This document contains assignment questions from various units of the Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures course for B.E. (BME) students. The questions cover topics like data abstraction and overloading, inheritance and polymorphism, linear data structures, non-linear data structures, and sorting and searching algorithms. Students are required to write program codes and explain concepts like operator overloading, inheritance types, linked lists, tree traversals, sorting methods like quicksort, mergesort, and searching techniques like linear and binary search.
This document contains assignment questions from various units of the Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures course for B.E. (BME) students. The questions cover topics like data abstraction and overloading, inheritance and polymorphism, linear data structures, non-linear data structures, and sorting and searching algorithms. Students are required to write program codes and explain concepts like operator overloading, inheritance types, linked lists, tree traversals, sorting methods like quicksort, mergesort, and searching techniques like linear and binary search.
This document contains assignment questions from various units of the Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures course for B.E. (BME) students. The questions cover topics like data abstraction and overloading, inheritance and polymorphism, linear data structures, non-linear data structures, and sorting and searching algorithms. Students are required to write program codes and explain concepts like operator overloading, inheritance types, linked lists, tree traversals, sorting methods like quicksort, mergesort, and searching techniques like linear and binary search.
This document contains assignment questions from various units of the Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures course for B.E. (BME) students. The questions cover topics like data abstraction and overloading, inheritance and polymorphism, linear data structures, non-linear data structures, and sorting and searching algorithms. Students are required to write program codes and explain concepts like operator overloading, inheritance types, linked lists, tree traversals, sorting methods like quicksort, mergesort, and searching techniques like linear and binary search.
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Dr. N.G.P.
Department of Information Technology
Assignment Questions Sub Code & Name : EC6301 - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES Degree & Branch : B.E. (BME) Year & Semester : II year/ 3rd sem
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. 4.
PART B Describe the major components of object oriented programming with illustrations. Give the syntax and usage of the reserved word inline with two examples. Write a member function and friend function to subtract two complex numbers in C++. Explain the importance of constructors and destructors. Explain with suitable example the difference types of constructors in C++. What is operator overloading? Overload the numerical operators +and / for complex numbers addition and division respectively.
PART B What is inheritance? Discuss in details about the various types of inheritances in C++ with suitable examples. What is virtual function? Explain with an example how late binding is achieved using virtual function. Explain Class Object to Base and Base to Class Object conversions using C++ with suitable example. Write a C++ code to construct classes of a person with name and age as public properties, account details as private properties and percentage of mark as protected property. Construct a class with sports details of person. Construct a class to rank person based on the equal weightage to academic and sports details. Use inheritance concept. What are abstract classes? Give an example (with the program) to illustrate the use of abstract class.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
PART B Write a set of routines for implementing two stacks within a single array. Write a set of routines for implementing queue using linked lists. Write a C++ code to sum up all odd numbers in a single link list. Write a C++ code to perform addition of two polynomials using link list form of queue. Give a procedure to convert an infix expression a+b*c+(d*e+f)*g to postfix notation.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
PART B Discuss the different methods traversing a binary tree with algorithm. Explain DFS and BFS with suitable example. Write C++ code for the implementation of different types of tree traversals. State few tree applications. What are the graph traversal methods? Explain it with example Give an algorithm to find minimum Spanning tree, explain it with suitable example.
PART B Discuss the quick sort algorithm and apply the same for the following numbers 90,77,60,99,55,88,66. Explain in detail about linear search algorithm with an example. Write C++ code to implement merge sort with suitable example. Write C++ code to implement binary search with suitable example. Briefly differentiate linear search algorithm with binary search algorithm. Explain the insertion sort with its time complexity.
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