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I S Code List

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IS:280-1978 Spec. For mild steel wire for general engineering purposes.
IS:383-1970 Spec. For coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for
460(P-I)-1985 Spec. For test sieves
456-2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
460(P-II)-1985 Spec. For test sieves
516-1959 Methods of tests for strength of concrete
650-1991 Standard sand for testing cement specification
702-1988 Industrial bitumen ( second revision)
736-1986 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, plates
814-1974 Covered electrodes for metal arc welding of mild steel
823-1964 Code of procedure for manual arc welding of mild steel
961-1975 Structural steel (High tensile)
1002-1956 Multipurpose grease no.1,no.2 & no.3
1030-1974 Steel casting for general purpose
1077-1976 Common burnt clay bricks
1124-1974 Method of testing for determination of water absorption, apparent
specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones

1129-1972 Dressing of natural building stone

1139-1966 Hot rolled mild steel & medium tensile steel deformed bars foe
concrete reinforcement
1148-1973 Rivet bar for structural purposes
1195-1968 Procedure for testing of hardness no. of bitumen mastic
1199-1959 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
1200-1974 part-2 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works

1200-1974 part-24 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works

IS 1201-1978 To Indian standard methods for Testing of tar and bitumen

1239-1979 Mild steel tubes (fourth revision)
1239-1979 part-ii Mild steel tubular rods and other rods steel pipe fittings (revision)

1364-1967 Precision and semi-precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts & lock
nuts (dia. Range 6mm to 39mm) (first revision)
1367-1984 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners
1387-1967 General requirements for supply of metallurgical materials
1398-1960 Packing paper, water-proof, bitumen-laminated
1442-1964 Covered electrodes fir metal arc welding of high tensile structural
1448 Method of tests for petroleum and its products
1477 Code of practice for finishing of iron and steel/ferrous metal in
building:- painting and allied finishes
1489-1991 Portland-pozzolona cement
1498-1970 Classification and identification of soils for general engineering
1514-1959 Method of sampling and test for quick lime and hydrated lime
1791-1985 General requirements for batch type concrete mixers
1838 Performed filler for expansion joint in concrete pavement and
structures (non-extruding and resilient type)
1838-(part-1) 1983 Bitumen impregnated fibre (first revision)

1888-1982 Method of load tests on soils

1893-1984 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures
2185(P-II)-1983 Spec. for concrete units
2386(P-II)-1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete
2386(P-III)-1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete
2395(P-I)-1994 Painting of concrete, masonry and plaster surfaces
2395(PII)-1994 Painting of concrete, masonry and plaster surfaces
2430-1986 Method of aggregates for concrete
2572-1963 Code of practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry.

2720(p-I)-1983 Methods of test for soils (Dry soil samples)

2720(P-II)1973 Methods of test for soils (W.L)
2720(P-III/Sec I)- Methods of test for soils (S.G)
2720 (P-IV)-1985 Methods of test for soils (Grain size analysis)
2720(P-V)-1985 Methods of test for soils (Liquid and plastic limit)
2720(P-VI)-1972 Methods of test for soils (Shrinkage factors)
2720(P-XV)-1986 Methods of test for soils (Consolidation properties)
2720(p-XXVI)1987 Methods of test for soils (PH value)
2720(P-28)-1974 Methods of test for soils (dry density)
3597-1998 Concrete pipes-method of test
4031-1988 Method of physical tests for hydraulic cement
4032-1985 Method of chemical Analysis of hydraulic cement
4082-1996 Stacking and storage of construction materials and component at
site recommendations
4326-1993 Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings code of
4634-1991 Batch type concrete mixers method of test performance
4826-1979 Spec. for hot dipped galvanized coatings on round steel wires

5758-1984 Spec. for pre cast concrete kerbs, channels edgings, quadrants and
gutter aprons
6042-1969 Code of practice for construction of light weight concrete block
6278-1971 Code of practice for construction of light weight concrete block
6313(P-I)-1981 Code of practice for anti termite measures in buildings
6313(P-II)-1981 Code of practice for anti termite measures in buildings
6461(P-VIII)-1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete.
7246-1974 Recommendations for the use of table vibrators for consolidating
8112-1989 43 grade O.P.C specification
9013-1978 Method of making , curing and deterning compressive strength of
accelerated cured concrete test specimens
9284-1979 Method of tests for abrasion resistance of concrete
9429-1980 Code of practice for Drainage system for earth and rock fill dams

10080-1982 Spec. For vibration machine

RVD-1997 Classified list of Indian Stands
SP-27-1987 (IS: (River valley engineering) (RVD) Hand book of method of
2,IS: 1200) measurement of building works.
SP-35 (S & T)-1987 Hand book of water supply and drainage (with special emphasis on
SP-36-(P-2)-1988 Compendium of Indian Standards on Soil Engineering part-2 field
testing of soils for civil engineering purposes.
IS: 1725-1982 Soil product
1888-1982 Method of local test on soils
1892-1979 Subsurface investigation for foundations
2131-1981 Standard penetration test
2132-1986 Code of practice for thin-walled tube sampling of soils
2720-(P-28)-1974 Methods of test for soils
Determination of dry density of soils, in-space, by the sand
replacement method
2720-(P-29)-1975 Determination of dry density of soils, in-space, by the core. cutter
2720-(P-31)-1969 Field determination of California bearing ratio
2720-(P-33)-1971 Determination of the density of soil in-space by the ring and water
replacement method
2720-(P-34)-1972 Determination of the density of soil in-space by rubber-balloon
2720-(P-39/sec-2) Direct shear test for soils containing gravel-in-situ shear test
4434-1978 Code of practice for in-situ vane shear test for soils
4968(P-1)-1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils
Dynamic method using 50mm cone without Bento Nite slurry
4968(P-2)-1976 -Do-
Dynamic method using cone and Bento Nite slurry
4968(P-3)-1976 -Do-
Static cone penetration test
8763-1978 Guide for undisturbed soil sampling of sand
9214-1979 Method of deter. Of modulus of sub grade reaction (K-Value) of
soils in field
9640-1980 Specification for split spoon sampler
10042-1981 Load of practice for site investigations for foundation in gravel
boulder deposit
IS: 10108-1982 Code of practice for sampling of soils by thin wall sampler with
stationary piston
10379-1982 Code of practice for field control of moisture and compaction of soil
for embankment and sub grade
10442-1983 Spec. For earth augers (spiral type)
10593-1986 Spec. For equipment for subsurface sounding of soils
11593-1986 Spec. For shear box (Large) for testing of soils
11594-1985 Spec. For mild steel thin walled sampling tubes and sampler meads
13827-1993 Guidelines for improving earthquake resistance-earthen buildings
13828-1993 Improving earthquake resistance of low strength masonary
buildings - guidelines
13920-1993 Code of practice for ductility detailing of reinforced concrete
structures subjected to Seismic forces
Concrete Mix Design
The process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their relative
amounts with the objective of producing a concrete of the required, strength, durability,
and workability as economically as possible, is termed the concrete mix design. The
proportioning of ingredient of concrete is governed by the required performance of
concrete in 2 states, namely the plastic and the hardened states. If the plastic concrete is
not workable, it cannot be properly placed and compacted. The property of workability,
therefore, becomes of vital importance.
The compressive strength of hardened concrete which is generally considered to be an
index of its other properties, depends upon many factors, e.g. quality and quantity of
cement, water and aggregates; batching and mixing; placing, compaction and curing. The
cost of concrete is made up of the cost of materials, plant and labour. The variations in
the cost of materials arise from the fact that the cement is several times costly than the
aggregate, thus the aim is to produce as lean a mix as possible. From technical point of
view the rich mixes may lead to high shrinkage and cracking in the structural concrete,
and to evolution of high heat of hydration in mass concrete which may cause cracking.
The actual cost of concrete is related to the cost of materials required for producing a
minimum mean strength called characteristic strength that is specified by the designer of
the structure. This depends on the quality control measures, but there is no doubt that the
quality control adds to the cost of concrete. The extent of quality control is often an
economic compromise, and depends on the size and type of job. The cost of labour
depends on the workability of mix, e.g., a concrete mix of inadequate workability may
result in a high cost of labour to obtain a degree of compaction with available equipment.

Requirements of concrete mix design

The requirements which form the basis of selection and proportioning of mix
ingredients are :
a ) The minimum compressive strength required from structural consideration
b) The adequate workability necessary for full compaction with the compacting
equipment available.
c) Maximum water-cement ratio and/or maximum cement content to give
adequate durability for the particular site conditions
d) Maximum cement content to avoid shrinkage cracking due to temperature cycle
in mass concrete.

Types of Mixes
1. Nominal Mixes
In the past the specifications for concrete prescribed the proportions of cement,
fine and coarse aggregates. These mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio which
ensures adequate strength are termed nominal mixes. These offer simplicity and
under normal circumstances, have a margin of strength above that specified.
However, due to the variability of mix ingredients the nominal concrete for a
given workability varies widely in strength.

2. Standard mixes
The nominal mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio (by volume) vary widely in strength
and may result in under- or over-rich mixes. For this reason, the minimum compressive
strength has been included in many specifications. These mixes are termed standard
IS 456-2000 has designated the concrete mixes into a number of grades as M10, M15,
M20, M25, M30, M35 and M40. In this designation the letter M refers to the mix and the
number to the specified 28 day cube strength of mix in N/mm2. The mixes of grades M10,
M15, M20 and M25 correspond approximately to the mix proportions (1:3:6), (1:2:4),
(1:1.5:3) and (1:1:2) respectively.

3. Designed Mixes
In these mixes the performance of the concrete is specified by the designer but the mix
proportions are determined by the producer of concrete, except that the minimum cement
content can be laid down. This is most rational approach to the selection of mix
proportions with specific materials in mind possessing more or less unique
characteristics. The approach results in the production of concrete with the appropriate
properties most economically. However, the designed mix does not serve as a guide since
this does not guarantee the correct mix proportions for the prescribed performance.
For the concrete with undemanding performance nominal or standard mixes (prescribed
in the codes by quantities of dry ingredients per cubic meter and by slump) may be used
only for very small jobs, when the 28-day strength of concrete does not exceed 30
N/mm2. No control testing is necessary reliance being placed on the masses of the

Factors affecting the choice of mix proportions

The various factors affecting the mix design are:

1. Compressive strength
It is one of the most important properties of concrete and influences many other
describable properties of the hardened concrete. The mean compressive strength required
at a specific age, usually 28 days, determines the nominal water-cement ratio of the mix.
The other factor affecting the strength of concrete at a given age and cured at a prescribed
temperature is the degree of compaction. According to Abraham’s law the strength of
fully compacted concrete is inversely proportional to the water-cement ratio.
2. Workability
The degree of workability required depends on three factors. These are the size of the
section to be concreted, the amount of reinforcement, and the method of compaction to be
used. For the narrow and complicated section with numerous corners or inaccessible
parts, the concrete must have a high workability so that full compaction can be achieved
with a reasonable amount of effort. This also applies to the embedded steel sections. The
desired workability depends on the compacting equipment available at the site.

3. Durability
The durability of concrete is its resistance to the aggressive environmental conditions.
High strength concrete is generally more durable than low strength concrete. In the
situations when the high strength is not necessary but the conditions of exposure are such
that high durability is vital, the durability requirement will determine the water-cement
ratio to be used.

4. Maximum nominal size of aggregate

In general, larger the maximum size of aggregate, smaller is the cement requirement for a
particular water-cement ratio, because the workability of concrete increases with increase
in maximum size of the aggregate. However, the compressive strength tends to increase
with the decrease in size of aggregate.
IS 456:2000 and IS 1343:1980 recommend that the nominal size of the aggregate should
be as large as possible.

5. Grading and type of aggregate

The grading of aggregate influences the mix proportions for a specified workability and
water-cement ratio. Coarser the grading leaner will be mix which can be used. Very lean
mix is not desirable since it does not contain enough finer material to make the concrete
The type of aggregate influences strongly the aggregate-cement ratio for the desired
workability and stipulated water cement ratio. An important feature of a satisfactory
aggregate is the uniformity of the grading which can be achieved by mixing different size
6. Quality Control
The degree of control can be estimated statistically by the variations in test results. The
variation in strength results from the variations in the properties of the mix ingredients
and lack of control of accuracy in batching, mixing, placing, curing and testing. The
lower the difference between the mean and minimum strengths of the mix lower will be
the cement-content required. The factor controlling this difference is termed as quality

Mix Proportion designations

The common method of expressing the proportions of ingredients of a concrete mix is in
the terms of parts or ratios of cement, fine and coarse aggregates. For e.g., a concrete mix
of proportions 1:2:4 means that cement, fine and coarse aggregate are in the ratio 1:2:4 or
the mix contains one part of cement, two parts of fine aggregate and four parts of coarse
aggregate. The proportions are either by volume or by mass. The water-cement ratio is
usually expressed in mass

Factors to be considered for mix design

 The grade designation giving the characteristic strength requirement of concrete.
 The type of cement influences the rate of development of compressive strength of
 Maximum nominal size of aggregates to be used in concrete may be as large as
possible within the limits prescribed by IS 456:2000.
 The cement content is to be limited from shrinkage, cracking and creep.
 The workability of concrete for satisfactory placing and compaction is related to the
size and shape of section, quantity and spacing of reinforcement and technique used for
transportation, placing and compaction.

1. Determine the mean target strength ft from the specified characteristic compressive
strength at 28-day fck and the level of quality control.
ft = fck + 1.65 S
where S is the standard deviation obtained from the Table of approximate contents given
after the design mix.
2. Obtain the water cement ratio for the desired mean target using the emperical
relationship between compressive strength and water cement ratio so chosen is checked
against the limiting water cement ratio. The water cement ratio so chosen is checked
against the limiting water cement ratio for the requirements of durability given in table
and adopts the lower of the two values.
3. Estimate the amount of entrapped air for maximum nominal size of the aggregate from
the table.
4. Select the water content, for the required workability and maximum size of aggregates
(for aggregates in saturated surface dry condition) from table.
5. Determine the percentage of fine aggregate in total aggregate by absolute volume from
table for the concrete using crushed coarse aggregate.
6. Adjust the values of water content and percentage of sand as provided in the table for
any difference in workability, water cement ratio, grading of fine aggregate and for
rounded aggregate the values are given in table.
7. Calculate the cement content form the water-cement ratio and the final water content as
arrived after adjustment. Check the cement against the minimum cement content from the
requirements of the durability, and greater of the two values is adopted.
8. From the quantities of water and cement per unit volume of concrete and the
percentage of sand already determined in steps 6 and 7 above, calculate the content of
coarse and fine aggregates per unit volume of concrete from the following relations:

where V = absolute volume of concrete

= gross volume (1m3) minus the volume of entrapped air
Sc = specific gravity of cement
W = Mass of water per cubic metre of concrete, kg
C = mass of cement per cubic metre of concrete, kg
p = ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume
fa, Ca = total masses of fine and coarse aggregates, per cubic metre of
concrete, respectively, kg, and
Sfa, Sca = specific gravities of saturated surface dry fine and coarse
aggregates, respectively
9. Determine the concrete mix proportions for the first trial mix.
10. Prepare the concrete using the calculated proportions and cast three cubes of 150 mm
size and test them wet after 28-days moist curing and check for the strength.
11. Prepare trial mixes with suitable adjustments till the final mix proportions are arrived

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