Chemical Earthing
Chemical Earthing
Chemical Earthing
2 Why Electrical Earthing? 2Specification For Alfredkim Electrodes
6 It must be near to the point of application.
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$ The conventional pit type copper plate Earthing with large Quantity of Charcoal & Salt was requiring large
area of about 4ǯx3ǯor 6ǯx4ǯ & depth used to be 20ǯ to60ǯ (7 to 20 mtr)depending on the soil condition.
$ This much area was conveniently available in the factories/office premises
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& therefore to maintain the low resistance of the earthing wire from the earth pit to the machinery the
copper wire of 8/10 swg was used.
+$ The copper wire thus used was cash & carry item for professional wire cutters who used to cut the wire at
the first opportunity there by disconnecting the earthing system & causing an electrical danger to the
$ The space is become expensive & in short supply.
$ The conventional pit type earthings is very cumbersome, laborious & occupies more space in term of sq. mtr
& it is being replaced with chemical pipe earthings.
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o. It is therefore observed that
required to be made for maintaining moisture
10. Instead of water producing the moisture in the earth pit the additional quantity of water poured in with a
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further deteriorate the functioning of the earth system.
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1. The pipe for the chemical earthing are generally 2 mtr or 3mtr in length therefore the
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3. The efficacy of the chemical earthing to maintain the moisture which is essential for low ohmic values of
earthing resistance is ( % %% %0 %%which absorb the
moisture but doesnǯt get dissolved in the water unlike salt.
4. The %%(- (*8*;6 & -&66"
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6. The CCM filled in the pipe being a good conductor increases the fault current capacity of the system because
the pipe is hollow
7. The CCM resists
due to
severe repeated electric faults which may happen in operations over the year.
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$ inc oxide so formed is &
&$ inc oxide has a %% 2 &% % '> %%
(Unlike in copper where the % 2&% % (%% & &%
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%$ nO finds application in +
% - - in the electronic devices like
mobile phone.
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667 #The industry, project managers & the electrical consultants find it very convincing to use &
specify the chemical pipe earthing which is % - %
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When the pipe earthing /chemical earthing/maintenance free earthing/Gel earthing or whatever name it is
called by various manufacturers the watering of the bore is necessary for the following reasons.
a. Unlike pit earthing where the salt (Nacl) & coal is used with copper plate, the pit is dug very deep
approximately 40ft to 70 ft. depending on soil conditions where the dampness/moisture is achieved at
various level of depth.
b. In case of the modern type of earthing which is
.The watering of the bore prior
to installation is necessary for the following reasons.
1. The depth of the bore is either 2m/3m (6ft/10ft) which is much less than the normal depth required in pit
2. The diameter of the bore is also limited to 200/300mm against the pit earthing which is almost in square
3.Unlike salt which is used in pit earthing which dissolves in water and salt it self becomes water in the course of
time and dries it self, thereby loosing the conductivity in surrounding of the pit. Salt itself reacts with
copper & makes copper chloride & other corrosive chemicals which corrode the copper plates.
4. The GBFC used by us absorbs the water upto 13 to 1 times its weight & dosenǯt dissolve in the water
therefore it retains its moisture property upto the lifetime of the electrode which is more than 2 years as
it contains soil friendly materials.
. Since there is no need to recharge the pit as the GBFC will remains moist through out the life, therefore it is
desirable and absolutely necessary to keep watering the bore for three to four days continuously before
installing the electrode and filling it with GBFC so that the GBFC will have moist bore available with
enough water soaked in the bore due to continuous watering before installation.
c) The CCM has a high melting temperature of 2 00°c and unlike coal it will not burn into ashes under high
temperatures of 1 00°c under high fault currents occurring due to phase to phase or phase to earth fault.
d) The humidity factor (The moisture level) is maintained by Bentonite surrounding the electrode in a slurry
form. The Bentonite has a property of absorbing water 1 times its weight and doesnǯt dissolve in the
water. It remains moist and soft through out the life. A minimum rain fall of 2. cm in a year makes the
Bentonite moist and humid for next one year and therefore the cycle keeps on repeating year of year.
Therefore, because of quality of Bentonite no additional watering is done whether in summer, winter or
rainy season i.e. under any climatic condition.
e) In India the technology is only 11 years old and the failure record is almost negligible. The earthing system
properly installed under the guidance of manufacturers can safely vouch for minimum ten years.
6 % 6 The life of chemical earthing as per the reports from USA and other country is more than 1 years
with no failure records. Some company in USA guarantees life of 30 year or may be above. They fear that
metal may erode due to chloride and oxides are formed due to under ground chemicals.
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The conventional copper pit type earthing has a deterioration factor in 3 years and maintenance every year the
watering down the pit. The ohmic values will measure at the different period of the year vary drastically
and sometimes reach failure level. There is no data available as the earthing installation is not done in the
organized sector so far and only in hand of unqualified, illiterate traditional electrician without any
electrical license whatsoever who used the quality of copper, the poorest quality of coal (Powdered coal )
and third grade quality of salt and complete the earth pit in a paltry some of Rs. 2000/ (Including there
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Itǯs a maintenance free earthing and our experience over the past two years on periodically checked by us and
other manufacturerǯs shows constant results with respect to the ohmic values.
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