Schiffman 02
Schiffman 02
Schiffman 02
Quantitative Research
Descriptive in nature. Enables marketers to predict consumer behavior. Research methods include experiments, survey techniques, and observation. Findings are descriptive, empirical and generalizable.
A consumer behavior research approach that regards the consumer behavior discipline as an applied marketing science.
Qualitative Research
Consists of depth interviews, focus groups, metaphor analysis, collage research, and projective techniques. Administered by highly trained intervieweranalysts. Findings tend to be subjective. Small sample sizes.
A postmodernist approach to the study of consumer behavior that focuses on the act of consuming rather than on the act of buying.
Prediction of consumer actions METHODOLOGY Positivism Quantitative
Understanding consumption practices Interpretivism Quantitative
Positivism Rationality; consumers make decisions after weighing alternatives The causes and effects of behavior can be identified Individuals are problem solvers A single reality exists Events can be objectively measured
Interpretivism No single, objective truth Reality is subjective Cause and effect cannot be isolated Each consumption experience is unique Researcher/respondent interactions affect research findings
Observational Research
Helps marketers gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between people and products by watching them buying and using products. Helps researchers gain a better understanding of what the product symbolizes. Widely used by interpretivist researchers.
Can be used to test the relative sales appeal of many types of variables. Only one variable is manipulated at a time, keeping other elements constant. Can be conducted in laboratories or in the field.
The degree to which a measurement instrument accurately reflects what it is designed to measure.
Attitude Scales
Likert scales: easy for researchers to prepare and interpret, and simple for consumers to answer. Semantic differential scales: relatively easy to construct and administer. Rank-order scales: subjects rank items in order of preference in terms of some criteria.
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Number of Titles
Clarity of Picture
Ease of Access
Depth Interviews
Focus Groups
Projective Techniques
Metaphor Analysis
Focus Group
A qualitative research method in which eight to ten persons participate in an unstructured group interview about a product or service concept.
company? (Probe) 2. How long have you used you current cellular company? (Probe) 3. Have you ever switched services? When? What caused the change? (Probe) 4. What do you think of the overall quality of your current service? (Probe) 5. What are the important criteria in electing a cellular service? (Probe)
Projective Techniques
Metaphor Analysis
Based on belief that metaphors are the most basic method of thought and communication. Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) combines collage research and metaphor analysis to bring to the surface the mental models and the major themes or constructs that drive consumer thinking and behavior.
How many?
How to select them?
The population is divided into mutually exclusive groups (such as age groups), and random samples are drawn from each group.
The population is divided into mutually exclusive groups (such as blocks), and the researcher draws a sample of the groups to interview.
Quota sample