Biology Notes
Biology Notes
Biology Notes
Cell Structure
Cell Theory
Cell theory tells us three important things about cells:
1) All living things are made up of cells.
2) A cell is the smallest unit in a living thing.
3) All cells come from other cells.
also includes
1. Energy flow occurs within cells.
2. Heredity information (DNA) is passed on from cell to cell.
3. All cells have the same basic chemical composition.
The last pair chromosomes are the sex chromosomes-they determine your gender
XX is female
XY is male
Stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid
A nitrogen base
A five-carbon sugar
A phosphate group
Two chains of nucleotides form a ladder-like structure and are held together by the
A: adenine
T: thymine
G: guanine
C: cytosine
The bases form the rungs of the ladder by pairing with each other:
A is always with T
G is always with C
The sequence of the nucleotides bases code information that serves as the
blueprints for that organism
A specific sequence of DNA that codes one piece of information is called a gene
Chromosomes consist of strands of DNA and a smaller section of DNA, that stores one piece of
information is known as a gene.
DNA wraps around proteins
1 'letter' is made of 3 different base pairs
Amino acids
Every three base pairs is equal to one amino acid added to a chain that folds up to make a protein
DNA Replication
A somatic cell can split to become 2 somatic cells or 4 gametes
Purpose of mitosis in multi-cellular organisms : To grow, repair and replace somatic cells
Purpose of mitosis in single-cellular organisms: To reproduce
Chromosomes become visible, spindle fibres form, and nuclear envelope breaks up.
Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell - no more nucleus
Chromosomes move away to opposite sides of the cells using spindles
They are at opposite ends and nuclei are being formed on either side
Purpose of Meiosis: To produce more gametes
Prophase I
Chromosomes condense and attach to the nuclear envelope of the cell.
Synapsis- The chromosomes line up in their pairs
Chromosomes start to get thicker and break from the nuclear envelope
Metaphase I
The tetrads- pairs of chromosomes align.
Anaphase I
The chromosomes move to opposite cell poles, micro tubes pull the chromosomes and move them
Telophase I
Once the chromosomes have completed their movement, each pole gets a haploid ( complete set
of chromosomes).
At the end of Telophase I, two daughter cells are created, each of the cells has exactly half the
number of chromosomes from the original cell.
Prophase II
The nuclear membrane and nuclei break down and the spindle network appears. Start migrating to
the metaphase plate (midpoint).
Metaphase II
Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell and then split into two. The chromatids point to
opposite ends of the cell.
Anaphase II
Sister chromatids separate and move towards opposite ends
*Chromosomes don't replicate they are simply broken down and separated.
Mendel's Peas
Bred many different pea varieties and studied the phenotypes in the offspring
He deduced that traits were determined by a pair of factors, one from each parent
These factors are now termed genes
Coined the terms 'dominant' and 'recessive' genes for alleles
Individuals showing the dominant trait only need to have one copy of the dominant
allele for it to show in the phenotype
The recessive trait is only expressed if there are no dominant alleles present
E.g. YY or Yy for yellow and only yy for green
Alleles: different forms of a gene
E.g. yellow of green seed colour in peas
Same trait is at the same position on both chromosomes
Genotypes: The combination of all traits in an organism
Determines our phenotype
Phenotype: A description of your actual physical characteristics
Mutations are changes in the genetic material
UV radiation
Ionising radiation
Gene Mutations
Substitution-Wrong base
When genes become amino acids they become RNA therefore instead of T we use U.
All DNA starts with AUG
Nonsense: produces incomplete protein the stop comes earlier than required.
Frame shift - amino acid is moved changing the whole sequence after the mutation
An adaptation is a trait which helps an organism survive or give it an advantage in a certain
Adaptations arise due to natural selection.
All species can be traced back to a common ancestor. Theory of evolution explains how the first
life form caused many different life forms that are found on earth now.
What is a fossil?
A fossil is evidence of past life preserved for many years in rock or other material
Fossils are a source of evidence to support evolution
Types of fossils:
Original fossils
In the right conditions the whole original fossil can be preserved (ice, amber)
Replacement fossils
Petrification-minerals have fused into the tree trunk and hardened to form petrified
wood (rocky wood)
Indirect fossils
Traces of their presence include tracks, trails, burrows and borings
Carbon film fossils
These fossils form when an organism partially decays and leaves a thin film of
Fossil Evidence
Palaeontologists can determine the age of fossils which tells them when each species lived
Sedimentary rocks therefore: youngest rocks on top and oldest at the bottom
Index fossils - From species that was abundant and widespread - trilobites
By measuring the amount of radioactive isotopes in the rock, we can calculate the
age of the rock
Fossil Record
Transition Fossils
A fossil that shows the transition period between two species, Archaeopteryx has features of a
dinosaur and a bird supporting the evolution of birds from dinosaurs.