This document provides instructions for a heart-shaped quilt pattern called "Heart Drops". It was created by Patti R. Anderson in 2001 to be used for either continuous-line machine or hand quilting. The pattern fits 8-inch or 9-inch blocks and includes the stitching order. The creator shares the pattern for personal use or within quilt guilds but requires permission for other uses and asks to be credited.
This document provides instructions for a heart-shaped quilt pattern called "Heart Drops". It was created by Patti R. Anderson in 2001 to be used for either continuous-line machine or hand quilting. The pattern fits 8-inch or 9-inch blocks and includes the stitching order. The creator shares the pattern for personal use or within quilt guilds but requires permission for other uses and asks to be credited.
This document provides instructions for a heart-shaped quilt pattern called "Heart Drops". It was created by Patti R. Anderson in 2001 to be used for either continuous-line machine or hand quilting. The pattern fits 8-inch or 9-inch blocks and includes the stitching order. The creator shares the pattern for personal use or within quilt guilds but requires permission for other uses and asks to be credited.
This document provides instructions for a heart-shaped quilt pattern called "Heart Drops". It was created by Patti R. Anderson in 2001 to be used for either continuous-line machine or hand quilting. The pattern fits 8-inch or 9-inch blocks and includes the stitching order. The creator shares the pattern for personal use or within quilt guilds but requires permission for other uses and asks to be credited.
patchpieces I created this pattern to share with you, so please feel quilts & pieces free to use it for your own personal use or to share with by Patti R. Anderson your quilt guild. Any other use must have my written permission. Please tell where you got the pattern!! Thank you.