Internship Report On Recruitment and Selection Process of Divine Textile Limited
Internship Report On Recruitment and Selection Process of Divine Textile Limited
Internship Report On Recruitment and Selection Process of Divine Textile Limited
Recruitment and
Selection Process
Divine Textile Limited
Prepared for:
Stamford University Bangladesh
Prepared by:
Md . Rieadh Rahman
ID # BBA- 03009659
Batch – 30th
Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing)
Letter of Transmittal
Dear Madam,
It's a great pleasure to submit the Internship report titled “Recruitment and
Selection Process of Divine Textiles Limited ”. That has been assigned to me
for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of BBA degree.
I have tried my best to give the report a presentable shape and make informative to
fulfill the objectives of the study. I have enjoyed a lot during the preparation of
this report.
I would like to convey my gratitude and thanks to you for giving me an
opportunity to work on such a report that is very much relevant to my study. I
sincerely believe that the practical knowledge and experiences gathered from this
report will be very much helpful in my future life for doing any type of work.
If any confusion arises or any further explanation is needed. I will be readily
available to explain the matter to you, as the situation required.
.(Md.Rieadh Rahman)
Ms. Abida Sayeeda Mallika
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh
Internship is an integral part of BBA program, because it gives us the practical
knowledge of what we have learnt during our study period. This report is written
to fulfill the requirement of BBA degree. Trading keeps much importance in
human life. This practice started when the human beings thought to live together
in the formal way. Small groups of people came together and small colonies were
established. This change in living style started exchange of the things. So when the
first thing was exchanged the trade was come into being.
Now a day the business environment keeps on changing everywhere. New
dimensions of business are coming before us. These dramatic and dynamic
changes in business world require the specialties about the all aspects of business
of today. Because of these requirements, business knowledge becomes important
and business education becomes the need of time. Only he person with latest
knowledge can survive in this vast field.
But practical knowledge is also necessary along with the theoretical knowledge.
This made the internship an integral part of BBA. One can see how the theories
and knowledge are being practically implemented. This report is about Divine
Textile Ltd. I did my internship here for Three months and this report carries the
information about history, organizational structure, marketing strategies and
SWOT analysis of Divine Textile Ltd. Divine Textile Limited an organization in
textile sector was assigned to me for internship. This report is about my experience
and knowledge, which I have gained during my internship program. In this report I
have made a humble attempt to express most efficiently and effectively what I
experienced and observe at (DTL). I think that this report will be really helpful for
those who want to know about (DTL).
Up and above anything else, all praise to Almighty Allah alone, the Omnipresent
and the most Merciful and compassionate. The words are bound, knowledge is
limited and time is short to express his dignity. It is one of infinite blessings of
Allah that he bestowed me with the potential and ability to contribution towards
the deep oceans of knowledge already existing.
Divine Textiles Ltd. started its journey by establishing the first unit in 1997. One
year later the second unit was established. Divine Textile is a subsidiary company
of Divine Group. The Company was incorporated as a public limited company in
the year of 1994. The operation was started in middle of 1997. Within a very short
time of span the company achieved some significance success. Divine Textile
receives Oeko-Tex standard 100 and ISO-9002 certificates in the year 2000.
Authorized capital of the company is tk. 40.00 crore. It’s paid- up capital is TK.
50.00 lakh. The business lines of Divine Textiles Limited are manufacturing and
marketing of garments and fabric. The factory is located in Kaliakoir, Gazipur of
Bangladesh. Its head office is located at Mohakhali in Dhaka.
Human resource planning is concerned with the flow of people into, through, and
out of an organization. HR planning involves anticipating the need for labor and
the supply of labor and then planning the programs necessary to ensure that the
organization will have the right mix of employees and skills when and where they
are needed. The forecasting methods described below provide key input for these
Selecting and recruiting good employees for an organization is indeed one of the
most crucial and critical aspects of running an organization as the decisions so
taken to this respect can either take the organization to the heights of success, or a
mistake or wrong decision in the same can altogether destroy the organization. In
this respect, it must be borne in mind that each individual has a valuable
contribution, irrespective of the position or status of the employee in the respective
organization. In the correct age of information and the equally competitive
business environment, it would be somewhat of a futile exercise to select and
recruit an employee simply upon the selector's gut feeling, the handsome
appearance, or even the fast talking candidate trying to show that he or she knows
everything needed for the respective position for which she or he is applying for.
Hence, the importance given to the various checks and measures for selecting and
recruiting good employees, and where possible the adoption of scientific
processes, even though all the checks, measures, and precautions taken for
selection and recruitment may prove to be wrong and may even possibly damage
the company's reputation. Then there is the important, yet equally crucial element
of rising number of candidates for each job or vacancy, compared to the number of
job openings, and the difference seems to be rising every year with graduates and
post-graduates entering the job market not by the hundreds, but by the thousands.
This then calls for selection and recruitment measures that are truly beneficial for
the organization, even though the best of techniques can prove an employer's
hiring decision as being wrong.
The report beginning introduced introduction of Divine Textile Limited. Then the
report shows mission statement, strategic goals and objective , production
principle, organizational overview: Marketing Overview, Operational Plan,
Management, Human Resource Management , Scope of the Project, Methodology
of the Research Work: Analysis and Discussion in Divine Textile Limited , SWOT
Analysis PEST analysis : The last part shows Findings of the study,
Recommendations and Conclusion and Bibliography
Contents Page No
Immediately after the founding of Bangladesh, tea and jute were the most export-
oriented sectors. But with the constant threat of flooding, declining jute fiber
prices and a significant decrease in world demand, the contribution of the jute
sector to the country’s economy has deteriorated. The garment industry in
Bangladesh became the main export sector and a major source of foreign exchange
starting in 1980, and exported about $5 billion USD in 2002.
The industry employs about 3 million workers of whom 90% are women. Two
non- market factors have played a crucial role in ensuring the garment sector’s
continual success namely (a) quotas under Multi-Fiber Arrangement1 (MFA) in
the North American market and (b) preferential market access to European
markets. From 1995-2005 the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC)
was in effect, wherein more industrialized countries consented to export fewer
textiles while less industrialized countries enjoyed increased quotas for exporting
their textiles. Throughout the 10 year agreement, Bangladesh’s economy
benefited from quota-free access to European markets and desirable quotas for the
American markets.
export market USA (textile) USA (clothing) EU (textile) EU (clothing)
market share in 1995 <3% 4% <3% 3%
market share in 2004 3% 2% 3% 4%
It is clear from table that the performance of the public sector is gradually
going down in terms of yarn production and total stoppage in fabric production.
knitwear items have almost overtaken woven garments. Although woven garments,
knitwear, home textiles and textile fabrics all achieved persistent growth during the past
five years, the growth rate in knitwear has been phenomenal compared with the other
categories. This growth pattern has been attributed to the expanding domestic availability
Table 7 indicates that knitwear items have achieved a continuous steady growth.
In fact, items such as T-shirts, sweaters and other items have enjoyed constant
growth. Table 8 provides an analysis of knitwear exports in terms of
destination/market for 2004/05 and 2003/04. Compared with figures for the United
States, Canada and Mexico markets, imports of knitwear items by the European
Union have been very high
Table 7. Export trends for knitwear
(79.18 per cent and 83.33 per cent, respectively, for 2004/05 and 2003/04). In
comparison, the United States, Canada and Mexico collectively absorbed a total of
18.65 per cent and 14.57 per cent, respectively, in the same period. However, in
both regions there was a significant upward trend.
Table 9 shows exports of woven items by destination. The data reflect the export
figures of 2004/05 and 2003/04. In this regard, the European Union ranks first but
the market share is much below that which has been achieved for knitwear (43.30
per cent and 53.04 per cent, respectively, during 2004/05 and 2003/04). In
comparison, the United States, Canada and Mexico occupied first place in 2004/05
with 50.57 per cent and second position in 2003/04 with 44.84 per cent. However,
in both regions there has been overall growth.
Table 10 shows that exports of home textiles (a new item added to Bangladesh’s
textile export basket) have been growing. Most of the products under this heading
are for the European Union market. The European Union market share was 83.12
per cent and 77.50 per cent, respectively in 2004/05 and 2004/04. This is due to
the presence of European Union multinationals such as IKEA having buying
offices in Dhaka. The American region imported around 14.54 per cent and 18.88
per cent, respectively, during 2004/05 and 2003/04, respectively.
Table 9. Woven garment exports by destination
Year 2004/05 2003/04 2004/05 2003/04
United States 1 622.902 1 391.637 45.10 39.34
Canada 188.601 185.912 5.24 5.25
European 1 704.855 1 878.243 47.39 53.09
Mexico 8.316 8.986 0.23 0.25
Others 73.531 73.288 2.04 2.07
Total 3 598.205 3 538.066 100.00 100.00
to 41.83 per cent and 29.39 per cent, respectively of the total market share of
textile fabrics during 2004/05 and 2003/04. On the other hand, the American
accounted for 22.17 per cent and 55.01 per cent, respectively, during 2004/05
and 2003/04. The European Union market consumed 14.10 per cent and 14.89 per
cent of the fabric, respectively, during 2004/05 and 2003/04. In both the American
and European Union region markets, the share declined in 2004/05 compared with
2003/04. B. General export trends for some new products
1. Denim trousers Bangladesh emerged as the number one supplier of denim
clothes to the European market, commanding a 27 per cent share of import during
the first half of 2006. Exporters said that increasing availability of locally-
produced denim fabrics and the enhanced ability to offer the most competitive
prices helped Bangladesh gain a greater market share. Restrictions in the European
Union on certain types of apparel from some Asian countries have also benefited
the Bangladesh denim sector to a great extent.
In terms of earnings, however, Bangladesh ranked third because of the exporters’
concentration on low-cost dresses. The latest compilation of European Union data
shows that, during January-June 2006, Bangladeshi apparel manufacturers shipped
about 24 million pairs of denim jeans in the men’s and boys category to European
importers. Export volume during the same period increased by 26.15 per cent and
stood at the top with 26.76 per cent of total European imports of denims. On
average, Bangladeshi denim exporters charged a 4.03 unit price for men’s and
boys’ jeans, whereas the20 global average was 7.38 per unit.
In the women’s and girls’ denim category, Bangladeshi exporters saw the volume
increase by more than 91 per cent to about 17 million pairs during January-June
2006. Bangladesh also topped the list in this category with 18.59 per cent of the
European Union market share, which was more than double the share for the
previous year. However, Bangladesh lagged behind in terms of earnings from
women’s and girls’ denim
Kong, China, jointly hold 39 per cent, followed by Madagascar at 17 per cent.
Bangladeshi manufacturers mainly depend on wool of Mongolian origin. Since
cashmere sweaters are made of expensive raw materials and need sophistication in
the production process, production is a risk that exporters are afraid to take. If
entrepreneurs want to capitalize on the demand for this product, policy support
will be needed. The emerging trend in the global sweater market is apparel made
of wool and natural fibers. If the industry can exploit the market and gain high-
value business, it may emerge as the ultimate winner.
3. Demand-supply gap in textile products and investment opportunities
in the primary textile sector With the continuous development and penetration in
the textile market as well as diversification in products, there has been a
significant demand for fabrics and yarn during the past five years. However,
domestic fabric manufacturing mills cannot cope with the demand. As such, a vast
scope exists for investment in fabric production
a Projected demand for fabrics for domestic consumption assumed to increase at
4.75 per cent per annum up to 2009/10.
b Projected knitwear exports assumed to increase at a declining rate from 2004/05
to 2009/10 at 25 percent, 20 per cent, 16 per cent and 13 per cent, respectively, per
c Projected woven garments exports assumed to increase at an average rate of 3
per cent per year from 2004/05 to 2008/09.
Divine Textiles Limited 25
Company Profile
Divine Textile Limited (DTL) has an existing knit textile unit housed in the four
storied RCC and one storied steel truss and steel sheet roof building at kaliakor
Gazipur. The factory was set up with the financial assistance of Tk 5.00 crore
from IFIC Bank Limited in1997. financial help was taken from the Bank for
import of brand new knitting, dyeing and finishing machinery of the project .
After successful implementation of the project, the company went to production
since middies of 1997. Presently the project is operation with annual knitting
capacity of 12 lac kg knit fabric and 1.50 lac dozen of knit garments.
DTL has been manufacturing knit garments mainly in Europe market at a
attractable FOB price .Besides, they also supplies their knit fabrics to local 100%
export oriented garment industries under back to back L/C arrangement.
According to loan (TK 5.00 crore) sanction terms of the financial institution (IFIC)
payment would be started from the last quarter of 1999 and the loan will be
expired in 2005. The factory is manufacturing and marketing their products with
very high satisfaction. The sponsors of the company have already paid above TK
923.16 lakh toward adjustment of bank loan from the factories own generation.
However payment is to yet start as per schedule provided by bank and the project
is enjoying grace period. Present balance in the loan account is TK. 325.26lakh.
Besides project loan DTL has also been availing running capital facilities from
IFIC in the shape of Back to Back L/C and sod limit. They are regularly paying
interest and commission to the bank against SOD drawing and opening of Back to
Back L/C. In the operation of first year company had earned net profit at 1.50
crore as per audit balance sheet. In the fiscal year July 1998 to Jun 1999 the
companies operating profit was TK 4.50 crore as per provisional balance sheet.
The company has been generated tax holiday for seven years within effect from
1997 by NBR. So there is no income tax burden on the company seven years.
The company is now manufacturing dyed knit fabric and garments and exporting
the same mainly to Europe. But currently fleece garments is a very thrust item in
the present world market.
If DTL can make baby terry , micro fleece and polar fleece garments then there
will be a great scope for them to penetrate in the new market zone in Europe.
Except this , the fleece garments is high value added item and the project can
make its profit maximum which such kind of product.
The company has been receiving a lot of enquiries for fleece garments from its
European buyers . Recently they have already undertaken to an agreement with its
principal buyers
of Germany for export of at least 2.00 million pieces of fleece garments per year
The Divine Textile is a part of Divine group. Which has established about 30
in various part of the country. The major sector of the group is an under.
Listed Companies:
· Divine Textile Limited
· Divine Textile Limited ( unit-2)
· Divine Cold Storage Limited
· Divine Fabrics Limited
· Divine Elastic Limited
· Divine Sourcing Limited
· Chowgacha Apparels Limited
· Chowgacha Printing Limited
· Alliance International
· Nice Thread
Mission Statement
Continuous endeavor for improvement through adoption of most modern technology in production.
Ø To make Divine Textile a first choice for the foreign customers by improving
its quality and services.
Ø Computerization
Board of Directors :
Board of Director
Managing Director
Production Manager
As it’s major competitors are in the country as well as in the foreign markets,
while concerning with the countrywide competitors, there are major competitors
like Square Textile Mills Limited, Beximco textile limited, Akij textile limited
along with major competitors in European market.
There is strictly needed a strategic focus to face the present intense competitive
situation. The market for textile products is becoming more competitive every
year. The customers are emphasizing on quality over all other thing and can easily
search the most cost-effective supplier anywhere in the world. Keeping this in
mind, Divine Textile focus has been on meeting its customer’s demands and
requirements, improving its competitiveness, increasing productivity, and
enhancing its existing quality control systems. So it has emphasized on the
implementation of the developed strategies. Every element of cost and quality is
continually scrutinized and measured according to worldwide standards by the
SGS Bangladesh limited. Each unit is independently analyzed as a cost center to
make cuts wherever and wherever possible. The Quality Assurance department
has been further strengthened with the addition of trained staff and state-of the art
Marketing Strategy
Letter of credit
Transportation documentation
Packing list
Certificate of origin
Certificate of inspection
Procedure list
Bill of exchange
Before going into elaboration of these documentations, one must know all about
them. No person can export any goods until he is registered as an exporter with
Director general of Export Promotion Bureau.
A commercial invoice is a commercial document by which the seller charges the
goods to the buyer. The in formations, which this document provides to the
exporter and the importer, are as follows:
§ Date
§ Invoice number
§ Name and address of the buyer and the seller
§ Order/contract number, description of the goods, quality, unit price and the total
amount of goods exported
§ Terms and conditions of the payments
§ Shipment details
§ Certification on the invoice
Letter of credit
The terms of letter of credit is defined as:
Purchase department :
The department is located within the factory. There are eight employees working
in the purchase department.
The decision of the purchase of raw material is med by the top management or
when any new machinery or plant is to be acquired. At the time of the cultivation
of the cotton crop, the decision is made with considering the other factors like
requirement, price, quality etc that how much we should purchase and from whom
we should purchase and through what sources we can finance this purchase. So in
this regard, the Chairman with the consultation of the Mill Manager, General
Manager Finance and Technical Manager make the bulk orders.
The finance division helps them in this regard to arrange eh funds. So in this
regard, the select the bank that provides financing facility at lower rate of interest.
As far as the purchase of raw material is concerned, the purchased department
fully contributed its efforts in this regard. Whenever any section of the mills or he
head office requires any thing they make and purchase indent to the purchase
department. At mill, the storekeeper made this indent, on the other hand of the
required thing is available with him, he makes the delivery to that section.
When the supplier dispatches the goods to the mill, a dispatch advice is made by
the department t other store keeper that the items are dispatched to you. At mill, an
inward gate pass is made and the items sent to the store where the storekeeper
prepares goods receipt note after inspecting the items and this one copy is sent to
the purchase office and one copy is sent to the account s office
This is the major department of the company. Finance department is located with
the factory. It prepares different kinds of financial reports and gives information to
management for decision-making purposes.
Finance department prepares the Income statements, Balance sheet, Trail balance,
Cash flows, Production report for the whole month, stock taking report yield
comparison report etc. these all reports are helpful for the management to make
production plan, financing decisions and other important matters. The head of the
department in finance manager. He is an accountant.
Function of finance department
Following are the main functions of finance department:
1. To prepare monthly and half-yearly reports
2. To keep the record of inventory and stock
3. To maintain a liquid position
4. To maintain adequate cash to run the operations of business
5. To reconcile the bank statements
6. To make payments to the suppliers
7. To maintain debt and credit balances of the customers
8. To deal with the sales tax and income tax departments
9. Preparations of vouchers
10. Prepare profit and loss accounts & income statements
11. Keep record for the payment of salaries
The working of audit section starts from the receptions of voucher/checks, L/C;
ledger after this pre/post audit is started. At the completion of audit it is installed
and stamped and returned to finance and account department.
Vouchers :
●Store purchase Journal voucher
It is a voucher, which is used to record the store purchases.
●Bank payment voucher
It is the voucher, which is used to record the payments, which are made through
the bank.
●Bank voucher
The bank uses thin voucher to record the amount from the credit advice, which is
●Journal voucher
It is issued to record the entry in the books of account.
●Sales journal voucher
It is used to record the sales & sales tax.
●Cash payment voucher
It is used to pay the amount in cash
●Head office cash receipt
This receipt is used to record the proceeds of sales
●Bank receipt
When cash or check are deposited for credit to Divine Textile account, the bank
issue a credit advice and that is attached with the voucher.
Strength: Weakness:
►Organization Can
expand product lines. ►New Entry of
ISO 9001-2000:
DTL is certified under ISO 9001-2000 and so it meets the requirement of
international standard and has a value in the mind of concern people.
Strong Security System
Divine has a greater security system. There are different hidden security cameras
which capture all the moments.
High quality product
Divine is using advance technology like they have modern machinery by which
the quality of product produced is very high.
Latest mechanized machinery.
They are using modern looms which they have purchased from Japan, Germany
and France. And by using that latest machinery the productivity of the employees
are very high.
Tremendous market positioning
Divine is one of the Pioneer Textile Group in the Pakistan so it has got the position
in the mind of its customer. And being an old textile company people are loyal
with it. Divine has a better position in the mind of its customers.
Highly qualified and skilled management
The management of Divine is skilled they have hired graduate people in their
management and also experienced people from all over the country.
Political Instability
The political situation of Bangladesh is not satisfactory. Due to the rapid change
in the Government every government sets its own new trade policies.
Govt. should apply sustainable policies for the beneficial of the exporters as well
as the investors.
Economic situation:
The economic condition of Bangladesh can also affect the foreign investors
increasing inflation rate make the cost of production high and thus reduce the
profit margin of the investor.
Social situation:
The change in the lifestyle of the people affects the growing demand of the Divine
products. The change in the lifestyle and needs in different demographics also
affect the demand of the customers.
Technological factor:
Technological advancement in all the sectors of the country has changed the entire
socio-economic environment. Especially in the textile sector there is a lot of
technological development.
Divine’s excellent computerized machines and devices have made extension in its
present setup of well advanced technology imported from Japan, Germany,
France, Hong Kong and UK.
company is one of the best textile mills in this country. Bangladesh Textiles Mills
Association (BTMA) proposed to the government to set up a Central Bonded
Warehouse (CBWH) as well as SAARC commutation, which would benefit both
the textiles and garment sectors of Bangladesh. Earlier the cabinet decision
rejected the proposal but they decided to increase facilities quickening the land
and seaport formalities helping reduce the “lead time”. As a whole Printing,
Dyeing and Garment industries of Bangladesh have no treatment plant for the
waste products or flow out water. Therefore, there is a fall on its adverse impact on
We, therefore conclude that the DDMCL has bright future to contribute through
production of quality yarn and fabrics for meeting our garment’s demand. This
depends on sincere efforts of our human resources engaged in the textile industries
and wide participation in global market through consciousness, product
development and diversification.
Competitive Strategy
As for as Divine Group is concerned its own name is its competitive advantage.
Being an
group it has its own name in the field of Textile as well as sugar. As I have told in
above segment that it has business of Methane gas in Europe it is its competitive
advantage. As dealing in one different side gives you edge over competitors in
Furthermore, its financial assets are also an edge for the group. As being late in
any party makes future problems which result in delivery of any product to be late
resulting in bad image of the company.
It’s has many competitor like as the Akij group, Square group, Beximco group
etc .
Competitor analysis
Medical facility
All employees enjoy medical facilities
Workers participation fund
All the permanent employees are entitled to become a member. The company
contributes every year some amount of profit for permanent employees.
32 leaves per annum are allowed under different categories like sick leave, causal
leaves etc.
The top management is provided with fully maintained cars. Conveyance
allowance is provided to employees.
Traveling allowance
Conveyance allowance
T.A is paid to the employees if they travel for the purpose of the business
The first and most recommendation is to eliminate one man show prevailing in
There must be a proper system for training of employees and supervisors.
Importance should be given to employees’ turnover.
Different training courses should be arranged for the up lifting and improving
quality of work for employees.
There is also a problem of work overload for the employees and it should be
properly so that the employees are motivated. As I have seen employees working
till 8
PM. And I have come to know that sometimes they work till 1 AM late night
without any
Employees should be paid extra for the work which they do after working
We got a lot of experience from Divine Textile . During our internship we came to
know that how the different activities take place, what are the procedures
The Divine Textile is on the way of progress. It has been earning profit for the
last five years. The management is professionally qualified and experienced.
The Divine Textile should motivate their employees by providing different
incentives. Their salary package is also not attractive. The performance of the
Resource department is also satisfactory.
Divine Textile product is of high quality. The demand of Divine
Textile products are increasing with the passage of time. The company should
expand its capacity as soon as possible to satisfy the demands of their customers.
Mr Ziaul Azam , Executive on Divine Dextile Limited, Report on Divine Textile Ltd. Dhaka.