1. Dodong proposed marriage to Teang at a young age of 17 without fully considering the responsibilities of marriage and family.
2. Within six years, Teang gave birth to seven children, struggling under the burden while secretly regretting her early marriage.
3. When their son Blas wants to marry young like they did, Dodong reminds him to think twice but does not stop him, aware of his own past mistakes in rushing hastily into marriage without considering the challenges of life.
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1. Dodong proposed marriage to Teang at a young age of 17 without fully considering the responsibilities of marriage and family.
2. Within six years, Teang gave birth to seven children, struggling under the burden while secretly regretting her early marriage.
3. When their son Blas wants to marry young like they did, Dodong reminds him to think twice but does not stop him, aware of his own past mistakes in rushing hastily into marriage without considering the challenges of life.
1. Dodong proposed marriage to Teang at a young age of 17 without fully considering the responsibilities of marriage and family.
2. Within six years, Teang gave birth to seven children, struggling under the burden while secretly regretting her early marriage.
3. When their son Blas wants to marry young like they did, Dodong reminds him to think twice but does not stop him, aware of his own past mistakes in rushing hastily into marriage without considering the challenges of life.
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1. Dodong proposed marriage to Teang at a young age of 17 without fully considering the responsibilities of marriage and family.
2. Within six years, Teang gave birth to seven children, struggling under the burden while secretly regretting her early marriage.
3. When their son Blas wants to marry young like they did, Dodong reminds him to think twice but does not stop him, aware of his own past mistakes in rushing hastily into marriage without considering the challenges of life.
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Footnote to Youth
By: Jose Garcia Villa
Who is Jose Garcia Villa?
José Garcia Villa was born on
August 5,1908 in Malate, Manila, Philippines, one of six children of Guia Garcia and Dr. Simeon Villa. Villa began painting as a boy and published his first story in the Manila Times at the age of fifteen His father enrolled him in the College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines in 1925. He received his associate in arts degree from the UP College of Liberal Arts in 1927 and transferred to the College of Law in 1928, simultaneously taking classes in fine arts. In college, he became a charter member of the university’s Writers Club. In his second year of law school, his “Man-Songs” (written under the pseudonym O. Sevilla; the pseudonym he was to adopt later was Doveglion [Dove- eagle-lion]) appeared in the Philippines Herald and caused him to be suspended from the club for a year because of his “immoral” poems. With the prize of 1,000 pesos ($500) he won in the Philippine Free Press Contest for his short story “Mir-i-nisa,” he immigrated to the United States in 1929, where he lived the rest of his life, except for brief visits to the Philippines. Summary of the Footnote to Youth Dodong wanted to marry Teang and asked his father's permission. Thinking that since they are young, their love would be short, he allowed them to get married. After nine months, Teang gave birth to a child named Blas. For six consecutive years, a new child came along. Teang did not complain even though she secretly regretted being married at an early age. Sometimes she even wondered if she would have the same life if Lucio, her other suitor who was nine years older than Dodong, was the one she married. Lucio has had no children since the time he married. When Teang and Dodong were twenty they looked like they were fifty. When Blas was 18, he told his father that he would marry Tona Dodong did not - and could not - stop Blas from marrying Tona. Therefore, he didn't object. Instead, he just reminded him that Blas is still very young and might as well think twice before rushing to marriage. It simply tells the story of an older person who made a mistake in the past who ended up with a not so pleasurable life. Then he had a son who is like him when he was young. His son is hasty in making the decision to get married, just like he was when he was 17. But, as the ending goes: "Youth must triumph... now. Love must triumph... now. As long ago did youth and love triumphed for Dodong. And then... life. 1. Is the title suitable to the story? Footnote to youth is the title of the story. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is a brief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today. It also indicates the sources or the causes why youth act this way. Yes it is suitable to the story because it gives a warning for those apathetic youth that ones committed mistake because of their stubbornness. 2. What is the predominant element in the story- plot, theme, character, and setting? The predominant element on this story is the character and the setting. The setting has a great impact because the story definitely empathizes the situations of a Filipino person because most of us are at the poverty line or below the poverty line. The characters had their own definite description, their conversation is different from one another, and they act as unique as their personality, it enhances the story even more. The act of the characters seems to bring up the whole story. 3. Who is the single main character about whom the story centers? The story centers at the character of Dodong. Dodong is the one who represents the typical youth that experiencing a lot of uncertainties in life that make him realize that he sacrifice his youth just for the sake of proving himself that he can manage his own life because he is matured enough to face this life’s challenges. 4. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Internal conflict confronts the leading character. Man vs. himself because he was struggling if he can managed himself to have a family because he knows that he is in the legal age that he can be independent and can definitely choose the right from wrong. But because of his foolishness, he had difficult time meeting the expectations that he must achieve. 5. How is the conflict resolved? It was not resolved at all because he just realized that he was wrong for being stubborn and foolish that he was not listening to his parents about dealing with marriage, family and life after marriage. And now that he has his own family, he just accepts the fact that it already happens. Also because of his unconditional love to Teang, he did not lose the battle and give up. The story just finished with realization and somehow covering up things for the sake of his family. 6. How does the author handle the characterization? It is the mixture of all the methods which are through description, conversation of each character, and their actions. Footnote to youth talks about the youth as of today. It make possible to illustrate what a typical youth will be in the story so as a result, the author really brings out each individual through describing them one by one. And in this story it comes to pass. It also embarks upon on how the characters will converse to one another and how they act in accordance on how they stick to their main beliefs. 7. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? The writer is the one responsible in letting know the story of Footnote to Youth. The omniscient viewpoint is used since a third person speaker who recognizes the whole thing about all the characters is all-knowing. The person who reads distinguishes about the impression and feelings of all the characters in the piece. He knows every detailed event that happens on Dodong’s life. 8. Where does the primary action take place? The primary action takes place on their farm land especially on the field where the crops are planted wherein the ground is broken up into many fresh wounds and fragrant with a sweetish earthly smell. It has many slender soft worms emerged from the furrows and then burrowed again deeper in the soil. 9. What is the time setting for the action? Period of history? Season? Time of the day? The time setting is almost the whole day from the morning until evening. The period of history on this story is on the 20th-21st century. It is the time of planting season almost June to August. There is no specific time of the day because it happens almost the whole day. 10. How much time does the story cover?
The story covers from the day
that Dodong proposed to Teang until they receive 7 children. 11. How does the story get started? What is the initial incident? The story started when Dodong started homeward or going home as fast as he can, thinking on how he would break the news to his father about wanting to marry Teang because Dodong knows that he is seventeen and he is legal and mature enough to have a family and to face life. The initial incident is that when Dodong already breaks the news to his father. 12. Briefly describe the rising action of the story? The rising action of the story of Footnote to Youth is that when Dodong was afraid to go to his home because he wanted to get out of it without clear reason at all. He felt afraid that it seems to caged him and also of Teang because Teang was giving birth in the house. It was the first child of Teang and Dodong for that matter. He began to wonder madly if the process of childbirth was really painful. And after that Dodong was feeling a little bit embarrassment because he was ashamed to his mother of his youthful paternity. 13. What is the high point or the climax of the story? The highest point in the story is when Dodong saw her wife in the bamboo bed or “papag” with his firstborn child. He heard his baby’s cry that pierced him queerly. He could not control the swelling happiness in him. Then Dodong wanted to touch the baby and give her a sense of father’s touch. 14. What is the falling action of the story? The falling action of the story is that he had 7 children all in all. And since the coming of the children could not be helped, Dodong got angry at himself sometimes. And these things came to him as a realization. He wanted to ask questions and somebody to answer him. And he realize that why Life did not fulfill Youth’s entire dream. Dodong returned to the house humiliated by him because he has wanted to know a little wisdom but was denied it. 15. Does this story create any special mood? Yes. The sense of mercy and pity to Dodong because he was suffering of life’s real experiences. And he had no way to stop this and because of this, he was embarrassed and humiliated on what he had done because of his eager to face life without any guarantee of orienting himself about it. We can also see the disappointment because the youth of today is like Dodong who is apathetic about the real score in life and because they say that they are mature, close- mindedness are being seen for this. Most of the youth today entered early marriage because they cannot escape from the consequences of their acts. Acts of eagerness , curiosity, and selfishness. 16. Is this story realistic or true to life?
Yes, this story is true to life and all the youth
is experiencing this kind of trouble. 17. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback or in chronological order? The events are presented in chronological order from the time that Dodong proposed to Teang, to breaking the news to his father, until marrying Teang and having their first born, and lastly having 7 children and realizing the fact that it is hard to have a family with a very young age and because of these things, his youth was sacrificed and put at stake. 18. Was the selection written as a short story or is it a condensation or excerpt? Is it taken from a collection of stories?
The selection is clearly written as a short
story. It is not taken from a collection of stories. 19. What is the general theme of the story? What is the underlying theme? The general theme for this story is youth must triumph now. Love must triumph now. As long ago did youth and love triumph for Dodong and then life. That life is not as easy as it should be. Life is said to be simple but it is hard to manage and hard to deal with. 20. Identify yourself with any of the characters? I would like to identify myself with the father of Dodong. Because as an educated person, I know how life would bring me if I marry at the young age. Life is really difficult and it is not an easy task to deal with. Like me, parents know more about this stuff because they already experienced it. And I do empathize and sympathize with his father. He wants only the best for his son. And I, I want first to see the best in me so that I could face the reality and do not suffer that life will bring to me. 21. Does the story contain any following elements? It has some incongruity because at the end of the story, there is a situation wherein Teang was put into spot about her realization although it revolves about Dodong, the author place Teang’s realization about her life with Dodong. It attempts to inspire an improvement in society rather than just tear down with criticism. 22. Was there a villain in the story? A hero? A dynamic character? There is a dynamic character in this story in the person of the father of Dodong. He is the one that made Dodong to think twice in his decisions because his father knows what will happen if he will pursue on marrying Teang. He is at first not supportive to his son’s news but because he wants him to learn about the life’s pros and cons, he let his son to experienced it. 23. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Personification is one of the figurative speeches that are used for this story. And its example: “A short colorless worm marched blindly to Dodong’s foot…” Also it uses hyperbole like for example: “youth must be dreamfully sweet. Dreamfully sweet” 24. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? Yes. It simply tells the story of an older person who made a mistake in the past who ended up with a not so pleasurable life. Then he had a son who is like him when he was young. His son is hasty in making the decision to get married, just like he was when he was 17. And it really applies to us Filipinos specially the youth. It gives the impression to have a wise choice in dealing with life. 25. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell how the author makes the reader conscious of its trait. One major personality trait of each leading character is the uninterested when in comes to reality of life. The author makes the reader conscious about this through the way Dodong act when he was married with Teang and when he realized that it is difficult to be a father and to have a family. They know that life is just sweet and easy because they are living a simple life. 26. Does the story have a moral? Yes. We learned that having a family is really hard to do and needs a lot of thinking before pursuing to do it. Also, being aware and conscious of the Filipinos in terms of our status in life that it is not practical for a typical youth to get married if they are not physically, financially, emotionally, psychologically stable. Furthermore, it is better for us to follow what our parents think for us is best because our parents really knows how life should be. They already experienced these things and they don’t want us to experience this kind of things. Finally, we must have proper education about responsible parenthood to avoid consequences when we engaged to have a family. LIFE is like an exam that we have to pass. It’s a multiple choice to realize that we always have options. A true or false that we need to distinguish between right and wrong. A matching type, deciding what is best for us that match with our skills and passions. An identification to understand that we have our own identity and uniqueness as an individual. Most of all, life is an essay and we are its author. Its in our hands to decide how our own story runs… Thank You…