Cue For Treason Heroism and Patriotism FINAL
Cue For Treason Heroism and Patriotism FINAL
Cue For Treason Heroism and Patriotism FINAL
but his hunger and broken bones are nothing compared to what was going to happen to the Queen. Nothing could stop Peter from informing the Queen about the tragic occurrence that was being plotted. The ability to deal with such fear, pain and danger is a rare quality to have. Peters bravery is exceptional because he is young but still able to take on any challenges he is faced with. Through his determination to stop Sir Philip Mortons plot, Peter conveyed much of his bravery-even at times he didnt want to. When Peter confronts one of Sir Philips men while being questioned he tried his best not to show his weak points. How much do you know? I could see that big of a man as he was, he was secretly afraid. Quite a lot, I answered. I wasnt quite sure how to handle this situation but my impulse was to play on his fear and keep him guessing (194).Bravery truly comes in to action for Peter since he is capable of saying that to a man who could possibly kill him. Sometimes it is better not to say anything at times like this but that is not the case for Peter. He decides to face his fear and play along. Since Peter did not know how to handle the situation he said whatever came to his mind-regardless the consequences. Even though Peter is stranded on a vacant island with a man who possesses a knife, he is confident that he could face this problem like he did in the past. These are one of those situations where Peter shows his bravery through words rather than actions. Peter thought that if he kept playing along, he would be able to stall time. That way, he would prevent getting hurt and might even delay Sir Philips scheme to kill Queen Elizabeth. Peter also displayed his bravery when one of Sir Philips men is chasing him. I peeled him from his hold on the rock face and he crashed down ten feet, head first into the scree (211). Peters ability to confront this dangerous man, while injured, is surely a sign of true bravery. Peter did not want to hurt anyone but it is a reaction due to his timing and place. Having witnessed such an event must have been agonizing but he didnt like remembering this but it was his life or mine (211). Peter is in a life or death situation and so, he does what he could. At
age 14, no kid should be going through the hardships that Peter went through. Peters determination to do the right thing made him fearless and brought out his strong bravery. Nothing could stop him from saving the Queen. Cue for Treason is mostly based on Peters loyalty towards the Queen. Without this strong loyalty to those he cares about, most of his other qualities would not exist either. Loyalty to ones family, friends and country is a very admirable feature to have. Lacking Peters loyalty would mean that he would not have been able to save the Queen. Therefore all the people who depend on the Queen would have been in Sir Philips power. Peter also showed loyalty to his friend, Kit, and without doing so he couldnt have saved the Queens life. The two friends help one another in several ways as the story progresses and their loyalty to each other helps save the Queen. Id have given a lot for Kits company, but I knew I wasnt justified in taking her (179). Peter is loyal to Kit because his thoughts show that he cared for her safety- even though he wanted her to come. Kit has had a huge impact on Peter; she had followed her dream of becoming an actor but still stood by Peters side to help save the Queen. Later on in the novel they find out that a man they were starting to trust is actually on Sir Philips side and without her pointing a gun, Peter would have been caught for sure. Peter continues to show his loyalty to the Queen when he meets up with his family. "'Dad can't save the Queen's life in London,' I said. Now Tom Boyd...hasn't come back, Ive got to take on his work' (214). Peter believes that he is the one who can put a stop to Sir Philips plot to assassinate the Queen. Since Tom Boyd was killed, Peter knew he had to go on, or else many other people would suffer from being under Sir Philip's power. Furthermore, Peter knew everything about the tragic incident that was yet to occur and that made him one of the few people who are capable of stopping Sir Philip's horrid scheme. Peter would take on any task, whether it is easy or extremely hard, to save the Queen and these actions and words show his strong devotion to the Queen as well as himself.
Peters bravery, determination and loyalty all helped him stop the assassination of the Queen and overcome many difficulties throughout the entire story. His determination and self confidence let him frequently take charge and let him make many important decisions. His bravery allowed him to face the most dangerous people without feeling fearing the consequences or risks. His loyalty to his country and Queen made him sacrifice his health to save his friends and all the other people living in the country who were threatened by Sir Philip. The story begins with Peter trying to avoid his minor offence but when he meets Kit and learns something catastrophic, they take a journey across the nation to stop the tragic event from occurring that could change their lives forever. Without Peters amazing qualities and Kit by his side, he would have been completely powerless. Peter Brownriggs determination, courage and loyalty were very important not only during his attempt to prevent the assassination of Queen but also to save his friends and family from distress.
Works cited
Trease, Geoffrey. Cue for Treason. London: Copp Clark Ltd., 1942