Run Yank Ore Rukiga Dictionary 22 Sep 2009
Run Yank Ore Rukiga Dictionary 22 Sep 2009
Run Yank Ore Rukiga Dictionary 22 Sep 2009
Yoweri Museveni,
Manuel J.K. Muranga,
Alice Muhoozi,
Aaron Mushengyezi
Gilbert Gumoshabe
Yusuf Mpairwe
Gordon Kahangi
Peter Kasamba
Cover design
Robert Kibuuka
Project coordinator
Fumiko Ohinata, UNESCO Nairobi
ISBN: …………………………………
This project received financial assistance from the UNESCO/Japanese Funds in Trust
cooperation project “Writing a Runyankore/Rukiga-English Dictionary for the
preservation of the language”, which was implemented by UNESCO Nairobi, and
logistical assistance from the Uganda National Commission for UNESCO.
All rights reserved. No part of this dictionary may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in
any form or by any means without prior permission in writing of the Institute of
Languages, Makerere University (P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda) and UNESCO
Nairobi Office (P.O. Box 30592, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya).
a aharubaju
A - a
a n. first letter of the Roman alphabet. for Ntare one of the former kings of Ankole.
aa int. a word used to express wonder, surprise or abatangaazi n. people who brought cows to
astonishment. Buganda when there was drought in Ankole in
aba1 adj. these: used to refer to more than one person. the first half of the 20th century. Sing:
Aba n'aboojo. These are boys. omutangaazi.
aba2 prep. of, for: belonging to a person or place. Aba abateruzi n. Sing: omuteruzi. 1) potters: men
Kampala. The ones of Kampala. who carry luggage. 2) people who used to lift
abaana1 n. See: OMWANA. makeshift brides.
abaana2 school children. abatuukurani n. (in ancient times) people who
abaanyu n. someone's relatives. were killed by swords or spears. Sing:
abaawe n. a word used to refer to one's family omutuukurani.
members. Abayonga n. dark people especially of the Bahinda
abacwezi n. a group of people who are believed to clan. Sing: Omuyonga.
have lived in the ancient Nkole kingdom and abaziiki1 n. mourners: people who attend a burial.
were associated with spiritual powers. Sing: Sing: omuziiki.
omucwezi. abaziiki2 n. undertakers. Sing: omuziiki.
abahitsi n. undertakers for burrying a king. Sing: abeeteeraine n. people who come together for a
omuhitsi. common cause.
abahuruzi n. warriors: soldiers with experience and agandi int. greeting: how are you? Agandi sebo?
skill in fighting especially in the past. Abahuruzi How are you, sir?
baaraba aha beekoreire ebintu ebi baanyaga. ahaasi prep. See: AHANSI.
Worriors have passed here carrying loot. Sing: ahabiso1 adv. an unclosed place and abit distant.
omuhuruzi. Var: ebiso.
abaitu n. our relatives: a word used to refer to my ahabiso2 adv. in future.
relatives. ahabw'okuba conj. because. Var: ahakuba.
abambari n. (in Ankole kingdom) favoured male ahagati adv. 1) between: bordered by two things.
people who used to work in the palace. Sing: 2) being at the centre.
omwambari. ahaifo adv. a place at a lower level compared to the
abaregye n. enemies: people who are not on one's other.
side, opposers, competitors. Pl: omuregye. ahaiguru adv. above: the space above something.
abaregyera n. a type of cows that are known for ahakuba conj. See: AHABWOKUBA.
moving very fast and can move long distances. ahamaisho n. face: front part of the head that
abarongo n. See: AMAHASHA. comprises of the eyes, nose and the mouth.
abaroreezi n. onlookers: uninvited people who ahamusikye adv. See: AHARUBAJU.
watch what is going on at a ceremony. Sing: ahamweija adv. a word used to refer to a place
omuroreezi. already talked about and known to two or more
abarungi adj. Sing: omurungi. 1) beautiful or good people.
looking people. 2) good hearted people. ahandi pron. 1) somewhere: undisclosed place.
abaryakamwe n. intimate friends: people who 2) elsewhere: another place.
share common interests. ahansi adv. the place beneath, or under. Usage: Kiga.
abashendekyereza n. See: abashendekyeza. Var: ahaasi.
abashendekyeza n. people who accompany a bride ahantu pron. an area, or part of region or place.
when she is getting married. See: ahanyima1 adv. indicating sequence of events.
ENSHAGARIZI. Var: abashendekyereza. Ahanyima ho tukaba twateisize ngu tuze
Sing: omushendekyeza. kumutaayaayira. Earlier on we had agreed to go
abashomi1 n. believers or religious people those who and visit her. See: ENYIMA. Var: bwanyima.
have faith. Sing: omushomi. ahanyima2 adv. afterwards.
abashomi2 n. See: OMUSHOMI. aharubaju adv. on the side out of other people's
abatangaaza n. a name that was given to the cows hearing. See: AHAMUSIKYE.
aharuguru adv. raised area: an area that is above 2) a designed piece of wood that is inserted in
the other in terms of position. the nose of a calfto stop it from suckling. See:
aheekiikire adv. a place which cannot be easily ORUBAAHO.
seen or accessed. akabaaho2 n. gallows: a place where convicts are
aheeru1 adv. 1) outside: out of a designated place. 2) hanged.
aheeru2 adv. akabaare n. blackstone: a small stone used for
aho adv. there: at a particular position of a place. sucking venon from the body.
ahonaaho adv. 1) quickly: acting swifly. akababa-bahiigi n. a small caterpillar.
2) increasing on the pace of doing something. akababagazi n. initial stage of flowering.
3) doing something in time. Obushaza bwahika aha kababagazi. Peas have
ai int. 1) often used when a person is annoyed or reached the flowering stage.
shocked. 2) a response to something bad, e.g. akabanda n. pancake: a thin flat round cake of
pain. sweetened dough, yellow bananas and cassava
ai nuunu phr. expression to mean oh, how good! flour. Usage: NK. Pl: otubanda,
ai nuunu phr. expression to mean oh, how good! obubanda.
aima int. expression of disgust: shame up on you! akabi n. danger or trouble: likehood of being injured
-aitu adj. us/our: belonging to or connected with a or killed.
group that one is part of. Ente yaitu ebuzire. Our akabibiro1 n. small basket: small seed basket that is
cow got lost. used in sowing. Usage: Nkole.
akaabunga n. up in the sky. akabibiro2 n. verandah: covered area outside a house
akaakiiro n. thirst: too much urgue for something to which is often enclosed.
drink. See: EKYAKA. akabindi n. nose of a buffalo or hyena.
akaaku n. trunk of an elephant that it uses for akabindirano adv. to be taken in an impromptu
feeding and protection. manner. Bamutwarire omu kabindirano
akaamunaana n. exaggeration: explaining beyond k'okukwata embura-mukoro. He was taken in an
the truth of the matter. impromptu operation to arrest idlers.
akaanirampanga n. hawk: a bird of prey with akabindirano adv. unditional excessive love: love
hooked bill and sharp eye sight. galore.
akaano n. valley: low lying part between hills. akabogye n. sitting sideways with legs tucked
Enjura egwire akaano kaijura amaizi. It rained inward. Omushaija yaashitama kabogye. The
and filled the valley. man is seated with his legs tucked inward.
akaanya n. 1) shortest period of time. Nimbaasa akabonero n. 1) a sign: a sign of a cross. Yaakora
kugambaho naiwe akaanya kakye? Can I talk to akabonero k'omusharaba arikutaaha omu
you for a moment? 2) distance: space between iramizo. He made a sign of the cross when he
people or things. Kuruga aha irwariro kuhika was entering the church. 2) a mark used to show
owaabo hariho akaanya. It is a bit far from the evidence or meaning of something. See:
hospital to their home. AKAMANYISO.
akaanya-bwanya n. a short time: shortest time akabubi n. hymen: vagina membrane.
possible. akabumbuzo n. calm place: a place where
akaara-kahera n. toe or inger: small finger. empeta everything is peaceful.
akagijwara omu kaara-kahera. He put the ring in akaburyo n. hillock: small hill.
the smallest finger. Pl: obwara-buhera. akabuuza n. question mark: a punctuation mark
akaari n. ululation: a loud cry of happiness or used to pause a question. Pl: otubuuza,
excitement. obubuuza.
akaaro n. small village: a group of households in a akaca n. sparrow-hawk. Akaca kaatwara akaana
rural setting. See: EKYARO. Pl: otwaro, k'enkoko. A sparrow-hawk has taken a chick.
obwaro. Pl: obuca.
akaatika n. small crack: a line on the surface of akacabari n. the act of stroking the clitoris during
something along which it has split. Enyungu egi sexual intercourse.
eine akaatika. This pot has got a crack. Pl: akacancabari n. rags: an old torn cloth. Pl:
obwatika. otucancabari, obucancabari.
akaaya n. a type of swamp. akacebe n. See: AKAGARANI. Pl: otucebe,
akabaaho1 n. Pl: otubaaho, obubaaho. obucebe.
1) small piece of timber: a sawed piece of wood. akaceceko n. lull, silence: a quiet moment.
akanaara n. booster: a device that helps to transmit akanyamuntinda n. small snail. See:
sound in telecommunication equipment. Omu EKINYANTINDA.
kyaro kyaitu harimu akanaara ka reediyo. There akanyamurera n. flute: a musical instrument. See:
is a radio booster in our village. Pl: OMUKURI.
obunaara. akanyamwenyi n. squirrel. See:
akanga-kaizi n. neither there nor here, just in AKATIINA-MUGOGO.
between. Akagwa omu kanga kaizi. He had no akanyancooni n. an undeveloped banana.
specific place. akanyangarara n. crack: a crack on a breakable
akangara-teete n. to suffer: to lead a hard life; item such as a door, glass, pot, calabash that
staying outside with no shelte, living under lifespan is rendered uncertain. Enkyeka
harsh conditions. ey'akanyangarara otatamu amaizi. Do not put
akangari adj. plenty: a large number of things. water into the cracked calabash .
Eriizooba yaateeka akangari k'ebitakuri. Today akanyankogote n. tortoise: an animal that walks
she has cooked a lot sweet potatoes. slowly and can pull its head and legs into the
akanono n. tip of the roof: the topmost part of the shell on its back. Nkashutamira akanyankogote
house. Bakatandikira aha kanono ku baabaire nkeetsire eibare. I sat on the tortoise thinking it
nibasheenya enju. When they were demolishing was a stone.
the house, they started from the top most part. akanyantebo adv. hitting someone with a kick.
Pl: obunono. akanyarugondo n. 1) type of snake which is not
akanuriirizi n. sweet taste. Akanuriirizi k'omu switi poisonous. 2) spotted lizard found in sandy areas
kagikundisa abaana bato. The sweet taste in a such as beaches, coasts or sand mines.
sweet makes children like it. akanyarukira n. a black and white bird with a
akanwa n. mouth: the opening in the face used for long tail.
speaking eating etc. akanyarutookye n. lourie: a type of bird commonly
akanwa kabi adj. 1) foul mouth: saying things found in banana plantations.
that are rude or offesive. 2) saying bad things akanyarutwe n. See: AKANYAMUKIRA.
which happen. akanyegyero n. See: AKATEMBO.
akanyaiganja n. an animal with paws such, as a cat, akanyiriri n. 1) verse or line: a group of words that
lion, dog, leopard, e.t.c. form one section in the Bible. Usage: Catholics.
akanyamakaakya n. one of the plants from whose 2) small line.
stems a walking stick is made. akanyitsi n. value: the minimum worth of something.
akanyampagara n. poor quality bunch of banana. Ogwo mwenda otagunaga gukiinemu akanyitsi.
Endeeberera mbi y'orutookye neetuma rwateera Do not throw away that cloth, it still has value.
obunyampagara. Poor farming methods lead to akanyoga n. a banana in its early stages of
poor quality bananas. development.
akanyampatiira n. state of being over crowded. akanyomo n. a feeling of uncertainty. displeasure.
Akanyampatiira k'abantu tikaanyikiriza kureeba akanyongotoko adv. being over cooked or over
purezidenti. I failed to see the president due to ripe. Ebihimba byasya akanyongotoko,
the presence of very many people. tibyanura. Beans were overcooked, they are not
akanyampira n. a small insect that stings the eye tasty.
when it falls there. akanyoomo n. contempt.
akanyampiringita n. something shorter or akanyoomoozano n. continuous disturbance or
smaller than others of the same type. Omukazi provocation.
akazaara obwana bugufu bw'obunyampiringita. akanyororo n. a tall, thin and slender person.
A woman gave birth to short dwarf children. akanyuunya n. a type of grasshoppers which are
akanyamuhebe n. a small black and white bird not edible. Akanyuunya nikatamba kunyaara aha
with a long tail. Var: kanyamuhebe. Pl: kitanda. The non edible grass hoppers cure bed
obunyamuhebe. wetting. Pl: obunyuunya.
akanyamukara n. nut grass. akanyuunyambuzi n. a type of weed eaten by
akanyamukira1 n. dung maggot. goats. Ageratum Conyzoides. Pl:
akanyamukira2 n. tad pole: a small amphibious obunyuunyambuzi.
creature that lives in water and developes into a akanyuunyarume n. shrub eaten by goats.
frog. akanywanisa n. (grammar): hyphen (-). Pl:
akanyamuniini n. a fresh fried grasshopper. obunywanisa.
toung will lead you into trouble. 2) pleading on akatabarwa n. trillion: one of the cardinal numerals
behalf of someone. Nterayo akarimi. Please represented by 1, followed by 15 zeros
plead for me. "1,000,000,000,000,000. Pl: obutabarwa.
akarimi4 n. a nib. akatare n. Pl: obutare. 1) market: a place where
akarindi1 n. See: AKARIIBE. goods and services are sold and bought. See:
akarindi2 n. a small handle of a machete or knife. AKAJAGIRO. 2) a high demand for goods and
See: EKIRINDI. services. Ebicoori biine akatare ebi biro. Maize
akarogoijo n. anxiety: to be extremely worried or have a high demand these days.
excited. akatembo n. a steep hill or road.
akarondo n. lineage. Omushaija akarondoora akatiina-mugogo n. a kind of rodent black in
akarondo k'obuzaare bwabo. A man traced the colour and having a long bushy tail which
lineage of their relationship. climbs and runs on banana leaves. See:
akarongyero n. a hole on the side of a pit where KAAMUGYE. Pl: obutiina-mugogo.
they smoke bananas to ripen. Ebitookye akatiina-mugogo n. a squirrel. See:
byangye byangire kusya ahabw'okuba tindateire AKANYAMWENYI.
karongyero aha rwina. My bananas have not akatima n. valve for a tyre. Pl: obutima.
ripened because I did not put a hole hole next to akatima-kakye adv. inability or failure to resist
the pit. Var: karongyero. temptation. Esente ezo otazireka aha meeza
akarooro n. a wingless insect found on hens. Pl: ow'akatima kakye naija kuzitwara. Do not leave
oburooro. that money on the table, someone who may not
akarugu n. one of the corners of the house. Pl: be able to resist temptations can pick it.
oburugu. akatimba n. 1) a mesh is used to fence. Bazitiize
akarundirundi n. a rod of a bicycle that holds a ekiju ky'enkoko akatimba. The chicken's house
pedal. Omwojo akatsindika egaari ahabwokuba was fenced with wire mesh. 2) net: an open mesh
ekaba etaine karundirundi. The boy pushed the material made of twine, code, rope usually
bicycle because it did not have a pedal rod. typically for catching fish or trapping animals or
akarungi adj. something good, or beautiful. Kaaro birds. Bategire ekitimba omu ihamba kukwata
karungi. A beatiful village. enyamaishwa. They laid a net in the forest to
akaruuru n. Pl: oburuuru. 1) elections. 2) a vote. trap animals. 3) wedding gown, dress.
akarwariro n. a clinic. Omu kyaro kyaitu harimu akatimba n. Pl: obutimba. 1) wire mesh.
akarwariro akakye kamwe. There is only one Bazitiize ekiju ky'enkoko n'akatimba. The
clinic in our villge. Pl: oburwariro. chicken's house was fenced with wire mesh.
akasheeshe n. the period from the day break up to 2) materials made of strings or ropes woven into
around 11am. a loose pattern with spaces in it for usage in
akashorya n. part of the structures that make the fishing. Ekyenyanja kikwateire omu katimba.
roof of a house . Omuyaga gw'amaani munonga The fish is hurked by a net. 3) a material tha
guhuuhire gwatwara akashorya k'enju. A strong stops mosquitoes from entering a house or bed.
wind blew off the apex of the roof. Pl: 4) a wedding gown or dress.
obushorya, otushorya. akatindi n. a small hut. See: AKAFUUHA.
akashutamo n. a customs post: a border crossing akatogo n. 1) African: a dish or type of food prepared
associated with tax collection for countries. by mixing food with sauce. Akatogo k'emondi
akashuumo n. a steep slope. See: zitahaasire n'ebihimba kanuzire munonga. A
AKATSIRIMUKO. Pl: obushuumo. mixed meal of unpealed irish potatoes and beans
akasikina n. hiccup: a sharp repeated sound in the is very deliciuous. 2) a mixture or a combination
throat caused by a sudden movement of the of many different things. Ku naagiire
diaphram. kutaahamu, naashanga kari akatogo k'Abatooro,
akasirimuko n. See: AKATSIRIMUKO. Abakiga hamwe n'Abanyankore. When I entered
akasooroora n. strong wind which moves in I found it was a mixture of Batooro, Bakiga and
circular motion when there is an imbalace in the Banyankore.
atmospheric pressure. akatonera n. See: OMUTONERA. Pl: obutonera.
akataahira n. a young jigger that has just entered a akatoonyezo n. full stop or period: a dot that
person's body. Akataahira akamutaahire omu indicates the end of a sentence. Pl:
kigyere nikamusaasa. The young jigger which obutoonyezo.
entered his foot is paining him. akatsintsimuko n. a sloppy place. Usage: Nkole.
live and feed together. amari n. a pest that destroys plants. Pl: amari.
amakune n. hospitality. amaringa-ngingo adj. sweating profusely.
amakuru n. news: new information about specific amaringaringo n. See: AMARINGORINGO.
and timely events. amaringo n. See: AMARINGORINGO.
amakuru g'omukama n. the king's food (in amaringoringo n. acts or objects used to attract
Ankole). attension. Var: amaringaringo.
Amakuru Marungi n. the Gospel: the first four amarira n. tears: a drop of liquid that comes from
books of the New Testament. Ref: EVANGIRI eyes when crying. Pl: amarira.
Usage: Christians. amarira ga Yubu n. type of beads.
amakuuta n. undiluted banana juice. amaruhuura-ngingo n. water;cold water.
amakuute n. neighbouring countries. amarwa n. a drink: a local brew made of farmented
amakwatane n. Pl: amakwatane. 1) shared millet.
holdings. 2) communal property. amaryo n. pride: a feeling of arrogance or
amakwenkwe n. a hearty laugh. self-conceit.
amakyandara n. sunflower. Var: amakyanda. amasaza n. See: AMASHAZA. Sing: eisaza.
amakyeka n. See: AMANGIGINA. Pl: amakyeka. amasha n. dung: solid waste material from the
amamburinga n. mumps: swelling of lymph bowels of cows. Var: amashe.
nodes. See: AMASHAMBANGIRA, AMASHUYU. amashaaruura n. Var: eishaaruura. 1) harvest:
amamera1 n. See: AMAMYA. Pl: amamera. what has been harvested. 2) haversting season:
amamera2 n. germinated plants. Pl: amamera. period of harvesting.
amamesha n. kind of ghee commonly used in amashambangira n. See: AMAMBURINGA.
Rwanda. amashansha1 n. dry banana leaves.
amamya n. germinated millet or sorghum used to amashansha2 n. something that is torn, frayed or
sweeten porridge. shredded. Pl: amashansha.
amanana n. stiffness or aching of the limbs. amashanyarazi n. electricity.
amanegye n. testicles: two round organs that amashanyu n. See: AMASHEMERERWA. Etym:
produce sperms in a male, enclosed in a bag of [<Luganda.amasanyu>].
skin behind and below the penis. See: amashararazi n. fruit: fruits that turn yellow when
AMAGOSI. ripe.
amangigina n. 1) sensitivity of teeth. 2) chilly amashaza n. peas: a leguminous plant of the
feeling in gums (mouth or teeth) after eating raw genus Pisum with small white flowers and long
fruits. green pods containing edible green seeds.
amanure n. salty water: water that contains salt or Usage: Kiga. Var: obushaza, amasaza.
tastes salty. Sing: eishaza.
amanyaanya n. pelvic bones. amashe n. Usage: Kiga. See: AMASHA.
amanyaari n. See: EBINYAARI. amashemererwa n. hapiness or great joy.
amanzamba n. horns of a cow facing down. amashereka n. breast milk. Pl: amashereka.
amara n. intestines: the lower part of the alimentary amashobe n. a cat's dung. Naashanga amashobe
canal from the stomach to the anus. Sing: g'enjangu omu kitara. I have found cat's dung in
orura. the granary.
amaragane n. Var: amaragaane. 1) time to say amashokorindo n. bird's droppings. Usage: Nkole.
goodbye. 2) any word or phrase uttered to bid Pl: amashereka.
someone farewell. amashununu n. fresh milk.
amaraka n. Pl: amaraka. 1) part of the body that amashushane n. look alikes: uniform or similar
connects the head and the shoulder. 2) sound things.
made when speaking or singing. 3) musical amashuuma n. south: situated in or facing or
tones. 4) throat: front part of the neck. 5) the moving toward or coming from the south.
narrow part of the bottle. amashuyo n. cattle disease: east coast fever. Var:
amaranga n. water that has been used for washing amashuyu. Sing: eishuyo.
milk pots. Pl: amaranga. amashuyu n. See: AMAMBURINGA.
amaranzi n. rays of the sun. Pl: amaranzi. amasiiba n. (usually used in okuzagiza amasiiba)a
amarari n. Sing: eirari. 1) squint: a condition big congregation or audience at music
that affectes eye muscles, making each eye look performance.
in a different direction. 2) to be cross eyed. amasiko n. See: AMATSIKO.
amasya n. burns. Omwana aine amasya aha mukono. amayenje n. white patches on a cow.
The child has burns on the arm. amayombera n. ankle bells: musical ornaments
amasyosyo n. hot water. made out of metals which are tied to the legs
amataane n. a road junction. Tubugane aha when dancing.
mataane. Let us meet at the junction. amayonjo n. over-arched shoulders: the part of the
amatanta n. pride: having high opinion of oneself. body between the top of each arm and the neck.
Naagambisa amatanta. He speaks with pride. Sing: eiyonjo.
Usage: disapproving. amayonza n. wild fruits: a wild fruit with milky
amate n. 1) milk: a white liquid produced by juice. Sing: eiyonza.
mammary glands of female animals for feeding amazaarwa n. birthday: a day of the year when one
their young ones. 2) thick white sap produced by is born.
some plants. Amate g'enkukuuru. White sap amazi n. faeces: human or animal excreta.
produced by a cactus tree. amaziga n. tears: salty water that comes from the
amatehe1 n. a type of Irish potatoes. eyes when one cries. See: EMIZIGA. Var:
amatehe2 n. wild fruits. emiziga. Sing: omuziga.
amatemba n. north: situated in or facing or moving amaziika n. 1) money donated to the bereaved
toward or coming from the north. family. 2) tribute. 3) process of burial.
amatembane n. a child or young of closely related amazima n. truth: state of being true.
parents. amazina n. dancing styles.
amatembezo n. steps, or staircases. amazomba n. ring worms: an infectious skin
amaterekyero n. shelves. Ta ebyo bitabo omu disease that produces round red spots on the
materekyero. Put those books in the shelves. human body.
Sing: eiterekyero. ameehangye n. 1) forcing oneself to do something
amatojo n. a plant that has thorns on the leaves and that is too difficult for one to accomplish. 2) too
is liked by gaots, sheep, etc. Var: ebitojo. much confidence.
Sing: ekitojo. ameinaro n. See: AMAINARO.
amatojo2 n. a disease of chicken. Var: ebitojo. amiina amen: the act of communicating with a deity
amatone n. dots or spots. Sing: eitone. (especially as a petition or in adoration or
amatonto n. See: AMATOTORO. contrition or thanksgiving).
amatontori n. See: AMASHOKORINDO. amoogi n. See: OBWOGI.
amatotoro n. (usually of chicken) bird droppings. amooya n. feathers: the light horny waterproof
amatsiko n. hope: the general feeling that some structure forming the external covering of birds.
desire will be fulfilled. Var: amasiko. Sing: eryoya.
amatsinde n. clods of soil upturned by a hoe. Var: Ankole n. A name that combines the Soth-western
amasinde. districts of Bushenyi, Mbarara, Ntungamo,
amatu g'abakaikuru n. mushrooms: big and soft Ibanda, Kiruhuura and Isingiro in Uganda.
fungal plant which usually grows on rotten trees. apaana n. no: a negative response. Etym:
amatungo n. livestock: domestic animals kept for [<Kiswahili.apaana>].
use or profit. Var: eitungo. Sing: eitungo. arifu n. alphabet: a set of letters in a fixed order.
amatunguru n. Pl: amatunguru. 1) swamp arimansi n. precious stone.
plants with red rhizomes which are used as food. arubamu n. Etym: [<English.album>]. 1) a book for
Usage: Nkole. 2) the red fruits produced by keeping photos. 2) a collection of songs
these plants. compiled or composed by an artist.
amatwengye n. inner feeling someone gets when Ashensiyo n. Ascension Day: a christian holy day on
he or she is delighted. See: AMASHEMERERWA. the Thursday after 40 days from Easter day,
amawuwa n. popcorns: a type of maize grain with when christians celebrate Jesus' ascent to
small ears and kernels that burst when exposed heaven. Usage: Catholics.
to dry heat. Usage: Nkole. ashwihi n. no: a negative response. Ref: APAANA
amayangi n. identical twins. Var: ashwiriri, awihi.
amayasha n. groin: part of the body between the ashwiriri int. See: ASHWIHI.
thigh and sexual organs. asidi n. acid: a combination of corrosove chemicals
amayengo n. 1) measured heaps of things. 2) waves used in laboratory, which can burn when
on water bodies. 3) hair making style especially exposed to the human body. Etym: [<
of ladies. English.acid>].
B - b
baaburangahi n. a person who likes going to birundura n. hyena: a dog-like scavenger with the
parties. front leg longer than the hind ones.
baamwana n. parents of the bride and bridegroom. Biruuru n. January: the first month of the year.
baasi n. bus: a big vehicle that transports passangers. bishatu n. See: MAGANA ASHATU.
Etym: [<bus. English>]. bishunga n. a cow with very white horns, horns.
baazina n. namesake. Pl: baazina. bitaano n. See: MAGANA ATAANO.
Bagyendanwa n. royal drum: the largest drum in bituri-bingi n. a tool with many holes, which is
the royal palace in Ankole used for ceremonial used to grip and turn nuts or bolts.
purposes. biya n. alcohol: a drink made out of sorghum or
bahungu n. eyelashes: short curved hairs growing on barley. Etym: [<>].
the upper eye lid. bo pron. them: the people mentioned earlier.
Baiburi n. Bible: the sacred writings of the bogoya n. banana fruit: a type of banana eaten when
Christian religions. ripe.
baitu conj. but: a word that introduces something in bombi pron. both: used to refer to two people.
contrast or unexpected. bombiri pron. See: BOMBI.
bakihuuta n. a person who does things quickly bonka adj. only them: on their own.
especially in talking: someone who is annoying bonshatu adj. three of them.
because he or she talks too much in an offensive bontaano pron. five of them.
way. booda-booda n. bicycle or motorcycle taxi. [Note:
bambe adj. a word used to express pitty and Origin: In the 1970s, when bicycles were first
sympathy for someone's misfortune. Etym: used to transport people and goods across the
[<Luganda.bambi>]. Uganda-Kenya border at Maraba and Busia.]
banda n. a group of musicians who play popular boodingi1 n. See: GOMESI. Etym:
music together. Etym: [<>]. [<English.boarding>].
banka n. bank: an institution that keeps money. Etym: boodingi2 n. a secondary or primary school which
[<>]. often has accomodation facilities for students.
baro n. your husband: a man to whom a woman is Etym: [<English.boarding>].
married. booma n. government ground or station.
bbiringanya n. egg plant: a big oval purple fruit or boona adj. a word used to mean 'all the people'.
vegetable. boona-bashome n. a government program aimed at
bendera n. See: EBENDERA. provoding free education to all.
-bi adj. bad: adjectival root which means having boote-boote adj. senile: a very old person.
undesirable or negative qualities. bucunku n. a type of banana with small clusters.
bibiri See: MAGANA ABIRI. bucura n. last born: a child born last in a family.
bigahwa adj. empty handed: faillure to obtain or Macura waitu n'omwojo. Our last born is a boy.
achieve what one wanted. Var: macura.
biguru-by'empitsi adv. speedy: done or occurring bucuracuriro n. See: BUCURA.
quickly. bucuranda n. See: BUCURA.
bihogo n. a uniformly dark brown cow. Pl: bucuzi adv. upside down.
bihogo. bucwekye1 adv. to be left with nothing: to become
biika-oguze n. savings and credit institution; destitute.
organised groups of people that save and give bucwekye2 adv. to talk using bad language.
credit to their members on small interest rates. bufunyankobe n. African edible root tuber of sweet
biizi-bitootsya n. (colloq) meat of a sheep. potato variety. Ipomea batatas. See:
binkwatiireki adv. doing something carelessly. EKITAKURI.
binzaari n. orange colour. bufuuzi adv. a condition of having no parents.
birindi adv. the state of someone when he or she is bugango adj. 1) something of large size. 2) a great
drunk. extent.
bugiigi adj. not easy to break, bend or deal with. buriizooba adv. everyday: a word used to mean
bugingo n. personification of life. everyday. Buriizooba nindya enyama. I eat meat
bugondo n. a cow with small spots. everyday.
bugubugu adv. behaviour: doing something with burikooti n. black wattle: a hard black tree from
haste. Bugubugu tiguba muriro. Haste does not whose black shoe polish is made.
always achieve effeciency. buroro adv. behaviour: bad way of bringing up a
bugufu adv. in a short manner; briefly . child. Ogu mwana bakamukuza buroro. This
buguru-butakora-hansi adv. moving very fast; child was badly brought up.
going helter-skelter. Omushuma abapoorisi burugwa-izooba n. East: the direction from which
bakamukwata buguru-butakora hansi. The the sun rises.
policemen arrested the theief and whisked him burungi-bwansi n. a government policy that
off. encourages voluntary unpaid communal labour.
bugyendandara adv. to walk sluggishly. Abantu baaza kukora burungi-bwansi omu
bugyengye n. 1) to be in a state of uncertainty, ruguuto. People have gone to clean up the road.
danger or panic. 2) the state of being at risk. bururu adj. blue: the colour of the clear sky or the
buheekwa n. vehemence. sea in the sunlight. Etym: [<>].
buhooro adv. serenity/peace; all right: a disposition buryo n. 1) the right hand side. 2) on or to the right
free from stress or emotion or the absence of side of something.
mental stress or anxiety. Muri buhooro. Are you busha n. 1) nothing: something with no value. 2) for
all right? Var: obuhooro. free. Akakorera busha. He worked for free.
bujenjebere adv. something that is shaky. 3) empty. Omwo harimu ki? Harimu busha.
bujinja n. a sheep without ears. What is in there? It is empty.
bujumeera n. a good singing voice. bushoberwa n. 1) misery or dejection: great
bukabuka n. plant: a type of medicinal plant that is suffering or discomfort of mind or body.
traditionally used to heal different diseases. 2) desparation.
bukara n. plant: a type of weed with small brown busimba adv. See: BUTSIMBA.
leaves that grows in banana plantations. buso-bwa-ntaama adv. head on collision.
bukarasa n. a cassava variety originally developed busya adv. afresh; once more.
in Bukalasa Agricultural College. Etym: butaamisi n. a type of cassava that is often sour.
[<Bukalasa: Luganda>]. Var: rutaamiisi.
bukiika adv. lying horizontally or diagonally. butandu n. accident: unpleasant event that happens
bukiizi n. sideways: facing or coming from the left unexpectedly and causes damage or loss of life.
or right side. Abantu baingi bakafeera omuri butandu bwa
bukizi-bwa-bumosho n. See: AMASHUUMA. motoka. Many people died in a car accident.
bukizi-bwa-buryo n. See: AMATEMBA. butsimba adv. upright: something that is straight.
bukunya adv. state when all or part a person or part Var: busimba.
of the body is exposed, without clothes. butunu adv. face-to-face: in each other's presence.
bukuru adv. 1) length of time one has lived. butwe-bwa-ntaama adj. See:
2) maturity. BUSO-BWA-NTAAMA.
bumosho adv. left hand side. buzima adv. truly: in a sincere and genuine way.
burahanda n. pan cake: a flat round cake made bwa adv. to speak openly. Akagamba bwa omu
with baking flour. Usage: KG. See: rukiiko. He spoke openly in the meeting.
AKABANDA. bwahara adj. big or huge: very large in size. Aine
burangiti n. blanket: a woolen covering used ente bwahara. He has a large herd of cattle.
especially on bed for keeping people warm bwakyeire-bwaizire adv. now and then. Akaba
while they are sleeping. Etym: [<blanket. anyihuza bwakyeire-bwaizire. He would ask
English>]. money every now and then.
burengyerwa-izooba n. West: the direction where bwana adj. master: tittle of a person who has
the sun sets. authority over others. Etym: [<bwana.
buri adv. 1) that time. Buri obu oija, okaba Kiswahili>].
noomanya ngu ari hanu. Last time when you bwanamukuru n. a parish priest. Usage: Catholic.
came, did you know that he was here. 2) each: bwangu adv. quickly.
every. Buri omwe. Everyone, each person. bwanyima adv. afterwards; later. Haine ebi nkiriyo
buriijo adv. See: BURIIZOOBA. ninkora, oije bwanyima. I am still busy, come
C - c
c n. the third letter of the Roman alphabet. capati>].
caai n. Etym: Swahili. co int. used to express surprise, anger, happiness,
cacaca n. sound made by footsteps. etc. co! waaba ota shi? oh! what has happened
cakucaku n. a sound made when eating with an to you? Usage: KG.
open mouth. Okurya cakucaku. Eating with an coo int. a sound made by hunters when hunting.
open mouth. cooka n. Etym: [<English.chalk>]. 1) a type of soft
canisi n. playing cards: a set of cards with numbers substance used for writing or drawing on a
and pictures printed on one side which and used blackboard. 2) a white substance used for
for playing various games. Etym: [<English. painting walls.
chance>]. curi int. used to gesticulate putting one's head down
cee int. to keep quiet: to be silent. Ku baareebire or being subdued.
omwegyesa boona baagira ngu cee. When they curucuru adv. See: CUUCUUCU.
saw the teacher, they all became silent. cuucuucu1 adv. an expression used to describe a
ceeki n. cheque: a piece of printed paper that very bad smell. Ahu barikunaga kasasiro
authorises a bank to pay a stated amount of nihanuuka cuucuucu! The place where they
money to someone from the drawer's account. throw gabbage smells.
Etym: [<English.cheque>]. Pl: ceeki. cuucuucu2 adj. an expression used to describe a very
chapati n. a flat round cake made out of wheat flour, dark. Nairagura cuucuucu. He is very dark.
water, salt, onions and oil. Etym: [<Kiswahili.
D - d
d n. the forth letter of the Roman alphabet. of study. Etym: [<>].
daa n. the sound made by a sheep. Diisi n. District Commissioner.
daburokara n. double colour. Etym: diporoma n. diploma: qualification attained in
[<English.double colour >]. higher institutions of learning. Var: dipuroma.
dainingi n. dining room. Etym: [<English.dining>]. Etym: [<diploma. English>].
demokurasi n. democracy: a type of government, dipuroma See: DIPOROMA.
elected by the people who have equal rights in disiko n. discotheque. Etym: [<English.disco>].
decision making, etc. Etym: [<Greek via disiturikiti n. district: a local government
English.democracy>]. administrative unit that heads the counties,
dereeva n. driver. Var: duriiva. Etym: sub-counties, parishes, etc. Etym:
[<driver.English>]. Pl: baadereeva. [<English.district>].
diguri n. degree: a qualification offered by a doboro adj. double: twice as much. Etym: [<double.
university to person who has completed a course Englsih>].
E - e
e n. a fifth letter of the Roman Alphabet, and one ebiboogi n. regurgitated milk that comes back to the
of the five vowels. mouth especislly in babies.
ebaafu n. plastic basin: a circular open container ebibuuzo n. Sing: ekibuuzo. 1) examinations or
used for bathing and washing clothes. Etym: tests. Nitutandika ebibuuzo Orwakataano. We
[<English.basin>]. are starting examinations on Friday.
ebaara n. bar: a room or a place with a counter 2) questions.
where alcoholic drinks are bought and served. ebicaani n. campfire made for cows.
See: EINYWERO. Pl: amabaara. ebicu n. clouds: white or grey mass of very small
ebaayi n. fluffy: flowers from cotton grass commonly drops of water in the sky. Sing: ekicu.
used to make traditional mattresses or pillows. ebicukwe n. food that has too little salt or no salt in
Var: ebaaye, ebaaya, baaya. it. Emboga ezi n'ebicukwe. This sauce is
ebahaasa n. envelope: a flat paper bag used for saltless. See: EBINYIGA.
sealing letters or documents. ebicuncu n. See: EKICUNCU, ENTARE.
ebakuri n. dish or bowl: a circular open container ebicuraguzo n. young shoots of plants used to
used to serve sauce or food. wash milk pots. Sing: ekicuraguzo.
ebaraafu n. a fridge, freezer or cooler. ebicurwe n. rubbish: a collection of waste material.
ebaraza n. Monday: the second day of the week, after ebicwanyagurika n. broken pieces. Ekikopo
Sunday. kyayatika kyarugamu ebicwanyagurika. The cup
ebaruha n. letter: a written or printed message sent has broken into small pieces.
from one person to another usually in an ebifundikizo n. banana leaves used for covering
envelope. Etym: [<Kiswahili.baruwa>]. Pl: food while cooking.
amabaruha. ebigaaga1 n. a special variety of papyrus.
ebeeseni n. basin. See: EBAAFU. ebigaaga2 n. bracelets, bangles that people wear.
ebeeyi n. price: exchange value of a commodity or These are worn below the knees.
service. Ebeeyi ya shukaari etembire. The price ebigakirizi n. See: EBISENTE.
of sugar has gone up. ebigambira n. a certain type of majugo made of
ebendera n. a flag: a piece of cloth attached by one either copper or brass.
edge to a rope or pole and used as a symbol of a ebigambo n. See: EKIGAMBO.
country's sovereignity or organisation's identity. ebigojo n. fat-wrinkles: layers of excessive fat that
Ebendera ya Uganda eine erangi ishatu. The develop on one's body.
Uganda flag has three colours. Var: bendera. ebigyene n. something done excessively. Nkaba
ebi pro. these. Ebintu ebi, ebiro ebi. These things ntarikumanya ngu nookunda ogwo mwishiki
these days ebyo bigyene. I did not know that you love that
ebibago n. materials (reeds and ropes) used to erect girl that much!
the framework of the roof and the walls. Sing: ebihaatiro n. peelings: peelings taken from a fruit.
ekibago. Rundana ebihaatiro by'ebitookye tubihe embuzi.
ebibaiziro n. wood shavings: thin slices or layers Collect all the banana peelings and we give
from wood after shaving. Ebibaiziro nibihemba them to the goat. Var: ebihaatira.
gye omuriro. Wood shavings are good for ebihaburo n. pieces of advice. Sing: ekihaburo.
making fire. Sing: ekibaiziro. ebihagi n. 1) presumptuous, arrogant and
ebibanga n. many houses in a row with a fence disrespectful behaviour, often transgressing the
below them. limits of what is permitted. 2) stubborness or
ebibembe n. leprosy: a contageous disease that intransigence. Omushaija ogwo aine ebihagi
affects the skin, causing discorolation and lumps omupooriisi yaamuzibira kurabaho yaayanga
on the body. yaagyenda. That man is stubborn; the policeman
told him not go in but he went ahead anyway. ebijanja n. mushrooms: edible fungus with a short
ebihande n. grain particles that are not finely ground. stalk topped by an umbrella shaped cap and
ebihangirwe n. creatures: all things that were grows on tree trunks. Sing: ekijanja.
created. Ruhanga akahanga ebihangirwe ebijengo n. millet bread with excessive water.
bitarikushushana. God created different ebijengye n. 1) water-logged ground. Bakombeka
creatures. Var: ebyahangirwe. Sing: enju aha bijengye yaagwa. They built a house on
ekihangirwe. water logged ground and it collapsed. 2) millet
ebiharagato n. particles that are scrapped from a pot prepared with a lot of water.
which has been used for cooking. ebijuju1 n. tsetseflies: flies that bite human beings
ebihembo n. presents, rewards: something given as and animals and spread sleeping sickness in
a reward. Tinka bamuhaire ebihembo humans and nagana in animals. Sing: ekijuju.
ahabw'okusinga empaka z'okwiruka. Tinka was ebijuju2 n. outer covering of a tree, often used to
given a prize for winning the athletic make fire. Sing: ekijuju.
competetion See: EBIRABO, EKICONCO. ebijumeero n. vigour: strength or energy in doing
Sing: ekihembo. something. Ebijumeero by'abeeshongozi
ebihera n. odd numbers. Itaano n'ekihera. Five is an bikaheisa omukoro ekitiinisa. The vigour of
odd number. Pl: ebihera. singers made the ceremony colourful.
ebihimba n. beans. Var: ebihimbo. Sing: ebijunja n. fringes or tussels: fur that is mainly
ekihimba. found around the neck of animals. See:
ebihimbo n. See: EKIHIMBA. EBIJWENGYE. Sing: ekijunja.
ebihinzi n. mucus: slimy, sticky substance produced ebijwengye n. fringes of thick hair on an animal
by mucus membranes in the nose. especially dog, lion or horse. Embwa ye eine
ebiho n. whispers: speaking quietly into somebody's ebijwengye birikwera. His dog has a white
ears so that others do not hear. Baaba fringe think hair.
nibagambirana omu biho. They were talking in ebikaafiire1 adj. obsenities: words that are offensive
whispers. See: EBIHWEHWE. or indecent.
ebihonzi n. secretion from commonly the eyes seen ebikaafiire2 n. words associated with private parts.
in the morning especially when one has an eye ebikaca n. cow pox: an acute, highly infectious
problem. Sing: ekihonzi. disease caused by a virus and characterised by
ebihooya n. syphilis: a sexually transmitted disease hig fever and blisters. Akarwara ebikaca kumara
that causes blisters on private parts and can lead emyaka mingi. He suffered from smallpox for
to impotence in men if not treated. many years.
ebihungu n. convulsions: a disease that affects ebikamuuro n. residues after extracting juice from
mainly the brain causing uncontrolled body oranges, passion fruits mangoes etc.
movements. Omwana wangye naarwara ebikangaga n. dry grass in a swamp.
ebihungu. My child suffers from convulsions. ebikanja n. dregs: residues after beer or porridge is
ebihurugutu n. ear wax: a brown, sticky substance prepared. Sing: ekikanja.
found in a human ear. ebikatsi n. residues from tea that are removed with a
ebihwazi n. impaired vision. Bamuteire oruhi sieve. Var: ebikasi.
rw'amaisho yaareeba ebihwazi. They slapped ebikogoto n. scrapings from the millet bread
him in the face and his vision was momentarily mingling pot. Akakoresa ekiti okwiha ebikogoto
impaired. omu nyungu. He used a stick to remove
ebihwehwe n. whispers: saying something in a scrappings of millet bread from the cooking pot.
whisper so that other people cannot hear. See: Sing: ekikogoto.
EBIHO. ebikonko n. stalks of maize or sorghum plants that
ebiiga n. swellings on cattle hips. remain in the garden after harvesting. Ebikonko
ebiino n. 1) big teeth. 2) "false teeth"- disease: a by'ebicoori nibyarira gye orutookye. Maize
baby's first molar buds misinterpreted by stalks are good for mulching a banana
mothers as a sign of disease and often crudely plantation. Sing: ekikonko.
extracted causing infection. ebikooko n. animals. See: ENYAMAISHWA.
ebijaburiro n. fomentations. ebikoreso n. Sing: ekikoreso. 1) materials.
ebijaga n. 1) animal disease that attacks the mouth 2) utensils. Eka yangye eine ebikoreso
and causes swellings. 2) mouth sores. Ref: birikumara omu by'ekiyungu. My hone has
EBINWANWA enough kitchen utensils.
ebikorogoto n. Sing: ekikorogoto. 1) dry up during the dry season. Var: ebinyaasi,
papyrus reeds: dry stems of an acquatic sedge ebinyansi. Sing: ekinyaatsi.
used to make carpets and roofings. Enju ye ebinyaazi n. See: EKINYAAZI.
eshakaize ebikorogoto. His house is thatched ebinyandinga n. 1) old people with dipigmented
with papyrus reeds. 2) papyrus stirrer. skin. 2) healthy and good looking old women.
ebikorwa1 n. Sing: ekikorwa. 1) deeds, acts: good ebinyangabo n. edible mushrooms. Ebinyangabo
or bad things one does. Ebikorwa bye bibi bimera aha kikungu. Edible mushrooms grow on
bikamutwara omu nkomo. His bad deeds led an ant hill.
him to jail. See: EKIKORWA. ebinyansi n. Usage: Nkole. See: EBINYAATSI.
ebikorwa2 n. (Catholic faith) divisions of a rosary. ebinyeebwa n. See: EBINYOOBWA.
Sing: ekikorwa. ebinyenyero n. bracelets: ornamantal bracelets
ebikukumbwa n. pieces of grass that remain in the worn around the waist. Sing: ekinyenyero.
garden after has been prepared for sowing. ebinyiga n. saltless food or sauce.
ebikumbi n. chuff or husks that remain when grain ebinyoga n. soft grases, tender and green; cows like
is removed. eating them.
ebikundukundu n. water impurities at the bottom ebinyomyo n. support, poles: usually used
of water in a container. figuratively. Sing: ekinyomyo.
ebikwatsi n. wild plant whose seeds stick on clothes Okweteera ebinyomyo phr. to console oneself.
and skins of animals when they come into ebinyoobwa n. groundnuts: plants with compound
contact with it. Embibo z'ebikwatsi leaves with fragrant brownish flowers and small
nizijaanjazibwa abantu n'enyamaishwa. Var: edible tubers. Apios tuberosa. See:
ebikwasi. Sing: ekikwatsi. EKINYOOBWA. Var: ebinyeebwa. Sing:
ebimiira n. mucus. See: EBIHINZI. ekinyoobwa.
ebiminyo n. blobs of fat in meat gravy. ebinyoro n. syphilis or yaws: a venereal disease
ebinana n. a general body weakness, caused by which spreads slowly from sexual organs to all
tiredness. parts of the body.
ebindi pron. others: the rest. Bakagura kiro ibiri za ebinzaari n. curry powder: a fine mixture of
sukaari reero ezindi zikaruga Kampala. They strongly flavoured spices that is yellow used in
bought two kilograms of sugar and others came cooking to give food an aroma. Ebinzaari
from Kampala. nibireeta akahooho omu byokurya. Curry
ebingonzi n. water waves. powder adds aroma to the food.
ebinika n. kettle, teaport: a container that is used for ebiraato n. See: EBIRAATWA.
boiling or serving liquids, such as water or tea. ebiraatwa n. a pair of shoes. Ku yaagiire kutaaha
ebinombe n. mines where minerals or sand are omu nju yaabanza kujuura ebiraatwa. He
excavated. removed his shoes when he was going to enter
ebinuzi n. the white soft part at the bottom-end of a the house. Var: ebiraato. Sing:
papyrus reed. Sing: ekinuzi. ekiraatwa.
ebinwangari n. an abuse used to refer to people ebiragarikira n. See: OBURAGARIKIRA.
with large and wide lips. ebirahure n. Var: ebirahuri. Sing:
ebinwanwa n. 1) mouth disease: goat and sheep ekirahure. 1) spectacles. 2) glasses.
disease which attacks the mouth. Embuzi ebirahuri n. See: EBIRAHURE.
yangye ekarwara ebinwanwa yaaremwa kurya. ebirego n. rumours. Sing: ekirego.
My goat has a mounth disease and it cannot eat. ebireju n. beards. Sing: ekireju.
2) a disease in humans that attacks the mouth ebirema-igamba n. tongue twisters: a phrase or
part and causes some swellings. sentence with many sounds that are difficult to
ebinyaari n. semen: a colourless fluid ejaculated say correctly when speaking quickly. Waaba
from a female reproductive organ. Var: otari mugambi murungi ebirema-igamba
amanyaari. nibikubeera ekizibu. If you are not an elloquent
ebinyaasi n. Usage: Kiga. See: EBINYAATSI. speaker, tongue twisters can be a problem. Sing:
ebinyaatsi n. grass: any of the numerous plants ekirema-igamba.
characteristically with narrow leaves, jointed ebirembeero n. lyrics that are emotionaly
stems and spikes or clusters of membranous exuberant. Sing: ekirembeero.
flowers borne in smaller spikelets. Omushana ebirengye n. See: EKIRENGYE.
gwajwa mwingi ebinyatsi nibyoma. Grass dries ebirezi n. See: EKIREZI.
ebitakuri n. sweet potatoes. See: EKITAKURI. ebiyaago n. tributes: things that you say or do to
ebitanaki n. vomitus: the matter from the stomach. show that you respect or admire somebody who
Okugarukira ebitanaki nk'embwa. Returning to has died.
(eat) vomit, like a dog. Var: entanaki. ebiyaga n. epilepsy or fits: a human disease of the
ebitanga n. spots: small round spots. Embuzi ye eine nervous system that causes short-lived but
ebitanga birikwera. Her goat has white spots. recurrent convulsions.
ebitara n. granaries: buildings where grain is stored. ebiyombera n. musical instruments that are worn on
Sing: ekitara. the legs, they produce good melody and sound
ebitaraakira1 n. left overs: food remaining at the as one dances.
end of the meal. ebomba1 n. syringe: a device for sucking liquid and
ebitaraakira2 adv. 1) poor attendance. 2) objects forcing it out again.
scattered apart: scanty population. Karamoja ebomba2 n. pump: a mechanical device for putting
eine ebitaraakira by'abantu. Karamoja has pressure in the tyre.
scanty a population. eboote n. the aged. Var: boote.
ebitarira n. scattered animal spots. Var: eboroogo n. yell: a loud sharp cry of excitement or
ebitarire. pain. Ku yaahuriire amakuru mabi yaateera
ebiteera large orimates that lack tail and include eboroogo. When he heard of sad news he yelled.
chimpazees, gorillas and baaboons. ebuguma n. a she-goat that has already produced.
ebitegye adj. the curved legs of a person. Aine ebuhwanya n. a coarse trailling vine widely
amaguru g'ebitegye. He has curved legs. cultivated for its fruit and bears a large pulpy
ebitingwa n. homosexuals; gays. Sing: round fruit with a thick orange-yellow ring with
ekitingwa. numerous seeds. Cucurbita pepo.
ebititi n. millet chuff left with some millet that needs ebyafaayo n. history: that which has happened to a
further threshing. person, nation or family in the past.
ebitobo n. See: ENTOBO. ebyagaana n. See: EBISYARAAZI.
ebitobotobo n. See: ENTOBO. ebyago n. demons: evil spirits or devils especially
ebitojo n. See: AMATOJO2. one thought to possess a person and torment him
ebitojo1 n. thicket or shrub of thistles. Embuzi or her.
nizikunda kurya ebitojo. Goats like eating ebyahandiikirwe n. scriptures: religious writings.
shorny shrubs. Sing: ekitojo. ebyakwahwa n. armpit hair. Pl: amaahwa.
ebitokoozi n. dirty particles in food or drinks ebyamagara n. concerning the state of health.
especially when left uncovered. ebyamaka n. family matters.
ebitonatone adj. spots such as those of a hyena or ebyanganga n. copperwire formed around a ring of
on clothes. Empitsi eine ebitonatone. A hyena zebra or giraffe's hair.
has spots. ebyari n. rags.
ebitondoro n. See: EKITONDORO. ebyarugamu n. outcomes: the effects or result of
ebitongaanwa n. 1) a plant with edible fruits that the action or event.
are red inside. 2) the fruits produced by these ebyatagurika n. pieces of a broken bottle or
plants. calabash.
ebitongo n. See: EKITONGO. ebyemikono n. an activity involving a special skill
ebitoosha n. mushroom: a fungus with a fairly of making things with hands.
round flat head and a stem. Ebitoosha nibikora ebyeteeka n. tufts: grass tufts that stand out. Ref:
emboga nungi munonga. Mushrooms make good EKISINDE.
sauce. ebyeyariro n. bed clothes and mattresses on which
ebitote adj. flour or mud mixed with excessive people sleep.
quantity of water. ebyobuhingi n. agriculture: the practice of
ebitsigarira n. Var: ebisigarira. cultivating the land and keeping animals.
ebitsya n. See: EBISYA3. ebyobutegyeki n. politics: matters of politics.
ebitu n. guest room: a bed room reserved for visitors. ebyohorongororo n. (of a cow) vaginal discharge
ebituna n. dregs of sweet banana juice. Eshande eine before a cow delivers.
ebituna bingi. Banana juice has too many dregs. ebyokunywa n. drinks: beverages that are both
ebitungwa n. domestic animals: tamed animals on alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Aha bugyenyi bwe
the farm or as pets. Sing: ekitungwa. hakaba hariho ebyokunywa bingi. At his
ebitutu n. See: EKITUTU. wedding there were a lot of drinks.
cassava, potatoes, etc. Efukuzi neekunda kurya carrying and storing millet, beans, flour, etc.
ebitakuri. A mole likes eating sweet potatoes. Var: egutiya.
efumbatwa n. See: ENYOGORI. egunu n. that person, animal or plant that is much
efumbi1 n. a disease (common among lod people) smaller than the usual size.
which attacks some parts of the body like teeth, egyaga n. a big container that is used fo keeping and
bones, etc. serving porridge or other liquid warm drinks.
efumbi2 n. lymph node: each of the small swellings in Etym: [<jar. English>].
the lymphatic system where lymph is filtered egyambiya n. machette. See: OMUHORO. Var:
and lymphocytes multiply in response to gyambiya.
infection. Bakabaaga ente baashanga eine egyora n. cloth: a roll of cloth.
efumbi nyingi. The cow they slaughtered had a egyuri n. spirit: diluted local potent gin called waragi.
lot of lymph nodes. ehaagu n. salty water given to cows. Akeeshere ente
efuuti1 n. compound: courtyard, a well tended amaizi g'amanure. He gave cows salty water.
garden. Var: fuuti. ehee int. a word used to express emotions such as
efuuti2 n. foot: unit of measurement. Var: fuuti. surprise, anger, etc. Ehee! abeegi kabakozire gye
Etym: [<English.foot>]. ebigyezo! Eh!, surprisingly students passed well
efuuzi n. orphan: a child whose parents are dead. Pl: their exams!
amafuuzi. ehiira n. porriedge: sour porridge. Aha bugyenyi
egaaju n. a brown cow. Var: gaaju. bakagabura ehiira. They served sour porridge at
egaari n. bicycle: a two wheeled cycle. the party.
egaari y'omwika n. train: a chain of wagons used ehindaneegwa n. eggs: rotten eggs which are left
for transporting people or bulky commodities. over unhatched.
egaashe n. a type of grass that grows in grasslands. ehirira n. occuring with a lot of force or vigour.
egabo n. meal: a meal or type of food that has been Embaga etyo ehirira. The party happened with a
prepared for a special occasion. lot of vigour.
eganduura n. robe: a long garment worn for ehirizi n. African traditional medicine, usually sewn
official or ceremonial occasions. in a small piece of cloth, and used for protective
egashani n. royal tomb: a large vault for burrying purposes.
kings, especially used in Ankole. ehoteeri n. hotel: a building where you pay to have
egiigya n. type of loan grass. a room to sleep in and where you can eat meals.
egiraasi n. a transparent object used to make Var: hoteeri. Etym: [<English.hotel>].
windows, bottles and other objects. Emeeza egi ehuruuru n. campaign for some programme or
ekozirwe omu giraasi. This table is made of ideology. Bateire ehuruuru ya poliyo. They made
glass. Etym: [<>]. a campaign against polio.
egirikani n. a plastic container with a handle on top. ehuuma n. cutlery: folk; kitchen utensil used for
See: EKIDOMORA. Var: egirikaani. Etym: eating food.
[<English.Jerrycan>]. ehuuru n. dwarf: a person, animal or any other
egirita n. a razor blade: a thin metal used especially creature of usually small size. Obwana bwe
for treaming nails and for shaving hair. Var: bwona n'ehuuru. All her children are dwarfs.
akagirita. See: EGUNU.
egobore n. zither: a musical instrument with many ehuuzi n. thread. a long thin strand of cotton, nylon
strings stretched over a flat wooden box and or other fibres used in sewing or weaving.
played with the fingers. eibaagiro n. abattoir: a place where animals are
egomborora n. sub-county: a political or regional slaughtered. Pl: amabaagiro.
division which is below the county and above eibaare1 n. stone: a hard and impamiable solid rock.
the parish. Var: eigomborora. Etym: Pl: amabaare.
[<Luganda.gomborora>]. Pl: eibaare2 n. a song written and released by musicians
amagomborora. as part of a music album. Pl: amabaare.
egoobe n. a kind of whistling where hands are used eibaati n. iron sheet: metalic sheet used for roofing
to create a high-pitched sound. houses. Var: eibaate. Pl: amabaati.
egoya n. See: ENYUNGU-EGOYA. eibabi n. leaf of a plant.
egunga n. a specie of grass. eibaiziro n. carpentry workshop: a place where
eguniya n. sack: a bag made out of strong rough wooden items like chairs, tables, doors and
materials usually sisal commonly used for windows are made. Naamushanga arikuza omu
ibaiziro rye. I found him going to his carpentry eicuba n. a container used to draw water from the well
workshop. to the watering trough for animals.
eibambiro n. 1) a place where cattle and animal eicumbi n. a camp: a place of residence.
skins are dried. 2) a shrine or alter. eicumu n. a spear: a sharp pointed weapon with a
eibanga1 n. mystery. Katwature eibanga long shaft. Eicumu ni kimwe aha bintu
ry'okwikiriza. Let us proclaim the mystery of ebirikukozesibwa kuhiiga. A spear is one of the
faith. Usage: CATHOLIC. Pl: eibanga. hunting tools. Pl: amacumu.
eibanga2 n. honour: respect a person gets because of eicwamba n. hair that grows on one's legs.
his integrity. eicwero n. a court house. Bakamutwara omu icwero
eibanga3 n. slope: rising or falling sharply not ry'emishango. They took him to the court house.
gradually. Eibanga eri ryandusya munonga. This eidinda n. pleat: designs of folds on a cloth. Var:
steep slope has made me very tired. Pl: eivunya. Pl: amadinda.
amabanga. eifa1 n. widespread famine. Pl: amafa.
eibango n. hunchback: a back deformed by a sharp eifa2 n. edible fruit that is oval shaped. Pl: amafa.
forward angle forming a hump, caused by eifo adv. below, down there. Eiziba bakaritimba eifo
collapse of one or more vertebrae. y'omusiri. The well was dug below the garden.
eibanja n. Pl: amabanja. 1) debt: something owed eifukunkura-marira n. a period of misery.
by one person to another e.g. money. 2) the state Omwegyemure ku gwatweire amaju g'abantu
of owing someone something e.g. favour. Nyine haabaho eifukunkura marira omu kyaro. There
eibanja ry'okukutaayaayira. I owe you a visit. was a period of misery when the floods washed
eibano n. a shaft of an arrow. away people's houses.
eibara n. Pl: amabara. 1) a spot: a mark or design eigabuka1 n. state of hapinnes or joy.
on the surface of something. Ekiteeteeyi kye eigabuka2 n. honeymoon: the first few months after
kiine amabara marungi. Her dress has a good one's wedding. Pl: amagabuka.
design 2) a stain. eigana n. 1) a hundred: the cardinal number written as
eibaraza n. veranda: covered area outside a house 100 in Arabic numerals. 2) a herd. Aine eigana
often enclosed by a low wall. ry'ente. He has a big herd of cattle
eibatirizo n. font: a place designated for baptising eigaro n. handful; a quantity that fills the hand.
people. Omukazi akampereeza eigaro ry'omwonyo. The
eibega n. shoulder: the joint connecting the arm with woman gave me ahandful of salt.
the trunk. Pl: amabega. eigobe n. mating season for dogs. Embwa niziza omu
eibiba n. sowing season. Okwezi kwa mwenda igobe nyekiro. Dogs always mate at night.
n'eibiba ry'oburo. September is the sowing eigomero n. a holding place for cattle.
season for millet. eigomezo n. a place that is impossible to reach place.
eibiikiro-ry'ebitabo n. library: a place where eigosi n. testicle: either of the two oval organs
books are kept. enclosed in the scrotum behind the penis that
eibinja n. a disease that attacks plants making the produces sperms in men and other male
leaves dry up. mammals. Pl: amagosi.
eiboroboro adj. insisting on doing things that are eigufa n. bone: any of the pieces of hard whitish
above one's level. Akeeteera eiboroboro tissue making up the skeleton of humans and
kushwera akiri muto amaka gaamurema. He other animals. Pl: magufa.
insisted on marrying when he was young and the eigundu n. braging: to talk in a boastfull manner.
family broke up. eiguru n. 1) atmosphere: the sky and outer space seen
eibugane n. See: AMABUGANE. from the earth. Eiguru ririmu enyonyozi. There
eibugane n. a disease that attacks the skin, believed are stars in the sky. 2) heaven. Usage: Church.
to be caused by stepping on a grave or place eigyembe n. new hoe: a tool with a large blade used
where twin rituals have been performed. for digging or cultivating. Etym: [<Swahili.
eibumba n. clay: a fine grained soil that is soft and jembe>]. Pl: amagyembe.
permeable when wet. Enyungu nizikorwa omu eigyesha n. a harvesting season.
ibumba. Pots are made of clay. eihamba n. 1) wilderness: unoccupied land. Yesu
eibunu n. doing things reluctantly. Pl: amabunu. akaza omu ihamba kumara enaku makumi ana.
eibutika n. large quantity of saliva spat out in one Jesus was in the wilderness for fourty days.
go. 2) loneliness: a state of being alone.
eicanda n. See: AMACANDA. eihambira n. mound: a pile of earth, for growing
eisinga n. stern: the rear part of a ship or boat. that causes a desire to harm them.
eisyo n. herd: a group of animals of one kind which eitondo n. a drop: a very small amount of of liquid
live, feed or move together. See: EIGANA. Pl: that forms a round shape. Pl: amatondo.
amasyo. eitongo n. Pl: amatongo. 1) a place that has been
eitaagi n. branch: a part of a tree that grows out of disserted by people. 2) a place where a house
the main stem of a tree. Pl: amataagi. once stood.
eitafaari n. brick of a block of clay dried in the sun eitsibikiro n. goat-pitch: a place where goat where
and baked in a kiln that is used as a building goats or sheep sleep or rest.
material. Pl: amatafaari. eitu n. a small collection of items tied up or wrapped
eitahaanuriro n. a container used to hold excess as bundles, e.g. of tobacco, salt, sugar etc.
hot water that is used when necessary to make eitumba1 n. famine; a period of time when there is
mingled millet bread of the right consistency. general food shortage in an area.
eitaka n. soil: a top layer of the earth's surface eitumba2 n. wet season.
suitable for the growth of plant life. eitumbi n. time; past midnight before dawn.
eitama n. cheek; a part of the face between the nose eitumbi-mahihi n. very early in the morning,
and the ear. Pl: amatama. around 4.00 o'clock.
eitambiro n. altar; an elevated structure upon which eitungo n. Pl: amatungo. 1) animal: property in
sacrifices may be offered and other religious form of domestic animals owned by an
ceremonies performed. individual. 2) materaial possession. Akaza
eitangiriro n. shrine: a place where gods are Buganda kuronda eitungo. He went to Buganda
worshiped. Eitangiriro ry'omufumu rikwasirwe to look for wealth.
omuriro. His place of small gods caught fire. eitungu n. roof top: the highest point on the roof.
eitarwe n. a herb for witchcraft that is manipulated eituntumura n. a herb used in witchcraft to make
attacks the legs making them lame. someone lose his/her sense of understanding.
eiteeka n. law: a rule established by society authority eituuru n. flying span: distance flown by a bird
or custom for establishing order. Pl: before it lands.
amateeka. eitware n. territory or diocese: an administrative area
eiteekyero n. a room or a building where food is under a specified leadership especially in the
cooked. catholic church. Pl: amatware.
eiteeraniro n. junction: intersection; a meeting eityazo n. whetstone: a stone where tools like knives
place. and machettes are sharpened when they are
eitegura n. roof tile: thin slab of baked clay, or blunt.
concrete used for roofing. Pl: amategura. eiyoshe n. kwashiorkor: a disease in children caused
eitekyere n. yam: any of the various chiefly tropical by lack of proteins.
vines of a geneous dioscorea, many of which eizaagiriro n. 1) resting place: a place where cattle
have edible tuberous roots. Dioscorea. Var: rest after grazing. 2) a taxi or bus park.
ekitekyere. eizaaniro n. theatre: a special place or building for
eitema n. (in agriculture) a period of slashing in showing perfomances or plays.
preparation for cultivation. eizaara n. the ordinal number of a child's birth: the
eitembezo n. stair; a small platform or rung used for order of children one has produced. Ogu mwana
climbing up or down. Pl: amatembezo. wangye n'ow'eizaara rya kashatu. This child is
eiteme n. papyrus swamp; a lowlying region saturated my third born. Pl: amazaara.
with water and papyrus reeds. eizaariro n. a marternity unit: a place where pregnant
eitendekyero n. college; place where students go to women are taken to give birth.
study or get training after they have left high eiziba n. well: a place where water is drawn.
school. abwaine omurimo omu eitendekyero eizihiro n. swimming pool: a place where water is
ry'abashomesa. he got a job in the teachers collected for the purpose of swimming. omwana
training college. Pl: amatendekyero. we omukuru akagwa omu eizihiro yaafa. His
eitetsi n. Var: eitesi, obutesi. 1) childish first born drawned in the swiming pool and died.
behaviour; a situation where an individual eiziikiro n. cemetery: a place where the dead are
behaves in a manner expected of young children. burried. See: EIRIMBO.
2) a condition of being fearful or weak. 3) (of eiziina1 n. Pl: amaziina. 1) name: a word or words
children) depicting spoilt behaviour. to differentiate someone or something from
eitima n. malice; a feeling of hatred for somebody others. 2) (in grammer) noun: it refers to a
ekibi n. Pl: ebibi. 1) sin: an immoral act considered ekibuga2 n. an open place surrrounding a house. See:
to be against the divine law. 2) something that is ORUREMBO. Pl: ebibuga.
dangerous or bad. ekibuga3 n. an open enclosure or kraal for cows.
ekibibi n. birthmark: mark on the body that does not Ekibuga ky'ente. A cattle kraal. Pl: ebibuga.
look like the skin. ekibugu1 n. bark cloth: a piece of cloth-like material
ekibibiro n. a sowing basket: a small basket used made by artisians from bark of a tree stem. See:
when sowing grains especially millet or EKITOOMA. Pl: ebibugu.
sorghum. Pl: ebibibiro. ekibugu2 n. a large biting fly commonly found in
ekibiga n. a condition of feeling hot. Usage: Kiga. swamps. Pl: ebibugu.
See: EKYOYA. ekibumbe n. a child that has not yet reached the
ekibiho n. weather: a condition when there is no speaking age. Pl: ebibumbe.
sunshine or rain. but it is cold. ekibumbe n. a statue: an artistic impression
ekibiina n. Pl: ebibiina. 1) classroom: a room drawing. Pl: ebibumbe.
where classes are conducted by an instructor. ekibumburi n. a rounded object: a circular object.
2) an association: a group of people people with See: EMBUMBURI.
similar objectives to pursue. Ekibiina ekigaita ekibunda1 n. shadow: a place sheltered from the sun
abashomesa kikabahwera kwongyerwa or light. Pl: ebibunda.
emishaara. The teachers' association helped ekibunda2 n. shed. Pl: ebibunda.
them to get a salary raise. ekibunga n. a small floating island that keeps moving
ekibimba n. disabled person: a person who is from one place to another. Pl: ebibunga.
unable to use part of his or her body properly. ekibungo n. hill: land that is more raised compared to
ekibimbo n. See: ORUBOMBO. the sorrounding area. Pl: ebibungo.
ekibingo n. elephant grass: a tall robust tropical ekibungururwa n. a hairly cartepillar: a larva of
grass which is used as fodder and for building. butterfly or moth which has a segmented
Pennisetum_purperteum. worm-like body.
ekibira1 n. forest: a very big area covered with trees, ekibunu n. Pl: ebibunu. 1) buttocks: either of the
and shrubs which are thick and sometimes two fleshy rounded part of the lower end of the
impenetrable. Usage: Nkole. Pl: ebibira. back especially used for sitting. 2) the
ekibira2 n. a piece of land. foundation or bottom of something. Aha kibunu
ekibiriiti n. match box. Pl: ebibiriiti. ky'ekikopo hariho eitaka. There is soil at the
ekibiriza n. boiled meat. bottom of the cup. 3) lowest part or place.
ekibisi n. Pl: ebibisi. 1) something that is not ripe. Ekitookye akakitema aha kibunu ky'orutookye.
2) something that is not dry especially when The banana that he cut was from the lowest part
water has spilled on it. Ekiteeteeyi kyawe ni of the plantation.
kibisi. Your dress is wet. 3) That which is not ekibura n. a dihonest person or someone without
cooked. principles. Pl: ebibura.
ekiboho n. packet: bundle of food stuffs like meat, ekiburaburingwa n. freak: an abnormal or unsual
cassava or sweet potatoes. idea, act or occurance. Usage: Ankole.
ekibombo n. brown creeper: a climbing plant whose ekibuuzo n. question: order of words which requests
roots are used as medicine for deworming for information or an answer. Pl: ebibuuzo.
animals. Pl: ebibombo. ekibuza-buryo n. idiot: a person who is so weak
ekibondaigo n. stomach upset resulting from minded that he is incapable of rational conduct.
eating too much food. ekibwana n. puppy: a young dog. Pl: ebibwana.
ekibonwomwe n. a shooting star. See: ekibya n. boat: a wooden open vessel where bananas
EKIREEBW'OMWE. Pl: ebibonwomwe. are squeezed, to extract juice and local beer
ekiboroogo n. scream: a long loud cry. Omwishiki brewed. See: OBWATO 2. Pl: ebibya.
ateire ekiboroogo nyina ku aherize kufa. The girl ekicezi n. mole rat: a small fur covered rodent with
screamed after the death of the mother. strong teeth which gnaws at hard objects like
ekibuba n. stubble: the cut stalks of cereal plants sugarcanes, cassava, etc.
left sticking out of the ground after the grain is ekicoboyo n. beans: young beans which are usually
harvested. cooked before fully developed. Usage: Nkole.
ekibuga1 n. urban area: a collection of buildings Pl: ebicoboyo.
business and shopping areas. Etym: [<Luganda. ekiconco n. gift: a present to a person. Usage:
ekibuga>]. Pl: ebibuga. Ankole. Pl: ebiconco.
that is slid across a door or window in order to ekihuute n. boil: a swelling under the skin often hard
lock it. See: AKAKONDO, AKASITAPURI. with pus in it and painful which bursts when
ekihongwa n. sacrifice: a religious offering to God ripe. Pl: ebihuute.
or gods in order to gain favour or preventing ekihuuzo n. threshing stick: a dry stick cut for
something bad from happening. Enumi ye threshing grains out of dry wheat, peas, beans,
empango niyo arikwenda kubaaga nk'ekihongwa etc. Pl: ebihuuzo.
ky'emandwa yaabo Biheeko. They want to ekihwagongo n. a marriage of someone to his
slaughter his biggest bull as a sacrifice to niece's child.
Biheeko, their small god. ekihwahwa n. a gourd that is not strong and is
ekihonoka n. bruise: a mark that appears on the skin easily broken. Pl: ebihwahwa.
after after getting injured. Pl: ebihonoka. ekihwamaino n. a maize cob with scattered seeds.
ekihoora n. a state when the stomach is flat as a Pl: ebihwamaino.
result of hunger. ekihweraho n. a type of house that can be built in
ekihoorihoori n. See: EKIGORIGOORI. one day or in the shortest time possible. Pl:
ekihorobo n. hole: a hollow space in something ebihweraho.
especially on a wall or something else. See: ekihwezabwira n. a category of birds that gain
EKIROBOKA. sight at night. Pl: ebihwezabwira.
ekihorooni n. latrine. See: KAMINA. Pl: ekiibo n. a container for holding or carryig things
ebihorooni. wooven from papyrus reeds. Pl: ebiibo.
ekihosho n. a digging shovel: a pointed spear like ekiifa n. a type of edible wild fruit with rough skin.
tool used for digging. Pl: ebihosho. Pl: ebiifa.
ekihuguhugu n. butterfly: an insect with four wings ekiihira n. a part of the body where a jigger has been
often brightly coloured. Pl: ebihuguhugu. removed. Pl: ebiihira.
ekihumi n. bee hive: a box made of wood for bees ekiihuro n. a meal already on a plate or in a dish. Pl:
to live in. Pl: ebihumi. ebiihuro.
ekihunga n. See: EIHUNGA. ekiijaija adj. a recent comer: someone that is not
ekihungabuye n. rock: a piece of an iron rock. Pl: originally of that place. Pl: ebiijaija.
ebihungabuye. ekiijano adj. bustard: a child born before a woman
ekihungu n. eagle: a large bird of prey that kills got married and goes with him or her. Pl:
other birds for food. Pl: ebihungu. ebiijano.
ekihungungwa adj. a vagabond: a person with no ekiijukizo n. monument: a building, statue, etc built
fixed abode. Pl: ebihungungwa. to remind people of famous person or event. Pl:
ekihungyetso n. fly whisk used to keep away flies ebiijukizo.
or other insects. Pl: ebihungyetso. ekiijutsyo n. something that makes one remember
ekihuriire n. living thing: something with a life e.g. what happened. Pl: ebiijutsyo.
a person, animal, plant, etc. Pl: ebihuriire. ekiina n. a hole or pit: an opening or hollow place in
ekihurikirizo n. stethoscope: a medical instrument a solid body, for example tooth, walls and roofs
for listening to the sounds generated inside the of buildings. Pl: ebiina.
body. Pl: ebihurikirizo. ekiinaino n. abnormal dental formular: a tooth that
ekihuru n. a space in the surface of something. Pl: normally grows on the gum and is not aligned
ebihuru. with others. Pl: ebiinaino.
ekihuuga n. a big white patch of colour on some ekiinami n. a wind dispatched weed.
cows. Pl: ebihuuga. ekiinikiro n. a deep hole in the ground with water
ekihuumuro n. a holiday or period of rest. Pl: where cereals e.g. sorghum is soaked to
ebihuumuro. germinate so as to be used in making sweet
ekihuumuro n. holidays, rest: a period of time one drinks. Pl: ebiinikiro.
spends relaxing or sleeping after work. Pl: ekiinyi n. the pubic region on the human sexual
ebihuumuro. organs. Usage: Nkole. Pl: ebiinyi.
ekihuunyira n. owl: a nocturnal bird of prey with ekiinyina n. placenta or after birth: what comes out
hawk-like beak and claws and large head with of a woman's womb after she has given birth. Pl:
front-facing eyes. See: EKIHIHIZI. Pl: ebiinyina.
ebihuunyira. ekiira n. excitement: an activity that makes someone
ekihuurika n. an absent minded person. Pl: feel very happy or excited.
ebihuurika. ekiiru n. beer brought to the girl's parents by the boy
on the day she introduces him to her parents. or plants. Pl: ebijuma.
ekiiruka n. vehicle: a road vehicle with an engine ekijumbura n. local herb used by witch doctors
and four wheels. Pl: ebiiruka. reported to make marriages unstable.
ekiirukano n. diarrhoea: a disease that makes one ekijumo n. an abuse: rude and offensive remark. Pl:
develop a running stomach; the stool passed out ebijumo.
is waterly and very frequent. ekijunde n. something which is rotten.
ekiisha-mutuutu n. a big brown bird. Pl: ekijungirizi n. rocket: a space craft in a tube-like
ebiisha-mutuutu. shape containing its own propellant and driven
ekiita-mukago n. a fine given by someone who by reaction propulsion. Pl: ebijungirizi.
marries a relative from a close family. ekijungu n. a banana specie, purple in colour that is
ekiito n. an answer to a riddle or a set of questions. thought to be exotic. Pl: ebijungu.
Pl: ebiito. ekijunjuma n. a type of edible mushrooms. Pl:
ekiitsa-ntomi n. a boxer: someone who plays ebijunjuma.
boxing as a game. Pl: ebiitsa-ntomi. ekijunjuure n. beetle: a black insect with a hard
ekiiturirwa n. an arch: a curved structure that upper part commonly found in dung. Pl:
supports the weight of something above it, ebijunjuure.
forming an entrace. Pl: ebitiiturirwa. ekijwa-mate n. a kind of small weed with large
ekiizi adj. 1) shallow pond: a part of the sea, lake, leaves and when cut it gives milk-like sticky
river, well, where the water is not very deep. substance. Pl: ebijwa-mate.
2) an underground container for the temporary ekijwaro n. garment or item of clothing. Pl:
storage of liquid water and sewage. ebijwaro.
ekijaburo n. rock salt: the remaining salt after cows ekika n. Pl: ebika. 1) clan or family: a group of
have licked it. families that are related. Baine ekika kihango.
ekijagu n. a cut on the ear as a way of marking, Bakeeta ekika kiyona. They have a big family.
labeling, or branding. Pl: ebijagu. They called the whole clan. 2) a type or group:.
ekijaguzo n. celebration: a day of merry making in Eki n'ekika kimwe ky'ebijuma kwonka hariho
remembrance of an event in one's life. bingi. This is one type of fruits but there are
ekijamba n. bean leaves: these leaves are eaten as many more.
vegetable especially when they are young. See: ekikaaka n. giant. See: EKISHUUGA. Pl:
EKISHOMA. ebikaaka.
ekijeera n. a traditional herb for treating cough and ekikaari1 n. a palace: the official home of the king.
stomachache. Pl: ebikaari.
ekijegye n. mushroom: a type of inedible fungus. ekikaari2 n. a reed fenced enclosure. Pl: ebikaari.
ekijenjegyere n. a type of bird that makes noise ekikaba n. a dirty mapping on a cloth. Pl: ebikaba.
while flying. ekikabira n. a stupid person: a person who shows
ekijerere n. cricket: an insect that is always hissing. lack of thought or good judgement. Pl:
Var: ejere. ebikabira.
ekijinja n. a seasonal swamp. ekikabire n. a dead thing: anything that has no life.
ekijogojogo n. a snail shell. Pl: ebijogojogo. Pl: ebikabire.
ekijoojo n. fresh banana tree sheath. See: ekikabuko n. rudeness: talking to someone in a
EKIGOGO. Var: ekigogo. harsh and sometimes rude manner.
ekijorokoma n. See: EKITEMBE. ekikaca n. an isolation hut that was traditionally built
ekijuba n. bellow: a tool used to blow air into fire. for isolation of twins before initiation. Pl:
ekijubwe n. a type of grass. See: KIJUBWE. ebikaca.
ekijugo n. penholder: a metallic like part of a pen. ekikaiga n. young bean pod when eaten as such.
Pl: ebijugo. See: ENKAIGA. Pl: ebikaiga.
ekijuguta n. civet cat: an animal in the cat family. ekikama n. a queen bee or queen ant that does not
Pl: ebijuguta. work and only lives in order to reproduce. Pl:
ekijuju n. tsetsefly: a fly that can transmit sleeping ebikama.
sickness in human beings and nagana in animals ekikama ky'amaizi n. this is a medium sized long
once it bites either. Pl: ebijuju. legged black insect that lives in water most of its
ekijujuka n. odour: unpleasant smell. See: time; it resembles a cocroach almost.
EKIKAYA; EKIKARA. ekikamba n. a plant creeper: any plant that grows
ekijuma n. fruit: a type of food that grows on trees along the ground or on other plants. Pl:
ebikamba. ebikongororo.
ekikande n. a neglected garden filled with ekikonko n. Pl: ebikonko. 1) maize stem.; a
overgrown weeds. Pl: ebikande. garden where maize or sorghum have been
ekikano n. an abuse in which a person makes a sound harvested.
'ndoo' where the tongue touches the alveolar. ekikoobe n. a herdsman's whistle. See: EKIFIIZI,
ekikanu n. sterno-mastoid: one of the neck muscles. EKICUURIZO. Pl: ebikoobe.
ekikara n. bad body odour especially from armpits ekikoobe n. a herdsman's whistle. Pl: ebikoobe.
when one has not bathed or used a deodorant. ekikoohe n. a type of cloth usually worn by women
See: EKIJUJUKA. as a skirt with fringes on the side. Some Bahima
ekikaragwe n. a tree specie. men use it as a scarf but a smaller one. Pl:
ekikarakare n. a tree usually found in banana ebikoohe.
plantations and is used as to support bananas. ekikooko n. an animal. Pl: ebikooko.
ekikaranga n. a newly burnt field where grass has ekikoomi1 n. a temporary kraal for cows when
not sprout again. Pl: ebikaranga. people have just migrated before they settle
ekikarango n. frying-pan. Pl: ebikarango. permanently. Pl: ebikoomi.
ekikaru n. See: OKUTSIBA-EKIKARU. ekikoomi2 n. camp fire: fire lit at night during the
ekikatu n. an injection: an act of putting a drug into a time of bereavement. Pl: ebikoomi.
person's body using a syringe. Pl: ebikatu. ekikoora n. leaves of a tobacco plant. Pl:
ekikaya n. See: EKIJUJUKA. ebikoora.
ekikayaabu n. fish: Salted fish. Pl: ebikayaabu. ekikoori n. eye blow. Pl: ebikoori.
ekikazi adj. female: being the sex (of plant or ekikoosi n. a battalion. Pl: ebikoosi.
animal) that produces fertilizable gametes (ova) ekikoote n. a solid independent particle of soil. Pl:
from which offspring develop. ebikoote.
ekikindigiti n. any dress that is short. Pl: ekikopo n. cup: a trophy. Pl: ebikopo.
ebikindigiti. ekikoro1 n. a bad act that is not pleasant to people.
ekikindo n. a palm tree. Pl: ebikindo. Pl: ebikoro.
ekiko n. a type of Ugandan coral tree with short ekikoro2 n. milk jar: a container used for keeping or
thorns. Erythna Abssinica. Pl: ebiko. drinking milk. Pl: ebikoro.
ekikoco n. an old emanciated cow. Pl: ebikoco. ekikorongyezo n. a torch. Pl: ebikorongyezo.
ekikoijo n. a sugarcane: a tall tropical plant from w ekikoroogyero n. See: EKIHANDAGAZI.
hose stem sugar is made. Pl: ebikoijo. ekikorwa1 n. one of the mysteries of the rosary.
ekikombe n. birth mark: a red black mark on a Usage: Catholic Church. Pl: ebikorwa.
person's skin that has been there since the person ekikorwa2 n. an act. Pl: ebikorwa.
was born. See: EKIBIBI. Pl: ebikombe. ekikubyo n. nick name: a name which is not
ekikomera n. an open air market that is in most cases originally given to someone but may be derived
scheduled where goods are sold from. Pl: from his or her character or behavior. Pl:
ebikomera. ebikubyo.
ekikompora n. a bomb shell: a metal case filled with ekikuku n. a heap of grass burnt in the garden or a
explosives fired from abig gun. Pl: heap of stones. Pl: ebikuku.
ebikompora. ekikumi adv. running at a very fast pace.
ekikonda n. sputum: a sticky liquid that comes as a ekikumiriro n. fence: an area sorrounded by a fence
result of cough from the throat. Pl: ebikonda. in which animals are kept. Pl: ebikumiriro.
ekikonde n. a punch: a hand hit made with a fist. Pl: ekikumu n. toe or finger. See: ORUKUMU. Pl:
ebikonde. ebikumu.
ekikondo1 n. a pole: a piece of wood fixed in a ekikunga-musisi adj. a big crowd: many people.
certain place. Pl: ebikondo. ekikungu n. an anthill: a pile of earth formed by
ekikondo2 n. medicine tied on a piece of cloth and ants over their nests. Pl: ebikungu.
tied around the waist usually for prevention of ekikunku n. a very short finger. Pl: ebikunku.
diseases. Pl: ebikondo. ekikunkuri n. See: EKIKUNKU. Pl: ebikunkuri.
ekikongi n. See: EKITSINTSI. Pl: ebikongi. ekikuruma n. spleen: a small organ near the
ekikongoriro n. maize cob. Pl: ebikongoriro. stomach that controls the quality of the blood
ekikongoro n. See: AKACWA-MBORO. Pl: cells. Pl: ebikuruma.
ebikongoro. ekikurumuriro n. surface defaced by something
ekikongororo n. See: EKIKONGOORIRO. Pl: heavy drugged on it. Pl: ebikurumuriro.
ekikuura n. a hair style: (in olden days) a way of ekinkumu n. thumb print: a mark made by attaching
cutting hair in patches, which was done by girls. a person's thumb on a paper or a piece of work
Var: kikuura. as a signature. Pl: ebinkumu.
ekikwato n. a weapon. Bakahenda eibiikiro baiba ekinombe n. a querry, mine: a place where soil or
ebikwato by'amahe. They broke into the store clay for making bricks is extracted from. Pl:
and stole weapons for the army. Pl: ebikwato. ebinombe.
ekikwatsi n. safety pin. Var: ebikwasi. Sing: ekinombe1 n. a place where soil or clay for making
ekikwatsi. bricks is extracted from. Pl: ebinombe.
ekikweijo n. See: EKIKOIJO. Pl: ebikweijo. ekinombe2 n. See: EKIKOOTE.
ekikyere n. frog: a rough skinned animal that lives ekinosi n. an enlarged navel with a deep hole in it.
on land and breeds in water. Pl: ebikyere. ekintu n. thing: a wor used to refer to an undefined
ekimama n. the act of doing something with item. Ekintu eki naaba nindonda kyanyeba. I
excessive pride. have forgotten the thing I wanted to use. Pl:
ekimasha n. a young bull. Pl: ebimasha. ebintu.
ekimbirimbiri n. a child that is born with ekintu2 n. a disorder in the stomach that causes
significant deformity. This child is neither rambling. Pl: ebintu.
human nor animal. Ku yazaire ekimbirimbiri ekinuuko n. stench: a bad smell.
yakiita yaakinaga omu kishaka. When she gave ekinuuko n. a bad smell that is unpleasant.
birth to an abnormal child, she throw it in the ekinuzi n. orgasm: the moment during sexual
bush. Pl: ebimbirimbiri. intercourse when feelings reach a climax.
ekimbuuro n. a big crowd where many people are ekinya n. lizard: a small creature in the reptile
gathered. Pl: ebimbuuro. family that has a black and grey coloured skin,
ekimbuuro n. See: ENKUYANJA. Pl: ebimbuuro. four legs and a long tail. Pl: ebinya.
ekimera n. plant: anything that grows from soil and ekinyaanyindo adv. a manner through which one
has life. Pl: ebimera. speaks through the nose instead of the mouth as
ekimironko n. Adam's apple: the space between one tries to articulate a sound. See: EKIMOOTO.
vocal cords which produces sound of the voice ekinyaariro n. urinal: a place designed for urinating
by the movement in which the space is opened in. Pl: ebinyaariro.
and closed to all in and out and restict that air. ekinyaatsi n. grass: a common wild plant with
See: RUJUGA. Pl: ebimironko. narrow green leaves and stem that are often
ekimooto adv. a speech with nosal intonation where eaten by cattle, horses, sheep, etc. Pl:
words cannot be heard clearly. ebinyaatsi.
ekimuri n. flower: the coloured part of a plant from ekinyabaishiki n. mushroom: an edible mushroom.
which the seed or fruit develops. Pl: ebimuri. Pl: ebinyabaishiki.
ekimyamya n. a type of porridge made from millet ekinyabubiri n. hermaphrodite: a person or an
flour after it has been left to ferment for one day. animal with both male and female sexual organs
ekinaabiro n. bathroom: a place or room where or features. Pl: ebinyabubiri.
people take bath. Pl: ebinaabiro. ekinyabwoba n. cowardly person: a person who
ekine n. a large organ in the body that produces bile become nervous and afraid in taking a risk. Pl:
and cleans blood; liver of some animals is ebinyabwoba.
cooked and eaten. See: EKITUGU. Pl: ebine. ekinyabwoya n. a woolly caterpillar. Pl:
ekinenera n. something that remains after removing ebinyabwoya.
grains from a maize fruit. See: ekinyagashani n. a tropical weed common in
EKIKONGORIRO. Pl: ebinenera. banana plantantions. Pl: ebinyagashani.
ekiniga n. anger: astrong emotion; a feeling that is ekinyamasha n. a type of inedible mushroom that
oriented toward some real or supposed grows on cowdung. Pl: ebinyamasha.
grievance. Pl: ebiniga. ekinyampo n. fart: gases that are released from the
ekiniini1 n. caterpillar: a small, long and many bowels through the anus. Pl: ebinyampo.
legged creature, which usually feeds on leaves, ekinyamuriro n. a common weed found in banana
plants, and later develops into an insect with plantations. Pl: ebinyamuriro.
wings like a butterfly. See: KANYAANANGA, ekinyamwikiririza n. stooge: a person who
EKINYABWOYA, EKIGURUKIRA. Pl: simply accepts whatever he is told to do. Pl:
ebiniini. ebinyamwikiririza.
ekiniini2 n. See: ENTAAMA. Pl: ebiniini. ekinyandaaro n. bustard: a child born before a girl
is married. Pl: ebinyandaaro. cover: a hard sheet that covers the book on
ekinyangondo n. snail: gastropod mollusk usually either side. 2) mudguard: a curved strip or cover
having an external enclosing spiral shell where over a wheel that is used to protect a vehicle or a
the whole body can be withdrawn. Pl: rider of a bicycle or motorcycle from water or
ebinyangondo. mud.
ekinyangondookyera n. a snail. See: ekipampari n. wreckage: remnant of a wrecked
EKINYANTINDA. Pl: mettalic object. Pl: ebipampari.
ebinyangondookyera. ekipande1 n. labourer's ticket or appointment letter.
ekinyankwanzi n. starling: a song bird with a Pl: ebipande.
straight beak. Pl: ebinyankwanzi. ekipande2 n. a sign attached to a post which has
ekinyanshunju n. concubine: an unmarried woman information about something or directions to a
who stays with a married man as if the two were place. Pl: ebipande.
married. Pl: ebinyanshunju. ekipande3 n. hospital card: a piece of paper which
ekinyantinda n. See: EKINYANGONDO. Pl: the hospital gives to the patient with the
ebinyantinda. information on it used to describe the person's
ekinyariisho n. a penis whose foreskin cannot sickness. Pl: ebipande.
cover it completely. Pl: ebinyariisho. ekipapura n. a rough paper used to do rough work.
ekinyashande n. See: ESHANDE2. Pl: ebipapura.
ekinyegye n. fish-trap. Pl: ebinyegye. ekipimiso n. measuring or weighing standard: a
ekinyenyeezi n. an opening in a roof or wall. Pl: measuring device for length, height or weight.
ebinyenyeezi. Pl: ebipimiso.
ekinyimanyima n. shadow: a dark area on a ekipimpiri adj. a person who is shorter than a
surface caused by an object standing between normal human being. Pl: ebipimpiri.
direct light and that surface. Pl: ekipingamiizi n. idiot: a person of subnormal
ebinyimanyima. intelligence. Pl: ebipingamiizi.
ekinyiriri adj. (among black Africans) naturally ekipumpuriya n. a long underwear worn by
straight hair. Pl: ebinyiriri. women of the old generation. Pl:
ekinyogori1 n. maggot: a young form of an insect ebipumpuriya.
found in decaying foods or anything rotting. Pl: ekipumpuru n. nagana, trypanasomiasis: a cattle
ebinyogori. disease transmitted by tsetseflies. See:
ekinyogori2 n. larva form of an insect. Pl: RWAKIPUMPURU. Pl: ebipumpuru.
ebinyogori. ekiraamo n. a will: a legal document declaring a
ekinyogote n. porcupine: a relatively large rodents person's wishes regarding the disposal of their
with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur. property when they die. Pl: ebiraamo.
Usage: Kiga. See: EKISEGYESI. Pl: ekiraare n. weeds: a combination of weeds in a
ebinyogote. garden. Pl: ebiraare.
ekinyonyi n. bird: a flying creature covered with ekiraariko n. an announcement to make people
feathers and with two wings and two legs. Pl: aware of what is going to happen, especially in
ebinyonyi. the community.
ekinyoobwa n. groundnut: an edible nut that grows ekiraaro n. kraal: an area sorrounded by a fence in
underground in a thin shell. Pl: ebinyoobwa. which animals are kept at night. Pl: ebiraaro.
ekinywabwino n. blotting paper: a type of paper ekiraasi n. class: a group of students taught together.
that sucks sprinkled ink. Pl: ebinywabwino. Etym: [<English. class>]. Pl: ebiraasi.
ekinywashande n. weaver-bird: a finch-like ekiraatwa n. shoe: an outer covering for a person's
African and Asian colonial birds noted for their foot usually made of leather or plastic. Pl:
elaborately woven nests. Pl: ebiraatwa.
ebinywashande. ekiraba n. a hairstyle: a way of cutting hair in olden
ekinywebwa-bakazi adj. sweet local brew that days. This was only done by newly married.
has not fully fermented. See: EKIHARA.
ekipaku n. a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that ekirabo1 n. prize or present: something valuable that
one gets from doing something well or from is given to someone as a present for having
owning or being responsible for something excelled in something or on a special occasion.
excellent that is widely admired. Pl: ebirabo.
ekipampagari n. Pl: ebipampagari. 1) book ekirabo2 n. club: a place where alcoholi drinks are
ekiriri n. the first few day after a woman has given ekirungi adj. something that is good, morally right
birth. Pl: ekiriri. or acceptable.
ekiro1 n. 1) the time from sunset to sunrise. 2) a day ekirungo n. spice: a type of sauce used in seasoning
of the month or year. food. Pl: ebirungo.
ekiro2 n. a day specified by a number set for a certain ekirurumo n. a low-pitched mumbling sound.
function, celebration, etc. Ekiro ky'okugaitwa ni ekiruuku n. glutton: a person who eats too much. Pl:
aha Rwamukaaga. The day for holy matrimony ebiruuku.
is saturday. ekirwa n. island: a land mass sorrounded by a water
ekiroboka n. See: EKIFUMUKA. Pl: ebiroboka. body. Pl: ebirwa.
ekirofa adv. a dirty or unclean thing. Pl: ebirofa. ekirwaire n. an unspecified painful disease in the
ekirogoya n. perch: a type of bird. Pl: ebirogoya. abdomen.
ekiro-kikuru n. a public holiday: a day of festivals ekirwaniso n. weapon: any tool used in fighting or
or rest from work in rememberance of an hunting. Pl: ebirwaniso.
important event, for example Christmas. ekiryambeba n. a type of rateating snake. Pl:
ekiroko n. a white patch on the neck of a cow. Pl: ebiryambeba.
ebiroko. ekisaamunyu n. a black ant: a small black insect
ekiromba n. an abnormally big navel. Pl: living in a complex social colony. Pl:
ebiromba. ebisaamunyu.
ekironda n. a wound: any cut the skin or an organ ekisangarana n. millipede: a myriapod invertabrate
caused by violence or surgical incision. Pl: with an elongated body composed of many
ebironda. segments most of which bear two pairs of legs.
ekirondogozi n. a stupid or foolish person. See: Pl: ebisangarana.
EKIRANDAKWATA. Pl: ebirondogozi. ekisanguzo n. Pl: ebisanguzo. 1) duster:
ekirooro n. a rude or offensive word, phrase used to something used to wipe dust or chalk from the
express anger or violence. Pl: ebirooro. black board. 2) an eraser used in removing
ekirooto n. Pl: ebirooto. 1) a dream: a sequence pencil or pen writings.
of scenes and feelings occuring in the mind ekisasi n. entrace: part of the roof projecting from
during sleep. 2) imagination: the formation of a the wall on top of the door. Pl: ebisasi.
mental image of something that is not perceived ekisebe n. See: EKIRONDA. Pl: ebisebe.
as real and is not present to the senses. ekiseereezo n. an emitted fat that does not make
ekirorero n. public intertainment e.g. theatre show, sound. Pl: ebiseereezo.
radio or television programme. Pl: ekisegyesi n. porcupine: a large rodent with
ebirorero. defensive spines or quills on the body and tail.
ekirubi n. a furnace. Pl: ebisegyesi.
ekirugu n. kraal: a place where animals like goats are ekiseisa n. the thin inner layer of the dry banana fibre
kept. Pl: ebirugu. or papyrus reed. Pl: ebiseisa.
ekiruguya n. an overgrowth: a swollen scar that ekishaabo n. a big gourd that is used in churning
develops on the ear when it is pierced. Pl: milk. Pl: ebishaabo.
ebiruguya. ekishaaha n. See: EKISHAAYI. Pl: ebishaaha.
ekiruhuuko n. a long and deep sigh that shows one ekishaaru n. a reedlike swamp grass. Pl:
is tired and wants to sleep. ebishaaru.
ekirumiko n. a cupping device: a weapon used to ekishaaru n. a swamp: a water logged area with no
suck the poison from someone who has been grass.
bitten by a snake. Pl: ebirumiko. ekishaaya n. See: EKISHAAYI. Pl: ebishaaya.
ekirumira-habiri n. a type of non-poisonous ekishaayi n. playground: an area designed for
snake whose tail resembles its head. sports activities. Pl: ebishaayi.
ekirundo n. a heap: a pile of things such as sand, ekishagiko n. ornament: hair beads. Pl:
books or rabbish. Pl: ebirundo. ebishagiko.
ekirunduro n. a house where hens are confined to ekishaju n. fat: the substance under the skin of
prevent them from destroying crops. Pl: humans and animals that stores energy and
ebirunduro. keeps them warm. Pl: ebishaju.
ekirunga n. a crown: a circular head ornament made ekishaka n. bush: an area of land covered with
of gold and jewels worn by kings and queens on natural trees and grasses. Pl: ebishaka.
official occassions. Pl: ebirunga. ekishamato n. handful: an amount of something
ekishutama hamwe1 adj. a person who does not ekisiibayo n. chasing your enemies when you are
move from one place to another. Pl: fighting and you push them afar.
ebishutama hamwe. ekisiikuru n. a black and white striped furry
ekishutama-hamwe2 adj. a traditional stool. Pl: catarpillar. See: EKINYABWOYA,
ebishutama hamwe. ORUHANDUURA. Pl: ebisiikuru.
ekishuuga n. a rogue: one who is tough and is ekisiizi n. a big pothole that is usually found in the
known by people as chaotic. road when it is raining heavily and it
ekishuusha n. pumpkin leaves: pumpkin leaves accomodates a lot of water. Pl: ebisiizi.
which are picked, prepared and eaten as green ekisiku n. banana plant stump: the lower part of a
vegetables. Pl: ebishuusha. banana plant after it has ben cut. Pl: ebisiku.
ekishwa1 n. anthill: raised soil or heap, mass of earth ekisimba n. huge person or animal. Pl: ebisimba.
in which ants live. Yaabugana enjoka y'encwera ekisimooni n. coin money: a piece of metal that is
aha kishwa ky'ahagati y'omusiri gwabo. She has used as money. Var: esimooni. Pl:
met a cobra at the anthill in the middle of their ebisimooni.
garden. Pl: ebishwa. ekisina n. the stump of a banana plant. Pl:
ekishwa2 n. bird: a common small brown and grey ebisina.
bird found in many parts in the tropics. Pl: ekisinde n. a clod (lump of earth or clay). Var:
ebishwa. ekitsinde. Pl: ebisinde.
ekishwaga n. eland: a type of large antelope with ekisindikwa n. a weed plant common in banana
curled horns found in Africa. Ekishwaga plantations. Pl: ebisindikwa.
nikituura omu bishaka. An eland lives in the ekisingiso n. a brush used to wash utensils.
wild. Pl: ebishwaga. Akazinga ekisingiso ky'okwozya ebyanzi. She
ekishwagara n. pod: what remains after removing made a good brush to wash the milk pots. Var:
seeds e.g. beans peas e.t.c. Shwenkuru yantuma ekitsingiso. Pl: ebisingiso.
ebishwagara by'okuhembesa omuriro ekisinsi n. a tree stump: a stump of a tree that is left
gw'ekikoome. My grand father has sent me for above the ground after it has been cut. Var:
empty bean podsto make a fire. Pl: ekitsintsi. Pl: ebisinsi.
ebishwagara. ekisira n. a penis of a cow. Pl: ebisira.
ekishwani n. See: EKISHUSHANI. Pl: ekisiraani n. bad luck: something regarded by
ebishwani. society to bring bad luck. Pl: ebisiraani.
ekisibiko n. See: EKISIRIKO. Pl: ebisibiko. ekisire n. obstinate person.
ekisibiringanyi n. a lizard. See: ekisirika-nkwirwa n. a weed commonly found in
EKISHEREBENGANYI. Var: a bean garden. Pl: ebisirika-nkwirwa.
ekisherebenganyi. ekisirikiriro n. a small part at the end of the garden
ekisibo n. Pl: ebisibo. 1) peg rope: a rope tied on where they plant or sow the remaining seeds
a peg permanently for tying animals. 2) tethering after the whole garden has been finished.
place: a place where domestic animals are tied ekisiriko n. Var: ekisibiko. Pl: ebisiriko.
each on a poll. 1) a hump in the road caused by erosion or
ekisigaanyima n. to move backwards while facing floods . 2) a pothole.
the front. ekisiro n. fern: non-flowering green plant that
ekisigaanyima1 adv. 1) a shadow of a moving normally grows in wet areas and propagates
object. 2) the act of moving while facing the itself by means of spores.
front. ekisiru n. See: EKISIRO. Pl: ebisiru.
ekisigaate n. maize or sorghum stem especially ekisizi n. a plant disease. Pl: ebisizi.
when chewed as one chews sugarcane. Pl: ekisooko n. a locally made cigarette. See:
ebiisigaate. KYASOOKA, EKISHOGOTO. Pl: ebisooko.
ekisigi n. an eyelid which protects the eye from dust ekisooni n. gravel soil: red and silky soil that is
and other particles that may enter. Pl: extracted deep from underground. Pl:
ebisigi. ebisooni.
ekisigisiro n. pot: type of a pot, which is big, where ekisoroora n. aroma produced by cooking food. Pl:
porredge is made and kept. Ekisigisiro kyangye ebisoroora.
kyatikire tinyine ah'okuta obushera. My pot is ekisyarazi n. stagnant water. Pl: ebisyarazi.
broken, I do not have where to put my porridge. ekisyokori n. See: EKITYOKORI. Pl:
Var: ekishigishiro. Pl: ebisigisiro. ebisyokori.
ekiteera-njogyera n. a young child who is just ekitengo n. fever shivering as a sign of getting
beginning to walk. Omwana wangye hati malaria fever or as a result of very cold
n'ekiteera-njogyera. My child is now beginning temperature.
to walk. ekitengye n. an African piece of cloth with different
ekiteera-nkome n. a type of bird with greyish designs and colours tied by women around their
feathers. Pl: ebiteera-nkome. waists, especially in doing their household work.
ekiteera-nkumba n. sparrow: a brownish bird that Pl: ebitengye.
makes nests in people's houses especially roof ekitensani n. station: a place or building where a
corners. Pl: ebiteera-nkumba. specified activity or service is based. Pl:
ekiteerateerero n. a dish where ghee that has just ebitensani.
been churned is inspected for removal of foreign ekitenteberera n. an African bird with a medium
matter. Pl: ebiteerateerero. tail. Pl: ebitenteberera.
ekiteerero n. side of a garden where the weeds are ekitentegyere n. a tree that looks like a bar tree with
thrown. Pl: ebiteerero. large leaves. Pl: ebitentegyere.
ekiteero n. lumbar vertebra: each of the series of ekitentere n. a young grasshopper. Pl:
small bones forming the back bone, having ebitentere.
several projection for articulation and muscle ekiteta n. dumb person: someone with speech
attachment and a hole through which the spinal impairment and cannot speak. Pl: ebiteta.
cord passes. Pl: ebiteero. ekiti n. a piece of wood. Pl: ebiti.
ekiteete1 n. a basket-like wooven container used for ekitigi n. a stubborn or big headed person. Pl:
carrying fish. Pl: ebiteete. ebitigi.
ekiteete2 n. lemon grass. See: OMUTEETE. Pl: ekitigu n. liver: a large glandular organ in the
ebiteete. abdomen of vertebrates that secretes bile and
ekiteeteeya n. round house: a type of round house acts in the formation of blood and in the
normally built with mud and wattle and grass metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins
thatched. Recently, iron sheets are also used for minerals and vitamins. See: EKINE (NK). Pl:
the roof. ebitigu.
ekiteeteeyi n. dress: an outer garment worn by ekitiiho n. spade: a digging tool with a long handle
women, consisting of a one-piece top and a skirt. and a flat iron blade usd for cutting or loading
Pl: ebiteeteeyi. earth, sand, etc. Pl: ebitiiho.
ekiteetengwa n. a type of banana plant with a short ekitiinisa n. honour: differencial or high regard and
stem and bears a large bunch of banana with esteem for an individual. See: EIBANGA. Pl:
squeezed clusters. Pl: ebiteetengwa. ebitiinisa.
ekitega n. half full of any substance in a container. ekitiinwa n. glory, respect, high fame and honour or
Pl: ebitega. great achievement. Usage: Catholics. Pl:
ekitehurizi n. See: EKITEEHURIZI. Pl: ebitiinwa.
ebitehurizi. ekitima n. plant core: the innermost part of a seed or
ekiteiso n. suggestion: an idea or plan put forward for plant. John yaarya omuyembe yaasigaho ekitima
consideration. Pl: ebiteiso. kyagwo. John has eaten a mango and left its
ekitekyere n. yam: a large root of a tropical tuber seed here. Var: entima.
that is cooked as food and leaves can be ekitimbure n. a situation where two or more people
prepared as vegetables. Pl: ebitekyere. who share something in common influence one
ekitema-bakazi adj. blunt: an object whose cutting another.
edge is blunt. Pl: ebitema-bakazi. ekitindiriro n. millet drying rack. Oburo
ekitembe n. a wild short banana plant with short baabwanika omu kitindiriro. They have dried
leaves that bears a small bunch with very small millet on the rack.
clusters; it is not edible. Pl: ebitembe. ekitingwa1 n. sexually loose. Ogu mwishiki
ekiteme n. a cleared piece of land. Pl: ebiteme. n'ekitingwa. This girl gives in to sex quickly.
ekitendeere n. a large short necked gourd or ekitingwa2 n. sodomite: a person who engages in a
calabash used for storing local brew. Pl: sexual act with another person of the same sex.
ebitendeere. ekitiribiita n. 1) thick porridge of millet or sorghum
ekitenga n. a large woven basket especially for flour. It is normally taken when cold.
keeping millet before being taken to the 2) unfermented cold porridge which is not
grannery. Pl: ebitenga. concentrated. Nkamutaayayira yangaburira
red blood cells. See: EKINE. Pl: ebitugu. ekitutu1 n. a heap of millet: millet that is heaped
ekituho n. stench: a horrid and offensive smell together immediately after harvest. Pl:
coming out of a decaying substance. ebitutu.
ekitukuru n. a type of basket with holes in the sides ekitutu2 n. a portion of hair tied together especially
that is commonly used in harvesting of grains. natural hair. Pl: ebitutu.
Pl: ebitukuru. ekituuriizi n. a dull person who is slow in
ekitumba n. a banana stem: the stem of a banana understanding. Pl: ebituuriizi.
tree that is left after harvesting a banana. Pl: ekituuro n. a tomb or grave: a place in the ground
ebitumba. where dead people are burried. Var:
ekitumbaara n. See: EKITUMBA. Pl: ekituuru. Pl: ebituuro.
ebitumbaara. ekituuru n. See: EKITUURO. Pl: ebituuru.
ekitumbe n. a swollen part on the skin that is full of ekituuti n. Pl: ebituuti. 1) a platform: a raised
colurless liquid caused by burning or friction. structure for people to stand on. 2) a pulpit: a
ekitumbisa n. baking powder: yeast or mixture of place where a priest stands to preach to people
sodium bicarbonate and cream of tartar used in in church. 3) a mound: a large pile of soil or
baking. Pl: ebitumbisa. stones or sand.
ekitumbwe n. unripe fruit. Akarya ekitumbwe ekituzi n. mushroom: a large size mushroom. Pl:
ky'omupeera yaariibwa omunda. He ate an ebituzi.
unripe guava and he got stomach pain. Pl: ekitwaro n. a big storage basket. Pl: ebitwaro.
ebitumbwe. ekityokori n. a small bird with a slightly longer tail
ekituna n. See: EKITUNDAMA-NIBAKOZA. Pl: and with hairly feathers abit raised on the head.
ebituna. it is usually found in bushy banana plantations
ekitunda1 n. wild passion fruit: that juicy fruit that where there are high chances of getting sweet
is eaten, normally grows up in the bush and bananas and other ripe fruits. Var:
changes colour from green to yellow when ripe. ekisyokori. Pl: ebityokori.
Pl: ebitunda. ekiviiko n. an improvised cover especially for the
ekitunda2 n. weed: a toxic plant that is considered calabash.
useless, and grows freely where it is not wanted, ekivugye n. this is a mixture of water and half grown
and it bears round thorny fruits. Datura dry millet flour. This mixture is meant to make
Stramonium. See: NYARWEZIRINGA. Pl: porridge taste sweet. Pl: ebivugye.
ebitunda. ekivune n. meat on the leg between the hip and the
ekitundama-nibakoza n. an idiot: a person of knee of an animal or bird. Pl: ebivune.
subnormal intelligence who is stupid, foolish ekivurugye n. sauce that is made from a mixture of
and dull. Pl: ebitundama-nibakoza. many things like greens, beans, peas, etc.
ekitundami n. See: EKITUNDAMA-NIBAKOZA. ekiyanga n. valley: an area of low land between hills
Pl: ebitundami. often filled with a swamp. Pl: ebiyanga.
ekitungwa n. See: EBITUNGWA. ekiyangwe n. stirling bird: a small noisy bird with
ekituntumuki n. a wanderer: someone who moves dark shiny feathers. Pl: ebiyangwe.
from place to place with no specific reason. Pl: ekiyanja n. a pond: a small area filled with still
ebituntumuki. water that is often seasonal. Pl: ebiyanja.
ekituri n. a penetrating hole in an object. Pl: ekiyengo n. a small measuring basket. Pl:
ebituri. ebiyengo.
ekiturirwa n. porridge: a lump of unmixed porridge ekiyenje n. cockroach: a beatle-like insect with long
flour. Akaba naanywa obushera ku antenae and legs, feeding by scavenging. Pl:
yaashangamu ebiturirwa yabucwera. Pl: ebiyenje.
ebiturirwa. ekiyongoyongo n. See: ORUYONGOYONGO. Pl:
ekituru n. Pl: ebituru. 1) an idiot: someone who ebiyongoyongo.
behaves in an extremly stupid way. 2) comedian: ekiyooro adj. abundance: quantity that is more than
a half witted person who makes people laugh. enough. Pl: ebiyooro.
3) imbecile: an insulting word for someone who ekiyoyo n. cormorant: a large sea bird which has dark
behaves in a stupid way. feathers. Pl: ebiyoyo.
ekituruguma n. vegetables which grow in ekiyungu n. kitchen: a place where food is prepared
lowlands, they have hairs and are sleeperly when from. Pl: ebiyungu.
cooked. Pl: ebituruguma. ekizaagiriro n. a place where cattle rest from. Pl:
ebizaagiriro. ebyara.
ekizaaniro n. a playground: an outdoor ground ekyasha1 n. century: a hundred years. Pl: ebyasha.
where playing outdoor games takes place. Pl: ekyasha2 n. a gap between teeth left after removing a
ebizaaniro. tooth or in any cutting edge. Pl: ebyasha.
ekizaarwa n. an illegitimate child: a child born out ekyasha3 n. a white patch on the forehead of a cow,
of wedlock. Tindi kizaarwa kandi tindi goat or sheep different from the rest. Pl:
kitokoozi. I am not a son or daugher of the clan. ebyasha.
See: EKINYANDARO. Pl: ebizaarwa. ekyashuri n. a bird's nest: a structure that birds
ekiziba n. a valley dam or pond. Pl: ebiziba. build for laying in eggs. Pl: ebyashuri.
ekizibaho n. a piece of cloth warn over the clothes. ekyasire n. See: EKISIRE.
See: EKOOTI. Pl: ebizibaho. ekyata1 n. heartburn: pain where one feels like
ekizibiti n. exhibit: a thing that is displayed in something is burning in his chest, caused by
courts of laws to prove the guilt or innocence of excessive acid in the stomach juices.
the suspect. Pl: ebizibiti. ekyata2 n. rascal: a person who shows lack of
ekizigira n. scar: a mark that is left on the skin after thought or judgement.
the wound has healed. Pl: ebizigira. ekyata-muzinga n. honey-eating animal.
ekiziizi n. a facial appearance on someone that ekyayaaya n. a banana variety which is eaten while
suggests that you despise others. roasted.
ekizima n. darkness: a situation where there is no ekyebumbe n. a self appointed king: a king who
light especially at night. See: OMWIRIMA. comes to power without people's support. Pl:
ekizinga n. island: a piece of land that is surrounded ebyebumbe.
by water. Pl: ebizinga. ekyebumbe n. usurper: a person who takes a job or
ekizinga1 n. island: a piece of land that is surrounded position that belongs to someone else without
by water. Pl: ebizinga. the right to do so. Pl: ebyebumbe.
ekizinga2 n. a halo: a circular white or coloured light ekyefeera n. an animal that has died of natural
that surrounds the moon or the sun. causes. Pl: ebyefeera.
ekizino n. dance series of movements that match the ekyefubiko n. jumper: a piece of cloth worn on the
speed and rythm of music. Pl: ebizino. upper part of the body to keep it warm. Var:
ekizoora n. full moon: moon that appears as a whole ekyeshubiko. Pl: ebyefubiko.
bright disc. Pl: ebizoora. ekyegamiro n. a back of a sofa seat: the back part of
ekizorokoma n. wild banana plant: a wild banana the sofa where one leans upon sitting. Pl:
tree or its fruit. See: EKITEMBE; OMUTEMBE. ebyegamiro.
Pl: ebizorokoma. ekyegyengye n. a frightening person: a person
ekookoro n. cancer: a serious medical condition whose behaviour and conduct makes everybody
caused by abnormal growth of cells in the body fear him or her. Pl: ebyegyengye.
which may cause death. ekyegyeso n. a lesson: something that is intended to
ekoomi n. fire place: the place where fire for be learnt and is explained to the listeners. Pl:
providing warmth to cattle/animals is lit. It is ebyegyeso.
always a strategic place in the kraal which can ekyehimbagirizo n. a walking stick: a stick that
be accessed by almost all cows. one carries for support when walking. Pl:
ekoona n. corner: a sharp bend. Pl: ekoona. ebyehimbagirizo.
ekufuru n. See: EFUKURU. ekyehuubo n. a seat hanging from chains or ropes
ekufuru n. padlock: a metal object used to lock that swings backwards and forwards. Pl:
doors, gates and suitcases. Mureete ekufuru ebyehuubo.
tusibe enju tugyende. Bring the padlock, we ekyejwiso n. haemorrhage: unusual severe bleeding
want to lock the house and go. Var: ekufuro. from the uterus through the vagina.
ekumbwe n. fragments of the grass carpet when ekyekango n. a feeling of fear: the bad feeling that
they have been layed in a place especially in the one gets when in danger or something bad has
kitchen after they have become too old or worn happened or something frightens you. Pl:
out. ebyekango.
ekyaka n. See: AKAAKIIRO. ekyemerano n. inbreeding in animals: a product of
ekyanyima n. See: ETABAARO. breeding between closely related animals.
ekyara n. a toe or finger nail: a thick hard layer ekyemerero1 n. the physical structure of a person.
covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes. Pl: ekyemerero2 n. pneumonia: a serious illness that
affects the lungs and makes it hard for one to vehicles must follow in a defined direction. Pl:
breathe. ebyezigooro.
ekyemeza n. a crop that grows without being ekyobate n. sheath: a cover used for carrying a knife
planted. Pl: ebyemeza. or sword. Pl: ebyobate.
ekyengyegyere n. milk got out of a cow immedietly ekyoganyanja n. a plant with pupplish flowers. Pl:
after it has licked salt. ebyoganyanja.
ekyengyera n. a period of plenty especially after ekyogi n. blade: the flat sharp part of a knife.
harvest. Omwana ekyogi nikyo kyamushara. The child
ekyenyanja n. fish: an animal which lives in water was cut by the flat sharp part of a knife.
and as in most cases covered with scales. Pl: ekyogwa-ruganda n. an outcast: a person who is
ebyenyanja. disowned by clan-members.
ekyepe n. badge: a particular badge that shows the ekyoha n. decrepit hyena: an aged hyna that lives in
rank someone in the armed forces has reached. Africa and Asia. It eats meat of animals that are
ekyererezi n. dim light: the energy from the sun or already dead and can make a sound like a human
other object that make it possible to see. laugh. Pl: ebyoha.
ekyesherero n. a place where water is drawn in a eky'okubanza n. one or something that comes first
well or pond before it is poured in a trough for before others. Pl: eby'okubanza.
watering cows. Pl: ebyesherero. eky'okureeberaho n. example: One particular
ekyesho n. a game: an indoor game played between thing that is representative of a group as a
two people on a board game using dry seeds, whole, sample, specimen, etc. Pl:
especially tea seeds. Var: omwesho. Pl: eby'okureeberaho.
ebyesho. ekyokyezo n. a burning place: kiln. Mutware
ekyeshongoro n. a song: a short piece of music kasasiro omu kyokyezo. You take the rubish to
with words or lyrics that one sings. Pl: the burning place.
ebyeshongoro. ekyoma n. metal: any category of chemical elements
ekyeshubiko n. See: EKYEFUBIKO. such as copper. iron, gold, etc with certain
ekyeshusho n. image: the likeness of something characteristics, properties such as luster,
when compared to the original. malleability, ductility and conductivity of
ekyeshushuzo n. See: ETAHURO. electricty and heat. Pl: ebyoma.
ekyeshuuburiro n. sheath: the skin of a snake that ekyombeko n. building: something that is built, a
peels off at one time. structure or an edifice. Pl: ebyombeko.
ekyesiigo n. See: OKWETONTOBEKA. ekyombo n. a vessel of considerable size built for
ekyetengo n. a wish: a feeling one has when one deep water navigation. Pl: ebyombo.
wants something. Pl: ebyetengo. ekyomooro n. first aid herb: a herb that is put on
ekyeterero n. something named after someone or fresh wounds after getting an injury. It has sup.
something else. Pl: ebyomooro.
ekyetindo n. suspence: a feeling of anxiety someone ekyomoozi n. a herbal medicine that is applied first
feels when something remains unclear to him or to stop blood flow in case one gets any injury on
her. the body. See: EKYOMOORO. Pl: ebyomoozi.
ekyevugo n. a recitation or epic: a poem performed ekyomuhendo n. precious or valuable item:
to an audience usually in priase of someone or something of high value, cost, worth, etc. Pl:
something. Pl: ebyevugo. ebyomuhendo.
ekyeya n. drought: a long period of time with little ekyomya n. See: KYOMYA.
or no rainfall. ekyondo n. See: EBYONDO.
ekyeyemekye n. illegitimate king: a king who has ekyongo1 n. land that stays uncultivated for some
enthroned himself. Pl: ebyeyemekye. time after harvesting. The aim is to give time to
ekyeyerezo n. broom: a brush made of sticks and re-gain its fertility. Pl: ebyongo.
used for sweeping. Pl: ebyeyerezo. ekyongo2 n. a creeping plant in form of a pumpkin
ekyeyo1 n. See: EKYEYEREZO. plant that bears small vegetables with spots that
ekyeyo2 n. 1) to go and seek emplyment from abroad. are green and white in colour. Pl: ebyongo.
2) an activity one engages in to earn extra ekyonko n. knowledge: the information, ideas or
income. understanding gained through experience,
ekyezigooro n. round about: a place where two or observation or study.
more roads meet forming a circle that all ekyoreezo n. threatened extinction: something that
with temporary love for something or someone; empinduka n. change: an act or process through
a person who goes for new things and abandon which something becomes different from what it
the old ones. was.
empasha twins: a pair of offsprings born at the same empindura n. pancreas: one of the stomachs of a
birth. Var: amahasha. remunant.
empayani n. a cow that is stubborn during the time empingi n. garden tool: a panga or knife like sickle
of milking. for cutting trees and grass used in Kigezi with a
empeeshano n. artisan equipment: any item made curved blade. Usage: Rukiga.
or shaped by a blacksmith. empingo n. Shackles or handcuffs: a pair of metal
empembwe1 n. locust: small type of locusts that is rings joined together with a chain used to fasten
destructive. people.
empembwe2 n. hairly chest: hair that shows on the empiri n. puffadder: an African viper snake which
chest of a human being especially among men. inflates the upper part of its body when excited.
empenda-rubango1 n. a girl whose bride price is empirimbwa n. log: a round piece of wood.
meant for her father alone. empitirizo n. 1) needle: a thin piece of steel used in
empene n. goat: a hardy domesticated ruminant sewing with one pointed end another with a
mammal that has backward curving horns and hole. 2) syringe: a hollow piece of steel used to
(in males) beards. See: EMBUZI. inject medicine into the body of a human being
empengyere n. a meal of cooked unground maize or other creatures.
usually mixed with beans. empitsi n. hyena: a wild animal resembling a dog
empengyere-z'abariisa n. a short plant that that feeds on meat of other animals.
grows in the bush especially in the valleys that empogo n. cattle: cows with a straw berry-like colour.
has small round fruits that are purple in colour empogora n. See: EMPOGORO.
and has many small millet like seeds inside them empogoro n. food: banana meal that is prepared
and are normally eaten by children. unpeeled. See: EMPOGORA.
empere n. bed bugs: small insects that live on beds or empokya n. soya bean: a type of beans rich in protein
other wooden objects and suck people's blood. .
emperegyeshu n. cartilage: a tough elastic tissue in empoma n. See: EMPIRI.
animal body especially in meat. emponoka n. survivor: a person who has survived
emperekano n. a domestic animal such as a goat, a narrowly.
cow or a sheep entrusted tosomeone else's care. empooza n. an excise duty that is imposed by
emperu n. the end of anything or the of Day of government or any authority.
Jjudgement. empotore n. twisted papyrus: twisted spear blade of
empeta n. ring: a piece of jewelry worn on the finger papyrus used in weaving mats.
as an ornament, engagement for marriage, etc. empoza n. plea: statements made by someone in
emphasha n. Usage: Kiga. See: AMAHASHA. courts of law in self defence.
empihi n. indigestion: expelling a bad smell from the empuku adv. to eat secretely. Bakamushanga
stomach through the mouth as a result of over naarya empuku. They found her eating secretely.
eating. empumi n. a blind person: a person whose sight is
empiigano n. wild meat: meat brought by hunters incapacitated and cannot see.
from the wilderness. empunami n. consonants: letters of the alphabet.
empiiha n. money: means of payment, especially empundu n. chimpanzee: an intelligent animal
coins and paper notes given and accepted in resembling a monkey but without a tail.
buying and selling of goods and services. empungi n. refugee: a person who has been forced to
empiija2 n. elation: celebration over something new. leave their home or country due to war or
empika n. confidence to do somthing. political or religious upheavels.
empika2 n. a messanger: a person who is sent to empungu n. eagle: a large bird of prey common in
take news letters. the tropics.
empikira-kwema n. heifer: an animal that is of empungurano n. inherited item: anything that is
conceiving age. inherited from a dead person.
empimbi n. log: a part of the trunk of a large tree empungurwa n. an inherited widow: a woman
that has been felled. whose husband died and is taken over as a wife
empimbo n. walking stick: a stick used for walking by a close relative of the dead husband.
especially by the aged or the blind. empungye n. extremist: a person with extreme
endaaba n. ornament: a form of ornament beads endegye n. Usage: Kiga. See: ENYONYI.
(chain). endeku n. calabash that resembles a pumpkin.
endaaho n. castrated animal: an animal whose endeme n. rogue: a person who behaves badly,
testicles have been removed. dishonest and immoral.
endaaki n. trench: a long deep hole dug in the ground endengo1 n. a container for measuring quantity of
in which soldiers can be protected from enemies, foodstuffs. Endengo ei baapimiiremu oburo
fire or attacks. ekaba eri mpango. The container for measuring
endaani n. a tunnel: a hollow space dug in the ground the quantity of millet was too big.
and stretches underground. endengo2 n. maize tussels: the coloured part of maize
endaare n. unweeded plantation: a plantation plant that carries pollen.
especially of bananas that has overgrown weeds. endengwa-mwaka n. stored crops: crops that
Ishe ku yagyenzire abaana orutookye baarureka have been kept in store for a longtime.
rwaba endaara. When their father left, they left endengyerezi n. miser: a person who is so mean
the banana plantation unweeded. with his goods.
endaariro n. a light evening meal; served at night. endenzya-mutima n. an idiomatic way of talking
Pl: endaariro. about the end of something or somebody's life.
endaaro n. (usually used with enda y'endaaro) enderema n. vegetables: sauce of green vegetables.
pregnancy concieved before marriage. endibaariba n. flowers of a thorny coral tree.
endaaya1 n. See: MARAAYA. endibatiro n. footprint: a mark left on a surface by a
endaaya2 n. See: EMONDI. person's foot or shoes or by an animal's frot.
endagaano n. agreement: a contract made with endiboota n. bale: large quantity of something
somebody to effect something. pressed tightly together and tied up.
endagiiriro n. sign post or map of a place: a sign at endiga1 n. knife: a sharpened knife that is specifically
the side of the road giving information about the used in slicing meat.
direction and distance of places. endiga2 n. See: ENTAAMA. Etym: [<Luganda.
endahi n. quail: a small brown bird whose eggs and endiga>].
meat are eaten. endigito n. sound made of a very fast moving
endahiro n. solemn or oath: a solemn statement or object.
promise undertaken to do something. endihano n. a fine: an object obained as a fine in
endamutsyo n. greeting: a message of good wishes replacement of what was damaged or stolen.
for somebody. endiira-kukinduka n. gluttony: a person who eats
endanga-muntu n. identity card: a document that too much.
shows the personal identification of somebody. endiiro n. eating basket: a small basket where
endango n. flag: a piece of cloth with special mingled millet or sorghum is served.
colours representing a particular country. See: endiisa n. egrets: a heron with mainly white
EBENDERA. plumage.
enda-nto n. part of the abdomen below navel that endiiso n. sauce: a thick hot or cold liquid that you
contains urinary bladder and the womb in eat on or with food.
women. endimu n. lemon: a yellowish green fruit with sour
endarira n. bush: growth that has not been burnt by juice that is used for giving flavour to food and
fire. drink.
endatsi n. pulse as a sign of life, vigour. endindi1 n. 1) the rods that are moved up and down
endeebeka adj. the appearance of somebody or by hand to operate the bellows in the
something: the way someone or something blacksmiths forge. 2) the rods that are rotated to
looks. and fro in a hole in a stationary stick on the
endeeberera n. maintainace: activity involved in ground in making fire by friction.
maintaining something in good working. endindi2 n. bellows: an apparatus for blowing air
endeeberwamu n. mirror: flat glass that you look into or through something.
into in order to see yourself. endingiri n. one stringed violin: a musical instrument
endeebya n. traitor or betrayer: A person who is not with one string. Omushaija we n'omutezi
loyal to his or her people or country. w'endingiri. Her husband is a violinist.
endegye n. an aeroplane: a flying vehicle with endinzi n. a nation of a protectorate.
wings and one or more engines. Usage: Rukiga. endiza n. milk pots: wooden pots used in milking and
See: ENYONYI 2. storing milk. See: EKYANZI.
endogoya n. donkey: an animal of the horse family enfaano n. meat from an animal that died of natural
with short legs and long ears which is used for causes. Pl: enfaano.
carrying heavy loads. enfanabujune n. a miserable person.
endoha n. (of a person) to fall down flat on the enfumu n. proverb: a condesed but memorable
ground. saying with hidden rich meaning embodying
endoki n. fisheries: the business or industry of some important facts of experience. Pl:
fishing. Naakora omu kitongore ky'endoki. He enfumu.
works with the department of fisheries. enfunzi n. a small redish brown or black birds that
endonde n. cows that like segregating themselves usually go or fly in groups of three and above;
from others when they are grazing. they like making their nests in plantations
endongo n. 1) music: sound that is pleasant to listen especially coffee or banana plantations. See:
to or dance. 2) guitar: a large musical instrument AKAFUNZI. Pl: enfunzi.
with a nearly closed wooden sound box. enfurebe n. a handbag made from untanned hide or
endongo-buraaya n. a very large sauce pan made skin carried by men. Pl: enfurebe.
of a hard metal used for mingling millet or engaaniizi n. a conversationalist teaser: an
posho. untrustworthy person who talks a lot and teases
endongoorano n. a return gift something that is using the power of speech in order to have fun
given as a present after a visit. by embarrassing or annoying slightly. Pl:
endoora n. short cows with short horns. They engaaniizi.
originated from Kigezi. engaara n. crab: a water creature that has a hard
endosho n. scoop: a spoon that is made out of soft shell and ten legs two of which are pincers.
wood. engabi n. bushback: a wild animal that resembles a
endozo n. a small portion of food or drink taken by kob. Pl: engabi.
mouth to taste its quality. See: OMUROZO. engabirano adj. talent: a natural ability to do
endugiiriro n. beginnning: the place or time at something well. See: ENTARANTA.
which something starts. engabo n. shield: a tool that is used for protection
endugu n. the bedroom: the bed room in the house against spears, stones in attack during war.
which is not a sitting room or kitchen. engagi n. gorilla: a very powerful and large African
endundo n. pile: a number of things piled together. ape. See: EMPUNDU, EKITEERA.
endungu n. large pot: a round container made of engaito n. See: ENKAITO.
glass, plastic, metal, clay etc. for storing things. engamba1 n. 1) the way of pronouncing the word of
enduuru n. alarm: a loud noise or signal that warns a language that shows which country or area a
people of danger or problem or where one is person comes from. 2) the sound produced by
threatened. something which is always associated with it.
endwano n. wars or conflicts. 3) style of talking.
endwara n. disease: a state of poor health in humans, engamba2 n. See: ORUGAMBA. Pl: engamba.
animals and other living things. engamba3 n. scales: the outer hard body of a fish.
endya n. nutrition: a process of providing and engambi1 n. a talkative person: a person who talks
recieving food necessary for health and growth. a lot.
endyaga n. food: any substance that people or engambi2 n. verb: a word or group of words that
animals eat or drink. express an action, an event or state of affairs. Pl:
endyangatanisa adj. an untrust worthy person who engambi.
takes something which does not belong to him. engambisa n. vowel: any of the ltters that represent
endyanku n. axe: a tool used in splitting wood into sound a, e, i, o, u. Pl: engambisa.
pieces. Usage: Kigezi. Pl: endyanku. engamira n. camel: an animal with a long neck and
endyarya n. hypocrite: a person who uses a sweet one or two humps used in desert countries for
tongue to con others. transportation. Pl: engamira.
endyo adj. right hand: part of human body which enganda n. millet bundle: a handful bundle of millet
allows a person to touch. tied together when harvesting. Pl: enganda.
eneema n. grace: God's mercy and favour towards engango n. Pl: engango. 1) armoury: a place
mankind. Pl: eneema. where weapons are kept. 2) a big ring where
enengo n. gorge: a very narrow deep valley with they put milk pots.
very steep sides. Pl: enengo. engano n. wheat: a crop whose grain is used to
enfaakazi n. See: EFAAKAZI. produce flour for baking bread. Pl: engano.
enganzi1 n. Prime Minister: a person who was enguuri n. spirit: an alcoholic beverage that is
second to the king of Ankole in line of kingship distilled rather than fermented.
in Ankole kingdom. enguuza n. disobedient child: a child who cannot
enganzi2 n. beloved: a person that is most loved and listen to advice. Pl: enguuza.
favoured. enguzi n. bribe: a dishonest payment or inducement
enganzi3 n. a star that is very bright. made to a person in a position of trust to act in
engaramira n. a chair which has where to lean on. one's favour.
Pl: engaramira. engwe n. leopard: a large wild animal in the cat
engaro n. hand: the part of the body at the end of the family with a yellowish coat and dark spots.
arm that includes the fingers. engwerwa-kagwe n. tragic victim: a person that
engasi n. See: ENKASI. has faced a terrible event or sadness.
engasya n. See: ENKASI. Pl: engasya. engwisa-kagwe n. somone who causes a terrible
engata n. a spiral roll from banana leaves or grass event or tragedy. Pl: engwisa-kagwe.
for carrying things on the head. Pl: engata. engwiso n. nape: back part of a person's neck.
engiri1 n. gospel: one of the first four books in the engyemeko n. 1) a small clay pot for boiling water.
New Testament bible that talks about Jesus. Var: 2) a conical pot with four sided openings for
evangiri. perfumery functions.
engiri2 n. warthog: a large animal with very thick engyenda adj. the manner in which a person walks.
skin and one or two horns on its nose that is engyenda-kiro adj. an idiomatic way of referring to
common in tropical Africa and Asia. red safari ants.
engobya n. a deceitful person who behaves in a engyenderwaho n. Constitution: a system of laws
cunning way by telling lies. Pl: engobya. and principles according to which a state or
engoha n. tick: a small parasitic insect that feeds other organisations are governed.
especially on animals by sucking blood. engyenyi n. a wild creeping plant that stings.
engoma1 n. drum: a musical instrument made with a engyesho n. behaviour: the way in which one acts or
hollow round frame and a skin stretched tightly conducts oneself especially towards others.
across. Pl: engoma. engyeso n. harvesting knife: a knife used for
engoma2 n. throne: a special symbolic seat also used harvesting millet.
symbolise authority among leaders. Pl: engyeya n. colobus monkey: a slender leaf-eating
engoma. African monkey with a silky fur a long tail and
engoma3 n. the soft part in the middle of the head in very small or reduced thumbs. Pl: engyeya.
the head of a young baby. Pl: engoma. engyezi n. the boggy part of the swamp. Pl:
engonero n. white substance found on one's face engyezi.
(especially mouth) in the morning or during the engyora n. screw: a cylinder with a helical ridge or
day after sleep. thread running around the outside that can be
engoona n. algae: a green substance that is slipperly turned to seal an opening, apply pressure, adjust
and usually found on stagnant water. position, etc, especially one fitting into a
engozi1 n. baby's swaddling cloth: a cloth for corresponding internal groove or thread.
carrying a baby. Pl: engozi. enimi n. bull: male cattle. Var: enumi.
engozi2 n. stretcher: sticks made in form of a enio n. buttocks or anus.
movable bed, used to carry sick people or brides enjangu n. cat: a small carnivorous mammal with
over long distances. Pl: engozi. soft fur, short snout, and retractable claws,
engumba n. a woman that cannot produce. Pl: widely kept as a pet for catching mice or rats.
engumba. enjara n. 1) famine: extreme scarcity of food.
engurirwa n. an edible part of sorghum variety that 2) hunger: the feel for the neccessity to eat.
is black in colour. enjebajebe n. rattle: round fruits that can be used to
engurukira n. swollen painful inguinal lymph node: make a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds
a small swollen painful hard mass of tissue that in particular, baby's toys, singing and dancing.
appear on the joint in the human body caused by enjegyere n. chains: a connecting flexible series of
having a wound. metal used for fastening or securing objects and
engurukizi n. earthworm. See: OMUHOVA; pulling or supporting loads.
OMUNYONGORORWA. enjerere n. cricket: a butterfly like insect which
engurumbanyi n. untrust-worthy person. makes noise in the evening.
enguugu n. an old stock of harvest. enjoga1 n. hyrax: a small herbivorous mammal with a
enkari n. urine: the waste liquid that collects in the enkombe1 n. dove: a bird of the pigeon family.
bladder and is passed out through the penis or enkombe2 n. thick porridge: soft food made by
the vagina. boiling millet flour or other legumes in water or
enkasi n. oar: a short pole with a broad blade at one or milk until it becomes thick.
both ends, used without a rowlock to move a enkombe3 n. protruding part of the forehead.
small boat or canoe through the water. Var: enkomborora adj. a completely shaven head
engasya, enkasya, engasi. which has no hair.
enkasya n. See: ENKASI. enkome n. stanza: a fixed number of lines of verses
enkazi n. ganglion: a structure containing a number of forming a unit of songs.
nerve cell bodies typically linked by synapses enkomo1 n. See: EKIHOME.
and after forming a swelling on a nerve fibre. enkomo2 n. nape: back of the head.
enkima n. monkey: a member of a group of primates enkomo3 n. stock: the end part of a sweet potato.
most similar to humans in appearance especially enkondo1 n. peg: a piece of wood that is stuck in
a type with a long tail that climbs trees. the ground on which animals are tethered.
enkingo n. terraces: places dug up across hills during enkondo2 n. pot: a cooking pot mainly for beans or
cultivation with the purpose of stopping running peas.
water from taking away soil. enkondo3 n. See: ENKOMBE 3.
enkoba1 n. the outer coats of beans which do shrink enkongi n. tree stamp: the bottom part of the tree
when they are cooked ready. trunk that remains after felling the tree.
enkoba2 n. See: ORUKOBA. enkongooro n. milk pot: a small milk pot designed
enkobanio n. wrinkles found on the buttocks for children to drink milk.
especially of the eldery people. enkongoro n. bird: a medium size bird species that
enkobe n. baboon: a large typical monkey with a falls in the category of perching birds.
long face resembling that of a dog. enkoni1 n. walking stick: a stick that can be used in
enkofiira n. cap or hat: a tight fitting head dress walking or in grazing.
commonly worn by men or boys or as part of enkoni2 n. legs that come fast in the process of giving
uniform. birth by animals.
enkogote n. See: ENKOGOTO. enkoni3 n. the beer that is given to the bridegroom's
enkogoto1 n. building mortar: crushed stones that crew after the give-away ceremony.
are used in building especially the foundation of enkoninyabuto n. wild plant which some people
a house. Var: enkogote, enkokote. use to make fences. It has white sap that is
enkogoto2 n. shoulder blades: any of the two flat dengerous when it comes into contact with the
bones at the top of the back. eyes and is put on warts.
enkogotso n. pot scrapper usually made from broken enkonya n. banana stump: the remaining part of a
calabash. banana tree that has the roots.
enkojo n. scar: a mark left by the healing of an enkonzo n. wooden hoe: a hoe made in form of a
injured tissue. digging stick that was used before iron smelting.
enkoko n. chicken: a domestic fowl bled for its meat enkoobwa n. a portion of sweet potato or banana
and eggs. after it has been broken into two or more pieces.
enkoko nkuru n. gizzard (as meat): the part of a enkoora n. cattle trails: a path created after cows
bird's stomach in which food is broken up into have passed in a bushy area.
smaller pieces before digestion takes place. enkoore n. a species of small brown bean.
enkokokazi n. hen: a female chicken usually kept enkooreera n. See: EKIRARI.
for eggs or meat. enkoorezo n. See: EKIRARI.
enkokora n. elbow: the joint between the upper and enkora-birungi n. a person who does good things
lower parts of the arm where it bends in the in society. Enkora-birungi ebizimuurirwa. A
middle. good turn deserves another.
enkokote n. See: ENKOGOTO 1. enkoragana n. co-operation: the spirit of working
enkoma1 n. snake: a kind of short poisonous snake together to achieve a set objective.
that lives in short trees or shrubs. enkoro1 n. animal's chest: the part of the body
enkoma2 n. hard maize corns. between the stomach and the neck.
enkomangwa n. See: KANKOMANGWA. Var: enkoro2 n. cluster: a group of banana trees that has
kankomangwa. grown together.
enkomantiriro n. door posts. enkoro3 n. a calabash used to keep milk.
enshaya n. jaws: either of the bones that hold the enshumi n. period of time in the past characterised
teeth. by the same features.
ensheeka n. See: ESHEEKA. enshunga n. big white beads.
ensheenya adv. the way of destroying something. enshungwe n. awns: prickly flowers of some
ensheko1 n. See: ESHEKO. grasses.
ensheko2 n. wage. enshunu n. kob: a goat like brown animal
enshekure n. a ram. commonly found in national parks with curved
enshekye n. tubes: long hallow pipes or cylinder of horns.
metal, glass, rubber etc for holding or enshuri n. canes: a plant with long pliable stems.
transporting liquids. Var: ekishuri.
enshekyera n. a sty: an inflamation on the age of an enshushu n. dandruff: small pieces of dead skin in
eyelid. Var: eshekyera. a person's hair, whitish brown in colour.
enshenda n. See: ESHENDA. enshushu n. skin that peels usually when the skin is
enshenya-maka n. someone who is responsible for very dry.
breaking people's marriages. enshwa n. flying termites: small insects living in a
enshinjo n. cold chisel or corn cutting tools. complex social colony with one breeding queen
enshobe n. mistake or error: an action or opinion that is wingless except for the fatile adults which
that is wrong. form a large mating swarm.
enshoberwa n. a desparate person. ensi n. 1) earth: the planet on which we live.
enshoboorora n. explanation: a statement that 2) worldly pleasures. Naakunda ebyensi. He
makes something comprehensible by describing enjoys worldly pleasures.
the relevant structure or operation or ensibuko n. origin or source of something.
circumstances etc. ensirabo n. See: ESIRABO.
enshoboorozi n. someone who explains something. ensiri n. See: ESIRI.
enshohoza n. expenditure: an amount of money ensita n. a secret.
spent. entaaga n. a finger of millet or sorghum.
enshoigo n. honey guide bird. entaama n. sheep: an animal that is kept on farms
enshoma n. the way of reading. used for its wool or meat.
enshonda n. See: ESHONDA. entaaniso n. difference: the difference between two
enshonga1 n. reason: an explanation of the cause of or more things.
some phenomenon. entaara n. a tray used to winnow unwanted grains or
enshonga2 n. cattle disease. stones from crops. Ref: ORUGARI
enshonga3 n. a tip of a horn. entaasya n. income: money recieved especially on a
enshonga4 n. menstruation period. regular basis through work or investment.
enshongore n. a male dog. entabire n. a piece of land that has been prepared
enshongyezi n. accompanist drummer: a person who for planting or sowing. Ref: OMUSIRI
plays a drum or drums. entagahuura n. a person who is not talkative, who
enshongyezo n. See: ESHONGYEZO. keeps people's secrets that are told to him or her.
enshoni n. See: ESHONI. entamaare n. bracelets, bangles that women wear.
enshonzi n. See: ESHONZI. They are made of copper or brass and they are of
enshorekye n. a woman who stays in the palace and three strands.
is known for rumour mongering. She is talkative entambwe n. strides: steps as made in walking.
and says things that are not important or not entanaki n. See: EBITANAKI.
called for. entandaruwa n. ceiling: the upper interior surface
enshorekye n. an inferior of a Muhima woman. of the house or building. Usage: KG. See:
enshugi n. barren land: a piece of land that is too EDAARI.
bushy. entanga1 n. seminal fluids or vaginal secretion
enshuku n. pretending to be satisfied and refusing produced during sexual intercourse.
food that has been offered yet you want. entanga2 n. a creeping plant with round fruits (not
enshumbi1 n. voilence or force. edible) that grow wild, children like playing
enshumbi2 n. a small pot with a long neck used to with them. They look like balls. Eibeere
keep warm water. ry'entanga.
enshumbuushano n. something given to someone entangaare n. an inhibited open large space.
to replace what he lost. entangirizi n. usher: person who welcomes others
on occations by giving them seats or showing entende1 n. bunch: a number of things usually of the
them which directions to take. same type fastened together.
entango n. 1) the base or bottom part of a basket. 2) a entende2 adj. a big bunch of banana. See:
small cover of a milk pot when it is being OMUSISA2.
woven. entendere n. used to refer to a small calabash with a
entangura n. See: ORUTANGURA. narrow waist. Amarwa baaba nibaganywera omu
entaraga1 n. troughs from which cows take water. ntendere. They have been drunking beer from a
entaraga2 n. a swamp that has salty mud; cows like small pot with a narrow waist.
licking tis mud. entengakareije adj. a person who dares where
entaragaza n. one of the types of bananas. others fear.
entarahondo n. a plant which has yellow flowers entengye n. small beads.
usually used as medicine; black insects like entenzyo n.
hiding in its flowers. entera-burwani adj. a stubborn cow always
entaranta n. talent: a natural gift. disturbing others and fighting them.
entarikye n. food dried or kept dry by exposure to enteta n. consonant: letters of the alphabet excluding
mild heat. vowels.
entarire n. a secluded room in a hut. entetere n. seeds of a pumpkin.
entarure n. bed: a wooden bed with four stands that ente-ya-abaana n. a boil that mostly attacks young
are on the ground. children on either the thigh or neck.
entashumbushwa adj. an irreplaceable cow. entiba n. a wooden material used in making bricks.
entasiima adj. someone who does not appreciate. entigi n. a disobedient or rebellious child.
entayomba n. musical instrument: an entiini n. 1) a frigid vargina that has a hardened
ornament-band, hop or chain worn on legs or membrane that makes sexual penetration
arms as people dance African dances. difficult. 2) (of a woman) unable to be sexually
entazinduka n. a type of banana tuber which aroused and responsive.
produces very big and long bunches. entiitihazi n. See: ENTIITIIZI.
ente n. cattle kept on the farm for milk or beef. entiitiizi n. cowardly: a dull person who is not able
ente z'omutoozo n. special cows where the milk for to take risks. Var: entiitihazi.
the king comes from. entiizano n. borrowed things.
entebe n. chair: a piece of furniture for sitting on. entima n. the inner layer of a banana fibre or some
entebeekanisa n. arrangement or order of things. hard particles in a banana.
enteburano n. plucked young bean leaves for entimba n. anger: expression of unhappiness when
eating. one is irritated.
enteegi adj. a disobedient child who does not want to entimbure n. mixed food.
do anything. entinika See: ENTUNIKA. Var: entunika.
enteekateeka n. one's opinions and ideas. entobo n. a plant of colocynth whose fruit turns
enteere1 adj. sweetened porridge that is prepared by yellow when mature.
mixing millet and sorghum flour. It is prepared entomi n. fist: a hand with the fingers clenched in
mostly in the evening and stays overnight and is the palm (as for hitting).
taken the following day. It is mostly taken by entondaigwa n. 1) a cultivatable shrub with a
Bakiga and Banyankore. slender stem and yielding edible beans. 2) beans
enteere2 n. being very tired. of this shrub.
entega-bubiri n. a person who lays out more than entondo n. type of cricket.
one strategy to make both ends meet. entondore n. fresh beans or peas.
entego n. enema: treatment for constipation. It is done entonga n. egg plant: an egg shaped fruit eaten as a
by putting a syringe containing liquid in vegetable.
someone's rectum to clean out the bowls. entongane n. Var: entongani. 1) conflicts:
enteija n. See: ETEIJA. arguements or disagreements. 2) one who has
ente-matako n. a good female cow. the habbit of quarreling.
entembarushaka n. a type of potatoes. entongani n. the rain that does not seem to cease,
entembo n. a virgin land that is to be tilled the first rains throughout the day.
time. entongo n. a piece of meat.
entemere n. basket: a weaved container for carrying entoobeerwa n. type of mushrooms which are
things. small in size with pointed heads and long stems.
entoore n. chosen ones: the favoured people out of a eastern region of Uganda).
big group. entunguuka n. development: to grow and become
entooro n. a tune without a specific purpose. advanced and elaborate.
entootoozo n. flour added to increase to increase entunguuta n. upper part of the sugarcane.
the firmness of millet being mingled. entunika n. whit low: an illness which normally
entorobo n. young marrows: pumpkins when they attacks fingers and toes and is very painful.
have not yet matured. entuntunu n. goose berries: small wild juicy fruits
entote n. a semi-solid that has more water than is with small seeds.
desirable. enturagara n. the sharp stalks of old grass in a
entoto n. these are the remains or residues of sorghum burnt field.
that float on top of locally brewed beer (locally enturature n. a bird with mottled brown spots all
referred to as "tonto"). over the body with long legs.
entsibo1 n. Var: ensibo. 1) snag: to stumble on enturegye n. zebra: an African wild animal with
something when you are walking and you long legs and neck and with dark patches on its
almost fall. 2) a wound that developes as aresult back.
of stumbling on something. enturi n. big eyes. Usage: disapproving.
entsibo2 n. crashed stones that are mixed with clay to enturire n. porridge or local beer mixed with honey.
make pottery products. Var: ensibo. enturugunyu n. a swelling or mass normally of
entsigo1 n. kidneys: one of the two organs in the body blood or muscels under the skin.
that cleans the blood and removes waste. entuuha n. crested crane: a large bird with long legs
entsigo2 n. Var: ensigo. 1) seeds:small hard parts and neck. Var: entuuhe (KG).
produced by a plant that can grow into a new entuumuuki n. blankshot.
plant of the same type. Ensigo zoona ezi entuuriishwa n. a wild plant with tubers
naasigire zikafa. All my seeds did not germinate. underground like those of cassava.
2) seedlings. entuuru1 n. a fall.
entsimbo1 n. epilepsy: a neurological disorder entuuru2 n. a wild cat.
marked by sudden reccurent episodes of sensory entuutu n. See: ENTUNTUNU.
disturbance, loss of conciousness or convulsions entwiga n. giraffee: a long-necked animal that eats
associated with abnornal activity in the brain. leaves in tall trees.
entsimbo2 n. a half cut calabash used for keeping enumi n. bull: a male cow.
ghee. enushu n. coin: metallic currency. Var: ekinushu.
entsinduka n. a leaning tower: a house that is badly envuna adj. one's personal cows, not communal.
built, inclined on one side. enwa n. wasp or hornet: an insect that stings.
entsyorera n. to slap using the back of the hand. enyaaruju n. chameleon: a lizard-like creature that
entubu n. a penis with a retracted foreskin. changes colour depending on the colour of its
entukura n. a banana type whose plant has a red sorroundings.
colour and is usually cooked (not used for enyakibabi n. a green coloured snake.
brewing beer). enyama n. meat: the flesh of animals or bird eaten as
entukuru n. fishing basket: a container made from food.
interwoven strips of cane or wire used for enyamaishwa n. an animal. See: EKIKOOKO.
catching fish. enyamutsimbi n. a small insect that smells badly.
entumba n. a loud fart. Var: enyamusimbi.
entumbi n. a corpse of cattle. enyanja n. a big water body; a lake, sea or an ocean.
entumbure adv. the state of being stark naked. enyanjazo n. rake: a forklike tool for removing grass
entumbwe n. calf muscle of the leg between one's in the compound.
knee and ankle. enyankole adj. cows with long horns especially
entumwa n. messanger or embassodar: someone who those from Ankole. Pl: empima.
delivers a message. enyawaawa n. ibis: a large wading bird with a long
entundu n. a type of banana for making juice or neck and long legs.
beer. enyegamo n. veil: a garment that covers the head
entundubaare n. tarpaulin: a large sheet of canvas and face.
that is water proof. enyeru n. a banana plant which is red in colour.
entungo n. simsim: very tiny seeds which are edible enyibano n. that which is got through theft.
either roasted or in sauce (usually grown in enyikiriza1 n. belief: strong feeling that something
causes severe diarrhoea with loss of blood. collects metallic objects and takes into its
esheshemi n. nausea: a feeling of wanting to vomit. dwelling place. See: KATWARA-MAFUUNI.
eshi! int. an expression used to introduce words of esiime n. for the preasure of it.
challenge, wonderment. esika n. luggage: much luggage that is bulky.
eshinya n. cricket: a small brown jumping insect that esikina n. See: AKASIKINA.
makes noise by rubbing its wings together. esimooni n. a fifty shilling coin.
eshinyanya n. See: ESHINYANYI. esimu n. telephone: a system of talking with
eshinyanyi n. diastemer: natural gap between human somebody over a long distance using wires or
teeth. Var: eshinyanya. radio.
eshisha n. tassel: a tuffed head of some plants esindo n. drunkardness: the state of being drunk.
especially a flowerhead with prominent stamens esiraare n. beans which are not fresh.
at the top of a maize stalk. esirabo n. common duiker. Var: ensirabo.
eshoha n. a membrane bag that contains the foetus in esiri n. mosquito: a slender long-legged insect with
the womb and ruptures when the baby is born. aquatic lanai some of whose species transmit
Var: eshuha. malaria through their bites. Var: ensiri.
eshohera n. housefly: a common small fly found esitooha n. store: a room where things are kept.
around human habitation. Musca domestica. Etym: [<English. store>].
Var: enshohera, eshuhera, esiyaani n. See: ESOHAANI.
eshwehera. esohaani n. plate: a platter where food is served and
eshokondwa n. caterpillar. eaten. Var: esuwaani, esiyaani,
eshonda n. corner: part of something where two esuhaani, esowaaani.
edges meet. Var: enshonda. esonzi n. See: ESHONZI.
eshongo n. a spot in the eye. Var: enshongo. esowaaani n. See: ESOHAANI.
eshongyezo n. any of the four pointed teeth next to esuhaani n. See: ESOHAANI.
the incisors. Var: enshongyezo. esuuka n. See: ESHUUKA.
eshoni n. shyness: having or showing nervousness or esuunuunu n. a shrub with orange coloured
timidity in the company of other people. Var: flowers.
enshoni. esuuruuru n. See: ESHUURUURU.
eshonzi n. mudfish: any of the number of elongated esuwaani n. See: ESOHAANI.
fish that are able to survive long periods of etaaba n. See: ETAABE.
drought by burrowing in the mud. Var: etaabe n. tobacco: dried leaves of this plant are used
enshonzi. for making cigarettes, smoking or chewing. Var:
eshooro n. shawl: a woven piece of material used for etaaba.
carrying a baby. Etym: [<English.shawl>]. etaamu n. term.: a period of time a year is divided
eshuha n. See: ESHUHA. into, for students. Taamu y'okubanza neetandika
eshumba n. goose pimples: when one is gripped by okwakabiri kwatandika. First term commenses
fear or when one is cold. at the beginning of February. Etym:
eshushure n. type of yellow bananas. [<English.term>].
eshuubi n. a herd of cattle not kept where the owner etaara n. lamp: used for giving light.
is living. etaayi n. neck tie: a long narrow piece of cloth worn
eshuuka n. bed sheets. Var: esuuka. around the neck. Etym: [<English.tie>].
eshuura n. Arabic numeral. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. etabaaro n. placenta: the afterbirth. Akazaara gye,
eshuuruuru n. a pick axe: a tool used for tilling kwonka etabaaro yaatinda kushohora. She
stones. Var: esuuruuru. produced very well but the afterbirth delayed to
eshweta n. sweater. Etym: <[English.sweater>]. come out. See: EKYANYIMA, EKIINYINA.
eshwiga n. a shrub with a bitter taste eate as a etabaaza n. lantern, lump: a light inside a transparent
vegetable: A plant that is biiter and is eaten as a container. Var: etawaaza.
vegetable. etadooba n. a locally made lamp that uses kerosene.
esi1 int. a sound made when one is calling a dog. etahuro n. towel: a piece of cloth used to dry one's
See: KUSUKUSU. body. Etym: [<English.towel>].
esi2 n. See: ENSI. etangaaza n. binoculars: an optical devices such as a
esiba n. section of a book. pair of field glass designed for both eyes to
esigiri n. charcoal stove used for cooking. detect or see things that are far and make them
esiha n. a big mole: a certain specie of animal that seem as they are near. Bakeejunisa etangaaza
kureeba abaheekyera omu ihamba. They used evangiri n. Usage: Catholics. See: AMAKURU
binoculars to see rebels in the forest. MARUNGI. Var: engiri.
etarabuushu n. a turkish hut. eyaago n. condolences: things that you give a person
etawaaza n. See: ETABAAZA. who has lost a dear one, as a sign of sympathy.
eteija n. a plant with sticky liquid that is drought eyojwa n. a soft type of grass that in former times
resistant. Camerina_Bangirusis. Var: was was used to make a grass carpet in people's
enteija. huts.
etuutu n. sweat, perspiration. ezaabu n. gold.
etyo adv. like that. Usage: Kiga. Var: esyo.
F - f
f n. the sixth letter of the Roman alphabet. furungu n. corduroy: a type of cloth material that
fa adv. just. Fa kuzayo. Just go there. has stripes not of any other colour but stripes
faa adj. carelessly, doing something anyhow. with the plain colour of the material itself.
Omurimo akagukorera eryo faa. He did the work furuweero n. free wheel. Etym: English.
anyhow. fuuti n. feet: a unit used for measuring length. Etym:
fene n. jack fruit: a tropical fruit with a hard cover. [<English.foot>].
foomu n. form. Etym: [<English.form>].
forogo n. See: EFOROGO.
G - g
g n. the seventh letter of the Roman alphabet. g. Etym: [<Luganda.gomesi>].
ga n. a possessive adjective. gongo1 n. floods. See: OMUTUNGA.
gaaju n. a brown cow. Var: kagaaju, gongo2 n. a supernatural being like god.
rugaaju, egaaju. gonja n. plantain: a type of banana eaten cooked or
gandangire n. a person who goes throughout the roasted.
whole village looking for alcohol even if it is at goonya n. crocodile: a large reptile that lives
the burial. especially in rivers and lakes in the tropical
garagi n. Etym: [<English.garage>]. 1) garage: a areas.
place where cars are parked on a building. 2) a gotogoto adv. the sound made on the throat when
place where motor vehicles are repaired from. one is gulping something quickly.
gata n. a rubber used in repairing inner tubing of gudiiri adj. shoes: a high heeled shoe for men.
bicycle or motor vehicle tyre. Usage: obsolete.
gavana1 n. Etym: [<English.governor>]. -gufu adj. adjectival stem for short or brief.
1) governor: a person who governs. gunyweka n. a drunkard: a person who drinks a lot
2) administrative head of an organisation. 3) a of alcohol.
miltary commandant. guriini n. See: KIBABI. Etym: [<>].
gavana2 n. a device that regulates the operation of a guroofa n. a storied house.
machine. Etym: [<English.governor>]. gyambura n. plant: a tree with large leaves that
gavumenti n. Etym: [<English.government>]. produces fruits which turn purple when ripe. Pl:
1) government: governing body or organisation. gyambura.
2) the political administration of an area. 3) a gye adv. well: to act in a satisfactory way.
system of a political unit. Nimukundira okugamba gye. I like her because
geheena n. hell: a place of condemned souls; the she speaks well. See: KURUNGI.
place of punishment of the wicked after death. A gyenereta n. a machine that converts mechanical
place of evil, misery. Usage: religion. energy into electric energy. Etym:
gogori n. a toy vehicle made out of a banana stem. [<English.generator>].
gomesi n. a traditional dress of the Baganda women.
H - h
ha! int. often used to show annoyance.
ha! int. a word often used to express surprise.
I - i
ibiri n. two: a cardinal number equivalent to the sum belonging to a religious group in particular.
of one and one. Usage: Anglican Church.
igana n. one hundred, ten ten times. ishatu n. three: equivalent to the sum of one and two,
ihinda n. a cow with large white patches on the face. one more than two.
ijo adv. the day before yesterday. ishe n. his or her father.
ijweri adv. three days ago. ishe-abaramuzi n. chief justice: a public officer
ijweriho adv. two days before yesterday. who heads those appointed to decide cases in
ikumi1 n. ten: the tenth numeral . law court.
ikumi2 n. to catch or to arrest. ishebo n. their father.
ikuura n. exaggeration. Aine nyinazaara n'omurogi ishe-butaka phr. a phrase used to mean down on the
ikuura. She has a mother-in-law who is an ground..
outstanding witch. ishenkuru n. his or her grandfather.
imwe pron. you: used to refer to people that the ishento n. his her paternal uncle: a brother to one's
speaker is addressing. father. Akeeta ishento tareetsire nyinarumi. He
ina n. four: equivalent to the product of two and invited his paternal uncle and did not invite his
two, one more than three. maternal uncle.
-ingi adj. an adjectivial root for many. ishezaara n. father-in-law: the father of one's
ira adv. formerly: long time ago. husband or wife.
-ire perfective aspect or the present perfect tense. itaano n. five: equivalent to the sum of two and three,
twiz-ire, twari-ire. we have come, we eaten. one more than four or half of ten.
irooko v. go: move from one place or point to another. itwe pron. we or us: the first person plural:.
Irooko oze aha ishomero. Go to shool. iwe pron. you: second person pronoun singular.
ishabareeberezi n. archbishop: a bishop of the
highest rank, responsible for all the churches
J - j
juba adv. hastly, quickly or in a short time.
K - k
k n. the eleventh letter of the English alphabet. colour. Ajwaire empare ya kaaki. He is putting
ka v. let, short form of reka. on khaki.
kaabandize n. the first born child: name usually kaamugye n. squirrel: an animal with a long tail in
given to the first born twin. the class of rats.
kaabutumbiguru adv. sky wards. kaamunywamaizi n. curlew large wading bird of
kaahakaira n. a person that is a native of a place. the sand piper family with a long curved bill
kaahereera n. the last born child. See: BUCURA. brown streaked plumage and frequently a
kaaka n. grandmother. distinctive ascending two-note call.
kaaki n. 1) cloth: cotton fabric of a dull kaamurari n. See: ESHENDA.
brownish-yellow colour. 2) a dull brownish kaamuruguya n. a very small portion of food.
skin colours, short legs, a broad nose and a short hand or hugging and used mostly if people's
tail. See: EMPUNU. have spent a long time without meeting.
kagoma n. bateleur eagle: a short tailed African eagle kaikorokonyo adv. See: EIKOROKONYO.
with mainly black plumage and a bare red face. kaimire n. an insect usually found in coffee
kagondo1 n. a spotted snake. plantations.
kagondo2 n. a type of cow with small white spots. kainganabusha n. something very small or little in
kagoobe n. grey and white brown cow. quantity.
kaguma n. a type of finger millet. kaingi adv. often doing something many times.
kagyampunu n. a low growing plant that produces kaisho-mpande v. look with an intention of doing
many underground bulbs. Oxalis latifolia. something wrong and serves as a warning.
kagyega n. root tuber: a specie of potatoes. kaishondeeba-nyenka n. an expression meaning
kagyenza-nda n. a thorny plant with small leaves. "if the eye was to say whatever it see...".
kahangaare int. benediction: a word used to show kajagaata n. a name of a female goat with long fur.
appreciation to someone who has given you kajanja n. a type of edible banana plant.
something and you bless him or her. kajeregye n. a variety of beans with small seeds and
kahara-karwegiriire n. a purple orchid. usually black and white in colour.
kahaya n. name of the king of Nkole who welcomed kajugujugu n. helicopter: a type of aircraft with
colonialists to the kingdom. large revolving blades but no wings.
kahaya-ka-ruguru int. a way of showing surprise. kajukaanyima n. the place behind the house.
kahaya-ori int. exclamation used when something kajumba n. a goat with a grey-black colour.
happens suddenly or un expectedly. kajunde n. a banana disease that darkens a banana
kahega n. desire for food. fruit and causes it to ripen premarurely.
kahembe n. a girl who is playful or cunning and does kajurujuru n. a name of a female kid brown in
not respect people. colour.
kahembura n. a variety of sorghum. kajwengye n. with much hair, like a lion.
kahembwe n. a type of locust. kajwiga n. something small and ugly.
kahendarwiko n. a variety of finger millet that is kakari n. a sickness in human beings that makes
sticky when it is being baked. someone urinate frequently.
kahindurabisya n. a goat that is given to the kakire int. a word said when someone sneezes or
bride's family by the bridegroom's family as a stumbles on something.
fine for taking their daughter at night. kakoba n. a certain variety of potatoe or cassava;
Kahingo n. June: the sixth month of the year. they originated from Kakoba in Mbarara.
kahonaho n. survivor: one who lives through kakobe n. purple: the colour of red and blue mixed
affliction. together.
kahoora n. a certain specie of grass. kakome1 adv. (of horns of cattle) that are facing
kahumpuri n. plague: an infection mostly each other. See: KAKONDO 2.
transmitted by the rat flea. kakome2 n. (of contestants) to end in a draw.
kahunda n. 1) safari suit: a set of outer clothes made kakondo1 adj. shoes: high heeled shoes.
of the same fabric and design to be worn kakondo2 n. a cow with inward and upward shaped
together. 2) a short sleeve suit. horns. See: KAKOME 2.
kahungyezi n. a type of sweet potatoe with a pink kakooto n. anthrax: a skin disease in animals.
colour. kakunga n. fox: a name given to a carnivous
kahurire n. a type of irish potatoe that is round and mammal of the dog family with a pointed
has a white colour. muzzle and bushy tail, for its cunningness.
kahuruga n. yellow bananas which are small in Usage: slang.
size. kakuyege n. campaign: house to house or person to
kahuuba n. wheel barrow: a large open cart with one person campaign: a serries of planned activities
wheel and two handles that is used for moving that are inteded to achieve a social or political
loads. aim. Abantu bari omu kakuyege k'oburuuru.
kahuura n. a name of a female calf or a young People are in election campaign. Etym:
heifer with mottled white and brown colour. [<Luganda.kakuyege>].
kaicokomba n. hopping on one leg. kakwisi n. dog: one of the names given to a dog.
kaije adj. a word used when people are greeting; kakyakyanyi n. a variety of cassava.
usually said when one is holding another one's kakyerengye n. name of a grey female calf or
kukumanyisa. Alright we shall inform you. omugweiraro. The man ate a charm in food and
kare3 adj. goodbye. became mad.
kareebi n. witness: a person who sees an event take kasaano n. a type of banana that is very white.
place and is therefore able to describe it to kaseeri n. a game of wrestling. Akoojo kakye
others. Omushaija ogu ni kareebi w'omushango kaateera omwojo muhango kaseeri. The small
gwangye. This man is my courtcase witness. boy wrestled one big boy to the ground.
karema n. lent: the month or period of fasting for kasesa n. skin rash. Akarwaa kasesa yaateekateeka
christians. Omu bwire bwa karema abantu ngu n'obusheru. He suffered from skin rash and
nibaza munonga omu Kerezia. During the thought it was measles.
period of lent people regularly go to church. kashaato n. a woman with small breasts that do not
kaributi n. deceased: a polite way of referring to the contain enough milk to breast feed by a child.
dead. See: OMUGYENZI, NYAKUFA. kashagama n. a varety of maize with red seeds.
karicumu n. a horny plant that produces fruits with kashaho n. a variety of tree that has small leaves
thorns around them and is used to clean baby's and fruits; it is usually found on anthills.
eyes when they have a lot of secretion. kashamaitu n. a dark brown heifer with white spots
kariigobe adv. a sitting posture where one puts a between the legs and the abdomen.
leg on top of the other. kashatu adj. three times; thrice.
kariishoriisho n. Inspector of Governmen; kasheenyanku n. fern caterpillar.
Ombudsman: a governmemnt official whose kashenda n. ash that remains after something
work is to recieve reports and complaints made especially tobacco or firewood has burnt. Iju rya
by ordinary citizens, investigate them and make kashenda. White ash.
recommendations to government or public kashinya n. a type of salt mined from lake Kashenyi.
authorities. kashoboorozi n. dictionary: a book in which words
karimi-kagamba n. See: KANWAKAGAMBA. are listed alphabetically with their meanings.
karindagire int. an abusive word used when Kashwa n. October: the tenth month of the year.
wishing someone to become mentally deriled. Naateekateeka kwija kushwerwa omukwezi kwa
karituusi n. eucalyptus: a fast-growing evergreen kashwa. she is planning to get married in the
soft tree commonly used for firewood and month of october.
building. kasiina n. a brown heifer. Enyana yaitu kasiina
karondoozi n. researcher: a person who does neeyenda kwema. Our brown heifer is on heat.
systematic investigations into something in kasiitagirizi n. See: KARUKAATA.
order to establish facts and conclusions. kasimba-bwara n. See: KAHUUBA.
Owaahandiikire katondoozi egi akaba ari kasinga n. an old person who is not yet married.
karondoozi murungi. The person who wrote this kasingye int. a word expressing praise.
dictionary was a good researcher. kasuku n. African grey parrot.
karongyero n. See: AKARONGYERO. kasurubana n. a fish variety which is bonny and
karonkwa n. thief: a person with a natural habit of with a long and sharp mouth.
stealing other people's things. Ogwo mushaija kasyosyo n. the hottest part of a hot spring.
n'omushuma karonkwa. That man is a habitual kataano adv. five times. Akamaara kataano owa
thief. mukuru we. She spent five days at her sister's
karoori n. marabou stock: a scavenger bird. place.
karoti n. carrot: a tapering orange coloured root eaten kataara n. a cow with small horns facing backwards.
as a vegetable. Var: rutaara.
karukaata n. compacter: a machine that compacts katacweka adj. something that cannot break or tear
soil and makes the place very smooth. It is however much one pulls.
usually used in road making and compound katagyeshwa n. a variety of finger millet with hard
levelling. stems which are hard to harvest.
karwenda n. a cypress-like evergreen tree that kataitwa-munigo n. a person with very short neck.
grows in warm climate with needle like leaves. katamba-mahano n. a shrub that grows in short
karyabusaire n. a person who does not want to be bushes and is believed to prevent bad omen.
involved in preparing food but wants to eat. Obu yaareeba enju neesya, bakamugira ngu arye
karye-okahurire n. a charm that is put in food katamba-mahano. When she saw the house
with an ill intention. Omushaija ariire karye- burning, she was avised to eat a weed that
okahurire omu byokurya atyo yaaba grows in short bushes to prevent bad omen.
katanga n. it is a white spotted young she-goat katungye int. an expression used to wish someone
which has not yet given birth. prosperity.
katara n. local beer that has been brewed with katunkuma n. a variety of eggplants that produces
insufficient sorghum. See: OMUCEERI. small sour berries.
kataranga n. branded item. empare yangye katwara-mafuuni n. a type of rat that collects
nkagitaho kataranga obunagigura. I labelled my things and takes them to its dwelling place.
trouser when I bought it. katwara-maju n. a heavy storm which takes away
kataza n. a small tree that has thorns and normally houses. See: EIHUNGA.
grows in savana land. kavuuvu adj. very black.
kateerana-nganda n. trouble causer: someone kayenje n. a black heifer with white patches.
who causes conflicts among people. kayongo adj. (of complexion) a very dark person.
kateera-rume n. go between: a person who kazengyerera n. a game played by children by
represents a bridegroom in the girl's home to ask rotating in the same position.
the girl's parent for their daughter's hand in kazinio n. a style of wrestling. Pl: kazinio.
marriage. kaziriikwe n. a type of banana.
kateerweiju n. a type of banana that has a greyish kazooba n. one of the names of God who is believed
colour. to have created the universe. Kazooba niwe
kateete n. a name given to a person born near lemon yaahangire abantu boona. All people were
grass. created by God.
kateeyamba n. a disabled person. Mukuru w'eihanga keenyini adj. exact. ninyenda ongurire akateteeyi
akaragaanisa baakateeyamba ebyokurya bya nk'akaawe keenyini. I want you to buy me a
busha kumara omwaka. The president promised dress like yours exactly.
the disabled people free food for one year. keera a white goat.
katema-mbiire n. a pair of trousers that is not too ki int. what: an interrogative adjective asking for
long to reach the feet and not short to be called information. Yaija nairuka naamubuuza ngu
shorts. haabaho ki? He came running and I asked him
katembwe n. tallish and small person. ogu omwojo what happened.
nikatembwe. this boy is tall and small. kibaako n. a kind of local brew that is a result of
katendeere n. a type of fish. double distillation.
kateta n. a dumb person. See: EKITETA. kibabi n. green colour. John aguzire esaati ya kibabi.
katiina-bakwe n. a small plant that opens and John bought a green shirt.
closes the leaves when it is touched. See: kibenyi adv. illegally: doing something in an illegal
katika v. to overwork. Eriizooba waakatika kuhinga kibibi n. a cow with a patch on any part of the body.
aha hoona. Today you have worked beyond your kibikindi n. a person being talked about spitefully in
capacity to dig the whole of this. his presence. See: RWAKIBIKINDI.
katobo n. a female goat that has spots. See: kibirikibi adj. an ugly person.
KATANGA. kibooko n. 1) coffee beans which still have their
katondoozi n. See: KASHOBOOROZI. husks. 2) whip: a thin stick used for caning
katongana n. index finger: a finger next to the people.
thumb. Akarabura omutabani kibuzi n. a banana tree that has long and curved
arikumworekyereza akakumu ka katongana. He fruits.
cautioned his son pointing at him with his index kibwankurata n. a charm allegedly used by
finger. women to make their husbands love them.
katu-katu adv. a sound made by moving animals. Kicuransi n. August: the eighth month of the year.
katuku n. a skin disease common among children. kifaaru n. a devil that some people worship and is
Katumba n. March: the third month of the year. believed to have power over nature and control
Hakabaho enjara omu kwezi kwa Katumba. over human affairs and is owned by individuals.
There was famine in the month of March. kifeerwa n. a person who has lost a family member,
katungurucumu n. garlic: a vegetable of the onion friend, relative, etc. Kifeerwa agarukire. The
family with very strong smell and taste used for person who lost someone has come back.
cooking to give flavuor to food. Katunguru- kifuba adv. forcefully: the act of getting an activity
cumu neeyamba abarwaire b'omutima. Garlic done by means of force. Akataaha omu nju
helps high blood pressure patients. kifuba. He entered the house forceully.
kigabo n. something with spots. kikwaya adj. a person who lacks courage to face a
kigamba n. a person who is talking or who talked. dangerous or tough situations. Ogwo mushaija
Kigamba byona ashutami aha naitwe. The ni kikwaya, ku arikuhika aha barwaire. He is a
person who said everything is seated with us terrible corward when it comes to dealing with
here. sick people.
kigamba-obugyenyi n. See: KATEERA-RUME. kimbo n. cooking fat. Etym: [<Kiswahili. Kimbo>].
kigambo-kya-diisi n. a delegate with high kimere n. a rough skin caused by foot and mouth
authority. Kigambo-kya-diisi yaashoma aha disease and similar ailments.
rupapura ebi atumirwe byonka. The delegate kimwe adj. completely. Akeyererera kimwe byona
only read what he was asked to deliver. byahwamu. He swept everything completely.
kigingi n. turnboy: someone who loads and off loads kinganente n. a variety of beans with seeds which
luggage on the vehicle and keeps an eye on the are big and dark in colour.
load as the vehicle moves especially lorries. kinyoozi n. barber: a person whose job is to shave or
kigufa n. a type of sorghum. cut people's hair. Ninza owa kinyoozi kushara
kigutiya n. an infection in form of skin rush. eishokye. I am going to the barbers shop to have
kihababirwa n. a defendant: a person or authority my hair cut.
in a trial who is accused of committing a crime kinyubure n. a cow whose end position of its tail is
or who is being sued by another. white.
kihaha n. a disease in cows that affects the lungs. kinywani kya-bwita n. food in combinination of
kihana n. a person who counsels or gives advice to baked cassava and fish sauce.
others. kinzaari n. orange.
kihendwangisha n. a person who is most favoured. kiraarira-oseire n. one who is lazy and detests
Pl: baakihendwangisha. work and wants to be in company of those who
Kihimba n. title of a district administrative officer in can offer him something, especially food.
the former Ankole kingdom. kirahura n. a person who commits an offence or
kihongwa adj. yellow colour. Ajwaire esaati ya causes a fight. N'obu araabe yaasingire
kihongwa. He is putting on a purple colour. omushango niwe yaabaire ari kirahura. Although
kihooza n. tax collector: a person who collects money he won the case, he was the offender.
on behalf of government. kireereetsi n. vagabond: a person who is lazy and
kihuguura adj. a person who advises other people does not work but moves aimlessly. Omwana
and brings them to the correct path. Akabona yaaba atakuziibwe kurungi, naaba kireereetsi.
kihuguura yaamuhuguura. He got someone to When a child is not brought up well he/she
guide him. becomes an idler.
kihuura adj. colour of white and red mottled kiremba n. a brown or black cow with white patches
streaks. covering both sides of the hind body.
kihwehwe n. someone who talks a lot and usually kiriibwa-mbeba n. root-tuber: a variety of sweet
tells lies. potato.
kiihuza n. a creditor. Kiihuza akaba naatwihuza kiriibwa-ogwejegyeire n. a type of beans.
esente zirikuhika akakaikuru. The creditor was kiriro v. a type of bananas grown for sweet bananas.
demanding for money worth one million. kiriya adj. that (thing) over there. Ndeetera kiri kintu.
Kiiza n. a name given to a person who is born after Bring me that thing over there.
the twins. kiruuku n. type of plant that is very bitter but used
kijubwe adj. green: having the colour that as a vegetable. See: ESHWIGA.
resembles grass. kishaayuura n. a wild and medicinal plant that
kijurijuri adj. a very dark colour. bears orange flowers.
kikanda-ky'omurofa adj. a dirty person. kishoga n. type of beans. Kishonga enuzire. This kind
kikara adj. black: the dark colour that resembles of beans is very nice.
charcoal. Akaija ajwaire empare ya kikara. He kishurira adj. a situation where one is among
came putting on a black pair of trousers. strangers. Akafa kishurira. He died among
kikazi adj. it is used to refer to a girl or woman with strangers.
affectionate passion. Webare kikazi. Thank you kitaara n. a cow with big horns spreading sideways.
my dear. Kitami n. legendary: a woman who is believed to
kikora n. workman. have founded the kingdom of Mpororo. She is
kikumi n. one hundred. believed to have become a god.
kyakwera n. a light skinned woman. Omugore ni kyatwa n. spear: name given to a spear with broad,
kyakwera. The bride has a light complexion. short blade. Akamucumitisa kyatwa. He pierced
See: NYAKWERA. him using a spear with broad, short brade.
kyamubambaigwa n. gleeful play of children. -kye adj. (dimunitive) an adjectival stem for small in
Kuteera kyamubambaigwa. To gamble. size or quantity. Omwana akateema obutokye
kyamukwikwi n. a coffee brown caterpillar with a bukye munonga bwonka. The child harvested
sharp head. only small-sized banana bunches.
kyamushana n. lunch: a meal eaten in the middle kyebembera n. See: KATEERA-RUME.
of the day. Niturya kyamushana shaaha kyegarikye n. a person who is too stubborn,
mushanju z'eihangwe. We eat lunch at 1.00Pm. bigheaded and strong and does not take advice
kyamutabura n. a bean type. from others. Omuhara ni kyegarikye nikyo
kyamutwara-bwaseesire n. a type of hut: a very kyatumire yaatwara. His daughter is stuborn
small temporary hut where the occupants do not that is why she became pregnant.
fit with ease. kyegoya adj. a way of walking, slowly and graceful.
kyangwe n. a reddish vegetable type. Omwishiki ogu naatambura kyegoya. This girl
kyankaraata n. sorghum bread. Nkarya walks so slowly and gracefully.
kyankaraata nteine mboga nyingi. I ate sorghum kyenda n. ninety: written in Roman as 90.
bread without sauce and it chocked me. kyereeta n. drum: one of the royal drums of the
kyankoote n. millet type. Ankole kings which is of a medium size.
kyantsya n. breakfast: the first meal of the day. kyetutumura n. a type of sweet potatoes.
Erizooba tinaatunga kyansya. I did not have kyeyagarire adv. an 'I dont care' attitude. Ogu
breakfast today. mukozi naakora kyeyagarire. This employee
kyanyeherere n. a type of sorghum. does things as he pleases.
kyapa-mbaraasi n. a brand of oil which is used to kyeyamaani n. chairman: a person who leads an
massage the body to reduce pain. Etym: [< executive committee or an organisation or
Luganda. kyapambaraasi>]. company. Etym: [<Chairman.English>].
kyarimwe adv. completely: for good. Omukazi we kyeyombekyeire n. an independent woman who
akagyendera kyarimwe. His wife went away for is not married, may or may not have children, or
good. may bring men to her house.
kyasha n. kyo int. an exclamation usually made by Bakiga to
KYASHA-KYEBEMBERA express surprise. Usage: Kiga.
kyasha-kyebembera n. a cow with awhite spot on kyomuzaaza adj. a description of a girl who is
its forhead which normally moves infron of the light skinned.
rest. kyomya n. a medical plant which is mixed with cow
kyasha-rukamwa n. a cow with a white spot on ghee to be applied on an injury, wound, etc. so
the forehead. that it dries quickly. Var: ekyomya.
kyasooka n. cigar: tobbacco which is rolled in a kyoya n. a type of grass that is sticky.
piece of paper or a dry banana leaf. kyozi n. a black cow with no other colours on the
kyata-nombe n. a type of Irish potatoes. skin. Abariisa nibakira kwanga za kyozi omu
kyatootera int. used to refer to something that has masyo gaabo. Herdsmen do not usually like
become a routine and is irritating. Yashabiriza black cows in their herds.
kyarugaho kyatootera. His begging has become
a daily routine and it is beginning to irritate.
L - l
lita n. measurement: litre; a unit of measuring everyday. Etym: [<English.litre>].
volume or liquids. Nimbaha lita itaano z'amate
buri izooba. I give them five litres of milk
M - m
maama n. mummy: a child's word for a mother. bishatu.
Maama otantsigaho. Mummy dont leave me magana ataano n. five hundred: a number written
alone. as 500 in Roman numerals. Var: bitaano.
maapu n. map: a representation of the earth's surface magaro n. pair of pliers: a metal tool with handle
on a flat sheet of paper. Abeegi bashabirwe used for holding things firmly, twisting and
kuteera maapu y'eishomero. Students were asked cutting them especially wires. Yanshaba magaro
to draw a map of the school. kukomoorora enati. He asked me for a pair of
maarimi n. my maternal uncle: a brother to one's pliers to untie a nut.
mother. Maarimi akataaha embaga yangye. My maguru-ana phr. Enyamaishwa za maguru-ana
maternal uncle attended my party. Var: zoona zikeeta orukiiko zaateisa okuza kurwanisa
maarume. ba maguru-abiri. All four-legged animals
maarwa n. plant: a type of sweet fruity plant. convened a meeting in which they discussed how
maawe n. my mother. they can fight the twoo-legged creatures. Usage:
maawenkuru n. my grandmother: one's mother to four-legged: It is used in story telling to refer
his father or mother; usually used when one is to four legged creatures.
refering to his or her grand mother. Obu naaza maguru-gantuuha phr. mushroom: a variety of
omu kyaro tindareebire maawenkuru. When I fungusplant with a round flat head and a long
went to the village I did not see my stem commonly called mushroom.
grandmother. magyendo n. illicit trade: a crime of taking, sending
maawento n. my maternal aunt: a sister to one's or bringing goods secretly and illegally into or
mother. used when one is refering to his or her out of a country. Uganda eteire abaporiisi aha
aunt. nyatano yaayo na Kenya kwenda kurwanisa
maaya n. ostrich: the largest African bird with a magyendo. Uganda has stationed policemen at
long neck and long legs that cannot fly but runs her boarder with Kenya to fight smuggling.
fast. mahega n. a finger millet variety. Muhingye oburo
maazaara n. my mother-in-law: the mother to one's bwa mahega bunuzire. Sow that type of millet, it
wife or husband. is very taste.
mabaati n. See: KANYOOBWA. mahinda n. maize variety: maize with coloured
mabeere n. a type of banana. grains. Ebicoori bye ebingi nibya mahinda. Most
mabuushu n. See: EKIHOME. of his maize is coloured.
mabuzi adv. doing things in a foolish way like a mahogane n. mahogany: a tropical tree that
goat. produces hard timber. Etym:
macura n. See: BUCURA. [<English.mahogany>].
madabada adj. See: WANDANDARA. mahonde n. salt: rock salt. Var: kihonde,
madigadi n. See: MANDIGADI. ekihonde.
mafeera adv. behaving like a coward. mahugye adv. a situation where one behaves in a
mafuka n. the boy who goes with the groom to the confused manner. Naahandiika mahugye. He
bride's parents home after the honey moon. writes in a confused way.
magabari n. a sweet potatoe specie which is mahumahu n. a type of chicken without feathers on
yellow, and very sweet. Nyekiro turiire ebitakuri the neck.
bya magabari. Last night we ate potatoes that mahumpu adv. extravaganttly watsteful use of
were very sweet and yellow. things, e.g. money. Ishe akamutwarira esente
magana abiri n. two hundred: a number written as aha ishomero yaazirya mahumpu. His father
200 in Roman numerals. Ekibiina kyabo kirimu gave him money at school but he used it
abeegi magana-abiri. Their class has two extravagantly.
hundred students. Var: bibiri. mahwehwe n. a perpetual liar.
magana ana n. four hundred: a number written as maino-mpango adj. a person with very big teeth.
400 in Roman numerals. Var: bina. Usage: disapproving.
magana ashatu n. three hundred: a number maisho n. a variety of peas.
written as 300 in Roman numerals. Var: maisho-ana n. a small conical pot with four side
openings among the Banyankore marriages for and fashionable. Naakunda ebintu bya
perfumery. See: pukonyo. maridaadi. He likes stylish things. Etym:
maisho-na-maisho adv. face to face. Akamureeba [<maridaadi. Kiswahili>].
maisho-na-maisho. He saw him face to face. mashaaba n. dress: a big long round dress usually
majuta n. a bean variety with big seeds. worn by pregnant women.
majuuju n. See: MAHUMPU. mashurubu n. a hen with big glands below the ears.
maka n. offal: an internal organ of an animal that is masyoro n. a steep part of a course.
red in colour, and is not edible. Mataagi n. Palm Sunday: the sunday before Easter.
makaasi n. See: MAKANSI. Usage: CHRISTIANS.
maka-marungi n. an aphrodisiac plant. matarisi1 n. advertiser: a person who informs people
makamba n. cereal plant: a type of finger millet. about something through oral communication
makanika n. mechanic: a person who repairs (especially on the radio). Var: matarizi.
machines. Makanika yaatwara emotoka yangye matarisi2 n. game: relay. Var: matarizi.
kugikora. The mechanic has taken my car for matarizi n. See: MATARISI.
repair. Etym: [<English.mechanic>]. mawenkuru n. See: NYOKWENKURU.
makansi n. a pair of scissors. Var: makaasi. mayenje n. a cow with white and black spots. Twine
makara n. cereal: a type of finger millet. ente ya mayenje. We have a white and black
makatara n. marked line: an activity or task spoted cow.
aportioned to an individual to do it and finish it mayiro n. mile: a unit of measuring distance equal to
in a specified time. Yaakora makatara. Etym: 1600 metres. Kuruga omuka kuhika omu tauni
[<English.marked line>]. hariho mahiro ibiri. There are two miles between
makeba n. cloth: a type of dress that is long. home and town. Etym: [<English.mile>].
Naakunda kujwara makeba. She likes putting on mayongo n. a type of finger millet with creamish or
long dresses. yellowish seeds.
makeke n. something that is extra ordinally in nature. mayonja n. a type of a beans.
makoma n. a round fruit with a thick skin. mayumbu1 n. royal drum: a drum that would
makorogo n. See: MAHONDE. allegedly play itself to determine who should be
makunku n. bananas: a banana variety that has the next king in Ankole and this was an
small fingers. Ref: BUKUMU Var: bukunku, instrument of power. See: BAGYENDANWA,
enyabukumu, bukumu. KABEMBURA.
makyere adv. a way of jumping like a frog. mayumbu2 n. a goat that gives birth to twins all the
Akaguruka makyere. He jumped like a frog. time.
mandigadi n. mudguard: a part of a bicycle closer to mazima adv. really: a way of emphasising that
the tyre that guards it against mud. Var: something is true. Hoona mazima wantsiga? Are
madigadi. Etym: [<English.mudguard>]. you really leaving me?
mangada n. tangerine: a fruit of the orange family mbaare n. a type of fingure millet that originated
with a soft outer layer and usually smaller and from Mbale (one of the districts in the eastern
sweater than oranges. Mutumire omu katare part of Uganda).
kugura mangada yaareeta emicungwa. I sent her mbaaya n. a cow with mottled cloudy white patches
to market to buy tangerine but she brought everywhere on the body.
oranges. mbaba phr. they (people) are here. Aba mbaba
manya phr. by the way. bakaija.
maraaya n. a prostitute who indulges in sex for mbaganire phr. (used in storytelling): an opening
money:. remark or introduction to storytelling that draws
maraika n. angel: a spirit who is believed to be a the attention of the people to whom the story is
servant of God and is sent by God to deliver being told. The audience's response is 'tebere'.
message or perform a task. Pl: baamaraika. Mbaganire, mbaganire! Let me tell you a story,
mareeto n. mulatto or half cast: a person whose let me tell you a story!
parents are from different races with one a black mbaguta n. a name of one of the former kings of
and another a white. Ankole.
marekaane adj. Americn calico heavy white cloth. mbahi int. a way of greeting by children to show
A kakhi cotton material. Omwenda gwa politeness and respect. Usage: BAHIMA.
marekaane nimurungi. Heavy white cloth. mbamba n. a cow with white and grey patches.
maridaadi adj. stylish: someone who is very smart mbari phr. there they are; referring to people. Abantu
murangaaro n. coccidiosis: a disease of birds and mutare2 n. cereal: a type of finger millet.
mammals that greatly affects the intestines, mutemante n. machete: a sharp and straight tool
caused by coccidia. made of metal with a curved edge used for
mureefu n. a tall person. Muhara wangye cutting. Omuhoro gwangye gwa mutemante
akashwerwa mureefu. My daughter got married gubuzire. My sharp curved machettes is lost.
to a tall man. Usage: slang. Etym: mutiikye n. surcharge: an extra amount of money
[<Kiswahili>]. that one must pay in addition to the usual charge
murenzi n. a bean variety. as a penalty for not paying in time.
muriyo int. a form of greeting; literally meaning 'are mutiki n. a bean variety with compound leaves,
you there?'. white, purple or yellow flowers and bearing
murokore n. a nick name given to a christian who is pods with red seeds. Embibo ya mutiki neeyera
born again. munonga. Beans with red seeds do well when
murungi we! phr. dearest. grown.
muryangombe n. soap: a type of washing soap that Mutima-Orikwera n. See: MWOY O-ORIKWERA.
is blue in colour. mutinzi n. 1) scorn contempt: to raise a thumb as a
musa n. a whitish green banana used for brewing result of contempt. 2) a feeling that one is
local beer. inferior and undesirable.
Musenene n. November: the eleventh month of the mutuku n. kwashiorkor: a disease of infants normally
year. Enseenene zikira kugwa omu kwezi kwa caused by protein deficiency. Ref: EIYOSHE,
Musenene. Grasshoppers normally appear in MUHAGO
November. See: OKWIKUMI NA KUMWE. mutunda n. used clothes: second-hand clothes and
mushaija-aranda n. banana species. shoes that are available for sale.
mushanju n. seven: one of the cardinal numbers muyegu n. See: SENYIGA.
written as 7. It comes after 6 and is before 8. muzaanira n. a person who plays lullabies for the
mushare n. the sister-in-law who goes with the bride young children so as to intertain them.
to her home after her honeymoon. Nkaba muzeeyi n. old person, elder: a person who has lived
mushare wa muka munyaanyazi twamarayo for a long time. Baamuzeeyi nibaheebwa
ebiro bishatu. I went with my brother's wife to ekitiinisa. Elders are respected. Etym:
her parents home and we spent there three days. ]<Swahili.mzee>].
Var: mashare. muziiki n. wisdom tooth: the last tooth on each side
mushinja n. witness: a person who sees something of both jaws in human beings. Muziiki niryo
happen and can tell other people about it later. riino eririkuhererukayo. Wisdom tooth is the
Akareeta nyina kuba mushinja we. He brought latest tooth.
his mother to be his witness. muzima adj. a strong and bold person. N'omushaija
mushorongo n. severe famine. Ref: AMAFA muzima. He is a strong and bold man.
mushunju n. a hen with few short feathers on its Muzimbeezi n. December: the 12th and last month
head. Mushunju yangye bagiibire. My hen with a of the year. See: OKWIKUMU N'EBIRI.
few feathers on the head was stolen. mwamba n. house: a brick, square or rectangular
mushushu n. shrew: a small rodent with a long house usually roofed with iron sheets.
pointed nose, mouth and small eyes. Mushushu mwami n. a wife's title of endearment for her
esiisire omusiri gw'ebitakuri gwona. A shrew husband equivalent to darling. Mwami agiire
destroyed the whole garden of sweet potatoes. Buraaya. My husband went to Europe.
musimbiriro n. a bed whose legs are fixed in the mwayaya adv. the remains of something in a
floor. Omutsigazi ku yaagiire kushwera yaakora scattered and unsorted manner.
ekitanda ky'omusimbiriro omu kishengye kye. mwena pron. all of you. Mwena mwije. All of you
When a boy was going to marry, he made a bed come.
fixed in the ground in his bedroom. mwenda n. nine: one of the cardinal numbers,
mutaahi n. 1) neighbour: a person who lives near written as 9. It comes after 8 and is before 10.
another. 2) a friend or colleague. mwene maawe n. sister or brother refering to one's
mutabani n. boy or man: one's son. Mutabani sister or brother. Pl: beene maawe.
w'Omugabe. The king's son. Pl: batabani. mwene-ishe n. sister or brother refering to someone
mutare1 n. white colour: a light colour e.g. of fresh else's sister or brother.
snow or milk. Yaija ajwaire akafuuraano ka mwene-waitu n. belonging to the same family or
mutare. He came putting on a white pull neck. clan group. Nkaba ntarikumanya ngu ogu ni
mwene-waitu. I did not know that this was my mwirima n. related to darkness.
relative. Mwisyo-Orikwera n. See: MWOYO-ORIKWERA.
mwengye-bigyere n. local beer made out of ripe Mwoyo-Orikwera n. Holy Spirit: the third person
bananas. See: TONTO. of the Trinity. Var: mwisyo-orikwera.
mwere adv. empty handed: having failed to obtain mya-mya-mya int. light coming on and off, as that
or achieve what one wanted. Akaaza kukora by lightening.
yaagaruka ari mwere. He went to work and came
back empty handed.
N - n
n n. one of the letters of the Roman Alphabet. something is quite the opposite of what is being
na conj. and: used to connect characters, symbols, specified.; Used to indicate that something hs
words, clauses or sentences that are to be taken quite tha opposite of what is being specified.
jointly. Naayeta omwana na nyina. I have called Omrishi akamureeba. Ngaaha! Did you see the
the child and her mother. lady? No! Tlt Var: Tbw. Etym: Xsc.
nabi n. a prophet: a person who foretells, forecasts or Ahimbisibwe Daisy
predicts what is going to happen. Banabi nfundo n. a person who has short and fat legs.
bakaranga okwija kwa Yesu Kristo. The nfuruuto n. a pet name for women with stretch
prophets announced the coming of Jesus Christ. marks as a sign of beauty.
See: OMURANGI. Pl: baanabi. nga maawe int. an expression used to say no in a
nabwo conj. even though. Nabwo ninza kwija n'obu polite way.
otaanyeta. Even though you did not call me, I ngabira-abanyaata n. large pockets on a man's
will come. trousers. Usage: slang.
n'ahabw'ekyo conj. therefore: a logical way to ngabo n. a cow with large white and black or white
introduce something that has just been and brown patches all over the body.
mentioned. Akagira ngu naaba atariyo ngabusha int. no.
n'ahabw'ekyo tindikuzayo. She told me she will -ngahe suffix. how many. e.g. bangahe(people),
not be there, therefore I am not going there. bingahe (things), etc.
naikondo n. borehole: a deep narrow hole in the ngambanyenka n. dictator: a person who does
ground made mainly to get water. Bakashashura things alone and rejects other people's advice.
esente nyingi z'okwombeka naikondo. They paid ngarama n. a potatoe variety that grows in swamps
a lot of money for the construction of the bore and is very big.
hole. ngaro z'abakama phr. fungi: a poisonous
nainga conj. or: used to link alternatives. mushroom.
Nyekyakare nimbaasa kwija nainga ntaija. ngino y'abahima n. a type of maizi where the cob
Tomorrow I might come or not. is purplish close to black and it lookes like black
nairooni n. cloth: nylon. Etym: [<English.nylon>]. gums.
naiwe pron. you too. Ija naiwe. You too come. ngoobe n. brown cow with white patches on the
nangwa conj. not even. neck. Var: engoobe.
ndagara int. an exclamatory expression. ngu conj. that.
nda-nda-nda adj. extremely hard. ngugu adj. here he or she is.
nderera n. a variety of sweet potatoes with sticky sap ngugwo adj. there he is.
and yields well within three months and after nguri adj. he or she is over there.
that period, it begins to rot. nguriya adj. that one over there.
ndi phr. I am. ngurorushwero n. bean variety.
-ndi adj. the reference to the rest of the things. nibwo pron. that is when.
ndikaitwa int. a word used to show affection and nibyo pron. they are the ones.
love. niinye pron. I am the one.
ndori int. the sound made by a stone when it falls in nikwo pron. in that way.
water. nikyo adj. that is the one.
nende n. a brown cow. nimarungi int. (greeting) I am fine, or we are alright.
n'enki pron. what is it? used to indicate that nimwo pron. that is where (referring to inside a
O - o
o n. one of the letters of the alphabet. spirits.
obeho int. a way of saying farewell to someone who obufumu n. witchcraft: the practice of using special
is going away and wishing them well. powers (believed to be derived from the devil) to
obu adv. when, while: at that time or as soon as. make things happen. Pl: obufumu.
Akaraba omu katare obu yaaruga aha. She past obufunda n. narrowness: the state of being without
in the market when she left here. space.
obubaagi1 n. the occupation of slaughtering animals obufundi n. artisanship: the art of making or
like sheep, goats, cows, etc. repairing things.
obubaagi2 n. being extravagant or a spendthrift. obufura n. hospitality: affable and generous
Owaabo bakaitwa obubaagi. They are all behaviour towards other people.
extravagant in their family. obufute n. breach delivery: the abnormal delivery of
obubaani n. incense. a child by the legs first.
obubaizi n. carpentry: the occupation of making or obufuuhi n. jealousy: excessive jealousy in respect
repairing things in wood. of one's spouse or lover.
obubi n. See: AMAZI. obufuuzi n. a state of being an orphan.
obubundamo n. 1) a place where one falls after obuga n. tight sensation when food is taken after a
collapsing; where one falls after loosing control long fast.
due to sickness or shock. 2) a place where one obugabe1 n. kingship: having to do with monarchies
crouches to avoid sight, being seen or or royal life.
recognised. obugabe2 n. freedom or liberty: the state of being
obubuzi n. (of clothes) creases in clothes when they free to do anything one wants without limitation.
are not ironed. Eshaati aine obubuzi bwingi obugagye n. food that has gone bad and has lost its
gigorore. The shirt has many foldings you must actual taste or is rotten.
iron it. obugamba n. rack: a structure made above the
obubya n. (of animals) acute craving for sodium fireplace in the kitchen.
chloride. obugambiro n. freedom of speech: a state of
obucancabari n. tarters: clothes that have been having a chance or a right to say what one wants
worn out and are in tarters. See: OBUCUJU. Var: to say.
obushanshabari. obuganga n. gun powder.
obucecezi n. night dancing done while performing obugangaazi n. 1) disobedience: being obstinate.
recitations. 2) stiffness: a situation where something is so
obucumita-mbogo n. a plant with small leaves hard that it cannot bend.
and small thorns. obugangye n. thrush: an infection of the mouth and
obucura n. a term that refers to old age in cattle. throat by a yeast-like fungus, causing whitish
obucureera n. calmness: being quiet, not agitated or patches especially in children.
excited; not ruffled by the wind. obugaragwa n. a condition of being loved by a
obucureezi n. humility: the gentleness of living chief. See: OMUGARAGWA.
without chaos or agitation. obugigi adv. being forced or compeled to do
obucwekacweka n. small pieces: things that remain something.
after something has been torn or broken. obugiizi-bwa-buryo n. See: AMASHUUMA.
obudongo n. kneaded mud, which is used for obugimu n. manure: any animal waiste or plant
construction of mud and wattle houses. material used to make land fertile.
obufa-matu adj. deafness: a situation where one is obugomokye n. fatness: possessing a lot of flesh on
unable to hear at all. the body.
obufu1 n. foolishness or doing foolish things; obugore n. a period of time when one has just
lacking wisdom. married or is about to get married.
obufu2 n. a cow dung: cow's waste product. obugoro n. snuff: tobacco in form of powder that is
obufuki n. Pl: obufuki. 1) coldness: the relative taken into the nose to sniff.
lack of heat produced by low temperature. obugumba n. barrenness or infertility: a woman or
2) lacking affection or enthusiasm; being in low female animal incapable of producing
considered as a group. Bakeebaganisamu obunena n. roasted or fried legumes e.g. soya beans,
obukooro batakatandikire kurya. They grouped groundnuts, maize, etc.
themselves before they started eating. Sing: obunono1 adv. flour that is fine or well ground.
akokoro. obunono2 n. roof top (seen from within).
obukubuuzi n. colonialisation: the process where a obuntu n. compassion: the quality of humane.
powerful state takes over another one and obunuzi n. sweatness: pleasant taste.
administers it. Obukubuuzi omu Uganda obunyaata n. scarcity of sauce.
bukatandika omu 1894. Colonialisation in obunyaatsi n. grass: common wild low-growing
Uganda started in 1894. plants with green blades and stalks that are eaten
obukumi n. playing a ball by making it repeatedly by ruminants. Usage: Nkole. Var:
bounce on the knee. See: EMBARI 2. obunyaasi, obunyansi.
obukumiirizi n. guarding, or keeping an eye on obunyabangye n. a variety of mushrooms that is
something. big in size but short.
obukungu n. chieftainship: being a leader in a obunyabwengye n. wisdom: the state or condition
community. of being wise. Pl: obunyabwengye.
obukunguutwa n. residue: small amount of obunyadiini n. religiousness: believing in a
something that remains at the end of a process. supernatural being- God.
obukurura n. black jack seeds: seeds of a plant obunyagashani n. black round seeds shaped like
species which have hooks and are dispersed by peas.
people, animals and birds. Bidens pilosa. Sing: obunyakabungo n. edible mushrooms with
akakurura. purplish colour.
obukuumeeme adv. being extremely dry. obunyakantu n. selfishness: the habit of not letting
obukuutu n. insolence: the trait of being rude and others share your property.
impertinent; inclined to take liberties. obunyakare adv. long ago.
obukwatiro n. handle: a part of an object used to obunyampagara n. banana bunches with few
hold it or carry it. Enshaho yangye teine fingures.
bukwatiro. My bag lacks handles. obunyamurera n. flutes: musical instruments
obumanyi n. expertise: special skill or knowledge shaped like a thin pipe.
about a particular activity or topic. obunyamurwa n. 1) a responsibility given to
obumare n. mastitis: a cow disease that attacks the someone to do something. 2) a religious activity
teats and they get blocked. especially in the Catholic church where a person
obumuga n. See: OBUREMA. appointed can offer the sacrament of eucharist
obumwe n. unity: being together and showing a high even when he is not an ordained priest.
degree of co-operation. Obumwe nigwo obunyancooni n. underdeveloped banana fingers
musingye gw'entunguuka. Unity is the that are found at the bottom of a banana bunch
fopundation of development. and are of poor quality.
obunabi n. prophecy: what is foretold by somebody obunyangarara n. cracks: lines on the surface of
who is belived to possess spiritual powers. something that has broken but not yet split.
obunafu n. laziness: expressing unwillingness to obunyantabo n. mushrooms: small mushrooms that
work. grow where local brew is fermented.
obunaku1 n. specified time: used to refer to a time obunyarara n. stripes. Pl: obunyarara.
when something will or is likely to happen. obunyarume n. athletes foot: a fungal infection that
obunaku2 n. poverty: the state of being attacks the skin in between the toes. See:
impoverished unable to to meet the basic OBUGYERAGYERE.
necessities of life e.g. food, shelter and clothing. obunyarume n. athretes foot: a fungal infection
obunanukye n. 1) contentment: a state of being causing sores between the toes especially due to
satisfied in life. 2) relief: reassurance and damp conditions.
relaxation from distress, anxiety, fatigue or obunyigita n. the narrowest part of a calabash.
tension. obunyugwita n. sensations associated with orgasm.
obundi1 adv. next time: another time in future or obunyuunya n. shrubs like cicanda liked by goats.
again.. Yellow Oxalis.
obundi2 adv. perhaps. obunyuunyambuzi n. See: OBUNYUUNYA.
obuneene n. bungles: ornaments for children made obunyuunyambuzi n. See: obunyuunya.
in palm leaves. obunywani n. friendship. Obunywani nibukira
obuzaare. Friendship is more important than obureebya n. betrayal: the act of giving information
brotherhood. about somebody to an individual.
obuporiisi n. police profession: the practice of obureemeezi n. weight: how heavy something is
maintaining law and order in the state as measured in some scale as tons and kilograms.
performed by a department of government oburefure adj. wet: something which is soaked.
concerned. obureju n. beards: hair of the lower part of the face
oburaakaare n. echo: reflection of sound off a wall excluding the moustache.
or inside an enclosed space so that a noise oburema n. disability: a condition that limits a
appears to be repeated. person's movements or activities. See:
oburaara n. feebleness: physical weakness or OBUMUGA.
laziness of the body. oburengye1 adv. excessively: used to refer to
oburaare n. mishap: an unpredictable outcome that is unsual, too much or remarkable. Akamukunda
unfortunate. oburengye. He loved her excessively.
oburaaro n. accomodation: used to refer to shelter oburengye2 adv. (in breech birth) use to refer to
given to one either for a night or a long period of legs when they appear first instead of the head.
time. oburengyerwa-izooba n. west: used to refer to the
oburaaza n. a herbal concoction that was used in direction where the sun sets and on the left hand
conferring blessings in the past. side of the person facing North. Bunyoro eri
oburabo n. passage: a place left for people to pass omu burengyerwa-izooba bwa Uganda. Bunyoro
through. is found in Western Uganda.
oburagarikira n. crumbs: small pieces of food. oburera-ngaro n. laziness: a state of being lazy.
oburagi n. stupidity: lack common of knowledge oburezi n. baby sitting: the activity of looking after
neccessary in doing things. very young children.
oburagwa n. will: a written document containing oburiba n. heaviness: something that has great
instructions as to what has to be done to the weight, or which is hard to lift from one place to
property after one's death. another.
oburahuzi n. bullying: the behaviour of making one oburibatiro phr. available space: usually used to
annoyed or angry through verbal or physical refer to a squeezed place that has many people.
actions. Tihariho buribatiro. There is no space at all.
oburaingwa n. 1) length: the vertical length of oburiga n. dried starch food: food that is cut into
something. 2) height: the horizantal length of pieces and dried e.g. cassava, matooke, potatoes,
something. etc.
oburamaazi n. long life: living for a long time. oburiho adj. cash: money at hand. Baamushaba
oburamata n. goose grass that produces sticky red emitwaro etaano z'oburiho. He was asked fifty
liquid. thousand in cash.
oburamuzi n. judicial profession: an occupation for oburiiro1 n. a place where one can eat from. Tinyine
people who preside over cases. buriiro. I don't have where to eat from.
oburanga1 n. resemblence: some similarity or oburiiro2 n. particles of food that stick to lips and to
anything that makes a person to be recognised as fingers when one eats with hands.
being related to someone else. oburiisa n. a parish: a small administrative unit with
oburanga2 n. servitude: being forced to obey another a church that has a pastor or a priest in the
person. Anglican Church.
oburangura n. trachoma: a contegeous disease of oburiisizo n. grazing land: pasture or grazing land
the eyes. for cattle.
oburare n. home desertion: the behaviour where oburiite n. difficult, complicated and almost
one is interested in staying away from home. impossible. Akatandika enju yaamubeera
oburari n. trail: used to refer to small marks left oburiite. He started a house and it became
behind by the passage of somebody or almost impossible to finish.
something in a certain place. oburikwera adj. holiness. Obushwere oburikwera.
obureeberezi1 n. diocese: an area of jurisidiction holy matrimony.
headed by a bishop in the Anglican Church. oburimi n. speaking out uttering out words
obureeberezi2 n. help: the assistance given to a properly.
needy person. oburimiro n. soil that sticks on legs and hands of a
obureebero n. vintage point. person digging. Ku yaaherize kuhinga yaanaaba
obuteerante n. a grass specie: this grass is tall and is obuto n. youth: the time of life between childhood
used to make brooms. and maturity. Omu buto bweitu tukaba nituriisa
obutega-maisho n. a condition where one waits to embuzi. During our youth we used to graze
be provided and looked after. Okumanyiira goats.
obutega-maisho ishe ku yaafiire owaabaire obutoigo n. millet sowing time. See: EIBIBA.
amuha yaabonabona. His habit of waiting to be obutojo n. chickenpox: a disease that attacks children
provided brought him misery after his father's with a mild fever and a lot of red spots or rash
death, who used to provide for him. on the skin. Var: ebitojo.
obutegyeki n. 1) governance: the act of governing; obutoko n. porridge from sorghum that is cold at the
exercising authority. 2) regime. Akafa omu time of drinking it.
butegyeki bw'Amin. He died during Amin's obutonaatone n. dots: small round marks
regime. especially when printed on a cloth or paper.
obutembwe n. sores that appear on the throat as a Omu kiteeteeyi kyangye harimu obutonaatone.
result of an infection. Akarwara obutembwe There are dots in my dress. Var: obutone.
bwamuremesa kurya. She could not eat because obutondagiriro n. a big piece of wood put across
she has sores on the throat. the rivers so that people can cross from one side
obutemu n. murder: the unlawful premeditated to the other.
killing of one human being by another. Obutemu obutondogozi n. abnormality: features or
bukanyire omu ndembo. There is increased charasteristics in a person's body or behaviour
murder in towns. that is not usual and may be harmful, worrying
obutere n. sores that appear in the mouth due to an or cause illness. obutondogozi bw'omwana
infection. Obutere bwanzibira okurya. Sores in tibukumwikiriza kushoma. a childs abnormality
the mouth have stopped me from eating. can not allow him or her to study.
obuterezi n. a slippery ground especially when it obutone n. See: OBUTONAATONE.
rains. obutongore n. doing something officially.
obuteta n. a state of speech impairment caused by Yaamwanjura omu butongore. He was
sickness or abnormality at birth. Mugisha ebi introduced officially.
arikugamba tibikayetegyerezibwa obutooka n. period of germination.
ahabw'obuteta. You cannot understand what obutooro n. the way out of a situation, problem.
Mugisha says because of his speech impairment. Akaita omuntu mbwenu hati taine butooro. He
obutetsi n. pampering: a state of being spoilt out of killed a person now he does not have where to
having been attended so much in early go for hiding.
childhood. obutoosha adv. always: at all times. Naaza aha
obutiini n. fear or cowardice: a state of being a ishomero obutoosha. She always goes to school.
coward. See: BURIIJO.
obutiiti n. small round beads with a hole inside that obutoroogo n. prematurely born foetus or children.
are put on a thread and worn by women in the Nakira kuzara obutoroogo. She usually produces
waist. Etym: [<Luganda.obutiiti>]. Sing: premature children.
akatiiti. obutsigazi n. the state of being a youth in male
obutingwa1 n. sodomy/homosexuality: having humans.
sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex. obutunda n. Sing: akatunda. 1) passion fruits:
obutingwa2 adv. being promiscuous: having many fruits used for making juice. 2) passion fruit
sexual partners. Omukazi ogu aine obutingwa. plants.
This woman is promiscuous. obutungi n. wealth.
obutirigye n. it refers to the style of hair dressing. obutunguru n. onions.
obutirima n. the bubbles the baby makes in its obuturukiro n. the place or moment when
language development. something appears and becomes visible.
obutiti n. coldness: having a lower than usual Obuturukiro bwe tiburikumanywa gye. His
temperature. This weather is very cold. Obwire origins are not well known. See: OBURUGO.
obu n'obw'obutiti. obuturuturu n. dawn: very early in the morning at
obutitizi n. feeling coldness: the sensation produced around 6 a.m. Var: oruturuturu.
by low temperatures. Kigezi hariyo obutitizi obutuuku n. pumpkins: young or immature
bw'amaani omu kasheshe kare. Kigezi is always pumpkins.
very cold early in the morning. obutuura n. 1) settlement: a place where people
live. 2) usual way of life. 3) grave. are ready to do violence to anyone who stands
obutuzi n. mushrooms: edible fungi that grow on in their way.
antihills, are white in colour and have small obuzire n. useless, hopeless, rubbish or devastating
short stems. things.
obutwa n. poison: a substance that causes harm or obuzo n. a place of refuge. Bakamubinga omuka
death if it is swallowed or absorbed in the body. yabura obuzo. She was chased away from home
obutware n. a system of government in place at a and she failed to get where to take refuge.
particular time in a defined territory. obwabe n. headache: pain that is felt in the head.
obutwariro n. container: a box or anything in which obwagi n. desparate need: the condition in which one
something can be stored or transported. is in serious need of help without which one
obutwire adv. 1) an indefinate period of time. may not survive. John agira obwagi
Bakaija kutuura aha obutwire. They came to live bw'ebyokurya haihi buri mwaka. John is always
here forever. 2) often times. in desparate need for food almost every year.
obuyonjo n. the condition of being without dirt. obwagimba n. sorghum covers.
Aha muheru gwa taamu mukuru w'eishomero obwahati adv. currently: presently. obwahati nyine
akagaba ebirabo by'obuyonjo. At the end of the omurimo ogu ndakora. Currently I have a job I
term the headmaster gave out presents for am doing.
cleanliness. obwajaaba adj. plenty or ample amount of
obuyoobe n. small groups. Ogwo mwishiki aine something. Embaga yangye ekaba erimu
obuyoobe bwingi. This girl has many small obwajaaba bw'ebyokurya. My party had plenty
groups. of food.
obuyungiro n. a point where different things have obw'akanwa n. an infection of the mouth with
been joined together. Pl: obuyungiro. sores that often affect young children. Omwana
obuzaahe n. the state and period of being in exile. we arwaire obwakanwa. His child has a sore
obuzaana n. (of females) the condition and period infection in the mouth. Var: obwomukanwa.
of being a slave. obwaku n. echo: the sound that is reflected or
obuzaare n. kinship: the way a person is related to repeated after the original one has stopped.
another in the family or clan. Nimpurira obwaku bw'enyondo omu kibira. I am
obuzaariranwa n. an inborn quality or trait: hearing the hammering echo in the forest. See:
inheritability. OBURAKAARE.
obuzaarwa n. place of birth. Obuzaarwa bwangye obwamanga n. an alarm that is made to scare birds.
ni Kanungu. My place of birth is Kanungu. obwamaraaya n. prostitution: the habit of sleeping
obuzahambuki n. acting as a rogoue. with different sexual partners for money.
obuzaire n. parenthood: the state of being a parent. Obwamaraaya bwe naabukorera omu rurembo.
Aine emirimo y'obuzaire mingi. She has many She practices prostitution in town.
responsibilities of parenthood. obwambari n. 1) state of being of mixed parentage
obuzibira n. a plant that has small leaves and it has between subgroups in Ankole. 2) service offered
medicinal properties. in the palace.
obuzigu n. enmity. Ogu mwana aretsireho obuzigu obwambere adv. long ago. Obwambere abakazi
omuka yaitu. This child has caused enmity in bakaba batarya enkoko. Long time ago women
our family. were not supposed to eat chicken.
obuzimba n. being swollen. Akahendeka okuguru obwambizo n. material things that are given to the
obuzimba bwahika omu kuju. She broke her leg people in need as aid or help. John akaha
and it swell up to the knee. obwambizo bwa burangiti ikumi abantu b'omu
obuzimya-kwezi n. eclipse of the moon. nkambi y'empungi. John gave out ten blankets
Nyomwebazo habaireho obuzimya-kwezi. to the people living in refugee camps.
Yesterday there was an eclipse of the moon. See: obwambure n. a feeling of emptiness or lack e.g.
OBWIRA-KABIRI. when one feels the lack of something he or she
obuzinio n. bones showing below hips. Omushuma is used to, like a watch. Eshaaha yangye
bamuteire eisasi omu buzinio yahutaara. Te thief bagiibire nimpurira obwambure. they stole my
was shot below the hips and he got injured. watch I feel my arm is empty.
obuzinzi n. bandity: violent behaviour intended to obwami n. chieftainship: the state of being a leader of
hurt or kill someone. Beetegwire kukora a group of people. Akarya obwami akiri muto.
obuzinzi aha muntu weena oraabahemure. They He became a chief when he was young.
enyungu aha bwekorerero. He has carried the obwihirire n. mishap: something that happens
pot on the crown of the head. accidentally or unexpectedly.
obwekoro n. being able to do something to sustain obwijagashe n. millet grown especially around
oneself without other people's help. April when the actual season should be in
obwekuumo n. cud: food of a ruminant August.
regurgitated to be chewed again. obwijukuru n. ancenstry: the kinship relation
obwemi n. height: the measurement from the bottom between an individual and the individual's
to the top of a person or thing. Ngambira progenitors. Obwijukuru bw'eka yaitu bugumire
obwemi bwawe. Tell me your height. okukuratira. The ancestry of our family is hard
obwengura n. very bitter local beer made from to trace.
yellow bananas. Omu baara ye ainemu amaarwa obwijuranda n. indigestion: a state when the food
g'obwengura gonka. He has only bitter beer in is not properly digested. Omwana wangye
his bar. obwijuranda bumubaire kubi ninyenda
obwengye n. knowledge: wisdom or intelligence. kumutwara omu irwariro. My child has
Omwana ogu aine obwengye bwingi. This child constipation and I would like to take her to the
is very knowledgable. hospital.
obwengye n. See: AMAGEZI. obwijura-nju n. (of a man) marrying a sister of the
obwereere n. infancy: the state of being a child. late wife.
obwerinzi n. security or defence. Abashuma baibire obwijwire n. 1) in full. 2) in detail. John atuhaire
ebintu byaitu ahabw'okugira obwerinzi bubi amakuru omu bwijwire. John gave us the news
omuka. The thieves stole our property because in its fulness.
of having bad security. obwimba n. supericial relationship: friendship that is
obwesigye n. confidence: having too much faith in not genuine.
someone or something. obwimi adj. meanness: the quality of being
obweteeka adj. 1) few cows; not a big herd. 2) (of deliberately mean. Obwimi bwe butumire
homes) small scattered homesteads. yaaferwa ebintu bingi. His meanness cost him a
obwetunukye n. determination: putting a lot of lot of things.
energy into doing something. Omurimo ogu obwina n. Sing: akaina. 1) small openings. Nyine
naagukora n'obwetunukye. I have done this job obwina omu maino gangye. I have small holes
with a lot of energy. in my teeth. 2) small holes in the surface of the
obwezigooro n. round about: a road junction at road that is formed by bad weather or traffic.
which traffic streams circularly around a central Orukuuto rurikuza owaitu rurimu obwina. The
island. Tubuganire aha bwezigooro omu road which goes to our home has potholes.
mwebazyo. We met at the round about in the obwinazi n. malice: a strong feeling of hatred or ill
evening. will. Obwinazi bwe nibwo butumire abantu
obweziriki n. courage: quality of spirit that enables baingi bamwanga. His malicious acts made him
you to face danger or pain without showing fear. to be hated by many people.
obwezirikiro n. the part of the human trunk obwingi n. the quantity of something. Tukiine obwire
between the bottom of the rib cage and the bwingi twaza kuhikayo. We still have plenty of
pelvis. time to get there.
obwibi n. theft: the act of taking something from obwira n. haste: being in a hurry.
someone unlawfully. Bakamukoma obwira-kabiri n. eclipse of the sun. Kwiha
ahabw'obwibi. He was imprisoned because of azaarwa takabonaga bwira-kabiri. Ever since he
theft. was born, he has never seen the eclipse.
obwigiranju adj. a situation where a man marries obwire n. a period of time. Obwire ku bugumire
the sister of his late wife. nibuhwaho kandi hatariho amakuru goona,
obwigura-nda n. the firstborn child. Obwigura-nda twayeyongyera kweraarikirira. As time passed
bwangye n'omwishiki. My first born child is a and there was still no news, we got more
girl. See: OBWATA-MATAKO. worried. See: OBUNAKU 1.
obwiguuga adj. something that is very heavy. obwiririmba n. cloud overcast: time when dark
Emotoka ku yaayangire kugyenda, twagisindika grey clouds bearing rain appear.
kwonka ekaba eri obwiguuga. When the car obwiriza n. thatch: grass used to cover the house.
failed to start, we pushed it but it was very Akaiba omuhoro yagushereka omu bwiriza. He
heavy. stole a knife and hid it in the roof.
okubooga v. (of a baby) to bring back milk after okubungwa v. to be attacked by a weevil.
breast feeding or during breast feeding. okubungyera v. to be idle and move up and down
okuboora v. to despise. without aim.
okubooreera v. to be inactive in all feilds of life. okubungyeza v. to hawk: the situation where traders
okuborogota v. to flow with roaring sound. move from house to house or door to door
okuborooga v. to yell: to express annoyance or selling their goods or commodities.
surprise by crying out loud. okubunuza v. to be naked.
okubota v. 1) to be soft (said of smashed matooke). okubunzya v. to hawk or peddle. See:
2) prepared together and supplied with water (of OKUBUNGYEZA.
mixed food). okubura v. to get lost and fail to reach your intended
okubotora v. to speak openly. destination.
okububura1 v. to roar especially of lions. okuburabura v. 1) to be lost in what one is doing.
okububura2 v. to visit someone with a basket full of 2) to disappear.
something (e.g. beans) and when you are going okuburaburirwa v. to be worried or burdened.
back they also put their something in it e.g. okuburabuza v. to confuse.
millet. okuburika v. to disappear for a long time and
okubuga v. to finish especially when digging. reappear again.
okubugana1 v. to suffer from nestle rush. okuburirikana (said of a person) to disappear for a
okubugana2 v. to meet someone along the way. long time.
okubuganiza v. to pour milk into a churn. okuburugutana v. to disorganise: to spoil the
okubugiirira v. to finish weaving a basket. organised way somebody is supposed to work.
okubugutana v. to be disorganised. okubushuka v. to go astray or to divert from the
okubuguuma v. to form big flames of fire. main point unknowingly.
okubukaara v. comfort: a state of feeling free from okubushukana v. to be uncoordinated or
any pain or constraint. inconsistent with.
okubukaara v. to be calm and settle in one place. okubutabuta v. the situation when an animal is
okubumba1 v. to shape a soft substance. moving slowly after it has eaten a lot or when it
okubumba2 v. to mould a substance into an object is pregnant.
(said of a rim of spherical object). okubuura v. to report.
okubumbama v. to become narrower. okubuura orutookye v. to organise a funeral rite
okubumbatira v. to gather under the wings as done done four days after burial of a family head by
by birds to their chicks. reporting or introducing the widow to a banana
okubumbatiza v. to clasp and hold in the hands. plantation.
okubumbirira v. stopping water from flowng so okubuurira v. to preach or give a sermon.
that cows can get water for drinking. okubuuririza v. to investigate or examine.
okubumburika v. to make round in shape. okubuuruura v. to roll the eyes by an individual.
okubumbuza v. to be in bad mood, unhappy or okubuutuura v. (of pregnancy) to start to be
angry. noticed.
okubumbuza2 v. to move in abig group; many okubuutuura1 v. to be with a pregnancy that is just
people going at once or to run away at once. noticeable.
okubunda v. to squart especially for dogs. okubuutuura2 v. to lift a person from one position
okubundaara v. to become silent and be with good to another especially when he or she is very sick.
behaviour. okubuuza v. to ask a question.
okubundabunda v. to move while bending. okubuuzibwa v. 1) to be asked. 2) to sit an
okubundama v. to bend low. examination.
okubundika v. to put down and make calm okubuya v. to writhe in pain due to sickness,
especially of dogs. . pregnancy or weakness.
okubunduguza v. to be pregnant usually of okubuyabuya v. to loiter: to move here and there
animals. undecided or having no direction.
okubunga v. to born-set someone who has got a okubuyanga v. to leave in suspense.
fracture using traditional therapy. okubuza-amaisho v. to disappear without trace.
okubungurura v. to defecate. okubuzabuza v. not to be straight forward
okubungururwa v. standing up of hair on the especially in dealing with people, money
body due to illness or coldness. matters, etc.
okucwa enshusha phr. to break virginity. okucweka1 v. to break into two or more parts.
okucwa1 v. to give up or stop a particular habit. okucweka2 v. to get into non-existance or cease to
okucwa2 v. to excommunicate to disown somebody exist.
from his respective family or community. okucwekanisa v. to cross a road or river or a
okucwa3 v. to divide into pieces. boundary.
okucwa4 v. to end the process of wearing. okucwekyereza v. to destroy.
okucwa-amabaare1 v. to separate seeds and okucwera v. to spit.
impurities like stones from cereals. okucweregyerera v. to cut into shape or to trim.
okucwa-amabaare2 v. to cause the death of a okucwererana v. to embroider or to decorate a
child. cloth with a design of coloured stitches.
okucwa-amaizi v. to dilute: to reduce the okucweza v. to consult a traditional healer. Usage:
concetration of a liguid by adding water or some slang. 2) to give strong points while discussing
qualifying matter. something.
okucwabagura v. to break into small particles. okucwijura v. to strip bare: to take everything from
okucwa-bugufu v. to shorten: to reduce the length someone especially after stealing.
of something. okucwisa1 v. to help one escape from justice. See:
okucwa-busha v. to undermine: to gradually OKUTORORA.
weaken especially someone's power. okucwisa2 v. to wake up very early in order to be on
okucwacwagura1 v. to disintergrate an object into time.
very small parts or particles. Var: okudabura v. 1) to double. 2) to repeat.
okucwanyagura. okudiba v. failure to get market. Natwara ebihimba
okucwacwagura2 v. to chop: to cut something into kubiguza byariba. I have taken my beans to sell
small pieces with repeated sharp blows using an them and I have failed to get market. Var:
axe or knife. Var: okucwanyaguza. okuriba.
okucwa-ekizaire v. the first sexual intercourse okudikura v. to make loud sound with a high bass.
after giving birth. okudobonkana v. to stall: lose weight and be
okucwa-encuro v. to divide something into weak especially as a result of sickness.
measurable ammounts of quantities. okudodoma v. (of a car) to make sound when it is
okucwa-engondo v. to tatoo: to put permanent still in one position and the engine is started.
marks on ones body using needles. Var: okuduuma, okururuma,
okucwa-enshusha v. to break virginity. okutogota.
okucwa-eryera v. to glance or give a short quick okudondora v. to sell something very cheaply.
look. okudooba v. to change status from better to worse.
okucwagasa v. to do an activity and you leave it okuduuma v. to instruct/command or direct what
incomplete or unfinished. has to be done without questioning.
okucwagura v. to divide something that has okuduumira v. to command: to give orders to a
already been divided. group of soldiers under one's command.
okucwagurika v. to be broken into or to okuduumuura v. to kick something high especially
disintegrate into pieces. the ball. See: OKURAAPURA.
okucwaho v. to take hold of and remove a flower or okuduura n. to boast: to talk about one's
vegetable from where it is growing. achievements and abilities too much with pride.
okucwamu v. to decide or come to or cause to okufa v. to die: to cease to exist.
come to a resoulution in the mind as a result of okufaabiina v. To work hard to achieve something.
consideration or discussion. Ayosire naafaabinira abaana be. He has been
okucwana v. to mutually terminate friendship. working hard for the good of his children.
okucwanisa v. to be in great hurry. the need or wish okufaho v. to care: to look after after someone or
to get or have something done quickly. something passionately.
okucwanuura v. to reduce on something full to okufa-mamigye adv. a condition where one suffers
capacity or to the maximum. in silence, yet he or she is under pressure or
okucwanyagura v. to tear into small pieces. pain.
okucwanyaguza v. Usage: Nkole. See: okufayo v. to be concerned.
OKUCWACWAGURA. okufeera v. to die for. 2) to spend time on a job; to
okucwanzya v. to deceive or to try to make work hard.
someone believe something that is not true. okufeerwa1 v. to miss.
okugunduuka v. to eat something and get satisfied to someone money expecting him or her to pay
with it. it back.
okugunduura1 v. to beat somebody heavily okugwa v. 1) to fall down or to drop suddenly. 2) to
especially in a fight. fail: not being able to succeed in doing
okugunduura2 v. (of animals and persons) to be something.
mature or show characteristics of old age. okugwa-aha-mahega phr. (of females) to stay
okugunga v. (of a man) to refuse to sleep with a for a long time without getting married.
woman. okugwa-ebyaga v. to fall and lose one's senses,
okugungira v. 1) to block the way. 2) to build an speech or does things he or she is not aware of
embarkment or dam to stop the flow of water. as a result of being demon possesed.
okugunja v. to compose songs, epics, poems, etc. okugwa-empihi v. to experience indigestion:
okugunjuka v. 1) to be civilised: to behave in a having a disorder in the stomach as a result of
polite and reasonable way. 2) to be educated, poor digestion of food.
civilised or trained. okugwa-enshazi n. to black out: a temporary loss
okugunjura v. to train someone in something. of consciousness.
okugunura v. to open eyes widely. okugwagwana v. to be in an unfriendly state; to be
okugura v. to buy: to obtain a goods or services in miserable.
exchange for payment. okugwagye v. 1) to feel good. 2) to be confortable
okuguraagurutsya v. to doubt. or satisfied with what one has.
okuguraguruka v. to be unstable or change often. okugwaho v. to find or attack someone (e.g. a thief)
okuguriirira v. 1) to pay money to someone to do after a long search.
something on your behalf. 2) to bribe someone okugwa-kihuumura adv. to fall involuntarily in
with money or a gift in order to get favours from shock.
him or her. okugwa-kihuumura v. to faint or pass out as a
okuguru n. the limb on which a person or animal result of shock.
walks or stands. okugwana1 v. to pay back what one owes.
okuguruka v. 1) to jump. 2) to rise up early in the okugwana2 v. equality: to balance or be equal in
morning and go. value.
okugurukibwa v. to be scared or frightened by okugwa-omunda v. the act of embracing or
something. hugging someone to show affection, happiness
okugurukira v. 1) to jump at something. 2) to during greeting.
surprise someone with an unexpected tackle or okugwejegyera v. to fall asleep.
move. okugwengagwenga v. to flatter someone.
okugurukyera v. to make an unexpected tackle. okugwera v. 1) to fall on someone or something.
okugurumba v. to feel sad and depressed. 2) to waylay someone.
okugurutsya1 v. (of cows) to refuse to give milk. okugwera-orubaju v. 1) to side with someone.
okugurutsya2 v. to chase something e.g. birds. 2) to be partial; not objective.
okuguta v. to beat someone or something. okugwererana v. to stagger as when under the
okugutuka1 v. (of a person) to die suddenly when influence of alcohol.
one is not sick. okugwererwa v. to be in a situation where one
okugutuka2 v. See: OKUCWEKA. experiences a misfortune.
okuguubwa v. to become emotional over something okugwihanamu v. to walk or move together.
good or bad. okugwisa v. to finish or complete a task e.g. to
okuguugura v. to live long beyond the expected cultivate a portion of the garden one is supposed
lifespan. to dig up to the end.
okuguuriima v. to be rebelious. Ref: OKUGUUZA, okugyega v. to fool someone.
OKUJEEMA okugyegyema v. 1) to creak (e.g. a bed). 2) to
okuguutuura v. to use idioms and sayings. produce croaking or high pitched sound.
okuguuyaguuya v. to feel a lot of discomfort after okugyegyena v. to filter.
eating a lot of food. okugyegyeza v. to create a problem for someone.
okuguuza v. to stubbornly refuse to do something. okugyema1 v. to compel: to make somebody to do
okuguza1 v. to sell: to give someone goods or something against his or her will.
services in exchange for money. okugyema2 v. to immunise: . Abeebembezi
okuguza2 v. 1) to borrow (usually money). 2) to lend b'eihanga bakehanangiriza abazaire kutwara
okuhanga-amaisho v. to stare: to fix one's eyes on something in a hurry and do it poorly. See:
someone or something without blinking. OKUJABAJABA.
okuhangaana v. to help or give support to someone. okuharana v. to dislike someone and mistreat him
okuhangaara v. to live long. or her as a result.
okuhangahanga v. to be creative. Omwana okuharangatana v. to dislike each other intensely.
naamanya okuhangahanga. The child knows how okuharara v. See: OKUHARIRA.
to create songs. okuhararuka v. 1) to lose interest in something.
okuhanganga v. to starve or go hungry. 2) to get used to something to the extent that it
okuhanganirwa v. (of a woman giving birth) to no longer excites you.
have difficulty while giving birth or when the okuharaza v. to be proud of something or someone.
after birth fails to come out. Omukazi yaaherize okuhariiriza v. to force someone to do something.
kuzaara yaaremwa kuhanganirwa. After the okuharika v. to marry a second wife adding her to
woman gave birth, the afterbirth failed to come the first one.
out. okuharira v. to crave for something. Bakanga
okuhangara v. (of a girl) to take long to get married. naaharira abaishiki. Bakanga is lustful for girls.
okuhangirira1 v. to support by bearing all or part okuhariza v. to act like a lunatic.
of the weight or burden of somebody. okuharura v. 1) to drag or force someone to do
okuhangirira2 v. to repair: to fix or mend. something against their will. 2) to pull
okuhangisa v. to be very fond of something. something with force.
okuhanguha v. to grow fat or to become big. See: okuhasha1 v. to give birth to twins. Okuhasha kwine
OKUGOMOKA. emigyenzo mingi. Giving birth to twins has
okuhanguka v. to come unexpectedly. many traditional customs that go with it.
okuhangura1 v. See: OKUSINGURA. okuhasha2 v. to feel a shooting pain in the back or
okuhangura2 v. to win or overcome something. upper part of the body.
Etym: [<Luganda.okuwangula>]. okuhashana v. to grow while joined together.
okuhangusya v. to widen or to enlarge. okuhashanuura v. 1) to split or separate twin
okuhanguuka v. 1) to become archaic. 2) to plantains. 2) to perform rituals at the initiation of
become unfashionable. See: OKUHANGUURA. twins one week after their birth.
okuhanguura v. to expire or get out of style or out okuhatika v. to insert something into another.
of fashion. okuhatuura v. to pull or get something out of a
okuhanika1 v. 1) to raise something e.g. prices, a congested place using force.
flag, etc. 2) to hang (e.g. clothes on a wire). okuhayaahayana v. See: OKUHAYANA.
okuhanika2 v. to put bananas in a pit so that they okuhayana v. to compete.
can rippen. okuhaza n. to be disobedient or refuse to comply
okuhanuura v. to discuss something or to with someone's wishes or orders.
deliberate on. okuheba v. 1) to get something out of one's mind.
okuhanvuura v. (of cats) to defaecate. 2) to give up on something.
okuhanzya v. (of animals) to feed. okuhebeba1 v. to stammer: to speak with sudden
okuhara v. to scratch. pauses and with a tendency to repeat the same
okuharaatura v. to scratch the surface of sound or syllable, because of having a speech
something with a sharp or pointed object. impairment, fear, excitement, etc. Var:
okuharaatwa v. to play about. okuhebebera.
okuharabagana v. to be in a critical condition; the okuhebeba2 v. (of a he-goat) to scream while
state or condition in which a sick person is not mating.
expected to survive. okuhebebera v. See: OKUHEBEBA1.
okuharabura v. to scratch something by dragging it okuhebesereza v. (usually negative) to do
along a rough surface. something beyond acceptable limits.
okuharagata v. to scrap: to remove the surface okuhebya v. to go beyond the limits of what is
layer off something using a sharp object. expected of you.
okuharahaaza v. to make someone restless or to okuheegaheega v. to walk while staggering
give someone hard time. because of being very tired.
okuharahara v. to make an attempt or effort. okuheeheeta v. 1) to woo a woman. 2) to express
okuharamba v. See: OKUTEMBA. the desire to have sex with a woman.
okuharambura v. to do shoddy work or to do okuheeka1 v. 1) to carry a baby on the back. 2) to
was a war and all people migrated. hare bakaguma nibahurizana. Though he went
okuhungabana v. to become weak and feel dizzy far they kept in touch.
especially when one is sick. okuhurubuka v. to move secretly: to move out of
okuhungira v. to doze or to feel sleepy. a place quickly and unnoticed.
okuhunguka1 v. to look the other way. okuhurubura v. to strip things of a common
okuhunguka2 v. to pass in someone's home on a attachment from that attachment e.g. maizie,
long journey. coffee, etc.
okuhungungwa v. to wander: to move from place okuhuruguta v. to rot inside (said of gourd).
to place aimlessly. Omushazi asiibire okuhurura v. to respond to a call after someone
naahungunga ekyaro kyona. The mad person has has died.
been wandering all over the village the whole okuhururuka v. to grow thin.
day. okuhururura v. to starve.
okuhungura1 v. to inherit a person's property or okuhururwa v. to be in pain.
wife after his death. okuhuruutuka v. 1) to happen very fast. Ekiti
okuhungura2 v. to remove maize from a kob. Var: kikahurutuka omu muti kyamuteera. The wood
okuhurubura, okuhagura. came fast from the tree and beat him. 2) to rush.
okuhungura3 v. to shake the buttocks. See: okuhuruutura v. 1) to eat while making a noise.
OKUCUNDA. 2) to scare someone. Akaija nairuka
okuhungurura v. See: OKUHUNGURA 1. yampurutura omutima. He came running and
okuhungutuka v. to lose some senses. scared me. 3) to pull someone very fast.
okuhunguugwa v. to move aimlessly when one is okuhuruza v. to call people in times of danger.
idle. okuhurwa v. to lose appetite for something.
okuhungwa v. to shake, e.g. a container full of okuhusha v. to miss a mark or target.
juice. okuhushukana v. See: OKURABANAHO,
okuhungyesa v. to whisk: to keep away insects EMPYORI .
from animals using leaves. okuhutaara v. to be injured. Bakaba nibazaana
okuhunika1 v. to store food (often cereals in a yaamuhutaaza. As they were playing he injured
granary, etc). her.
okuhunika2 v. to keep in the mouth. okuhuuba v. to swing: to make something move
okuhunjagara1 v. to have a nap. backward and forward or from side to side while
okuhunjagara2 v. (of the sun) to set: to disappear hanging on a fixed point. Omwana naahuuba
below the horizon. omugoye. The child is swinging the rope.
okuhunjama v. (of a person) to grunt, not wanting okuhuubya v. to harvest all mature bananas of
people to come near him or her, or when he or whatever size in the plantation.
she does not want someone to share food with okuhuuga v. to shade or paint with parallel pencil
him or her. lines or use colours to design something.
okuhununtuka v. to keep on moving from one okuhuugiza1 v. to feel dizzy: to make someone feel
place to another looking for food. unsteady, dozed or confused.
okuhunyahunya v. to run away: to flee from okuhuugiza2 v. to hide: to protect someone or
danger. Ebicuncu ku byataahiriire ekyaro something from being seen.
abatuuze boona baahunyahunya. When lions okuhuuha v. 1) to blow: to send out air from the
invaded the village, all the villagers fled. mouth or to be moved by wind. 2) to chase
okuhunyura1 v. to remove immature grain seeds something away.
from their husks. okuhuuhira1 v. to make fire on one side so as to
okuhunyura2 v. to produce a child prematurely, enable bananas for beer to ripen fast.
usually during the seventh month of pregnancy. okuhuuhira2 v. to grow secondary hair at puberty
okuhunyuuka v. to sweep away things from place stage.
to place and the place becomes bare. okuhuuhuuta v. to cause the sensation of intense
okuhura v. to lose appetite due to pregnancy. burning pain.
okuhurikana v. to confuse two things one for the okuhuukura v. 1) to gulp: to eat food quickly and
other. in large quantities. 2) to eat food greedily.
okuhurikiza v. to listen. okuhuuma v. to hoot.
okuhurira v. to hear. okuhuumura1 v. to be aromatic: to emit a scent of
okuhurizana v. to keep in touch. N'obu yaagiire a specific kind. Ebyokurya ebi nibihuumura
court case. 2) to solemnly affirm that something okukaabuuza v. to rustle: to move slowly in a bush
is true. 3) to appeal. or in a banana plantation with dry leaves making
okujuriza v. to appeal: to apply in a higher court for sound under one's feet. Var: okushaabuuza.
the reversal of the decision or judgement of the okukaakaara v. to be strong: to be physically
lower court. Omushango ku gwamusingire powerful. Usage: Kiga.
yaajuriza omu kooti enkuru. When he lost the okukaakabika v. to ask hard questions to someone
case he applealed in high court. or a group.
okujurunga v. to talk incoherently and say things okukaakatika v. to falsely accuse someone or
which are not in order, uncoordinated and which blame him or her for something which he or she
are difficult to understand. Omushaija does not know. Akamukaatikaho omushango gu
akajurunga orubazo aha mukoro. A man gave an atarikumanya. He falsely accused him of
unclear speech at the function. something he did not know.
okujuukirira v. to scold or to criticise someone okukaanyuka v. to move slowly; unable to walk
severely and angrily for something he or she has fast because of too much weight.
done. okukaara v. to put additional timber on a cattle
okujuumagira v. 1) to be naive: to lack experience kraal or pen.
of life and tending to trust other people and okukaaraama1 v. to be severe, said of sunshine or
believe things so easily. 2) to look down as pestilence.
when ashamed. okukaaraama2 v. to angrily stick to your demand or
okujuumara1 v. to lie face down or up-side down. position.
okujuumara2 v. to die: to stop living or to lose life. okukaata v. to knead mud or clay with feet by
okujuumara3 v. to be overturned: to collapse (said pressing it continously.
of a building, government, state etc. okukaatagirira v. See: OKUCUMBATIRIRA.
okujuumika v. to overturn: to put something okukaatiika1 v. 1) to force something onto another.
upside down. 2) to put something loosely onto another. 3) to
okujuumuura v. 1) to turn something or somebody paste.
the right way up. 2) to turn something upside okukaatiika2 v. to beat someone and leave marks
down. Akajuumuura orubengo ngu akasa on the body.
obuuro. She turned the grinding stone upside okukaatuuza v. to move while making a loud sound
down so that she could grind the millet. especially when moving in a group. Abaserukare
okujuura v. to remove an item of clothing or baarabaho nibakaatuuza omu muhanda. The
adornment. soldiers passed by marching loudly on the street.
okujuyajuya v. to do something haphazardly. okukaba v. to pass out or to die.
okujuyanga v. to disorganise: do something in a okukabara v. to dig deep and shatter soil clods in
disorderly and disorganised manner. preparation for planting or sowing.
okujwa1 v. to bleed. okukabuka v. to speak to someone roughly and in a
okujwa2 v. to shine (said of the sun or moon). way that indicates anger.
okujwa3 v. to leak (of a liquid or gas): passing okukabura v. to grow strong and sometimes fatter.
through a small hole or crack on the container. okukaga v. to sense something or somebody using
okujwagirira v. to have collective support from the nose.
others during an activity. okukagata v. to harden (often due to old age or
okujwagura v. to separate. going through difficult conditions).
okujwahukira v. to do something with enthusiasm. okukagirira v. to sniff: to breath in to ascertain the
okujwana v. to have a relationship or a basis for source of a smell.
correlation. See: OKUJWANGA. okukaikura v. (of women) to grow very old. Nyina
okujwanga v. to mix. akakaikura takibaasa kugyenda. His mother is so
okujwara1 v. to wear something or item of clothing old that she can longer walk.
or any object on the body. okukaka v. to force someone to do something he or
okujwara2 v. to engage someone in a heated debate she never wanted to do.
or insult someone in a heated argument or fight. okukaka1 v. to make sound like that of a tree
okujwekyera v. to represent: to stand in for breaking or being felled.
someone. okukaka2 v. See: OKUGIMBA 2.
okujwenzya v. (of a fire) to destroy something okukaka3 v. to become fat, to put on much weight.
completely e.g. a house. See: OKUHANGUHA, OKUGOMOKA.
supposed to stop when guarding. to ones leg or any part of the body. Akamuga
okukumira v. to protect. okuguru kwa bumosho. His left leg is lame.
okukumpanya v. to defraud. okumunyuuka v. (of good sweet potatoes) to be
okukuna1 v. to walk, talk or do things in a way that soft and capable of being sucked. Ebitakuri ebi
is deliberate: to show off or pretend in the yaaba naarya byaba nibimunyuuka. The sweet
presence of other people. potatoes he has been eating were very good.
okukuna2 v. to be hospitable: to welcome and okumurika1 v. to torch something in the dark so as
entertain guests. to be seen.
okukunamuuka v. to somersault; to turn upside okumurika2 v. display: to show off or brag.
down. Akamurika ente ze abantu baashoberwa. He
okukunda v. 1) to love: to have intense feeling of showed off his cows and people were surprised.
deep affection. Ogu mutsigazi naakunda okumurinkana v. to glitter: to shine, be very
omwishiki we. This boy loves his girlfriend. beautiful, bright or reflect light. Ekanisa yaitu
2) to like: to find somebody or something neemurinkana. Our church is shining.
agreeable, enjoyable or satisfactory. okumwa v. to shave hair using a razor blade.
okukunduura v. to take away by uprooting in big Bakamumwisa akagirita kaamushara. They
numbers. shaved him using a razor blade and it cut her.
okukungaanya v. to gather or put things together. okumwamwasa v. to cause to glitter; polish to the
okukungika v. to team up. point of glittering. Bakamuha ekiteeteeyi
okukunguuta v. taping a container to dislodge what kirikumwamwasa. They gave her a beautiful
is stuck onto its walls. dress.
okukuriiriza1 v. to have sex with a woman in her okumwamwatikana v. (of a smooth surface) to
late stages of pregnancy. shine, reflecting light, typically because it is
okukuriiriza2 v. to exaggulate. very clean and polished. Enkaito
okukwata-makushu adv. rote learning: a yaamwamwatina ku baaheza kugiteera omubazi.
mechanical way of learnig something without The shoe was very shiny after being polished.
understanding.. Akakikwata makushu okumwaraguza v. to look here and there.
tarikukyetegyereza kurungi. He learnt it okumweisa v. to walk quickly at a terrific speed.
mechanically, he does not understand it well. okumwemura v. to show your true colours.
okukwatanisa v. 1) to cooperate: a to work okumwenya v. to smile: change one's
together to achieve a result that will be of facial expression by spreading the lips, often to
benefit. Okukwatanisa nikureetaho entunguuka. signal pleasure.
Cooperation brings about development. 2) to okumwera1 v. to promise that you will no longer
bring together. involve yourself in somebody's affairs or resolve
okumira -emityoko n. salivate: to swallow saliva never to do it again.
before you eat the food. okumwera1 v. to promise that you will no longer
okumoga v. to get a job or paid position of regular involve yourself in somebody's affairs.
employment. Akamoga omurimo omu musiri. okumwera2 v. to give up or lose hope over
He got a job as a gardener. something.
okumogora v. to wean a baby. okumwera2 v. to lose hope, to give up.
okumoka v. (of dogs and foxes) to bark. okumwigiira v. to squeak: to cause sound made by
okumootoora v. to speak through one's nose. a door while shutting or opening it or sound
Twinomujuni naagamba arikumootoora made by babies or young animals.
kigumire kwetegyereza eki arikugamba. okumyasa v. to flash: to spark as in lightning.
Twinomujuni speaks through the nose, it okumyasya v. See: OKUNYANYAASA.
becomes hard for one to understand what he is okumyoka v. to deputise or act on somebody's
saying. behalf.
okumotoka v. 1) (of food and other substances) to okumyora v. to twist: squeeze something with
decay or go bad. Ebyokurya ebi biraireho hands.
byamotoka. This food stayed overnight and it okunaaba v. to bathe: to clean the entire body.
has gone bad. 2) to break off as a result okunaafuuka v. to act or do something slowly.
corrosion or decay. okunaaha v. to castrate: to remove the testicals of a
okumuga v. to become lame: to be unable to walk male animal or person. Embuzi yaitu
or do other things normally because of an injury bakaginaaha. Our goat was castrated. Var:
okuraaha. late-comers.
okunaama v. to be i secret meeting (with). okunanika v. to trudge: to walk slowly as if you are
okunaamuura v. to be slow in speech. very tired or have been walking for a long time.
okunaga v. 1) to throw away: to dispose off N'enki ebigyere ka waabinanika. Why are you
something that is no longer useful. 2) to lose trudging.
something. okunanuka v. to be happy or cntented: to get
okunaga-enkobe v. to make high flames of fire. relieved of pain, distress or anxiety. Akananuka
okunagaijura v. to handle something carelessly: be ku yaamureebire naija. She was relieved when
negligent. she saw him coming.
okunaga-omukono phr. 1) to walk freely in a okunanuura1 v. stretch: to make something longer
relaxed manner. 2) to throw arms about. Obu or wider without tearing or breaking it.
yaahika aha kunaga-omukono yaaza kufa. Now Akananuura omuguha gwahika mita ibiri. He
that he is throwing arms about, he is going to streched the string up to two meters long.
die. okunanuura2 v. to run so fast. Ku yaareeba twija,
okunagiirira v. to abandon a task or to abandon yaananuura. When he saw us come, he ran so
someone at work and leave it to few or one fast.
person which you were all supposed to do. okunegura v. to give something to someone and
Boona baamunagiirira, emirimo niwe yaagikora take it way from them again.
wenka. They all left him the work, he did it okunegyeka1 v. to humbe oneself while bending
alone. your neck. Omugore yaanegyeka omu katimba.
okunagira1 to rest: to spend a period of time The bride has humbled herself in the wedding
relaxing or sleeping after doing something. Ente gown.
ku zaamara kunywa amaizi zaanagira. The cows okunegyeka2 v. to be cooked to tenderness (said
rested after drinking water. especially of vegetables). Omugore yaanegyeka
okunagira2 v. to cast (cloth ) over your shoulder. omu katimba. The bride has humbled herself in
Obu yabire naaza kuziika akenagira akenda the wedding gown.
karikutukura. She covered herself with a red okunegyeza v. to raise something upwards, or to
piece of cloth when she was going for the burial. take something from one place to another.
okunagonogoka v. to feel weak by experiencing Omuhingi akanegyeza enshaho y'emonde kuruga
muscle or joint pain. Akanogonogoka munonga omu musiri kuhika omuka. A farmer carried a
omu ngingo ku yaatambwire orugyendo sack of Irish potatoes from the garden to home.
ruraingwa. She was became weak in the joints okuneka v. to lose energy and be in need to sleep or
after walking a long journey. rest. Eriizooba naakora munonga naaneka. I
okunaguka v. to lie in the specified way. have over worked today so I am tired.
okunagura v. 1) to take cows or goats in the bush okunekaneka v. to be clean, tidy and well dressed
and leave them there to graze on their own. 2) to on expensive garments. Waaba noonekaneka
leave someone or something to act unsupervised omu suuti yaawe ensya. You were looking very
or without being cared for. smart in your new suit.
okunagurwa v. (of children) to lack care and grow okunena v. to chew or cruch: bite or nibble food in
on their own after the death of their parents. the mouth so as to swallow it.
Abazaire kubafiire yanagurwa. After the death of okunena-enshaya phr. gnash: grind together (said
his parents he took care of himself. of teeth).
okunakuhara1 v. to become a destitute or desolate. okunia v. to defecate: to push out waste matter from
Akanakuhara ahabw'okushaasha eriino. He was the body through the anus. Omwana yaania omu
miserable because of the toothache. kibuga. The baby has defecated in the
okunakuhara2 v. to be poor as a result of compound. See: OKUBUNGURURA.
something. Bakamwiba yanakura. He became okuniaganiaga v. to stagger: to walk as if unable to
poor because thieves stole his things. control one's movements. Naamuteera munonga
okunanata v. to make somebody calm or quiet. yaaniaganiaga yaagwa. I hit him hard and he
Akagyezaho kumunanata yayanga. He tried to staggered and fell.
calm him down but he refused. okuniagiira v. to walk slowly with heavy steps or
okunangura v. to punish by beating, lashing or with difficulty.
whipping. Mukuru-w'eishomero yaanangura okuniga v. to strangle: to kill by squeezing the
abakyererezi. The headmaster has beaten the throat of so as to cut off the air. Akamuniga
kw'eente ze. The man was announcing the loss via (in coming here).
of his cows. okureetwareetwa v. to feel an urge to say
okuranzya v. 1) to look at something that is abit far. something.
2) to have a vision of something that is going to okurega v. to report: someone's misdeed to someone
happen in future. in authority.
okurara v. to leave one's home and goes to another okuregaijana v. to be loose and shaky especially at
home, village and stays there for a long time. a point where something is fastened. Empata ku
okurarama v. 1) to look upwards. 2) to contract yaashumurukire edirisa yaaregaijana. When the
meningitis. hinge unfastened, the window became loose and
okuraramba v. to be scattered (of cows) when they shaky.
sense danger. okuregama v. to bend: a position where something
okurarika v. to turn someon'es head upwards. is not straight.
okuraririza v. to go looking for an animal or person okuregarega v. to be loose, be unsecured and likely
by following their footsteps. to fall out.
okuraruuka v. to return home from wondering. okuregyeka1 v. to precariously lean something
okuraruza v. to be naughty: to be arrogant or having against another.
a high opinion of oneself. okuregyeka2 v. See: OKUREEKA.
okurasha v. to pierce using a spear or a gun. okuregyeta v. to be talkative: to pour out idle talk
okurashiirira v. to gush out (especially with a in a noisy manner.
pulsating rythm). okuregyeza v. Usage: Nkole. See: OKUREGEZA.
okurasya v. to kick about (as when one or an animal okurema1 v. to be unruly, not able to be controlled,
is dying). See: OKUSHAMBAGUZA. unmanageable.
okuraza v. to fallow. Okuraza ekishaka nikireetera okurema2 v. to make drums; the way leather strings
kyayeyongyera obugimu. Fallowing of land are pulled and made in making drums.
makes it develop more nutrients. okuremara v. to be physically handicapped, or the
okurebera v. to be too loose; oversize not fitting state of being disabled.
well e.g. a dress. okuremba1 v. to be very ill: being extremely ill, on
okureeba v. 1) to see. 2) to look at something. the death bed.
okureeberana v. to mistake something you have okuremba2 v. to pluck clusters on a banana plant
for something else. when it is still upright or growing.
okureeberwamu adj. to be transparent. okurembeka v. See: OKUHEMBEKA.
okureebuuza v. to be very observant and curious. okurembesereza v. to make a child or baby to
okureebya v. to betray: todisappoint or let down in a stop crying e.g. by singing lullabies.
way that is very irritating. okuremuuka v. to be unpaseted, to lose tension; to
okureega v. to tense up. 2) to tune a musical become slack.
instrument. Reega endingiri yangye. Tune my okuremwa v. to fail to do something.
fiddle. okurenda v. to be slimy or glutinous. See:
okureeguuka v. to become loose: to lose tension, to OKURENDEMUKA.
unstring something. okurendemuka v. to ooze substances that are too
okureeka v. to harvest rain water. thick.
okureereeta v. to dangle. okurendeza v. to become weak and powerless: to
okureereetera v. to turn out troublesome and you experience a state of being less strong.
regret why you participated or did an act. okurenga1 v. to set (of the sun).
okureeta v. 1) to bring or predisposed to. 2) to go okurenga2 v. to weigh out capacity. Renga encuro
and come with something. y'oburo. Measure out the basket of millet.
okureetana v. to emerge: to come especially when okurenganisa v. clasp: to hold something in one
one is not expected. Reeba okwezi kuriyo grip.
nikureetana. See the moon is emerging. okurenguura v. to measure something repeatedly
okureetereza v. to gradually or imperceptibly start by pouring from one container into another
something. especially a liquid.
okureetsa v. to smoke. Taretsa sigara aretsa okurengyerana v. to lose hope.
enyungu. He does not smoke cigarettes he okurengyerera v. to estimate: giving unfounded
smokes a pipe. information, no proof of what one is saying.
okureetwa v. to be brought; to be caused by; to pass Giving information based on suspicion with no
okurundaana v. to gather things together. or oil. 2) to be with a lot starch and appear
okurunga1 v. to make sauce from ghee. delicious especially in cooked potatoes, cassava
okurunga2 v. to decorate and make something look or yams.
good or improve on something. okusaanuura v. to beat up somebody especially by
okurungama v. to crouch ready to do something. slapping.
Yaabanza kurungama arikweteekateekyera okusaarumba v. to walk slowly. Akateera ensibo
okuguruka. He first crouched as he prepared to kandi obwe yaabaire naasaarumba. He stumbled
jump. on a stone yet he was walking slowly.
okurungarunga v. to be lonely and restless. okusaasibwa v. to sympathise: to feel pity and
okurungarunga v. to make or become sweet, sorrow for somebody.
especially in taste or speech, improve on okusaasinga v. to scatter things on the ground that
appearance or perception. Akarungarunga have been broken into very small pieces.
emotoka ye yaabonera yaagiguza ahaiguru. He okusaasira v. to forgive: to show that a you are
made his car appear better and sold it nolonger angry with someone or somehing.
expensively. okusamuza v. to sell something very quickly and
okururumbuka v. to look good in public. often at a very low price. Var: okushamuza.
okurusya v. 1) to make someone lose strength by okusandagira v. to have difficuties in breathing.
doing something tiresome. 2) to become a okuseekyera v. to exaggerate, to go beyond limits.
burden to someone. okuseenuuka v. to underlook others, feeling proud,
okuruta v. to become too ripe and yield no juice knowing or feeling that you are great.
when pressed eg. banana juice. okuseera v. to charge too much money for a
okuruuruuta v. being unsatisfied all the time. product. Amate nibagaseera. Milk is sold at high
okuruuza v. to be lustful. price.
okuruuza v. to wander here and there especially okuseera-aha-muyaga v. to labour for nothing.
looking for food. okuseeta v. to step on something in order to walk
okurwanaho v. to defend something or someone; somewhere. Ente ekamuseeta ekigyere
to give support. arikukama. The cow stepped on his foot when he
okurwanirira v. to defend, give support or fighting was milking.
for someone in trouble. okuseetera v. to sneer at or boast: speaking in a
okurwaririza v. to persevere until something sarcastic way.
becomes the way you want it to be. okuseetereza v. to unconsciously sit badly usually
okurya v. to eat: taking in food through the mouth in girls.
in order to feed the body. okuseetura v. letting the cows go and graze.
okuryabagura v. to abuse: using bad words that Kangyende kuseetura ente zize kurya. Let me
are not dignified. start off the cows and they go to graze.
okurya-ibanga v. to steal the show; to be okuseisa v. to ask for free meat from someone who
respected. has slaughtered.
okuryakwe v. to eat more of sauce than food or okushaabaara v. to be a passenger: to travel.
eating food with no sauce. See: OKUNYAATA. okushaabiira v. its where one gathers firewood in a
Var: okuryakwo. place where it is scarce, trying to make a sum of
okurya-majuuju v. to be wasteful: to eat or use it.
something in a very short time. okushaabuuza v. to make noise by an animal as it
okuryana v. being at loggerheads all the time; a moves. Ku yaagiire kureeba ekirikushaabuuza
state of disliking people. omu rutookye yaashanga eri embuzi. When he
okuryangatanisa v. being cunning: to obtain went to see what was moving and making some
something by dishonest means. noise in the banana plantation, he found it was a
okuryebura v. to cut off something. goat.
okuryoryosa v. to beautify: to improve on the okushaagura v. to produce many children.
appearance of someone or something. Tumwine akashaagura abaana baingi
okusaabunga1 v. to move from or swig slowly baamurema eirebeerera. Tumwine produced
from side to side. Var: okusaabuura. many children and he failed to take care of
okusaabunga2 v. to move here there searching or them.
collecting firewood. Usage: KG. okushaaha v. to slash: to cut down grass using a
okusaanuuka v. 1) to appear pale: lack of moisture sickle. Karakita ekashaaha ekishaahi kyona omu
shaaha emwe. The tractor slashed the whole okushabarika v. to do something very fast
playground in just one hour. without perfecting it.
okushaakiira v. to collect herbs so as to treat okushabika v. to bathe someone using a variety of
people. herbs.
okushaakumba v. to gather and collect things okushagarira v. to escot a bride to her husband to
usually those that are scattered. Omukaikuru be when she is getting married.
naashakumba enku omu kibira. An old woman is okushagika v. to give support: to help or encourage
collecting firewood in the bush. someone in what he or she is doing.
okushaanduka v. to cover food using banana okushahura v. to save or rescue something from a
leaves while its cooking. dangerous situation especially moving things
okushaariira v. to have a bitter taste: the taste of from a burning house. Akooherezibwa
something that is not sweet. Emicungwa mito kushahura mukuru we kuruga omu nju erikusya.
neekira kushaariira. Young lemons are normally He was sent to rescue his brother from a
bitter. burning house.
okushaaringa v. to tie dry banana fibres on the okushaka v. to go and work for food or looking for
hind leg of a cow that has just delivered. Ente ku food from far. Bakagyenda kushaka enjura
baabuzire kugishaaringa yaayanga kukamwa. yaabateera. They went to work for food and it
When they failed to tie the cow that had just rained on them.
given birth with dry banana fibre, it could not be okushakaara v. to to thatch: to cover the roof of a
milked. building. Omushaija ariyo naashakaara enju ye.
okushaaruura v. to harvest crops from gardens The man is thatching his house.
when they are ripe or mature. Okushaaruura okushakamba v. to grow bushy with creeping
oburo n'omurimo gugumire. Harvesting millet is plants covering everything. Bakareka orutookye
a hard task. rwashakamba. They left the banana plantation to
okushaaya v. to be stuck in a muddy place grow bushy.
especially of cars. Enziga zikashaayira omu okushama v. 1) to catch and hold a moving object
byondo. The wheels were stuck in the mud. in your hands. Akagyezaho okushama
okushaayuuka v. to get out of mud. ebishumuuruzo birikuza kugwa. She managed to
Bakamuyamba omu kushaayuura emotoka ye. catch the keys as they fell down. 2) to play by
They helped him to get his car from the mad. throwing up and catching something e.g. stones.
okushaayuura v. to remove the car from mud. Abaana bakahugira aha kushama baasiriiza
okushaazya v. to have surplus, or remainder. ebyokurya. The children were taken on by
okushaba v. 1) to pray: to speak to God especially playing and catching stones and the food got
to give thanks or ask for His intervation. burnt.
Butoosha nitushaba tutakabyamire. We always okushamaara v. to starve.
pray before we sleep. 2) to ask or request for okushamashamika v. to do something quickly
anything. with no perfection.
okushabagarika v. to do something haphazardly; okushamata v. to catch something.
doing something in haste or with no attention. Akamutambikira akacumu yaakashamata. He
Aboojo bakashabagurika ekihongore ky'ente threw a pen to her and she caught it.
kyarahuka kugwa. The boys built the cattle shed okushamba1 v. to kick something with ones foot.
haphazardly and it collapsed immedietly. Gyenda oshambe omupiira ogwe. Go and kick
okushabagiriza v. to do something roughly or in that ball.
hurry. Akashabagiriza omwata gw'omurutookye okushamba2 v. to be tough or rough. Omukazi
gwarahuka kumera. He weeded the banana ogwe ashambire tokaamuzaaniraho. That woman
plantation hurriedly and the weed came again in is too tough, you cannot joke with her.
a short time. okushamba3 v. to be too dry. Ebireere byaguma
okushabagiza v. to make noise. Nyeekiro aheeru byashamba. The banana fibers stayed
mpuriire ekintu kirikushabagiza enyima outside and now they are too dry.
y'ekiyungu. Last night I had something making okushambaguza v. to kick in order to be free.
some kind of noise behind the kitchen. okushambana v. to commit adultery. Omukazi we
okushabarara v. to be jumpy, or restless. akashambana na muramu we yaamubinga. His
Bamutaire kibooko munaana yaashabarara. He wife played sex with her in-law and he divorced
became restless after giving him eight canes. her.
return of goods and services. mood. Omujubi akasheeyeeya aha maizi kumara
okushatuka v. to split like a piece of wood. obwire buraingwa. A fisherman floated on water
okushatura v. to split. for a long time.
okushayaaya v. to fly gracefully, slowly and okushegashega v. to behave like a hen trying to
beautifully. look for where to lay eggs: trying to move up
okusheba v. to give a gift or contribution to and down looking both sides uncomfortably.
someone. Bakamusheba ebintu bingi aha okushegura v. to put a pillow.
bugyenyi bwe. They gave him many gifts on his okushegyeza v. to make constant small and slow
party. movements or speaking in a way that annoys
okushebuka1 v. to germinate, of seeds to emerge people.
from the soil after being planted usually after okusheijera v. to stugger as one walks when he is
about 4-5 days. drunk. Shwenkuru arabire omu ka arikusheijera.
okushebuka2 v. to sprout again. Emiti bakagitema My grandfather passed here stuggering.
kwonka yaashebuka. The trees were cut but they okusheka1 v. to despise: to underlook someone
sprout again. because of their appearance.
okusheega1 v. to beg: asking for money or okusheka2 v. to germinate (for millet).
anything on streets. okusheka3 v. to laugh: to make sounds and facial
okusheega2 v. to be rampant or spreading in movements expressing amusement while the
uncontrollable way. teeth are showing.
okusheeguriza [okusheeguriza] v. to move okushekura v. to hit something with repeated heavy
cattle from one place to another while titherimg blows. Ariyo naashekura oburo bw'abagyenyi.
them in search for pasture. He is pounding millet for vistitors.
okusheeguza v. to solicit money or food especially okushekyera v. to open up a new field for sowing
on streets in a humble way. Okusheeguza millet especially in a wet land.
nikumaramu ekitiinisa. Begging makes someone okushekyerera v. to mock someone a laughing a
lose respect. stock.
okusheeka to be stunted in growth: the act of taking okushekyeza v. to make something filled up to
long to mature or increase in size (mostly in capacity.
animals). Obwana bw'empunu za John okushemba1 v. to be the last. Omwana akashemba
bukasheeka. John's piglets are suffering from omu kiraasi baamuteera. The pupil became the
stunted growth. last in class and he was beaten.
okusheenya1 v. to collect firewood. Bakoohereza okushemba2 [okushemba] v. to dress a wound.
abaana kuza kusheenya. They sent the children Akaza omu irwariro baamushemba ekironda. He
to collect firewood. went to the hospital and they dressed his wound.
okusheenya2 v. to bring a house down. okushemba3 v. to support. See: OKUHAGIRA.
okusheesha1 v. to pour things when the container okushembeera v. to stay at someone's home as a
breaks. slave. Nyina akamutwara kushembeera owaabo.
okusheesha2 v. to come to morning. Akaija He took her to stay at their place.
burikusheesha. He came when it was coming to okushembeka v. to turn in a corner: to make a
morning. curve when moving along a road or footpath.
okusheesha3 v. to develop a rash on skin at once. okushembera v. t go for Holy Communion:
Abaana be boona bakasheesha oruhere ku drinking wine and eating bread in church.
baanaabire amaizi garikufuka. All her children okushembererwa v. to have one's temperature
developed a rash after bathing cold water. rise. Akashembererwa nk'orwaire omushaija.
okusheesha4 v. to urinate: to discharge urine from His temperatues rose like one with fever.
the body. okushembura v. to give moral and financial
okusheesheka v. to drop or pour heavily. support.
okusheeshura v. to be open. Bakamuragira okushembutsya v. help someone to walk slowly.
kusheeshura nkooku baamuhambire. They asked Omugurusi ku yaabaire atakiine geetambuza
her to open up about how she was raped. yaaruhire omwijukuru yaija kumushembutsya
okusheeshuuka v. to pour in large quantities e.g. baataaha. When the old man was already tired
when digging in soft, sandy and uncompacted and could not walk anymore, his grandchild
soils. came and helped him to walk.
okusheeyeeya v. to float on water in a relaxed okushembuura v. to unwrap: to remove
something from the package. Okushembuura have collected firewood from our forest.
ekintu nikikworeka ngu nikisya. To unwrap okushenya2 v. the break up of families.
something shows that it is new. okushenyura v. to bring down a building.
okushemeeka n. a state of breathing with short and okushenzya v. to become pregnant of a dog.
quick breath. Omwana ku yaareebire enjoka okusherebuza v. to make sound like when one is
yairuka arikushemeeka. When the child saw the touching or walking on dry banana leaves.
dog, he started to run while panting. okusheregyenya v. a situation where a substance
okushemera1 v. to look good or nice. looses its weight as a result of heavy rain raining
okushemera2 v. to be pleasant. on that substance consider like raining on a hip
okushemererwa v. to be happy or glad; full of joy. of sand and in the process the sand looses its
okushemeza1 v. to please, to entertain. weight.
okushemeza2 v. to put right: to clean. Ku okushereka v. to conceal: to hide something.
baamukwasire yaaraganisa kushemeza eiziina okusherura v. to search for something. Na hati
rye. When they caught him stealing, he promised naasherura omwana we owaabuzire aine emyaka
to put his name right. etaano. Up to now he is searching for his
okushemeza3 v. to operate on someone. Omukazi daugheter who disappeared when she was five
we akaremwa kutsindika omwana years old.
baamushemza. His wife failed to push a baby okusheshemukwa v. to feel nausead: a feeling one
and she was operated on. gets when you want to vomit.
okushemuuka v. to be literate: to avoid ignorance okusheshemura v. to make someone want to
or be educated. vomit.
okushenda1 v. to divorce: the act of the man okushetsya v. to make someone laugh; to amuse.
sending his wife away. Firimu ei twareebire ekaba neeshetsya. The film
okushenda2 v. to behave with no hospitality when we watched amused us.
someone does not want visitors at home. okushigisha v. to make porridge.
okushendashenda v. to attract. Akamushashurira okushiija v. the act of stimulating a female animal by
fiizi omu ishomero kumushendashenda ngu a male.
amushwere. He paid for her school fees in okushiisha1 v. to waste.
school in order to attract her for marriage. okushiisha2 v. to commit a sin.
okushendekyereza v. to give a push: to see okushinyiriza v. to make a sound in expression of
someone off or to escort someone. something.
okushendekyeza v. See: OKUSHENDEKYEREZA. okushinyooka v. to be sarcastic. Omukazi we
okusheneneka v. to flow gently. naakira kugamba naashinyooka. His wife is
okushenga v. (of dog) to become pregnant. always sarcastic whenever she is talking.
okushengura v. to have a head on collision. okushisha1 v. to look alike: the resemblance of
Omushaija akashengura omutwe aha kisiika. A two things or people. Ogu mwana naashisha
man hit his head on the wall. ishe. This boy resembles his father.
okushengurana v. to experience a head on okushisha2 v. to seem: the way something appears.
collision with one another. Nooshisha ngu enjura neeza kugwa. It seems it
okushengwa v. to stab: to put or cause an injury is going to rain.
on someone by a knife. Omwana akatunga okushisha3 v. to put on weight especially for
okushengwa aha buso. The child received a stab babies.
wound on his forehead. okushishiza v. to shake or shiver as a result of
okushengyerera v. to buy alchol for another coldness or sickness. Omwana wangye arwaire
person. omushwija weena naashishiza. My child is
okushenjagura v. breaking something into very shivering because of malaria.
small pieces. Omwana yaashenjagura egiraasi okushoba1 v. to be mixed up wrongly. Akaba
zangye. The child has broken my glasses into naahandiika ebaruha kwonka ekashoba. He was
small pieces. writing the letter but it was wrong.
okushenshera v. to permeate: to enter into okushoba2 v. (of numbers) to go beyond. Bakaba
something like a hole. Akashensehera omu kaju. nibahika nka makumi ashatu n'okushobamu.
He sneaked in a hut. They were like thirty and above.
okushenya1 v. to collect firewood. Abaana okushobangirirwa v. to the cross roads: to be in
baashenya enku omu kibira kyaitu. Children problems.
okushoberwa v. to be buffled and confused not okushokyerera v. to pile things in one place by
knowing what to do. making sure that there is no space left.
okushoboorokyerwa v. to understand or be okushoma1 v. to read: to look at written material
civilised: to percieve the intended meaning of and comprehend mentally and say words either
words or a language. silently or loudly.
okushoboorora v. to explain thoroughly or put okushoma2 v. to be well educated. Omushaija
things right: to elaborate something to make it akashoma yaahika hare. The man is highly
easy for others to understand. Okushoboorora educated.
ekintu kigumire tikyanguhi. To explain okushoma3 v. to pray: to go to church and praise
something hard is not easy. God.
okushobya v. to make a mistake. Okushobya okushoma4 v. to take a sip: to drink a lot froma cup
n'okwa buri omwe. Making a mistake is normal. or any container. Shomaho kakye. Take a sip.
okushogoita v. an abuse with action where one okushoma5 v. a situation where a mother who has
places his finger on the chick of the one he is just given birth gets hungry when the baby is not
abusing. yet a week old.
okushogonyoka v. (of bornes) to break down into okushomankura v. to be greedy: eating very fast
pieces may be after an accident. Akashogonyoka and most especially when one is eating with
amagufa g'amaguru kyamuremesa okugarukamu others from the same plate.
kutambura. okushomba v. to carry things from one place to
okushogora v. to remove pods from their stem. another, then go back and bring more over and
okushogoya v. to become an adolescent: a time in a over again.
person's life when he or she is developing from okushombooka v. to move slowly.
childhood to adulthood. okushomboora v. to sneak out things secretely.
okushogoya v. to reach a stage where the human okushomeerera v. to drink or take something
hormones becomes active such as change of while eating.
voice. Okushogoya nikutuma omuntu yaagira okushomera1 v. to read or dictate to people as they
amaryo. Adolescence makes a person become write.
big headed. okushomera2 v. to abuse someone.
okushoha1 v. orchitis: inflammation of one or both okushomesa v. 1) to teach : to give someone
of the testicles. knowledge and skills. 2) to lead prayers in
okushoha2 v. to catch fish. Okushoha n'omurimo church.
gw'abajubi. Fishing is a job of fishermen okushomoimora v. to uncover the maize cob with
okushohooroka1 v. to lose some threads or the intention of checking if it is ready for
whatever that makes up something because the harvesting.
edge is torn apart. okushonda v. to contribute, to solicit. Bakashonda
okushohooroka2 v. to sneak out. esente z'okukora obugyenyi bwe. They
okushohoorora v. to pull out threds. contributed money for his party.
Akashohoorora ehuuzi z'omu kiteteeyi kye. She okushondahirirwa v. to grow thin; losing weight.
pulled out the thread from her dress. okushongora v. to sharpen: to make something
okushohora v. to go out; to exit: to move from an sharp using a knife or razor.
enclosed place to the outside environment. okushongyera v. to merge together or to bring
okushohoza1 v. to take out: an act of taking together.
something kept inside a house or any other thing okushongyeza v. to add information for someone
outside. as he or she speaks.
okushohoza2 v. to spend money on something. okushonkonoka v. the situation in which
Yaashoza esente nyingi aha myenda egyo. He something looses its inner part like a snail
has spent much money on those clothes. loosing its inner part and the other part remains.
okushokondwa v. (in a maize garden) to be eaten okushononoka v. oozing: the slow movement of
by pests. water droplet.
okushokoora v. See: OKUSOKOORA. okushonshoma v. eating vigorously.: to eat with
okushokoza1 v. to comb hair: to clean hair using a greed.
long brush. See: OKUSHUNSHURA. okushonshoreka v. to insert: to fix something in
okushokoza2 v. (of nails) to leave nails to over a small place, pressing it hard.
grow. okushooba v. to stalk: a way of walking , usually
something is being done. Abantu baingi bakaija okushutamirira v. to keep an eye when work is
kushungyeera omukazi na iba obu baabaire being done.
nibarwana. When the couple was fighting many okushutuka v. to grow fat in a short time.
people came to watch. okushuubura1 v. to trade or carry out bussiness.
okushungyeerwa v. to be happy with what you okushuubura2 v. to remove the peelings.
are doing yet its wrong and other people are not okushuubya v. to put the calf in or under or teats
happy. to breastfeed the second time so that you can
okushungyera v. (of many people) to thresh millet milk the second time or get more milk.
so as to remove grains from husks. okushuuga v. to be strong and lesilient; able to
okushungyeza v. to make fun to someone in a withstand great strain without fearing or
disturbing manner. breaking. Var: okusheega.
okushunika v. to set, to let go: the act of letting okushuuhuuka v. to go to another place as a
something or somebody go for a cause. result of war, famine, etc.
okushunira v. to prune: to remove diseased, un okushuuka v. to get healed from sickness.
wanted excess and weak branches from a plant. okushuukuura [okushuukuura] v. See:
okushunshura v. to make hair tidy using a comb. OKUSHUURUURA.
Okushunshura kwe nikimuheisa ekitiinwa. Her okushuuma v. to move down the slope, stairs, a
way of combing her hair earns her respect. valley, mountain or any other steep area.
okushuntashunta v. to convince: to talk using a okushuumya v. to lift down something from up
sweet tongoue. taking it down. It can be from upstains or
okushuntura v. to let someone joke notoriously downstairs.
sticking on what one has said or about another okushuura v. to check on someone or visit the sick
person or done to another person. See: or examine the trap.
OKUSHUNGA. okushuuriza v. to peep: to see through a small
okushununuka v. to abandon somebody when aperture or from behind something.
they are in difficult situation. okushuuruura v. to uncover: the act of exposing
okushurika1 v. to use an open frame work or something or somebody by removing the cover.
lattice to train venes and climbing plants. okushuuruurirwa v. to reveal: to get a vison of
okushurika2 v. to cain using a very long, soft and what is going to happen.
curved stick. okushuusha1 v. to slash: to cut with violent
okushuruguturura v. to make a hole or cavity by sweeping strokes most especially done on short
scooping. grass or fence.
okushurungura v. to turn upside down such that okushuusha2 v. to eat noisly especially when
the top things go down and the bottom things taking tasty soup.
come on top. okushuushuura v. to remove the outer cover or
okushusha v. to resemble: two people or things to coat of something or bark for the case of trees.
look alike. okushuutsya1 v. to call on someone or to make a
okushushana v. to look alike. brief visit to someone especially a neighbour.
okushushanisa v. to compare: to consider how okushuutsya2 v. to move to a place where there is
things or people are different and how they are food.
similar. okushuya v. to develop mumps and cause
okushushuura v. to remove the bark of a tree or swellings a long the cheeks.
any other thing. okushuyuura v. treating the mumps.
okushushwa v. to get goose pimples: the feeling okushwaga v. to protect something that one has
one is scared or cold; the body gets covered with excessive desire for with some characteristics of
rush that disappears after a short time. greed.
okushusya v. to pay a visit to the sick. okushwamirira v. (ofa group of people) to look at
okushutama1 v. to rest with the body supported something.
upon buttocks and the torso upright. okushwara v. to be a shamed.
okushutama2 v. to leave or stop doing what you okushwashuma v. to be untrust worthy and
have been doing. corrupt.
okushutamira v. to fail to fulfil the duties or okushwaza v. to bring shame upon someone.
responsibilities one is entitled to do in a okushweka v. to cover: to place something upon in
particular time or specific period. front of or over so as to protect, shut in or
bagyenzi be abu arikugyenda nabo. He became okusimba2 v. to nominate someone who should be
spoilt because of peer friends. given responsibility.
okusiisimuka v. to wake up from sleep. Akaza okusimba-eicumu v. to refuse to do something.
kusiisimuka yaashanga baagyenzire. By the time okusimbarara v. to stand stiff. Naamushanga
he woke up they had already gone. asimbaraire aha rubaju rw'omuhanda. I found
okusiisirira v. to massage: to anually manipulate him standing stiff on the road side.
(someone's body), usually for medicinal or okusimbikiriza v. to stand on one's toes. Abaana
relaxation purposes. bakahayana okusimbikiriza eshaaha yoona. The
okusiita v. to crush: the act of pressing something so children competed to stand on their toes for the
that it gets damaged or injured. whole hour. See: OKUTUMBIKIRIZA.
okusiitira v. to crush using hands or feet. okusimbiriza v. to stand on the toes.
okusika1 v. to pull: to use force to move okusimbiza v. to carry the baby on the back and
somebody/something towards yourself. keep making it firm on the back.
okusika2 v. to inherit: to obtain from someone after okusimbuka v. to start moving or walking.
their death. Emotoka yaasimbura omu kasheeshe. The car
okusikamba v. the act being hesitant or reluctant. started moving in the morning.
okusikambura v. to take forcefully. okusimbura v. to set of for the journey.
okusikamiriza v. to kneel. Bakasimbura omu kyaro shaaha ikumi n'emwe
okusikana v. to be squashed or pressed together. ez'akasheeshe. They set off for the journey at
okusikankura v. to pull something violently. 5.00pm.
okusikasikana v. to fight for something. okusimbuza v. to lift the foot.
okusikimba v. to make slow movements usually by okusimiza1 v. to reveal a secret to a person for the
the bride and the groom. first time before it is known to others.
okusikina v. to suffer from a hiccup. Omwana ogu okusimiza2 v. to signal by winking to deliver a
araire naasikina ekiro kyona. This child had a message.
hiccup the whole night. okusimwasimwa v. to be eager and impatient to
okusikira1 v. to represent someone when he or she do something. Akasimwasimwa kugamba
is absent. Akasikira ishe aha bugyenyi. He omuntu owatwaire sente. He was eager to name
represented his father at the party. someone who took the money.
okusikira2 v. to inherit. Ishe ku yaafiire omutabani okusina v. to control running stool. Bamuhaire
omukuru yaamusikira. When his father died his emibazi y'okusina okwirukana. They gave him
eldest son inherited him. medicine to control running stool.
okusikirira v. to bring ill luck. okusinama v. to become hard, stale and dry as a
okusikiriza v. to entice or persuade someone to do result of being exposed to the sun for a long
something especially by offering a reward. time. Ku orikureka ebitookye bihaasire aha
Akataho sente yasikiriza abazaani kuzaana mushana nibisinama. When you leave pealed
kurungi. He pledged money to entice players to bananas in the sun, they become hard stale and
play well. dry.
okusikondwa v. to breathe spasmodically, and okusinda1 v. to get drunk after taking a lot of
make a sound when you have to hiccup. alcohol. Akanywa amaarwa maingi yaasinda. He
okusikoora v. to curse worse things. drunk a lot of alcohol and he became drunk.
okusikora1 v. to beg persistently. okusinda2 v. to use euphemistic words in particular
okusikora2 v. to be abusive. situations, for example the woman does not
okusikura v. to grab something from someone mention the name of the father-in-law because it
suddenly. Akamusikura ekitabo omu ngaro. He is a taboo, instead he uses another expression.
grabed the book from his hands. okusindagana v. to groan out of pain. Araire
okusimaatuka v. to slide off. Ekikopo naasindagana ahabw'okuteerwa omutwe. He was
kyansimaatuka omu ngaro. The cup slid off from groaning the whole night because of headache.
my hands. okusindagira v. to breathe very fast especially
okusimantura v. to be smart. Akeesimantura when one is sick.
arikuza kushoma omu kanisa. She dressed okusindama1 v. to fall on something. Omuti
smartly as she was going for the church service. gwasindamira enju. The tree has fallen on the
okusimba1 v. to put or set (seeds, seedlings, or house.
plants) into the ground. okusindama2 v. to make someone or something to
fall in a deep pit. Emotoka ekasindama omu okusinsiina v. to talk in such a way that you do not
kiina kiraingwa. The car fell into a deep pit. reveal the truth.
okusindiira v. to beat up somebody especially if okusinsimuka1 v. to move down a slope.
the one beaten cannot fight back. okusinsimuka2 v. to wake up.
okusindika v. to push: the act of applying force okusinura v. to sit indecently.
in order to move something away. okusinyongora v. to remove part of the husks of
Akamusindika yaagwa omu maizi. She pushed the maize in order to see whether its mature.
him into water. okusinziira v. to perform a ritual in the banana
okusindikiriza v. to push forward. plantation of the deceased a few days after the
okusindira v. to protect from mass wasting funeral.
especially when digging or protecting from okusinzikara v. to get into deep sleep by a child.
falling by putting supporters especially of grass okusiraamura v. to circumcise: to remove the
on the sides of that particular thing. foreskin of the penis. Omwana
okusindirira v. to bring ill luck. bakamusiraamura ishe atarikumanya. The boy
okusinduuka v. to normalise from drunkardness was circumcised without his father's knowledge.
state. okusiraara1 v. to make food lose taste because of
okusinduza v. to put a child to sleep. getting it from the garden and keeping it for long
okusinga1 v. be the winner in a contest or before it is prepared.
competition; be victorious. okusiraara2 v. to feel hungry. Tinkarire nahurira
okusinga2 v. to rub hands or put something on a nasiraara. I haven't eaten I feel hungry.
surface. Akasinga engaro ze kutunga obutagasi. okusiragira v. to become restless or unconfortable
He rubbed his hands in order to get warmth. because of too much thirst.
okusinga3 v. to bet: to stake on the outcome of an okusirasiza v. to be stopped from releasing secrets.
issue. Akasinga emitwaro ikumi ngu Uganda okusiribirira v. to smoothen something like floor
neeza kusinga Rwanda omu kweshongora. He after smearing it.
betted one hundred thousand shillings that okusiributuka v. to run very quickly.
Uganda will win Rwanda in the singing Akasiributuka aha bashuma, yaabakwatira omu
competetion. miti. She ran quickly after the thieves and found
okusingata v. to rub sticks together to light fire them in the tree plantation.
(done during the stone age period). Abaakare okusiribya v. to undertake hot pursuit of an enemy.
vnibo baabaire basingata omuriro. See: okusiriira v. to burn the food while cooking.
OKUSINGA 2. okusiriitana v. to wrestle.
okusingiisira v. to stand on toes. Akasingiisira okusiriiza v. to burn something especially food
yaaranzya obuseeri. He stood on the toes and when it is being prepared. Reka kusiriiza
viewed over. esafuriya. Stop burning the saucepan.
okusingirira v. See: OKUSIITIRIRA. okusirika v. to keep quiet. Akasirika baagira ngu
okusingisiriza v. to favour someone in an tarikubimanya. He kep quiet and they though
arguement. that he did nmot know.
okusingiza v. to praise: to worship God with words okusirikirira v. to reach the last point. Naashanga
and music. akatadooba nikasirikirira. I found the candle
okusingoorera v. to sweep: to clean the floor by burning to its last point.
removing dust using a broom. Akasingoorera okusirikiriza v. to gaze at a distance.
embuga omu kasheeshe. She swept the okusirimuka v. to move downwards.
courtyard in morning. okusirimura v. to take something down the slope.
okusingura v. to win victory or overcome. Eihe okusirisya v. 1) to make someone keep quiet
ry'ihanga rikasingura orugamba. The especially a baby. Omwana baagyezaho
governement troops won the battle. kumusirisya yaagumizamu naarira. They tried to
okusingwa v. to be deafeated or lose victory. make the baby keep quite but it continued
Akasingwa omu mpaka z'okwiruka. He was crying. 2) to put someone to sleep by a doctor
defeated in the athletics competetion. during an operation or surgery.
okusingyera v. to crush hard with feet and press okusisa v. to try and get some information from
hard to remove husks. someone when he or she is in deep sleep. Abaire
okusinika v. to curl the upper lip and expose the abyami baamusisa barikumubuuza omuntu ou
teeth in contempt. arikukunda. As she was asleep they asked her
hurriedly in doing something as a group. okutaasya4 v. to take things into the house.
okutaagataagira1 v. to ask for help or request for okutaasya-amahasha v. to perform rituals when
something from different people. twins are born and are taken to their
okutaagataagira2 v. to work in more than one grandparents for the first time.
place. okutaataana v. to scatter.
okutaagiira v. See: OKUTAAGATAAGA. okutaayaaya v. to visit.
okutaagisa v. to force someone to confess using okutaazya v. to sharpen: to make sharp or sharpen
underhard or harsh methods. especially concerning tools. See: OKUSYAZA.
okutaagiza v. to move with one's legs spread either okutaba v. to cover something in the soil.
naturally or due to some disorder. Others it is okutabaara v. to go to war.
out of fun. Var: okutaagaija. okutabaaruka v. to return from the capital or
okutaaguka v. to get torn. return safely.
okutaagura v. to tear. okutabaaza1 v. to sue: to report a case.
okutaagurikana v. to disperse and move in okutabaaza2 v. to bury a king in Ankole.
different directions. okutabaaza3 v. to make something happen
okutaagurira v. the act of dancing unique to negatively especially by causing war.
Banyankore and Bakiga of south western okutabagura v. to disorganise.
Uganda. okutabaguza v. to hurry.
okutaaguuka v. to get a big open injury on the okutabakara v. to get spoilt.
surface of the body. okutabama v. (of ditches) to get refilled. Ebiina
okutaaguza v. to be in an awkward situation. byona bikatabama. All the ditches were refilled
okutaaha1 v. to go home. by soil.
okutaaha2 v. to go deep. okutabana v. to scramble for something.
okutaahira v. to enter into something. okutabanga v. to make something dirty using
okutaahirana v. to enter one another's home. hands.
okutaahirira v. to invade: to enter a place in order okutabangura v. to make water dirty.
to attack or occupy it. okutabika1 v. to bury in the earth. Omuntu ku
okutaahiriza v. to backbite someone and make arikufa bamutabika omu itaka. When a person
him or her ashamed. dies, they burry him/her in soil.
okutaahiriza v. to injure oneself when cutting okutabika2 v. to mix: to put two or more elements
nails and blood comes. to make one substance.
okutaajuura v. to make the house very clean. okutabira v. to dig deep or to plant potatoes.
okutaakurura1 v. to remove beads from where okutabuka1 v. to be mad temporarily. Akagwa omu
they have been decorated. butandu yaatabuka kumwara omwaka. She got
okutaakurura2 v. to look for something deep in a an accident and she was temprarily mad for as
heap of things or digging out something deep in year.
the soil. okutabuka2 v. to get annoyed and threaten
okutaamuura v. to dig a field and it gets finished violence.
in a short time especially when people are many. okutabura1 v. to heat a liquid and it reaches a point
okutaana v. to separate in a relationship especially when it forms bubbles and turns to steam.
marriage. okutabura2 v. to disturb: to interrupt someone and
okutaanuuka v. See: OKUTAANA. stop them from continuing from what they were
okutaanyangwa v. to suffer from too much pain. doing.
okutaara v. See: BUTANDU. okutabura3 v. to mix: to stir in any liquid so as it
okutaaruuka v. to return home after some period can mix well with the thick matter or dregs that
of time. is on the bottom of the container.
okutaashura v. to pay money to somebody for okutabuura v. to remove something or somebody
regular work especially to the witchdoctor. from the soil which has been covered there.
okutaasya1 v. to marry: to become a husband of okutagaija v. to stagger: to walk with weak
someone. unsteadly steps as if you are about to fall.
okutaasya2 v. to die: an idiomatic way of refering okutaganjura1 v. to have many commitments at
to the death of a king in Ankole. the same time.
okutaasya3 v. to bring cows home from the okutaganjura2 v. to spread wide: to extend the
grazing fields. surface or width of something by unfolding or
unrolling it; cover something by doing this. animal heal after an illness.
okutagara v. to widen: to expand the space of okutamba2 v. to offer sacrifice.
occupancy. The woman has covered a big space okutamba3 v. to help: to give assistance at a time
in the chair. when it is needed.
okutagarana v. to be in a fixed condition with a lot okutambaara v. to nag: to keep complaining about
of things to do. See: OKUTAGANJURA. somebody's behaviour.
okutagasa v. to make something gain a fairly high okutambaarira v. to interfere: to get involved in
temperature in a way that is pleasant rather than and try to influence a situation that does not
being hot or cold. Var: okutagatsa. concern you in a way that annoys others. See:
okutagata v. to be warm: a conditionwhen OKUTAMBA-IKONO.
something is in a condition that is neither hot or okutamba-ikono v. to interfere. See:
okutagatira-akakumu phr. water which has less okutambara v. to abuse without cause.
warmth. okutambika v. to throw: to send something from
okutagatsa v. See: OKUTAGASA. your hands through the air to another location.
okutagika v. to tell sorrowful stories to everyone. okutambura v. 1) to walk: to move along at a
okutaha1 v. to fetch: to collect water from the well. slow or moderate pace by lifting up and putting
okutaha2 v. to get local brew from a boat where it down each foot in turn. 2) to march: to move or
had been put to enable it ferment. walk with stiff regular steps in a uniform
okutahaanura v. to reduce on the water that is manner.
going to be used for making millet bread after it okutamburura v. to bewitch someone using
has boiled. fettishes.
okutahirana v. to be free to each other in family okutambuuka v. to stretch somebody's legs to
matters by allowin free flow of information. cross something.
okutahiranisa v. an activity that takes place when okutamika1 v. to start grinding millet.
you marry from our family and I also marry okutamika2 to put something e.g food in one's
from your family. mouth.
okutaishuka v. to divert and go astray or move okutamira v. See: OKURYA.
from a stationery place. okutamu v. to put in: an action that involves putting
okutaka v. to yell: to give a loud sharp cry as a something into another.
result of pain and cry for mercy. okutamura v. to deny someone of something when
okutakiirirwa v. to be very thirsty. See: it is clear that he or she is about to get it.
OKWAKIIRIRWA. okutana1 v. to escalate: to become greater, worse or
okutakuka v. to move up and down chasing for more serious.
something. okutana2 v. to separate: the action or state of
okutakura v. to scratch: to rub the skin with the moving or being moved a part.
nails usually because of itching. See: okutanaka v. to vomit: to bring food from the
OKWAGURA. stomach back through the mouth.
okutama v. to get disgusted: to fill ill or sick for okutanana v. to be in worst state especially when
somebody or something because of being somebody is very sick.
unpleasant to you. okutanasya v. to induce someone to vomit. See:
okutamaara v. to walk aimlessly due to OKUTANAKA.
something that has happened and shocked you. okutandaara v. to make something horizontal.
okutamaga v. to write without aim. Omwana okutandama1 v. to sit badly especially of a woman.
akatamaga ekitabo kyangye yaakishiisha. A okutandama2 v. to talk ill of a person. Akashanga
child wrote aimlessly in my book and wasted it. bamutandamiho. She found them talking ill
okutamaguza v. to stammer: to speak with about her.
difficulty, repeating sounds or words and often okutanduka v. to loose threads from the cloth.
stopping before saying things correctly. See: okutanga1 v. to prevent or keep from happening as
OKUHEBEBERA. by some prior action.
okutamatama v. to divert from what is being okutanga2 v. to be the first one to finish what is
talked about under certain circumstances e.g. being done.
after seeing someone. okutanga3 v. to pay a fine.
okutamba1 v. to cure: to make a person or an okutangisa v. to fine: to make somebody pay
okuteererera v. to hit: to strike against forcefully okutegyereza v. to wait: to stay in one place until
or crush into something. the person with authority comes.
okuteerwa v. (of bananas) to ripen: to begin to be okuteisa1 v. to negotiate and come to consesus.
soft and ready to be squeezed. okuteisa2 v. to miss target: hit off target. Omuhiigi
okuteerwa-aha-nte v. to initiate boys (sometimes) yaateisa enyamaishwa eicumu. The hunter did
girls at the age of four months before he/she is not target the animal.
made to sit on a cow with a bow, arrow and okuteisa3 v. to tell someone to reform. Omushomesa
rope. akateisa omwegi. The teacher told the student to
okuteerwa-amahungu v. to be very sorrowful, reform.
sad, mournful because of actions involving okutema1 n. to cut: the act of penetrating or
disaster or death. opening open with a sharp edge. Bakamuragira
okuteetuka v. to crack a joke. See: okutema omuti yaayanga. They ordered him to
OKUTEERA-OBUYAGA. cut the tree and he refused.
okuteeza1 v. to use something to beat or hit okutema2 v. to slash: cut with sweeping strokes; as
something. John bakamuteeza omunyaafu with an axe or machete. Omupakasi yaaba
muraingwa. John was beaten using a long stick. naatema omu mbuga. The servant has been
okuteeza2 v. to respond: sound or noise made in a slashing the compound
place or from something or someone in answer okutemba1 v. to climb up towards the top of
to a touch, call etc. Omushaija yaateeza kodi something.
owa muriranwa kwonka haabura owaateeza. A okutemba2 v. (for kings) to sleep. Omugabe
man knocked at the neighbours door but no one atembera ahu yaayendera. The king sleeps
has responded. whenever he wants to.
okuteezamu v. to multiply: to add a number to itself okutembaitura v. to pick or lift something so
many times. quickly.
okutega okutu v. to listen. okutembeeka v. to track or go after somebody or
okutega1 v. to set a trap; to trick an animal to enter a something (usually) with intent to catch. John
trap where it cannot come out. Omushaija yaatembeeka omukazi we ebigyere barikuza
akatega embeba yagikwata. The man traped the omu kikomera. John followed his wife
rat and got it. immediatley she left for the market.
okutega2 v. to shave: the act of removing hair on the okutembekyerana v. to pile things on top of the
body using a sharp instrument. other.
okutegama v. to be curved: something that is not okutemburuka v. to come down from where one
straight. had climbed. Akatemburuka omu muti gu
okutegana v. to make sure that something is done or yaabaire atembire. He came down from the tree
fulfilled. he had climbed.
okuteganguza v. See: OKWANZIRIRA. okutembuura v. to till a new place that had not
okuteganisa v. to disturb someone when he is doing been tilled before.
something. okutemura v. to ambush a person and murder him
okuteganya v. to go into someone's way. or her.
okutegatega v. the act of someone who does things okutemuurura v. to slush or weed: the action of
but lacks confidence. removing weeds from the garden or compound.
okutegura v. to organize a ceremonius feast, event okutenda1 v. to become loose, untighten or
at the bridegroom's home. unstraightened.
okuteguura1 n. 1) to clear away food eating okutenda2 v. to commend: to approve someone or
utensils after eating. 2) to organise and clear a something as being suitable for a particular
place. purpose.
okuteguura2 v. a germination stage in the growth okutendegyeza v. to sit comfortably and
of beans. reluctantly.
okutegyeka v. 1) to bring into conformity with okutendeka v. to train: giving teaching and practice
rules or principles or usage; impose regulations. to somebody or something in order to bring it to
2) to direct or strongly influence the behaviour the desired standard of behaviour, efficiency or
of. 2) to exercise authority over; as of nations. physical condition.
okutegyera v. to provide support to something okutendereza v. to praise: to worship God with
such that it does not fall down. words or music. Etym: [<Luganda.
okutiganda v. to cut wood for building houses or okutimbya v. to dig out: bring out something that
making fences. is hidden or that has been stored for a long time.
okutigatiga v. to influence somebody especially okutimwatimwa v. to hesitate: to be slow to speak
unfairly so that they have a bias. or act because one feels uncertain or unwillingp;
okutigiriza v. to be undecided on what to do. to pause in doubt.
okutigita v. to shake: to move or make okutimwimwa v. to be undecided: not yet certain
somebody/something mover with short quick on choosing between the available alternatives.
movements from side to side or up and down. okutinda1 n. to make a bridge.
okutiha v. to go bad especially of porridge or juice. okutinda2 n. to lay a bed in preparation for
okutiigiiga v. to be reluctant in doing something. someone who is sleeping in it.
okutiiha1 v. to shovel: to move and lift soil, sand or okutindika v. to keep something for sometime
stones with a spade. before drying it.
okutiiha2 v. a situation where more than one crested okutinduura ] v. to remove beddings from a bed.
cranes make a certain noise especially while okutinga n. to sodomise: to have sex with a person
playing. of the same sex.
okutiika1 v. to force or stick something or someone okutingiriza v. (of animals) to be on heat.
on someone. okutintina v. to shrink with fear when you are in
okutiika2 v. force something into some onr. reka bed. Nkaroota shwenkuru owaafiire, naatintina. I
kutiika omwana emere naza kugitanaka. stop dreamt of my latr grandfather and shrunk with
giving the baby too much food he will vomit it. fear.
okutiikuura v. to secretly search into someone's okutinzya v. to delay something especially what
property for personal reason. does not belong to you.
okutiina adj. to be afraid: a feeling of fear or okutiriga v. to smear: to spread an oily or sticky
anxiety. substance e.g. point, on something or somebody
okutiiruura v. to return what has been borrowed. in a rough or careless way.
Nshangire naatiiruura emyenda ei yaabaire okutirima adj. frisky: playful and full of energy.
atiirize. I found him returning clothes he had okutirimba v. to make a stampede as in wild
borrowed. headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or
okutiitiiba v. to insist on one's opinion. cattle).
Bakamuragaanisa kumushashura eizooba erindi okutirimbura v. to force someone to go out of a
we yaatiitiiba ngu bamushashure. He insisted on home or house.
being paid there and then though he was okutirimuka v. See: OKUTIRIMA.
promised another day. okutirimura v. See: OKUTIRIMA.
okutiitiira v. 1) to be nervous or frigtened. 2) to okutiringuza v. fidget: to move restlessly in away
lack self confidence; having too much lack of that annoys other people.
self esteem. okutiritiza v. to run at a high speed.
okutiiza v. to borrow or lend out something. okutitira v. to feel cold and shaky because of fear,
okutikura v. to offroad: to remove something from coldness or illness.
a vehicle or shop after they have been okutoba v. to mix: to combine or put together to
transported by it. form one substance.
okutimba1 v. to dig up. In geology, the scientific okutobeka v. See: OKUTOBERA.
study of the earth, including the origin and okutobera v. to sink: go down below the surface of
history of the rocks, soil of which it is something especially of a liquid.
composed. okutoboka v. to give in or to succumb to something
okutimba2 v. to dig up holes. after a long time.
okutimbikirana v. to pile on; to put things on top okutobora v. to break virginity during the first
of one another. sexual encounter.
okutimbira v. to get out of the house or in a okutobya v. to make wet.
position very quickly. okutoga v. to sample: to take part of a bigger thing
okutimbiriza v. to be keen at looking for a mistake to examine it in order to see what the rest like.
in someone. okutogonyora v. to smash something and make it
okutimbuuka See: OKUTIMBUURA. look nusty and nauseating.
okutimbuura v. to stab: to push a knife or pointed okutogota v. to boil something in water until it
object into something/somebody. steams and forms bubbles.
okutwarirana v. to become pregnant while you or any container full of water such that when
are still breastfeeding. one carries it, water should not be poured on him
okutwaririra v. See: OKUTWARIRANA. or her.
okutwaririza v. to try: the ability to attempt an okuvindika v to strike somebody so as to take
activity or get something. something not of his/her choice and against
okutwarwa v. to die: to stop living or existing. See: his/her will unknowingly.
OKUFA. okuvinvirika v. to put or fix something into
okutwarwa, okutwarira, okutwaza another.
okutwaza v. to behave: to do things in a particular okuvuga v. 1) to drive: to control a vehicle to go
way. Akazaara abaana nibatwaza gye. She where you want. 2) to ride: to sit on something,
produced kids who are well behaved. like a horse, bicycle, ontrol it and go where you
okutweka1 v. to impregnant: to make a woman want.
pregnant. Atwekire abaishiki yaabamara aha okuvuguza v. to disturb someone or something.
kyaro. He has impregnanted all girls in the okuvumba v. to beg for alcohol.
village. okuvunuura1 v. to dilute something concentrated.
okutweka2 v. to send: to make someone or okuvunuura2 v. to translate or interprete: to change
something go to another place. spoken or written language from one langauge
okutwekyera v. to fix: to make a for farm to another.
equipment like a hoe get fixed in its pestle. okuvurika v. to sting: to hurt by sticking a sharp
okutwekyerera v. to cover: to put something on part of your body into a skin.
top of another in order to protect or hide it. okuvuruga1 v. to stir: to mix a substance by moving
okutwera v. to contribute: to give money, goods, it around using a spoon or a stick.
or time and effort in order to achieve something. okuvuruga2 v. to disorganise: to make what had
Var: okutwereera. been organised into disarray and confusion. See:
okutwisa v. to ask for contribution: to request OKUVUYANGA, OKUVUGUZA.
someone to contribute towards a function. okuvurunganya v. to shake up things that are in
okutyaba v. an act by chicks to produce a certain liquid form. e.g. porridge, alcohol etc.
sound. okuvuyanga v. to disorganise things. See:
okutyabura v. (of sticks) to break suddenly with a OKUVURUGA2.
cracking sound. okuyaabuuka v. to get finished; to go suddenly.
okutyankana v. satelite: to have a body of a planet okuyaabuura1 v. to bewitch crops using fetishes.
meet one another. A moon that appear okuyaabuura2 v. to do something so that the
continuosly or one after the other during rain, person is not bewitched. onthe introdution of my
before or after. Enjura yanyobwebazyo ebairemu sister aunt was moving her behind so that she is
okutyankana kw'emirabyo mingi. Yesterday's not bewitched.
rain had a lot of satelites. okuyaaga1 v. to backbite: to make unpleasant
okutyaza v. to sharpen: to make something sharp comments and criticism about someone who is
e.g. a knife, hoe, panga etc. Var: not there.
okusyaza(KG). okuyaaga2 v. to confort someone in times of
okutyoka v. to stealthly go: to move away quickly bereavement by visiting him/ her.
and without notice. Var: okusyoka(KG). okuyaayaana v. to wander: to move from one place
okutyongooza v. to laugh loudly and in a nauty to another without any purpose or aim to
way. achieve.
okutyotyoza v. to twitter: o utter a succession of okuyaayuuka1 v. to get blown off by wind.
light chiping or tremulous sound especially of okuyaayuuka2 v. to be a hooligan.
birds. okuyabaitukana v. to be easy for every-oneand
okuveenyuuka v. to cry for no reason especially outgoing.
children. Var: okujeenyuuka. okuyaga v. to melt: changing of a solid substance
okuviigiira v. to scream: to utter a long, loud, into liquid.
piercing cry as of pain or fright. okuyagaara v. to work or behave in a disordery
okuviigiiza v. to fill to capacity. way.
okuviika v. to pierce: to make a hole into something okuyangayanga1 v. to become morning. Ku
using a sharp object. bwabaire nibuyangayanga ekiho kyashweka
okuvindiika v. to place a banana leaf in a source pan ekyaro kyona. When it was coming to morning,
okwegama v. 1) to take shelter from rain. 2) to lean agatware aheeru. He has gone to carry a pot of
on. Yaayemerera munonga yaasharamu water from the house to the outside.
kwegama aha kisiika. He stood for a very long okweguruka v. 1) to skip oneself. Naayeguruka
time and he decided to lean on the wall. emirundi ebiri obu naagaba sente. I skipped
okwegamba v. to report oneself. Byaruhanga myself twice when I was distributing money.
yaatema omurumuna omukono ku yaamara 2) to deny something that you have knowledge
yaaza aha poriisi kwegamba. Byaruhanga cut about.
his brother's hand off and after that he went to okwegurusya v. to defy the order given to do
police to report himself. things.
okwegamba-orubango phr. to be the first to okweguya v. to have a feeling that there is
spear something. Ku naareeba yankiza amaani something you can benefit from someone.
naamwegambira-orubango. When he okweguza1 v. to borrow something that does not
over-powered me, I speared him. belong to you and return it after use. Esente
okwegambisa v. to speak so many words about a ez'okweguza n'emitwaro ikumi zonka. The
subject matter. money to be borrowed is one hundred thousand
okweganda v. to be lazy and fail to do an assigned shillings only.
task. okweguza2 v. to engage in commercial production.
okweganya v. See: OKWEGANDA. okwegyakagyaka v. to claim or assume a class or
okwegaranjura v. the arrival of someone for level or grade or status higher than his own.
example a visitor. Abagyenyi abu tusiibire okwegyega v. to walk along the bank of a river.
tutegyereize baayegaranjura omu rubuga. The Akeegyega aha rubaju rw'enyanja yaagwamu.
visitors we have been waiting for have arrived in He walked a long the bank of the river and
the courtyard. drowned.
okwegaratsa v. to stand idle or linger aimlessly. okwegyeka v. to lean something against the wall.
Akeegaratsa omu kyaro kumara esaabiiti emwe. okwegyema v. to force oneself and do what he
He loitered in the village for one week. cannot manage.
okwegarika v. to lie oneself down facing up. okwegyemurira v. to put your life at a rik.
okwegarukamu v. to repent and do what is right. okwegyendesereza v. to be cautious: the act of
okwegaruriza v. to regain control over something. being very careful in what you are doing.
Omukaikuru ku yaafiire, Mwangi yaayegaruriza okwegyereka v. to arrange a position or take
eitaka ahabwokuba niwe yaamurwaize. When someone place.
the old woman died, Mwangi regained conrol okwegyerera v. to make oneself what s/he is not.
over her land just because he met the medical okwegyeza v. to make an effort to do something.
bills. okwehaga v. to breath forcefully and make the
okwegiriza v. the act of making somebody else do stomach bigger.
something that you should have done. okwehaganyura v. to remove small particles of
okwegoberera v. to delay in doing something. food for example meat from the teeth.
okwegomba v. to desire: to wish to have something. okwehakana v. to deny or refuse to admit that you
Omwana wangye naakira okwegomba enyama are responsible for a certain action.
yaamara ameezi eshatu atagiriire. My child okwehakuura v. See: OKWEHAGANYURA.
usually desires to eat meat when he spends three okwehamba-itama v. to hold one's cheek as if
months without eating it. See: OKUGOMBA. you have lost your dear one.
okwegombeza v. to favour oneself. okwehambira v. to take away something that does
okwegonooza [okwegonooza] v. See: not belong to you without permission.
OKUGONOOZA. okwehamiiriza v. to make oneself firm when the
okweguka v. to avoid somebody or something. conditions are no favourable.
okwegumya v. to endure a condition. Mwesasira okwehanangiriza v. to make an urgent, serious
akegumya obu baabaire nibamukuura eriino. and heartfelt request.
Mwesasira took courage when they were okwehanda v. to try to do something that one
extracting his tooth. cannot manage.
okwegunga v. to adamantly deny sex to the spouse. okwehandiika v. to register oneself.
See: OKUGUNGA. Naayehandiika aha rukarra rw'abantu abaaba
okwegura v. to carry something on the head. Yaaza nibaza omu rukiiko. I have registered myself on
kwegura enyungu y'amaizi kugaiha omu nju ngu the list of the people who were going for the
okwekundira v. to do something out of free will. okwemaaringa v. to dance about: to make a series
okwekundisiriza v. to be farmiliar to somebody of movements and steps after someone has got
with an intetion of benefiting something from annoyed or surprised.
that person. okwemanya v. to be proud as if you are above
okwekunenga v. to fall down and rotate on the others.
ground due to the force exerted. See: okwemanyiiza1 v. to familiarise oneself with and
OKUKUNENGA. get used to.
okwekunganya v. to gather in one place for a okwemara v. to have everything so that there is no
particular purpose or meeting. See: need of borrowing or asking for help.
OKUKUNGANYA. okwemaramara v. to be proud with some style in
okwekuringa v. to be covered with dust having walking.
been beaten or out of one's willingness. See: okwemariirira v. to be independent and self
OKUKURINGA. reliant. Mutabani wangye hati ahi yaahika
okwekuringirira v. to sweet talk someone. abaasa kwemariirira. My son can now sustain
okwekurura1 v. to be slow in working. himself at his level. See: OKWEMARA.
okwekurura2 v. to crawl on the ground. okwemeka v. 1) to ordain: to make someone a priest
okwekururira v. to cause attraction of something or a bishop in an official religious ceremony.
or somebody to self. 2) to corrote: to make someone a king or queen.
okwekuruza v. to move from one end to another okwemera1 v. to persevere or accepting the
using the buttocks. situation as it is.
okwekuuma1 v. to regurgitate: to chew the curd okwemera2 v. to accept: to recognize that a bad
especially in harbivorus animals. situation exists and cannot be avoided or
okwekuuma2 v. to guard against as a form of changes.
security or protection. okwemerera v. 1) to have your body in an upright
okwekuza v. to assume one's age and take yourself position supported by your feet. Akemerera
to be older that your actual age. See: OKUKURA. yabareeba atarikugamba. He was standing
okwekwasa v. to shift blame to another person. looking at them in silence. 2) this refers to car,
okwekwata v. to be economical: the act of refusing plain or train stands somewhere not moving
to spend when you actually have money. waiting to be used. Emotoka ekemerera. The car
okwekwatirira v. to try to do something when you stopped. 3) to make a worker redundant.
are very weak. Bakamwemereza aha murimo. He was
okwekweya v. to be tall that you can be dragged on retrenched.
the ground. okwemererwa v. to have pheumonia.
okwekyanga1 v. 1) to protest: to act in protest okwemereza1 v. 1) to stop something from being
without prior understanding why it is there. done. Bakaba baatandika orukiiko, minisita ku
2) To dance in such a way that one shakes his yaijire yaarwemereza. They had already started
body showing happiness. the meeting but when the minister arrived, he
okwekyanga2 v. to refuse to do something stopped it. 2) Making something or someone
intetionally. Ahabwe naamutuma ahaiziba who has fallen down stand again. 3) having fear
yaayekyanga ngu mbanze muhe sente. or anxiety.
okwekyeeka v. to be suspecious: feeling the feel okwemereza2 v. to spread. Enkoko ekemereza
of something bad you have done that it will be amapapa. The hen spread feathers.
known by other people. Idiom/Phrase: Okwemereza omutima.
okwekyehesa v. to humble oneself: keeping quite okwemesa v. to inseminate: to put a sperm into a
while others are talking or shouting. woman or female animal to make her pregnant.
okwema1 v. used to refer to the structure of okwemesereza v. to stick and insist on someone
something. that he is the real one who has done such a thing.
okwema2 . to be on heat for animals especially cattle. Var: okwomesereza.
okwema3 v. to be at the starting point. okwemeza v. (of crops) to germinate where they
okwemaamaata v. to lament: to feel or express have not been planted.
great sorrow or regreat for somebody. okwemigisiriza v. to squeeze: to get through or
okwemaamura v. to yawn: to involuntarily open up into a small space.
the mouth and inhale deeply due to tiredness or okwemokoora v. to make an involuntary act of
boredome. pushing to bring back what is in the stomach
through the mouth. Usage: euphemism. okwera4 v. (of crops) to produce high yields.
okwemunyunguza v. to rinse oneself in the mouth. okwera5 v. 1) to be white in colour. 2) to be clean.
okwemurika v. to celebrate: to do something okweraarasa v. to lag behind: to fail to keep up the
enjoyable in order to show that an occassion is pace or struggle.
special. okweraarikirira v. to worry: to feel nervous and
okwemurugunya v. not to get satisfied with what upset because you keep thinking about a
has been done, said, or given to you. problem that you have or could have in future.
okwenaamura v. to be slow e.g in speech or at okwerabura v. (of women) first signs seen when
work. See: OKUNAAMUUKA. you are going to give birth.
okwenaga v. to move away from the place where okwerabwa v. to catch a glance.
you have been and go to a distant area. okweragaza v. to wipe: to clean or dry something
okwenanuura v. to stretch: to make your arms, using a cloth or something soft over it.
legs or body as straight as possible so that your okwerambika v. to lie: to be in a position in
muscles become long and tight. See: which your body is on a surface such as the floor
OKUNANUURA. or a bed.
okwenda v. 1) to want: to feel you would like to okweranguuza v. to drink from a container and
have, keep or do something. 2) to lust to want finish the contents there.
something very much especially sex. okwereebera v. to confirm: to see for yourself and
okwenegyeza v. to facilitate or help something to prove that something is true. See: OKUREEBA.
go ahead or forward. Obwegyese nibwenegyeza okwereera v. to water.
entunguuka. Education facilitates development. okwereeta v. to come voluntarily.
okwenga1 v. to ripen: to become ripe or to make okwerekura1 v. to give out something to someone
something ripe. freely in suport.
okwenga2 v. to brew: to make beer. okwerekura2 v. to lose weight: to reduce in size and
okwenga3 [okwenga] v. to dissolve a solid or become small and weak.
crystals into a liquid e.g. salt. okwerembaremba v. to eat slowly by slowly
okwengyengyeta v. to glitter: to shine with a lot picking a small piece so as not to finish the food
of small quick flashes of light. quickly.
okwengyerera v. to over rippen. okweremesa v. to fail oneself, in an activity. See:
okweniaguriza v. to escape. Omwana w'eishomero OKUREMWA.
akeniaguriza aha ishomero eshaaha zitakahikire. okwerenga v. to compete: an act of trying to be
The student escaped from school before time. better that anybody else in a race or activity.
okwenootoora v. See: OKWENAAMUURA. okwerengyerera v. to carry something on the head
okwenyigiriza v. To squeeze oneself through. without holding it with hands.
okwenyogoora v. to twist the body from side to okwerengyeza v. to commit suicide by hanging
side especially as a result of nervousness or yorself.
discomfort. okwerenzya v. to finish off: to eat, drink or use all
okwenyonkooba v. to show ingratitude, of something so that there is nothing left.
disoconfort, resistance to what one has been okwerinda v. 1) to protect: to keep someone or
ordered to do usually by fridgeting and making something safe from harm, injury, damage or
slow movements. Var: okwenionkooba. loss. 2) to be careful: to warn or threaten
okwenyoofoora v. to do something while taking someone. See: OKURINDA.
your time or slowly. okweringiita v. to show off: a person to act
okwenyungutuka v. to pour half way. pretentiously or publicly by parading
okwenywanisiriza v. to behavein an informal or themselves, their possessions or
friendly way towards someone you do not know accomplishment. See: OKURINGIITA.
very well. See: OKUNYWANA. okweringirika1 v. to make yourself clean. Naakunda
okwenza v. to cause trouble. See: OKWENDA. kweringirika arikuza aha bugyenyi. She likes
okwepaaka v. to be proud. Var: okwepanka. making herself clean when going for a party.
okwera1 v. to be ripe. See: OKURINGIRIKA.
okwera2 v. to clean the home after the funeral, a okweringirika2 v. to show off with what you have.
ritual performed four days after burial. okweriza [okweriza] v. 1) to pretend as if you
okwera3 v. to winnow by seperating dust from the are crying or feeling sorry for something. 2) (of
grains. children) to cry for no reason. See: OKWERIZA.
okwerongoora v. to reward one's own self. See: okweshengyereza1 v. to request for something
OKURONGOORA. earnestly.
okwerunda v. to sit uncomfortably due to lack of okweshengyereza2 v. to pray: to make request
space. (especially to God).
okwerundaana v. 1) to gather in one place for a okweshera v. to give animals water for drinking.
meeting or for any other reason. 2) to come okweshereka v. to hide: to prevent something or
closer to one another. See: OKURUNDAANA. somebody from being seen. See: OKUSHEREKA.
okwerunga v. to sit somewhere holding your chick okweshongora1 v. to sing: to make musical
to express sadness. sounds with the voice in form of a song tone.
okweruuka v. to be blown off by wind. okweshongora2 v. to seperate oneself from the
okwerwanaho v. to defend yourself against a group when he may be doing something bad and
threat. t. he starts doing the right thing.
okwerya v. to be proud of yourself. okweshotoora v. to take yourself very slowly in
okwesaasa v. to hurt oneself. See: OKUSAASA. Var: terms of walking.
okweshaasha. okweshuka v. to get poured in large quantities.
okwesaasira v. to ignore something or not let it okweshumba v. to dodge: quick movement to
influence you. avoid something or someone from hurting or
okwesha1 v. to play a game using stones. harming you.
okwesha2 v. to push or move in a game. okweshunga v. to be playful: to be fond of
okweshaanya v. to be disgusted. playing.
okweshaariiza v. to be tough: to be strong and okweshunshuna v. to develop a sense of
resilient, able to withstand great strain without proudness and sturboness. See:
tearing or breaking. See: OKUSHAARIIRA. Var: OKUSHUNSHUNA.
okweshaariga. okweshushaniriza v. to imagine: to form a
okweshaasha v. to work hard in order to achieve mental picture of something. See:
something. Var: okwesaasa. OKUSHUSHANIRIZA.
okweshagara1 v. (of a girl) to get married when okweshushura v. (of snake) to shed skin. Var:
the parents and relatives are not informed. See: okweshuubura.
OKUSHAGARA. okweshushuura v. to rub feaces from the anus
okweshagara2 v. to go out to the latrine, toilet using a paper or leaves of only wild plants after
kitchen alone late in the night. See: using the toilet. See: OKWEHEHA.
okushagara. okweshuubura v. to lose feathers before new ones
okweshahura v. to go very fast from a given place can grow.
so that something bad may not happen to you okweshuusha v. to go to a place many times within
from there. one day.
okweshanja v. to find room. okweshwa v. to look like yourself or being yourself,
okweshara v. to cut oneself. See: OKUSHARA. that is resembling no one else.
okwesharinga v. to demonstrate: a public okweshweka v. See: OKUSHWEKA.
arrangement often organised, meeting or match okwesiba v. to secure or fix something firmly.
protesting against or supporting. okwesibanga v. to roll oneself on the floor when he
okweshashura v. to pay oneself. See: or she is feeling a lot of pain on the stomach or
OKUSHASHURA. when someone is overdrunk. See:
okweshaza v. to make oneself run mud when in OKUSIBANGA.
actual sense he or she is normal. See: okwesiga v. to trust: the belief or willingness to
OKUSHARA. believe that one can rely on the goodnedd,
okweshegura v. to give support to the head while strength, ability.
sleeping using a pillow. See: OKUSHEGURA. okwesigainganya v. to assigned a given task, and
okweshemba v. to bandage oneself. See: instead of doing it together, one keeps on telling
OKUSHEMBA. his workmate to do it instead.
okweshemeza1 v. to enjoy oneself. okwesigarana v. to be left without support or help
okweshemeza2 v. to make thoroughly clean. See: especially after loosing all your property.
OKUSHEMEZA. okwesiibyako v. to fast: eating little or no food for a
okweshengyenya v. to make constant small period of time.
movements in a way that annoys other people. okwesiiga v. to smear oneself: to spread an oily or
to plead with him first. expose ones presence to the person you were
okwetega1 v. to prepare for something like famine hiding from.
and you look for food and keep enough to okwetirimura v. (of a person) to isolate or
sustain you in the famine. seperate from a group of people he or she has
okwetega2 v. to fail to stand due to crossing one's been working or staying with. See:
legs as he or she walks and falls down. OKUTIRIMUKA.
okweteguura v. to prepare for anything or prepare okwetomboita v. to grumble: to complain about
not to be challenged. See: someone or something when one is very
OKWETEBEEKANISA. annoyed. Var: okwetombwita.
okwetegyeka v. 1) to be independent: to be free okwetonda v. to be careful: to give serious
from the control or influence of others, may be attention, especially to the details of the situation
politically one not representing any political or something.
party and is not accused. 2) capable for acting okwetonderana v. to ask for forgiveness from
for oneself or one's own without being stopped. each other, especially the conflicting people.
okwetegyereza v. 1) to be in position to understand okwetongora v. to isolate: to keep separate from a
or get what you are being told or reading and group or company one is attached to.
being able to react to or about it. 2) being okwetontobeka v. the act of applying a lot of
literate: a situation where by one is capable of jerry or lotion on one's body. See:
reading and writing. OKUTONTOBEKA.
okwetegyerezana v. to understand each other. okwetoofoora v. to be slagish: doing something at
okweteisa v. to repent: an act of asking for a very slow pace. See: OKUTOFOORA.
forgiveness if one has done wrong and want to okwetoorana v. to select: the act of choosing or
be set free from the guilt. selecting oneself.
okwetendaiga v. to talk good about oneself. okwetoorereza v. to base on something or anothe
okwetenga v. 1) to wish: a want or desire, feel, to do something.
expression, or hope about someone's well being, okwetooroora v. to go round: moving in a circular
succes, a feeling one gets wishing she or he form or making movements that take you where
could be like the one he admires. 2) to be in you have been formerly.
need of something. okwetorotooza v. 1) to pilfer: to steal (things of
okweterera v. to name after: giving a name to a small value). 2) to disguise: to give a new
person for recognition or a clan like if a parent appearance in order to hide its form. John
died and the son is given his name to keep him naayetorotooza nk'orikwenda kwiba. John is
remembered. disguising as if he wants to steal.
okwetigita v. to shake oneself. okwetuga v. 1) to use a lot of energy and courage
okwetiiba v. to behave in a way that is not to do something or make an achievement
presentable. it is like pride, showing off and (especially when you feel you cannot manage).
treating others to be cheap and knowing oneself 2) to use force to end one's life or existence
to be beautiful and doing funny things to attract (especially using a rope). John akeetuga
other people's attention. n'omuguha yaafa. John used the rope to hung
okwetiiha v. a to limit to oneself to what amount of himself and he died.
food or alcohol he or she should take, that is okwetugira
bottle after bottle with excitement of enjoying okwetuma v. to jump or move quickly in order to
till one can take no more. catch or take hold of something.
okwetiina v. to have inferioty complex: lack of self okwetumiriza v. to go unsent: the act of one going
confidence in ones self about the peoples' or where not ordered to go. See: OKWETUMA. Var:
public pinion or one not being sure tha he can do okwetumisiriza.
something on his own and challange others. See: okwetumisiriza v. See: OKWETUMIRIZA.
OKUTIINA. okwetunenga v. to tighten oneself: squeezing
okwetinda v. to hide someone with an intention of oneself with either a rope or a cloth. It can be
beseiging him or her. used to refer to when someone puts on tight
okwetinduura1 v. to uproot something or getting rid clothes, which really outline the whole body
of something. Ref: okwiha omura See: make.
OKUTINDUURA. okwetunga v. to survive by oneself: struggling to
okwetinduura2 v. to come out of the hiding to live or exist on your own without depending on
anybody or recieving help from anywhere. okweyendeza v. to be selfish: to think first of one's
okwetunguura v. to boast: the act of speaking own interests or personal needs without concern
proudly or happily about what one has done or for others or not sharing what one has with
what one knows. others. See: OKWENDA.
okweturatuza v. to shrink: disapproving to avoid okweyerera v. to sweep: to clean (especially the
work or responsibility especially when difficult floor) by using a brush or broom to collect the
or unpleasant. dirt into one place from which it can be
okwetuuma v. to use a lot of force: to use a lot of removed. Var: okweyera.
energy or vigour to perform an activity. okweyogosha v. to squirm: to move from side to
okwetwa1 v. to be called upon to do work one is side in an awkward way because of nervousness,
suited to do and to which one should give all his embarassment or pain.
time and energy. See: OKWETA. okweyoreka v. 1) to make yourself possible to be
okwetwa2 v. to die: to stop leaving or existing, seen. 2) to show off. . See: OKWOREKA.
either slowly or suddenly. okweyorobya v. to pretend: to behave as if one is
okwetwara to be careful: to pay extra attention to simple in character when it is not neccessarily
something. so.
okwevuga1 v. to recite: the act of speaking out okweza v. 1) to ripen (of a fruit or crops): to be fully
words in literature very fast (rapping) as people developed or ready to be collected or eaten. 2) to
respond after one's words either admiring make extremely clean. See: OKWERA.
someone you love, talking about war or okwezambaaza v. to conduct oneself in such a
lamenting about the hash life. way that he/she is exposed or prone to danger or
okwevuga2 v. to drive oneself in his or her car. anything bad. See: OKUZAMBAARA.
See: OKUVUGA. okwezengyereza v. to turn around. See:
okwevunuura v. to take a drink with an intention OKUZENGYERERA.
of suppressing hang-over. See: OKUVUNUURA. okwezi n. moon: the object similar to a planet,
okweya v. to clean a kraal: to remove dung and urine which moves in the sky around the earth once
from places where animals reside or stay every 28 days and which can be seen clearly at
(especially domestic animals). night when it shines with the light coming from
okweyagura v. to scratch oneself: to scratch one's the sun.
body using fingernails especially when it is okwezigaziga v. to change appearance or manner in
itching. order to obscure one's nature or intention. See:
okweyaka v. to allow what you have leave your OKUZIGAZIGA.
hand or possession. okwezigoora v. to rotate around: the act of moving
okweyama v. to warn: to inform someone in around an axis or centre.
advance of an impending or possible danger, okwezigurusya v. See: OKUZIGURUTSYA.
problem or other unpleasant situation. okwezigurutsya v. to walk around. Var:
okweyamba 1) to help: to save oneself. 2) to answer okwezigurusya.
ones call of nature. See: OKUYAMBA. okweziika v. to escape and disappear to a place
okweyanga v. to dislike oneself. See: OKWANGA. where you cannot be traced.
okweyangisa v. to pretend: a way of behaviour that okwezinga v. to coil around: to tie or wrap
is intended to decieve people. something around another. See: OKUZINGA.
okweyanjura v. to introduce oneself. See: okwezingirira v. to wind oneself around. See:
okweyarira v. to lay or make a bed by oneself. See: okwezingiza v. to curl up: to move along by
OKWARA. turning over and over from side to side.
okweyayamura v. to yawn. okwezirika v. to put clothes on oneself.
okweyebesa v. to forget: to put out one's mind okwezirikura v. Usage: Ankole. See:
(often intentional). See: OKWEBWA. OKWEZIRIKURURA.
okweyemeka v. to crown: to take control or okwezirikurura v. to remove or untie something
position of power especially without having the tied around oneself (especially used of belts).
right to. See: OKWEMEKA. Var: okwezirikura.
okweyemereza v. to stand: to be in verticle state by okweziringa v. 1) to be too slow in doing things or
straightening the legs of oneself. See: taking ones time in doing something.It is lack of
OKWEMERERA. quick action in performing things. 2) to roll on
the ground: an act of rolling ones body on the ebyokurya bingi. The child has been served alot
ground. it is done in games or because of anger of food.
by young people. See: OKUZIRINGA. okwihurira v. to serve someone food. Okwihurira
okweziringura v. to wriggle: to twist and turn with omuntu ebyokurya nikyoreka emicwe mirungi.
quick short movements. To serve a person food shows good manners.
okweziritirira v. to rub the eyes: an act of okwihuza v. to request for money, property that
squezingcthe eye especially when something has one is sure is his or hers, or has got the right of
fallen into it. See: OKUZIRITIRIRA. belonging or owning.
okwezuranzya [okwecuranzya] v. to move okwija v. to come to a place. Okwija kwanyu
from here and there repeatedly in an effort to kwatushemeza. Your coming has pleased us.
make an activity perfect or successful. okwijurira v. to transfer someone or something
okwiba v. to steal: to take something that is not from one place to another.
yours without permission and with no intention okwijurirana v. (of liquid) to be too full in a
to bring it back.. container.
okwiba-empimbi v. to perform a ritual where a okwijuza v. 1) to fill in a certain document.
bride goes to her father-in-law's home and takes Okwijuriza foomu omwana wa siniya ya kana
some food in an unofficial way. It is assumed tikiboneire. Filling forms for a senior four
she has stolen the food. student is not good. 2) (of a container) to make
okwibika1 v. to lay bee hives to trap bees as an full of something.
arpilary activity. okwikaara v. See: OKUMIIKA.
okwibika2 [okwibika] v. to immerse something okwikara v. to sit and stay in one place for a period
in water. of time.
okwibira v. to swim: to move in water holizontally okwikarira v. to wrestle down someone..
with the help of arms and legs. See: OKUZIHA. okwikaza1 v. to do things in a hurry: to speed up the
okwibirira v. to cheat for someone in order to give progress of work. Akahinga arikwikaza
him/her an advantage over the others. yaarahuka kumara omusiri. He dug hurrying and
okwibiza v. to give a brief or incomplete view or was able to finish the garden quickly.
look. okwikaza2 v. to do baby sitting. Maama areetsire
okwibuka v. to remember: to renew ones image or omwishiki w'okwikaza omwana. My mother
thought; an act of memory. See: OKWIJUKA. brought a girl to baby sit the child.
okwibuuza v. to resurface: to disappear and again okwikiriza v. 1) to accept to do what you have been
appear. asked. Yaikiriza kwija. He has accepted to
okwiga v. to use magic to cause rain. come. 2) to believe or have religious faith.
okwigira v. to come nearer to a person especially Abakazi nyamwingi nibaikiririza omuri
when squeezed. Mukama Ruhanga. A number of women believe
okwigirira v. See: OKWIGIRA. in the Almighty God. 3) to respond creatively to
okwiguta v. to get satisfied having had enough food. a cow when it makes a sound.
okwiguza v. to ask someone to open for you by okwikirizibwa v. to be allowed to do something.
knocking on the door. Okwiguza omuntu ou okwikiza1 v. to add unboiled food to the boiled one.
otarikumanya ti kirungi. It is not good to ask okwikiza2 v. to bury grass while digging especially
someone you do not know to open for you. in the garden where potatoes are to be grown.
okwiha v. to uproot tubers especially potatoes. okwimata v. to press something with a finger.
okwihaho1 v. to subtract a number or an ammount okwimatuka v. to be soft especially for fruits like
from another number or ammount. sweet bananas as a sign that they are ripe.
okwihaho2 prep. except: it is used to mean only. Okwimatuka kw'omunekye nikimanyisa ngu
okwihamu v. to choose: to select something from guhiire. When a sweet banana is soft it means
others. Omutsigazi akaihamu ente nungi omu that it is ripe.
kikomera. The boy chose a good cow from the okwimukirana v. to stand down for someone
market. especially when there is competetion.
okwihura1 v. to pay a debt. Mukuru w'eishomero Okwimukirana nikirungi namunonga kwenda
naaza kwihura abashomesa esente zaabo. The kureetaho obusingye. Standing down for
headmaster is going to pay teachers their someone a good thing especially for the sake of
money. bringing about peace.
okwihura2 v. to serve food. Omwana bamwihuriire okwimukirira v. to keep lifting something up and
omucucu n. dust: very small fine grains of soil. See: that cures sore throat. Var: omufumbwa. Pl:
OMUCUUCU. emifumbagyesi.
omucuku n. fatility loose of anything. nkahinga omufundi n. carpenter: a person whose job is
ebihimba omu mucuku gwitaka gwabwita. beans making and repairing wooden objects and
I dug in the un fertile soil did not give yields. structures. Pl: abafundi.
omucunguzi n. saviour: a person who rescues omufundikizo n. lid: a cover of a container. Pl:
another from a dangerous or difficult situation. emifundikizo.
Pl: abacunguzi. omufunguro n. porridge: diluted drink made from
omucungwa n. orange: a round juicy edible fruit millet or sorghum flour. Pl: emifunguro.
that is reddish yellow when ripe. Var: omufura n. plant that grows in the swamp and is
omucungwe. Pl: emicungwa. itchy when it is touched. Pl: emifura.
omucunzi n. one who churns milk and turns it into omufuraafuuro n. instalments:payment that is
ghee. Pl: abacunzi. done in parts and paid regularly over a period of
omucwacwani n. welcoming person: a person who time.
welcomes people with a smile. omufuraano n. pull neck: an attire that has long
omucwamba n. star grass: a green grass that is neck and is worn to make a person warm. Pl:
commonly fed on by cows. cynodon nlmfuensis. emifuraano.
Var: orucwamaba. omufuregye n. trench: a long narrow open hole dug
omucwanga n. seventh day adventist: a member of in the ground for purposes of controlling or
a christian religious group that believes that directing the movements of water. Pl:
christ will soon return to earth and their day of emifuregye.
prayer is saturday. Pl: abacwanga. omufuruki n. migrant: a person moving from one
omucwanzya n. a dishonest person who takes what place to another in order to stay to that new
does not belong to him or her. Pl: place without returning to the place of origin.
abacwanzya. Pl: abafuruki.
omucwe n. behaviour: the manner in which an omufurura n. a plant resembeling sorghum plant
individual conducts himself or herself. See: that grows in the wilderness. Pl: emifurura.
EMICWE. Pl: emicwe. omufutafuta n. interpreter: someone whose ,job is
omudada n. a dry branch: dry branch of a dry tree. to change or translate what somebody is saying
omudimo n. spring: a place whre wwter comes from one language into another. Pl:
naturally to the surface from under the ground abafutafuta.
and is guided by a pipe in form of a protected omufuuro n. bits: small pieces of something that
spring. Var: omudimu. Pl: emidimo. may not help in accomplishing an intended
Emidimo. activity.. Pl: emifuuro.
omudoma n. dull person: a stupid person. a person omufu-w'eihamba n. insect: an insect that looks
who is very slow in understanding. Her like an ant with a black colour and stinks.
daughter is dense she is ever the last in class. omuga n. stream: a small and narrow river with
Pl: abadoma. running water.. Pl: emiga.
omudugu n. fruit: a ripe fruit, orange in colour. omugaaniizi n. joker: a person who likes teasing
Var: omutuku. Pl: emidugu. people verbally. Pl: abagaaniizi.
omufaakazi n. widow. a woman who has lost her omugaara n. Pl: emigaara. 1) An extension of
husband. Var: enfaakazi, efaakazi. hair on one's cheeck from the head not beards.
omufa-igyesha n. a tree species. Omushaija ogu k'arikutega obureju n'eishokye
omufariso n. matress: a pad of soft cushion material asigaho omugaara kusha. Whenever this man
for sleeping on. Var: omufarisi. Pl: shaves the hair and beards, he leaves the hairly
emifariso. extension from the head. 2) the long hair on the
omufubeerwa n. unripe banana: bananas that fail neck of a horse or a lion. Ekicuncu kiine
to ripe after they have been put in the hole to omugaara muraingwa. The lion has along mane.
ripe and they are put back again to ripe. Pl: omugaari n. foot sore: a big crack on someone's
emifubeerwa. foot. See: OMUSHATURE. Pl: emigaari.
omufumbagizi n. a herb with stems like those of a omugaati n. Pl: emigaati. 1) bread: food made
sugarcane but small and tests like salt. Var: out of yeast, flour, sugar and water. 2) wedding
omugumbagyesha. cake: soft food made by baking a mixture of
omufumbagyesi n. a plant with a salty tasty stem yeast, milk, eggs, flour and sugar taken at
state or fact of being of great value or with tree trunks. Pl: emigogo.
significance. 3) value: the importance attached omugogo n. local bridges. enjura egwire nyingi
to something because of what it can be yaatwara omugogo titwine hokwambukira. it
transformed into. rained heavily and our local bridge was taken
omugati n. a person born in the middle of others in away we have no where to cross from.
the family. Pl: abagati. omugogoro n. rich person: a person who has alot of
omugatwa n. See: EMIGATWA. money and valuable things.
omugavu n. a tree specie from which timbers can be omugogozi n. pathetic person: someone who lacks
made. Pl: emigavu. interest or feeling in things or who has no little
omugayo n. a situation of under looking someone. or no emotions. Pl: abagogozi.
Pl: omugayo. omugomoko n. fatness: a situation of someone
omugi n. pleasure: the activity of relaxing and growing big. Pl: emigomoko.
enjoying yourself. Pl: emigi. omugomotsyo n. something that a person puts
omugiisi n. Pl: emigiisi. 1) umbrical cord: a inside clothes so as to appear big. Pl:
long tube in animals that connects the feotus to omugomotsyo.
its mother such that it receives food and oxgyen. omugonampiri n. a certain type of medicinal plant.
2) The tube that remains hanging after the the Pl: emigonampiri.
birth of an animal which falls off from the tied omugongo1 n. a tree that spreads its branches like
point and leaves a scar. an umbrella. Pl: omugongo.
Encwamutwetekacwekire omugiisi. The calf''s omugongo2 n. back: part of a human body that is
umbrical cord has not fallen on the opposite side of the chest between the
omugimba n. sugarcane: a whole sugarcane with no neck and the buttocks. Pl: emigongo.
part cut. Pl: emigimba. omugongo3 n. hill or mountain: an area that is
omugimu n. healthy person or thing: something higher than the land around it. Pl: emigongo.
that has grown so well, healthy, strong and good omugore n. bride: a woman when she is newly
looking. Usage: LUGANDA. Pl: omugimu. married. Pl: abagore.
omugina n. a situation of one coming across omugoreko n. shyness: being nervous when
something very good. Pl: omugina. speaking and meeting other people. Pl:
omugina n. a situation of one coming emigoreko.
acrosomething very good. Pl: emigina. omugorogooro n. a tree with long oval leaves. Pl:
omuginda n. a tree with purle flowers, small leaves omugorogoro.
and pods grown for a shed in the compound. Pl: omugorogoro n. See: OMUGOROGOORO. Pl:
omuginda. emigorogoro.
omuginga n. a person that is thought or judged to omugororombe n. dull person: a person who is
lack the ability to understand. Etym: [<Swahili. not bright, inexperienced, and not bright; usually
omuginga>]. Pl: omuginga. takes long to understand. Pl: emigororombe.
omugirigiri n. boy: a young health boy of about 12 omugorozi n. examiner: someone who tests peoples
years old. Pl: abagirigiri. ability or knowledge. See: OMUKYEBEZI. Pl:
omugirwa n. a subject person: a person that is being abagorozi.
discussed ot talked about. Pl: abagirwa. omugoshoora n. a tree from which walking sticks
omugisha n. Pl: emigisha. 1) blessing: a prayer can be got. Pl: emigoshoora.
dedicated to God by someone to protect or help omugote n. smashed irish potatoes ready to be
someone or something. 2) a good thing that eaten. Pl: emigote.
happens to you not because of your own effort omugoye1 n. a strong thick string made by twisting
or abilities. 3) an opportunity for someone to do strings and it is used to tie things. Pl: emigoye.
something. omugoye2 n. cattle disease: a disease that affects
omugiti n. cane: a small stick used for hitting cattle. Pl: emigoye.
somebody. Pl: emigiti. omugoye3 n. octopus: a sea creature with a soft round
omugobante n. a stick that is used to beat body and eight long tentacles. Pl: emigoye.
someone. See: KIBOOKO. Pl: emigobante. omugoyi n. boatmen: a man who earns a living from
omugobe n. a collection of a variety of small brown small boats either by carrying passengers or
beans' leaves that are eaten as sauce. Pl: goods on the water or lifting them out . Pl:
emigobe. abagoyi.
omugogo n. local bridges: a temporary bridge made omugoyo n. potatoes smashed for food. Pl:
omuhangu n. expert: a person with special omuhino n. erection: an instance of being horny.
knowledge or training in a given field. Pl: omuhito n. milk cheese forming milk in a churn.
abahangu. omuhondano n. conflict: disagreements between
omuhanguzi n. the winner: a person who emerges one or more people.
the best after an activity. Pl: abahanguzi. omuhondeberero adj. a person who is weak.
omuhangwa n. Pl: abahangwa. 1) a person who omuhondo n. colostrum: cow's first milk produced
predicts what is likely to happen using his after delivery.
charms. omuhonezi n. a person who buys salt in large
omuhani n. counsellor: a person who advises others quantities after travelling a long distance.
in problems or on what is good for human omuhongi n. someone who offers sacrifices. Pl:
beings. Pl: abahani. abahongi.
omuhanurankuba n. a tall person whose height omuhongorozo n. a blocking bar at an entrance. Pl:
is about six feet or so much that this erson is abahongorozo.
able to touch the highest point where most omuhongyera n. a tree with a grayish furrowed
people are not able to. Pl: abahanurankuba. stem and purple fruit. Pl: emihongyera.
omuhanuuzi n. someone who narrates a story in a omuhongyerezi n. a priest: a person who
chronological order. Pl: abahanuuzi. performs religious ceremmonies in church. Pl:
omuhanyo n. lassitude: a state of feeling very tired abahongyerezi.
in mind or body without energy. omuhongyerezo1 n. a habit of giving up things or
omuharara n. a female goat that has not produced killing animals important to wash away any bad
(after being weaned). omen or recognise somebody; God, gods, or
omuhe n. a medical plant. spirit.
omuheekyera n. See: RWEBANDIRA. Pl: omuhongyerezo2 n. plead: to appeal earnestly
abaheekyera. implore or beg.
omuheesi n. black smith: a person whose job is to omuhoogo n. cattle song: a song normally sung
repair or make things made of iron. Pl: when taking cattle back home in the evening.
abaheesi. omuhooza n. tax collector: a person whose job is
omuhehere n. a thick stick lit and used as a torch collecting tax that people must pay on the
for lighting. money they earn. Pl: abahooza.
omuhenano n. provocation: unfriendly behaviour omuhoozi n. vengeance person: a person who
that causes anger or resentment. reacts by punishing somebody in return of what
omuhengyeka n. to bend something on one's side. he/she has done. Pl: abahoozi.
omuhihiito n. rumen: one of the stomachs of a omuhoro n. machette: a knife with a hooked point
ruminant. See: EKISHANSHA. used as a cutting tool. Pl: emihoro.
omuhiiha n. a long straw made out of a certain omuhorokomba n. a stalk that holds banana
type of plant that is used for drinking local brew clusters. Pl: emihorokomba.
or porredge. omuhorongoro n. animal disease: a cattle disease
omuhiire1 n. a certain type of medical plant. Pl: that affects the uterus.
emihiire. omuhororo n. an ethnic group: a person belonging
omuhiire2 n. one who blesses people. to an ethnic group found in Rukungiri district of
omuhimba1 n. 1) bulk: many things of an item that South-Western Uganda.
are bundled together. 2) the state of being solid. omuhotozi n. a person who likes causing trouble
omuhimba2 n. a blade of spear. between other people. Pl: abahotozi.
omuhimbuzi n. a magician: a person who cures omuhova n. earth warm: type of worm that lives in
those who are about to be trangled by spirits. soil. Pl: emihova.
omuhindura n. a medicinal tree specie. omuhuhe n. milk with no froth.
omuhingaazima n. See: OMWANGAAZIMA. omuhunda n. ferrule: thepointed lower part of a
omuhinganzima n. rainbow: a curved band of spear. Pl: emihunda.
seven colours that appear in the sky when sun omuhunguzi n. heir: a person who has a legal right
shines through the rain. Var: omwanganzima. to recieve somebody's property, money or title
omuhingi n. agriculturist: a person who derives his when that person dies. Pl: abahunguzi.
or her living through cultivation. Pl: omuhungye n. a type of tree used for making
abahingi. charcoal. Pl: emihungye. 2) clear water.
omuhingura n. a medicinal tree specie. omuhurikiza n. listener: a person who pays
attention to what is being said. Pl: omujuma1 n. a wild plant with purple composite
abahurikiza. flower that is used as medicine for fever. Pl:
omuhuruza n. someone who informs people of emijuma.
what is taking place or what has happened omujuma2 n. seeds of cereals that have been
especially when it is tragic. Pl: abahuruza. removed from their hasks. Pl: emijuma.
omuhuta n. wounded: to be cut or blown especially omujumbi [omujumbi] n. morning rain: the rain
on the skin. 2) suffer a harm or damage. that falls at around 5am and goes on until about
omuhuuhe1 n. pure liquid. 12pm.
omuhuuhe2 n. long-nosed, long-tailed rat. Pl: omujumbuzi n. inventor: someone who discovers
emihuuhe. something or someone that was missing or
omuhuuku n. slave: a person who is legally owned hidden or solve thing that was not known. Pl:
by another and is forced to work for them. Pl: abajumbuzi.
abahuuku. omujumo n. a plant variety that cures malaria. Pl:
omuhuumuza n. counsellor: a person who is emijumo.
trained to advise people with problems omujungu n. European: a white person of European
especially personal problems. Pl: origin. Pl: abajungu.
abahuumuza. omujuni n. saviour: a person who rescues
omuhuuni n. rascal: a person especially a man who somebody or something from a dangerous or
shows lack of respect for other people and difficult situation. Pl: abajuni.
enjoys playing tricks on others. Pl: emihuuni. omujunju n. an act of eating or using up things
omuhuuru n. bachelor: a man who has never been very fast.
married. Pl: abahuuru. omujunwa n. born again christian: someone who is
omuhuuzi n. thresher: a person or machine that saved. Pl: abajunwa.
separates grain from corn or other crops by omujurizi n. witness: a person who sees something
beating. Pl: abahuuzi. happen and is able to report to other people. Pl:
omuhwanshoni n. naughty child: a disobedient or abajurizi.
badly behaved child. Pl: abahwanshoni. omujuyango adj. problematic things which are not
omuhwezi n. helper: a person who assists fine.
somebody to do something. Pl: abahwezi. omujwago adj. goon: an idler or person with bad
omujaburo n. the portion you get before the final manners.
product. Pl: emijaburo. omujwekyerwa n. delegate: a person who is
omujanjabi n. a person who is trained to take care chosen or elected to represent the views of a
for the sick. Pl: abajanjabi. group of people. Pl: abajwekyerwa.
omujigaijo n. first born: a person's first born child. omujwengye n. mane: long hair on the neck of a
Pl: abajigaijo. lion. Pl: emijwengye.
omujinya n. ambition: having a strong desire to do omujwiga n. banana flower sheath: thee pointed
something. part of the bunch of banana before its cut that
omujoogani n. some one who is discrespectful. Pl: shows off as a flower. Pl: emijwiga.
abajogani. omuka n. home: a house where someone lives.
omujuba n. an aparatus for blowing air into or omukaafiire n. pagan: a person who does not
through something. believe in any of the mainstream religions
omujubi n. fisherman: a person who catches fish especially Christianity or Isam. Pl:
either as a job or a sport. Pl: abajubi. abakaafiire.
omujugangoma n. tree: a tree specie with large omukaamwana n. daughter-in-law: the wife of
oval leaves. Pl: emijugangoma. one's son. Pl: abakaamwana.
omujugantaara n. tree: a tall tree variety with a omukaatara n. a person who has a scaly scabby or
straight stem and soft wood. Pl: hard skin caused by poor body hygiene. Pl:
emijugantaara. abakaatara.
omujugujugu n. a short stick that is thrown at omukago n. friendship: the relationship between two
something especially birds, animal or even or more people who are not related by birth or
people while fighting. marriage but by mutual concent. Pl: emikago.
omujuguto n. a piece of stick. omukaikuru n. old woman: an aged woman who
omujugutsi n. a bellow blower. Var: have lived for a very long time. Pl:
abajugutsi. abakaikuru.
omukama n. Pl: abakama. 1) master: a person omukiniikano n. sarcasm: a way of using words that
(usually a man) who has people working for are the opposite of what you mean in order to be
him. 2) Lord: Almighty God. 1) King: a male unpleasant to somebody or make fun of them.
ruler or one who inherits that position by right of omukira [omukira] n. tail: the part of an animal,
birth. bird or fish, etc. that sticks out at the back. Pl:
omukamba n. See: EMIKAMBA. Pl: emikamba. emikira.
omukambi n. See: EMIKAMBI. Pl: emikambi. omukobe n. a tree specie. Pl: emikobe.
omukami n. milk person: a person who milks the omukokoro n. a person with debilitated and
cows. Pl: abakami. unhealing wound. Pl: abakokoro.
omukamuure n. sweet fluids gotafter squeezing omukokwe n. the back of a tree which is twisted to
something like ripe banana, passion fruits, get fibres that are rope-like in size and are
pinneapples, etc. sometimes used to make mats. Pl: emikokwe.
omukandara n. belt: a long narrow piece of leather omukokye n. a trench: a ditch dug in the ground.
or cloth that one wears around the waist. Pl: omukomagi n. backcloth maker: a person whose
emikandara. job is making back clothes. Pl: abakomagi.
omukangaine n. snake: a snake specie that is small omukongorani n. a prickly shrub.
and long with green colour and commonly found omukongozi n. a lazy person: a person who is
in banana leaves. Pl: emikangaine. always unwilling to work or doing as little as
omukangambwa n. a metalic case: a suit case possible.
made ou of metalic substances. Pl: omukono n. arm: one of the two long parts of the
emikangambwa. body that connects the shoulders to the hand. Pl:
omukanja n. a shrub with edible berries. Pl: emikono.
emikanja. omukonwa n. eunuch: a man who has been castrated.
omukankaana n. See: OMUJWIGA. Pl: Pl: abakonwa.
emikankaana. omukooto n. half cooked or ripe. Pl: emikooto.
omukankaburo n. bunch of unripe young banana omukoraijo n. a stick which is usually used to
that has just flowered. Pl: emikankaburo. make traditional beds. Pl: emikoraijo.
omukaraata n. an old domestic animal that has omukorangani n. a person who makes or connects
lived for a very long time. Pl: emikaraata. two parties into agreement. Pl:
omukarabanda n. shoes/sandles: kind of shoes abakorangani.
especially those that are wooden. Pl: omukoyo n. soft soil found deep inside an anti-hill.
emikarabanda. omuku1 n. shoot: new branc growing on the plant.
omukarabaya n. one of the plant species. Pl: omuku2 n. a bull's voice: a sound made by a bull
emikarabaya. when mowing. Pl: emiku.
omukarabyo n. hard questions that are asked in an omukujumbwe n. half cooked food: food that
examination. Pl: emikarabyo. fails to get fully cooked.
omukarangye n. the smell that comes from millet omukukuni n. small jumping insect without wings
or soghum that is being fried. Pl: that feeds on blood of animals such as dogs.
emikarangye. omukukuuru n. a skin disease of hairly animals
omukaro n. dried meat: meat that has been roasted caused by a parasite.
and left to dry. Pl: emikaro. omukungashebeya n. a grass specie.
omukaru n. dry tea/ black tea: a mixture of tea and omukungu n. chief's assistant: a person who
water as a beverage. deputises a parish chief.
omukaso n. monitoring: to look at or monitor omukunguru n. ear wax: yellow substance like
closely. wax that is produced in ears.
omukaturiki n. a person who believes in the omukunisirizo adj. shy: an act of being afraid to
Catholic Church. Pl: abakaturiki. do something or being involved in something.
omukazi n. 1) woman: adult human female. 2) a omukununkirizo n. an instance where one tends
married woman considered in relation to her to reach for something that is out of their reach.
husband. omukunyu n. muddy sediments in beer.
omukiika n. a position or an area to the left orright omukura n. a ditch: a long narrow chennel at the
of something. edge of the road. Pl: emikura.
omukiiki n. participant in the meeting. Pl: omukuraijo n. a medicinal plant specie. Var:
abakiiki. orukuraijo. Pl: omukuraijo.
omunwa n. lip: fleshy folds of tissue as those statements that he knows are not true. Pl:
surrounding the mouth. Pl: eminwa. abanyakishuba.
omunya1 n. basket fibre. Pl: eminya. omunyamahanga n. a stranger: a person that is
omunya2 n. lizard: a small reptile with a rough skin, not known in the locality and is in a very distant.
four short legs and a long tail. Pl: eminya. Pl: abanyamahanga.
omunya3 n. a wound under the toe. omunyamahwa n. a plant with very sharp long
omunyaadiini n. religious person: a person thorns, small leaves and grows in clay soils.
connected with a specific religion. Pl: omunyamakuru n. journalist: a person whose job is
abanyadiini. to collect and write news stories for newspapers,
omunyaafu n. whip: along thin stick used for magazines, radio or television. Pl:
making domestic animals move or punishing abanyamakuru.
children. Pl: eminyaafu. omunyamanyo n. conjurer: someone who performs
omunyaanyaatsi n. slanderer: a person who magic tricks to amuse an audience. Pl:
speaks false statements intended to damage the abanyamanyo.
good opinion people have of somebody. Pl: omunyamaryo n. sturbon person: a person who is
abanyaanyaatsi. difficult to deal with and always wants tt force
omunyabanyo adj. insuficient food: having food his way. Pl: abanyamaryo.
that is not enough to feed those present. omunyamukago n. friend: a person you know well
omunyabibi n. sinner: a person who has comitted and regard with affection and trust. Pl:
sins. Pl: abanyabibi. abayamukago.
omunyabiragiro n. lawyer: a person who is trained omunyamururu n. glutony: a person who has a
and qualfied to advise people about the law and habit of eating and drinking too much. Pl:
to represent them in court and write legal abanyamururu.
documents. Pl: abanyabiragiro. omunyamurwa n. chief catechist: a catechist in
omunyabuzaare n. a relative: a person related to the catholic church who is allowed to administer
another either by blood or through marriage. Pl: the sacrament of eucharist. Pl: abanyamurwa.
abanyabuzaare. omunyamwaga n. cruel person: a person able or
omunyabwangu n. a swift person: a person who disposed to inflict pain or suffering. Pl:
does things quickly and without delay. Pl: abanyamwaga.
abanyabwangu. omunyamwoga n. professional person: a person
omunyabwengye n. wise person: a person who that is highly trained and specialised in his field.
makes very sensible decisions and gives good Pl: abanyamwoga.
advice because of knowledge and experience omunyana n. the youngest banana leaf, bud. Pl:
one has. Pl: abanyabwengye. eminyana.
omunyabwira n. See: OMUNYABWANGU. Pl: omunyanaama n. secretive person: aperson who
abanyabwira. cannot tell any other person when he is in the
omunyabwoba n. cowards: a person who shows know. Pl: abanyanaama.
fear or timidity. Pl: abanyabwoba. omunyanda n. See: OMUNYAMURURU. Pl:
omunyaga n. a term used to refer to part of the kraal abanyanda.
that is swept by omuhiima(herdsman). omunyangara n. premature bunch of matooke.
omunyagi n. bad debtor: a person who takes things Var: omunyara. Pl: eminyangara.
on credit and refuses to pay. Pl: abanyagi. omunyangarara n. crack: a long narrow opening
omunyago n. booty: valuable things stolen line on the surface of something. Pl:
especially by soldiers in time of war. Pl: eminyangarara.
eminyago. omunyangararo n. suffering: physical or mental
omunyago n. raided things. abateso bakatwara pain resultng into constant unhappiness.
omunyago gwabakaramoja. the Iteso took raided omunyanjara n. hungry person: someone who has
cattle for the Karamojong. no food and is ever looking for food here and
omunyaitima n. a jealous person: a person who is there. Pl: abanyanjara.
envious of another because of his/her success. omunyankuzi n. con man: a person who is fond
Pl: abanyaitima. of swindling people's money or stealing their
omunyaju n. partly dried thing: anything that is not property. Pl: abanyankuzi.
dried fully. Pl: eminyaju. omunyansi n. indigenous person. See: OMUTAKA
omunyakishuba n. a lier: a person who makes 2. Pl: abanyansi.
omunyanzigu n. someone who likes revenging. Pl: omunyuunyuutsi n. exploiter: a person who uses
abanyanzigu. something or someone selfishly or unethically.
omunyanziika n. See: OMUNYANZIGU. Pl: Pl: abanyuunyuutsi.
abanyanziika. omunywengyerero n. weight loss: a situation
omunyarara n. strip: a relatively long narrow where one keeps on loosing weight slowly by
piece of something. Pl: eminyarara. slowly due to over thinking or any other
omunyarubwa n. stubborn person: someone who problem. Pl: omunywengyerero.
is by nature obstinate, likes speaking a lot of omunywero n. a clay vessel with long neck that is
funny things and likes teasing others. Pl: used to drink something.
abanyarubwa. omunzaani n. See: MINZAANI. Var: minzaani.
omunyarugambo n. a rumourmonger: a person Pl: eminzaani.
fond of gossiping and divulging personal omupakasi n. labourer: a person who works or is
information about others. Pl: engaged in manual labour for others. Pl:
abanyarugambo. abapakasi.
omunyaruganda n. See: OMUNYAMUKAGO. Pl: omupatiko n. a kind of behaviour characterised by
abanyaruganda. too much familiality to less concerned parties.
omunyarwango n. misanthropist: a person who Pl: omupatiko.
hates and avoids other people. Pl: omupiipo n. shiver: a sudden shaking movement of
abanyarwango. the body because of illness.
omunyeeto n. youth. Pl: eminyeeto. omupiira1 n. Pl: emipiira. 1) football: a game
omunyeganyegye n. a swamp bush with pods. Pl: played by the teams of eleven using a round ball.
eminyeganyegye. 2) ball: a round object used for throwing, hitting,
omunyegezi n. pins and needles. Pl: or kicking in games and sports.
eminyegezi. omupiira2 n. tyre: a thick rubber ring that fits
omunyigimbo n. to walk slowly. around the edge of a wheel of a car or a bicycle.
omunyiginya n. prince: a male member of the royal Pl: emipiira.
family who is not a king. Pl: abanyiginya. omura n. jigger: a flea that lays eggs under a
omunyiginya-kazi n. princess: a female member person's or animal's skin causing itch or pain on
of the royal family who is not the queen. Pl: areas affected. Pl: emira.
abanyiginya-kazi. omuraazi n. the visitor who goes to a place and
omunyigye n. smashed food especially bananas. stays for a night or more. Pl: abaraazi.
Pl: eminyigye. omurabanamu n. See: EMIRABANAMU.
omunyimbanyimbo n. an elegant style of omuragara n. millet seeds that usually remain on
walking. Pl: omunyimbanyimbo. the ground where millet fingers have been put
omunyinya n. accacia tree. Pl: eminyinya. for drying.
omunyoma n. See: OMUNYANA. Pl: eminyoma. omuragazo n. a person or animal which is born
omunyomwa n. the doubted: somebody that does first.
not satisfy the requirements of a certain activity omuragwa n. heir: a person with the legal right to
or participation. Pl: abanyomwa. recieve property or money when the owner dies.
omunyongororwa n. earth warm. Pl: Pl: abaragwa.
eminyongororwa. omurahuzi n. aggressive person: someone who
omunyontore n. a very tall thing or person. Pl: delights in other's pain or unhappiness by
eminyontore. causing them not to be happy or to suffer. Pl:
omunyororo n. door lock: a metalic shutter that is abarahuzi.
attached to the door in which one uses a key to omuramagi n. pilgrim: a person who travels to a
open or lock. Pl: eminyororo. holy place for religious reasons. Pl:
omunyugu n. lame: a kind of disability where a abaramagi.
person does not walk properly. Pl: abanyugu. omurambi n. See: EMIRAMBI.
omunyurure n. rabia minora: a pulled labia omurambuure adj. something very long.
minora. Pl: eminyurure. omuramukazi n. sister-in-law: a sister of one's
omunyururu n. See: OMUNYORORO. Pl: husband. Pl: abaramukazi.
eminyururu. omuramukazi n. A sister of one's husband. Yaba
omunyuuki n. banana brewer: a person who makes narwana nomuramukazi. She has been fighting
juice out of ripe bananas. Pl: abanyuuki. with her sister-in-law.
omuramukazi n. A sister of one's husband. Yaba omureguzo n. measuring so many times for
narwana nomuramukazi. She has been fighting example you can measure a kilo of meat and
with her sister-in-law. someone tells you that it is not yet a kilo so you
omuramura n. a tree specie whose wood is used for measure again to prove that really it is a kilo.
making huts for spirits. Pl: emiramura. omurema-mpango n. A thick hard wood tree used
omuramuzi n. judge/magistrate: a person in a court to make milk pots. Pl: emirema-mpango.
of law whose job is to decide questions brought omurema-njojo n. a shrub used to make walking
before a court of justice. Pl: abaramuzi. sticks. Pl: emirema-njojo.
omurande n. passion fruits. See: OBUTUNDA. omurembe n. something with a cylindrical shape.
omurando n. creeping plant: Having a lot of plants Akahinga ebyozi by'emirembe byonka. He only
that grow following others for support or any grew pumpkins with a cylindrical shape. Pl:
other support e.g. the ground walls. Pl: emirembe.
emirando. omurembeserezo n. a repeated act of making a
omuranga1 n. the noise and shouting made by baby to stop crying.
people while crying. Pl: emiranga. omuremi n. stretcher: a covered frame on which the
omuranga2 n. stripe: a long narrow band with the sick is carried by two peole each one holding
same width through out its length differing in either side. Pl: emiremi.
colour or texture from the surface on either side omuremuuro n. dead tired: being too tired that one
of it. Pl: emiranga. cannot do anything.
omurangara2 n. a tree specie. Pl: emirangara. omurengi n. state of being calculative in some
omuranguka n. untimely death: to die suddenly. body's spending where one considers every
[Note: Mpangainwe Rachel.] quantity they are to give out.
omuranguuzo adj. habit: the act of finishing up omurera-mikono n. lazy personA person who is
something either in a container or somewhere. not willing to work or do anything that involves
omurara n. a cow with mixed colours of brown and efforts. Pl: abarera-mikono.
black and with black patches running from the omurezi n. a baby sitter: someone who looks after a
head up to the tail and brown patches under the child for a short time while the parents are out.
neck. Pl: emirara. Pl: abarezi.
omuraramo n. meningitis: a serious disease in omurezi n. baby sitter: a person who looksa after
which the tissues enclosing the brain and spinal the child and takes care of it. See:
cord become infected or swollen. OMUREMBEEZI. Pl: abarezi.
omurashi n. someone who shoots cows using an omuribato n. moving up and down aimlessly in a
arrow to get blood from it. Pl: abarashi. crowd of people. Var: omuribatano.
omurasho1 n. something done very quickly. Pl: omurigito1 n. sound made when it is threating rain.
omurasho. omurigito2 [omurigito] n. being jumpy and
omurasho2 n. a disease that is common in goats. playful.
Pl: omurasho. omuriiti n. lasso: a rope with a noose at the end
omuravunga n. a medicinal plant which has very used for catching cattle. Var: omuriito. Pl:
soft leaves, a bit spongy and very bitter. It can emiriiti.
cure a stomach ache. Pl: emiravunga. omuriituuro adj. force: obtaining by power,
omuraza n. a person who cuts down trees for some pressure or violence.
reason. omurimiro n. post: a timber or metal post set in
omureebuuzo n. being curious. the ground as a supporttng part of a fence.
omureegi n. cantor: An official who sings omuroba1 n. fresh grass. It is normally laid in the
liturgical music and leads prayer in a synagogue. kitchen. Ejura egwire haamera omuroba. It
Pl: abareegi. rained and fresh grass started growing.
omureeko n. an instrument put around the iron omuroba2 n. the duck's excrets.
thatched house to collect rain water falling off omurogi n. witch: a person believed to be having
the house such that water is directed into one evil powers. Pl: abarogi.
end to be collected from there. Pl: emireeko. omurokora n. a kind of stick that has white
omureeterezi n. song leader: a person who adds spotsoften used for grazing. Pl: emirokora.
value to the song in a group of singers. Pl: omuronko n. a small tree that is used for making
abareeterezi. bows. Pl: emironko.
omureetsa n. name of a comet. omurozo n. a small quantity of food or drink that
case. Pl: abashinja. believes in God and attends church services. Pl:
omushinya n. a plant species used in making abashomi.
ropes. Pl: emishinya. omushomi3 n. cattle thief: a person who steals
omushitamirizi n. a person who outstays. Pl: cows. Pl: abashomi.
abashitamirizi. omushomo n. course: a course of study arranged to
omushoberwa n. bewildered person: a person who either last a short time or a long time leading to
is always confused with numerous conflicting a certificate. Pl: emishomo.
situations, objects, statements, etc. Pl: omushonga1 n. sharp pain: a sharp or severe pain
abashoberwa. that normally attacks the chest, eye, ear,
omushobo n. excess: something that is more than stomach, head etc. Pl: emishonga.
necessary, reasonable or acceptable. Pl: omushonga2 n. herb: a plant that grows in the
emishobo. banana plantation and is sometimes grown by
omushoboorozi n. an authority: someone who has people, believed to prevent epilepsy and has a
the power to do something. Pl: sharp smell. Pl: emishonga.
abashoboorozi. omushongashongi n. a plant or herb whose
omushoboyo n. excess: the number count that goes leaves are eaten for great enjoyment. It is also
beyond the required number. See: OMUSHOBO. medicinal. Pl: emishongashongi.
Pl: emishoboyo. omushongi n. honey: liquid honey with a very
omushobya1 n. someone who does things that are pleasant taste. Pl: omushongi.
contrary to morals, norms and day to day ways omushongore n. polite person: one who has good
of living. Pl: abashobya. manners, respect for others and known by
omushobya2 n. plant species. Pl: emishobya. people for that. Pl: abashongore.
omushoga n. castor oil beans. Pl: emishoga. omushono1 n. secret powers that people believe
omushogoyo n. puberty or adolescence: a period can make a strange thing that seem imposible to
of growth among humans from childhood to happen if one says or does special things.
adulthood normally between the age of twelve to omushono2 n. The art of doing tricks that seem
eighteen. impossible in order to entertain people. (black
omushohi n. fisherman: a person who uses a magic) especially what makes something seem
fishing busket to catch mud fish from water wonderfull. Var: omusono. Pl: emishono.
more especially from small rivers or ponds. Pl: omushooro n. young millet stalks.
abashohi. omushoro n. tax: a compulsorypayment to
omushohoro n. first crops grown in a season. government so that it can pay for public
omushojwa n. spear grass: a type of grass with services. Pl: emishoro.
hard pointed seed heads some of which are sharp omushoromerezi n. vegetable picker: someone
enough to harm livestock. Pl: emishojwa. who picks green vegetables. Pl:
omushokooro n. bone marrow: a liquid substance abashoromerezi.
that is found in the hard dense, calcified tissue omushoromi n. picker: someone who gathers,
that forms a skeleton of most vertabrates and collects, picks crops especially coffee and tea.
contains calicium. Pl: abashoromi.
omushomankuzi n. swindler: a person who omushoroorwa n. lavae: large maggot that lives
secures gains unfairly or unlawfully. Var: in rotten truncks of trees and are also found in
omushumankuzi. Pl: abashomankuzi. grass thatched houses (roofs) especially during
omushomesa n. teacher: a person whose job is to the rainy season. Var: ekishoroobwa.
teach someone a lesson or instructions so that he omushorooza n. tax collector: someone who
or she knows how to do something. Pl: gathers money or a charge that is charged by the
abashomesa. government or its domains from persons of
omushomesa-kazi n. mistress: a female teacher. different categories for support of that
Pl: abashomesa-kazi. government. It can be got from business people,
omushomi1 n. Pl: abashomi. 1) reader: a person citizen, organisations, etc. Pl: abashorooza.
who understands or takes in the meaning of omushororongo n. line or verse: a row of people,
written or printed words or symbols. 2) a person things, words, etc on a page. Pl:
who speacks loud the words of something emishororongo.
written or printed. omushozi n. mountain: a raised area or high hill.
omushomi2 n. religious person: a person who Pl: emishozi.
omushu1 n. a tree whose bark prevents cough and Europe. caprimulgus poliocephalus. Pl:
normally grows in a forest and is very sour. Pl: emishuraibiba.
emishu. omushure n. shrew: a small bird with a long beak,
omushu2 n. pullet: a young hen that has not started tail and destroys people's crops. Pl: emishure.
laying eggs. Var: omushwa. Pl: emishu. omushurunguru [omushurunguru] n. a rat
omushubiro n. second born: a child that is born trap made of wooven glass. Pl:
second in a family. Var: omushubiiro. Pl: emishurunguru.
abashubiro. omushuubuzi n. trader: a person who does business
omushubyo n. Milk of the second milking. After of buying and selling goods. Pl:
the first round you may feel that there is still abashuubuzi.
some milk you have left in the udder. omushuuguugu n. rascal: a rough and disorderly
omushugunguru n. mouse trap: a device for person (ruffian, rowdy). Pl: emishuuguugu.
catching and holding any of the numerous small omushuuhuuki n. emigrant: someone who leaves
rodents that characteristically have a pointed a country, area or a region to settle into another.
snout, propotianately small ears and a long Pl: abashuuhuuki.
narrow almost hairless tail that live in peoples omushuura n. a creeping plant that grows
houses especially in holes they make there and especially in vallies whose leaves are used as
destroy peoples property and materials. See: herbs to prevent stomachache and are very sour
AKAMESHU. Pl: emishugunguru. with a small creeping stem and leaves that are
omushukiso n. funnel: a wide mouthed tube used circular from and a small gap where the leaf
for pouring liquids into the container with a stalk starts from. Pl: omushuura.
narrow neck. See: OMWITIZO, OMUTAHO. Pl: omushuuzi n. guard: someone who has the
emishukiso. responsibility of looking after a lonely place, he
omushuma1 n. thief: a person who steals from doesnot leave in the place, he only checks if its
another person or takes away their things safe. Pl: abashuuzi.
without concent. Pl: abashuma. omushwa1 n. ants: an insect that live in colonies
omushuma2 n. a greedy person: a person who desire that have a complex social organisation. Pl:
for more food, money, power than he really need emishwa.
and does not like to share with others. Pl: omushwa2 n. pullet: a young hen. See: OMUSHU.
abashuma. Pl: emishwa.
omushumankuzi n. corrupt person: a person who omushwashumi n. swindler: someone who cheats
is fond of taking bribes and at the same time someone elses money. Pl: abashwashumi.
corrupt. Pl: abashumankuzi. omushwija n. malaria: a disease with an
omushumba n. Pl: abashumba. 1) slave: arbnormally high body temperature caused by
someone who is paid for looking after someone female anopheles mosquitoes. Var:
else. 2) a person emplyed to look after cattle. omushwijo.
3) pastor: a leader of christian group or church. omushwijumi n. an examiner: a person who
omushumbakazi n. a famale slave: a female inspects or scruitinies in details to determine the
person owned by someone and has to work for qualifications, ability, knowledge, etc by testing
him or her without pay. Pl: abashumbakazi. or questioning. Pl: abashwijumi.
omushumiko1 n. girdle: anything worn around the omushwino n. a small hole in an ant hill. Pl:
waist and has knots especially worn by old emishwino.
women as belts or sash. Pl: emishumiko. omusi1 n. vessel: one of the tubes in the body that
omushumiko2 n. anus. See: OMWOYO. Pl: carries blood from the heart to all parts of the
emishumiko. body. Omwana wangye aitemire omusi
omushunguru n. a grass specie. gw'omukono. My child cut his hand's vein. Pl:
omushunju n. crest: a meat like strugture above the emisi.
beak of male birds that is red in colour. Pl: omusi2 n. grinder: a person who presses and breaks
emishunju. something into powder. Pl: abasi.
omushununuko adj. to leave it to roll or pitch omusiba n. mingled millet: thick, sticky mingled
suddenly or erratically as a ship as it docks. millet that is ready for serving and has been
omushuraibiba n. night jar: any of the various properly organised in the mingling pot. Pl:
nocturnal birds that looks like an owl, that emisiba.
makes a sharp sound at night and is common in omusibaazo adj. to move or stand unsteadily as if
the stem of elephant grass that is too sharp for omutaahi n. neighbour: a person who lives or is
cutting after it has been removed from the main located near another. Pl: abataahi.
stem. omutaahira n. young jigger: a parasite that feeds
omusisa1 n. earth quake: a series of waves or on human blood under the feet when it is still
vibrations in the crust of the earth caused by young. Pl: emitaahira.
sudden shifting of the rock under the great omutaako v. decorated things covered by beads that
strains along geological faults and by volcanic were taken to kings as gifts such as walking
action. Pl: emisisa. sticks, bungles, etc. Pl: emitaako.
omusisa2 a bunch of bananas. omutaano n. someone's greatness due to his or her
omusitaari n. line: a long thin continuos mark deeds.
made on paper by pen or pencil. Pl: omutaanyaguzi v. a rioter: someone who goes to
emisitaari. every place with no reason. Pl:
omusito n. skewer: a long metal or wooden pin used abataanyaguzi.
to suspend food while cooking. Pl: emisito. omutaanyo n. being proud: the practice of being
omusizi1 incensent tree : a tree with a substance as a proud especially with girls of eighteen years and
gum or wood that burns with a pleasant odour. below.
omusizi2 n. anus: excretory opening of the omutaari n. spear: a long spear. Pl: emitaari.
alimentary canal. See: OMWOYO. omutaasyo adv. a time when cattle come back
omusoomi n. dancer: one who dances. home in the evening.
omusoomo n. traditional dancing: according to or omutaate n. a wild tree with a yellow stem when
being traditional in dancing. Bakateera the barck is removed and people make hoe
omusoomo barikwakiira mukuru w'eihanga. handles from its stem. Pl: emitaate.
They danced the traditional dance when omutaayaayi n. visitor: one who visits the other. Pl:
receiving the president. abataayaayi.
omusoomoro n. a rough tree whose leaves are used omutaba n. a narrow trench dug in gardens or
as sand paper to smoothen the rough things like banana plantations to hold running water. Var:
timber. ekitaba. Pl: emitaba.
omusoorooza n. a small thornless plant with small omutabaazi1 n. visitor: a person who visits another
white pea like flowers and leaves like acacia or person or place. Pl: abatabaazi.
jacaranda. omutabaazi2 n. accuser, plaintiff: a person who
omusosorodooti n. catholic priest: atitle for a makes aformal complaint against somebody
priest in the Roman Catholic church. Var: especially in court. omutabaazi weeye akanga
omusaserodooti. Pl: abasosorodooti. kumusasira. his accuser refused to forgive him.
omusuusi n. the one who slashes the compound or Pl: abatabaazi.
cuts down the bush. Pl: abasuusi. omutabani n. son: a person's male child. Pl:
omusya n. fresher: someone new in an area or place. abatabani.
Pl: abasya. omutabizi n. cultivator: the person who cultivates
omusyasya n. any first hand item that is bought. land. Pl: abatabizi.
Pl: emisyasya. omutabungwa n. a coffee plant. Pl:
omusyaza n. tall thorn-tree. emitabungwa.
omusyo n. knife: a cutting instrument consisting of a omutabuzi n. the person who disorganises others.
sharp blade with a handle used in cutting. Pl: Pl: abatabuzi.
emisyo. omutagara n. a short tree with a dark green stem,
omutaagiiro adv. walking with legs spread big leaves. It normally grows in banana
especially when one is sick or suffering from a plantations and has triplex sub branches and it is
disease that does not allow him to walk properly very weak. Pl: emitagara.
e.g syphilis. omutagata n. food that is a bit warm but not hot or
omutaago n. being painfully sick: to fall sick and cold. Pl: emitagata.
reach an extent of dying. Pl: emitaago. omutagatago n. udder: the underneath part of a
omutaagurizi n. dancer: one who dances cow that holds the teats and bears milk. Var:
traditionally by jumping up. Pl: omutakataho. Pl: emitatagatago.
abataagurizi. omutahatsi n. a person who likes to carry many
omutaaha n. a wild tree with red berries. Pl: things at once. Pl: abatahatsi.
emitaaha. omutahe n. local beer made from ripe bananas that
has just fermented and is still warm. a thorny stem and blances. Pl: emitatembwa.
omutahimbwa n. iron bar: a strong metal made omutavu n. calf: a female young one of a cow.
from iron ore. Pl: emitahimbwa. Usage: KG. See: ENCWAMUTWE. Pl: emitavu.
omutaho n. funnel: conical container with a tube at omuteburo1 n. leaves of beans that are picked from
the bottom used to pour liquid or other their plants and used as sauce. See: EKIJAMBA.
substances into a small mouthed container. Pl: Pl: omuteburo.
emitaho. omuteburo2 n. wrestling: the sport of fighting by
omutaju n. milk drunk in the absence of the one grappling and trying to bring one's opponent to
who usually drinks it. the ground. Pl: omuteburo.
omutaka1 n. village mate: a person who lives in the omuteeberezi n. guesser: someone who likes
same village with another. Pl: abataka. estimating or guessing or telling things right by
omutaka2 n. umbrella: a device for protection suppossing without sufficient information to be
against rain hot sun. Pl: emitaka. sure of being correct. Pl: abateeberezi.
omutakaatako n. See: OMUHAKO. Pl: omuteebi n. striker: a person who shoots directly in
emitakaatako. the goal. Pl: abateebi.
omutamba-byona n. a type of thrub which is omuteeganda n. hard working person: a person that
thought to cure all diseases. fulfills his duties and does his work properly
omutambizi n. healer: a person who cures people of without leaving any work undone. Pl:
illnesses and diseases using natural powers and abateeganda.
traditional medicine. Pl: abatambizi. omuteegi n. hair cutter: one who cuts hair in a saloon.
omutambo n. The usefulness of something. Var: omutegi.
omutana n. bundle: acollection of things hold or omuteego n. a bad spell, words or actions that
fastened together. Pl: emitana. make bad things happen. Pl: emiteego.
omutanagi n. arrow-maker: a person whose job is omuteeko n. heap, bandle: a heap or bandle of
making arrows. Pl: abatanagi. something. Pl: emiteeko.
omutanda1 n. a full stretch of iron sheet before it omuteerani n. mediator: a person who tries to get
is put on the roof of the house. Pl: emitanda. agreement between people or groups who
omutanda2 n. wrapper: a garment that is wrapped disagree wit each other. Pl: abateerani.
around the body before it is fastened. Pl: omuteete n. lemon grass: a spiny evergreen grass
emitanda. native to tropical countries widely cultivated for
omutangirizi n. hopitable person: a person who grazing animals. Pl: emiteete.
welcomes others in their homes or at functions. omuteeyamba n. a lazy person: a person who is
omutango n. fine: sum of money imposed as a always unwilling to work or be active. Pl:
penalty for an offense. Pl: emitango. abateeyamba.
omutangye n. ripe bananas that are squeezed to get omuteezi1 n. a disease in human beings which
juice out of them. They are normally peeled in normally affects the veins and causes them to
the evening and left to be squeezed the pain especially when one has overworked and
following morning. Pl: emitangye. veins are tired.
omutanyango n. pride: a situation where a person omuteezi2 n. neuralgia, a swelling, player striker,
is proud and cannot settle down all the time. Pl: multiplier, surveyor, gambler. Pl: abateezi.
omutanyango. omutego [omutego] n. trap: a device for catching
omutara1 n. cattle disease. animals. Pl: emitego.
omutara2 n. infertile land which is not good for omutegyeki n. governor or leader: a person who
growing crops. Var: omutaro. leads or governs others. Pl: abategyeki.
omutarabanda n. wooden sandles. Pl: omutemere n. hid of beehive made of banana
emitarabanda. fibres and is round. Pl: emitemere.
omutarasho n. a quick move to escape something. omutemo n. potion: an amount that is set up that
Enjura ku yaizire twateera omutarasho. We ran one has to fulfill. Pl: emitemo.
quickly as soon as it started raining. omutereezi n. organizer: somebody who arranges
omutare n. a wonderer. See: EKIZENGYEREZI, or puts things in place in the right order and at
EKIRARE. the right time. Pl: abatereezi.
omutariko n. smoked meat: meat that has been omuteruzi n. a person who lifts heavy loads for
roasted. Pl: emitariko. money. Pl: abateruzi.
omutatembwa n. a tree species with big leaves and omutiba n. a brick making tray. Pl: emitiba.
omwambuzi n. rbber: a person who takes property omwaraara n. a flat and plain place.
from somebody or place illegally sometimes omwaransi n. a flat land big enough and free from
involves killing. Pl: abambuzi. hills. See: Obwereere.
omwami [omwami] n. Mr, master, husband chief. omwarikiro adj. something that lays flat and
Pl: abaami. smooth.
omwamuzi n. rainstopper: a person who can use omwariko n. beans which have produced the
magic to divert rain to another place. Pl: second leaves after germination. Var:
abaamuzi. omwaruko.
omwana n. child: a young person who is not yet an omwarikye n. a well laid place usually with grass.
adult. See: OMWEREERE. Pl: abaana. Pl: emyarikye.
omwana gw'eriisho n. pupil: the small round omwariro n. grass spread for sitting on.
black area at the centre of the eye. omwaro n. port, harbour: an area that borders a
omwanda1 adj. untideness. Enju ye eba omwanda. water body where ships dock. Pl: emyaro.
His house is usually untidy. omwaruuro n. mulch: material like grass that are
omwangaazima n. rain bow: a curved band of put in a garden or plantation to cover the soil
different colours that appears in the sky when and improve the quality of soil as they decay.
the sun shines through rain. Var: omwata n. weed: a wild plant that grows where it is
omwangaazimu, omuhingaazima. not wanted.
omwangaazimu n. See: OMWANGANZIMA. omwatangabo n. end of an arrow.
omwangangye1 n. ibis: a large wading bird with a omwatano n. boundary: a real or imaginary line that
long neck that is found in lakes and swamps. marks the limits or edges of something and
See: ENYAWAAWA. seperates it.
omwangangye2 n. Lily:a large white or brightly omwate n. millet or sorghum cake. Pl: emyate.
coloured flower with petals that curl back from omwatse n. a piece of wood split from a log. Var:
the centre. omwase, ekyase, ekyatse.
omwangangye3 n. very small white sports on the omwayi n. a thief who normally takes whatever they
face. come across especially petty things. Pl:
omwangi n. hater: a person who does not like another abaayi.
person or hates something. Pl: abangi. omwebaraganyo n. a situation where empty
omwangizi n. jealous person: a person who is things or utensils hit each other and create a
always unhappy or angry because of another certain noise.
person's success. Pl: abangizi. omwebazyo n. evening: the time of the day
omwango n. a door frame. between afternoon and dark especially from 4pm
omwani n. coffee. to 7pm.
omwaniko n. 1) exposure: something put to air or omwebembezi n. leader: a person who heads a
light with the aim of getting it dry. 2) put group of peaple. Pl: abeebembezi.
someones hidden character in an open for other omwebindo adj. to close ones legs so as to sit
people to see. properly.
omwanjagiro n. a state where one is confused and omwecurengi n. one who is restless and serious in
is not sure of what is right or one is not sure of what he or she is doing.
everything aroung him or her. omwefuuzo1 n. feeling so sad, repentant or
omwanjami n. backbitter: a person who talks about disappointed over something that has happened
others. or has been done especially a loss or missed
omwanjuki n. absent minded person. property.
omwanjuko n. madness or insernity: a state of omwefuuzo2 n. a wild tree with long breast like
having a serious mental illness. See: EIRARO. fruits or ponds and red flowers. Bakaba bakira
Pl: omwanjuko. kutiinisa abahara ngu baacwa ebijuma
omwano n. a younger flower/fruit of bananas that is by'omwefuuzo, nibamera amabeere maraingwa.
not yet ready for consumption. They used to scare girls that if you pick friuts of
omwanya1 n. period of time. this tree, you grow long breasts. Pl:
omwanya2 n. position got in class after sitting for emyefuuzo.
examinations and getting ranked according to omwegande n. a lazy person.
perfomance. Pl: emyanya. omweganzi n. one who intetionally pretends to be
omwanya3 n. instead of. Pl: emyanya. lazy. Pl: abeganzi.
omwiniro n. a kind of strong wind. omwomoozi n. a person who can mend brocken
omwino n. elephant task. bones in the head. Pl: aboomoozi.
omwinukiriro adj. last piece of work done as one omwongo n. a plant like pumpkin that produces
prepares to leave. calabash.
omwinuro n. a bottom rim of basket. omwongyezo n. the act of being added something in
omwiraguju n. a black person; an African. addition to what you got before or giving
omwirima n. darkness: the state of having no light. supplements to others. Var: omwongyeza.
See: Ekizima. omwonjobozi n. one who hurls abuses at others. Pl:
omwiririzo n. time after the normal time of doing abonjobozi.
something in the evening usually towards night. omwonkyerezi n. breast-feeding aidee: the person
omwiru n. a person belonging to the Abairu ethnic who oversees calves as they breastfeed their
group of Ankole. Pl: abairu. mothers. This person determines when calves
omwirukazi n. a mwiru female person. Pl: should begin or end breastfeeding and takes
abairukazi. them away from their mothers.
omwiruki n. runner: a person who is good at okwonkyereza.
movingvery fast using his or her legs. Pl: omwonore1 n. being naked. See: ENTUMBURE.
abairuki. omwonore2 n. an infection of the penis.
omwishiki n. a girl, a lady: a female human being omwonyo n. salt: a substance that is put in food to
before she is married. Pl: abaishiki. give a better flavour.
omwisi n. a killer, murderer: a person who causes omwonyo gw'ente n. shrub with salty taste
death to other people. Pl: abaisi. leaves. Var: ekyonyo ky'ente (NK).
omwisyo n. breath: the air that we take into the omwonyo-gwa-muha n. a medicinal tree
lungs and send out again. species.
omwiteenwa n. a person in a charge of milking for omworekano adj. a habit of people showing each
the king. other what they have.
omwitiro n. smoke from a small pot used to produce omworeki n. a person who gives an audience what
a good scent in a milk pot. they see. Pl: abooreki.
omwitizo a stick used to smoke milking containers. omworeko n. a show, trade show, an exhibtion.
omwituzi n. funnel. omworo1 n. a poor person a person who has very
OMUTAHO. little money to meet the basic needs. Pl:
omwitwanda n. glutton: someone who greedily abooro.
eats every now and then. omworo2 n. a poor person. See: OMUGARA,
omwo adj. reffering to inside the place besides or OMWEREMWA, OMUNAFU. Pl: abooro.
nearby you. Emboga zaawe ziri omu bakuri omworozi n. caretaker, guardian: a person who
omwo. Your sauce is in that owl. cares for another especially a child whose
omwoga1 n. talent. See: ENTARANTA. Pl: emyoga. parents have died. Pl: aboorozi.
omwoga2 n. a skill, task or proffession. Abaana omwosho n. absentism, missing out: an activity
bangye boona bakashoma omwoga that is postponed or does not take place as
gw'obushaho. All my children studied the scheduled.
medical profession. Pl: emyoga. omwosi n. roaster: a person roasts meat. Var:
omwohera n. hair that is just beginning to grow a omwoki.
few days after shaving. omwosya n. temper: the action of getting very angry
omwohi n. a person who decieves you with an in a short time.
intension of plunging you into problems. omwotero n. that which women would sit on to
Omukazi n'omwohi, otarimwesiga. His wife is clean up themselves i.e in order to smoke or
cunning, never trust her. perfume their private parts especially in marrige.
omwojo n. boy: a male young child. Pl: aboojo. omwotezo n. a mixture of hurbs which women use to
omwoma n. the feeling of needing or wanting a smoke themselves.
drink. omwoya [omwoya] n. air: the mixture of gasses
omwombeki n. builder: a person whose job is to that surround the earth.
build houses. Pl: abombeki. omwoyo n. anus: the opening in a person's bottom
omwombezi n. weeder: a person who uproots through which solid waste leaves the body. Pl:
unwanted crops from the garden. Pl: emyoyo.
abombezi. omwoyo-orikwera n. holly spirit. See:
MUTIMA-ORIKWERA. to an audience.
omwozi n. a person who washes clothes. Pl: orubengo n. millingstone: a stone used for milling
aboozi. grains especially millet and sorghum. Pl:
-ona adj. the whole of something. Amaizi goona embengo.
gareete. Bring all that water. oruberera n. a camp where people temporarily
ondiijo pron. another one, the other person. construct when doing a certain activity e.g. road
Bakakwata omushuma kwonka kndiijo we construction.
yaatoroka. They caught one thief but the other orubibi n. boundry: that which seperates two
one escaped. entities, eg two pieces of land.
onu pron. this:demonstrative pronoun used to refer orubimbi n. task: a piece of weork to be done or
to a person near you. Etym: Luganda. undertaken.
oo int. oh: used for emphasis or when reaching to orubindi n. a large milk pot. Omwishiki waabaire
something that has been said. ayekoreire orubindi akateerera yaagwa amate
oraire gye phr. salutation, How have you slept, gayatika. The girl who was carrying a large milk
good morning. Orairegye maama? Goodmorning pot slipped, fell and the milk poured.
mother. orubingo n. Pennisetum-Purpureum. Pl: embingo.
orikwera adj. the holy one. orubisho n. food or drink kept for a guest. Obu
oruba1 n. jaw: either of the two bones at the bottom twagiire kutaayaaya Kashenyi bakatuha
of the face that contain the teeth and move when orubisho rw'enyama. When we went to Kashenyi
we talk or eat. to visit they gave us food kept purposely for us
oruba2 n. a bundle of firewood. See: Omuganda. comprising of meat.
orubaaho n. furniture: a long piece of wood used orubombo n. a medicinal plant usually too bitter.
in building and making furniture. Pl: embaaho. See: EKIMARA. Var: ekibimbo.
orubaare n. See: EIBAARE. orubu n. turn: the time when somebody i a group of
orubaare n. hail storm/hail stone: small balls of ice people should do or is allowed to do something.
that falls like rain. Pl: embu.
orubabo n. Fire flames. See: EKIRIMI orububi1 n. cream formed on boiled milk. See:
orubagano n. share: what one gets after doing a orububi2 n. cob: a fine net of threads made by a
collective work like slaughtering a cow. spider to catch insects.
orubaju1 n. rib: any of the curved bones that are orububura n. tethering-rope.
connected to the spine and surround the chest. orubuga n. latrine: a loo of a king in Ankole.
Pl: embaju. Tihaine ondiijo oza omu rubuga kwihaho
orubaju2 n. the side: the position or area to the left or omugabe. No one else goes to the king's loo
right of something. Pl: embaju. except himself.
orubaka n. bat: a bird-like animal that flies and orubugo n. back cloth: a cloth made out of wattle
feeds at night. Pl: embaka. tree. Pl: embugo.
orubambo n. peg: a short piece of wood used for orubumbiro n. hearth: the floor of a fire place in a
holding things together or hanging them house and the area around it.
especially in drying things like hides and skins. orubundabunzi n. a kind of small tree with small
orubanda n. an ancient hero. leaves, brown stalks and stem usually used in
orubanga n. steep sides of a mountain on tall hills. construction.
orubango n. javelin: a light spear thrown in orubungo n. a heap of something, e.g. cow dung.
competetive sport or as a weapon. orubutuuro n. a gift to a doctor when you want
orubanja n. case: a matter that is a subject of him to come to your house.
investigation related to offending one party by orubwa n. insolence. See: Obukuutu.
another. Pl: emanja. orucaca n. a small piece of something e.g. meat.
orubaro n. census: the process ofofficially counting orucocori n. a group of young ones of the same
someting especially a country's population. size. Orucocori rw'enyonyi rumariire oburo. A
orubata n. millet bread left in a basket after a meal. group of young birds finished up my millet.
Pl: embata. orucu n. mist. See: ORUHO.
orubazi n. timber used for roofing. Var: orubazo. orucuba n. wooden dish/chamber pot used
Pl: embazi. especially for urinating in at night.
orubazo n. speech: a formal talk that a person gives orucurabembe n. high jumb. Var:
qualities or the required degree of excellence. oruhiro n. bronchital: the hollow that leads to the
Pl: engyero. lungs from the mouth.
orugyezi n. task: a piece of work that has to be done oruhita n. plain: a large area of a flat land. Pl:
especially a hard and unpleasant work. Pl: empita.
engyezi. oruho n. thin mist: a cloud of very small drops of
orugyezigyezi n. See: ORUGEZI. water in the air just above the ground that makes
oruhaburizo [oruhaburizo] n. See: it difficult. Var: ekiho.
ORUHABYO. oruhoko1 n. stake: claim for a bride usually with use
oruhabyo n. billhook: garden tool with a long of bride price like cows that practiced in the past
hundle and a curved blade used for cutting small among the Banyankore.
branches of trees. Var: oruhaburizo (KG). oruhoko2 n. a medicinal plant that someone takes
Pl: empabyo. when he or she is bewitched in order to vomit.
oruhagara n. cluster: a number of things of the same When taken excessively, it is poisonous. Var:
kind growing together closely especially of omuhoko.
bananas. Pl: empagara. oruhombwa n. bush with small light green leaves.
oruhagi n. spoke: one of the thin bars or long oruhoro n. stale beer: beer that is no longer tasting
straight pieces of metal that connects the centre fresh, or warm. Pl: oruhoro.
of a wheel to its outer edge e.g bicycle. Pl: oruhosho1 n. consumption: the process of buying or
empagi. using goods.
oruhago n. bladder: a bag made of membranes in oruhosho2 n. pointed iron digging tool.
which urine collects in animal and human bodies oruhu [oruhu] n. hide/skin: an animal's skin. they
before being passed out. Pl: empago. are sold and bought, used for making things like
oruhanduura n. a hairly catapillar with black boots, shoes and others. Pl: empu.
stripes down the back.. Pl: empanduura. oruhumbu n. mould: woolly or furry growth of
oruhanga n. valley: a stretch of land between ills fungi appearing upon most surfaces for example
and mountains often with a river flow through it. cheese or an object left in the moist and warm
Pl: empanga. temperature.
oruhara n. bald head: having little or no hair on the oruhumbwe n. food mould. See: ORUHUMBU. Var:
head. oruhumbu.
oruharo n. public labour in shift. oruhunda n. certain swamp grass.
oruhayahaya n. a smell from a he goat resulting oruhura n. a non stinging bee like insect that also
from its sperms. Var: ekihayahaya. produces honey. Pl: obuhura.
oruhazo n. a slope trench-like left between oruhurahure n. a bad smell.
different plots of land. Pl: empazo. oruhuunyirira n. drizzle. Var:
oruhembe n. new moon. orutoonyerera. Pl: oruhuunyirira.
oruhembo n. area around a homestead. orujeera n. salt: salt that is fine and white. See:
oruhenda n. a bushy forest. KANYEENYE.
oruherere n. a plant species. orujegyere n. chain: a series of connected metal
oruhi n. slap: hiting someone or something with a rings used for pulling or fastening things. Pl:
palm of the hand. Pl: empi. enjegyere.
oruhigura n. a plant with hairly purplish leaves. Pl: orujungu n. English: the language spoken in
empigura. England.
oruhiija n. iron bar: a stone used by blacksmiths to orujurajura n. drizzle. See: ORUHUUNYIRIRA.
make tools used for blacksmithing. See: Var: oruhuunyirira.
OBUTARE. orujwangye n. mixture: a substance made by
oruhiira n. a burnt ground or field especially a feild mixing other substances together.
where they want to grow millet. Pl: empiira. orukaiga n. unripe pond: a thin case containing
oruhiiso n. ripen fresh seeds of plants like beans, seeds that develops from the flowers of various
peas, maize, etc. plants especially beans and peas that are not yet
oruhimbi n. goat stall: place for goats in a house. ripe. Pl: enkaiga.
oruhinga n. large waist at the back. orukanga n. a framework of a house's roof.
oruhinzi n. flu: an infectious disease that makes a orukanga-booro n. drizzle. See:
person weak and hot with running nose. See: ORUHUUNYIRIRA.
SENYIGA. Var: ekihinzi. orukazo n. catalyst: a substance that causes
someone or something that brings about a orukyerere n. skin rush: irritable rash on the legs.
change especially alcohol. orumanyimanyi n. familiarity: a casual or
orukiiko n. meeting: coming together of a number informal friendly manner. Pl:
of people at a certain place and time especially orumanyimanyi.
for discussions. Pl: enkiiko. orumanyo n. conjuring stick.
orukiizi n. hillside: the side of a hill. orumbugu n. couch grass: grass with long creeping
orukindo n. Pl: enkindo. 1) palm tree: a tree that roots. Pl: orumbugu.
grows in warm climate with no branches and a orume1 n. dew: the very small drops of water that
mass of large wide leaves at the top. 2) palm form on the ground during the night.
tree: a tree that grows in warm climate with no orume2 n. rabbit: a small animal with soft fur long
branches and a mass of large wide leaves at the ears and a short tail.
top. orumuri n. torch: a piece of wood, twisted flax
orukindo2 n. a sharp edge on a cloth especially used for lighting in the dark. Pl: emuri.
when joined. Pl: enkindo. orunana n. a small sickle shaped knife. Pl: enana.
orukiri n. rock: the hard solid material that forms oruniogane n. jam: a state of being confusion or a
part of the surface of the earth. dense crowd of people making a lot of noise.
orukizi n. spinal cord: the mass of nerves inside the orunjenje n. its a way one speaks when he or she
spine that connects all parts of the body to the speaks through the nose.
brain. orunkucence [orunkucence] n. skin rash/goose
orukoba n. belt: a leather adjustable band or strap pimples: rough bristling skin caused by cold.
of cloth worn around the waist or over ones orunuuniira n. sauce made out of a mixture of
shoulder to support or keep in place clothes, warm water, ghee and salt.
weapones, etc. Pl: enkoba. orunyaanya n. tomato: a glossy red or
orukogoto n. shuolder blade: either of the two large occassionally yellow pupy fruit eaten as a
flat bones at the top of the back. Pl: enkogoto. vegetable. Pl: enyaanya.
orukoko n. cream: fatty or oily part of milk which orunyamatone n. a wild animal in a cat family
rise to the surface and can be made into butter. which feeds on hens; it has different spots on its
orukonda n. sputum: saliva mixed with discharges skin. Pl: enyamatone.
from the respiratory passages; it is coughed up orunyamburara n. a type of snake that is green in
because of disease. colour.
orukongoro n. bird: a large, white, long legged orunyankokore n. sweet grass eaten by cattles.
wading bird. Pl: enkongoro. orunyerere n. anklet: a metalic anklet or ornament
orukooko n. a fierce big wild animal. worn around the ankles. Pl: enyerere.
orukororo n. cough: illness that causes sudden orunyoga n. a fertilised stigma.
expulsion of air from the lungs that clears the air orupande n. a piece of cloth especially for making
passages; a common symptom of trousers and suits. Pl: empande.
upper respiratory infection or bronchitis or orupapura-rwamakuru n. newspaper: large
pneumonia or tuberculosis. folded pieces of paper printed with news,
oruku n. firewood: wood used for lighting fire or for advertisements and articles on various subjects.
cooking. Pl: enku. Pl: empapura-rwamakuru.
orukumu n. finger: any of the five parts extending orura n. Pl: amara. 1) intestine: long coiled part of
from each hand's end. Pl: enkumu. the alimentary canal where digested food passes
orukuraijo n. See: OMUKURAIJO. Var: before it reaches the final stage of digestion.
omukuraijo. 2) the lower part of the alimentary canal from
orukurura n. black jack: a plant with seeds which the end of the stomach to the anus.
attach themselves to clothes. Bidens spirosa. orurabyo n. flower: the seed bearing part of the
orukuuto n. See: ORUGUUTO. Var: oruguuto. plant.
Pl: enkuuto. orurandura n. a grass with hairly leaves and is
orukwanzi n. Pl: enkwanzi. 1) bead: a small ball normally put in bubbling alcohol.
of wood or glass with a hole through it for orurango n. flag or budge: a special mark placed
threading with others on a wire;. 2) a string worn on a cloth for identification or associated with an
in the neck as necklace. institution.
orukwe n. treachery: an act of deliberate betrayal to orurembo n. See: EKIBUGA.
a friend or someone else. Pl: orukwe. orurenga-myambi n. a striped rat.
oruribwa n. itching caused by severe scabies. canal, railway etc. Pl: entindo.
oruryamahuri [oruryamahuri] n. a very long orutobo n. poisonous egg plants with thorns, found in
snake specie. bush.
orusaniya [orusaniya] n. an eating tray: an orutuna1 n. residuals of yellow bananas juice which
open receptacle for holding or displaying or usually forms a layer on top of juice after it has
serving articles or food. Pl: ensaniya. settled.
oruseenene n. grasshopper: a plant eating insect orutuna2 adj. dullard: a person who is not very
with long hind leg edible and appears especially bright or who evokes boredom.
in the month of November in the Tropics. Pl: orutuuha n. a long necked gourd. Pl: entuuha.
enseenene. orutuutu n. berries: wild sweet fruits that become
orushaahuruzo n. prunning hook: cutting tool yellow after ripening. Pl: entuutu.
used for prunning banana plantations; it has a oruvuri n. stinger: a sharp organ of offence or
hooked blade on a large hundle. Pl: defence (as of a wasp or stingray or scorpion)
enshaahuruzo. often connected with a poison gland. Pl:
orushabazyo n. a traditional container that people envuri.
used to urinate in at night. See: ORUTABAGO; oruyaabaitukano n. a state a person is in when he
EKICUBA. Pl: enshabazyo. or she is unstable as when hagging on each other
orushahuzo n. something that can be used to rescue and everyone he or she comes across. Pl:
things from a burning house. Pl: enshahuzo. oruyaabaitukano.
orusharabago n. a poorly weaved basket. oruyangi n. one of the twins who are both girls. Pl:
orushebashebe n. a purely green non-flowering enyangi.
plant with thorns and is sometimes used for oruyenje n. a plant that produces a milky substance
decoration. usually used for fencing.
orusheenyi n. sandy soil that is usually in low oruyogooro n. the act of many people talking or
lands. shouting at the top of their voices. Pl:
orushungwe n. a flower of a type of grass usually oruyogooro.
used for people to sit on when laid. oruyombo n. noise: sound especially when it is loud
orushura-eibiba n. the birds which fly up in the and unpleasant. Pl: oruyombo.
sky in a group swinging on space. oruyongoyongo n. heron: grey or white
orushwigo n. a snake specie with green colour and a wading bird with long neck and long legs and
short tail. (usually) long bill. Pl: enyongoyongo.
orusikasikye n. a very smoth mashroom especially oruyuuya n. slasher: an instrument that is like a
after cooking it. panga.
orusiriko n. retreat: a period of time when somebody oruzaaro n. offspring: the children born in a home.
stops their usual activities and goes to a quiet Pl: enzaaro.
place for prayer or meditation. Pl: ensiriko. oruzambiira n. disorganisation: the state of being
orusyongosyongo n. half boiled milk. Pl: unable to organise well. Pl: oruzambiira.
orusyongosyongo. oruzengyerera n. dizzinness: a feeling of having a
orutabago n. a wooden dish. sensation of spinning around and loosing ones
orutandaaro n. the big stomach of a lady even balance.
when she is not pregnant. oruziizi n. a very dirty place that is full of flies and
orutangura n. spider: an eight legged predatory other insects that like dirty place. Pl: enziizi.
arachnid with an unsegmented body consisting oruzimu praying mantis: predacious long-bodied
of a fused head and thorax and a rounded large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with
abdomen. Pl: entangura. forelimbs raised as in prayer.
orutara n. rack: a raised place in the kitchen above oruzinduko n. visit: a visit of many people to
the fire place where firewood and yellow someone to take him or her gifts. Pl:
bananas are put to ripen quickly and stop enzinduko.
children from reaching them. Pl: entara. oruzingo n. crippled: someone born but takes long
oruteeko n. heap: a pile of things on top of others. to walk, the legs are not stable and he or she
Pl: enteeko. urinates and deficates where he is sleeping. Pl:
orutegye n. a body part behind the knee. enzingo.
orutindo n. bridge: a structure that allows people or oruziramira n. python: a large tropical snake that
vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river, kills animals for food by winding its long body
orwoya1 n. the feeling in someone to eat something. neeterera amahuri. A hen gathered grass at a
orwoya2 n. steam: vapour from boiling liquids place where it was laying eggs.
diffused in the atmosphere. okushanyarara v. Var: okukanyarara. 1) to be
osiibe-gye n. goodbye: a farewell remark used paralysed: to become unable to move the body
when one is leaving somebody. or part of it. 2) to lose power of movement on
osiibire-gye n. good afternoon/good evening: a the locomotive parts of the body.
greeting said in the evening and afternoon. okushashaamwa v. involuntary sounds made by a
oturo n. sleep: natural and periodic state of rest woman during sexual intercourse. Var:
during which consciousness of the world is okushashamwa.
suspended. okushashamwa v. See: OKUSHASHAAMWA.
otyo1 adj. a word used to tell someone that what he or okushembabara v. to walk slowly, especially of
she is doing is being done the correct way and cows.
that he or she should to continue like that. okushokora v. 1) to peck with the beak (especially
otyo2 adj. 1) a word used to show satisfaction over hens). Enkoko ekashokora omwana omu
something. 2) an expression made when kironda. The hen pecked a child's wound.
something shocking has happened. okushwekuura v. to uncover: removing something
ou conj. a conjucntion that introduces a that has been covering another thing. Ref:
subordinate clause. OKUBIIKSURA
ovakado n. ovacado: an edible tropical fruit with okusikoora v. to wrong the gods: to act against the
hard dark green skin, soft light green flesh, and a spirits.
large seed inside. Pl: ovakado. okusinziira2 v. to be deeply asleep to the extent that
owa prep. a word used to mean 'at their'. you can hardly hear anything.
owaishe-butaka n. on the ground. okutaara2 n. to be in search.
owe adv. a word which means 'at his/her place'. okutabanjuka v. See: OKUSINDA.
owegomborora n. Sub county chief: a person okutama v. to be fed up.
appointed to administer a sub county. Pl: okutamuuza v. 1) to tie, like in wrestling. 2) to go
ab'egomborora. deep in a subject, to discuss something at length
oweishaza n. County chief: a person appointed to and in detail. 2) to tear something up.
administer a county. Pl: ab'eishaza. okutangiriza v. See: OKUHEMBEKA.
oweisheemwe n. a saved person: a born again okuteera enkaka n. (of a bull) to mount an
Christian in the Anglican Church. Pl: immature heifer.
ab'eishemwe. okuteera entsibo phr. to mine stones which are
owekitiinisa n. honourable: a highly respected mixed with clay.
person in the society. Pl: ab'ekitiinisa. okuteera-ekishaka phr. to try something out and
ow'obushoboorozi n. a person with authority. Pl: see what comes out.
ab'obushoboorozi. okuteera-kaamukungu n. somersault: an
ow'omuruka n. the parish chief: a person acrobatic movement in which a person turns
appointed to administer a parish. Pl: over completely, with their feet over their head.
ab'omuruka. okuteera-omu-rushaka phr. to try something out
oya int. this is used when somebody is saying no or and see what comes out.
refusing something. okutenda3 v. (to do with ones's shape or figure)
especially a woman who is tall and fat with a
okurukumbwa v. to feel greedy for what another small waist, small breasts but with a big bum,
person has. wide hips and fat legs.
okusangira n. to cover: to put something large on okutenga5 v. (of war) to initiate action.
top of a smaller thing so that it cannot be seen. okutomora v. to give part payment: to pay in
Sangira ebyokurya bitagwamu obukoko. Cover instalments.
the food so that insects don't fall into it. See: okutoorereza v. See: OKURAARIRIZA.
OKUSHWEKA. okutootera v. burning heavily.
okushaabuuza v. See: OKUKAABUUZA. okutooza v. See: OKURAARIRIZA.
okushaakaara v. See: OKURAAKAARA. okutsiba-ekikaru v. to tack in a shirt.
okushanguriza v. to gather: to bring, come together, okutsimbaaza v. to walk in a reluctant way.
or collect things in one place. Enkoko okutuguuza v. to be very inquisitive; to ask very
ekashanguriza ebinyatsi yaabita ahu yaabaire many questions and be very curious.
omusherebenganyi n. See: EKISHEREBEGANYI. she gives birth and still they die.
omutaasyo1 adv. a time when cattle come back oraire gye phr. salutation: how did you sleep; good
home in the evening. morning. Oraire gye maama? Goodmorning
omutaasyo2 n. a freshly or newly burnt field. mother.
omutana2 n. quiver: a case for holding arrows. Pl: oraire gye phr. salutation, how did you sleep?
emitana. Oraire gye maama? Goodmorning or how did
omutonera n. a small black insect that stings when you sleep mother?
tempered with. Akatonera kantonera naazimba. orugoobe n. beads that women used to wear around
The black insect has stung me and I am swollen. their waists.
Var: akatonera, omutonezi. Pl: orujegyere n. Pl: enjegyere. 1) a chain or link:
emitonera. something that unites one thing with another that
omutonezi n. See: OMUTONEZI. Pl: emitonezi. is very strong. 2) a series of connected metal
omutwe n. Pl: emitwe. 1) head: the part of the body rings used for pulling or fastening things.
on top of the neck that contains the eyes, ears orukaiga n. See: ENKAIGA.
nose mouth and brain. 2) heading. 3) regiment. orukororo n. cough: a disease of the respiratory
4) chapter. system that causes the expulsion of phlem. Var:
omuyogo n. a type of fever mostly caused by enkorora.
malnutrition. orukuuruuru n. skin rash.
omuziga n. See: AMAZIGA. orumogo n. a state where cows suffer; they cannot
omuzini n. dancer: a person who sings or dances, or eat or drink, and they lose weight. They look
whose job is singing or dancing. Var: enzini. haggard.
Pl: abazini. orushekye n. See: EKISHEKYE.
omwambari n. See: ABAMBARI. orutangura n. spider: an eight legged predatory
omwengye1 n. local beer brewed from bananas and arachnid with an unsegmented body consisting
locally known as 'tonto' in Ankole and Kigezi. of a fused head and thorax and a rounded
omwengye2 n. illuminations: things that glitter. abdomen. Pl: entangura, ekitangura.
omwetsindagye n. a plant used for perfume. orutunguru n. onion: a round vegetable with many
omwibiki n. an apiarian: a person who keeps bees layers inside each other and a brown red or
for trapping honey. Pl: abaibiki. white skin. Pl: obutunguru.
omwizi n. a situation where a woman gives birth and oruturuturu n. See: OBUTURUTURU.
the children die. One dies she concieves again,
P - p
P n. the sixteenth letter of the alphabet. sharpes or colours (especially in decorating or
paa int. a sound made/produced when something is designing).
shot or brought down. patana2 n. button: a small usually round piece of
paagyema n. pyjama: a pair of loose trousers tied metal or plastic that is sown onto a piece of
by a drawstring around the waist; worn by men clothing.
and women. patana3 n. contract: to do a work in a specified time
paapa n. pope: the top most catholic church leader and for a specified amount of money.
who is greater than the bishop. Pl: paapa. pee adj. a sound made by somebody to show
paasi n. a flat iron: a device used in making clothes disagreement; it is accompanied by shaking a
clean. head or a hand.
paasika n. Easter day: the day when christians piini n. pin. Var: pini. Etym: English.
remember the death and resurection of Jesus pikipiki n. motorcycle: a road vehicle with two
Christ. wheels driven by an engine with a seat for the
pakupaku int. the person who gets annoyed very driver and onother for the passenger.
quickly. po1 adj. a word used to mean that something appears
pamba n. cotton: a soft silky fibrous substance from or looks so good, clean and indusive.
cotton plants used for making thread. Pl: po2 adj. a sound or noise that is made when
pamba. someone is hitting something with a hammer.
patana1 n. pattern: the arrangement of lines, words, pokopoko n. campaign: a series of planned political
activities that are intended to achieve a areas or building by security personnel to ensure
particular objective especially winning an that there is no trouble or crime.
election. pukonyo n. See: MAISHO-ANA.
poosi adj. a sip of something.
potoro adj. patrol: the act of going to different places,
R - r
rahi adv. where? rugaaniira n. musical instrument: a seed tray used as
raijaraija n. a part time job. a tambourine or rattle.
-raingwa adj. long. rugaba n. God: the almighty.
reediyo n. radio: an electronic receiver that detects rugabire n. rubber sandals that are locally made out
and demodulates and amplifies transmitted of car tyres.
signals. Etym: [<English. radio>]. rugambwa n. a famous person known by many
reero conj. then/so that. people because of his deeds.
-ri- infix. singular class marker for words in the rugogoma adj. something very big.
"li-ma" class. rugondo n. a bull or a male calf that has small white
-riho adj. it is there. spots. Var: kagondo.
rimu adv. it's there. rugongo n. flea: a very small jumping insect
ritaari n. altar: a holy table. Var: rutaari. Etym: without wings that bite animals and sucks blood.
[<English. Altar>]. rugosi ] n. a person who praises his manhood and
-riya adv. the other one. talks in relation to his manhood.
rubaaga-empereka n. a big and long knife Rugumba n. a big and quiet man.
especially used in slaughtering. rugungu n. See: AKAHIMBA.
rubaba n. a name given to cows that have two ruhaata n. an old monkey.
breasts, the other two do not function. ruhabo n. that where one goes when they have lost
rubamba n. a bull with grey and white brown colour way.
with white patches on the throat. Var: mbamba, ruhamireeka n. finger millet specie.
kabamba. Ruhanga n. God: the supernatural being conceived as
Rubambansi n. His magesty. the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient
rubanda n. an ancient hero like Methuselah. originator and ruler of the universe; the object of
rubango n. one of the potatoe specie. worship in monotheistic religions.
rubaraasi n. a brown bull with house patches on ruharaatwa n. one who plays about.
the throat. ruhaya n. a male goat. See: EMPAYA.
rubarara adj. something very big. ruhega n. famine.
rubarura-ntojo n. thunder: the idiomatic name ruhemba n. comet: a bright object in space that has
for thunder. See: ENKUBA. a tail of gas and dust.
rubombo n. a medicinal plant that is very bitter. See: ruhembe n. See: ORUHEMBE.
EKIBOMBO. ruhembure n. hair dominated with grey hair.
rubosta n. coffee specie. See: OMWANI. ruhenda n. a variety of millet which is hard to
Rubuga n. a king's sister in Ankole. mingle.
rubura n. rascal: a person especially a man who ruhenure n. abuses which include curses.
shows lack of respect for other people playing ruhigura adj. rain: a very heavy rainfall.
tricks on them. ruhiku n. goodluck: a person who has good luck.
rucumu n. a controversial figure. ruhima-rwa-ndongo n. a grasshopper specie.
Rucunya n. a shiny person. ruhombo n. mould: a fine soft green grey or black
Rucwamihingo n. an achiever, a go- getter: one substance like fur that grows on old food or in
who does not wait. He or she gets results objects that are left in warm or wet air.
quickly. ruhondeeza n. a slow lazy person.
rufu n. death. ruhumba-ntuutu n. a person who eats everything
ruga adv. to chase someone away from you or call that he/she comes across.
someone in a commanding voice. ruhumbe n. a bull with a single horn. Var:
rugaaju n. See: GAAJU. kahembe.
ruhuuga n. a bull with white forelegs. Var: rureebya n. a person who gives away secrets about
mpuuga. their friends, country, etc.
ruhuura n. a grey bull with dull white spots. Var: rurega n. a form of therapy: to boil water for cows
kahuura. to drink. In this hot water, they put in anthills
ruhuuzimu n. a cow with grey colour or black and some herbs and boil. This medicine is put in
mixed with white or brown hair. the trough for cows and they drink it hot. The
rujuga n. Adam's apple. same therapy used to wash people with leprosy.
rujumba n. a male goat with grey-black colour. The same therapy would also be used if a cow
Var: Njumba, kajumba. had got retained placenta.
rujwa-mireju n. nasal bleeding. ruremba n. a bull with a white striped belly. Var:
rukakaare n. weaverbird: Finch-like African and kiremba.
Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately rurembeezi n. a bull with no circles of hair and it is
woven nests. not used for paying bride price.
rukome n. a bull with horns moving forward and ruriiya pron. that over there.
upwards. Var: kakome, nkome. Rurombya n. the one who weakens the other side.
rukomyo ] n. a traditional pot with four openings rusaaninga adj. a big bad fierce person or animal
used by married women in prepration for like a lion.
intercourse. rushagama1 n. red: the chromatic colour resembling
rukondo n. a bull with horns moving inwards and the hue of blood.
upwards. rushagama2 n. cancer-like disease that eats up one
rukonko n. a very weak cow. part of the body like a toe until it breaks off.
rukooreera n. up in the sky. rushamaitu n. See: KASHAMAITU.
rukumi n. one thousand: 1000. rushanda n. locust: a big flying insect from Asia
rukundo n. love: a strong feeling of deep affection and Africa that moves in very large groups,
for somebody especially a member of your eating and destroying large quantities of plants.
family or friend. See: ENZIGYE.
rukungu n. a hornless bull. Var: nkungu. rushanjuura-mumiro n. a big chunk of food
rukunu adj. a very poor family below the poverty swallowed at ago.
line. rushongoza n. very sharp tops of horns.
rukunya-akatimba n. a name of a cow: this cow rutaara n. See: KATAARA.
looks clean and shiny. rutaara-omwagaagyi n. a cow that is being
rukura n. a banana disease that makes banana caressed.
fingers dotted black and ripen before maturity. rutaari n. See: RITAARI. Var: ritaari.
rukururana n. trailer: a truck that pulls a container rutahikwa-mutoozo n. a molar tooth.
which has wheels. rutahikwa-mutozo1 n. a rebellious person who
rukuunya n. a person who works very slowly. ignores advice.
rukuura n. a banana wilt disease that cause them to rutahikwa-mutozo2 n. a term used as an a buse.
ripen when they are not grown enough. rutahikwa-mutozo3 n. a large burrowing beetle.
Rumwera n. a good cow, so beautiful that it cannot rutakirwa n. the title of the King of Kigezi.
be rivalled. rutamiisi n. a cassava specie that is poisonous when
Runanisa n. a name given to a strong man. eaten raw or when it is not yet dry.
runcumite n. one who gossips. rutangirira-bagyenyi phr. a lazy person.
runkunku n. a habitual thief. rutanyohoka n. a cautious person.
runonko n. this is where herdsmen used to roast Rutarendeza n. a weak and powerless person.
bananas and sweet potatoes from. Pl: Rutaromba n. one who perseveres.
runonko. rutasanga n. (of cattle) to eat grass or drink water.
runuuka n. a name given to a very poor person who rutasinziira adj. someone who is alert even in sleep.
cannot afford buying anything. rutinda-ngyezi n. an idol in the Kinyankore
runyabuza n. a big cow with very small horns. traditon.
ruraka n. See: MAHUMAHU. rutyaza n. a wild tree with long thorns.
rurangaanwa n. a famous person known by very ruuha adj. which one.
many people because of his deeds. ruyonza n. it is a he-goat with small white dots.
rurara n. sword: a weapon with long metal blade ruzaaro n. See: ORUZAARO.
and handle used for cutting. ruzimure n. sorghum porridge made from a certain
specie of sorghum; it is made by the Bakiga and rwebisingo n. compost pit for garbage collection.
Banyankore. Ref: ENKUMB rwecunda n. a bore-hole: a hole or passage made
rwabwamba n. an item used in devination. by a drill; usually used to pump water from
rwagati n. middle: the part of something that is at an underground. See: NAIKONDO.
equal distance from all sides. rweganywa n. unbeatable person or system that
rwaheeru int. God forbid. you cannot fight and defeat.
rwaiguuga adj. a word used to refer to something rweiguuga n. a very big thing. See: RWAIGUUGA.
very big or huge. rwemereza n. it is a type of peas which has big
rwakibikindi n. See: KIBIKINDI. white seeds.
rwakipumpuru n. a serious cattle disease. rwemereza-bagyenzi n. something which has
rwamigongo n. a banana specie that has big and yielded highly.
long banana fingers. rweziringa1 n. thorn apple.
rwango n. hatred: a strong feeling of dislike of rweziringa2 n. a slow person.
somebody. rwiba-mutima n. death.
rwanyamushanda n. See: ENJUBU. rwigura-mumiro adj. the first thing you eat
rwaranda n. famine: lack of food fo a long period before eating anything.
of time in an area. rwinika n. a cow with big horns facing forwards.
rwarwa n. alcohol: a local brew made out of yellow rwitabataaruuzi n. a period in the evening around
bananas. 7.00pm.
rwatamagufa n. a man with great physical strength, rwo adj. possessive adjective.
especially one who performs feats of strenght as ryari adv. when.
a form of entertainment.
rwebandira n. rebel. See: OMUHEEKYERA.
S - s
s n. the 19th letter of the alphabet. senturuma n. pyrethrum: a type of flower whose
saakirireego n. sacrilege: behavior that does not substance is used for making insectcide.
show respect for a holy place. senturumwa n. See: SENTURUMA.
sabato n. the seventh day of the Jewish calender. senyiga n. flue: an infectious airborne disease that
sabiiti n. a period of seven days. causes colds, fever, and general weakness.
sabuuni n. a substance used for bathing and washing shagama n. a tree which produces a red substance
clothes. that resembles blood when cut.
satifiketi n. certificate: a document attesting to the shaku-shaku phr. a part of a riddle that demands a
truth of certain stated facts. response before a question is put forward.
sebo n. sir: term of address for a man as a sign of shamaitu n. See: KASHAMAITU.
respect. shambagira phr. a phrase used to ask for a riddle.
seeri n. See: NSEERI. shana conj. may be or perhaps.
seeri-mayanja n. See: NSEERI-MAYANJA. shanjagare it is a bird with brown feathers and tall
seeri-mayanja adv. overseas. far places or legs used to lay eggs in the banana plantation.
countries which one reaches by crossing water sheesa-emibazi n. a snake specie that is green in
bodies, e.g. oceans. Omutabani naakorera seeri- colour.
mayanja. His son works from overseas. shemba obureku n. a banana specie.
sekatuwa n. secattur: a tool similar to a strong pair shereka n. a type of grass normally grown as a
of scissors used for cutting plants. flower and it contracts anytime it is touched.
sekiromba n. a person with a very big umblical cord shi n. it is a particle that is added on words in
that is left protruding on the stomach after speech, it varies from person to person.
growing up. shinta int. may be.
semanisi n. summons: an order to appear in court. sho n. your father.
semutundu n. tilapia: a fish specie common in the shoimwe n. refering to many.
fresh water of tropical Africa. shugu conj. it means something is like this or that.
senkoko n. turkey: a large domestic bird kept for its shumbuusha n. samosas: small turnover of Indian
origin filled with vegetables or meat and fried sirisiri adj. a very black colour.
and served hot. sirupande adj. a pole placed across.
shuuti n. a set of clothesmade from the same cloth. sitaadi n. a stand of the bicycle.
shwenkazi n. paternal aunt to a person. sitaani n. satan: the most powerful evil spirit in
shwenkuru n. grandfather: the father of your father many religions such as Christianity and Islam.
or mother. sukaari1 n. sugar: a white substance in form of
shwenkuruza n. great grandfather of a person. white or brown crystals added to beverages as a
shwento n. paternal uncle to a person. sweetener and preservative.
siina adj. dark brown. sukaari2 n. diabetes: a chronic disease associated
siisi adj. very black. with high levels of sugar in the blood. Pl:
siisiisi adj. extremely black. sukaari.
sikuukuru n. See: NOHIRI. sumuna n. alcohol that has stayed for a long time
singa-abarezi n. it is a stage when a child starts before consumption.
standing up but not yet firm. surumuna n. a local brew made out banana juice
singyengye n. burbed wire used to make paddocks. but with little sorghum; it's normally not
siriimu n. a disease of humans which attacks the intended.
body's ability to resisit infection and usually -sya adj. new: recently created, built, invented or
causes deaths. planned.
siriimu n. See: MUNYWENGYE. syuku n. a private part of a woman. See: EKIINYI.
siriri n. very black.
T - t
t n. the twentieth letter of the English alphabet. tiitiiti adj. something that is very white.
taapu n. tap: a device for controlling the flow of tiivi n. television: an electronic device that receives
water from a pipe. Pl: taapu. signals and displays them on a screen.
taata n. father: a male parent of a child. tikwo conj. not so?
taata n. dad: a child's word for a father. tindemwa n. a banana specie with short fingers.
takisi n. taxi: a car driven by a person whose job is tinfeerwa-kangye n. egocentric: a self-centred
to take passengers where they want to go in person with little regard for others.
exchange for money. tinshengyera n. drosophila: small brown flies that
tanka n. tank: a container used for storing large multiply very fast and hover around sweet foods
amounts of water.. or beer.
taratara n. drum: a percussion instrument sounded tipuhu adj. a voice made by someone spitting.
by being struck with sticks or the hands typically tiri-tiri adj. a sound that is heard when something is
cylindirical, barrel-shaped with a tout membrane running.
over one or both sides and is small in size used tkaabusimba n. a type of house or building.
for decoration. toduura n. a disease that attacks coffee and banana
taru-taru adj. a jumpy person who cannot sit in plantations.
one place and keeps moving here and there. togo-togo n. a sound made by food when boiling.
tata n. See: TAATA. Pl: batata. tonto n. local beer: beer made out of ripe bananas
tataitwe n. 1) God: God our father. 2) Our father. and left to ferment.
tatazaara n. father-in-law: the father of your tori adj. a sound when something is thown in water.
spouse. Pl: batatazaara. tsyoi adj. to run all of a sudden.
tatenkazi n. paternal aunt: the sister of your father or tsyoi-tsyoi adj. birds sound/singing.
mother. Pl: batatenkazi. tubura n. a certain plant specie.
tatenkuru n. grandfather: the father of your father tuku-tuku adj. a situation of being so pure in
or mother. Pl: batatenkuru. colour.
tatento n. paternal uncle: the brother of your father. tungutungu adj. to spend a sleepless night due to
Pl: tatento. problems, fear or security situations.
tayaari adj. to be ready. Etym: [<Swahili. turiya adj. those ones.
tayaari>]. turusaka n. a wild animal which eats hens by
ti adv. a word used to join the negative to the verb. traping them in its anus which has cereal like
substance; when a hen come to pick it, it closes twena adj. all of us.
the anus and rus away with it. See: twenka adj. only us.
EKITEGARUHENDE, ORUHURA. twente n. a bean specie red in colour with dots.
twara-tugyende phr. a phrase used to mean all the
twa-twa-twa adj. a sound made by bullets.
U - u
u1 n. the 21st letter of the Roman alphabet.
u2 n. one of the five vowels; it is the fifth one.
ushi adj. sound made in expression of pain or coldness.
uuh int. indicates an affirmative response. See: EEGO.
W - w
wakame n. See: AKAME. warubeba n. rat: the name used in stories for a
waringa n. scarecrow: an object made in such a way small animal with a long tail.
that it resembles a human figure, set up to scare Warugwe n. leopard: the name used for leopards in
birds away from the garden. stories.
waadiroopu n. wardrope: a large cupboard for Warujojo n. elephant: the name used in story
hanging clothes which is either made of telling to refer to elephant.
furniture or built into the walls. we pron. a word used to mean she or he.
wambuba n. a shrub. weena adj. wholly, completely (of people): the whole
wandandara adj. big and not shaped. See: of one's heart, soul and body.
Y - y
yaaya n. baby seater: someone who looks after a yunifoomu n. uniform: a special set of clothes
young baby. worn by all members of an organisation or
yaayaayaaya n. a word used to indicate an institution. Etym: [<English. uniform>].
affirmative response.
Z - z
zaabu n. gold: a yellow precious metal, chemical, zibure-nkurye] n. a leather bag.
element of atomic number 79 valued zigi-zigi adj. black: something that is very black.
especially for use in jewellery and decoration zo adj. them, they.
and to guarantee the value of currencies.