Walton TV
Walton TV
Walton TV
Today with technological advancement human race has achieved what few years back where impossible. Electronic is the source of easier to comport of human life. When Electronic was first introduced in Bangladesh, it was an expensive and fashionable item. Its price has also gone down considerably and more people in the society can afford it. At present there are several marketers who are offering their electronics product in the market. Among them Samsung, Philips, Sony, Konka, LG are most widely
known brand. And Walton is one of the leading electrical and electronics manufacturing company in our national market. Walton Electronics is basically a Bangladeshi brand with a national image. In Bangladesh it is targeting the niche market for their home appliance products commencing their marketing strategy as of their high quality and reasonable products. They do not do their marketing for a particular group of people; they do their marketing those who has the ability to buy their products. Since the standard of living of people in our country is going up, everybody is aware about a brand of a product and wants to buy a qualitative product for a longer period of time. Walton industry is trying to build up a better basement with better technology.
Since the real life business situation is always very complex and competitive, every business has to face the intense competition and those who can successfully operate within this critical situation can become the blue cheap. To stay and increase the pace in the business track, the perception and brand awareness is very important.
Company Overview
R.B Refers to Rezvi and Brothers S. M Nurul Alam Rezvi : Managing Director S. M Shamsul Alam : Director S. M Ashraful Alam : Director S. M Mahbubul Alam : Director S. M Rezaul Alam : Director Brand of R.B Group: Walton, Marcel Products of Walton and Marcel: Refrigerator & Freezer Motorcycle Air conditioner Television (CRT, LCD,CRT) DVD Player Microwave & Steam Oven Domestic and Industrial Generator Manganese & Alkaline Battery Upcoming Project: Mobile Phone, Computer LCD Monitor, LED TV, Laptop, Car etc.
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd. - A sister concern of R.B Group is the pioneer of Television, Refrigerator, Freezer, Air Conditioner and Motorcycle Manufacturing Technology in Bangladesh. R. B. Group is the country's top business Group in electrical and electronics, Automobiles, and Home appliances using the brand name WALTON. The company has been running its business with a great reputation since 1977 Establishment of Walton HIL to Manufacture Refrigerator & Freezer, Air Conditioner and Motorcycle etc. in Bangladesh is a milestone in the path of success and reputation of the brand WALTON. Walton HIL has introduced first advanced research and manufacturing technologies and equipments for household & commercial Refrigerator & Freezer, Motorcycle and Air Conditioner etc. in Bangladesh. Walton HIL is furnished with strong Research & Development (R&D) Division comprising of a large team of dedicated highly skilled engineers & technical personnel from home and abroad. Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd. has its own Mold & Die making section, high precision molds & dies are made by the help of the state-of-the-art VMC, CNC Wire-Cut, EDM etc. machines. The company has three Poly Urethane Foaming Plants, three Thermoforming (Vacuum forming) Units; highly equipped Metal Forming Units with Powder Coating, Nickel-Chrome Plant & Die-Casting Section, and Robot operated Injection Plastic Molding Plant, Highly equipped Test Lab, Printing & Packaging Section etc. Walton HIL always emphasizes on supreme priority in achieving customer satisfaction. The company always ensures product quality and renders the innovative latest technologies in its products. It has a complete experienced professional engineering team combined with both home and abroad to serve the valued customers.
Company Profile
Company Name: Business Type: Product/Service(We Sell): Product/Service(We Buy): Address: Brands: Number of Employees: Walton hi-tech industries ltd. Manufacturer, Trading Company Television, Refrigerator, Freezer, Motorcycle Television, Refrigerator, Freezer, Motorcycle 10,Dilkusha C / A Dhaka-1000 Walton Above 1000 People
Main Markets:
Factory Information
Factory Size: QA/QC: No. of Production Lines: No. of R&D Staff: No. of QC Staff: Contract Manufacturing: 50,000-100,000 square meters No Above 10 41 50 People 51 60 People OEM Service Offered Buyer Label Offered
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis builds on the results of the PEST analysis, which looks at the companys external environment. Its purpose is to identify company strengths and weaknesses so that strengths can be maintained or increased and weaknesses corrected. A further purpose is to identify opportunities and threats resulting from external factors especially those that have an impact on the companys strengths and weaknesses. Company strengths and weaknesses need to be identified in all aspects of the business.
relative to the rest of the market (i.e. compared to competitors) relative to previous performance or expected performance Relative to customer demand
A firms SWOT analysis is the widely used framework for organizing and using data and information gained from situation analysis that encompasses both internal and external environments. The objective of SWOT is to generate information that will help to match the organizations goals and objectives with the social environment where the business operates.
Internal factors (Strength and Weakness) and External factors ( Opportunities and Threats)
Product Category:
No doubt that television is a entertainment appliance type product. Television is the biggest segment of the electronics market, with 15 percent annual growth, according to industry sources. Around 400,000 television sets worth Tk. 440 crore were sold last year. Walton is fully equipped industrial set-up with annual production capacity of 1.0 Million Televisions (CRT, LCD & LED).
Strength: Walton Television price is lower than Sony Television. For Walton television LCD 32 inches price is TK. 42000 LED 32 inches price is TK. 48750 Flat 21 inches price is TK. 14500 Non- Flat 21 inches price is TK. 13250 For Sony television LCD 32 inches price is TK. 50000 LED 32 inches price is TK. 135000 Flat 21 inches price is TK. 19500 We can see that Walton televisions price is affordable to consumer. It is strengths of Walton TV & weakness of Sony TV. Walton television provides 7 years warranty but Sony television provides 5 years warranty. It is strengths of Walton TV & weakness of Sony TV. Tax & vat policies are favorable for Walton television. - It is strengths of Walton TV & weakness of Sony TV. The new model of Walton television helps reduce electricity consumption. - It is strengths of Walton TV & weakness of Sony TV. Walton TVs showrooms are more than Sony TVs showrooms. - It is strengths of Walton TV & weakness of Sony TV.
Weakness: Sony TVs picture quality is higher than Walton TV. Because Sony TVs picture tube is better than Walton TV & its picture contrast dimming / brightening depending upon room light conditions. - It is weakness of Walton TV & strengths of Sony TV. Walton TVs sound quality is only standard but Sony TVs sound quality is Dolby Digital. - It is weakness of Walton TV & strengths of Sony TV. Walton has only four types TV (LCD, LED, Flat & Non Flat) but Sony has lot types of TV (LCDKLV&KDL, LED- KDL & 3D, CRT, CTV, etc). Sony provides more option to choose TV for consumer. - It is weakness of Walton TV & strengths of Sony TV.
Lack of skills men power. - It is weakness of Walton TV & opportunity of Sony TV. Transportation problem. - It is weakness of Walton TV & opportunity of Sony TV. Sony TVs durability up to expectation level but Walton TVs durability is good. - It is weakness of Walton TV & strengths of Sony TV.
Opportunities: As Sony is a costly brand and this high price factor is not affordable to Bangladeshi customer. - It is opportunities of Walton TV & threats of Sony TV. Reduce Labour cost. - It is opportunities of Walton TV & threats of Sony TV. Walton TVs Cost of production is low than Sony TVs. - It is opportunities of Walton TV & threats of Sony TV.
Threats: Sony is leading brand in consumer durable market because of its better service and quality. - It is threats of Walton TV & opportunities of Sony TV. Sony has a professionalism, good service attitude and knowledgeable staff and employee. - It is threats of Walton TV & opportunities of Sony TV. Sony TV build up a good brand image in the market. - It is threats of Walton TV & opportunities of Sony TV. Sony TV is now internet TV. - It is threats of Walton TV & opportunities of Sony TV.
With many great opportunity and strengths, Walton may need to focus attention on potential threats and weakness. There are a few recommendations to help the company expand, reduce liability, maintain reputation, and decrease social backlash. Walton should improve its brand image. Walton should focus internationally on establish stores to compete in international market. Walton should establish political connections and find acquisition to expand its brand or operations. Walton should expansion in global markets. Walton TVs image/picture & sound quality should improve. Walton should good service attitude and knowledgeable staff and employee.