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Randy Rothwell - Worship The King

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LIFT UP YOUR VOICES Randy Rothwell, Dana Rothwell, Phil White 1991 Integritys Alleluia! Music/BMI/Ran-Mar Melodies/Integritys Hosanna!

! Music/Sounds of Vision/ASCAP Lift Up your voices Your tambourines Sound the trumpet Praise to the King Sing a new song Let your faith arise Join the triumph He's glorified (Repeat) Praise him, praise him All in one accord Give him glory Jesus Christ is Lord Lift up your praise Let your voice be heard Darkness flees At sound of his Word Join with a shout Let your songs proclaim The strength and pow'r Of his mighty name Jesus, Jesus Name above all names King of glory Jesus Christ is Lord (Repeat 2nd verse) (Repeat 2nd chorus twice) Jesus Christ is Lord Jesus Christ is Lord! YOU ARE THE KING David W. Morris 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP You are the King and You reign forever You are the Lord And we praise you You are the King and You reign forever You are the Lord And we worship no one Else but you You are God With wisdom and authority You scattered All your enemies Boasting in Your Triumph over them And with the strength Of your right hand The truth declared Across the land

Your awesome power Has conquered over all (Repeat verse) (Repeat chorus) (Repeat verse) WHO IS LIKE THEE Tad Smith 1990 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP Who is like thee! O Lord among the gods Who is like thee! Majestic in holiness Awesome in praises Doing wonders Who is like thee O Lord! (Repeat) Thy right hand Is majestic in power Thy right hand Shatters the enemy God is a warrior The Lord is His name And I will worship Him forever (Repeat chorus twice) Who is like thee O Lord! Who is like thee O Lord! BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB Martin J. Nystrom 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP We wrestle not against Flesh and blood But we war against The powers of darkness For we are Mighty through God by the blood Of His Son That has rendered The enemies powerless We are pulling down Every work of Satan Pushing back every Force of hell Casting down The imaginations That exalt themselves We are tearing down Every deed of darkness Breaking up Every evil plan Casting out every Demon spirit By the blood of the Lamb By the blood of the Lamb By the blood of the Lamb

(Repeat all) THE EARTH SHAKES Chris Christensen 1988 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP The earth shakes At the sound Of His voice The nations tremble Before Him The idols of men Are all falling! At the feet Of the Lord our God At the feet Of the Lord our God (Men) The Lord is A Warrior fearless is He The Lord is Mighty in battle His armies outnumber His enemies (All) When they shout The strongholds of Satan Come crashing down And Babylon is falling Falling down (Repeat chorus) (Women) The Lord is a Savior Gracious is He The Lord is full of compassion His army is also His family (All) When they shout the Strongholds of Satan Come crashing down And Babylon is falling Falling down The Lord has a Kingdom Jesus is King We reign forever and ever Hes given us Power and authority When they shout The strongholds of Satan Come crashing down And Babylon is falling Falling down (Repeat chorus) JESUS SHALL REIGN Words by: Isaac Watts Music by: Gerrit Gustafson 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music this arr. /ASCAP Jesus shall reign

Where'er the sun Does his successive Journeys run His kingdom stretch From shore to shore 'Till moons shall wax And wane no more Blessings abound Where'er He reigns The prisoner leaps To lose his chains The weary find eternal rest And all the sons Of want are blest Jesus shall reign Jesus shall reign Open your hearts And welcome him And Jesus shall reign (Repeat) People and realms From ev'ry nation tongue Dwell on his love With sweet strong Voices of children Shall proclaim Their early blessings On his name (Repeat chorus twice) Let every creature Rise and bring Peculiar honors To our King Angels descend With songs again And earth repeat the loud ''Amen!'' (Repeat chorus twice) THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in God The Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord, Who was conceived! By the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, Dead, and buried: He descended into hell; The third day he rose Again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand Of God the Father Almighty; From thence he shall come To judge the quick and the dead, I believe in the Holy Spirit; The Christian Church;

The Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body, And the Life everlasting, Amen. WE BELIEVE Graham Kendrick 1986 Thankyou Music/Adm. by Maranatha! Music/ASCAP We believe In God the Father Maker of the universe And in Christ His Son, our Savior Come to us By virgin birth We believe He died to save us Bore our sins Was crucified Then, from death He rose victorious Ascended to The Father's side Jesus, Lord of all Lord of all Jesus, Lord of all Lord of all (Repeat) We believe He sends His Spirit On His church With gifts of power God, His word Of truth affirming Sends us to The nations now He will come Again in glory Judge the living And the dead Every knee Shall bow before Him Then must every Tongue confess (Repeat chorus twice) Name above all names Name above all names Name above all names Lord of all (Repeat chorus) (Repeat bridge) Lord of all Lord of all Lord of all Lord of all Lord of all Lord of all Lord of all Lord of all...

WE LIFT UP YOUR NAME Jeff Hamlin 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP Salvation and glory Belong to our God And unto the lamb On the throne Blessing and honor Wisdom and pow'r Be unto God alone Hallelujah! Glory to the Lamb Hallelujah! To the great I am We lift up your name O Lord Worthy the Lamb Who was slain! Taking all our pain We lift up your name O Lord Giving you honor And praise With our hands up raised To you, Lord Salvation and glory Belong to our God And unto the lamb On the throne Blessing and honor Wisdom and pow'r Be unto God alone Hallelujah! All creation sings Hallelujah! To the King of kings (Repeat chorus 3 times) To you, Lord HOLY IS YOUR NAME Robert Gay 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ ASCAP You're enthroned On the praises Of your people Crowned with glory And with strength And the angels all around Join with us To make one Sound Of praise And glory to Your name Holy is your name O Lord Holy is your name Heaven and earth Declare your glory Holy is your name (Repeat)

(Repeat verse) (Repeat chorus twice) Heaven and earth Declare your glory Holy is your name Heaven and earth Declare your glory Holy is your name ALL THE EARTH John Sellers 1984 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP All the earth Shall worship you All sing unto your name They shall sing Unto your name And unto your name, O Lord Ev'ry knee shall bow Ev'ry tongue confess That you are Lord (Repeat) (Men) To the glory Of the Father We Declare You Are Lord (Women) To the glory Of the Father We Declare You Are Lord (All) You Are Lord You Are Lord You Are Lord You Are Lord You Are Lord You Are Lord (Repeat verse) (Repeat chorus twice) (Repeat bridge) THE EARTH SHALL BE FILLED Ron Coile, David W. Morris 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music/BMI And the earth Shall be filled With the knowledge Of the glory Of the Lord Just like the waters Cover the sea And the earth Shall be filled With the knowledge Of the glory Of the Lord

Just like the waters Cover the sea Lifting up a standard For the nations To demonstrate the purpose Of His Kingdom His people unashamed To proclaim His name As the fullness Of the Lord Fills all in all (Repeat all twice) (Repeat chorus twice) Just like the waters Cover the sea Just like the waters Cover the sea YOU ARE LORD OF HEAVEN David W. Morris 1987 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP (Men) You are Lord of heaven (Women) And Lord of earth (Men) You are Lord of creation (Women) The universe (All) The earth is the Lords And the fullness thereof Your mercy Is without end Your power Without measure And holiness Establishes your throne (Men) You are Lord Jehovah (Women) The Lord our God (Men) You are Lord El Shaddai (Women) Almighty One (All) Your ways are forever And ever the same (Repeat chorus twice) AROUND YOUR THRONE Fred Labots 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP Holy, holy Holy is the Lord

Holy, holy Holy is the Lord Around your throne We bring you praise Around your throne We magnify your name Around your throne This anthem we raise Holy, holy Holy is the Lord Holy, holy Holy is the Lord (Repeat verse) (Repeat chorus) The Lord! GOD HAS HIGHLY EXALTED YOU Martin J. Nystrom 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music/ASCAP Jesus Christ We lift you high And give you The glory due your name Jesus Christ Be magnified We honor you And offer up Our highest praise God has highly Exalted You And given you the name Above all other names Jesus, we come To acknowledge you King of kings Deserving of Our highest praise (Repeat chorus twice) THE EARTH SHALL BE FILLED (Reprise) & 1991 Integritys Hosanna! Music

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