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A BPSK QPSK Timing Error Detector For Sampled

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5 , MAY 1986


A BPSK/QPSK Timing-Error Detector for Sampled Receivers

Abstract-A simple algorithm fordetection of timing error of a synchronous, band-limited, BPSK or QPSK data stream is proposed. The algorithm requires only two samples per symbol for its operation. One of the two samples is also used for the symbol decision. Derivation of the scurve reveals a sinusoidal shape.

AMPLED implementationsofreceivers for digital data signals are growing more popular as components-notably digital signal processors-improve in capability. There isa need for sampled algorithms to replace the continuous-time methods that have predominated heretofore. This paper introduces an algorithm for timing error detection in a receiving modem. Algorithm operations are simple and only two samples of the signal are required for each data symbol. Moreover, one of the two samples also serves for the symbol strobe (i.e., the sample on which the symbol decision is made). The algorithm is intended for synchronous, binary, baseband signals and for BPSK or QPSK (balanced, nonstaggered) passband signals, with approximately 40-100 percent excess bandwidth. Other sampled timing algorithms have .been presented earlier. Mueller and Muller [l] wrote a classic explanation of timing recoverybased on just one sample per symbol and requiring decision-directed operations. Note that correct decisions in .a carrier system depend upon prior acquisition of carrier phase. By contrast, the algorithm introduced in this paper is not decision directed. Furthermore, clock recovery is quite independent of carrier .phase. Other papers [2]-[5] have foliowed the lead of [l]. A different scheme, dubbed the wave difference method (WDM), was proposed in [6]. In essence, the WDM finds the average location of zero-slope of the received, filtered signal pulses. Numerous samples per symbol appear to tie required for the original method of [6]. Reference [7] extends the WDM, shows how to reduce it to two samples per symbol, suggests implementation details, and provides analyses of performance. Neither of the two sample points in [7] coincides with the decision strobe point. Either four samples per symbol must be taken or else (as in [7]) the two samples per symbol must be interpolated to an effective four samples per symbol. (Interpolation in [7] is accomplished with a digital .delay of quarter-symbol interval.) Both [6] and a [7] treat clock recovery only for baseband signals. The method introduced in this paper, .although developed Its independently, has resemblances to the WDM of [7]. major points of difference are: only two samples per symbol are employed, without explicit interpolation; one sample coincides


with the decision instant; and carrier signals are handled as well as baseband signals,. References [I] and [7] containinformativesummaries of analog clock-recovery methods, with references. This paper is organized as follows. A model of a receiving modem is shown in Section I1 add some characteristics of the new algorithm are stated in Section 1 1 A baseband version of 1. the algorithm is developed in Section IV: Derivation of the Scuri.e (sinusoidal for a band-limited signal) is relegated to Appendix A, while AppendixBdemonstrates that the algorithm is independent of carrier phase. 11. RECEIVER MODEL block diagram of a typical I-Q Refer to Fig. 1 for a receiving modem. A passband signal.demodulated is to baseband in a pair of quadrature-driven mixers. Phase of the local carrier must be adjusted to agree with that of the signal. The necessary carrier-recoverybranchis omitted from the diagram and is irrelevant to the clock algorithm and discussion. Data filters follow mixers; the they perform receiver filtering to shape signal pulses, minimize noise, and suppress unwanted mixer products. Our interest is in sampled receivers. We do not specify the sampling point other than to say that the filter outputs are available only in sampled form as the pair of real sequences {y,( ) } and { y e ( ) } . Timing information must be retrieved from these sequences. Symbols are transmitted synchronously, spaced by the time interval T . Each sequence will have t*o samples per symbol interval and the samples will be time-coincident between +e sequences. One sample occurs at the data strobe time and the other sample occurs midway between data strobe times. The index r is used to designate symbol number. It is convenient to denote the strobe values of the rth symbol- as yl(r) and ye('): As a formalism, we denote the values of the pair of samples lying midway between the (r - 1)th and the rth strobes as yl(r - 1/2) and yQ(r - V2). A timing error detector operates upon samples and generates one error sample ut@) for each symbol. The actions of that detector are the main focus of this paper. The error sequence is smoothed by a loop filter and then used to adjust a timing error corrector. This paper treats only the detector and is not concerned with the loop filter nor with the error corrector.

Paper approved by the Editor for Synchronization and Spread Spectrum of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript received September 25, 1985; revised December 23, 1985. The author is at 1755 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301. IEEE Log Number 8607993.

is derived in the sequel. This algorithm is suitable for both tracking and acquisition modes of operation. It is proven in Appendix B that ut@)is independent of carrier phase, so that

0090-6778/86/0500-0423$01.OO 0 1986 XEEE

IiQ Demodulator


To Decision




4;; ::a
Timing Error Corrector (ut(r)} Error Det c t

Fig. 1 .

Typical modem(simplified block diagram).

timing lockcanbeachieved without depending upon prior carrier phase lock. If BPSK is employed, and if the modulation is in the I channel, then the Q channel terms contribute no information once carrier phase lock has been achieved. Only noise would come fromthe Q channel after carrier lock. Therefore, the full algorithm of (1) would be needed for best -BPSK timing acquisition, but the algorithm should be, reduced to justthe Ichannel termsaftercarrier lock is achieved. Similarly, a baseband signal consists of just one channel, cartier acquisition, is not an issue, and so only the {yl( )} terms are applicable. If a QPSK signal is being processed, both I and Q arms then contribute useful information after carrier lock; both parts of (1) should be retained for QPSK clock tracking. An analysis of the detector characteristic of (1) is given in Appendix A,where it isshownthata band-limited signal produces a sinusoidal s-curve. Once the data-pulse shape is known, that analysis can be applied to determine the gain of the detector. The method proposed here is thought to be applicable for excessbandwidths of the signal of approximately 40-100 percent; this range is representative of satellite communications. It isknownthat the proposedalgorithm has rapidly deteriorating qoise performance with narrower bandwidth, partly because the efficiency of clock regenerationfalls off (as will be further noted in Appendix A) and partly because of increasing self noise. This feature is inherent to regenerators with quadratic nonlinearities. A different algorithm, based on ahardernonlinearity, would be needed for narrowbandwidths. (But we think the independence of carrier phase is unique to a square-law nonlinearity.) A physical explanation can be ascribed to (1). The detector samples the data stream midway between strobe locations in each of the I and Q channels. If there is a transition between symbols,the average midway value should be zero, in the absence of timing error. A timing error gives nonzero a sample whose magnitude depends upon the amount of error, but either slope is equally likely themidway point so there is at no direction information in the sample alone. To sort out differevt these possibilities, algorithm the examines the two strobe values to either side of the midway sample. If thereis no transition, thestrobe values are the same, their difference is zero, and so the midway sample is rejected. (No timing information is available in the absence of a transition.) If a transition is present, the strobe valueswill be different; the difference between them will provide slope information. The product of the slope information and the midway sample provides timing-error information. It may be worthwhile to use the signs of the strobe values

instead of the actual values. ,That eliminates the effects of much noise. If all data filtering has been performed prior to the strobe point, then the sign of the strobe value is ,he optimum hard decision on the symbol and thealgorithm effectively becomes decision directed. expedient This is known to improve tracking capability. (But acquisition performance may suffer in a decision-directed operation.) Note that use of the strobe signs, instead of actual values, eliminates the need for actual multiplications in the algorithm-an attractive feature for digital processors. The decision-directed version of the algorithm will be recognized as very similar to the digital transition tracking loop of Lindsey and Simon [8]. We can see a source of self noise in either version of &is algorithm. If the excessbandwidth is lessthan 100 percent, the zero crossings of data transitions do not all lie midway between the strobe points. There is a scatter of crossing points, centered on the midway point. The average location iscorrect, but any individual trajectorycan depai-t from theaverage, causing self noise. One last commentappropriate is in this section: The algorithm takes itsinformation from three differentsample points in order to produce one timing-error point. There is a delay in computing theerror sample. The timing be can adjusted within the three-point span of the algorithm, so the timing error at the last point in the span does not necessarily remain the same as the error at the first point. Equivalently, the algorithm contains memory. These features must be taken into account in the analysis of the tracking loop.


-This section develops the timing detector by physical reasoning from data waveforms. Past experience with timing recovery in analog systems is used as a guide for the all-digital detector.

Waveform Approach We start out with the problem of recovering timing information from abaseband data stream. To that end; we postulate the existence of an equivalentanalog,baseband signal underlying the digital sequence that actually occurs in the processor. It is easier to visualize operations on the continuoussignal than on thediscretesequence. Any zeromemory operations performed on the continuous signal will commute with sampling, so that equivalent results obtained are by performing the same operations on the discrete sequence. A,set of typical waveforms is shown Fig. 2 . Line A shows in symbol boundaries (of width T seconas)andline B shows locations of the strobes: one per symbol in the center of each symbol interval. Line C shows a hypotheticalbaseband signal x(t). Examination will show that the Nyquist-1 criterion is met and that the signal has been moderately band limited. Actually, the signal pulses used for the illustration were raised cosines, which are very close to band-limited Nyquist pulses With 100 percent excess bandwidth. Simple Rectifier: One well-proven method of regenerating a clock wave from data stream is to pass the stream through a rectifier [ 9 ] . We use that expedient as a starting point. A square-law rectifier has several advantages: 0 Its noise performance is near-optimum, especially at low SNR [9]. 4 A pure sinusoidal input results in a pure sinusoidal output at double the frequency. A square law is almost the only nonlinearity that is mathematically tractable. Square-law rectifiers in both I and Q arms will recover a clock wave independent of carrier phase-an important consideration for acquisition.




Borders symbol ,

I I , I I - I ~ ~II I I I I

l + C J l + + + + 4 + +

1 I I I

Fig. 2. Timing waveforms.

We will start the derivation with a square-law rectifier. whereas the rth strobe is taken at t = rT + r , and 7 is the Line D of Fig. 2 shows the data stream after square-law timing shift from desired delay. rectification. Evident in the picture are a dc component (an Notethat in the absence of additive noise,and for the inevitableoutputfromarectifier)plusadouble-frequency idealized waveforms used in the example, that u,( ) will be component at the symbol rate. This protoclock component is zero when transitions are missing. festure That avoids equivalent to a pure sinewave at the symbol frequency, significant self noise. interrupted by gaps when there are no transitions in the data. A slightlydifferentalgorithm, E ( r ) - L(r), could have An analog clock-recovery scheme would employ a narrowbeen employed instead. It would also provide a measure the of band filter or a phase-lockloop to extract desired clock line timing error and a successful loop could the bebased upon it. and reject the various disturbances. However, a large error sampleis generated by this algorithm The same approach is feasible a digital system, but isnot for many locations where there no transitions. It is true in are that very convenient. Proper operationwith a filter or PLL scheme an opposite-sign error-sample is certain to be generated later would necessitate good reconstruction of the protoclock and and that the two large samples cancel out in the long-term that cannot be done with just two samples per symbol. (Two tracking. However, in the short term, the large error samples samplespercycleofasinewave is theupper limit of the contribute to self noise. For that reason, the selected algorithm sampling theorem; the protoclock has a bandwidth wider than is superior to the alternative. The same choice,with the same 1 / T and cannot be reconstructed from samples at a rate of self-noise consequences,will reappear in subsequent develop2/T.) ments. Without further comment, we will select the sample Our objective i s not to reconstruct the protoclock, but to pair giving the best rejection of self noise. determinetiming error-which does not inherentlyrequire The algorithm of ( 2 ) .is workable. From experience with protoclock reconstruction. continuoussystems [lo] wecananticipatethatsatisfactory Examiningline D, itcanbeseenthatsamplestakenat performance could attained be in typical communications locations of k 1/4T away from the strobe point fall at equal- links. However, two it has deficiencies should that be amplitude, but opposite-slope points on the useful portions of remedied. the protoclock. When timing correct, the difference between is Although it needs only two samples per symbol, neither those two samples-labeled E for early and for late-will be of those samples is the data-strobe sample. L Therefore,,the zero (in those locations where a data transition exists). If the postfilter operations requireat least three samples per symbol, signal is delayed with respect to the sampling, then the valueof thereby placinga greater computing burdenon the data filters. one sample increases and the other decreases. The difference 0 . No self noise arises with the idealized waveforms of the between sartiple,values is a measure of timing error. illustration. But that happy condition occurs only because the To formalize the method, assign an index r to each timing illustrative waveforms are time-limited. When band-limited, sample, so thatthetwotimingsamples in the rth symbol time-extended waveformsare used, then noise will arise to self interval. are denoted E(r) andL(r). This introductory alsome extent. gorithm would be Let us attack the self noise first. It is well established [l 1 that a suitable prefilter in front of 3 ut(r)=E(r)-L(r-l) the rectifier, plus suitable postfiltering, can suppress noise self =x2(~+(r-11/4)T)-x2(~+(r-5/4)T) (2) completely. That is the next approach examined.

426 Prefilter Method: Line E showsthe output x,(t) ofa prefilter which has x(t), from line C, as its input. For timelimited pulses [12], x,(t) is simply the derivative of x(t). For band-limited pulses, the spectrum ofx,(t) is band limited and symmetric about the Nyquist frequency 1 /2 T (See [ 111 ) . A protoclock is generated by rectifying x,(t), as illustrated in line F. For theparticular, idealized waveforms used in Fig. 2, it turns out that Line F simply the inversion and level shift is of line D. The same arguments on sampling and the same timing algorithm are appropriate. In the absence of a postfilter, it is not apparent that the prefilter affords self-noise relief for band-limited waveforms. A more detailed analysis would be needed to demonstrate that feature. Instead, we merely note that the idealized prefilter'for the idealized illustrative waveformhas not relieved the shift of the timing samples from the strobe location. Adifferentiator, for time-limitedpulses, or an optimum prefilter, for band-limited pulses,itis likely to berather complicated and would add unduly to thecomputation burden. It hasbeenshown [13] thatfairly c k d e approximations to ideal prefilters provide substantial improvement of self noise. Therefore, we compromise optimality in interest the of simplicity and restrict the method to very simple prefilters. , Delay Differencing: Let the prefilter or differentiator be approximated by the operation



Upon sampling at t = rT

+ r and rT + r -

T/2, we obtain

E(r) =x2,(rT+ 7)
= x2(7

+ r T ) + x2(r+ ( r- 1/2) T )


- 2 x ( r + ( r - 1 / 2 ) T ) x ( r + ( r - l ) T ) . -(7)
Let the algorithm be

u f ( r ) = L ( r -1 ) - E ( r ) .


The reversal of sign has no significance in formal the manipulations or in the processor's computation burden, but assures negative slope at the tracking point of the detector output. See Appendix A. Both elements of (8) contain a term x2(7 + (r - 1/2)T); the subtraction cancels those terms. Collecting terms after the cancellation, the algorithm is composed of the elements

u,(r)=x2(7+(r- l)T)-x2(r+rT)

+2x(r+(r-11/2)~){x(r+r~)-x(T+(r-l)~)}. (9)
Useful output of the algorithm is the average over many samples, not the value of an isolated sample. Denote U f ( r )= Avg, ut(r)as the average over many samples, so that


where td is a suitably chosen delay time. In paiticular, if td = T / 2 , then the average delay of xd is T/4-which is the time shift between the strobe point and the timing samples that has arisen in the two previous approaches. Line G shows the result if the signal of line C is delaydifferenced with a delay of td = T/2. 'Comparison with line E shows similar, but not identical waveforms. The delay-differenced waveform is passed through a square-law rectifier, yielding line H, for the example waveform. Once again, the protocloc,k appears and timing-error information can be retrieved by the algorithm

Vf(7) Avg { x2(r+ ( r - 1) T }- Avg { x2(7 + r T ) } = + 2 Avg { ~ ( 7 + ( r - ~ / 2 ) T ) ( x ( 7 + r T ) - ~ ( 7 + ( r - l ) T ) ) } .

The first twoterms must beequal;theensemble average cannot depend upon the index r because the underlying signal is cyclostationary. Therefore, those averages must cancel. The presence of the x*( ) terms does not contribute to the useful average output; we must suspect them as potential sources of self ,noise.' Therefore,' us eliminate them. let The remaining terms' are of the form

u f ( r ) = E ( r ) - L ( r - 1).


However, now observe that E ( r ) coincides with the strobe time for the rthsymbol; the delay in the differencing network shifted the time for thetiming samples and eliminated need *e for a third sample. One timing sample now coincides with the data strobe and the other falls midway between data strobes. (The strobe locations are carriedon eacp waveform abscissaas vertical tick marks in Fig. 2 . ) In this roundabout manner we have devised a timing-error detector algorithm that requires only two samples per symbol (one sample coincident with the data strobe), that has some self-noise rejection properties, and that can be performed with minimal computing burden (one subtraction and one squaring per symbol interval). Now let us ,see what improvements are possible.

= x ( r - l h ) { x ( r ) - x ( r - l)}.

(1 1)

This is the proposed timing-detector algorithm for real, baseband signals.'Two such computations, one each from the I and from the Q channel, are added when processing a demodulated carrier signal. The sum'is the'algorithm of (1). APPENDIX A DERIVATION S-CURVE OF Satisfactorydesign o f . thetiminglooprequiresthatthe detector characteristic-average outputversustiming error 7-be known. That is derived 'for the baseband algorithm of (1 1) in this Appendix. A phase-independent extension Zto the Q algorithm of (1) is demonstrated in Appendix B. Let the underlying, time-continuous signal a be PAM stream with the format

Formai Reductions

In this section we perform formal algebraic manipulations onthe algorithm 'expression and discover that there are elementshiddenin the algorithmthatcontribute no useful x ( t )= C @ p g ( t - P T ) (12) output. Since their presence could only generate self noise, they are eliminated &nd a stripped algorithm is derived instead. where this summation, and those to follow, is assumed to be doubly infinite. S t g t with The sequence { a p }is taken from a binary library where a, xd(t)=x(t)-x(t- T/2) ( 5 ) = k 1 . We will assume that the ap have zero mean and are uncorrelated. That is,

x $ ( t ) = x 2 ( t ) + x 2 ( t - T / 2 ) - 2 x ( t ) x ( t - T/2).





E(apaq) 6,,E(a3 =



The function g ( t ) is the shape of the filtered signalpulse. It has Fourier transform G(f ) . Apply1)(12) to (1 to obtain

a(r, 4 )



=' j


apg(r+( r - Vz) T - p T )

Perform the indicated multiplications and collect terms, thereby obtaining double sums containing products aPaqand spas. Take the expectation over the data ensemble to arrive at the average output of the detector: In the last line we have imposed the restriction G ( f ) = 0 for If1 2 1/T to take account of band limiting and to simplify the analysis. That restrictionassures that thereis no nonzero overlap between G ( f ) and G ( ( m / T ) - f)for Iml > 1. The only contributing values of m are 0 and & 1. In similar manner, define
P(7) = g(7



g ( r + ( r - ' / z )T - p T ) [ g ( r + r T - p T )

+ ( 4 - 1/21 T ) g ( r +(q - 1 ) T)

=e -e

-g(r+(r-1)T-pT)] g(r+(q-l/z)T)g(r+qT) g(r+(q-WT)g(7+(q- T) 1) (15)

and, undertaking the same manipulations already shown for (Y(T), we obtain


l G(v)G(;-v)e-jrvTdv.
( - l)mejzrmr/T


where q = r - p . Consider a partial term of the form

( ~ ( ~ ) = g ( 7 + ( q - - / z ) p ) g ( ~ + q T ) =A(f)ejZuf df.

The quantity of interest is

Ut(7) =




A ( f ) = g(r+(q-1/z)T)g(7+qT)e-jZ*frdr

1 1 1


g ( r + ( q - 1/z)k)e-jZrfl G(v)ejZru(r+qT) dr dv

C ( f ) G ( T - f ) sin nfT df. (24)

G(v)ejZTuQT( r + ( q - 1/2)T)e-jzur(f-u) dr dv sg

where all integrals are over double-infinite limits otherwise stated. Let 7 ' = 7 + (q - %)T, whereby

Let us examine this expression separately for each of the three different contributory values of m. (17) m = 0: until

If g ( treal, ) is


+ e-jZrr/T

It can be demonstrated that



sin n f T d f )


G( -$-f)

q = -m






VOL. COM-34, NO.

5, MAY 1986

where the asymmetric limits come about because one' of the shifted G( ) terms vanishes in a region where G ( f ) itself is nonzero. This expression is valid for any band-limited g(t); it' can be evaluated by substituting G ( f ) and working out the integrals of (25). Better insight is gained by resolving G ( f ) into its even and odd components. For g ( t ) a real function we find


G ( f 1= Ge( f ) +jGo(f)
where G, and Go are both purely real, with properties



1 '

2 1.5 Normalized Frequency

G A f )= G e ( -f)
Go(f)= - Go( - f
Further, define the shorthand notation

I f f




Fig. 3. Diagram of spectral overlap.

+ G e ( f ) G o --f

(k ))

sin nf T df

error characteristic has a sinusoidal shape: a consequence of the band limiting. Consider a special case which g ( t ) is even. Optimum data in filtering will match the filter the data to incoming pulse waveshape and thatwill always result in an even If g ( t ) is g(t). not even, the receiver is matched to the incoming pulse. In not many receivers, filter the will be at approximately least matched and so g(t) will be nearly even. If g(t) is even, then G o ( f ) = 0 for allf, so G I ( f )= 0 also. Furthermore, $ =, 0 and the average detector output reduces to

Ut(r) - ( ~ / T ) G sin 2 m / T = R

- ( 4 / T ) sin 2 m / T




= GI.

sin rf T df.


By the even and odd symmetry, it can be shown that

GR+ = - GR- = GR

The average vanishes atr = 0, corresponding to the center of each pulse, where the eye opening is maximum. In (29), the integrand is proportionalthe to product G ( f ) G ( ( l / T )- f), which is sketched in Fig. 3. Onlythe region of overlap between these two functions contributes to protoclockgeneration. As excessbandwidthdecreases,the overlap region shrinks and the gain of the detector becomes very small. Note how sin ? f (induced by the rT delay differencing) weights the overlap region preferentially.


GI+ = GI-




Applying all of this to (25) gives

U t ( r ) =-2j(l/T){e'2TT/T (GR+ ~ G I + ) +
+e - j 2 a ~ / T

(GR- + G I - ) }

= ( 4 / T ) {GR.sin .2nr/T- GI cos 2 n r / T } = - (41 T ) (G:

' It is desirable that the timing loop be capable of acquiring lock without depending upon prior lock the carrier loop. In of this section we show the that proposed algorithm of (1) providesthesametiming-errorinformationirrespective of carrier phase. Therefore, timing can be established prior to carrier phase lock. Representthefictitious,time-continuous,complexsignal out of the data filters as

+ G i )l l 2

sin ( 2 ~ 7 T/- $) -


which has the rectangular components


where $ = tan-I(GI/GR) is a timing shift (in radians) caused by departure of g ( t ) from even symmetry. Observe that the

x l ( t ) = a ( t )cos A e - b ( t ) sin A0


tion algorithms, in Nut. Telecommun. Conf. Rec., 1981, vol. 1, paper B3.4. T. Suzuki, H. Takatori, M. Ogawa, and K. Tomooka, Line equalizer for a digital subscriber loop employing switched capacitor technology, IEEE Trans. Cornmun., vol. COM-30, pp. 2074-2082, Sept. 1982. 0. Agazzi, C.-P. J. Tzeng, D. G. Messerschmitt, and D. A. Hodges, Timing recoveryin digital subscriber loops, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-33, pp. 558-569, June 1985. W. C. Lindsey and M. K. Simon, Telecommunication Systems Engineering. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973, ch. 9. L. E. Franks, Carrier andbit synchronization in datacommunication, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-28, pp. 1107-1120, Aug. 1980. F. M. Gardner, Carrier and clock synchronization for TDMA digital communications, Euro. Space Agency, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, Rep.ESATM-169 (ESTEC), Dec. 1976. L. E. Franks and J. P.Bubrouski, Statistical properties of timing jitter in a PAMtiming recovery scheme, IEEE Trans. Cornmun., vol. COM-22, pp. 913-920, July 1974. U. Mengali, A self bit synchronizer matched to the signal shape, IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. AES-7, pp. 686-693, July 1971. F. M. Gardner, Clock and carrier synchronization: Prefilter and antihangup investigations, Euro. Space Agency, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, Rep. ESA CR-984, Contr. 2582/75, Nov. 1977.

x2(t) a ( t ) sin A8 =

+ b ( t ) cos A8


where A0 is the carrier-phase tracking error, considered arbitrary but fixed. For acquisition purposes, or for a twodimensional QPSK signal, the timing-detector algorithm is

u t ( t ) = x l ( t - T / 2 ) { x 1 ( t ) - x , ( tT ) } +~2(t-

T / 2 ) { ~ 2 ( t ) - x z ( t - T ) } .(32)

That is, the algorithm of (1 1)-expressed here in the continuous-time domain-is applied to both arms of the baseband signal and the two computations are summed. Substituting (31) into (32), and performing the appropriate trigonometry yields

ul(t)=a(t- T/2){a(t)-a(t- T ) } +b(t- T/2){b(t)-b(t- T ) } (33) which is quiteindependent of AO. All terms containing A0
have either cancelled, or else combined according to sin2 A0 + cos2 A0 = 1. The two-armalgorithmdelivers the same error indication irrespective of carrier phase. Therefore, the timing loop can lock prior to locking, or even closing, of the phase loop.

K. H. Mueller and M. Muller, Timing recovery in digital synchronousdata receivers, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. .COM-14, pp. 516-530, May 1976. C.-P. J . Tzeng, D. A. Hodges, and D. G. Messerschmitt, Timing recovery in digital subscriber loops using baudrate sampling, in Conf. Rec. Int. Conf. Cornmun., 1985, vol. 3, paper 37.6. A. Jennings and B. R. Clarke, Data-sequence selective timing recovery for PAM systems, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-33, pp. 729-731, July 1985. M. A. Marsan and S . Benedetto, Timing and carrier recovery for high speed data transmission over telephone channels, in Nat. Telecommun. Conf. Rec., 1979, vol. 2, paper 24.5. M. A. Marsan, G. Albertengo, and S. Benedetto, High speed modem with microprocessors: Design and implementation of the synchroniza-

Floyd M. Gardner (S49-A54-SM58-F80) received the B.S.E.E. degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, in 1950, the M.S.E.E. degree from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1951, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1953. He has been an independent consulting engineer since 1960, active in the fields of communications and electronics. He is the author of the book Phaselock Techniques (New York: Wiley, 2nd ed., 1979). Dr. Gardner is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California.

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