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Public Health MCQ

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1. Major targets set in the Health Policy 2002 are all except a. Eradication of polio by 2005 b. Reduce IMR to 100/1,00,000 c. Establish a system of surveillance via the national health accounts and health statistics d. Increase utilization of public health facilities from the current level of less than 20% to more than 90% 2. On Human Development Index consisting of completion based on life expectancy, literacy and GDP, the rank of India in the world is a. 124 b. 152 c. 56 d. 06 3. Cytoprecipitate stored at -30C will have a life of a. 6 months b. one year

c. 2 years


5 years

4. A positive Schumm test in a patient transfused with blood indicates a. HIV infection b. Allergic state c. Haemolytic reaction d. None of the above 5. Field defects in primary open angle glaucoma are due to a. Nerve fibre defects c. Optic nerve changes 6. Lesions of lateral geniculate body are characterized by a. Heteronymous hemianopia c. Sparing of papillary reflexes 7. Earliest sign of siderosis bulbi is a. Rusty deposits in the peripheral part of lens capsule c. Rusty deposits in the periphery of cornea 8. A positive Mantouxs in HIV positive patients is a. >10 mm b. >3-4 mm 9. Mitsuda reaction in lepromin test appears after a. 24-28 hours b. 2 weeks 10. Megaloblastic anaemia is seen in a. Diphyllobothriasis b. Tapeworm infection d. Hydatid cyst 11. Dental caries has been mainly attributed to the activity of a. Staphylococcus pyogens c. Streptococcus mutans 12. The primary etiological factor of periodontal diseases is a. Vitamin deficiencies b. Bacterial plaque d. Systemic disease 13. In maxillary permanent dentition, the longest root is found in a. Incisors b. Premolars d. Third molar

b. Optic disc changes d. Angle structure changes

b. Bitemporal hemianopia d. Optic atrophy

b. Rusty deposits in the retina d. K F Ring

c. 10 mm


>5 mm

c. 3 days


3-4 weeks

c. Ankylostomiasis

b. Streptococcus pyogens d. Streptococcus salivarious

c. Mouth breathing

c. Canine



14. Bells palsy is dysfunction of a. Mandibular nerve d. Ophthalmic nerve

b. Maxillary nerve

c. Facial nerve

15. The emulsion coating of Dental X-ray film contains minute crystals of a. Silver nitrate b. Silver chloride c. Silver oxide d. Silver bromide 16. Diagnostic radiological features of fluorosis include a. Generalised increase in bone density b. Cortical thickening c. Ossification of ligamentous musculotendenious attachments d. All of the above 17. Left atrial enlargement is seen on chest radiograph as a. Distension of upper lobe pulmonary veins c. Double cardiac shadow to the right of sternum 18. Most useful investigation in pulmonary thromboembolism is a. Pulmonary angiography c. Doppler study of lower limb veins

b. Prominence of left lower heart border d. Enlargement of the main pulmonary artery

b. Ventilation-perfusion scan d. Bilateral lower limb venography

19. Renal masses which may calcify include all the following except a. Nephrogenic adenoma b. Wilms tumour c. Renal Cell Carcinoma d. Tuberculous abscess 20. Diagnosis of acute pancreatitits can be excluded by normal appearance on a. Ultrasound abdomen b. Plain CT scan abdomen c. Contrast enhanced CT scan abdomen d. None of the above 21. A deficiency of Copper affects the formation of normal collagen by reducing the activity of a. Glucosyl transferase b. Galactosyl transferase c. Lysyl oxidase d. Lysyl hydroxylase 22. The urinary levels of which compound provide a measure of muscle protein breakdown a. Urea b. Uric acid c. 3-methyl histidine d. Ammonia 23. HbF disappears by a. Birth b. First year 24. Fetal heart sounds can be first detected by Doppler at a. 8-10 weeks gestation c. 12-14 weeks gestation

c. Second year b. 10-12 weeks gestation d. 14-16 weeks gestation



25. Plasma volume expansion in an uncomplicated term singleton pregnancy , over prepregnancy levels is a. Approx 30% b. Approx 40% c. Approx 50% d. Approx 60%

MJAFI, Vol. 59, No. 4, 2003

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