Internet Marketing: Presented By: Abhishek Gera
Internet Marketing: Presented By: Abhishek Gera
Internet Marketing: Presented By: Abhishek Gera
ROLL NO : A-40
An affiliate marketing scheme is also known as associate marketing
scheme. This establishes a relationship in which a merchant pays the
affiliate for links that are generated from the affiliate site to the
merchant site.
Email marketing
This is a form of marketing which exploits the power of electronic mail.
Emails are sent primarily to improve the relationship with the old/new
consumers or other old/new customers. Emails could include
advertisements/newsletters which are meant to tempt new or older
consumers to make purchases or inform them of new products/services.
Viral marketing
Viral marketing also termed as viral advertising consist of marketing
techniques that that use already existing social networks to increase brand
image with help computer virus like technqies. It is also called word of mouth
marketing. This technique encourages consumers to pass on marketing
message in voluntery way. Viral promotions could involve video clips,
interactive flash, images, or even mobile messaging such as SMS. It works on
the belief that consumers who are impressed would tell people what they like
and also tell people what they would not like.
Research Methodology
Research methods are used to provide a systematic approach to
research and helps in ordering the data collected in order to
be to analyze it and conclude whether it answered a particular
question or not. There are basically two approaches.
Quantitative approach and Qualitative approach.
• The approach for the thesis
TYPES OF QUESTIONS- direct questions and closed questions
DATA COLLECTION- third party data survey
Initially I decided to focus on global companies taking into consideration that
3rd party survey companies would be helpful in gathering data. But since
that did not materlize, I decided to contact companies, consumers and 3rd
party companies on my own.
marketing , many of the 3rd party internet marketing provide only junk traffic
which has a negative impact on the growth of internet marketing. Companies
agreed that they have to necessarily focus their internet marketing based on the
gender difference so as to make more money. Consumers were undecided on
this. Companies were undecided that variation in import duty in different
countries prevents suppliers from indulging in internet marketing. Consumers
agreed to this. Companies agreed that immaterial whether it is industrial
products/consumer products, internet marketing can be used successfully but
consumers are undecided on this. Companies and consumer are undecided that
internet marketing focused on geographical regions only can generate revenue.
Companies disagreed that 3rd party agency will only generate better revenue
than the direct internet marketing by company, where as consumers are
undecided on this…….