To make the maximum utilization of my skills, talent & knowledge & to achieve the individual & organization goals. COMPETENCIES: Confident Smart Working Patience Adaptability Team player Self motivated
OTHERQUALIFICATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS: Contact: +91-9036251546 Address: Global Business School Oppsite Mahima Hotel Bhairideverkoppa Hubli Personal Data: DOB : 02-06-1987 Sex :M Nationality : Indian Marital Status : Single LanguagesKnown: English, Marathi,Kannada & Hindi MSCIT IRDA Qualified AREAS OF INTREST: finance Telecom Computer Sales
COMPUTER SKILLS: MS OFFICE:- MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, Computer Language:- C,SPSS ,
EDUCATIONAL DETAILS : Course MBA Institute GLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL Board Karnataka University Dharwad Karnataka University Dharwad Kolhapur Board Kolhapur Board Year of passing IV Sem III Sem II Sem I Sem
Pursuing (2010-12)
Govt.first grade college Bijapur. S.G.B High&Jonior college sankh(Jath) S.G.B High&Jonior college sankh(Jath)
PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN: Sl no 1 Project title SIP Topic: Performance of %R indicator in indain equity market Major Learning: effect of %R indicator on 30 indian scrips. Degree Project Topic: performance of shriram chits fund Major Learning: How performance changed during last 3 years. Organization Credos capital india Ltd. Hubli Duration 2 months
One month
DECLARATION I Mr. Appasaheb biradar, hereby declare that, all the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : HUBLI Date : 21-05-2011
(appasaheb biradar)