How To Serve As A Court Watcher
How To Serve As A Court Watcher
How To Serve As A Court Watcher
Watcher Official Court Observing Made Easy
Important Note
The author provides this document for educational
purposes only. The author does not have a license to
practice law, does not function as an attorney, and does not
give legal advice.
You need to consider these preparation factors:
Recorder-Observer Team
When two people accompany a victim of bailiff brutality or abuse, they might find it
difficult to record and write what happens, but they should do so anyway, and they
should not allow anyone to take the recorder or paper or pen from them. Some such
teams might find it most effective if one acts as the writer, and the other as the
recorder/speaker, making sure to say the names and badge numbers of the assailants,
and say what happens when it happens. Always enunciate clearly, and hold the
recording device so that the manner of holding it does not cause a lot of microphone
Follow-up Activities
You can and should work together for numerous follow up activities.
• You can hand out business cards, flyers, and pamphlets to other attendees at the
hearing, or to people waiting for a hearing or otherwise in the courthouse or on
its grounds.
• If you actually witnessed crimes by court officers, use the affidavits of at least
three people as the basis of the criminal complaint. Call the Sheriff and ask him
to come or send a deputy to take your formal complaint.
• You can inform members of the print and broadcast media of any newsworthy
• You can file a complaint with We The People Institute of Florida by visiting
• You can, as a group, send letters to the court officers demanding better
performance in the future.
• You can file a racketeering lawsuit against officers who worked together to
commit fraud or extortion.
• You can work together to get judges impeached, bailiffs fired, and attorneys
disbarred who violate the rights of litigants or court observers.
And, you should.
(a) Each deputy sheriff who is appointed shall give bond as required by
the board of county commissioners. The amount of the bond and the bond must
be approved by the board of county commissioners. The bond must be filed with
the clerk of the circuit court and be conditioned upon the faithful performance of
the duties of his or her office. A deputy sheriff may not perform any
services as deputy until he or she subscribes to the oath prescribed
for sheriffs. Sureties are liable for all fines and amercements imposed upon
their principal.
(b) The board of county commissioners of any county may accept a blanket
surety bond issued by a solvent surety company authorized to do business in this
state, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the deputy
sheriffs appointed by a sheriff, in a sum to be fixed by the board of county
commissioners. If such a blanket surety bond is accepted, individual surety bonds
for each deputy sheriff are not necessary. The cost of the blanket bond must be
paid by the appropriate sheriff's department. Sureties are liable for all fines
and amercements [money extracted as a penalty] imposed upon their
principals under the provisions of the blanket bond.
(2) SURETY COMPANIES.--The requisite of two sureties and justification of same does
not apply when surety is by a solvent surety company authorized to do business in this
(3) LIABILITY OF SHERIFF.--The giving of such bond by a deputy does not relieve the
sheriff of the liability for the acts of his or her deputies.
(1) All persons who now or hereafter are employed by or who now or hereafter are on the
payroll of the state, or any of its departments and agencies, subdivisions, counties, cities,
school boards and districts of the free public school system of the state or counties, or
institutions of higher learning, and all candidates for public office, except candidates for
federal office, are required to take an oath before any person duly authorized to
take acknowledgments of instruments for public record in the state in the
following form:
I, _____, a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America, and being
employed by or an officer of _____ and a recipient of public funds as such employee or
officer, do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the
United States and of the State of Florida.
(2) Said oath shall be filed with the records of the governing official or
employing governmental agency prior to the approval of any voucher for the
payment of salary, expenses, or other compensation.
If any person required by ss. 876.05-876.10 to take the oath herein provided for fails to
execute the same, the governing authority under which such person is employed shall
cause said person to be immediately discharged, and his or her name removed from the
payroll, and such person shall not be permitted to receive any payment as an employee
or as an officer where he or she was serving.
Any person seeking to qualify for public office who fails or refuses to file the oath
required by this act shall be held to have failed to qualify as a candidate for public office,
and the name of such person shall not be printed on the ballot as a qualified candidate.
Any governing authority or person, under whom any employee is serving or by whom
employed who shall knowingly or carelessly permit any such employee to continue in
employment after failing to comply with the provisions of ss. 876.05-876.10, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
(1) The provisions of ss. 876.05-876.10 shall apply to all employees and elected
officers of the state, including the Governor and constitutional officers and
all employees and elected officers of all cities, towns, counties, and political
subdivisions, including the educational system.
(2) This act shall take precedence over all laws relating to merit, and of civil service law.
We The People
o f F l o r i d a
Amendment I, The Constitution for the USA
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government
for a redress of grievances.
Court Watcher
Amendment I, The Constitution for the USA
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government
for a redress of grievances.
Address/Location: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Affiant says nothing further. Signed and sealed with all rights reserved.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
Affiant Name Affiant Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
Affiant’s Mailing Address
By my signature I certify that Affiant has signed and sealed this document which I believe Affiant understood.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
First Witness Name Witness Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
First Witness’s Mailing Address
Second Witness’s Mailing Address
----- Jurat - - - - -
STATE OF ________________________
COUNTY OF ________________________
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me on ___ (day) ___________ (month), ______ (year) by the
Affiant identified above, F personally known, or F produced identification of type ____________________.
Address/Location: ___________________________________________________________________________________
I believe the Target violated the following Florida Statues. See supporting narrative marked “Other.”
Common Law Fraud (a material false statement made 837.021 Perjury by contradictory statements.
with an intent to deceive, a victim’s reliance on the 837.05 False reports to law enforcement authorities.
statement, and damages) 837.055 False information to law enforcement during
760.51 Violation of Constitutional rights; threats, investigation.
intimidation 837.06 False official statements.
775.0875 Unlawful taking, possession, or use of law 838.015 Bribery.
enforcement officer's firearm; crime reclassification; 838.016 Unlawful compensation or reward for official
penalties. behavior.
775.31 Facilitating or furthering terrorism; felony or 838.021 Corruption by threat against public servant.
misdemeanor reclassification. 838.022 Official misconduct.
782.04 Murder. 838.12 Bribery in athletic contests.
782.051 Attempted felony murder. 838.15 Commercial bribe receiving.
782.07 Manslaughter; aggravated manslaughter of an 838.16 Commercial bribery.
elderly person or disabled adult; aggravated 838.21 Disclosure or use of confidential criminal justice
manslaughter of a child; aggravated manslaughter of information.
an officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical 839.04 County officers not to speculate in county
technician, or a paramedic. warrants or certificates.
782.071 Vehicular homicide. 839.05 Municipal officers not to speculate in municipal
782.072 Vessel homicide. scrip.
784.011 Assault. 839.06 Collectors not to deal in warrants, etc.;
784.021 Aggravated assault. removal.
784.03 Battery; felony battery. 839.11 Extortion by officers of the state.
784.045 Aggravated battery. 839.12 Officer failing to keep record of costs.
784.048 Stalking; definitions; penalties. 839.13 Falsifying records.
784.05 Culpable negligence. 839.14 Officer withholding records from successor.
787.05 Unlawfully obtaining labor or services. 839.15 Judicial officer withholding records.
787.06 Kidnapping, slavery, false imprisonment, 839.16 Fraud of clerk in drawing jury.
human trafficking. 839.17 Misappropriation of moneys by commissioners
800.02 Unnatural and lascivious act. to make sales.
800.03 Exposure of sexual organs. 839.18 Penalty for officer assuming to act before
800.04 Lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or qualification.
in the presence of persons less than 16 years of age. 839.19 Failure to execute process generally.
810.08 Trespass in structure or conveyance. 839.20 Refusal to execute criminal process.
810.09 Trespass on property other than structure or 839.21 Refusal to receive prisoner.
conveyance. 839.23 Officer taking insufficient bail.
810.095 Trespass on school property with firearm or 839.24 Penalty for failure to perform duty required of
other weapon prohibited. officer.
810.097 Trespass upon grounds or facilities of a 839.26 Misuse of confidential information.
school; penalties; arrest. 843.06 Neglect or refusal to aid peace officers.
817.155 Matters within jurisdiction of Department of 843.08 Falsely personating officer, etc.
State; false, fictitious, or fraudulent acts, statements, 843.085 Unlawful use of police badges or other indicia
and representations prohibited; penalty; statute of of authority.
limitations. 843.0855 Criminal actions under color of law or
817.29 Cheating. through use of simulated legal process.
817.49 False reports of commission of crimes; penalty. 843.14 Compounding felony.
817.568 Criminal use of personal identification 876.05 Public employees; oath.
information. 876.06 Discharge for refusal to execute.
817.5681 Breach of security concerning confidential 876.07 Oath as prerequisite to qualification for public
personal information in third-party possession; office.
administrative penalties. 876.08 Penalty for not discharging.
817.569 Criminal use of a public record or public 876.09 Scope of law.
records information; penalties. 876.10 False oath; penalty.
837.012 Perjury when not in an official proceeding. 876.32 Treason.
837.02 Perjury in official proceedings. 876.33 Misprision of treason.
876.34 Combination to usurp government. 876.45 Closing and restricting use of highway.
876.35 Combination against part of the people of the 876.46 Penalty for going upon closed or restricted
state. highway.
876.36 Inciting insurrection. 895.02 Racketeering Definitions. (RICO)
876.37 Sabotage prevention law; definitions. 895.03 Prohibited activities and defense. (RICO)
876.38 Intentional injury to or interference with 895.04 Criminal penalties and alternative fine. (RICO)
property. 914.22 Tampering with a witness, victim, or informant.
876.40 Attempts. 914.23 Retaliating against a witness, victim, or
876.41 Conspirators. informant.
876.42 Witnesses' privileges. 918.12 Tampering with jurors.
876.43 Unlawful entry on property. 918.13 Tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
876.44 Questioning and detaining suspected persons.
Affiant says nothing further. Signed and sealed with all rights reserved.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
Affiant Name Affiant Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
Affiant’s Mailing Address
By my signature I certify that Affiant has signed and sealed this document which I believe Affiant understood.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
First Witness Name Witness Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
First Witness’s Mailing Address
Second Witness’s Mailing Address
----- Jurat - - - - -
STATE OF ________________________
COUNTY OF ________________________
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me on ___ (day) ___________ (month), ______ (year) by the
Affiant identified above, F personally known, or F produced identification of type ____________________.
Address/Location: ___________________________________________________________________________________
I believe the Target violated the following United States Code. See supporting narrative marked “Other.”
Perjury against his/her oath of office by to be acknowledged any judgment in the name of any
subscribing to a material matter he/she knows to be other person not privy or consenting to the same (18
false (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1621); U.S.C. Sec. 1506);
Subornation of perjury by procuring another to Involuntary bail by acknowledging or procuring to be
commit perjury (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1622); acknowledged any recognizance or bail in the name of
Treason against the American People by levying any other person not privy or consenting to the same
war against their Constitution or aiding its enemies (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1506);
(Article III, Section 3; 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2381); Impeding a case filed under title 11 or in
Insurrection against the Constitution by inciting, contemplation of such matter by impeding,
assisting or engaging in rebellion against the obstructing or influencing any such case or
Constitutional authority of the United States of contemplation by destroying, mutilating, altering,
America (18 U.S.C. Sec. 2383); concealing, covering-up, falsifying, or making a false
Sedition/seditious conspiracy by conspiring to entry in any record, document, or tangible object (18
overthrow the Constitutional government or delay the U.S.C. Esc. 1519);
execution of a law of the United States of America (18 Impeding a matter under agency/department
U.S.C. Sec. 2384); investigation, administration or jurisdiction by
Misprison of treason by failing to report treason when impeding, obstructing or influencing any such matter by
so noted (18 U.S.C. Sec. 2382); destroying, mutilating, altering, concealing, covering-
Misprison of felony by failing to report commission of up, falsifying, or making a false entry in any record,
a felony when so noted (18 U.S.C. Sec. 4); document, or tangible object (18 U.S.C. Esc. 1519);
Impeding due exercise of rights by attempting to Retaliation against a witness (18 U.S.C. Sec.
prevent, obstruct, impede or interfere with same (18 1513);
U.S.C. Sec. 1509); Tampering with a witness (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1512);
Extortion by obtaining property, funds or patronage [Regarding a maritime jurisdiction (also see Piracy
under pretense of office (18 U.S.C. Sec. 872); below)]
Money laundering by conducting or attempting to Assault within the maritime jurisdiction (18 U.S.C.
conduct a financial transaction with the proceeds of an Sec. 113);
unlawful activity (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1956); Theft within the special maritime jurisdiction by
Blackmail by threatening to inform, or as a obtaining something of value from a person or
consideration for not informing, against any violation of procuring the execution, endorsement, or signature and
any law for the purpose of demanding or receiving delivery of a negotiable instrument, draft, check or real
money or other value (18 U.S.C. Sec. 873); or personal property under fraud or false pretenses (18
Fraud by a judge by falsifying or concealing a material U.S.C. Sec. 1025);
fact, making a false representation, writing a false Plunder money, goods, merchandise, or other effects
document, or having knowledge that a document is from or belonging to a vessel in distress within the
false (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001); admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the United
Making a false declaration before a United States States (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1658);
court (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1623); [Regarding a foreign official]
Racketeering by conducting an ongoing enterprise of “’Foreign Government’ means the government of a
robbery, bribery, extortion, or threats of same (18 foreign country, irrespective of recognition by the U.S.
U.S.C. Sec. 1962); (18 U.S.C. 1116);
Conspiracy to offend or defraud the United States Assaulting a foreign official by striking, imprisoning,
(18 U.S.C. Sec. 371); coercing, threatening, intimidating or offering violence
Influencing/injuring a court officer by threats or to a foreign official or official guest (18 U.S.C. Sec.
force (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1503); 112);
Bribery of a public official witness (circle one) by Extortion of a foreign official by threatening assault
offering/promising something of value to influence an (18 U.S.C. Sec. 878)
official act (18 U.S.C. Sec. 201); [10 years imprisonment]
Obstructing a criminal investigation by preventing Plunder money, goods, merchandise, or other effects
the communication of information relating to a violation from or belonging to a vessel in distress within the
of any criminal statute of the United States to a criminal admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the United
investigator (18 U.S.C. 1510) by bribery; States (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1658);
Stealing, altering, falsifying, removing or avoiding [20 years imprisonment]
a court record with consequential impact on a Aiding / abetting slavery by holding, returning or
judgment (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1506); arresting any person to return him/her to peonage (13th
Involuntary judgment by acknowledging or procuring Amendment; 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1581);
Enticement to slavery by enticing, persuading, be mailed any a demand for reward for the release of
inducing or carrying away a person with the intent of any kidnapped person (13th Amendment; 18 U.S.C. Sec.
selling the person into involuntary servitude (13th 876);
Amendment; 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1583); [life imprisonment]
Enticement to slavery by ordering a person to Piracy on the high seas as defined in the law of
falsely represent him/herself as a United States nations (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1651);
Citizen in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 911 (13th Piracy by committing a hostile act against a citizen
Amendment; 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1583); of the United States on the high seas on pretense of
Obtain forced labor/services of a person by threat of authority from any person (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1652);
serious harm or physical restraint (13th Amendment; 18 Kidnapping by seizing, confining, inveigling, decoying,
U.S.C. Sec. 1589); kidnapping, abducting, or carrying away and holding for
Trafficking in slaves by recruiting a person for ransom or otherwise a person engaged in foreign
labor/service in violation of Title 18, U.S.C. (13th commerce or within the special maritime
Amendment; 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1590). jurisdiction of the United States (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1201)
Mailing threatening communications by causing to (see Mailing threatening communications above);
Affiant says nothing further. Signed and sealed with all rights reserved.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
Affiant Name Affiant Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
Affiant’s Mailing Address
By my signature I certify that Affiant has signed and sealed this document which I believe Affiant understood.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
First Witness Name Witness Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
First Witness’s Mailing Address
Second Witness’s Mailing Address
----- Jurat - - - - -
STATE OF ________________________
COUNTY OF ________________________
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me on ___ (day) ___________ (month), ______ (year) by the
Affiant identified above, F personally known, or F produced identification of type ____________________.