Colour Vision Tests
Colour Vision Tests
Colour Vision Tests
Abstract of colour vision tests, from the 19th until this early part of
the 21st century. Based on these developments, speculation
Colour vision testing forms an important part of the is made on how the tests will evolve in the future, with
assessment of retinal pathology and congenital colour vision increasingly refined computer technology, and predicts
anomalies. Although the traditional Ishihara test and other that they will provide consistent and robust assessments of
pseudoisochromatic plates are relatively simple to use, colour vision that will become routinely used in the clinical
some are not designed for the assessment of more complex environment.
acquired defects, and hue discrimination tests can be very
Keywords: colour vision testing, pseudoisochromatic
time consuming to administer and analyse. This review
plates, Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue, computer-assisted
outlines the theoretical development and historical evolution
diagnosis, computerised colour vision tests.
istorically, the development of colour vision tests Colour vision deficiency was first described as a physiological
was driven by two major forces. The first was failure of visual function by John Dalton in 1798.2 Many
the need for vocational tests to ensure accurate theories on the mechanisms of colour vision and colour vision
colour vision in professions and industries such as deficiency have since been proposed, each one advancing
electrical, textiles and the railway, navy, and armed forces. This on the last.3-11 Colour vision testing methods have tended to
was particularly fuelled by safety concerns following a series reflect the theory and technology of their time.
of accidents in the railway and shipping industries caused by
It was noted by several researchers in the 1700s that any
the misinterpretation of coloured signals.1 The second was to
one colour could be matched by the proportionate mixture
create accurate clinical tests to screen for congenital colour
of just three colours; red, yellow and blue. These were
deficiencies and to diagnose acquired colour defects.
named the primary colours. This notion of trichromacy
Despite the great advances in the development of colour in colour vision became widely accepted, however, it was
vision tests since they were first created in the 1800s, there assumed to be a property of light rather than the physiology
is no single colour test that can rapidly and accurately screen, of sight.
diagnose and classify any colour vision defect. This means
In 1802, Thomas Young delivered his lecture ‘On the Theory
that selection from the colour vision test battery must be
of Light and Colours’ that presented the trichromatic theory.
made carefully according to the type of defect and the level
He hypothesised that “As it is almost impossible to conceive
of information that is required. Therefore, it is imperative
each sensitive point of the retina to contain an infinite
that clinicians have a firm understanding of the types of
number of particles… it becomes necessary to suppose
colour vision tests available and the colour deficiencies they
the number is limited, for instance, to the three principal
are most appropriate to examine.
colours, red, yellow and blue”.3 Several months later, Young
This review aims to describe the foundations and historical was compelled to change his three principal colours to violet,
development of colour vision tests, the clinical tests that red and green4 after the experiments of William Wollaston5,
are currently available and recent advances in colour vision who observed that yellow could be obtained from a mixture
testing methods. of red and green, and therefore it could not be a primary
Later, Young’s trichromatism theory was revised by Hermann
Correspondence: Amanda French von Helmholtz7 who conducted trichromatic colour matching
Discipline of Orthoptics, University of Sydney, Australia experiments, finding that in some cases the mixture became
desaturated and could not be matched to the test colour, The pseudoisochromatic tests fulfilled the screening
leading him to realise the spectral sensitivities of the retinal requirement for the detection of colour vision deficiency,
receptors must overlap. This was such an important finding however, they lacked the ability to grade the severity of
that the Trichromacy Theory then became known as the colour defects. They were also unable to grade the degree
Young-Helmholtz theory of colour vision. of discrimination within subjects who had normal colour
vision. Hue discrimination tests originally designed for
In 1878, Ewald Hering8 proposed a new theory that humans
vocational colour assessment19 were able to measure these
see four primary colours; red, blue, green and yellow and
gradations in normal and abnormal observers, and have
suggested that these colours were arranged in opponent pairs;
therefore become commonly used in clinical settings.
red-green and blue-yellow. A few years later, Donders9 (1881)
proposed that it was feasible that Trichromacy may occur at one The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test (F-M 100) is the
stage in the visual pathway and Opponency at another. These most widely used hue discrimination test. It was created
theories form the basis of modern colour vision models. by Dean Farnsworth in 1943 to detect those with superior
colour vision for employment in industries requiring a
demanding appreciation of colour19. It has since been found
HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF COLUR VISION TESTS to be valuable in assessing acquired defects, particularly in
monitoring their subtle progression20.
Early vocational assessments of colour vision were made by an
Other hue discrimination tests based on the same principles
individual naming the colour of everyday objects, with their
as the F-M 100 have also been developed. The Farnsworth-
responses compared to those of an observer with normal colour
Munsell Panel-D15 test is a shortened version of the F-M 100
vision12 The first commercially available test, the Holmgren
used for a more rapid assessment. The test divides observers
Wool Test (1875) was designed for examining train drivers13
into two categories; those who pass with normal or mildly
It consisted of many different coloured wool skeins that had
deficient colour vision, and those who fail with moderate or
to be matched to three large test skeins coloured red, green
severe colour deficiency. Desaturated versions of the D15; the
and purple. The colours of these test skeins were based on
Adams21 and Lanthony tests22 are used to further discriminate
an erroneous proposition that the types of colour defect were
those who pass the D15, giving a finer grading of severity
distinct; red-blindness, green-blindness or violet-blindness13
This severely impaired the accuracy of the Holmgren test, and
the visual task itself led to errors14. A number of variations of
this type of test were developed, the most common of these
being the Edridge-Green Bead Test (1891)15.
The next advance in vocational colour vision testing came
Pseudoisochromatic colour vision tests have a long standing
in the early 1900s with the introduction of lantern tests
acceptance in research and clinical practice. These tests
designed to mimic the light signals used in rail and sea
consist of plates with a central test figure such as a number,
transport. These tests provided a fast method of detecting
picture, symbol, or pattern that can be traced by an illiterate
unsafe colour vision defects for such industries. The most
subject. The test shapes and background are composed
popular lantern tests have been those devised by Edridge-
of variably sized dots randomly placed. The test figure is
Green (1891)15, Farnsworth (1943)16 and more recently
delineated from the background by colour and can be readily
Holmes and Wright (1975)17. Lantern tests are still in use in
detected by a person with normal colour vision. However,
the transport, maritime, aviation and naval industries.
for people with abnormal colour perception, the plate testing
The Stilling test was the first clinical colour vision test to their particular colour deficiency will appear isochromatic and
be developed and the first to utilise pseudoisochromatic therefore, the test figure will either be invisible or confused.
principles. Pseudoisochromatic plates have their foundation
Originally, pseudoisochromatic plate colours were hand
in the Opponency Theory8. When considering cases of colour
painted but this was superseded with the introduction
deficiency, discrimination of one colour in an opponent
of colour printing. The speed of this approach made
pair is compromised and as such, the colours of the pair
pseudoisochromatic tests more broadly available and
appear isochromatic and will be confused. Therefore,
popular amongst clinicians.
Stilling performed colour matching experiments with two
dichromatic subjects, one with a blue-yellow defect, and The process of printing did pose some problems. Subsequent
the other with a red-green defect, to determine the exact editions of the same test often vary in the colour properties
hues perceived as pseudoisochromatic. Their matches form of plates. In the case of the Ishihara test, small differences
the basis of pseudoisochromatic plate tests used today. The in colour and residual brightness cues between editions
Stilling test was initially well accepted, however, it was are apparent23, although it does not appear to affect the
eventually surpassed by the Ishihara pseudoisochromatic sensitivity and specificity of the test24. In contrast, the third
plates. The Ishihara remains the most commonly performed edition of the Hardy Rand Rittler test (HRR) was flawed
screening test for colour vision18. because of visible differences in hue and saturation25,26.
*Originally designed exclusively for use in adults but has been shown to be useful in examining children also.
# No verifiable data for appropriate age group is available in the literature, however, the City University test is readily used in the clinical setting
for children >4 years of age.
† Verified for use in children of this age38 but is designed also for use in younger children.
~ Not originally designed as a screening tool, but is commonly used as such.
The Ishihara Test always be worn. A study by McCulley et al29, using plus lenses
to reduce the visual acuity in normally-sighted subjects
The most commonly performed pseudoisochromatic
showed that of three common colour vision tests; Ishihara,
plate test is the Ishihara, and several editions have been
Farnsworth D15 and Hardy-Rand-Rittler (HRR), Ishihara was
published. It is used as a quick and reliable18 screening test
the most dependent on a good level of VA. Test performance
for accurate identification of congenital red-green colour
was significantly affected with a VA level of less than 0.72
deficiencies27. Despite this, there are some short-comings
logMAR (≈ 6/30). The possibility misdiagnosis of patients with
of the test, arising predominantly through administration
poor vision as having a colour defect needs to be considered.
under non-optimal conditions and/or misinterpretation of
results. Some eye care professionals incorrectly interpret any error
on the Ishihara test plates as being indicative of a colour
Appropriate illumination is essential for the correct and
vision defect30. The pass/fail criteria recommended by the
consistent display of colours in all colour vision tests.
publishers in recent editions is that correct reading of 17 of
The majority of pseudoisochromatic plate manufacturers
the 20 screening plates can be regarded as denoting normal
recommend that the test plates are well illuminated
colour vision18. This is especially important to note, as the
by daylight or by using a daylight globe with a colour
scripted font used in the Ishihara test has been shown to
temperature of close to 6740° Kelvin. Similarly, other testing
contribute significantly to misreadings by colour normal
parameters such as testing distance should also be kept
observers31,32. Failure to note this design characteristic
consistent. The Ishihara test manufacturers recommend a
can lead to the misclassification of individuals with normal
testing distance of 75cm be used with the plates held at
trichromatic colour vision. If 12, or fewer plates are read
a right angle to the line of vision27, however, this is rarely
correctly then the person can be said to have defective
adhered to. Other testing distances suggested have been
colour vision18. It is recommended that if between 12 and
2/3m and arms length28.
17 plates are read correctly additional examination with
The level of VA has been shown to affect Ishihara test other colour vision tests should be performed.
performance and appropriate refractive correction should
Finally, some eye practitioners may be unaware that Ishihara in the literature. They do, however, increase the age range
cannot be used as an all encompassing test for the detection that may be tested for colour vision deficiencies.
of colour vision defects. As there are no tritan plates Ishihara
is only suitable for examining red-green defects, and cannot
detect tritan defects which are predominantly acquired. A HUE DISCRIMINATION TESTS
further common misconception is that Ishihara may be used
Hue discrimination tests are in relatively common use
to test for acquired red-green defects30. This is a significant
in clinical settings but unlike pseudoisochromatic plate
issue as the use of Ishihara to screen for acquired defects
tests they are not designed as a screening tool. They are
when disease or toxicity is suspected, and or record baseline
specifically designed for detecting all types of colour
data prior to commencing treatment known to cause retinal
deficiency and as such, can be used to examine both
toxicity, may result in misdiagnosis and failure to undertake
acquired and congenital, and both red-green and blue-
appropriate treatment.
yellow defects. Hue discrimination tests usually require the
observer to place discs of varying hue into a sequence which
progressively changes from a fixed colour at the beginning
The Hardy Rand Rittler Test
and end of the sequence being tested. Other tests require
The Hardy Rand Rittler test (HRR) is another common matching of closely related hues. Hue discrimination tests
pseudoisochromatic test predominately used in the USA. It are rather more complex than pseudoisochromatic plates,
intended to be a single test to screen and diagnose both and quite often give a more comprehensive assessment of a
red-green (protan and deutan) and blue-yellow (tritan) patient’s level of colour vision.
colour defects. Unlike other pseudoisochromatic tests the
Also, unlike pseudoisochromatic plates, hue discrimination
background matrix of dots in the HRR are shades of grey
tests do not pre-suppose the type of colour confusions that
varying in luminance rather than colour. The test figures
might be present19. This makes hue discrimination tests
are geometric symbols; a cross, a triangle or a circle which
useful in the assessment of acquired colour deficiencies20,
are coloured specifically to appear achromatic to either a
and as such, are essential for examining colour vision in
protan, deutan or tritan observer. The colour of the test
cases with pathology. The number of errors made can
figure gradually increases in saturation over successive
often be used to determine the severity of the defect and
plates, effectively increasing the colour difference between
monitor subtle progression. This characteristic also makes
the figure and background. This enables a diagnosis of mild,
these tests valuable in assessing the colour discrimination
moderate or severe to be made.
aptitude of observers with normal colour vision. This
The original version of the HRR received great acclaim, is predominately used vocationally to distinguish those
showing a very high sensitivity and specificity on repeated with superior discrimination for occupations requiring a
testing33,34. Unfortunately, the long awaited third edition demanding appreciation of colour.
showed visibly different colour saturation and as a result
was not well received. The recent fourth edition more
closely reproduces the colours of the original test25, and The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue
studies have found its validity to be much improved on the
The F-M 100 is based on the Munsell System of Colours39,
inadequate intermediate editions25,26,35.
developed by Albert Henry Munsell in the early 1900s. In
this system, each colour is given a unique coding according
to three characteristics: hue, value and chroma. Hue refers
Pseudoisochromatic Plates for Children
to the dominant wavelength colour, value to the relative
The examination of colour vision in young children has still lightness, and chroma refers to the colour saturation.
not been refined into a reliable and universal procedure. Munsell designated five principle colours; Red, Yellow,
Quite often, Ishihara is used as the gold standard to screen Green, Blue and Purple and a range of colours intermediate
for colour vision defects in school aged children. The HRR to these, Red-Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green-Blue, and Blue-
test is also useful for children and as it incorporates symbols Purple.
and shapes, however, it is not always readily available
The principal hues are described by their first letter, that is,
outside the United States.
R for red, Y for yellow and so on. Each hue step intermediate
Other pseudoisochromatic test plates have been designed to the principle hues is assigned a number from 1 to 10. The
specifically for children, quite often using pictures or value was also allocated a number between 1 and 10 where
symbols as the test figure rather than a numeral. Some of 1 describes darkest and 10 the lightest. Similarly, chroma
the more widely available are Kojima-Matsubara36,37 and was numbered from 0 which is neutral grey, to 15, which is
the Colour Vision Testing Made Easy (CVTME)38 test. None the most vivid colour. Therefore, a complete colour notation
of these have successfully surpassed Ishihara as the ‘gold could be written as 4B5/5, which indicates a number 4 blue
standard’ screening test, partly due to a lack of validation hue, with a Munsell value of 5 and a chroma of 5.
The colours used in the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test to ignorance when it comes to the normative values, and
(F-M 100) form a hue circle of perceptually equal hue steps the fluctuation of error scores in both the normal and
ranging across the entire visible spectrum whilst maintaining colour deficient population according to age48-50, macular
a constant Value/Chroma level of 5/5. The original series pigment51,52, pupil size52, familiarity with the test53 and level
of 100 Hues was established by Nickerson and Granville40 of colour discrimination19. As such, these normative values
using of a set of experimental Munsell papers prior to being must be kept in mind when examining error scores on the
incorporated into the F-M 100. Although researchers had F-M 100.
experimented with hue scales prior to this41-45 none had
Incorrect lighting, coupled with the degradation of colour
formed a series which differed only in Hue, while remaining
through sunlight and handling54, and colour variance
constant in Chroma and that had encompassed the full
already apparent between individual tests can produce
range of visible colours.
erroneous display of the coloured caps. These problems
While the original series consisted of 100 hues, Farnsworth with administration effectively alter the value of caps and
found that each step around the hue circle was not quite equal allow the patient to discriminate based on these brightness
in terms of difficulty19 and certain steps were particularly cues rather than hue55.
prone to causing errors by observers with normal colour
vision. As a result 15 caps were removed, leaving a total of
85 hues. Farnsworth’s writings on the construction of the Other Hue Discrimination Tests
F-M 100 do not indicate which colours were removed or
Farnsworth also developed other, more concise hue
where they may fall on the hue circle19,46. The impact of this
discrimination tests using the F-M 100 colours. The
on the validity of the F-M 100 can only be speculated.
most popular has been the Farnsworth-Munsell Panel D-
It is known, however, that the measured change in hue 15 (D-15), which was designed for vocational use in the
between each of the F-M 100 caps is not equal throughout Electronics industry19. Other hue discrimination tests have
the hue circle. The caps that are closest in hue spacing are been designed based on the D-15, with some slight changes
located in the section confused by tritans (between caps 80 in colour properties, particularly value. Some such tests
to 85, 1 to 8 and 32 to 52). This variation in hue gradation are the Lanthony and Adams de-saturated tests. The City
can lead observers with normal colour vision to make University Test is primarily designed for use in children and
increased errors in this area47. Therefore, a slight tritan has the advantage of being able to detect acquired colour
pattern can be an artefact of the test and must be taken deficiencies. The test is produced in book form with a number
into consideration when interpreting the results. This can of plates consisting of a central test colour surrounded by 4
also make it difficult to differentiate between an observer variably coloured dots. The central colour is matched to the
with normal trichromatic colour vision and a person with peripheral one which is the most similar in hue.
anomalous trichromacy. This is all ready problematic, as
Unfortunately, studies have shown that while the rate of
anomalous trichromacy is not characterised by a single area
failure for the D-15 and the City University are similar, only
of colour confusion47, rather, it is characterised by minor
60-70% of subjects with known colour vision anomalies
and generalised mistakes, much like that of colour normal
fail both tests56,57. As such, the results cannot be used
observers with moderate to low discrimination ability.
interchangeably as originally intended. A further discrepancy
The final way in which the current F-M 100 colours differ between the two tests is that while City University is less
from those described by Nickerson and Granville, is that sensitive to protanopic defects, the D15 is less sensitive to
while the experimental papers were said to have a constant detecting deuteranopia56.
Value and chroma of 5, Farnsworth’s writings indicate that
this may not be the case for the F-M 10046. The likely effect
of areas of de-saturation in the hue circle is to increase COMPUTERISED COLOUR VISION TESTS
the errors made by observers with normal colour vision in
these areas. Regardless of these fundamental inaccuracies Computer technology, particularly the resolution of colour
of design, the F-M 100 remains the most valuable clinical monitors, graphics display, and storage capacity, has greatly
test for acquired deficiencies. evolved in recent years and computers have become a
necessity in everyday life, both at home and in the workplace.
Unfortunately, the F-M 100 has some drawbacks, Computerisation of colour vision testing has been seen as a
occurring predominately through errors in recording and way to overcome some of the difficulties in the administration
administration. The recording process, involving arithmetical and recording of colour vision tests by making the tests
calculation and graphing of results is both laborious, time more repeatable and robust for clinical use. This occurs by
consuming, and prone to errors. This has caused clinicians controlling colour variance between tests, lighting errors
to resort to other less arduous methods of testing colour and examiner error in calculating and recording results.
vision. Another common error results from the examiner’s Additionally, electronic storage of data will assist with the
misinterpretation of error scores. This is most often due
Aust Orthop
French et al: The Evolution J © Aust
of Colour 2007:
Vol 39 (2)
J Aust
Testing: © 2008
Orthop J © 2008: Vol 40 (2)
12 australian orthoptic journal
retrieval of records, allowing rapid comparison of results its preliminary stages. Additionally, a lack of standardised
over time. This is thought to enhance the monitoring of test procedures for administration of the computerised
disease progression in acquired deficiencies. The widespread tests such as, screen type, test distance, room illumination
distribution of sophisticated computer technology, and its levels and recommendations for monitor calibration is likely
control of human error and variance in testing conditions, to affect the robustness in clinical practice. Numerous
will mean that computerisation is an inevitable next step to colour vision tests have also flooded the internet resulting
improve current testing methods. in the possibility of mass self-screening for colour vision
deficiencies. Although in theory this should increase the
There are, however, presently some limitations to
awareness and detection of colour vision defects, many of
computerised colour vision testing. There can be great
these tests have been developed and presented as games
variation in colour when displayed on different types
and their validity is questionable.
of computer monitors such as those using Cathode Ray
Tubes (CRT) or Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD). There are
also potential differences in the resolution of the screens,
available colour settings and the amount of drift over time
that has occured in these settings. Typically, CRT screens Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) Test City University
are more suitable for the accurate display of colour,
The web-based Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD)
however, they are known to degrade with time and have
Test, developed by City University in London58, uses
become largely obsolete with the introduction of newer
pseudoisochromatic principles, presenting a moving coloured
technology. LCD monitors are widely available but colour
square test figure against a neutral grey background58 The
settings can drift requiring frequent calibration. A general
coloured square varies in hue throughout the 90 second test
issue with computers is that while they are very efficient
duration. A colour vision defect is detected if at any time
for the storage of results, there is always the possibility of
the test figure disappears, having become indistinguishable
data corruption, loss of data and vulnerability to viruses.
from the background. Random luminance masking of the
Finally, there remains the issue of the discipline required to
background and test figure is used to ensure only chromatic,
perform frequent monitor calibration and data back up.
and not luminance differences are used to distinguish the test
The development of scientifically-based computerised figure59. The CAD test has been found reliable in identifying
colour vision tests began in the 1980s, however, these tests protanopia and deuteranopia, but its effectiveness in
used technology that was expensive and therefore more detecting anomalous trichromacy has not yet been tested60.
appropriate to research than clinical use. Currently, with
Cambridge Colour Test (CCT)
increasingly advanced computer technology and public
availability, there has been an influx of newly developed The Cambridge Colour Test (CCT)61 (Figure 1 part a) also
computerised tests (Table 2). Unfortunately, many of these uses pseudoisochromatic principles. Each plate is made
tests have not yet been validated, and this field remains in up of randomly generated dots which vary in luminance
Table 2 : C omp arison of Computerise d Colour Visio n Tests (Un publis hed D at a)
Conge nital
Test Ty pe Test Na me Relia bility Screening Diagn osi Tritan Acquired Co mme nts
Colour Assessment Uses a moving square as the test
Sensitivity 0.93
and Diagnosis Test figure. Background is composed of
Specificity 161
(CAD) 61 squares of varying luminance.
Pseu do-
Presentation of test figure within
Isochro matic
Cambridge Colour background dot matrix as in Ishihara
Test 62, 63 and Stilling tests. Uses Landholt C as
test figure.
Based on the Farnsworth-Munsell
Save Sight Institute
Sensitivity 0.93 100-Hue with identical presentation,
Computerised FM x
Specificity 0.89 * size of caps and spacing of the hue
100 (SSI FM100)
The PCST uses the principles of the
Portal Colour Sort Farnsworth tests however uses 18
Discrimin ation -
Test (PCST) 64 caps to give a fast assessment of
colour discrimination.
Based on the FM 100 however caps
Seohan 85 Hue are displayed as squares. Like the FM
Test 66 100 there are 85 caps separated into
4 segments.
French et al: The Evolution OrthoptVision
of Colour J © 2008
Testing: Aust Orthop J © 2008: Vol 40 (2)
australian orthoptic journal 13
and size so that the test figure, a coloured Landholt C, is Seohan 85 Hue Test
distinguished by chromatic cues only. To determine the
The Seohan 85 Hue Test (Figure 1 part c), developed in
severity of the colour defect, the C is presented at various
Korea is also based largely on the F-M 100 test, having 4
levels of Chroma (saturation) using a staircase method along
separate components and a total of 85 hues that cover the
each of the axes for protan, deutan and tritan classification.
red, green, yellow and blue spectra65. It is designed to be
The CCT test is designed not only to rapidly detect defects,
displayed on a calibrated computer screen in a darkened
but also to give a more detailed assessment particularly in
room and the results are computed and displayed on a graph
the case of acquired defects. The CCT has been found valid
similar to the F-M 100. An evaluation of the test determined
in assessing all colour vision defects62.
that statistical analysis of the section error scores could
be used to differentiate between congenital and acquired
colour vision defects65.
Save Sight Institute Computerised Farnsworth-Munsell
100-Hue Test (SSI F-M 100)
The SSI F-M 100 (Figure 1 part b) was designed to replicate
the F-M 100 test while improving scoring speed, and
eliminating colour degradation. The program contains
85 hue caps that are identical to the F-M 100 in hue,
spacing and size. The original F-M 100 is presented on
a black background but the SSI F-M 100 uses a charcoal
background to produce effective contrast while maintaining
the impression of depth of the caps. The SSI F-M 100 test is
also organised and presented as 4 ‘boxes’.
At the commencement of each box, the caps are randomly
presented on the lower half of the screen. The observer is
required to move the caps up into position in the tray on the
upper half of the screen and to place them in order, relative
to the fixed caps at the beginning and end of the test box. As
each box is completed the score is calculated by the program
and graphed according to the Farnsworth scoring method;
that is familiar to clinicians19. The results may be saved and
printed out as required. It is able to be run on the ‘Windows’
platform on any computer containing a suitable graphics card
and uses a simple ‘drag and drop’ procedure for the ordering
of the caps. This test is still in the research and development
stage and is not currently available commercially.
CONCLUSION 15. Edridge-Green FW. The physiology of vision with special reference to
colour blindness. London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd., 1920.
Colour vision testing methods have greatly evolved since their 16. Birch J, Dain SJ. Performance of red-green color deficient subjects
on the Farnsworth Lantern (FALANT). Aviat Space Environ Med
emergence in the 1800s. The current standard clinical tests 1999;70:62-67.
use either Pseudoisochromatic plates or Hue discrimination, 17. Holmes JG, Wright WD. A new color perception lantern. Color Research
however, each of these methods has possible pitfalls for & Application 1982;7:82-88.
clinicians in administration, recording and interpretation. 18. Birch J. Efficiency of the Ishihara test for identifying red-green colour
With the widespread use of high resolution colour monitors deficiency. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics 1997;17:403-408.
and high capacity computers, computerisation of colour 19. Farnsworth D. The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue and dichotomous
vision tests is an inevitable and valuable next step in the tests for color vision. Journal of the Optical Society of America
evolution of colour vision testing. However, standardisation
20. Francois J, Verriest G. On acquired deficiency of colour vision, with
of these computerised tests is essential to ensure their
special reference to its detection and classification by means of the
compatibility with current clinical standards. Continued tests of Farnsworth. Vision Research 1961;1:201-219.
investigation into their validity and reliability, will inevitably 21. Dain SJ, Adams AJ. Comparison of the standard and Adams desaturated
result in consistent and robust computerised colour vision D-15 tests with congenital colour vision deficiencies. Ophthalmic and
tests. If such robust tests are then coupled with simple Physiological Optics 1990;10:40-45.
and clear administrative instructions and techniques, and 22. Lanthony P. The desaturated panel D-15. Documenta Ophthalmologica
an overall user-friendly interface, they are likely to find 1978;46:185-189.
acceptance amongst eye practitioners and become widely 23. Lee DY, Honson M. Chromatic variation of Ishihara diagnostic plates.
Color Research & Application 2003;28:267-276.
incorporated into the clinical environment in the future.
24. Birch J, McKeever LM. Survey of the accuracy of new pseudoisochromatic
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25. Dain SJ. Colormetric analysis of four editions of the Hardy-Rand-Rittler
References pseudoisochromatic tests. Visual Neuroscience 2004;21:437-443.
26. Cole BL, Lian KY, Lakkis C. The new Richmond HRR pseudoisochromatic
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27. Ishihara S. The series of plates designed as a test for colour-blindness,
2. Dalton J. Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours. Mem Lit 24 plates edition ed. Ishihara test instruction manual. Tokyo: Kanehata
Philos Soc Manchester 1798;5:28-45. Shuppan Co., Ltd.
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