Silbe 2008
Silbe 2008
Silbe 2008
Fielding Status
Improved Load Bearing Equipment Unit A/O Qty Fielded %Fielded
I MEF 50,430 47,445 94%
II MEF 54,444 48,301 88%
III MEF 26,652 24,517 92%
MARFORES 38,855 40,881 105%
Spt Est.* 41,807 32,347 77%
Total 212,188 183,339 91%
MARCORSYSCOM has conducted training using New
Equipment Training Teams (NETT) consisting of Marines,
contractor support, and a representative from the
manufacturer. This NETT provided operational and logistical
support / maintenance training to both the Engineering Lab
Teams (ELTs) and Marine Corps Operational Forces at the
unit level (Division/ Regiment/ Battalion/ Company Level).
Requirement Follow-on training will reside with the unit.
CDD Log 42.6 Improved Load Bearing Equipment w/chg1
dtd 23 Feb 2003 Supply/Logistics
UNS Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment DLA (DSCP) has been designated as the sustaining
Upgrade – 02153UA organization for this item.
15 October 2008