Types of Government Quiz
Types of Government Quiz
Types of Government Quiz
Students #: Class: Types of Government Quiz Match the following definitions below that fits best with the term on the above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: _____: Totalitarian State Oligarchy Monarchy Democracy Dictatorship Anarchy Republic
a. a form of government in which one ruler presides over a nation. Usually ruling authority is passed down from parent(s) to the first born child. In modern day this type of government is accompanied by a parliament or legislative body. b. a type of government that gives people the authority to elect a representative to serve as their mouthpiece in creating laws and policies. c. a form of government where one party or group has complete control of the state. In this type of government individual citizens have very little, if any, say in the policies of the nation. d. a type of government that gives power to an elite group of people. Often those people are the wealthy citizens of the nation. In this style of government people do have a voice, but it is quite small. e. No government. f. a style of government in which an individual leader has complete control of the state. Often this leader has taken control with force and maintains a stronghold on the nations through censorship. In this type of government people are not allowed to speak up in opposition. g. the purest type of people, or citizen, centered government. In this style each citizen is given one vote, with the majority will of the people winning out. Here the people truly rule the state. 8. What type of government has absolute power? a. Autocratic b. Democratic c. Oligarchic d. Republic 9. What type of government is the throne inherited by birth? a. Dictatorship b. Parliamentary c. Absolute Monarchy d. Presidential 10. What type of government has a prime minister? a. Absolute Monarchy b. Dictatorship c. Parliamentary d. Presidential