We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who have contributed to our research by
their help and support. Experiences and insights that we have obtained thanks to being part of this
Master Programme have been a valuable resource that we can resort in the rest of our lives.
Therefore, we would like to express our gratitude to the people who have provided us with the
opportunity to study and complete this programme.
For his continuous efforts to improve our ability to think creatively and contributions to the quality
of the programme, and for his valuable advices during the thesis process, we would like to voice our
gratitude to Professor Phillipe Daudi.
For his precious feedbacks and support during the research process, we would like to thank
Professor Björn Bjerke.
For his inspiring comments and contribution to the evolution of our research, we would like to
thank Dr. Mikael Lundgren.
For his inspiring and valuable comments and being part of the Thesis Committee, we would like to
thank Prof. Nils Nilsson.
We also would like to thank Teresse Johansson for her efforts in organization of the programme
and for her continuous support during this research process.
This study aims to understand, describe, and analyze the factors that lead employees resist
organizational change efforts. More specifically, by locating various types of roots and symptoms of
resistance, we have developed a framework which managers or individuals, who plan to initiate a
change program, can use to manage resistance and to benefit, if exist, from the constructive value of
resistant behaviors of employees. Findings are drawn from the reinterpretation of two case studies
which were conducted on the area. While the first one involves introduction of activity-based
costing system in a Portuguese telecommunications company, second one analyzes implementation
of a new management program, called BATON, in a university funded research organization. By
relying on these case studies, existing models and concepts related to resistance were tested,
reinterpreted and an alternative framework to manage resistance is developed. As a result of the
study, it is found that despite the amount of theoretical concepts and tools, there is still an
important deficiency in terms of resistance management, and managers usually tend to employ pre-
set methods to overcome resistance in change management. Findings of the thesis provide those
who plan to start and implement change programs with a comprehensive framework to locate,
understand and analyze resistance and to take appropriate managerial actions in organizational
change efforts.
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Research Issue ....................................................................................1
1.2. The research question ......................................................................................................2
1.3. Objective and Purpose of the research .............................................................................3
2. METHODOLOGY AND DATA COLLECTION ................................................................4
2.1. Qualitative Research.........................................................................................................4
2.2. Grounded Theory ............................................................................................................5
2.3. Selection of case studies ...................................................................................................5
3. LITERATURE REVIEW: THE CONCEPT OF CHANGE ..................................................7
3.1. Nature of Change.............................................................................................................8
3.1.1. Survival ....................................................................................................................8
3.1.2. Behavior...................................................................................................................8
3.1.3. Process .....................................................................................................................9
3.1.4. Structure ................................................................................................................10
3.1.5. System....................................................................................................................10
3.2. Sources of Change .........................................................................................................11
3.2.1. Outside-In Perspective ...........................................................................................11
3.2.2. Inside-Out Perspective ...........................................................................................12
3.3. Scope of Change ............................................................................................................12
3.4. Level of Change .............................................................................................................14
3.4.1. Individual Change ..................................................................................................14
3.4.2. Team Change .........................................................................................................22
3.4.3. Organizational Change ...........................................................................................25
3.5. Organizational Change Models.......................................................................................26
3.5.1. Kurt Lewin‘s Three Step Model and Force-Field Theory .......................................27
3.5.2. John Kotter‘s Eight Step Model .............................................................................28
3.5.3. Colin Carnall‘s Change Management Model ...........................................................29
3.5.4. Nadler and Tushman‘s Congruence Model.............................................................29
3.5.5. Peter Senge and Systemic View on Organizational Change.....................................31
4. LITERATURE REVIEW: RESISTANCE TO CHANGE ...................................................32
4.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................32
4.2. Definition of the Term ...................................................................................................32
4.3. Research on Resistance: Reasons and Solutions..............................................................33
4.4. Positive Approaches to Resistance .................................................................................40
4.5. A Critique on existing literature ......................................................................................41
5. EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE RESEARCH ..........................................................43
5.1. Review: ―Managers divided: Implementing ABC in a Portuguese telecommunications
company‖ by Maria Major and Trevor Hopper ..........................................................................43
5.1.1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................43
5.1.2. Marconi..................................................................................................................45
5.1.3. The need for change ..............................................................................................46
5.1.4. Marconi‘s Experience with ABC ............................................................................47
5.1.5. Employee Resistance to ABC Implementation at Marconi .....................................49
5.1.6. Evaluating the study and its implications ................................................................52
5.2. Review: ―A Case of an IT-Enabled Organizational Change Intervention: The Missing
Pieces‖ by Bing Wang and David Paper .....................................................................................54
5.2.1. The organization ....................................................................................................54
5.2.2. Expectations from BATON ...................................................................................55
5.2.3. Application of BATON .........................................................................................56
5.2.4. IT System prior to BATON ...................................................................................57
5.2.5. Implementation in IT and Responses .....................................................................58
5.2.6. Evaluating the study and its implications ................................................................59
6. LIFTING THE CURTAIN BEHIND RESISTANCE .........................................................61
6.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................61
6.2. Sources of Resistance .....................................................................................................61
6.2.1. Self Interest ............................................................................................................62
6.2.2. Increased Stress and Additional Work ....................................................................62
6.2.3. Denial ....................................................................................................................63
6.2.4. Lack of understanding and trust .............................................................................63
6.2.5. Uncertainty ............................................................................................................64
6.2.6. Differences in Perceptions and Evaluations ...........................................................64
6.2.7. Motivation as a source of resistance .......................................................................65
6.3. Dimensions of Resistance ..............................................................................................65
6.3.1. Manifestation .........................................................................................................65
6.3.2. Reasoning behind Resistant Behaviours .................................................................66
6.3.3. Institutionalized Resistance ....................................................................................66
7. EMERGING THEORY .......................................................................................................69
7.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................69
7.2. Lack of ‗resistance management‘ ....................................................................................72
7.3. Leadership from sensemaking perspective......................................................................72
7.4. Communication .............................................................................................................74
7.5. Participation ...................................................................................................................75
8. CONCLUSION AND VISION ............................................................................................77
8.1. The Research Conclusion ...............................................................................................77
8.2. The vision for future research ........................................................................................78
9. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................79
The idea of change has increasingly become a necessity for organizations rather than an alternative
that they wish to choose. Although it is usually associated with crisis, even the most successful
companies have to face necessity of change. Ability to shift direction and to improve functioning of
an organization can be assumed as one of the key competencies of contemporary business
organizations. As the complexity of business life markets gets intense, organizations have become
much more sensitive to any occurrence that take places in their environment.
While there have been various factors that force organizations to change, developments in
technology, diminishing role of governments in business life and globalization are some of the main
factors that necessitate organizations to revise the way they conduct businesses (Champy & Nohria,
1996). Dynamic nature of business environment also influences customers‘ preferences on all kinds
of products and services and therefore, being able to respond these shifting demands requires
flexible organizations which can implement new strategies successfully.
Considering the fluctuations in external environment, the issue that concerns organizations most
has been the scope of change. De Wit and Meyer (2004) have identified two basic paths for change.
Firstly, some organizations tend to adopt themselves to ongoing changes through constantly
improving their operations by small alterations. These changes usually focus on improving existing
systems by keeping fundamental structure of business same (De Wit & Meyer, 2004). Secondly,
organizations which conceive constant but small improvements as inadequate, tend to employ
radical changes which refer to complete renewal of existing way of doing business. Parallel to the
diversity in these approaches, methods to accomplish desired change plans vary in terms of their
scope and impact.
One may list various causes for failures in change initiatives whereas during our study on change
management, resistance has been one of the most salient elements of those unsuccessful attempts.
Although the idea of change has a significant popularity in today‘s societies, shifting behaviours of
individuals has not been an easy task. It may seem perfectly acceptable in written papers or oral
discussions but people in organizations usually tend to resist change. Since every change can be
accepted as a transition to a new situation which individuals are unfamiliar with, giving up old way
of doing things and shifting to a new system, unsurprisingly produce resistance. There is a vast
amount of arguments in the literature. In the late 1940s and 1950s, resistance to change had been
identified as an important obstacle for implementation, and this perception has been still preserving
its validity. However, some researchers have also tended to emphasize the constructive value of
resistance because they believe not every change initiative is geared to produce good outcomes.
While resistance to change has been usually conceived as a quintessential human response,
individuals may have different reasons for their resistant behaviors. Psychological factors stemming
from negative expectations about change lead to manifestation of these behaviors. On the other
hand, cultural atmosphere within an organization which is characterized by obsolete ideas and
beliefs can also lead its members to be unresponsive to change. Alternatively, interests of groups or
individuals and their struggle for power can turn resistance into a response resulting from political
concerns (De Wit & Meyer, 2004).
Concerning the nature of resistance, what kind of a strategy is necessary to manage resistance
effectively during the change implementation?
Giving a comprehensive answer to above question constitutes the essential goal of this study. The
question involves two basic concepts, change and resistance, and these have been analyzed deeply
throughout the research process. While understanding the nature of change and the process of
implementation can be assumed as the umbrella of study, we have also focused on resistance in
terms of its sources, symptoms and dimensions. Two case studies have been employed to reveal the
validity of theories and to explain models related to resistance.
1.3. Objective and Purpose of the research
Our purpose is to understand the role of resistance in the process of change management. We
believe that this can provide us with a deeper understanding of key factors in implementing change
programs. By referring to resistance, we do not necessarily see it as a barrier that needs to be
eliminated; instead, we aim to understand the concept of resistance in a wider scope to identify
crucial issues that can influence process of change in a positive way. In other words, the issue that is
concerned in this thesis is to find an optimum way of managing resistance which takes all the
aspects of resistance into consideration. We believe that such an approach can be influential in
terms of minimizing failures or dissatisfactions in change programs.
By studying the research question and issues related to it, we hope to bring a new perspective about
resistant behaviors of employees during the change process. Understanding, describing and
analyzing roots and symptoms of resistance can enable us to construct a framework to implement
change programs more successfully. Emphasis on resistance also brings the opportunity to use it as
a constructive tool in terms of determining the defects of existing change programs.
Concerning the change implementation, this study aims to locate and to emphasize critical factors in
management of resistance. The role of leaders in terms of creation and transmission of the change
message through communication and participation possess a significance place in our
understanding. From this perspective, we believe that by highlighting the importance of these
activities, this research will be able to depict a comprehensive picture explaining the impact of
leaders/managers in resistance management..
Apart from above purposes, we hope that this study will be capable of contributing to scientific
community by presenting logical arguments and providing new spaces for further research.
Additionally, considering the implications of the research, it would also be a valuable source for
individuals in business life to locate different problems related to resistance and to take appropriate
actions to handle them.
The ability to choose a convenient method to research on a social reality possesses great importance
in terms of determining the sufficiency and reliability of outcomes. For this reason, the
methodology which we will use in this thesis has been chosen carefully to meet the requirements of
an advanced study which is capable of achieving our goals in conducting this research. In this
section, we will explain general features of the methodology that we will use in answering the
essential question of the thesis.
Selecting the methodology to study a social reality is shaped by the nature of problem that has been
under question. Considering the various elements inherited in the concept of resistance and its
complexity, we found it much more convenient to employ qualitative design rather than
quantitative. Although we initially intend to reach first hand empirical data through investigating the
issue on the field, it appeared impossible because of certain limitations. When we consider the
amount of time that is necessary to study resistance empirically, it takes much more time than we
had to prepare this study. In addition to time constraint, studying resistance in a real organizational
setting demands certain amount of financial resource which also limits our initial plans.
Having interpreted the existing conditions, especially the time limitation, we have turned the
existing literature and selected some specific cases which present an appropriate ground for us to
study our question. Despite above limitations, it has to be stated that the material we gathered
through books, journals, websites, and documents have been substantially rich in providing us with
the necessary information.
Strauss and Corbin (1990) have identified three basic elements of qualitative methodology. First is
the data which is obtained through interviews, observations, analysis of documents and materials,
second is procedures which are employed by the researcher to evaluate collected data and third is the
final reports, in written form or verbal, which states the findings and implications of a study.
Parallel to the essential aim of qualitative approach, in terms of understanding why and how of social
realities, conducting a qualitative research usually necessitates small but focused samples to search
deeply a given social phenomenon. Having considered the nature of our research question and the
available of information in the literature, we have decided to use grounded approach in developing
final theory for the management of resistance.
Concerning the essential question of this study and the nature of grounded theory, our efforts to
present a solid and comprehensive theoretical solution to them demand two main activities, namely,
learning and researching. Additionally, reaching a clear answer requires analysis of various concepts
that are interconnected. Therefore we first need to divide the information into pieces and then to
reconstruct them in a way that makes sense. Since the efficiency of an academic research is
dependent on the level which the researcher is able to focus on micro-units rather than macro-units
(Cherchye & Abeele, 2005), we think that our methodology provides us with convenient tools to
carry out an efficient research.
The second case study involves introduction of a new management system in a university owned
research institution. In addition to its appropriateness to reinterpret existing literature, this study
has enabled us to compare and contrast social and technological aspects of change and its impact
on different groups and individuals. In short both of these studies have presented us a wealthy
resource to go deeper on resistance during the change process, and their differences have served
as complementary to reach reliable explanations.
In this first part of the study, we will focus on the term change and explain different perspectives
which will help us to construct the theoretical framework of the research subject. Many researchers
in social and natural sciences have had a tendency to classify the term change according to their
subjects and priorities. Having considered the widespread usage of the concept, we aim to explain
the concept of change in the field of change management studies in order to obtain a clear
theoretical background for the study subject. Before going into deep discussions on resistance
management, we believe that this introduction part will be helpful in terms of depicting a broad
picture and of recognizing the basic theories of change management. We will analyze the change in
four categories, which represent its four different dimensions (Cameron & Green, 2004).
Nature of change: The basic issue of this part is to understand different perspectives explaining
the nature of change. We will focus on five different approaches; and these are survival, behavior,
process, structure and system.
Sources of change: The sources of change which refer to factors that force organizations to to
change, will be examined by discussing the current perspectives in the literature. Outside-In or Inside-
Out perspectives will provide us with critical points for paradoxical views over the sources of
Scope of change: This part will contain the relations between the change drivers and the
implementation strategies. We will discuss how the scope of change drivers leads different types of
change implementations. Assumptions of evolutionary and revolutionary perspectives will be compared
according to their effects on change strategies.
Level of change: In the last dimension of the term change, we will approach the issue by
emphasizing three different levels that change can be encountered.
- Individual Level Change: We will mention four complementary approaches; behavioral, cognitive,
psychodynamic and humanistic psychodynamic; by illustrating the variety of theories and models.
- Team Level Change: The development of team and the relations with the other level of
changes will be examined by clear explanations and useful methods.
- Organizational Level Change: We will discuss the issue by illustrating fundamental models in
the literature of organizational change.
In the literature, there has been a tendency to classify the change by relying on one or two
dimensions of the concept depending on researchers‘ area of interest. However, we have intended
to choose this kind of a broad classification for two reasons. Firstly we find it necessary to provide a
comprehensive picture of the concept of change. Secondly, we aimed at making a contribution to
change literature by revisiting essential concepts and arguments of influential researchers.
3.1.1. Survival
As one of the fundamental approaches in natural sciences, Darwin (1876) described change as
―survival‖. He associated the idea of survival with the ability of responding changes that have been
taking places in the environment (Darwin, 1876). This perspective can be assumed as the starting
point of the researchers who describe the nature of change as survival. In survival perspective of
change, organizations are seen as the species in nature; and the survival in business environment has
been interpreted as the necessity to adopt or to die (Beer and Nohria, 2002). Organizations should
adopt themselves to the business environment in order to increase the chance to survive; or they
will disappear like the species that have not been responsive to change in nature. When we look at
the issue from employees‘ perspectives, it can be argued that the nature of resistance to change can
be described as the necessity of survival of individuals and teams, like departments or working
groups, within business organizations. Workers tend to resist change initiatives because they think
that change can harm the existent status-quo in the workplace and decrease their chances to survive.
It can be also concluded that the most responsive workers to change have the biggest chance to
survive in the organizations.
3.1.2. Behavior
Behavioral approach focuses on individual attitudes in explaining the nature of change. This
approach conceives the change in organizations as highly dependent on members of organizations
and their behaviors. As we will discuss in details in the following part, behavioral approach focuses
on change in the basis of individual behaviors and their effects on other individuals‘ behaviors in
order to reach intended results. The failure or success of reaching intended results should be
analyzed in the behaviors of individuals and the conditions (Cameron & Green, 2004). The nature
of change in the organizations can be understood by analyzing the behaviors of people and their
effects. According to behavioral approach, by creating suitable environment and functional
intervention strategies; change can be managed and organizational development might be achieved.
The main concern of change agent should be behaviors, perceptions and attitudes of people in the
process of change implementation and managers should concentrate on improving communication,
group behaviors, organizational culture, organizational learning and motivation in workplace in
order to achieve intended results and successful changes (Christensen, Marx & Stevenson, 2006).
3.1.3. Process
There has been a common tendency in the literature to describe the nature of change as an ongoing
process. Process could be seen as a set of activities which are used to create outputs and results for
organizations. In order for successful change management practices in organizations, processes -sets
of activities- are needed. In general, change process has three main parts, which have been
mentioned in many change process researches:
We will extend this general analysis by also adding resistance factors and extra steps that will
help us to cover whole process in details (Newstrom & Davis, 1997).
Diagnosing Select Strategy Strategy Evaluation Institutionalize
Change Building Implementation Change
Diagnosis of drivers of change and resistance to change: Diagnosis, which is the first step of
change process, helps us to understand external and internal drivers which force organizations to
change. Possible resistance sources should also be taken into consideration while diagnosing.
Selecting change agents: In accordance with the type of change that has been necessary,
appropriate change agents should be selected in order to implement change programs. Change
agents can be internal, who are members of the organization; or external, who can be hired as
consultants. At the same time, change agents should also be compatible to manage resistance.
Strategy building: In this step, by considering the needs for change, a proper plan for change,
which will transform organization from its existing situation to a desired position, is expected to be
Strategy implementation: Implementation of change strategies necessitates managerial and
leadership skills. Time, cost, responsibility and ethical issues should be taken into consideration
while implementing change programs.
Evaluation: Overall progress and effectiveness of implementation should be evaluated in order to
determine success of change in reaching targeted goals. The important point is not to ignore that
change is an ongoing process in the shape of a circle; and therefore strategies should be adaptable
enough to upcoming change forces and resistance factors that might arise from employees.
Institutionalize Change: The change process and management are expected to be transferred to
the long-term improvements by developing and introducing functional mechanisms like learning
organizations. The important point that should be mentioned here is that change is the ongoing
process, which is not directional. The process should be thought as a circular that the outputs of
processes can be the inputs or sources of change processes. In other words, the process can be
considered as a flow action in which every step is supported by the previous one.
3.1.4. Structure
The other view has come from the structural approach and it has described the nature of change as
―structure‖ and focuses on redesigning and restructuring organizations. Consultants or change
agents should provide functioning mechanisms (structure) to managers in order to achieve
successful change and decrease the anxiety in organization (Hirschhorn & Barnett 1993). Structures
have been emerged from the interactions of groups of people that work and aim to the common
purposes (Seel, 2002). It is also possible that structures can be created from outside by experts,
namely external consultants. We can conclude that according to the strength of change drivers, the
structures in the organizations can be redesigned or restructured. This view is more acceptable when
unexpected or revolutionary change has occurred. This issue will be discussed more in detail in a
separate part, called the scope of change.
3.1.5. System
The last view for the nature of change is coming from technological approach, which proposes that
change can be managed by using suitable technological systems. This view has taken attention after
intense rate of the usage of networked computers and WEB based business solutions. According to
technological approach, starting from production –even the product itself-, all kind business
processes have become computerized and IT based (Cameron &Green, 2004). Therefore, change
has been resulted from the necessity of the improvement in systems within the organizations. All
kind of fundamental transactions, like invoicing, logistic, ordering etc., have been managed by
computer-based systems that put the necessity of development of such systems in the core of
Debates on the sources of change have carried us to the paradoxical discussion in the literature; the
outside-in (market adaptation) and inside-out (resource-base) perspectives. These perspectives
illustrate us the two opposite poles of discussion concerning the sources of change.
market driven (De Wit & Meyer, 2004). Therefore, managers should first concentrate on exploring
the environment and finding market opportunities before building any kind of strategies (De Wit &
Meyer, 2004). According to Porter (1980), firms are bounded to industry that belong to and should
analyze the environment in order to understand their competitive position in the market
competition. This perspective disregards the effects of internal drivers, such as innovating new
technology or building systems for operational efficiency, and do not identify them as important
sources for change.
To sum up; we can classify the sources of change into two categories as internal and external.
However the interaction between internal and external drivers should be also put into the
consideration for complete understanding. The discussion on the sources of change are helpful in
terms of understanding to understand two separate assumptions which prioritize different issues in
initiating a change program; but we think that, there has not been one directional relations among
all kind of change drivers. Internal and external drivers for change should be considered as
interconnected within the framework of change management because both of them have peculiar
effects in different contexts.
The paradox between discontinuous and continuous change is the angular point of the modern
change process approach. De Wit and Meyer qualify these two elements as ―the dichotomy between
discontinuous renewal perspective and the continuous renewal perspective” (De Wit & Meyer, 2004, p.180). The
revolutionary perspective proposes that change should be made in disruptive manner that replaces
old system with a completely new one. The destruction of old status-quo also means to creation of a
new order (De Wit & Meyer, 2004). Forces such as governmental regulations, competitive pressure
or first mover-advantage are some of the important factors that lead revolutionary changes (De Wit
& Meyer, 2004). On the other hand, evolutionary perspective of change proposes a more gradual
change process in which adaptation is expected to be realized in a subtle manner through small,
persistent and continuous adjustments (De Wit & Meyer, 2004).
Expected Unexpected
Incremental (e.g., new policies, (e.g., new products or new
technologies) feature)
(e.g., organizational (e.g., new culture or total
redesign or reengineering) strategic change)
Table 3-2 The Scope of Change (Gordon, 2002)
Tuning can be assumed as an incremental change that organizations have expected, which can
improve the effectiveness, efficiency, introducing new policies and technologies.
Adaptation can be assumed as incremental changes which organizations do not expect but need
to adapt themselves by introducing new products with the aim of responding to their competitors
or adapting their organizational structure.
Recreation is used for both radical and unexpected changes. Crisis management can also be put in
this category. This mostly results in changing of organizational core values and there can be a radical
new positioning within organization.
In conclusion, according to the strength and type of change drivers and the awareness of the
organization, the scope of change and implementation can differ. The aim of the managers should
be to evaluate the change drivers carefully for reaching compatible change strategy. The success of
change implementation highly depends on the understanding what kind of change strategies the
company needs.
We put more emphasis on the level analysis compared to the other dimensions of change, because it
contains important elements which will prepare the ground for the discussion of resistance
management. We believe that for successful change implementation and resistance management,
key elements of these three levels needs to be understood by manager/change initiators.
Behavioral approach
Cognitive Approach
Psychodynamic Approach
Humanistic Psychological Approach
These four approaches are not contradictory to each other; instead, they function as complementary
for each other, in terms of explaining the different dimensions of individual level change.
Behavioral Approach:
Behavioral approach focuses on change by looking at individual behaviors when they are striving to
reach their goals and their effects on other individuals‘ behaviors. The failure or success of reaching
intended results can be analyzed in the behaviors of individuals and the conditions that shape them
(Cameron and Green, 2004). This issue has been initially discussed by psychologist like Pavlov
(1928) and Skinner (1953) in order to understand the relation between behaviors and conditions and
the effects of rewards and punishment systems to the behaviors of individuals. Pavlov (1928) mainly
analyzed the behavior itself under classical conditioning; however Skinner (1953) has furthered the
issue to analyze the possible effects of the behaviors. He proposed that there could be also the
learning behavior with the positive and negative effects of rewards and punishments. According to
him, there are four possible situations that might arise after using rewards and punishment systems
(see Table 3.3).
Actions Positive Negative
Addition Positive reinforcement Punishment
Pleasurable and increases Unpleasant (for example, an electric
probability of repeat shock) leading to decrease in repeat
behavior behavior
Subtraction Extinction Negative reinforcement
Avoidance of an Removal of a pleasant stimulus
unpleasant stimulus decreases the likelihood of repeat
increases the likelihood behavior
of repeat behavior
Table 3-3 Skinner’ Model, Rewards and Punishments (Cameron&Green, 2004)
These researches in the field of psychology have seriously shaped the trends in academics, especially
in organizational development approaches, by linking motivation to behaviors in workplace.
Douglas McGregor (1960) analyzed the motivation in the organization‘s workplace by comparing
two different management assumption called theory X and theory Y (see Table 3.4)
According to Theory X, According to Theory Y, individuals;
- view working as a natural necessity
- do not like the working -expect encouragement rather than
- expect to be directed and controlled imposition
- demand feeling if security - perceive organizational as a way to get
- are motivated by rewards and rewards
punishments - view their work as self actualization and
- are unwilling to take responsibility satisfy themselves with achievements
- do not have ambition towards their - can take initiative and responsibility when a
work suitable work atmosphere is created
- do not use their imagination
In theory X, workers are assumed as naturally not motivated to work; on the contrary in theory Y,
workers are willing to work; and under suitable environment, they can work more effective and
motivated. In summary, he reached the conclusion that the managers who executed theory Y beliefs
were more successful to increase the efficiency and motivation of workers in workplace.
Frederick Herzberg (1968) has also researched on the motivation for the best performance of
workers. According to him, there are two types of drivers that workers have in workplace: hygiene
factors, which resulted from the desire of workers to avoid deprivation; and motivators, which
resulted from the desire of workers to learn and develop. He mentioned that hygiene factors and
these involve, financial earnings (payment), policies of the organization, quality of management,
relations between members, working atmosphere, social status within the organization and security.
Herzberg (1968) argues that satisfaction of these elements do not have a positive impact on
employees‘ motivation. However if employees lack any of these, it influences their motivation
negatively. On the other hand, motivators are expected to contribute employees‘ performance
directly and these are learning, accomplishments, the nature of work, taking responsibility, gaining
recognition and personal advancement.
To summarize the behavioral approach, change in individual can be understood by analyzing the
impacts of individual behaviors and motivating factors in terms of increasing performance and
decreasing the resistance factors. For achieving successful change within the organizations, the
behaviors of employees and their responses (negative and positive) should be analyzed carefully
Following steps, proposed by Cameron and Green (2004), present an alternative model for change
“Step 1: The identification of the behaviors that impact performance.
Step 2: The measurement of those behaviors. How much are these behaviors currently in use?
Step 3: A functional analysis of the behaviors – that is, the identification of the component parts that make up
each behavior.
Step 4: The generation of a strategy of intervention – what rewards and punishments should be linked to the
behaviors that impact performance.
Cameron and Green (2004) further the step four by emphasizing the importance of generating
reward strategies over performance and the success of change initiatives. These reward strategies
can be in the forms of financial, which can be bonus payments for any success or achieving target;
non-financial, like functioning feedback system; and social which can be recognition of achievements.
This view also reveals the necessity of proper structures for managing the behaviors and motivating
workers. One of the criticisms directed towards behavioral approach is its overemphasis on the
behaviors and ignorance of different kind of perceptions about thinking patterns of individuals and
this will be discussed in the next part, cognitive approach.
Cognitive Approach:
In contrast to behavioral approach, which focuses only to observable behaviors, cognitive approach
has analyzed the behaviors in the frame of internal process of brain and emotions. Cognitive
approach has the basis of behavioral approach, but furthered it by focusing on the way of thinking
to reach the intended results and the emotions that affect our way of thinking. Individuals‘ reactions
to the situations are influenced by the emotional situation of individuals that they are in, and the
way of thinking is shaped by emotions and the internal process of brain. In order to change the
reactions of individuals to the situations, the thought process of individuals should be changed
(Cameron & Green, 2004).
Albert Ellis’s rational-emotive therapy (1977) and Aaron Beck’s cognitive theory (1970) could
be assumed as the main contributors for construction of cognitive approach. According to
cognitive theory, self-concepts and values of individuals are located in the centre of individuals’
beliefs. Beliefs influence attitudes of individuals, which in turn influence the feelings and
behaviors (Cameron and Green, 2004) (See figure 3.2). At the end of these internal processes,
individuals can reach results and conclusions, which are the products of their internal brain
process that is shaped by set of values and concepts.
& Beliefs Attitudes Feelings Behaviors Results
Figure 3-2 How to achieve results, (Cameroon&Green, 2004)
Additionally, cognitive approach has introduced some techniques for individuals in order to achieve
intended results. These techniques have been used in organizations nowadays mainly in terms of
coaching activities (Cameron & Green, 2004). These are:
positive listings
pattern braking
anchoring and resource states
rational analysis (Cameron and Green, 2004).
In summary, cognitive approach claims that in order to change people behaviors, feelings and
reactions to the situations, the internal process of individuals should be analyzed carefully. The way
of thinking and reactions are constructed through beliefs that are shaped by self- concepts and
values. Those beliefs influence the feelings and attitudes; and eventually the final results. Therefore,
individual change can be possible by changing the thinking process of individuals. By using change
techniques and coaching activities, intended results can be obtained over individuals. It is also
possible to relate cognitive theory to the management of resistance to change within the
organizations. By changing the way of thinking and resulting of individuals, resistance within the
organization could be managed or diminished.
Psychodynamic Approach:
This approach has been constructed by Kubbler-Ross (1969) and explained by the following model
(See Figure 3.3). The model has been based on the idea of ―psychodynamic‖, which means when
individuals confronts change from external world; some internal psychological stages can be
experienced by individuals,- These are described as the five stages of change process and
adjustment: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (Kubbler-Ross, 1969). When people
confront unexpected and revolutionary change that has a big impact on their current situation, they
begin to experience these stages of change process and adjustment consecutively.
Kubler-Ross (1969) model has been constructed for ill patient, but some management researchers
have developed this approach in the field of management studies. Adams, Hayes and Hopson
(1976) adopted the Kubler-Ross Model by adding extra stages like shock, experience, discovery and
integration. In addition, Satir (1991) developed a model on change process and described the
situation before change as the initial stage of maintaining old status-quo. Change process has
continued to take place until a new status quo has been reached. Those processes are chaos,
transforming new ideas and integration (Satir, et all, 1991). During the change process, there have been a
lot of fluctuations until reaching the integration of change and creating a new status-quo (see
Some contemporary researches have also furthered Satir‘s model on change process. Weinberg
(1997) has created his own model based on Satir‘s model by adding critical points to the theory.
According to the change, whether it is planned or unplanned, and continuous or discontinuous,
time to reach new status quo can differ (Weinberg, 1997)
The theories of psychodynamic approach are helpful to understand the change process of
individuals and the stages that individuals would live until adjustment has been occurred, when they
encounter any change in workplace. If managers are aware of those stages and whole process, it can
be helpful in terms of understanding roots of reistance and its symptoms.
Roger (1967) has discussed how personal growth and learning can be achieved by creating a
facilitating environment and an emphatic understanding. Facilitating environment, which is
described as the suitable environment for greater acceptance of change, could be created under
three conditions; called authenticity, positive regard and empathic understanding (Roger, 1967).
The change agent should built and manage facilitating environment in order to decrease the
time of acceptance process. In contrast to psychodynamic approach dealing with the illness,
another researcher Maslow (1970) has based his theory on the lives and needs of people. In
order to be motivated and to reach intended results, the hierarchical order of human needs
should be compensated (Maslow, 1970). (See Figure 3.5)
According to Maslow‘s (1970) model, people have continuous tendencies to be developed and
realized, which are called as the needs of self-actualization that can be reached after compensating
four needs shown at the bottom parts of pyramid. Those are the needs that reveal the people‘s
priorities and the necessities in hierarchical way from bottom to top for reaching self-actualization
and development. The lack of them can create dismotivation and prevent people from following
their goals in terms of development and change. (see Table 3.6)
Safety needs: Both physical and physiological necessities that make people feel
in safety.
Self-esteem needs: The needs for the feeling of achievement and being master
on something.
Therefore, to understand the main causes of the resistance factors to change, the hierarchy of
needs should be analyzed carefully by the managers. A change initiative introduced in the
workplace can be the reason for the conditions that create the lack of employees‘ needs. The
psychological safety of employees and belonging needs should be taken into consideration by
emphatically understanding and recognizing the reasons of resistance to change. Thus, an
emotional and emphatic approach is required for personal growth of employees; that creates the
greater rate of acceptance of change recipients from employees.
It has been also argued that the needs of self-actualization are not always in hierarchical order.
Some needs of self-actualization, such as beauty can be prior position among other needs (Griffin,
1991). The hierarchy of needs can be ordered differently according to individual priorities.
Perls (1976) has also contributed to humanistic psychological approach with his well-known
Gestalt Cycle by emphasizing the sense of what we are acting here and now, and how awareness
can be built in order to understand the obstacles, which block people to reach intended results.
According to Perls (1976), the experiences that we encounter here and now are the starting point
of our sensing, which is the basis of our awareness. Sensing of inside and outside conditions may
lead to awareness, which creates energy for taking action to reach intended results and helps to
complete the Gestalt experimental cycle (see Figure 3.6).
We believe that building an environment that facilitates people to start sensing in order to reach
some level of awareness for taking action; or to manage the sensation process by sense making and
meaning management activities possesses great importance for managers or change agents. It can
also be considered within the framework of resistance management because it helps to decrease the
level of resistance that hinders effective implementation.
As a conclusion for individual level change, these four approaches have given us a comprehensive
picture of achieving change at the individual level. Based on the implications of these models, we
have identified three issues. First, understanding the applying reward strategies, in different forms
such as financial and social, has been crucial. Second, creation of meaning for individuals which
influence their cognitive processes is not only important for change implementation but also for
resistance management. Third, analysis of the process in which individuals accept change is
necessary and this process can be supported by alternative coaching activities.
In the literature, team is defined in different ways- Morgan (1986) sees team as the collection of
people who come together for a common objective and share certain values objectives. Cohen and
Bailey (1997) furthered the definition that a team is s collection of individuals who are aware of
their responsibility for the results under larger social entities, such as corporations and companies.
Also, there have been distinctions between the definition of group and team in the literature. In
contrast to the definition of team as mentioned above, groups have been defined as the number of
individuals that are aware of themselves and draw a boundary around in order to perceive
themselves as a group under common interests different from the outsiders (Cameron and Green,
2004). For example in the organizations, the workers who are the members of union can be
thought as a group; on the other hand, the departments, change management teams etc. can be
considered as the examples of teams in organizations.
There exist many types of teams, which are constructed according to intended objectives within the
organizations. Cameron and Green (2004) classify the teams into nine different subjects; work teams,
self-managed teams, parallel teams, project teams, matrix teams, virtual teams, networked teams, management teams
and change teams. According to the complexity of the intended objectives and construction of
organization, the names of the teams can be differentiated. For example, project teams can be
constructed to achieve and to manage change implementations within the organization. Whatever
the name of the team is, efficiency of constructed team is the main concern to reach intended
objectives. In order to increase the efficiency in a team, Rollin and Christine Glaser (1992) propose
five features that are necessary for effective functioning of teams. (See table3.7)
We will also analyze some team development models to understand how change occurs in team
level. Tuckman‘s model (1965) of team change has been one of the most widely accepted ones and
it has had linear stages for team development. According to Tuckman (1965), any kind of team
needs to experience the following four stages for a well-functioning team structure and
development. (See Table3. 8)
Forming; It is the initial stage of forming a team and involves establishing team
objectives and determining leaders, their roles and procedures. Due to the
reason that every individual has different reaction for change forces, the
boundaries and identity of the team should be drawn in this stage.
Storming; This stage consists of the clarification of all points structured in the
first stage with discussing them by getting rid of the individual interests.
Norming; The team sets the common norms and rules practically by the
discussions and builds the team thinking in this stage.
Performing; After three stages that the team set the purpose, structures and
norms; the team begins to perform and work together.
Table 3-8 Tuckman’s model for team, (Tuckman, 1965)
In addition to Tuckman‘s model, Schutz (1982) has his own model that describes and discusses the
team development stages as; in or out, top or bottom, and near or far. In the first stage, members should
decide to be the parts of the team or not. The second stage is the determination of the hierarchy
within the members of the team. After obtaining who is the member of the team, this stage builds
the position of the members into the hierarchy chart. The last stage is related to the roles of
members and the level of execution. Another model for team development has been developed by
Peck (1990). He also describes four stages, but pays more attention on psychological transformation
of individuals and team itself (Peck, 1990). In the initial stage, called Pseudocommunity, the members
of the team intend to reject the team identity. In next stage, called Chaos, the members attempt to
generate some team roles to get rid of the chaotic situation. The third stage is called Emptiness; and
there occurs ups and downs in the psychologies of team members. Individuals become senseless to
the expectations and the objectives of the teams. Finally, after all these psychological stages,
acceptance of each others occurs among the members and the members become a community.
From this point of view, team development necessitates the stage that transfers individual identity
to the team identity which can be constructed under the light of common objectives. Another
dimension that should be mentioned here is the relation between the levels of individual and
organizational change. The question of how individual affects the team dynamics can be
understood by examining the composition of team. There are differences among individuals in
terms of responding the change forces. Therefore, it can be said that teams must consist of
individuals that can complete other members‘ deficiencies. Myer Briggs Type Indicator can be a
useful tool for the construction of effective team (Cameron and Green, 2004). This model has been
based on four main different dichotomies when the members of a team sit around the table. These
are, extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs.
perceiving. According to four main reactions, Myer Briggs Type Indicator classifies the individuals
into eight distinct characteristics, which are the polar side of four main reactions. These are
extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and judging-perceiving (Cameron & Green, 2004).
Therefore, depending on the objectives of team, different combination can be introduced for
reaching well-functioning team structure.
In general, organizational change efforts are classified into three different approaches in the
literature to investigate organizations (Hamburger & Yitzchayak, 1998). The first approach comes
from classical management theory that focuses on the empirical facts and practical results by
describing organizations as the formal unit. The second is the sociological approach that analyzed
the sociology of organizations by focusing on the different identities and classes within the
organizations, which create conflicts with the basis of socio-economic differences. The third
approach that we will also use for our description comes from the psychological approach, which
focuses on the individuals and their psychological conditions in order to describe the organizations.
Metaphors are used for investigation and description units by the psychological approach, which
represent the general perception - the images - of organizations by individuals (Hamburger &
Yitzchayak, 1998).
According to Morgan (1986), ‗organizational metaphors‘ metaphors are the essential way of
analyzing the organizational level change because of their helps in clarifying the complex change
drivers and process. Metaphors represent the image how organization is perceived by individuals
and open a new way for determining appropriate change programs. Since there is not only one
model or theory for solution; it will be beneficial for change agents to describe the variety of
metaphors before starting to implement change programs. To describe the organization within the
image of one metaphor can constrain applicability of the framework for change implementation;
therefore variety of the descriptions for the image of organizations can be helpful for reaching a
comprehensive understanding of change strategy. From this point of view, organizations have been
classified into eight different metaphors by Morgan (1986) as follows:
The metaphors do not only represent the abstract perception of organizations, but also explain the
way how organizations function and perceive the things. For example, Morgan (1968) explains the
metaphor that views organization as machine and he defines it as rational enterprises designed and
structured to achieve predetermined ends. Organizations in machine metaphor consist of
operational parts, which functioning in a structure, with determined role and responsibility of
employees in the light of intended target. Efficiency, maximization, inputs and outputs, production,
standardization can be the key words for machine metaphor used in the organization. This example
can also be extended for the other metaphors. Therefore, the description of organization and
functioning of it can be different according to the image of organization, that is, which metaphors
the organization is described.
Organizational metaphor analysis gives us a broader view on how organizations can be described
and, according to that description, how change can be managed. It is better to extend the
description by using more metaphors, which will increase the rate of success in change
implementation. We will deepen the subject by giving some valuable models and theories that we
have selected from literature.
3.5.1. Kurt Lewin‟s Three Step Model and Force-Field Theory
Force-Field theory was constructed by Lewin (1951) and became one of the most quoted theories in
the field of organizational change. According to force-field theory, there are two sets of forces-
drivers for change and resistance to change- in the organizations that are in opposition to each
other. The situation in which drivers and resistance forces are in balance in the organization is called
state of inertia. And during this process no change is possible to make. If the organization wants to
change, forces for change should be more than resistance to change. Therefore, managers should
concentrate on decreasing the resistance and increasing the forces for change (Lewin, 1951).
In order to achieve organizational change and to break the state of inertia, there are three steps:
unfreezing, move, refreezing (see Figure 7). Unfreezing step consists of describing current state,
showing the resistance and change drivers to create awareness about the necessity for change, and
setting intended end-state. The second step is move which refers to taking action and forcing people
to participate and to involve in change process. The third step is refreezing that aims to stabilize the
organization and to make change permanent after the process of implementation has ended (Lewin,
3.5.2. John Kotter‟s Eight Step Model
Kotter‘s Eight Step model is another practical and useful model for the managers, which intend to
transform the organization through the change process. It was constructed by J.Kotter as a result of
his experiences as a consultant. After analyzing his own consultancy experiences, he has identified
eight steps that needs to be followed for successful change management (see Table 10), and these
steps are mainly focused on improving communication during the change process (Kotter, 1995).
Table 3-9 Kotter’s Eight Step Model for Change Implementaion (Kotter, 1995)
It can be concluded that the communication is the key factor for successful change. Kotter (1995)
focuses on the importance of creating clear and realistic visions with an appropriate change team.
Through the direction of the eight steps, vision, ideas, achievements and failures should be
communicated intensively by the empowered people within the organization. As Kotter (1995)
emphasizes that communication possesses a vital importance during the process and we think that
his model and its emphasis on intense communication can also be beneficial for managing resistant
behaviors of employees.
3.5.3. Colin Carnall‟s Change Management Model
Carnall (1991) has developed an alternative model for organizational change and revaled that how
managerial skills affect the change process and the success rate of change implementation in
organizational level. He puts his model on the basis that the level of managerial skills in areas, such
as managing transition, organizational culture and organizational politics, are fundamental
determinants of effective management of change process (Carnall, 1990).
Through achieving organizational change and learning, the level of management skills of internal
and external pressures for change, will allow the creation of suitable environment for creativity, risk-
taking, learning, rebuilding, self-esteem and performance within organizations (Carnall,1990).
Figure 3-9 Congruence model, (Nadler&Tushman, 1997)
Interaction and dependency among sub-systems through the transformation process are
fundamental for the success of change management process. Each organization has unique features
for change process according to the characteristic of the interaction among sub-systems. Sub-
systems are described as follows by Nadler &Tushman(1997):
For effective and successful change process, Nadler and Tushman (1997) propose that all four
components of transformation process should be managed at the same time by managers. The
sources of resistance to change process can be resulted from the management, which ignores to
consider all these for sub-systems and the interaction among them. If one plans to introduce a
change programs on the formal organization, the other sub-systems should be put into the
consideration; such as the compatibility of the people and to the work of organization.
We can conclude that congruence model is important in terms of showing the close relation
between the organizational system and management and the possible sources of resistance for
successful change implementation. The point that needs to be considered has been that the lack of
congruence among sub-systems create potential sources for resistance to change process. Critiques
of this model claim that this model has a much more focus on the problems instead of solutions
(Cameron and Green, 2004) and therefore it was seen as incapable of producing sufficient solutions
to existing problems.
4.1. Introduction
It is usually repeated, in both academic and business world, that many of the change initiatives one
way or another have produced poor results. The rate of fail in organizational formation has been
fifty to seventy per cent (Hammer & Champy, 1993). Although this high percentage, which
indicates the large number of organizations that are unable to realize their change plans, has
attracted the attention of those who are interested in the topic i.e. researchers, consultants,
academicians, managers, complex nature of the activity of transforming an organization makes it
difficult to construct a perfect solution or a plan that can be valid in different contexts for achieving
intended outcomes.
One may list various causes for the failures experienced in implementation processes but resistance
to change is more likely to be described as one of the most widespread ones. Even though the
concept of resistance to change is not a new one, no consensus about its content and the ways it is
experienced has existed among the researchers who have studied it. In the following section, we will
review the concept of resistance to change from the perspectives of some influential researchers in
this field.
Although resistance has been usually conceived as an impediment to change, significant number of
arguments which emphasize the positive role of resistance have been existed in literature. There
have been a lot of books and scientific papers in the literature, and many of them have approached
the issue from different perspectives. Therefore, to prevent repetition, we find it appropriate to
review authors who have contributed to literature by representing each of these different
perspectives in terms of resistance to change.
Piderit (2000) has classified the existing definitions in the literature by considering three main
dimensions. Firstly she looks at descriptions which see resistance as a behaviour, similar to
definitions made by Zander (1950), Folger and Skarlicki (1999). Resistance is defined as either
taking action against change or being passive to respond it (Brower a& Abalofia, 1995). Parallel to
this, Ashforth and Mael (1998) define resistance as “intentional acts of commission (defiance) or omission‖
(cited in Piderit, 2000, p.785).
Secondly, some researchers pay attention to emotional factors as sources of resistance. Coch and
French (1948) associate resistance with the feelings of frustration and aggression. Based on their
case study, they define resistance as a response to frustration and aggression caused by the change
initiative (Piderit, 2000).
Thirdly, cognition, which refers to beliefs and attitudes, has also been used in the literature as a way
to describe resistance. Piderit (2000) illustrates this tendency with Watson (1982), who defines
resistance simply as reluctance of employees. Alternatively, Bartlem and Locke (1981), who
evaluates the study of Coch and French (1948), argue that, participation which was a key concept in
this case study, plays a critical in providing employees with necessary motivation to adopt new ways
of working.
Level of Performance Resistance to Change
While Lewin‘s view on change represents a dialectical approach involving opposing forces, Zander
(1950) explains resistance by focusing on individuals and their attitudes toward change. He
perceives resistance as a type of behavior of an individual who aims to protect himself and his
interests from possible impacts of the change efforts. What seems also significant in his analysis is
the distinction between the causes and symptoms of resistance. Therefore, he urges manager who
has to deal with resistance in change implementation to focus on causes instead of merely
eliminating the symptoms of resistance. According to Zander (1950), there are six main reasons for
resistance to occur in change initiatives;
Ambiguity in the mind of those who will be affected by change about the nature of change.
Existence of diverse interpretations about the change and its impact
Existence of strong forces preventing individuals from changing
Strong top down imposition on individuals who will be influenced by change, lack of
Existence of personal interests directing change
Ignorance of pre established institutions in the group
One of the early empirical studies dealing with resistance to change had been conducted in U.S and
had provided a fertile ground for academic discussions about the issue. Lester Coch and John R. P.
French, J (1948) had studied resistance empirically in Harwood Manufacturing Company and try to
answer two basic questions; firstly ―Why do people resist change so strongly?‖ and secondly, ―What can be
done to overcome this resistance?‖ (Coch & French, 1948, p.512). Their initial theory for resistance to
change had been based on that individuals are subject to frustration during the process and they
need to respond it by relying on pre-established group forces.
In order to understand impact of a change initiative and the responses from employees to it, Coch
and French (1948) have composed four different groups which were having different levels of
participation to the change process. While the first group was consciously kept away from the
process in terms of why change was needed and how should it be, the last group was given a chance
to participate in all activities from strategy formation, deep discussions about necessity and
implementation to feedback sessions. Other two groups were also given chance to participate at
certain levels but the first and the last groups which were treated completely different, were critical
determinants of outcomes of the study. Not surprisingly, the first group, which was only given
instructions about how they had to operate and their work under new system, performed poorly
compared to pre-change period and even some of its members had quitted the job. On the other
hand, last group, which was given the opportunity to participate change process, despite the initial
decline in their performance; they increased their productivity in a very short period of time. Having
conducted different empirical studies, Coch and French (1948) basically claimed that individuals and
groups that are given the opportunity to participate in creation and development of change activities
are less likely to resist in implementation than those who are kept away from these processes.
The efforts to manage resistance had taken various forms depending on one‘s own point of view.
Lawrence (1954), evaluated findings of the study conducted by Coch and French (1948) in
Harwood Manufacturing Company in a quite different way and claimed that resistance to change in
the factory resulted from different treatment towards each group which eventually damaged social
status quo in the factory rather than participation. According to Lawrence (1954), the main reason
for employees to perform poor and to resist change was about the loss of social status within the
organization and the ignorance of their skills in the previous setting. Drawing on the empirical
studies and their implications, Lawrence (1954) argued that a change initiative has different
dimension namely technological and social. Therefore the outcomes of a change need to be
evaluated differently by considering these two dimensions. Lawrence (1954) identified key points to
consider for managers those who have to manage a change process and to deal with resistance.
Managers need to take the interests of employees into consideration during implementation.
Managers should communicate with employees to make them understand the meaning of
An alternative approach to resistance can be guiding because not all employees resist change
in the same way, differences between staffs and department have to be considered.
New job definition can facilitate generation and implementation of new ideas.
Managers have to recognize their role in providing communication with the staff at different
levels to achieve successful implementation.
Resistance to change has always been conceived as a significant obstacle for organization those need
to shift their direction and it is usually tried to be handled by tactics that perceive issue of change
and resistance from a managerial point of view. Contrary to this tendency, Flower (1962) argues that
many change attempts fail because it is usually misunderstood by those managers who actually
initiate change. In other words, managers fail in overcoming resistance because they think change
process as quite straight forward, like moving one situation to another. However, for successful
transition it is important to understand how this attempt had been conceived by the employees.
According to Flower (1962), when a change initiative is introduced, employees usually experience
different problems which are not completely understood by managers. First one is about clarity of
the idea of change. Unless employees grasp the meaning and the necessity of change they tend to
resist. Second one is the rigidity, in terms of the way change intended to be implemented. If the
manager insists on one single way of operation and tends to dictate, the possibility of resistance
increases. Third one is about the changes in social status at the workplace. Employees may see
change as a threat which can lead to loss of their social status at work. Finally the fourth one is
about workload of an individual and if employees tend to associate change only with extra work, he
or she is most likely to resist because of the belief that he or she already has a excessive of work.
Kreitner (2004) also approaches the resistance by focusing on possible reactions from employees
and provides managers with a framework to apply in dealing with resistance. He basically identifies
three different stages in a change process. First on is called unrealistic optimism and it refers to the
situation that when managers present the new strategy it usually creates a sense of optimism.
Managers tend to describe the idea of change as a quite unique way of doing their business that can
contribute development of organization. Second stage, contrary to first one, is a process whereby
individuals start to realize that the initial idea is not as good and realistic as it is presented and they
are likely to be shocked and disrupted by actual conditions. Having experienced this decline in
employees‘ attitudes toward change, probability to face resistance increases. Kreitner (2004) argues
that through managerial effort organization can move to the third stage which is labeled as
constructive direction in which employees are expected to understand the difficulty of achieving
new targets but at the same time they tend to commit their energy to follow this new direction.
During these three staged process, Kreitner (2004) defines key points in employees attitudes and in
their perception of the change. Employees, who are negative towards change either because of fear
or dislike, tend to evaluate idea at the very beginning as useless and completely wrong. Kreitner
(2004) encourages managers to act as a role model for their subordinates and to try to clarify any
type of misunderstanding about the content of idea. Thanks to these efforts, there can be
improvement in the attitudes of employees but it is more likely to be temporary. They seem to agree
upon the idea whereas they do not necessarily believe its applicability. Then next stage, point 3 in
the figure, is described as the moment when individuals experience a growing self doubt about their
capabilities and the requirements of task, and they tend to lose their motivation. According to
Kreitner (2004), managers‘ responsibilities in this stage are, to listen employees in a supportive
manner, to refute negative feelings and unreasonable fears, to create short term realistic goals, to
build self confidence through recognizing and rewarding positive comments. Successful application
of these strategies can move the direction of change process to point 4 where individuals started to
realize the necessity of change and to believe their ability to carry out necessary tasks. In the final
step, employees are expected to acknowledge the demanding nature of change and to commit their
energy toward achievement. To maintain this ongoing improvement in employees‘ attitudes,
managers need to recognize individual or group achievements and put certain long term goals for
sustainability of change (Kreitner, 2004).
While most of the arguments that have been discussed so far tend to write a prescription for
eliminating resistance, Strebel (1996) presents a different perception of resistance by focusing on the
relationship between managers and employee. According to Strebel (1996), ―employees and
organizations have reciprocal obligations and mutual commitments, both stated and implied, that define their
relationship” (Strebel, 1996, p.87). He called these mutual agreements as personal compacts and
argues that employees are likely to resist an idea which can damage these personal compacts.
By referring this concept, Strebel (1996) addresses three different aspects of relations between
employees and managers. First one is the formal nature of relationship and it involves explicit
agreements between mangers and employees. The description of a job, determination of required
resources for the accomplishment, financial and operational targets, and rewards and employees
supposed to get are all elements of this formal aspect of personal compact. Strebel (1996) argues
that many managers believe that revising these formal structures is sufficient for obtaining the
commitment of employees to their organization. However, these structures are supported by
psychological and sociological means, it is difficult to make employees believe and work towards the
common goal of the organization. The second aspect of personal compacts refers to implicit
agreements and to employment relations. It is characterized by feelings like trust and dependency
and, employees are likely to expect things different from money than money, such as personal
appraisal in, when he or she achieved. In return, employers too expect their subordinated to remain
loyal the organization. The third aspect of personal compact deals with the sociological necessities
in relations between employers and employees. The author emphasized the importance of
consistency between its vision, mission and value statements, and the actions of management team
in gaining commitment of employees. Any kind of discrepancy between action and statement can
undermine employees‘ beliefs towards the organizational goals and the methods to achieve it.
According to Strebel (1996), success of a change initiative lies within the ability of managers to
revise these personal compacts in an appropriate way. What he has suggested for managers are first
to draw the attention of their employees to the urgency of change, secondly managers need to start
up a new process in which new characteristics of personal compacts can be grasped and idea of
change is understood by employees. Finally, they need to obtain commitments of employees to the
new strategic goal by using revised personal compacts.
The approaches which explain resistant behaviors of employees, have varied substantially in
accordance with the researchers‘ point of views. The issues such as organizational dynamics,
relations between managers and employees, and perception of change are some of the most referred
ones to identify the roots and symptoms of resistant behaviors. In addition to these views, Kegan
and Lahey (2001), explain employee resistance to change by relying on individual psychologies.
Although they recognize the resistance as a quintessential human response to protect status quo,
they emphasize the importance of understanding sources of resistance to cope with it. The core
concept of their study is ―competing commitments‖ which refers to two opposing motivation
embedded in the minds of people. According to Kegan and Lahey (2001), these commitments
prevent individuals from achieving their goals. While employees usually seem to understand
suggested change initiatives, the hidden beliefs that they have conflict with the idea of change and
therefore hinder implementation. Kegan and Lahey (2001) compare the role of a manager to
psychologists‘ and expect managers to disclose the employees‘ hidden beliefs to execute change
efficiently. The following part is an example by the Kegan and Lahey (2001) to illustrate what they
mean by competing commitments;
“John was a person of colour working as part of an otherwise all-white executive team. When he went through an
exercise designed to help him unearth his competing commitments, he made a surprising discovery about himself.
Underneath it all, John believed that if he became too well integrated with the team, it would threaten his sense of
loyalty to his own racial group. Moving too close to the mainstream made him feel very uncomfortable, as if he were
becoming "one of them" and betraying his family and friends. So when people gathered around his ideas and
suggestions, he'd tear down their support with sarcasm, inevitably (and effectively) returning himself to the margins,
where he was more at ease. In short, while John was genuinely committed to working well with his colleagues, he had
an equally powerful competing commitment to keeping his distance.‖ (Keagan & Lahey, 2001,p.86)
What is crucial to consider in the example is the impact of psychological motives upon individuals‘
day to day actions in business. Even employees seem to acknowledge benefits of new change
initiatives, another inner force function as an obstacle therefore hinders effective implementation.
In addition to competing commitments, Kegan and Lahey (2001), defines the concept of big
assumption which refers to a broader set of idea that is very deeply established in subconscious. The
big assumption of the main character (John) of above example, is that he assumes he will loose his
authentic ties with his racial if he involves too much in mainstream group and becomes a part of it.
To overcome these negative psychological aspects, Kegan and Lahey (2001) offer a series of action
for managers. Although they acknowledge that such negative responses are perfectly human, their
aim is to make employees understand their competing commitments. Once these commitments are
understood, the next issue is to teach employees the ways to cope wit them. First part of the
prescription offered by Kegan and Lahey (2001), involves a set of questions to employees with the
aim of discovering their competing commitments and make them understand theses. Next phase
consists of determining the big assumption that is placed at the very core of employees‘ mindset.
Finally having determined, employees are expected to start changing their behaviors and breaking
their immunity to change.
4.4. Positive Approaches to Resistance
For many people, the term resistance has negative connotations and this attitude reflects itself in
academic studies too in the form of solutions to prevent resistance. Parallel to this, “resistance has been
classically understood as a foundation cause of conflict that is undesirable and detrimental to organisational health.”
(Waddell & Sohal, 1998, p.543). Classical organizational theory has had a big impact on this general
tendency to see resistance as a problem which needs to be eliminated. The dominant idea in classical
theory, perceives unity and coherence as the fundamental prerequisites for maximization of
performance in production and development. Therefore, discrepancy and pluralism in terms of
ideas and attitudes are considered to have a negative impact on organizational performance
(Waddell & Sohal, 1998).
However, significant amount of researchers whom will be explained in this section, starting from
1970s, have tended to evaluate resistance in a way that is completely contrasting with these
pejorative interpretations. Rather than conceiving resistance solely as an obstacle, they have focused
on understanding dynamics embedded in resistant behaviors and attitudes. Proponents of this
positive approach have came up with the idea that describes resistance as a positive element in
change process because it enables managers to revise bad aspects of a change initiative. The
presumption that lies under this approach is that not every change idea is capable of producing
valuable outcomes, and therefore resistance to such ideas can be used in a constructive way.
Before looking at different arguments that define resistance as a valuable input into change process,
it has to be stated that almost all researchers who advocate the constructive value of resistance,
emphasize the necessity of understanding and controlling resistance in a proper way to benefit from
it. Hultman (1979), argues that it is a fallacy to accept change as inherently good because its success
depends on the outcome it bring about and to assess the performance of a change effort certain
period of time is needed. According to him, because organizations are continuously subjected to
internal and external forces to change, during this period, resistance may function as a stabilizer, and
balance these internal and external demands. From this point of view resistance provides
organization with, what Hultman called, a rhythm, that is crucial for survival of the organization.
The meaning of resistance has varied depending on a researcher‘s point of view and therefore
explanations can lead quite different conclusions. Waddell and Sohal (1998) argue that people resist
uncertainties rather than the idea of change. According to Waddell and Sohal (1998), what makes
individuals hesitate about the change is possible negative outcomes that are inherited in the idea.
From this point of view, Waddell and Sohal (1998), perceive employee resistance as an opportunity
to revise proposed strategy and to fix its defects that are overlooked initially. The advice they
present for managers is about the importance of considering resistance as a warning signal rather
than seeing it solely as a problems that needs to be eliminated.
The contribution of resistance to change process is not limited only to directing attention to
possible defects of change strategy. From a psychological point of view, it has been usually
emphasized that dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs has been important source for
growth and development (Waddell & Sohal, 1998). Resistance therefore is perceived as a valuable
source providing change process with a momentum. Litterer (1973) addresses apathy and passivity
as important obstacles for implementing change and argues that conflict and resistance can be
desirable in terms of providing organization with energy and motivation during change process.
However, it has to be noted that authors who have proposed these positive ideas about resistance,
also pay attention to the amount of conflict and resistance. In other word they do not deny that too
much conflict can lead to distraction of attention from the core of issue (Waddell & Sohal, 1998).
Although many of the authors who perceive change as a constructive tool tend to base their
arguments on the constructive value inherited in the approaches of resistant people, their reasons
for reaching this conclusion differs. De Jager (2001) who defines change as “the act of replacing old with
the new‖ (De Jager, 2001, p.25) opens up a new window in discussion of resistance with his emphasis
on the distinction between the old and the new. First of all, De Jager (2001) reaffirms that not all
change initiatives are necessarily good. Secondly for a successful change, different alternatives are
necessary to choose the best one. According to De Jager (2001), resistance plays an important role
in selecting the correct path of change by creating a discussion atmosphere. Therefore, managers
need to focus on causes of resistance and, to consider concerns of employees to manage change
As we analyzed with separate titles, there have been two mainstream approaches concerning
resistance to change. While some authors tend to focus on negative aspects of resistance and insist
on elimination of it completely, others propose the idea that resistance can be used in a constructive
manner. Regarding these negative approaches, we have found some problematic issues in their
perception of resistance. First of all, authors who have a negative attitude towards resistance,
constantly explain and describe resistance with pejorative terms, and perceive it as one of the major
reasons of failures in change initiatives. However, what seemed problematic is the way they intend
to handle resistance to change. Most of their models to overcome resistance can be described as
monolithic which refers to idea that regardless of types of resistance, they propose certain
prescriptions that can be used to eliminate resistance. However, as we repeatedly saw in change
efforts, resistant behaviors of employees may have different roots and therefore needs to be
handled in a manner that is specific to every single situation. Secondly, connected with the first one,
they completely disregard positive elements that might be inherited in resistance. Although some
has tended to accept resistance as something that managers may face in change implementation,
their arguments are directed towards total elimination of resistance rather than managing or
controlling it.
Concerning the second group of authors who advocate the positive value of resistance, we think
that their arguments have inspired our belief on the necessity of managing resistance. One of their
significant contributions is their emphasis on turning resistance into a positive element that can be
used in change process. Additionally, they confirm the view that perceive resistance as sign of health
and therefore acknowledge the necessity of managing it. However, what has motivated and shaped
our research has been the lack of a comprehensive theory that can describe and analyze critical
elements of resistance management. We believe that to cope with resistance successfully, a careful
analysis of resistant behaviors is necessary. Application of such a model may enable managers to
distinguish various responses of individuals to change and to take valuable elements, if exist, which
are inherited in these responses.
Organizations facing the necessity of change should also be prepared to handle difficulties that can
occur during implementation. Resistance, perceived by many as an obstacle or as a barrier, has been
a critical issue for managers because it may appear in different forms in different contexts.
Therefore, for a manager one of the most important tasks in implementation has been to
understand resistant behaviors of employees, in terms of their causes, symptoms and the way they
are manifested. In the following section, we will analyze two case studies and interpret their findings
within the context of our research.
5.1.1. Introduction
Many actors in business life, such as consultants, managers and academicians, have recently tended
to emphasize efficiency of ABC in providing more accurate product costs and in enabling managers
to conceive the cost causation. However, Major and Hopper (2005) stress that definition of ABC
varies significantly depending on the viewpoint of implementer. In addition to methodological and
technical problems of ABC implementation, behavioral issues regarding change management have
also become visible in the implementation process. According Major and Hopper (2005), ABC can
become a central point for conflict for individuals from different departments and, employees may
tend to resist implementation of ABC with various reasons. From this point of view; ―this case study
of a Portuguese telecommunications company investigates ABC implementation and usage. The belief is that open-
ended, intensive field-based methods can identify and explore issues from the perspective of actors involved, cast light on
previous findings, and aid theory development” (Major & Hopper, 2005, p.206). In addition, what makes
the study worth to re-evaluate in this research is its context which enables us to analyze a change
initiative, which directly influences the daily routine of employees, and to understand the patterns of
behaviors which individuals rely on when reacting to change.
Before looking at the setting and implications of the study, it seems necessary to describe what is
meant by activity-based costing (ABC) and to look at its functions. Starting from mid 1980s,
pioneered by Kaplan and Cooper, ABC applications became an important topic for academic
researches and papers and, various American companies have implemented it (Jones & Dugdale,
2002). Experience and lessons learnt from these firms led to the conclusion that ABC provides
companies with more accurate costs and it is much more efficient than conventional accounting
systems which have been attacked because of their incapability of integrating new information
technologies into accounting (Major & Hopper 2005).
Proponents of ABC usually associate it with more accurate product costs, elimination of waste and
therefore with cost reduction, and improvements at operational level. “It is claimed that ABC helps
managers to understand cost hierarchies, identify relevant revenues and costs, and hence make better decisions” (Major
& Hopper, 2005, p.207). In its most basic sense, ABC aims to allocate resources to activities and
then activities to cost objects by relying on a causal relations formed through considering volume of
activities (Major & Hopper, 2005).
However, ABC has been subjected to different criticisms from different perspectives. One of the
negative comments about ABC implementation, made by Noreen (1991), is the characteristic that
permits it to work efficiently under stringent conditions. These conditions refer to situations where
there are linear cost functions, zero fixed costs at the cost pool level and no joint processes.
Additionally, employees usually experience troubles in understanding and implementing ABC
mechanisms (Major & Hopper, 2005). Since they can not make sense of these practices, they tend to
describe ABC as a costly and disruptive tool (Innes & Mitchell, 2000). One of the methods involved
in ABC system is the categorization of the time individuals spend on certain tasks during the day.
While some find this as useless because it consumes time and at the end it is not a value adding
activity. Others claim that it is problematic because the efficacy of ABC implementation is heavily
dependent on accurate information that is given by employees. Biased reports about their activity
lead inaccurate cost estimations and resource allocation which destroy the ultimate goal of
Independently from positive and negative aspects of ABC, introduction of ABC is a very
convenient change initiative to study resistance in organizational context. During the study, one of
the most noteworthy issues has been the contrast between reactions of employees from different
departments towards the same change. This has helped us to enlarge our approach to resistance by
directing us to pay attention to the issue of perception which refers to individuals‘ patterns of
conceiving a new idea at their work place and to the criteria they use in evaluating these change
initiatives. Under the light of these factors that motivates us to select this specific case, we will
analyze the company‘s history, their need for change, implementation process, employee reaction to
ABC and finally implications of the study in terms of resistance to change.
5.1.2. Marconi
The Portuguese telecommunication company, Marconi, was established in 1925. Initially, it
provided long distance telecommunication services between Portugal and its colonies in Africa. In
this sphere, which constituted the core part of their business, Marconi had a monopolistic position
until liberalization of Portuguese telecommunication sector in 2000. Despite decolonization
movements in mid 1970s which reduced the business potential of Marconi, it was still profitable.
Starting from 1980s Marconi decided to enter new business areas by using developing technologies.
Information systems, electronics and financial services became new arenas for Marconi to compete
not only in Portugal but also internationally. The company became a symbol of innovation and
production thanks to the expertise of engineers who then became the most prestigious and
powerful group within the organization.
In 1990, telecommunication sector was reshaped with the aim of satisfying the rules and regulations
of European Commission concerning the idea of full competition. Eventually Marconi had become
a part of Portugal Telecom which was privatized later. Marconi, whose core competence had been
providing long distance telecommunication services, transferred its new businesses to the parent
company and, in return Portugal Telecom gave Marconi to its telecommunication services between
Europe and North Africa. These changes, at both industry and organizational level, have led
Marconi to decrease the number of people working for it and, as a result of this, its workforce
dropped from 1482 to 300 between 1999 and 2002. Such a downsizing in Marconi brought about a
new organizational structure.
Before analyzing the market conditions and appropriateness of Marconi‘s organizational structure to
the changing circumstances, it has to be stated that Marconi, since its establishment, has been a
production oriented company whose board of directors has been dominated by engineers. However
this tradition, dominance of production within the organization, started to be challenged by the
escalation of competition in the market which increased the importance of commercial
departments. Parallel to the spread of idea of full competition in the market, technological
innovation and cost plus pricing system became insufficient for Marconi to maintain its position. All
these newly arising needs for better financial information about costs, pricing, and investment
appraisal made Marconi to replace its traditional management accounting system with ABC in order
to match the necessities of contemporary market conditions and to comply with the demands of
local regulators which periodically receive information from each firm in the market about costs and
Production and service costs were not significant issues for management accountants in
Marconi, until 1990s. State, as their biggest customer, was willing to pay high prices which
make Marconi to ignore cost of production. The following statement of a management
accounting coordinator of Anacom, which is the regulatory organization for telecommunication
industry in Portugal, summarizes the understanding of Marconi at that time towards
management accounting systems and towards changing conditions in the market;
―Telecommunications companies didn’t have a proper cost accounting system for decades . . . they didn’t need one. . . .
Nowadays, with so many operators in the market, it is impossible to survive without identifying and controlling costs”.
(Major & Hopper, 2005, p.213)
Despite the attempts to improve existing management accounting system of Marconi, they were far
from producing satisfactory results and therefore, the company had decided to replace existing
system with ABC in 1997.
As a change initiative, ABC implementation obtained strong support from top management, in
terms of financial resource, time and personnel. The needs of commercial department in terms of
cost data were prioritized and therefore engineers who were the most influential group previously
seemed to lose their privileged position. External consultants were hired and they had a substantial
role in implementing ABC. They had defined six main steps; selection of teams, training, defining
activities, conceptualization of model, data collection, and defining the ABC software. For a certain
period of time, the old system and ABC were used simultaneously. With the aim of facilitating
implementation of ABC, two committees were formed. First one involved the directors of each
department and second one consisted of individuals who were directly responsible for executing the
change process, namely, consultants, management accountants, and representatives of commercial
and production departments. The underlying goal in making production department engage in the
process was to obtain commitment of operation department for the change initiative. Consultants
intended to create an atmosphere where the actual users of the program could easily espouse the
shifts in the ways they conduct their business.
Contrary to initial aims of external consultants, engineers never seemed to be motivated towards
ABC implementation. Despite the attempts to make engineers participate in the development and
the implementation processes, their core capabilities which are characterized by technical know-how
became secondary due to the changing conditions in the market which necessitates being more
competitive. These shifts in the environment have placed commercial departments and their needs
to a central position in the eyes of top management. Non financial figures which express quality of
services produced by engineers replaced with the financial data such as cost and prices in the
hierarchy of priorities. Regulations in the telecommunication industry combined with the
competitive pressure coming from the market made it imperative for Marconi to revise its existing
way of doing business which made engineers felt themselves ignored.
With the aim of accelerating implementation, setting objectives and evaluating the progress,
different training programs and seminars were organized. Although ABC is a system which
necessitated the participation of all members in the organization, these training activities limited to
the certain change agents and, workers were excluded. Having provided key persons with necessary
information via training sessions, the next step involved definition of main activities. First
consultants determined main functions and processes within the organization and then each
member were asked to express their essential activities and consequently ―employees’ job descriptions
were obtained, analysed, and compared to identify activities regardless of departmental boundaries‖ (Major &
Hopper, 2005, p.215).
With the help of consultants, cost objectives identified and commercial departments managed to
ascertain cost of Marconi‘s products and services and to determine competitive prices for them.
One of the most influential shift that was brought by the ABC was about the PMOs (Ponto de
M˜ao de Obra—in English ‗labour time disclosure‘). PMOs refer to time sheets in excel explaining
how much time was allocated by an employee to do certain activities. Although PMOs have been
existed in Marconi since 1992, very few people were responsible for filling these documents. Under
the new system, every employee was supposed to complete and to send it to the managers and the
directors who were going to use this data in developing ABC system.
In the next step, consultants focused on determining cost drivers. Contrary to the Marconi‘s old
system, resource and activity cost drivers were separated. In accordance with the information
obtained through PMOs, the amount of labor spent on each activity is calculated. By relating these
figures to the cost of resources, reliable information, which is based on causality, is intended to be
reached. Having defined activities and cost drivers, consultants started to the conceptualization of
Marconi‘s new management accounting system by taking commercial departments‘ needs into
consideration. From this point of view, the consultants and management accountants defined the
direct costs of Marconi in the following way; “operator costs (costs of using telecommunication capacity of
international operators); leased capacities (basic transport infrastructure for wholesale and retail services costs); rent
(sub-concession contract rentals payable to PT); transmission costs (costs of submarine cables, satellites, terrestrial
cables and networks); switching costs (costs of managing the network); and costs of activities (costs oriented to
customers and the network)” (Major & Hopper, 2005, p.216).
After completing the data collection, Marconi was able to produce its first report about costs
through ABC in March 1998. Before ABC, direct costs of Marconi‘s was about 70% of total costs
whereas with ABC implementation this had increased to 74% in 1998. The figure obtained through
ABC had showed that 23% of total cost is related to commons costs that are not directly related to
cost objects.
Marconi‘s top management had been very willing to implement ABC despite its high costs and it
seemed to be far from producing satisfactory results for the company. More interestingly, contrary
to initial aims of consultants who continuously stated the importance of participation, learning and
commitment, internal resistance became a significant barrier to successful implementation. In the
following section we will focus on the issue of resistance in Marconi‘s ABC implementation
“There are plenty of customer managers, market managers and managers of this and that. . . The commercial reports
have acquired vital importance. . . . Some activities of engineers have became undervalued and considered banal. . . .
This is because the power of the commercial managers has been consolidated within Marconi. They analyze the market
and then leave the company at 6 p.m. [production engineers leave later] and they make their personal phone calls and
so on. They are considered more important than engineers often dealing with a large number of problems in the
operational centers. It isn’t only in companies that these things are occurring. . . .This is related to the country we live
in, with the politicians we have. . . . This is a terrible cultural problem. . . . The information flows between
departments are not good. . . . People protect themselves. . . . Before all these changes the participation and interaction
between Marconi’s departments was higher.‖ (Major & Hopper, 2005, p.218)
Another issue that was criticized by production engineers is the type of data that could be obtained
through ABC system. They claimed that information produced via ABC was not reliable and did
not help them in decision making. The Director of Production Department explained; ―I know the
ABC system provides information on how much system X or system Y costs but this is not the sort of information we
need to manage in the production department. . . . We need to know the incremental cost of each unit of equipments’
capacity.” (Major & Hopper, 2005, p.219). Based on this view, engineers argued that since they did
not have the information that was needed; their decisions were shaped and made from a technical
point of view. Therefore they did not want to work with a system whose functioning depends on
engineers but never satisfy their demands.
Transition to market economy with a fully competitive approach deepened the discrepancy between
commercial departments and production departments. Engineers have always used non financial
data from the technical data bases for making decisions. However, their focus on technical
information became secondary under these new circumstances. To deal with the challenge of
market economy, cost and prices which are the central issues of commercial departments have
gained priority in the eyes of decision makers of Marconi. Therefore, engineers simply resisted using
ABC which represents this new approach of the organization.
While engineers theoretically confirm their arguments by complaining about ABC’s irrelevancy
with their needs, it is important for us to look at how they manifest their resistance.
Unsurprisingly, engineers do not submit necessary data to the ABC on time. They raised their
voice and claimed that they had insufficient time to feed the system with required data because
they deal, in most of their time, with operational and technical issues which they conceive as
their fundamental tasks. Discontent of engineers is not only stemming from uselessness of ABC
but also from the intensification of their workload. From this point of view, employees tended to
establish links between new competitive approach of Marconi and its reflection on their daily
routines. Unsurprisingly, with the impact of decreasing number of employees, workload of every
individual increased. Having experienced the pressure of extra work, employees directly
associated ABC with additional work which they could not tolerate at that time. The Director of
operational department explains this situation with the following statement; “Three years ago we had
more than 70 people working in this centre. . . .Now we have 34 or 35. . . . People are overloaded. . . . We used to
leave the company at 6 p.m. but now we leave at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. . . . so our motivation to do things not directly
related to our job can’t be very high‖ (Major & Hopper, 2005, p.220).
In addition to the engineers, workers in production also showed resistant behaviors towards ABC
implementation. Central issue concerning the ABC, in the eyes of workers, was PMOs and they
were quite unwilling to fill these excel reports which show how they allocate their time for each
specific activity at workplace. One reason for employees to behave in such a manner is that they
found PMOs, similar to engineers, as irrelevant to their tasks. However, more importantly, they
think that revealing their daily activities in a time schedule can damage their autonomy and job
tenure at work. Apart from the fears related to their status quo at the workplace, increasing
workload with ABC is another factor that makes the new system unacceptable for workers. Since
there has not been a recruitment of new workers after the downsizing, workers, like all individuals
in production departments, have to work longer time. Combined with the lack of understanding the
need of ABC, workers preferred to spending their time on their operational tasks rather than
fulfilling the needs of commercial departments.
When we consider the reaction of workers towards ABC implementation, conditions which made
them to manifest such resistant behaviors have to be described. First of all, job definitions, which
workers are expected to use in filling PMOs, do not make sense for them. Workers found these
labor time definitions as hazy and puzzling. As a result, the information they submitted had always
been incomplete and far from producing reliable cost data. In addition to problems concerning
PMOs and inconsistency between workers‘ actual tasks and preset job definitions, exclusion of
workers from the training sessions of new system also reinforced their negative attitudes. Managers
in production departments have never shown sufficient authority over workers to make them
comply with the necessities of ABC. Combined with the hostility of production managers, workers
never felt any pressure on themselves to fill PMOs properly in a timely manner. The following
statement of the Director of Telecommunications and Infrastructure Department summarizes the
perception of individuals in his department about ABC implementation;
“ABC depends on the inputs inserted. . . . Probably [the production department] don’t load the system as we should. .
. .We cannot take care with PMO as the management accountants would like. . . .PMO doesn’t make sense. . . . It’s
an illusion to think that people are watching their activities and taking notes about the time they spend on each
operation. . . . The system should be not so demanding. . . . I’ve got a senior manager spending hours preparing data
for insertion into ABC. . . . For production it gives too much work and very little useful information.” (Major &
Hopper, 2005, p.221)
Having faced with the inefficiency of ABC implementation process, management accountants in
Marconi tried to improve process by focusing on communication within the organization. They
perceive worker resistance as a result of poor communication. However their solution is not more
than appointment of two people, what they called ―facilitators‖, from the commercial and the
production departments. However, the mindset of the facilitator from production department is
similar to workers, in terms of ABC implementation and when we consider this together with the
inadequate number of people from commercial departments (only one person), it is not surprising
that they failed to improve ABC implementation via enrichment of communication within the
Approaches of external consultants and the role they played during implementation also worth to
notice concerning inefficacy of ABC. Although the consultants were able to define employee
resistance at a very early phase, their approach worsened the situation by ignoring the concerns of
employees. Consultants‘ expectations, which see PMOs as an instrument to improve worker
cooperation by increasing transparency, failed because employees had never really understood the
need for filling PMOs. As a result, PMO data has never been submitted to ABC system accurately
and on time, and eventually it caused delays and mistakes in ABC implementation.
Implementation of ABC has created two different camps in Marconi. It is noted that while
employees in the production departments are so hostile that they resist ABC implementation,
individuals from the commercial departments, despite the poor performance of the program,
seemed to be satisfied. Factors that create such a diversity in the behaviors and the attitudes of
employees, who belong to different departments, are important in terms of managing resistance at
workplace. Marconi had presented a fertile ground to test existing approaches about resistance, its
causes and possible methods to cope with it. As the ultimate aim of this study, we will look these
issues in the next sections by referring to the case of Marconi.
When we analyze the implications of this case study under the light of the two mainstream
approaches (positive and negative resistance) that we located during the literature review, we can
reveal the strengths and weaknesses of these opposing views. Concerning the negative approach
that advocates total elimination of resistance, we have determined some problematic issues. First of
all, it seemed very useless to approach resistance as something that can be eliminated through
following specific prescriptions. Existence of these types of pre set formulas to cope with resistance
also creates an unrealistic optimism in the minds of individuals who plan to start a change initiative.
Most of these prescriptions, which focus on training sessions and communication activities prior to
implementation, are not only ineffective in eliminating resistance but also they sometimes
contribute resistance by providing additional sources for resistant behaviors. Secondly, although we
do not deny the importance of training, communication and participation whereas they may become
ineffective when employed in a manner that is rigid and insensitive to specific demands and
concerns of employees. Also, it should be noted that activities focused on training, communication
and participation can be viewed as supportive elements of change implementation because many of
the roots of resistant behaviors have pointed a different problem about change; lack of meaning.
We have interpreted the assumptions of Marconi‘s employees in production departments under the
light of their responses to the change initiative. We found that what the employees in Marconi was
really needed during implementation is a rational explanation that would tell them needs of the
organization and how these demands are supposed to be met.
Contrary to argument which propose total elimination of resistance to change, implications of the
Marconi case have revealed that resistant behaviors can be and should be analyzed. This is necessary
not only because resistant behaviors may have valuable criticism about the change initiative but also
understanding these behaviors enables managers to control them in manner that keep
implementation process continuing. Complaints of engineers from production department about
the ABC had focused on the mismatch between their needs and what the ABC provided them.
When we consider the cost figures obtained after implementing it in Marconi, complaints of
engineers may have some valid arguments. It is detailed structure which consumes most of the time
of individuals in production department and did not produce any thing valuable in return, combined
with unexpected results may lead to a conclusion that implementation of ABC may not be the best
solution for Marconi to be competitive under the changing conditions of the market. Consequently,
what we found through analysis of ABC implementation at Marconi has been the necessity of
understanding resistant behavior of employees. It contains two fundamental advantages, first it
enables managers to choose correct path in responding resistant behavior, secondly gives the
opportunity to benefit from valuable criticism inherited in resistant actions.
5.2. Review: “A Case of an IT-Enabled Organizational Change Intervention:
The Missing Pieces” by Bing Wang and David Paper
This case study involves introduction of a novel information technology system in a university-
owned research foundation. Wang and Paper (2005) analyzed the change process with a special
focus on implementation and reactions of individuals from different departments to change
initiative. This study has special importance for our research in terms of providing empirical
evidences regarding resistance to change and significance of human factor in organizational change
efforts. More specifically, context of the case also showed consistency with the purpose of our
research and helped us to validate our belief about the necessity of managing resistance through
meaning creation, participation and communication.
Contrary to organization dramatic growth, administration of the foundation had been shaped by
principles of a university model. Management and administration activities were mostly under the
control of vice president of research for the university and the financial structure of the foundation
was legally subject to legal arrangements that are applicable to universities. However, growth of the
foundation had opened up new spaces which necessitate transformation of administration and
management from university model to business model. Additionally, external factors such as
increased scrutiny of federal government in terms of auditing made it imperative for the foundation
to perform in a business oriented manner. Combined with the slowdown of economy and
restrictions government funding have put the foundation in a position where it could not maintain
its growth with its existing management structure. As a result, the foundation started a change
program with the aim of enabling the foundation to keep growing and competing under new
circumstances. The motivation behind corporate transformation was to ensure better management
of intellectual properties (discoveries/technologies) to further secure and expand its business base
and continuously increase its capability to compete with other scientific and industrial laboratories.
In order to realize this transformation, a new IT technology programs, called BATON, was selected
to be implemented. The new technology was expected to function in automation and streamlining
of basic management processes related to intellectual properties and discovery protection.
Application of BATON is expected to bring about a significant change the way managers lead the
process of contract management. Undoubtedly, individuals in IT department are also another group
that will be influenced significantly by the change and also they are the key players who will
maintain functioning of the new technology in the long term by controlling and giving support to
managers in other departments. Having these expectations in minds, four main groups were
identified responsible from implementing the change program. These are; top management
(essentially the CEO), external IT consultant, business managers and in-house IT managers.
“In the grant area, it’s very much the case that your white paper constitutes your discovery. While you’re delivering
goods ([which is the case within the foundation]), not a white paper, you’re not revealing your discoveries. [As such] we
have developed a very poor habit across the University and in the foundation, simply to ignore discovery. Now for every
contract we have, we are to identify the intellectual property [the discoveries] in order to report those discoveries and
inform the federal government what they have earned through their investment, not only in the goods or services
received, but also in the discoveries identified. By doing so, it is to change the culture of our people, to realize that they
are having discoveries that have value internally, and identifying our critical areas of contribution is important. The
discovery is our future. I contend that in the future, if we don’t do an effective job of that, we will lose the ability to
compete with the big guys who cab just redo our ideas and cut us out of opportunity” (Wang & Paper, 2005 p.40).
Successful implementation of a vision depends on effective translation of it to concerned
individuals (Kaplan and Norton, 2008). However, what seemed problematic about the CEO‘s
vision has been the way it is communicated to people, rather than content of it. The CEO prefers to
behave in a subtle manner in terms of translating and communicating his strategy because he thinks
it needs to be gradual process. However, as one of directors in the foundation had emphasized,
managers did not actually grasp the meaning of vision and although there are some general targets
put by the CEO, neither a consensus had been reached nor a route map have been provided to
them to reach these ends.
In order to eliminate these negative aspects concerning management, BATON has been perceived
as a convenient technology. One of its most important advantages stems from its structure which
allows every business manager to complete his or her task without the help of IT staff. Following
example illustrates how BATON is expected to function;
“A business manager can create a set of memos of a process as he/she sees it, and these memos, in turn, are negotiated
until a consensus is reached by all responsible parties. The memos are then recorded into BATON with help from IT
specialists. Each memo contains process steps that describe workflow. Each step is associated with a process-key and
each process-key has a unique operational definition. All process keys are stored in BATON as libraries of process
logic trees that allow valid users to navigate said trees. Process keys are really just sophisticated indexes that point to
different locations in an overall process that is stored in the BATON system. The logic of a process is defined with a
hierarchical tree structure. This tree (as conceptually realized by a manager) is finally translated by system designers
into BATON. An integrated system is thus created because the tree represents a process that, once recorded into the
system, must be followed by all users of the system” (Wang & Paper, 2005, p.42).
Having these expectations and aims in his mind the CEO recruited two external consultants who
are expert on BATON technology, in June 2002. What these consultants wanted to achieve first was
to introduce BATON to business managers who would be the real users of it. They wanted to gain
support of business people who in turn can reinforce further dissemination of idea that this new
technology is what the foundation actually needs. Second group that was targeted by the consultants
was the in house IT people. They were also important because they will maintain the long term
survival of the program after the consultant leave the organization. Additionally, support of IT
people is also expected to be significant in terms of completing the implementation process in a
couple of months.
Consultants organized training sessions during August and September of 2002, to introduce
BATON technology to business managers who are given high priority in terms of implementation.
Consultants emphasized positive aspects of BATON and manage to convince business managers
about simplicity and usefulness of the new technology. The way consultants use language in selling
their ideas to business manager was one of the key factors that facilitate gaining approval from their
target group. Following statements are some of the examples that illustrate their attention in
presenting BATON.
“BATON is a tree-based system development tool, and it is the most feasibly efficient solution for URF in its current
situation” (Wang & Paper, 2005, p.43).
No IT background is needed for managers and research scientists. With only limited assistance from IT specialists,
managers and research scientists will be able to layout basic structure of an application within a few days, and by a
week, they can incorporate a complete set of complex logical elements” (Wang & Paper, 2005, p.43).
The carefully prepared presentations of BATON by consultants, combined with some exercise
on how to use BATON, helped business managers to eliminate their skepticism about the new
system. As a result of positive response consultants obtained from business people, they were
quite satisfied with their progress and optimistic about next step which involves
implementation of BATON by in-house IT technicians.
relations with system administrator seriously shaped the information flow within the organization
and causing disturbances related to business processes.
In addition, during the past 15 years, IT department had enjoyed a high level of freedom in terms of
top management control. IT specialists were in a relaxed manner and exercised a great control over
their own work. They also tend to protect themselves their working styles by ―techno-babble
(technical jargon)‖, therefore no one had questioned efficiency of their applications. Consultants
emphasized that when the organization was small, this family oriented structure could not lead
serious problems, whereas in big organizations, as the foundation wished to be, such practices may
be a big obstacle that prevent organizational growth.
Rather than helping consultants to facilitate implementation, IT specialist always tended to induce
obstructions. For example, when consultants needed a port to connect database and it could take
weeks to obtain it. Having faced with resistance from IT department, consultants asked top
management, namely to CEO, for help. In other words, they wanted CEO to push members of IT
department to comply with requirement of BATON. However, they did not get significant help
from top management and at the same time. In addition, due to lack of progress consultants started
to lose support of the business managers because they did not find the opportunity to use the new
As result of these negative conditions, consultants began to lose their faith in succeeding
implementation of BATON. There were significant differences between reality and objectives put at
the beginning. Without having necessary power to force IT people and lack of support from top
management, they faced serious problems. Eventually, one of consultants had resigned in March,
2003. At the end of 15 months no progress had been reached in terms of implementing BATON
and IT specialist continued to work in their traditional way and program failed.
5.2.6. Evaluating the study and its implications
An intervention directed towards IT system of the foundation has showed a typical failure case in
terms of change management. One may argue, technological interventions which people are not
familiar with are usually risky and difficult to accept. However, what has been critical in this study
related to our research, technological intervention, introduction of BATON, has revealed various
key elements concerning resistance to change. IT specialists, normally, are expected to familiar with
technological innovations whereas in this case they are the people who have strongly resisted to the
new system.
Attitude of individuals in the IT department, are indeed quite natural when we looked at them from
managerial point which conceives resistance as something that needs to be managed. IT people
have different fears, thoughts and expectations in their minds related to introduction of BATON.
Their dominant position within the foundation was challenged and one way or another they wanted
to prevent implementation. Following statement of one of the consultants illustrates underlying
assumptions of IT specialist in responding change.
―IT traditionally controls everything that is technology related. With that power, IT is able to operate as they see fit.
Since most of the IT specialists have worked at the foundation for many years (and were responsible for creating the
culture over time), they are content with the loose culture that exists at both IT and the foundation. At the same
time, non-IT people have become accustomed to the IT practices. That is, no one has ever challenged how IT should
provide expertise to support the organization” (Wang & Paper, 2005, p.46).
Another critical point that needs to be emphasized has been the way change introduced and tried to
be implemented. What we consider as significant has been the participation all involved parties at a
certain level to create synergy. Consultants had employed one single approach in explaining
BATON to both business managers and IT specialist despite their different position related to this
new technology. Information flow between consultants and employees was usually one way. While
this approach seemed convenient and worked well for business managers who did not have any
technical background, it turned out to be resistance in the IT department. In addition, as
consultants admitted, they were too optimistic about the attitude of specialists in IT department.
Due this false assumption, they paid more attention to business managers than IT people in
presenting the BATON.
Finally, what we found as an important reason for the failure has been stemming from the lack of
top management support, namely the CEO, and from his communication with critical actors in
implementing change. Analysis made by the CEO about the existing IT infrastructure of the
foundation and his decision to implement BATON can be described as rational actions from a
managerial point if view. However, the CEO had never paid sufficient attention to communicate his
vision with the employees. Even the key players of change programs lacked necessary information
about the change. As a result, consultants without having executive power of the CEO, had tried to
implement change project and, unsurprisingly, in the absence of authority to push individuals to
comply with requirements of the project, no progress was obtained in terms of implementation.
Consequently, the foundation‘s plan to implement BATON technology was unsuccessful. Although
one may count various problems related to change management in a wider context, what seemed
missing in this change program is the lack of managerial skills to manage resistant behaviors
towards change initiative. One of the reasons for us to select this case study has been that it enables
us to show how the lack of these managerial skills can undermine change initiatives. More over,
evidences obtained through this study have provided us with solid ground to construct our theory
for resistance management.
6.1. Introduction
There have been various concepts, tools and methods, explaining necessary actions step by step, to
facilitate organizational change efforts and to bring success. However, considering the high rate of
failures and dissatisfaction with change initiatives, we think that there is still an important need to
discuss and research on the area. As the constituent elements of organizations, human beings have
central roles in organizational change efforts, nevertheless many of the conceptual models and tools
of change management have conceived change initiatives from a managerial point of view and
oriented to implement change as a straight forward process without paying sufficient attention to
individual responses to change. What motivates this study is the necessity of looking at individual
responses, more specifically resistant behaviors to change efforts because successful change
programs heavily depend on ability of those who implement change in managing individual
responses. Given the fact that change is inescapable, our purpose, rather than finding ways to
eliminate resistance completely, is to understand and define key factors in managing resistance with
aim of benefiting from it as much as possible.
Having these purposes in our mind, we aim to understand resistance and its various aspects because
in order to control resistant behaviors, a manager must be capable of understanding different
responses of his or her employees. As Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) emphasized, despite the risk of
resistant behaviors have been acknowledged by many experienced managers, very few of them tend
to take time to systematically analyze situations in terms of determining potential individuals who
may resist change with different reasons. From this point of view we shall look at first potential
sources of resistance.
6.2.1. Self Interest
One of the most obvious reasons for people to resist change initiatives has been the feeling that
new circumstances will damage their self interest. The term self interest entails a political meaning
which refers to power relations with in the organization. In other words, new ideas about the way
employees work usually impacts relations between different individual groups. As we put before,
conceiving employees as passive elements of organizational life can lead us wrong conclusions in
different themes and change management is one of them. Salaman argues that ―organisational
employees actively strive to avoid and divert control; they seek to maximise their own interests which they may or may
not see as coincident with the organisation’s, and they attempt to resist the domination of others while advancing or
defending their own area of control and autonomy” (Salaman, 2000, p.123). From this point of view, it is
unsurprising to observe that employees facing with changing conditions, in terms of power and
prestige, resist change to maintain their social status in the organization. What has been observed in
the ABC implementation of Marconi was quite parallel with this idea of protecting the status quo.
Production engineers, who had enjoyed a privileged status until the introduction ABC, felt their
position was damaged after and reacted negatively towards change.
However, understanding self interest only in terms of power and prestige of employees at workplace
may be incomplete. Every potential threat that can change status quo within an organization has to
be considered under the umbrella of self interest. The following example also illustrates the nature
of self interest in a different context.
“A manufacturing company had traditionally employed a large group of personnel people as counselors and "father
confessors" to its production employees. This group of counselors tended to exhibit high morale because of the
professional satisfaction they received from the "helping relationships" they had with employees. When a new
performance appraisal system was installed, every six months the counselors were required to provide each employee's
supervisor with a written evaluation of the employee's "emotional maturity," "promotional potential," and so forth.
As some of the personnel people immediately recognized, the change would alter their relationships from a peer and
helper to more of a boss and evaluator with most of the employees. Predictably, the personnel counselors resisted the
change. While publicly arguing that the new system was not as good for the company as the old one, they privately put
as much pressure as possible on the personnel vice president until he significantly altered the new system.” (Kotter &
Schlesinger,1979, p.107)
individuals, who have serious concerns about their future which will be influenced by the change,
experienced an increasing stress. For instance, some might conceive change as a barrier to
promotion, or loss of salary. As result of pressure of increasing stress individuals tend to respond
negatively change proposals and resist implementation.
Another issue that is linked with increase stress has been the tendency to associate new working
conditions with additional work. As it is observed in Marconi, engineers usually perceive
requirements of ABC implementation, especially filling PMOs, as unnecessary action that has no
value to them. Combined with stress stemming from personal concerns, expectation of employees
to be burdened by extra work makes them resist change.
6.2.3. Denial
One of the widespread reasons of resistance that has been frequently employed by individuals who
do not want to embrace with change is denial. As Curtis and White (2002) have pointed, denial is
one of the unconscious strategies that are used as defense mechanisms. Rashford and Coghlan
(1994) analyze the denial as source of resistance by referring to Lewin-Schein‘s model for change.
Rashford and Coughlan (1994) interpret denial as a quite natural response to change efforts at initial
phase, what is called ―unfreezing‖. Although denial is defined as a response to change, what is
meant in here is mental state of an individual which prepares the ground for employees to resist
change. Potential damage of equilibrium in the organization lead to denial of change therefore
makes employees to resist change.
Additionally, manners in which change agents have been trying to implement change and the role of
employees during that process are also crucial in terms of resistance. Firstly, authoritarian
approaches, which disregard individuals‘ needs and thoughts, may become a source of resistance to
change (Newstorm & Davis, 1997). Secondly participation is a key success element in change
efforts. Directly imposing rules brought by change (Harvey, 1995) and conceiving employees only
passive recipients may produce resistance.
6.2.5. Uncertainty
Change plans aim to move an organization from their existing position to ideal one and as Stapley
(1996) states this transition period is kind of a journey that contains a lot of uncertainties. Curtis and
White (2002) define uncertainty as ―lack of information about future events” (Curtis & White, 2002, p.17).
Similar to lack of understanding about change, if employees are not given sufficient information
about the outcomes of change, they may be fearful about change because they think that they will
not be successful in achieving requisites of their new tasks (Griffin, 1993).
Having experienced a feeling of inability to meet new demands of change, it is possible for
employees to think that they are going to lose the control at work place. Sense of personal control
has an important role in resistance to change (Curtis & White, 2002). When people lose their
personal control over situations and events, it became unrealistic to expect them to make rational
decisions which would produce desirable outcomes. As a result, individual who experiences loss of
control is more likely to resist change because of stress and anxiety brought by uncertainties about
“The president of one moderate-size bank was shocked by his staff's analysis of the bank's' real estate
investment trust (REIT) loans. This complicated analysis suggested that the bank could easily lose up to $io million,
and that the possible losses were increasing each month by 20%. Within a week, the president drew up a plan to
reorganize the part of the bank that managed REITs. Because of his concern for the hank's stock price, however, he
chose not to release the staff report to anyone except the new REIT section manager. The reorganization immediately
ran into massive resistance from the people involved. The group sentiment, as articulated by one person, was: "Has he
gone mad? Why in God's name is he tearing apart this section of the bank? His actions have already cost us three
very good people [who quit], and have crippled a new program we were implementing [which the president was
unaware of] to reduce our loan losses.‖ (Kotter & Schlesinger, 1979, p.108)
6.2.7. Motivation as a source of resistance
Motivation, as an important element of organizational change efforts, is usually conceived in
positive manner and expected to contribute to the change process. However, what is proposed by
Hultman (1996) presents a quite contrary impact of motivation on implementation of change ideas.
By referring to Maslow‘s (1970) model for hierarchy of needs (see figure 3-5, on p.20), Hultman
argues that motivation is an outcome of individuals‘ desire to satisfy their needs. In the first place of
Maslow‘s model, basic human needs, food and drink are placed and then needs for belonging, safety
and self esteem follows these basic needs. Some of these needs placed in Maslow‘s model, such as
self worth and self esteem, are also quite important in organizational life and any kind of change
initiative may have an impact on the ways these needs satisfied (Hultman, 1998). Threatened by the
challenge of change, individual may resist change with the aim of securing that their needs would be
met and motivate themselves to achieve this end.
Being critical
Agreeing verbally but not
Finding fault
following through
Appealing to fear Failing to implement change
Using facts selectively Procrastinating or dragging
Blaming or accusing one’ feet
Feigning ignorance
Intimidating or
threatening Withholding information,
Manipulating suggestion, help or support
Distorting facts Standing by or allowing
Blocking change to fail
Starting rumors
Figure 6-1 Active and Passive Resistance ( Adopted from Hultman, 1995)
One of the most important tasks for a manager in dealing with resistance is to make distinction
between symptoms and causes of resistance (Hultman, 1998). It may lead to time losses and worsen
the situation if managerial efforts are focused on eliminating the symptoms of resistance rather than
going deeper on essential roots of the negative attitudes towards change. This necessity to
distinguish symptoms and causes does not only motivate us to analyze resistance in detail but also
has a quite significant role in terms of benefiting from the constructive value of resistance.
Consistency and rationality are vital elements that one has to look for in explanations of resistant
behaviour. In other words, rational resistance must have reasonable explanations and, also
symptom, namely resistant behavior, have to be in line with the intention of the resistant individual
or group. In determining rational resistance, one should consider the cause of resistance. For
example, if an employee has concerns or fears about new ways of doing things and has serious
questions about future and support these thoughts some reasonable explanations (De Jager, 2001),
such a situation must be taken into consideration for the success of implementation because it
might contain valuable inputs for the change process.
Contrary to rational approach, individual usually resist change without having any logical
explanations. Although resistance is a natural response to a change, permanent resistance which has
no basis can be harmful for organizational survival. Even worse, while rational resistance can be
dealt with by training, learning and communication, ability to overcome irrational resistance, as De
Jager (2001) argues, depends on organization culture which may eliminate those resistant
new ways of doing their business. Conceiving resistance as a barrier to change, as Krüger (1996)
pointed, managerial plans have focused on eliminating employee resistance. However, when we
consider the amount of theories and tools to overcome resistance and high rate of failure in change
programs, it became obvious further study is needed with different perspectives for the same issue.
The idea of institutionalized resistance emphasized the importance of attitudes of key players,
namely decision makers, in change implementation. Agócs (1997) defines institutionalized form
of resistance as a series of behaviors and actions that are employed by decision makers to deny
and refuse change initiative. Her perception of resistance also involves aggressive actions of
decision makers to destruct change plans. What seems crucial in this definition has been the
attention paid to individual those who have higher positions and more power within an
organization. When a need arises for change, contrary to employees who are powerless in terms
of decision making, these people may act against to prevent change because potential outcomes
can damage their self interests. Agocs (1997) identifies four crucial stages of institutionalized
resistance in which decision makers take action against change initiatives. In the first step,
individuals tend to deny change and also attack messengers’ credibility. The content of the
change message is also tried to be refuted. In the second step, individuals refuse to take
responsibility in change initiative. The third step involves refusal to implement change and in
the four step individuals tend to take action to destruct change plans (Agocs, 1997).
Understanding the institutional resistance possesses three significant points in the context of our
research. First of all, it reveals importance of power within an organization in causing resistance.
Demand for power, from employees at all levels, has always existed and to manage resistance
successfully one needs to take this into consideration. Secondly, it helps us to enhance our
perception in terms of locating causes of resistance and therefore identifying behaviours of
individuals, who are responsible from decision making, is also necessary to take necessary and
appropriate actions to manage resistance. Thirdly, institutionalized resistance consist of
activities such as “refusal to engage in joint problem-solving, refusal to seek common ground,
silencing of advocates for change, sabotage, the use of sanctions, and another repressive acts”
(Agocs, 1997, p.918). Since the core aim of institutional resistance is to preserve exiting status
quo which favours those who are expected to initiate change, these symptoms provide us with a
ground to make a distinction between rational and irrational resistance by looking at its
manifestation type. It is worth to notice that none of the above activities contain element of
discussion or criticism, which can be helpful in terms of development of change plan, and they
directly aimed at blocking change implementation. Therefore, it is also an imperative for
managers to evaluate forms of resistant behaviors whether they have a solid aim that the
organization may benefit or not.
7.1. Introduction
As an effort to gain deeper insight on change management, we are significantly interested by the
high rate of failures in change programs. Although we may not describe each of those programs as a
complete failure, in most cases, problems and unexpected outcomes arise as a result of employee
resistance to change. Based on the information we have obtained through literature reviews and
case studies on change management, with a special focus on resistance to change, we have
developed a framework which describes key concepts in managing resistance successfully to prevent
its negative effects and, if possible, benefit from its constructive value. Following figure illustrates
these key concepts and dimensions of resistance on which managerial actions need to be organized
and performed.
Active Passive
Rational Irrational Resistance Resistance
Managerial Actions
Although every specific problem or issue in organizations necessitates a unique way of handling that
is peculiar to the situation, above managerial actions seemed as the most convenient in coping with
resistance to change. The assumption that leads us to construct this model focuses on diagnosing
resistant behaviors because benefiting from constructive criticism of resistance or eliminating these
behaviors completely which hinders implementation, depends on a manager‘s ability to identify
resistant behaviors, their roots and symptoms. We have found two critical levels which diagnosis of
resistance should be made; logical dimension and manifestation.
Relying on this argument, one of the tasks for a manager is to unpack the logical motives behind
resistance to change. In other words, it is an imperative at that stage to understand the reasons of
resistant behaviors and to distinguish them as rational or irrational. As it is stated in dimensions of
resistance, rational resistance refers to actions which have reasonable explanations and also there
should be consistency between given reasons of resistance and reactions to it. In such cases, there is
a high probability of benefiting from resistance in a positive manner. What seemed crucial in that
perspective has been that managers or people who are responsible from implementing change must
take employee responses into consideration during the implementation process. Listening
employees‘ arguments against change and organizing discussion sessions with key actors from
employee side seemed vitally important during implementation process.
It can be argued that, rationality of an argument is a subjective issue and it changes in accordance
with one‘s own point of view. While rational dimension of resistance can be hard to define because
of this subjectivity, what we actually aim is to create an atmosphere in which the opposing views
which are expected to be logical can be discussed with the aim of selecting the best path for change.
When we reconsider employee reaction to ABC at Marconi, resistant behaviors of employees have
never been paid sufficient attention. Despite certain activities like training sessions, individuals who
are responsible from implementing ABC tended to follow a pre-set formula regardless of individual
responses. To illustrate negative impact of such attitude, it can be revisited that while Marconi‘s
engineers in production department were complaining about the additional work brought by ABC,
organizing training sessions, which were another time and energy consuming activity in their views,
on how to use ABC did not seem to be convenient action that could facilitate change
implementation. Another significant issue in coping with rational resistance is about mindset of
implementers. In other words, change initiator should be ready and willing to understand employee
reactions and responses within their own contexts, otherwise conventional approaches involving
regular training education seminars, might be far from producing effective solutions for managing
Considering irrational resistance, which refers to behaviors resulting from fear of change, managers
can follow a series of actions that validates the necessity of change through creation of meaning for
those who are going to be affected from new way of doing business. The essential aim of our
theoretical model for managing resistance has been elimination of resistant behaviors which have no
constructive value related change strategy. Contrary to rational resistance approach, in this case,
education becomes a useful tool for change initiators to explain nature of change and its benefits for
the organization. Also negotiation which is directed towards elimination fear of change can facilitate
acceptance of change by employees. Introduction of BATON technology and irrational resistant
behaviors of IT technicians in our second case study, has confirmed that disregarding such an
approach in coping with resistance can block implementation and lead to failure.
The second aspect that managers must take into account in resistance management deals with the
way in which these behaviors are manifested. In addition to logical patterns of resistant behaviors,
managers or change initiators must also revise and formulate their actions in accordance with
manifestation types of resistance. Active resistance involves various actions which are listed in
Figure 8, from actively arguing against change to manipulating facts about change. Active resistance
has shown similarities with rational resistance in terms of its management. Since employees directly
disclose their discontent with change, managers are required to engage in cognitive activities to shift
employees‘ pattern of thinking towards change. These involve listening of employee complaints and
arguments, convincing them about the necessity of change while at the same time finding a middle
way that will diminish their concerns about the outcomes of change.
While some individuals show their dissatisfaction and argue directly against change, some others
tend to behave as if they accept change whereas never fulfill their responsibilities related to change
programs. Therefore, the latter one requires a different way of management because of their inactive
manners which can easily block implementation. Individuals who have shown symptoms of passive
resistance usually agree upon plans and tasks whereas when it comes to implementation they tend to
search for ways to not to complete their assignments. The mindset behind such an attitude usually
understands change programs as one of the many useless or unrealistic ambitions of the
organization and finds active resistance unnecessary because, from that point of view, change is
deemed to failure. The possible managerial actions of our model, concerning the passive resistance,
are aimed establishing a system that ensures implementation. Therefore, individuals must be
regularly checked whether they are completing their task within their responsibility are related to
change programs. This approach must be valid from workers to individuals in higher positions and
because, as we saw in our second case, IT managers in BATON implementation, resistance may not
necessarily be a reaction of employees at lower levels. In short, managers must have a clear plan for
change and establish a system for checking implementation regularly. If there are individuals on key
positions who are insisting on their passive resistance, managers should consider punishments or
their replacement because continuing with them may lengthen the process therefore increase cost of
change. Additionally, identifying successful players in change implementation and rewarding can
also be source for motivation for other employees who have suspicions or concerns about the
7.2. Lack of „resistance management‟
The theoretical solution that we have composed to manage resistance has been based upon certain
missing key elements that have been identified so far during our research. These are;
Meaning creation: In most of failures, individuals, even the key players of change programs,
do not realize the nature of change which refers to its sources, types and necessary actions
to implement it.
Focus on straight-forward implementation rules: Managers, who are responsible from
implementing change, usually tend to employ pre set conventional approaches without
analyzing specific conditions of their organization and its members. This may lead
breakdowns and interruptions because needs of organizations and their members, which are
quite diverted, have not been addressed accordingly.
Employees as change recipients: Despite importance of participation that has been also
emphasized on literature, many change programs approach employees who are actual agent
in making change real, as passive recipient of change instructions.
Ignorance of positive resistance: Connected with the understanding that sees employees as
change recipients, managers also missed the opportunity to benefit from constructive critics
which may improve existing change strategy in positive manner.
Inadequate assessment of resistant behaviors: In order to manage resistance to change,
individual behaviors need to be analyzed. Being able to distinguish symptoms and causes of
resistance is vital to take appropriate action. Additionally, understanding roots of resistance
is significant to identify constructive value of resistance, if exist.
The way change imposed: the manner in which managers introduce and try to implement
change also vital in terms of managing resistance. Language, credibility of change agents and
its approach to employees play critical role for successful change implementation.
Having defined missing these elements, in construction of theory for resistance management, we
have determined three essential issues; leadership from a sense making perspective, participation
and communication and all these three are expected to function as complementary to each other
and success of overall process depends on ability of a change initiator to achieve certain level in
these three areas.
seems to be perfect theoretically at the beginning, there has been occurring resistance within
employees during implementation process. This resistance can be individual or group level
(departmental), but it is obvious that it affects the success rate of change organizationally.
According to our theory, in order to manage the resistance factors successfully, there should be
intense involvement to the implementation process; and this intense involvement should be
managed by the leader, who is able to analyze the resistance both in individual and group level and
to manage the resistance by constructing and managing the meaning within the organization.
According to Albert Ellis‘s rational-emotive therapy (1977) and Aaron Beck‘s cognitive theory
(1970), we reach a conclusion through our way of thinking. The reactions that are given to the
specific cases are the products of our thought process. Self concepts and values are the main
determinants of our beliefs, which influence our attitudes, feelings and behaviors. At the end of this
thought process, we reach a result. Therefore, in order to make employees to reach intended results,
the way of thinking should be changed according to the intended way, and the thought process
should be managed by the leader through the way of meaning management and sense making
According to Smircich and Morgan (1982), leadership is an activity that includes the definition and
framing of the reality of others successfully. Sensemaking is a social process interacted together with
others and the leader is the one who manages the process of meaning creation. This could occur
through sensegiving activity of the leader, which aims to shape and influence the interpretation of
others in order to adapt his/her interpretation or the reality definition (Weick, 1995).
There are some steps that should be implemented by the leader for successful management of
meaning. First is that leaders should create a point of references, such as making definition of
company, vision, who we are and what kind of company we are. This provides direction and gives
meaning and sense to the organization. Secondly, the leader should shape the interaction with
followers by framing the flow of experiences within the organization by the means of actions and
statements. Also, the leader should use communicative tools such as language, rhetoric in order to
achieve successful sense making. As a result, the ideal leadership model for successful resistance
management should have some features:
creating communicative systems that meaning can reach to all level of employees
creating special language (words and expression) that helps to create organizational identity
and the state of belong to a community
All these leadership activities can lead to intensive participation of employees to the change process
and enhancing communication within organizations. They are the key factors for diminishing the
effects of negative resistance in change implementation. In short, the role of leader is not only
limited creation of meaning and transmission of it to employees, he or she also is expected to create
an atmosphere where participation is of all parties encouraged and solid communication networks
among members exist.
7.4. Communication
Success of a management practice usually depends on a level of communication that exists within an
organization. Same is also valid for managing resistance. Creating an atmosphere that allows
exchange of ideas is vital to make logic change clear to all concerned parties. It helps dissemination
of ideas about why organization needs change and how targets of change program can be achieved.
Establishing functioning communication channels between change initiators and resistors is vital
especially in situation where the former‘s success depends on support from the latter. Although
communication in organizations is a quite detailed issue, we will evaluate and explain its role in the
context of resistance management.
A functioning communication system within an organization may serve different purposes and
while it can prevent problems from occurring at the same time contributes to implementation of
strategies. One of these purposes of communication is about providing necessary information to
related persons about the fundamentals of the business. This becomes especially critical in
resistance management because in many of above managerial actions in our framework indeed
aimed at providing employees with information about company‘s goal in a given change program,
and how to achieve these ends. As it can be observed in the model for resistance management,
many of the actions emphasize the need to make employees realize the need for change.
Undoubtedly, creating such awareness in the mind of individuals can be done by giving accurate and
adequate information to those who are supposed to implement change programs. Additionally,
presenting accurate knowledge on time helps managers to eliminate rumors which can be a source
of resistance by creating negative interpretations about the outcomes of change. Secondly,
communication can facilitate improvement of existing strategies and plans for change. In other
words, a two way information flow between employees and change initiators enables expression of
feelings and ideas which is very valuable because the feedbacks of the former, positive or negative
including resistant behaviors, can help to detect defects of the change strategy. Therefore
communication which is functioning in both ways can be an efficient tool to heard and benefit from
the constructive criticism of employees. Thirdly, communication becomes crucial in terms of
making employees sure that they know their roles, responsibilities and rules. Concerning the
symptoms of passive resistance and possible managerial actions, this aspect of communication
confirms its necessity in management of resistance.
7.5. Participation
Idea of making employees participate in management of affairs in organization has not been a new
one and is frequently repeated in different studies in literature. Having considered breadth of the
topic, by referring to participation, we aim to explain its role in management of resistance and how
it should be utilized by those who are responsible from implementing change programs. There have
been different types of participation, depending on its form and influence. Considering the two
main types of participation, process control and decision control (Lines, 2004). While process
control refers to consultative participation which is more suitable to involvement of all parties in
issues, decision control directly addresses the right to veto on decision making. Since resistance can
be a response of employees from all levels in organizations, consultative perspective seemed much
more convenient with our understanding of resistance management.
Parallel to our emphasis upon the necessity of obtaining positive or negative feedback from
employees, participation is one of the most efficient tools to reach this end. In addition to its
fundamental place in our understanding of resistance management, participation possesses many
advantages which help managers during implementation of change. First, as we have seen in our
second case, introduction of BATON, employees usually tend to associate change with loss of
status quo and control. Involving these people in planning and implementation processes may help
to eliminate their concerns about change and therefore make them feel a sense of control over
ongoing changes in the organization. Secondly, individual involvement functions as a motivational
factor which can be used as a counter weapon to eliminate resistance. Employees who have been
working in same department and doing same work for years usually lack the necessary motivation
for change efforts and this may become a regular source of passive resistance. Participation in such
instance, we believe, may help to increase individuals‘ willingness to comply with the requirement of
new way of doing business. Thirdly, parallel to Argyris‘ (1957) view, participation fulfils basic
human needs in terms of making individuals active on matters that concern them, contributing their
independency and ability to deal with problems and issues. Fourthly, as an ideal situation,
participation is expected to facilitate information flow between change initiator and employees and
therefore provide a ground for the former to be influenced by constructive criticism of the latter.
Lastly, participation is one of the signs of democratic culture within an organization and influences
commitment of employees to change programs in a positive way. Individuals who work under such
conditions are more likely to comply with the necessities of change rather than complaining or
resting because their participation on formulation of those changes may bring about a feeling of
responsibility about the decisions which were taken with their participation.
To sum up; by referring to participation, we aim to establish a notion that change should be
something different that is imposed and placed on individuals. Managers or change initiators are
expected to encourage and allow employees to be active change participants, rather than solely
being change recipients. Benefits of participative management in organizations are many
whereas it becomes especially crucial in resistance to change. It is a very useful to obtain
commitment of individuals who are expected to comprehend meaning and necessity of change
through sense making activities and to turn negative resistance into a constructive ingredient of
change management.
8.1. The Research Conclusion
Our journey for studying the research subject has started with the news that we read on the
newspaper. The news talked about the political leader who aimed to introduce a change in the party
programme in order to answer the new ideas flourished at the political scene. The news was about
the failure of the political leader due to the strong resistance coming from some of the members of
party. This news created the curiosity in our minds and led us to look at the fundamental reasons
laid behind the failures of change programs in business life. The situation that the political leader
had encountered was more or less the same which we located during our research to find a question
to study on change management. Examples in business and politics have shown parallelism
concerning resistance to change. Our research on the change programs introduced in the business
organizations have shown us the same result that many change attempts have failed due to the
strong resistance coming from the organization internally. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to
analyze the resistance factors, which affect the success rate of change initiatives, and what kind of
management can be introduced for effective management of resistance in the organization in order
to increase the chance of success in change implementation.
During our study on the existing literature in the field of change management and resistance to
change, we have reached the conclusion that the resistance factors to change initiatives require
special managerial actions and processes. Therefore, we thought that the emerging theory that we
have reached can make contribution to the literature. It can be said that diagnosis of resistance
should be the starting points for the change initiators in order to understand these resistant
behaviors. By referring to diagnosis, we emphasize two important aspects of resistance, namely, the
―logical dimension‖ and ―manifestation‖. Classifying the types of resistance will provide managers
with a framework to determine what kind of managerial actions should be implemented during the
process. As the supportive elements of the framework, the type of leadership is the key factor for
the success of resistance management. To manage the way of thinking of the employees through
sense making activities should be in the first place for a leader to get rid of the negative effects of
resistance, at the same time to benefit from the constructive ones. The roles of leaders/change
initiators should also be extended to the participation and communication activities. Intense level
communication and the high rate of participation are the complementary activities that help to
create a convenient environment for successful resistance management.
To sum up, the literature reviews on change and resistance management and the case studies helped
us to reach the emerging theory. We think that findings and implications of this present a
comprehensive framework for individuals who plan to start and implement a change program.
Determining the various aspects of resistance, and understanding their nature increase the
possibility of minimizing the negative effects of it, while at the same time enable the change initiator
to benefit from the constructive value inherited in resistance.
As a future research within the theoretical framework, the gender issue might be possible research
area that is attractive to study on. Leader may need to revise the set of activities, presented in the
framework as sense making; participation and communication, in accordance with the differences
between females and males concerning their perceptions and reactions towards the idea of change.
Psychological differences of women and men may lead to different classifications in terms of roots
and symptoms of resistance.
Another area that has aroused a huge interest in us is the role of cultural differences in responding
change initiatives. Especially in organizations that have multi-cultural employee profile, the
management of resistance might show different characteristics. To relate the leadership and cultural
differences within the framework of resistance management can be another interesting subject that
potentially necessitates a different approach.
IT based applications as change instruments might be another area that is worth to study more
deeply. The skills of managers in terms of introducing and promoting application of new
technological means can significantly determine the success of a change program. Therefore,
resistance which stems from introduction of unfamiliar, brand new technologies may require
different managerial actions which take the differences in individuals‘ backgrounds into
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