1:Import the necessary package,classes methods.Use the following javax packages. Import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.http.*; Step 2:create the class that extends to the HttpServlet class Step 3:Use the doGet(req ,res)with two parameter that throws IOException,ServletException.


Step 4:Use the PrintWriter class to print the information Step 5:Use the certain functions for get the server information .Use the following functions. getServerName(),getServerPort(),getProtocol(), getScheme()

Step2: Include necessary html coding that helps to display the content.

1.c.CREATING SESSION AIM: To write the servlet program to create the session and session id. ALGORITHM: Server: Step 1:Import the necessary package,classes methods.Use the following javax packages. Import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.http.*; Step 2:create the class that extends to the HttpServlet class Step 3:Use the doGet(req ,res)with two parameter that throws IOException,ServletException.


Step 4:Use the PrintWriter class to print the information

Step 5:Use the HttpSession class to create the session and Session id. Step2: Include necessary html coding that helps to display the content.

1.d.ADDING COOKIES AIM: To write a hml coding to create and add cookie to the web server. ALGORITHM: Client:

Step1: In index.html on the client side declare the contents that you like to add the cookie in the server using html form and input type tags.

Step2: create a submit button and close all the included tags. Server: Step 1:Import the necessary package,classes methods.Use the following javax packages. Import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.http.*; Step 2:create the class that extends to the HttpServlet class Step 3:Use the doGet(req ,res)with two parameter that throws IOException,ServletException.


Step 4: Use the Cookie class and methods.

Step5: Include necessary servlet coding that helps to add the cookie to web browser..

2.a.Invoke JSP from Applet Aim: To invoke JSP from Applet Algorithm: 1.Start the Invoking JSP from Applet 2.Create the Ats.html 3.Use the one input type for roll no 4.When submit button is click it perform the action= http://localhost:8080/Student/Student 5.The save as the Ats.html 6.Then create java coding for AppletToJSP.java 7.In coding create three important objects 8.Label sent and received and button click to send to servlets. 9.Set the url as http://localhost:8080"+"/JSP/AppletToJSP 10.Then create java coding for AppletToJSP.jsp and Intermediate.jsp(see the source code) 11.Finally save and run the program


Aim: To create a simple Bean to display the message. Algorithm: Step 1: Create a folder name as SampleBean and file name as SBean.

Step2: SBean file should consists of getproperty and setproperty methods to get and set the user message. Step3:Create a JSP file to invoke a SBean.


AIM: To create a three tier application for displaying the student marklist ALGORITHM: Client: Step1: In index.html on the client side declare the contents that you like to transfer to the server using html form and input type tags. Step2: create a submit button and close all the included tags. SERVER: Step 1: Import all necessary packages Step 2: Use all JDBC components. Step 3: Use scriplet to insert java coding. i)Set the content type of the response to "text/html" ii)connect with the database which has the student marklist query the data to the database Step 4: Display the student marklist

3.b.ONLINE EXAMINATION USING SERVLET WITH DATABASE AIM: To write java servlet programs to conduct online examination and to display student mark list available in a database ALGORITHM: Client: Step1: In index.html on the client side declare the contents that you like to transfer to the server using html form and input type tags. Step2: create a submit button and close all the included tags. Servlet: Step 1: Import all necessary packages Step 2: Define a class that extends servlet Step 3: In the doPost() method, do the following: i)Set the content type of the response to "text/html" ii)Create a writer to the response iii)Get a paratmeter from the request iv)If its value is equal to right answer then add 5 to mark variable v)Similarly repeat step vi)for all parameters vii)Display the result in an html format using the writer

STUDENT MARK LIST DATABASE Step 1: Import necessary to java packages and javax packages and classes Step 2: Create a class that extends HttpServlet and implements ServletException and IOException Use all JDBC components. Step 3: In the doGet() method, do the following: i)Create a PrintWriter object ii)Open a connection with the data source name iii)Write a sql query and execute to get the resultset iv)Display the resultset information in html form

3.c.CREATING CUSTOM TAG LIBRARY USING JSP AIM: To write the JSP program to create the custom tag library for calculating area of triangle. ALGORITHM: Server: Step 1:Import the necessary package,classes methods.Use the following javax packages. Import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.http.*; import javax.servlet.jsp.*; Creation of Tag Handler. Creation of Tag Library Descripor(TLD).


Step 2:Creation of JSP with registration and use of tags declared in TLD. i)Tag Handler class must extends TagSupport(Supported by JSP API).

ii)create the CustomTag and store a java file named firstTag.java and use the area of square formula(n*n). iii). Use doStart() method to create the custom tag named MyTag.tld. iv).Register the custom tag from MyTag.tld file with the JSP web page

Step 3:Use the custom tag in your file Step 4:Execute the file and display the data.

4.Program using AJAX AIM: Write a Programs using AJAX ALGORITHM: 1. use Javascript to initialise the XML HTML request object 2. use HTML to create areas for user input and output 3. use Javascript to send the user inputs to a server 4. process the data on a server 5. use Javascript to process any response from the server and display the result

5.WEB SERVICES AIM: Consider a case where we have two web Services- an airline service and a travel agent and the travel agent is searching for an airline. Implement this scenario using Web Services and Data base. PROCEDURE: a) Develop webservices b) Test the webservice c) Develop client and call the webservice there d) Finally deploy and test the application


1.a.PROGRAM USING XML WITH DTD AIM: To write a XML code to validate the XML elements with XML DTD. ALGORITHM: Step 1:Create the xml file with version and doctype.

Step 2:To define the elements under the Doctype mentioned within paranthesis angular brackets.

Tag with the defined fields are used.

Details are given using these tags Validate the elements and display the results.

2. PROGRAM USING XML WITH CSS AIM: To write a XML code to vdispaly the XML elements with XML CSS. ALGORITHM: Step 1:Create the xml file with version and doctype. Step 2:Create external or internal style sheet to provide the style to xml elements.Store that file with the .CSS format. Import the css file with the use of following code. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css"?> Create the tag elements. Display the result in the web browser.

3. PROGRAM USING XML WITH XSLT AIM: To write a XML code to dispaly the XML elements with XML XSLT. ALGORITHM: Step 1:Create the xml file with simple elements. Step 2:Create external or internal style sheet to provide the style to xml elements.Store that file with the .CSS format. Import the css file with the use of following code. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css"?> Create the tag elements.\ Write the XSLT coding. Display the result in the web browser.

5. PROGRAM USING XML DOM AIM: To write a XML code to validate the xml elements using XML DOM Parser. ALGORITHM: Declare the main method and set up the parser.

Step 2: The new instance of DOMParserFactory and from this one we create a new Instance of DOMParser. To the Parse Method of DOMParser, we pass two parameters, name of the XML File and the class which implements interface HandlerBase.. The javax.xml.parsers.DOMParser class is a wrapper thatdefinesanumber of convenience methods. It wraps the org.xml.DOM.Parser object. If needed, you can obtain that parser using the DOMParser's getParser() method. The DOM Methods needs to be implemented from the DocumentHandler Base Interface .

6.PROGRAM USING XML SAX AIM: To write a XML code to validate the xml elements using XML SAX Parser. ALGORITHM: Declare the main method and set up the parser.

Step 2: The new instance of SAXParserFactory and from this one we create a new Instance of SaxParser. To the Parse Method of SaxParser, we pass two parameters, name of the XML File and the class which implements interface HandlerBase.. The javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser class is a wrapper thatdefinesanumber of convenience methods. It wraps the org.xml.sax.Parser object. If needed, you can obtain that parser using the SAXParser's getParser() method. The DOM/SAX Methods needs to be implemented from the DocumentHandler Base Interface .

Web Service Reference: Setting Servers:

Set up the installed JRE in eclipse (Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs) Set up the installed runtime for server in eclipse (Windows -> Preferences -> Server -> Installed Runtimes) Set up the Server view in eclipse (Windows -> Show View -> Other) Set up the Tomcat Server by right clicking and selecting New -> Server option from the Server view in eclipse. Creating web service: Create a new Dynamic Web Project in eclipse (File -> New -> Other) Enter name as ?WebServiceTutorial?, select project location as ?E:\Test? and select Apache Tomcat v5.5 as the Target server. Now create a new Java class from the Project Explorer (Dynamic Web Projects -> Java Source -> New -> Class) Enter name as ?Hello? and package as ?com.tutorial?. Add a simple method in the ?Hello? class as below. public String sayHello(String name){

return "Hello " + name; } Save and build the project. Create a new Web service in eclipse (File -> New -> Other) Select Generate a proxy Select Test the Web service. Select Overwrite files without warning Select or enter the Bean name as ?com.tutorial.Hello?. This is the java class that we just now created. Continue the wizard by clicking Next and finish. On Finish, the Tomcat server starts up and launches the Test client. Verify the generated contents. Look for Hello.class and the generated JSPs as below. Verify the Tomcat folder and ensure the newly created web applications ? WebServiceTutorial, WebServiceTutorialClient. We can also run the following url from the browser to access/test the Web service. If servlet error ?org.eclipse.jst.ws.util.JspUtils cannot be resolved or is not a type? is thrown on the browser, then copy the webserviceutils.jar file from the E:\Eclipse3.1\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.jst.ws.consumptio n_0.7.0 into the WEB-INF\lib folder of the WebServiceTutorialClient application and restart the Tomcat server. The browser displays the methods available in the web service. Click on the sayHello(..) method, enter your name (for e.g. ?Jeeva?) in the inputs section and click ?Invoke?. The WSDL for the Hello Web service can be found in E:\Test\WebServiceTutorial\WebContent\wsdl\Hello.wsdl. On double-click, the WSDL opens in a graphical editor. Right-click on the WSDL file and explore the options to test the web service / publish the WSDL file / generate client / etc.

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