Bajaj Auto LTD: Presented By: Hitesh Ramesh
Bajaj Auto LTD: Presented By: Hitesh Ramesh
Bajaj Auto LTD: Presented By: Hitesh Ramesh
Presented by:
Hitesh Rame
Bajaj Auto is a major Indian automobile manufacturer. It is India's largest and the world's 4th largest two- and three-wheeler maker. Bajaj Auto makes and exports motor scooters, motorcycles and the auto rickshaw. Over the last decade, the company has successfully changed its image from a scooter manufacturer to a two wheeler manufacturer. Its real growth in numbers has come in the last four years after successful introduction of a few models in the motorcycle segment
Quick facts
Founder - Jamnalal Bajaj Year of Establishment -1926 Industry Automotive - Two & Three Wheelers Business Group -The Bajaj Group Listings & its codes BSE - Code: 500490; NSE - Code: BAJAJAUTO Presence: Distribution network covers 50 countries.
To cater the market needs of transportation by providing 2 wheeler and 3 wheeler vehicles. BALW has been producing the catalogue products to cater to the changing market requirements.
Capital structure
From year To year Class of Authorize Issued shares d capital capital Paid up shares Paid up face value 10 10 Paid up capital
2007 2006
2008 2007
150 150
144.7cr 101.2cr
Leverage ratios Long term debt / Equity Total debt/equity Owners fund as % of total source Fixed assets turnover ratio Liquidity ratios Current ratio Current ratio (inc. st loans) Quick ratio Inventory turnover ratio
2008 44.78
2007 38.24
2006 41.89
Total expenditure Operating profit O perating profit as a share of total operating income Voluntary Retirement Scheme Revised operating profit Revised operating profit as a share of total income Interest Depreciation Net operating profit Non-operating income Income Expenses Non-operating income, net Profit before taxation Provision for taxation Profit after taxation
77,526 12,936 1 4.3% 1,024 11,912 13.2% 52 1,740 10,120 1 ,226 1,226 11,346 3,788 7,558
The board of directors of Bajaj Auto has proposed a dividend of Rs.20 per equity share (200 per cent) for the financial year 2007-08, subject to approval by the shareholders at the annual general meeting. As the company was incorporated on 30 April, 2007, there was no dividend paid in the previous year.
Balance sheet
I. Sources of Funds 1 . Shareholders Funds a) Share Capital b) Reserves & Surplus 2. Loan Funds a) Secured Loans b) Unsecured Loans 3. Deferred Tax Adjustments a) Deferred Tax Liabilities b) Deferred Tax Assets II. Application of Funds 1 . Fixed Assets a) Gross Block b) Less: Depreciation and write downs c) N et Block d) Capital Work in progress, expenditure to date 2. T ekchnical Know-how 3. Investments 4. C urrent Assets, Loans and Advances a) Inventories b) Sundry Debtors c) C ash and Bank Balances d) Other Current Assets e) Loans and Advances Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions a) Liabilities b) Provisions N et Current Assets (2,275.8) Total 29,329.1 1,446.8 14,429.1 15,875.9 69.5 13,273.9 13,343.4 1,419.4 109.8 Total 29,329.1 29,841.5 17,260.7 12,580.8 347.4 12,928.2 105.3 18,571.4 3,496.1 2,753.1 560.7 799.5 8,887.7 16,497.1 10,432.5 8,340.4 18,772.9