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Commandes Symfony

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Cration dun bundle :

phpapp/console generate:bundle

Gnration d'un entity:

phpapp/console generate:doctrine:entity

Gnration des entits :

phpapp/console doctrine:generate:entitiesNomduBundle:Nom de l'entity

Cration de la base de donne :

phpapp/console doctrine:database:create

Cration des tables :

phpapp/console doctrine:schema:create

Mettre jour les tables :

phpapp/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Gnration ducontructeur de formulaire(FormType):

phpapp/console doctrine:generate:formNomduBundle:Nom de l'entity

Mettre jour les CSS, JS et images :

phpapp/console assets:install

Vider le cache :
phpapp/console cache:clear

Cration dun utilisateur pour FOSUserBundle :

phpapp/console fos:user:create

Rendre un utilisateur admin :

phpapp/console fos:user:promoteusername

En cas de problme, pour vrifier les entits :

php app/console cache:warmup --env=prod --no-debug


C:\wamp\www\app_symfony2.8>php app/console doctrine:generate:crud

Welcome to the Doctrine2 CRUD generator

This command helps you generate CRUD controllers and templates.

First, give the name of the existing entity for which you want to generate a CRU
(use the shortcut notation like AcmeBlogBundle:Post)

The Entity shortcut name: filmBundle:film

By default, the generator creates two actions: list and show.

You can also ask it to generate "write" actions: new, update, and delete.

Do you want to generate the "write" actions [no]? yes

Determine the format to use for the generated CRUD.

Configuration format (yml, xml, php, or annotation) [annotation]: yml

Determine the routes prefix (all the routes will be "mounted" under this
prefix: /prefix/, /prefix/new, ...).

Routes prefix [/film]:

Summary before generation

You are going to generate a CRUD controller for "filmBundle:film"

using the "yml" format.

Do you confirm generation [yes]?

CRUD generation

Generating the CRUD code: OK

Generating the Form code: OK
Updating the routing: Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]?
Importing the CRUD routes:

[ERROR] The bundle's "Resources/config/routing.yml" file cannot be imported

from "app/config/routing.yml" because the "filmBundle" bundle is
already imported. Make sure you are not using two different
configuration/routing formats in the same bundle because it won't work.

Everything is OK! Now get to work :).


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