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DYNAMO Portfolio

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2014 March 21 April 4

Atelier Bow-Wow - Exhibition

Curation, Exhibition & Graphic Design with Atelier BowWow + Tsukamoto Lab.
Tokyo Institute of Technology
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Organized by DYNAMO, Embassy of Japan in Greece,
Instead Postgradute Program of the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly

#Organization, #Curating, #Exhibition Design,

#Graphic Design

2014 January 17 - February 1

Physical Computing - Workshop & Exhibition
Curation with Angelos Floros, Exhibition Design, Graphic Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
The exhibition comes as a result of two workshops moderated by Angelos Floros, on d.i.y. innovative interactive tools (Arduino) and applications
(Processing) that allow us to create interactive systems combine analog
and digital media, software and hardware that are able to feel environmental triggers and meet our personal desires.
Participants: Rania Totsikas, Melina Karanikas & Tanya Tsampazi, Stavros Apotsos Alcibiades Kormpize, Rossikopoulos-Nassos Pappas, Stella, Rossikopoulou-Pappas, George Gkiatas, Zafiria Golanda, George
Demetriou, Athanasios Tsaravas, John Tsaravas, Alice Vaina, Nestor
Filiousis, Eirianna Vaina, Stamos Economou, Yota Koulali, Sophocles
Kontakis, Anna Stereopoulou, Sotiris Hatziharalambous, Dimitra Billia
Organized by DYNAMO

#Organization, #Curating, #Exhibition Design,

#Graphic Design

2013 November 22 (Opening)

Collective Library - a participatory library for
contemporary creation - Initiative
Moderation, Architectural Design, Graphic Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Collective Library is a participatory library that is formed bottom-up,
and its content is shaped by its own users (user-generated content).
In the Collective Library one can find Greek and foreign titles related
to contemporary visual, applied and performing arts, and architecture.
Collective Library is the first library that asks you not to borrow from
it, but to lend one or more titles that you own, to the library making
them available to other users.
Organized by DYNAMO

#Organization, #Moderation, #Architectural Design,

#Graphic Design

2013 October 16-23

Workshop: Artivists for Change Demonstrations, or How do we Creatively
Expose that which should be Intolerable?
Workshop Moderator with Fotini LazaridouHatzigoga, Maria Kriara
Organized by DYNAMO, Thessaloniki, Greece
This workshop focuses on how traditional forms of
assertion and resistance that are related to social,
political, economic or environmental changes and
antagonisms can benefit by the implementation of
creative tools and practices from the visual, applied
and performing arts in order to achieve their goals.
Artivists for Change is an initiative taken by individuals and
organizations from Greece (DYNAMO), Jordan (Jordan
Open Source Association), Germany (Spring Lessons im
Aufbau Haus Berlin) and Cyprus (TheatrEtc.)
Supported by the European Cultural Foundation (E.C.F)
and Cultural Innovators Network (C.I.N.)
#Organization, #Moderation, #Curation, #Catalogue

2013 October 2-10

Intensive Workshop: Mapping Deserted Urban
Centres - Thessaloniki Western Downtown
Workshop Moderator
P ost-Graduate Masters Degree in Architectural
Design Program of the Department of Architecture,
University of Thessaly - Instead (parapoesis)
Organized by DYNAMO, Thessaloni and Department of
Architecture, University of Thessaly, Greece
The program studies the area of West Centre of
Thessaloniki as the ruin of itself, as a leftover that
we can re-consider in order to generate a some-yetunseen potential. In order for potential beneficiary
deformations of the existing building mass to be
examined, studied and assessed and as a result
lead to conditions that
organize and reverse the current situation, students
were asked to in depth assess the area, in order to
identify and map more obvious and formal but also
less apparent and informal intensities and extensities,
affects and effects, potentialities and virtualities.
Key Words: Strategic Design, Mapping, Architectural
#Organization, #Moderation

2012 November - 2013 June

Creativity For.Th.
1+7 Actions for the empowerment of the
Creative Community of Thessaloniki
Artistic Direction, Curation, Exhibition Design, Graphic Design,
Conference Organization
DYNAMO, Creactivity Platform, Municipality of Thessaloniki,
Creativity For.Th. is a creative, cultural, business, and educational
event, which highlights contemporary creativity and enhances the
creative economy of Thessaloniki. It is a first mapping of the dynamics
of the creative economy in Thessaloniki that aims to set in motion pilot
top-bottom and bottom-up strategies, tools, and practices, spanning
from November 2012 till the June 2013, that are essential for the up
empowerment of the creative community and the development of creative economy of Thessaloniki
Creativity For.Th. was organized by DYNAMO, Creativity Platform
with the Support of the Municipality of Thessaloniki

#Research, #Artistic Direction, #Organization, #Curating, #Exhibition Design, #Conference Organization

2012 November 10
Creativity For.Th. - Kick Off
Multipurpose Hall of the New Town Hall Thessaloniki

2012 November- 2013 February

Creativity For.Th. - BeCreative Platform
Mapping of Creative Economy that is found in the historic commercial
center of Thessaloniki and the creation of the BeCreative Platform a
dynamic open source, participatory digital map with multiple tools of
presentation and networking of the various creators.
Parallel Event: BeCreative Hackathon, 11th May 2012 (with the
Support of the Thessaloniki German Consulate)

2012 December 15-16

Creativity For.Th. - Creative Walk
80+ Creators, and Creative Entrepreneurs based at the citys historic
commercial center welcome wider audiences and present their creative
spaces, offices, ateliers and showcase and discuss work

2013 May June

Creativity For.Th. - Creative Cluster Toolkit
A collaborative interdisciplinary research project conducted by 30
young creative professionals (architects, planners, designers, cultural
managers, information/technology experts, economists) for producing
strategic tools for the development a bottom-up Creative Cluster in the
historic commercial center of Thessaloniki.

2013 May 18
Creativity For.Th. - Designing Creative Synergies
International conference on Polices, Tools and Best Practices for
Synergies among Creatives and Entrepreneurs.
At the International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Organizers: DYNAMO, Creativity Platform, International Hellenic
University, ristotle University of Thessaloniki, German
Consulat, Goethe Institut, Goethe Institut, Greek-German
Commerce Chamber, Business and Cultural Development
Centre (KEPA), Creativity For.Th

2013 June 5
Creativity For.Th. - Fast Forward
International conference on Policies and Strategies implemented
by cities and international organizations for the
development of the Creative Economy.
At the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Thessaloniki
Organizers: DYNAMO, Creativity Platform, Goethe Institut,
Business and Cultural Development Centre (KEPA),
Periphery of Central Macedonia, Municipality of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki International Film Festival

2014 November - December

Creativity For.Th.
What we share is what we have in Common
Exhibition about the Results of Creativity For.Th.

#Research, #Artistic Direction, #Organization,

#Curating, #Exhibition Design, #Graphic Design,
#Conference Organization

2013 April 5-27

George Gerontides Exhibition (Solo Show)
Curation, Exhibition Design, Graphic Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design, #Graphic Design

2012 December 21 - 2013 February 13

Teenage Angst vol.2 - Exhibition, Workshop, Conference Day
75 teenager-artists aged 15 to 18 years from all over Greece.
Curation, Exhibition Design, Graphic Design, Editor, Conference Organization
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Teenage Angst is an attempt to map the blank the national creative landscape,
during the ages that precede specialized art and other creative studies.
Organized by DYNAMO With the Support of the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Tourism
of the Municipality of Thessaloniki

#Research, #Curating, #Organization, #Exhibition Design,

#Graphic Design, #Conference Organization, #Editing

2012 October-November
Workshop, Residency, Seminars, Exhibition
Moderator with Maria Kriara
Organized by DYNAMO, Thessaloniki, Greece
Artists: D. ipouros , M. Leonidou, . otsala, Ch. Trigonakis,
N.I. Psimopoulou, M. Markaki, K. Panagiotidou, M. Alvanou,
P. Yiahoustides, S. Zorba, A. Karavela, F. Papadopoulos,
I. Teliyioridou, E. Antonaki, G. Koulides, L. Kattou, L. Toubouris
Open Call
#Moderator, #Curator, #Editor

2013 May - June

No More Real Than You Are Exhibition (Group Show)
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Participants: Kostas Yatsos, Dimitris Efeoglou, Dimitirs Fragakis
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2012 February-March
Workshop, Residency, Seminars, Exhibition
Moderator with Maria Kriara
Organized by DYNAMO, Thessaloniki, Greece
Artists: L. Asimakis , G. Gerontides, Th. Zafiropoulos,
S. Ioanou, I. Karamavrou, V. Katsarela, S. Ouzounidou,
K. Spathara
Open Call
#Moderator, #Curator, #Editor

2012 January
Controlled Explosion (True Romance) Exhibition
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Participants: Sofia Touboura, Panayiotis Samsarelos
Organized by DYNAMO


2013 March-May 2012 & January-April 2011

Theory Seminar: Territories, Identities, Practices:
Assemblages, Oppositions and Negotiations in
Contemporary Art
Seminar Moderator with Stephanie Bertrand, Evi
Baniotopoulos, Louisa Avgita
Organized by DYNAMO, Thessaloniki, Greece
The main objective behind these three intensive series of theory
seminars was to explore important concepts and practices theoretical perspectives and attitudes and their relationship with
contemporary art, i.e. to present an excess of keywords concepts
and ideas that could stir things up! in a direction that expands
knowledge and deepens the understanding on contemporary art
and visual culture.
Seminars (Keywords): Art as Denial (Criticism, Framing, Conceptualism, Minimalism) / When the History of Art becomes Art
(Modernism, Diversity, History, Orientalism, Synchronicity, Mapping, Ideology) / Urban Regeneration and Contemporary Art
(Post-Fordism, Co-Ops, Renaissance, Self-organization, Internationalism, Networks) / What, Where, How, for Whom: Community? (Community, Relational/Social Aesthetics, Ethics, Utopia, the
Daily) / The Continuous Exhibition and the Role of Urban Development (Biennialization, Art Fairism, Spectacle, Identity) Art and
Work - Art and Order: The artist as subject in the Context of Economic Crisis (Subject, Work, Economy, Crisis, Order, Violence,
Conflict) / The Concept of the Balkans and Alternative Histories in
the discourse of Exhibitions (Epicenter, Periphery, Post-colonialism, Identities, Alternative Histories, Locality)
#Moderator, #Organizer

2011 December
Dimitris Fragos Exhibition (Solo Show)
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2011 November
365 Q-R Exhibition
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Participants: Nansy Stamatopoulou, Fani Sarandari
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2012 October 28 November 21

Teenage Angst vol.1 - Exhibition, Workshop
50 teenager-artists aged 15 to 18 years from all over Greece.
Curation, Exhibition Design, Graphic Design, Editor
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
15th Biennial of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean
General Secretariat of Youth - Municipality of Thessaloniki
Participants were selected through an open-call process.
Organized by DYNAMO

#Research, #Curating, #Organization, #Exhibition

Design, #Graphic Design, #Editing

2011 September-October
The Quarry And The Encyclopedians
Exhibition by Maria Kriara (Solo Show)
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Catalogue Published by DYNAMO, English-Greek,
Graphic Design by Fotini Filoxenidou
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design, #Editing

2011 September
Landslide / ALUD Performance by Regina Jose Galindo
In the context of the Performance Festival, 3rd Thessaloniki
Biennial of Contemporary Art
Curator: Irene Papaconstantinou
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Organized by DYNAMO, State Museum of Contemporary Art


2011 June
Object Not Found Exhibition by Zoe Giabouldaki
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2010 December 2011 March

Six Weeks = Six Exhibitions
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
72 Young Greek Creators (Artists, Designers,
Architects) from all-over Greece
Participants Selected Through Open Calls
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2010 December 2011 March

Six Weeks = Six Exhibitions
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
72 Young Greek Creators (Artists, Designers,
Architects) from all-over Greece
Participants Selected Through Open Calls
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2010 November
UTOPIA Exhibition by Topotheque (Solo Show)
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2010 October
Kiosk & The Big Bid Exhibition, Auction Event
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Exhibition and Creative Auction of Young Greek
Applied-Arts Creators
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design,

#Graphic Design

2010 February - March

Six Weeks = Six Exhibitions
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
40 Young Greek Creators (Artists, Designers,
Architects) from all-over Greece
Participants Selected Through Open Calls
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curating, #Exhibition Design

2010 April-May
Moderator with Rachel Moore
14 Artists from Thessaloniki and Chicago
Organised by DYNAMO,Thessaloniki and Spoke, Chicago
Artist Participants:
Lena Athanasopoulou, Kim DeBord, Monica Herrera,
Georgia Kotretsos, Areti Leopoulou, Dimitris Michalaros,
Rachel Moore, Jeroen Nelemans, Theofanis Nouskas,
Shannon Schmidt, Briana Schweizer, Hui-min Tsen,
Chryse Tsiota, Vasilis Zografos
Guest Participants:
Stephanie Bertrand, Ellen Rothenberg, Syrago Tsiara,
Shannon Stratton
The participating artists were selected after an open call
by an international jury.
With support from the Fulbright Foundation in Greece.
#Moderator, #Curator, #Editor

2009 December
Naughtiness - Plan b Exhibition (Group Show)
Curated by Roula Palanda
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Contemporary Young Greek Artist from Beltsios Collection
Organized by DYNAMO, Margaris Foundation

#Organization, #Exhibition Design

2010 November
Fotis Sagonas Exhibition (Solo Show)
Curation, Exhibition Design
DYNAMO, Thessaloniki Greece
Organized by DYNAMO

#Curation, #Exhibition Design

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