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The Hodge Conjecture

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1. Statement We recall that a pseudo complex structure on a C -manifold X of dimension 2N is a C-module structure on the tangent bundle TX . Such a module structure induces an action of the group C on TX , with C acting by multiplication by . By transport of structures, the group C acts also on each exterior power n TX , as well as on the complexied dual n := Hom(n TX , C). For p + q = n, a (p, q)-form is a section of n on which C acts by multiplication by p q . From now on, we assume X complex analytic. A (p, q)-form is then a form which, in local holomorphic coordinates, can be written as ai1 ,...,ip ,j1 ...jq dzi1 dzip dj1 djq , z z and the decomposition n = p,q induces a decomposition d = d + d of the exterior dierential, with d (resp. d ) of degree (1, 0) (resp. (0, 1)). If X is compact and admits a Khler metric, for instance if X is a projective a non-singular algebraic variety, this action of C on forms induces an action on cohomology. More precisely, H n (X, C) is the space of closed n-forms modulo exact forms, and if we dene H p,q to be the space of closed (p, q)-forms modulo the d d of (p 1, q 1)-forms, the natural map (1)

H p,q H n (X, C)

is an isomorphism. If we choose a Khler structure on X, one can give the following a interpretation to the decomposition (1) of H n (X, C): the action of C on forms commutes with the Laplace operator, hence induces an action of C on the space Hn of harmonic n-forms. We have Hn H n (X, C) and H p,q identies with the space of harmonic (p, q)-forms. When X moves in a holomorphic family, the Hodge ltration F p := H a,na

of H n (X, C) is better behaved than the Hodge decomposition. Locally on the parameter space T , H n (Xt , C) is independent of t T and the Hodge ltration can be viewed as a variable ltration F (t) on a xed vector space. It varies holomorphically with t, and obeys Griths transversality: at rst order around t0 T , F p (t) remains in F p1 (t0 ). So far, we have computed cohomology using C forms. We could as well have used forms with generalized functions coecients, that is, currents. The resulting groups H n (X, C) and H p,q are the same. If Z is a closed analytic subspace of X, of complex codimension p, Z is an integral cycle and, by Poincar duality, denes e a class cl(Z) in H 2p (X, Z). The integration current on Z is a closed (p, p)-form with generalized function coecients, representing the image of cl(Z) in H 2p (X, C).


The class cl(Z) in H 2p (X, Z) is hence of type (p, p), in the sense that its image in H 2p (X, C) is. Rational (p, p)-classes are called Hodge classes. They form the group H 2p (X, Q) H p,p (X) = H 2p (X, Q) F p H 2p (X, C). In [6], Hodge posed the Hodge Conjecture. On a projective non-singular algebraic variety over C, any Hodge class is a rational linear combination of classes cl(Z) of algebraic cycles. 2. Remarks (i) By Chows theorem, on a complex projective variety, algebraic cycles are the same as closed analytic subspaces. (ii) On a projective non-singular variety X over C, the group of integral linear combinations of classes cl(Z) of algebraic cycles coincides with the group of integral linear combinations of products of Chern classes of algebraic (equivalently by GAGA: analytic) vector bundles. To express cl(Z) in terms of Chern classes, one resolves the structural sheaf OZ by a nite complex of vector bundles. That Chern classes are algebraic cycles holds, basically, because vector bundles have plenty of meromorphic sections. (iii) A particular case of (ii) is that the integral linear combinations of classes of divisors (= codimension 1 cycles) are simply the rst Chern classes of line bundles. If Z + Z is the divisor of a meromorphic section of L, c1 (L) = cl(Z + ) cl(Z ). This is the starting point of the proof given by Kodaira and Spencer [7] of the Hodge conjecture for H 2 : a class c H 2 (X, Z) of type (1, 1) has image 0 in the quotient H 0,2 = H 2 (X, O) of H 2 (X, C), and the long exact sequence of cohomology dened by the exponential exact sequence 0 Z O O 0 shows that c is the rst Chern class of a line bundle. (iv) The relation between algebraic cycles and algebraic vector bundles is also the basis of the Atiyah and Hirzebruch theorem [2] that the Hodge conjecture cannot hold integrally. In the AtiyahHirzebruch spectral sequence from cohomology to topological K-theory,
pq E2 = H p (X, K q (P t )) = K p+q (X); exp(2i )

the resulting ltration of K n (X) is by the F p K n (X) = Ker(K n (X) K n ((p 1)-skeleton, in any triangulation)). Equivalently, a class c is in F p if for some topological subspace Y of codimension p, c is the image of a class c with support in Y . If Z is an algebraic cycle of codimension p, a resolution of OZ denes a K-theory class with support in Z: cZ K 0 (X, XZ). Its image in F p K 0 (X) agrees with the class of Z in H 2p (X, Z). The latter hence is in the kernel of the successive dierentials dr of the spectral sequence. No counterexample is known to the statement that integral (p, p) classes killed by all dr are integral linear combinations of classes cl(Z). One has no idea of which classes should be eective, that is, of the form cl(Z), rather than a dierence of such. On a Stein manifold X, any topological complex vector bundle can be given a holomorphic structure and, at least for X of the homotopy type of a nite CW


complex, it follows that any class in H 2p (X, Z) in the kernel of all dr is a Z-linear combination of classes of analytic cycles. (v) The assumption in the Hodge conjecture that X be algebraic cannot be weakened to X being merely Khler. See Zuckers appendix to [11] for counterexamples a where X is a complex torus. (vi) When Hodge formulated his conjecture, he had not realized it could hold only rationally (i.e. after tensoring with Q). He also proposed a further conjecture, characterizing the subspace of H n (X, Z) spanned by the images of cohomology classes with support in a suitable closed analytic subspace of complex codimension k. Grothendieck observed that this further conjecture is trivially false, and gave a corrected version of it in [5]. 3. The Intermediate Jacobian The cohomology class of an algebraic cycle Z of codimension p has a natural lift to a group Jp (X), extension of the group of classes of type (p, p) in H 2p (X, Z) by the intermediate jacobian Jp (X)0 := H 2p1 (X, Z) \ H 2p1 (X, C)/F p . This expresses that the class can be given an integral description (in singular cohomology), as well as an analytic one, as a closed (p, p) current, giving a hypercohomology class in H2p of the subcomplex F p := (0 0 p ) hol hol of the holomorphic de Rham complex, with an understanding at the cocycle level of why the two agree in H 2p (X, C). Understanding means a cochain in a complex computing H (X, C), whose coboundary is the dierence between cocycles coming from the integral, resp. analytic, constructions. Indeed, Jp (X) is the hypercohomology H2p of the homotopy kernel of the dierence map Z F p . hol In general, using that all algebraic cycles on X t in a denumerable number of algebraic families, one checks that the subgroup Ap (X) of Jp (X) generated by algebraic cycles is the extension of a denumerable group by its connected component A0 (X), and that for some sub-Hodge structure Halg of type {(p 1, p), (p, p 1)} of p H 2p1 (X), A0 (X) is HalgZ \ HalgC /F p . Sub-Hodge structure means the subgroup p of the integral lattice whose complexication is the sum of its intersections with the H a,b . The Hodge conjecture (applied to the product of X and a suitable abelian variety) predicts that Halg is the largest sub-Hodge structure of H 2p1 (X) of type {(p 1, p)(p, p 1)}. No conjecture is available to predict what subgroup of Jp (X) the group Ap (X) is. Cases are known where Ap (X)/A0 (X) is of innite rank. See, for instance, the paper p [9] and the references it contains. This has made generally inapplicable the methods introduced by Griths (see, for instance, Zucker [11]) to prove the Hodge conjecture by induction on the dimension of X, using a Lefschetz pencil of hyperplane sections of X. Indeed, the method requires not just the Hodge conjecture for the hyperplane sections H, but that all of Jp (H) comes from algebraic cycles. 4. Detecting Hodge Classes Let (Xs )sS be an algebraic family of projective non-singular algebraic varieties: the bers of a projective and smooth map f : X S. We assume it is dened over the algebraic closure Q of Q in C. No algorithm is known to decide whether a given


integral cohomology class of a typical ber X0 is somewhere on S of type (p, p). The Hodge conjecture implies that the locus where this happens is a denumerable union of algebraic subvarieties of S (known: see [4]), and is dened over Q (unknown). The Hodge conjecture is not known even in the following nice examples. Example 1. For X of complex dimension N , the diagonal of X X is an algebraic cycle of codimension N . The Hodge decomposition being compatible with Knneth, the Knneth components cl()a,b H a (X) H b (X) H 2N (X X) u u (a + b = 2N ) of cl() are Hodge classes. Example 2. If H 2 (X, Z) is the cohomology class of a hyperplane section of X, the iterated cup product p : H N p (X, C) H N +p (X, C) is an isomorphism (hard Lefschetz theorem, proved by Hodge. See [10, IV.6]). Let z H N p (X, C) H N p (X, C) H 2N 2p (X X) be the class such that the inverse isomorphism ( p )1 is c pr1! (z pr c). The class z is Hodge. 2 5. Motives Algebraic varieties admit a panoply of cohomology theories, related over C by comparison isomorphisms. Resulting structures on H (X, Z) should be viewed as analogous to the Hodge structure. Examples: If X is dened over a subeld K of C, with algebraic closure K in C, Gal(K/K) acts on H (X, Z) Z and H (X, C) = H (X, Z) C has a natural K-structure HDR (X over K), compatible with the Hodge ltration. Those cohomology theories give rise to conjectures parallel to the Hodge conjecture, determining the linear span of classes of algebraic cycles. Example: the Tate conjecture [8]. Those conjectures are open even for H 2 . Grothendiecks theory of motives aims at understanding the parallelism between those cohomology theories. Progress is blocked by a lack of methods to construct interesting algebraic cycles. If the cycles of Examples 1 and 2 of 4 were algebraic, Grothendiecks motives over C would form a semi-simple abelian category with a tensor product, and be the category of representations of some pro-reductive groupscheme. If the algebraicity of those cycles is assumed, the full Hodge conjecture is equivalent to a natural functor from the category of motives to the category of Hodge structures being fully faithful. 6. Substitutes and Weakened Forms In despair, eorts have been made to nd substitutes for the Hodge conjecture. On abelian varieties, Hodge classes at least share many properties of cohomology classes of algebraic cycles: they are absolutely Hodge [3], even motivated [1]. This suces for some applications for instance, the proof of algebraic relations among periods and quasi periods of abelian varieties predicted by the Hodge conjecture [3], but does not allow for reduction modulo p. The following corollaries of the Hodge conjecture would be particularly interesting. Let A be an abelian variety over the algebraic closure F of a nite eld Fq . Lift A in two dierent ways to characteristic 0, to complex abelian varieties A1 and A2 dened over Q. Pick Hodge classes z1 and z2 on A1 and A2 , of complementary dimension. Interpreting z1 and z2 as -adic cohomology classes, one can dene the intersection number of the reduction of z1 and z2 over F. Is a rational number? If z1 and z2 were cl(Z1 ) and cl(Z2 ), Z1 and Z2 could be chosen to be dened over Q and would be the intersection number of the reductions of Z1 and Z2 . Same question for the


intersection number of the reduction of z1 over F with the class of an algebraic cycle on A. References
[1] Y. Andr, Pour une thorie inconditionnelle des motifs, Publ. Math. IHES 83 (1996), 549. e e [2] M.F. Atiyah and F. Hirzebruch, Analytic cycles on complex manifolds, Topology 1 (1962), 2545. [3] P. Deligne (rdig par J. L. Brylinski), Cycles de Hodge absolus et priodes des intgrales des e e e e varits abliennes, Mmoires SMF 2 (1980), 2333. ee e e [4] P. Deligne, E. Cattani, and A. Kaplan, On the locus of Hodge classes, JAMS 8 (1995), 483505. [5] A. Grothendieck, Hodges general conjecture is false for trivial reasons, Topology 8 (1969), 299303. [6] W.V.D. Hodge, The topological invariants of algebraic varieties, in Proceedings ICM 1950, AMS, Providence, RI, 1952, 181192. [7] K. Kodaira and D.C. Spencer, Divisor classes on algebraic varieties, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 39 (1953), 872877. [8] J. Tate, Algebraic cycles and poles of zeta functions, in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Harper and Row, New York, 1965, 93110. [9] C. Voisin, The Griths group of a general CalabiYau threefold is not nitely generated, Duke Math. J. 102, 151186. [10] A. Weil, Introduction ` ltude des varits kahlriennes, Publ. Univ. Nancago VI, Act. Sci. a e ee e et Ind. 1267, Hermann, Paris, 1958. [11] S. Zucker, The Hodge conjecture for cubic fourfolds, Comp. Math. 34 (1977), 199209.

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