Civil & Juridical Personality (Arts 37-47 Persons) .Rev
Civil & Juridical Personality (Arts 37-47 Persons) .Rev
Civil & Juridical Personality (Arts 37-47 Persons) .Rev
The legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child attaches (d) The presumptions given in Art 43 of the
upon his/her conception (Continental Steel CC is applicable if the following requisites
Manufacturing Corp v Hon Accredited Voluntary are present: first, there is no proof as to
Arbitrator, et al, GR NO 182836, Oct. 13, 2009) which of 2 persons died first; and second,
they are called to succeed each other. The
presumptions on survivorship, on the other
JURADO: (a) How is civil personality hand, are applicable if the following
requisites are present: first, there is no provisions of this Code concerning
proof as to which of 2 persons died first; partnerships.
second, they must have died during a
calamity; and third, hey are not called to NOTE: The estate of a deceased should be
succeed each other. Thus, if A nad B, considered an artificial or juridical person for
father and son, died during a conflagration, purposes of the settlement and distribution of his
and there is no proof as to whom of them estate which include the exercise during the
died first, Art 43 of the CC is certainly judicial administration thereof of his rights and
applicable. There shall therefore be no the fulfillment of obligations which survived after
transmission of successional rights from his death (Limjoco v Intestate Estate of Pedro
one to the other. However, if there is no Fragrante , No L- 770 Apr 27, 1948)
relationship between the 2 other than, let
us say, contractual. Such as when A, a Cessation of Civil Personality
wealthy bachelor of 40, merely insured his 1. If natural persons: by death (Art 42)
life for P1,000,000.00 with B, a young • The effect of death upon the rights
woman of 21, as beneficiary, evidently, the and obligations of the deceased is
presumptions on survivorship are then determined by law, contract and by
applicable. In other words, A is presumed will because some rights and
to be the survivor. obligations survive the death of a
2. If juridical persons: by termination of
JURADO: How are juridical person existence
classified? • Dissolution of private corporations is
governed by Title IV of the Corporation
ANS: The following are juridical persons: Code
1) The state and its political • Dissolution of corporations for public
subdivisions (Art 44 CC) interest or purposes is governed by the
2) Other corporations, institutions and provisions of their respective charters
entities for public interest or and in its absence by the Corporation
purpose, created by law; their Code
personality begins as soon as they
have been constituted accdg to law
3) Corporations, partnerships and
associations for private interest or
purpose as to which the law grants
a juridical personality, separate and
distinct from that of each
shareholder, partner or member
4) The Roman Catholic church (Barlin
v Ramirez)
5) The estate of the deceased person
(Limjuco v Intestate Estate of
Pedro Fragrante)
1. For (1) and (2), by the laws creating or
recognizing them; government corporations
are created by their special charters
passed by the legislature
2. Private corporations are governed by BP
68; and
3. Partnerships and associations for private
interest or purpose are governed by the