Clk runs tor about a year v on an HP2 battery and has 8 II the fascinaton of a little engine. To maximize fascination the working of the clock should be very visible. The pendulum carries a magnet, which receives drive from a stationary coil.
Clk runs tor about a year v on an HP2 battery and has 8 II the fascinaton of a little engine. To maximize fascination the working of the clock should be very visible. The pendulum carries a magnet, which receives drive from a stationary coil.
Clk runs tor about a year v on an HP2 battery and has 8 II the fascinaton of a little engine. To maximize fascination the working of the clock should be very visible. The pendulum carries a magnet, which receives drive from a stationary coil.
Clk runs tor about a year v on an HP2 battery and has 8 II the fascinaton of a little engine. To maximize fascination the working of the clock should be very visible. The pendulum carries a magnet, which receives drive from a stationary coil.
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An outrageous project with educational uses
· by Michael McLoughlin·Haberdashers',Aske's School, Eistree
This clock keeps tirn¢ to it few &econds a dlilY and ean be readily
· constructed with home tQots. It can bEt made bV one Individual, Of will servfl 8$ a holiday projecrt for a small
· group. It illustrates much of electricity
· . ""4 mechanics, and has been found of
· intere$t at a variety of educational
: levels. The cl~k runs tor about a year v , on an HP2 battery and has 8 II the fascinatton of a little engine. The larger moving pC'irt$ aft! cut from car(lboard and this gives th~ d.f;tvice a sJightJy Qutrageous Ch$r8~er, guarant.eing interest-from anyone
'"who sees it working.
· To maximize fascination the working of the clock should be very visible, and this sUgg~$tll the use of a pendulum. The latter carries a magnet, which receives drive from 8 stationary coil. Thus the gear train rransmirsno power ~ and the wheels only
·.need to rum each other: to record the time, 'This is such a light dutv that the wheels elm be cut from cardboard. To help
· overcome errors in consrructlon these .t : wheels are large,. and many adjustments · can be made to the dock after aMembly. ." Fig. 1 is a drawing of the gene['al arrange-
Magnetic drive to the pendulum is quirt: .!UJ old idea, with the pendulum operating a . mechanical switch to control the coil.
.. Wh~o rransistora became avails He a simpler system was devised, whereby the
· pulse induced by the magnet as it passes the coil is itsdf used to switch a short power pulse. An early system had two magnets on a balance wheel, with a stationary coil for each. One coil picked up a signal pulse) which was amplified and then fed to the other ceil as a power pulse, and each winding had perhaps a thousand
..... turns. More recently the two coils have been placed rogether and operated by a single magnet assembly, as in (he widely used German movement shown in Fig. 2.
· By comparing coil resistance with coil volume in that movement, it. may be estimated that the {WO coils contain together .some 4,$00 turns.
Such a ijgl,ll:t= completely excludes ama... teur construction. The difficulrv was ... tackled head on by cnmbiningthe two coils i; Inro a single coil of 100 turns, although this
.. ." only yields some 20m V as the magnet . passes over it. So thl': sensitive trigger cir.cWt of Pig. 3 was developed to fire on this .. small pulse. The increased sensidvity
· found in that circuit is largely due to the
· relatively low value of the 10 k{l resistor,
: ,,ThiS ensures that the first transistor is not .
'! in the stable state of the circuit,
thus it is able to amplify even small $igtlals.
We leave further ezplsnaoon of this circuit to the reader, and offer now some constructional suggestions. The reader who wishes primarily to evaluate the ideas involved is invited to proceed at once to the heading "Practical Points".
The construction will be clesc6bed in its simplest form] leaving the reader to make such adaptations as he wishes. Caution is advised, however, in making changes on the mechanical side, as these tend to have knock-on effects.
The baseboard
The materials listed in Table I. should first be assembled. To make the baseboard, cut (Jut a rectangle of centimetric graph paper 23 x 13 em, and copy on to it the points on Fig. 4, (Alternatively, lise 11 tracing of Fig, 4 itself.) Stick the graph pilper on to the dupboard base. The 10 mm cube blocks are. feet for {he baseboard: stick one under the front edge at the centre and one at each end under the rear edge. Then make) drill and bend the aluminium brackets shown in Pig, 4. Finally, drill the board as there suggested.
To mount components lise 6 BA screws Q[ about 13 mm thread length, inserting them from under the board. But do not wrap component leads (vuud the :;;;.~W$. Instead, [1;( as suggested in the next paragraph.
To fix a lead, first load the relevant screw with a 4 BA washer. Then pass the lead close to the screw and dght~nl ~CI that the lead is trapped between washer and baseboard,
Two components can re;adily be [rapped in this manner under a single washer, pro" vided that their leads pass on opposite sides of the screw. On the 1W(l occasions where a second nut is recommended, the .kaQ may be fixed by bending it. Where two washers are suggested> this is to deal with several connections] or to protect the thin coil winding: wire.
1'~'O Be10S transistors (or similar) are fined into the 5mm diameter holes from beneath. But first bend the leads on each transistor radially outwards. from me centre of in: underside] faking care not to short to the can. Trap both emitter leads at el; e2, and {be remaining leads will point to their correct f)Jl:tures. Before fixing the 1 kll potentiometer, bend outwards at right an'gles the thin extremities of its three legs.
Acquire if possible two of the small Tstyle caps that close containers of detergent or washing-up liquid, as shown in Fig, 1. If the vertical height is excessive, shave small pieces off the base V(!J;Y carefully, to arrive at the dimensions shown. The 4mm dimension is the critical one, as it affects
. pendulum length. These T pieces are the
coil formers, and after drilling should be fitted (T upright) as shown under wash. ers. The 100 turn coil can now be wound tightly auticlockwise a" shown, using wire of diameter about Y4mm (33 s.w.S).
Pendulum post
This is prepared from softwood as in Fig. 1. The sawcut which defines the bottom of this post must be made with maXiIDUl1) care. The bottom face must be at right angles to the length of the post, and must tilt neither front-to-back nor left-ro-right. N ow cut from one of the lengths of srudding sections of 7Omm, 80mm; 90mmj using pliers or junior hacksaw. Clean the ends so that nuts will tun on and off, by filing briskly at right ll.ngles to the rod . This task is made easier if a nut is already on each section when ir is cut off. Bolt the 8O:mm length into the top of the pendulum pOst to give the pendulum bearing. The pendulum rolls on this rod) abolishing bearing friction. .
Then screw tWO nuts against each other on the free forward end of this rod. Finally, screw the completed post to the baseboard as in Fig. 4. The only critical dimension in Fig. 1 is marked 284mm, and it affects pendulum length.
The pendulum
Form the bracket No.1 (Fig. 1) from 16 s.w.g, copp~r wire or similar, A regular half circle loop may be obtained by bending with the fingers round a 7mm diamerer screwdriver, for example. When Q right angie bend is required, grip the wire in pliers so that the desired point of bending lies 2mm clear. Then push the wire round firmly with. the fingers against the side of the pliers. The third loop is formed round
. pliers to embrace 6 BA rod. The first attempt at rhis bracket can be treated as a training run and discarded. The second attempt will be: almost perfect!
The: pendulum can now be assembled from Fig. 1. The largest fa(:es of the ferrites will be the magp,e1;~cally active surfaces) and (he North seeking face can read-
AU wire bfOOl!t~ fi~ed with woadscre)o's & w~!l!!r~
nO~50x25 '
f10URS WHHl (FUllSize detail)
Fig. 1. Essential m$t;;:hanisw of the cardboard clock, $how:lrrg parts of thfiJ three wh("!e/s and the axle support system. The pendutum has B period of 1Hz and.$o It cranks the seconds whfJel directly. The offset sp{ke Ilt the centre ort"~ S6(;Qnr:ls Wf)S8/ drives the minutes wheel. Win;! bri!/ckets are also shown. For the coil farmers, if T,sryle caps from detergent containers are not avaif<lbfe, use two pieces of meteris! 3-4mm thick as shown.
. be . identified by hanging a fc~itc from thread. Fine adjusUllenl of timekeeping is made' by varying the position of the small weight indicated. It should he trapped on the rod between nuts and washers, and set initially some 40mm dear of : the coin stack. All the coins can be recovered undamaged at any time by shearing the stack in a vice, to break the bonds of the glue.
Adjust the position of the upper bracket <on the rod so that the semicircles made in (it roll on the pendulum bearing) while the magnets at the botrom dear the coil by ImIDo This task is slightly easier if the washer below the bracket is of the non-slip variety. Install the battery, adjust the pot to about mid range, and set the bob swinging: with a travel of 50mm or so. It should continue to swing indefinitely, with the amplitude adjustableon the pur. This SUccess will encourage completion of the count wheel system.
. Seconds wlleel
Bend the bracket No.4 as shown in Fiti- .1. , The V bends as indicated must be tight, ~d just over a right angle. For these V bearings, the important point is to provide II. gap beneath the 6 BA rod. Even the smallest gap is perfectly satisfactory _ This feature removes any tendency for. a wheel to rQ11 back after being moved. The same care must also be used in constructing the V bearings on the later brackets.
Using an l Srnm No.6 woodscrew with a washer under the head, clamp {he bracket
S 11 £1' bt, refer ~ 1]-1
eZ I (~ ,bZ .refer rn 1?
Q", 3mm dlel. -$-~Smm din
to the pendulum post at the hole in Fig. 1. The woodscrew should pass through the loop of the btadtM, half ~y along the 25mm part of it.
. To rut the teeth on the wheel it is worth preparing a 6" template. Draw a circle of 6Omro radius on a sheet (}f paper, using a aharp pencil. Prick accurately tllrough the centre. O~W anyone diameter of this circle. Using a. protractor draw the other diameters th~t make angles of 6'\ 12:'\ IW
. with the firsr, and 00 on at 60 intervals.
When drawing these diameters it is more: accurate not £0 rely on the centre.
Now the seconds wheel can be made.
Take the back of £I school exercise book or other similar card, and check that when cut with scissors a dean edge is left, free from granulation. Draw on the card a cirde of 48nun radius. Mark the centre with a cross of arms lQmm, and prick through. With the same centre draw a circle of 50nun radius, and carefully cut it out.
'\ . . .
... ~,Z. CifC~i( of KietlZl$ (;/oc/( mOV8"ptmt:
Five times a second iii semf-sinusoidal induced vOUllfglO of 500m V ptUlk tends to raise the upper rinds of both coils. Then 8 corren: pU/S(J af 3mA la:;ting 10m~ doe» work 8g8inst the induced voltage in th$ upoor coil. Ttiue eeat» pl.llse transmits soma 15JJ..i of energy to thliJ movement, Tuning fork oeoilletore are powered in iii rather similar way.
isv mop
Fig. 3. The "mtillvott monostebie". The single coil is conn(JCted to this very sensitive form of the monostsble circuit. When the hot end ofthQ co]! produces <I 5mV neg.fJtive trigger. a 100m!!; current pulse of about $fT?A is provided.
Ffg.4. Full size plan of beseboerd. But note the broken bssetin«. tota/length is 230mm. Do nat drill the basaboard until
the upper brecks: i$ fixed, Prepare the lower brii?cklilt end position it with th« aid of tne bBttflfY· Than mark hole positions on the bijseboafd, and drill.
~2 eJ€l
'---~-0 (i{
I ,
-, Coil stllrt
. "\ ~ ..
" ,
Table 1: parts for the clock ME(:HANICAl.MATERIAlS (dimensIons in mm)
2 aluminium pieces 38 X 19 of 16 s.w.g,
:2 No.10 Sct9WIl 38 mm; 4 No. 6BCJ11WS 191mn
Chipboard 230 x 130 x 6, with centlmatrlc graph paper tc cover SQfuvoQd 330 x 50 x ;;:5 .
:3 wood blocks 10 mm cube; 2 wood blocks 20 x 10 x 10
2 off 300 mm length 6 SA studding (threaded rod} from rnQdel/toolihardwara shop 15 Screws 6 SA of 13 m m th read length Dr so, with 37 nuts
39 washers 4. SA (not 6 6A). ideally with one rlQn"slip
2 detergent container caps T -style
12 coins 2p
Cover frolt' school exercise book, or !limil$1" card ELECTRICAL PARTS
2 ferrite magnets 25.0 x 7 -7 x 6 Or so {Magnet Applioatione Ltd, ~23 City Rd EC1V havQ wailfed thfilir srn~1I order ch!uye in favour of WW rsaders, and for 24p In stamps will supply both ferrlI(I$, If a 2ap s.e.e.ts also enGJo~ed,)
1 foot connecting wire, aay 24 s.w,g.
1% metre .16 s.w.g. bare/tinned copper wire
(or strip 1 metre 13A cabla, and use the thickerwiral
~ capacitorS p.c.b. type 100 f.tF (not to be varied!) 1 HP2 battery
Place this disc centrally over the template, and mark off tWO poims 180" apart. Then make the intermediary marks. Using the inner circle as a guide, make by eye Zmm radial cuts inwards from the pQints iust marked on the circumference, Choose which side is to be the front of {he Wheel, and. complete the teeth with slanting cuts, as shown in Fig. I, top diagram. Do not use a mirror image, but follow the ~lan~$ 11(; shown, Keep the slant angle constant, and this will compensate for errors in the radial cut, The precise length and direction of these cuts is no! too critical, but the radial ems must start at the COITC=4;t poinr.
Number the teeth in the direction shown, using a felt-tip pen. Teeth 25-34 are illUstl':Hed. To control warp, cut a second disc of half the radius, and glue it to me back of the first, Fonn me spike} using (he thin connecting wire, Now trap the seconds wheels between washers at the h-Qnt end of the 70mID l~ngr:h of studding. Then slip on an extra washer to trap the spike. Tills must point out ahead of the wheel, parallel to its axle, but 4-mm off centre in the direction of tooth 15. This spike will then provide the. correct drive for the minute wheel.
Place the completed second'S wheel in its besting. M~ke rhe claw No.1 in Fig. 1, but again using the finer connecting wire. The 40mm tail 15 lin ~Q.j!Pil;t;ll;l1e counterweight, which varies the pressure exerted by {his claw on the seconds wheel. The diameter of the curves of the claw shouldbe 4mm or more, to ensure that rolling takes place on 2. Hang me claw there, and loosen the screw holding bracket No, 4. This bracket can now be moved horizontally, to allow the claw to. hang vertical, touching the wheel at about the level of its axle. The pendulum should nOW drive the seconds wheel, 1f <l.l any time . this wheel Slam to squeak, place a little lw:d on (he front bearing.
T +50mV
wheel teeth; but it should only peneu:ilte·
some two thirds of the ll.vwlilble distance: . Also when the seconds spike leaves the minute wheel it should n~t enter it near
the centre of the next tooth.· If {he spike does not meet these two requirements, its. radius can be adjusted.
Make the hour wheel bearing 5 in Fig. 1 without bends, and f.x at the hole 2 on the! post. Draw on card a 30rmn radius circle, marking the CIOOS. 11.1 the centre and pricking through. Draw a concentric Circle of 45mm radius, and cut It out. Mark· the perimeter from the template, but only every 30'". Make 15mm radial cuts and choose me from. The slanting cuts are: large, and they and the numbering follow the direction of the seconds wheel. Numbet the teeth I-XII. Mount the wheel at the front end of the 65mm or so length of studding remaining. Adjusr (he position (If the bearing so that the hour wheel is correctly driven. This will include makin~ two bends to bring me wheel forward somewhat. When the hour wheel is core . rectly driven each operation by the minute wheel leaves a radial side of an hour tooth vertical.
Finally the bracket 3 is constructed, and. fixed ilt a hole on the post Before making the bends shown at the top of 3 compare' with the actual clock, to ensure that 3 will do its job. On its 4Orom and 50mm sections it ha::> to carry a card which can slide horiwntaUy. One r;;ard indicates which tooth of the minute wheel is to be read; and the oilier does the same thing for the hour wheel. The time can be read ,more easily if these cards hang just behind the wheels, and extend just below them.
FISI- 5, Trac;e Of the pot8ntial ofrfle hot end of the coil in Fig. 3 as the magn8r passes in 9ifner dlrection. Triggering Gcwrs when the induCfld volt!; reach some 5m V negetivt;!. The negMivtJ purse should occur as the magnet/s leElvir9 the coil, so th8t 8 long pUlS8 has no ill effects.
card a circle Q{50mm radius. and mark the centre with a cross. Prick it through. Draw II concentric circle of 5Smro radius, and cut jt out carefully. Matk the periphery from the template as before, and make Smm radial cuts as in Fig. I, middle diagram. Choose which side is to be the front, and complete the teeth and numbering as shown, noting that slanting cuts and numbers now proceed in the other direction, Back the new wheel with a ~5mm radius disc. and mount Jt at the front end of the 90rnm leugll1 of studding. Make th~ spike shown and trap it behind an extra washer, but (his time at. the real' of the wheel below tooth 07. This spike will then drive the hour wheel correctly. Now mount the minute wheel in its bearing, and terminate the axle at the rear with tWO nuts screwed. together, so that the axle has little freedom of movement backwards and fQrwards. Ultimately both other axles may be 80 terminated,
Imagine the seconds wheel axle (0 extend forward indefinitely. Now adjust horizornally the bearing (If the minute. wheel, so that its teeth would just scrape the extended axle. As the seconds wheel rotates, its spike will now mesh with the· ·lliifiute
Practical polnls
.A warning: the pendulum bearing can absorb some energy if the semicircles on No,
2 do not tine up with the thotads. at the point of contact. If the pendulum bob describes a curved path {hal takes i{ out uf the: vertical plane] this is because the semicircles just mentioned differ markedly in radius. If a tooth is ruined while construct-
ins any wheel, another can be stuck behind it. aut keep glue off the active surface
of the new tooth. If ·thl~ addition unbalances the wheel, it may be brought back into balance again by glueing a lcm square piece of card on the back in an appropriate position. If desired the wheels may be. <tested for balance by tapping the baseboard, and [hen corrected as ~bove.
Lowering the adjusting: weight by one turn of its firing nuts slows the clock by I about ten seconds a day, and conversely. Thus good timekeeping may rapidly be. achieved. The clock malfunctions in strong draughts or vibradon, but the time: ..• shown can be readily adjusted. Seconds", should be read where the claw touches seconds wheel, Enthusiasts fillY add
moon wheel, which win keep quite time if tWO spikes on the. hour address a 59 tooth moon wheel.
Two patents arc held on the clock)
that only stops it being made if "~--~.",~,""'.'''~ of financial gain accrues, and indeed constructional details have been here. A kit might he preferred,
MinUle and hour wheals
Make the minute wheel bearjng 6 in Fig. 1, constructing the V bends once: more as explained above. Clamp the bearing to the B$ shown. Now ==. on
large manufacturer has been found to produce one. However Webbonware, 398 . Hatfield ltd, St Albans, Herts, will supply ... a complete and engineered kit (less bat-
lezy) for £17, which includes postage and packing. The teeth on the wheels are marked for cutting OUt, and all drilling is . done. Baseboard and backboard arc elegantly shapi!d in hard, wood> bur 10 look their best they need some finishing. Strip. board is provided to connect the electrical .. parts, which are then concealed. In this . form the clock becomes a permanent piece .. of'furniture.
.. Energ, balance
. A pendulum is a device which lends itself .•.. tomeaeurement. By observing (he decay in , oscillation when there is no drive) it is I possible to study the energy absorption of the vsrious parts. When the amplitude is at . its maximum permissible value the claw is
'. almost drawing forward tWO teeth at it time "on the seconds wheel. At this amplitude SOme 5 ttJ of energy are absorbed pe~ cyde in overcoming the air resistance met by the bob, while a further 311J is needed to . handle friction at the axle of the seconds wheel. But the amplitude also has a ;' .. minimum permissible value of about h.:l]f .. the above, when the claw only just sue-
.ceeda in moving one tooth of the seconds \vheel. Here the friction requirement remains unaltered, but the air resistance falls as the 205m. power- of the
. . and SO reduces to about 1 u].
the air resistance of the bob pro. an energetic buffer against amplitude 'Ylirialti01l, and it must not be reduced. If pot is adjusted for maximum permissieamnlitude when the battery is new and
Th9 comJ)f~ted CllrdboarrJ clock, which nHls for about a yetlf on an HP2 bsttery.
delivering 1. 6V, it will be found that when the battery is old and ddivc;:,:ing only 1.1 V mere is still more than sufflcient 1I1;llplitucte to drive me clock. With this endpoint. voltage the battery specified yields nearly WAh> QD.d so at about lmA consumption the clock should run for over a yeat.
. Electrical measorements complement these mechanical observations. Arrange for the pendulum to swing with amplitude: near the muimum permissible, while driving the seconds wheel as uaual, Monitor meanwhile the voltage across the coil on an oscilloscope. As shown in Fig. 5 something: like a single sine wave cycle is induced as the magnet passes over the coil, with amplitude some 25m V. Superimposed on this is a. clearly distinguishable . 1611IV power pulse. which switches rapidly and lasts JOOms. The coil is ' 40 so the power current was 4mi\.; flowing for lOOms against an induced e.m.f, of average value some 12m V meanwhile. All ~hh ~ppens twice in tire pendulum cycle, and multiplication shows that during that time some 10!-tJ of kinetic energy are transferred te the pendulum. This is very close to the 8[41 suggested above from mechsnical studjes.
As with the electric motor, energy is transferred when current flows against back e.m.f, But the banery has to overcome not only the 12mV jU·H mentioned, but also {he 1500lIlV found at the (JOt. So the: circuit is less (han 1%: efficient, compared with the 30% that may be deduced from Fig. 2 for the Kienzle IDOveffii!nt. This is the price paid for a simple coil and magnetic circuit. Nevertheless, the battery lasts .B year> and this might be regarded as suffi~ent. .
WBather-satelilte Images
Continuect from page 13 regenerator, demodulator and "ync. detector, to be adjusted. The input level shoUld be progressively reduced and each part 'retwesked'. The whole system should he adjusted by m o n i to r i n g the noncoincidence pulses at the error monitor point In the bit conditioner. Final adjustment is a significant problem and can only be acweved after much trial and error.
ResullS IIIfI coneIUS ••
A number of images have been recorded using: this sys rem and the ground resolution obtained is dose to that specified in the spacecraft parameters list of 1.1 kill. It is likely that many improvements 'could be made by other experimenters but it is the intention that cltis article should be. a basis for further work rather than a complete diseription of
a finished project. . . .
Although the system was designed for h.r.p.t., facilities for Meteosat p.d.u.s. will be added since the Mcte<JlSIlt system is fufly operational again: the basic phill)~phy is ~inIilar . Furtber design infomlQtion about both systems is readily obtainableH1,17 •.
Many people offered advice end help during the development of the equipment. I would particularly like La £hank all my colleagues at Feedback Instruments Limited, Min C. Thoburn (Royal Greenwich Ob~tory > Herstmonceaux) and Mr W. S. Steer "(Imperial College, London) without whose encoursgement the project might never have been completed.
14. Generation and it'roiJertiB8 of Maximum L~ngttl'SequenCE!!I. W. O. F. Davies. 'Control' Vol, 10 nl!mbe!\l 96 and.91,
15. Antenna lind Receiving-System No·isetemperature CII!cullltiQn. t, V. 81al<:lI. US Naval R0S6arel1 Laboratory, Sept9mb·er. tser.
16. ~uide for Oe~f!jning ll.f Ground' Recelving Stations for TmOS·N, NOM technIcal report NESS 75. ObUil1eci ffQm US OePllrt.tnant of Commerce. NOAA (N3Ilon!l1 Oce anlc Atmospheric Administration), NESS (N<!Jtional Environmental Satellite Servics), W~~!1ln9ton D{; ~02a3, U 5A.
The NEe s9mlcondl1ctors mentIOned in the article can b@ obtained through California Eastern i.sborstories, 2 Clarence Rd. Winds-or SL4 SAD. (telephone Windsor 56881) and the addfffSS of the p. t.f,e. board mllnuf.f1Cfurf1rB i8 3M (UK) Ltd, PO SOl( 38, Yeoman HOIJ$e, 57-83 Croydon Rd, Penge, l-an(i(Jrt SE20.
The chfp cspacitor9 mentioned in the first article have a velue of 100pF and not InF as. shown in Fig. 1. The manufacturer's type numl;J~r gillen is correct.
The circuit shown in Fig. 15 of last month's. article needs e $Ilght modlflClJtion. A series cepsoitor of 100pF is required in the 9 !!"ync line to the 4017!C rsser input. The capacitor Is followed by.a toe-onm resistor to ground .so that the Rand C form a highopsss filter, Without these components 90me f9ssttlng_