Chapter 123
Chapter 123
Chapter 123
A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Teacher Education
Namunga, Rosario, Batangas
In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Maribelle J. Bacordo
Jenny May E. Gibaga
Dayanarra D. Leynes
March 2016
Chapter I
Education as a course is decided based on criteria that reflect
ones personal values, temperaments, experiences, and skills.
Choice of teaching as a career was not made lightly; rather, it
was the culmination of a process of reflection about what a
person wanted to do with his/her life and his/her education.
Most students decided to take up Education because it is
their very own choice. Others chose to be in this program
because of the availability of scholarship. Others are due to
parental influence or peers. Some students chose education as a
course because they believe that education is perhaps the most
important function performed in our culture, or for that matter,
collectively can not only change the world, but improve it, and in
the process find personal and professional renewal. It is best to
be part of this noble profession, and someday to be counted
among those in whom future pre service teachers found
Pre-Service teachers learn to prepare and give lessons and measure students
It is very important to the learners to be motivated by their teacher for them
to study very well. This brings effective learning process. The effective teaching
and learning is possible when the pre-service teacher is familiar to motivate of
their career choice.
Significantly, this research aims to understand many motivational forces by
which students could develop commitment to teaching as a career. Emphasized
that the quality of school teachers especially in the elementary level affects how
children learn in the later stage of life.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to identify the BEED Pre-Service Teachers' Motivation to
the Teaching Profession at Batangas State University - Rosario during the school
year 2015 - 2016.
Specifically, this study seeks answer to the following questions:
1. What are the factors that motivate the respondents to pursue the profession?
2. What is the level of respondents' awareness in teaching profession in terms of:
2.1 teaching practices;
2.2 academic preparation;
The researchers strongly believe that the result of this study will help the
different groups of people such as school administrators, teachers, students and
future researchers.
Administrators. This study will help them come up with curricular
decisions that would help Pre Service Teachers be more motivated towards the
Teachers. This study will help them in guiding their teaching, how they
will handle the attitudes of Junior and Senior BEEd students based on their level
of awareness toward the teaching profession.
Education Students. The findings of the study will help them be more
aware of the teaching profession and be more inspired to it, thus leading to better
performance and attitude as future educators.
Future Researchers. This study will give them additional knowledge
regarding the teaching profession. This study may stand as their guide in the
willingness to continue a research similar to this endeavor. They may use the
results of this study to validate their own results and the research literature to
enrich the text of their own study.
Reseachers. The can use the results of this study as inspiration to perform
better and to have a more positive attitude or outlook toward the teaching
Chapter II
This chapter deals with the review of both conceptual literature and
research literature to make the current study clear to the readers. It consists mostly
of summary of different sources such as books, internet, an unpublished materials
that are important and relevant to the present study.
Conceptual Literature
According to Virginia Wesleyan College, a pre-service teacher is a college
student involved in a school - based field experience. Under the supervision of a
cooperating teacher, the pre-service teacher gradually takes on more classroom
management and instructional responsibilities.
The pre-service teachers need to experience the content, pedagogy and then
transform it into teaching practices, but they also need to experience the
difficulties of dealing with the uncertainty of the solutions in a socio- scientific
issue, before they are able to design (Evagorou, 2011).
Pre-Service. Pre-service and In-service teachers must resolve to do away
with the usual memory learning. The spoon-feeding practices are still resorted to.
In teacher-learning experiences is at the base. It is the foundation upon which new
ideas and behaviors are formed with prior experiences, students are able to create
their own meaning, concepts and perspectives (Methods of Teaching).
Training is an integral part of teacher education. While education is
concerned with attaining learning, training is aimed at developing skills. Education
makes the teachers informed and knowledgeable about a particular discipline,
training enables them to acquire the technical know-how. Both lead to towards
knowledge acquisition. Training concentrates on application acquired knowledge.
Training can enable teachers to acquire higher order cognitive abilities such
resources including time and space, (8) performing administrative skills, this
would entail how to keep attendance and handle other routines. They must be able
to respond to administrative requests through proper communication, attendance
and leading the school community in undertaking school wide activities and
projects, (9) serving as teacher educators by facilitating training of pre-service
teacher (Teacher Education Journal, p.13-14).
Teaching Profession. Teaching is defined as instructing, tutoring or
educating. It stands for pedagogy, training and nurturing. As a profession it is
taken as a mission to old the young. Others are prepared to assume certain defined
duties and responsibilities. It may be regarded as a teacher's role in educating
children. Some refer to it as an occupation for a living.
On the other hand, teaching profession involved teaching practice. It is
practical use of teaching method, teaching strategies, teaching principles, teaching
techniques, and practical training and practice or exercise of different activities of
daily school life. It is cardinal and indispensable aspect in the preparation of
teachers. It is the common professional element in the preparation of trainee
Teaching is your mission means it is the task entrusted to you in this world.
If it is you assigned task then naturally you've not to prepare yourself for it. From
now on you cannot take your studies for granted. Your four years of pre-service
preparation will equip you with the knowledge, skills and attitude to become an
effective teacher. However, never commit the mistake of culminating your mission
preparation at the end of the four-year pre-service education. You have embarked
in a mission that calls for a continuing professional education as the saying goes
"once a teacher, forever a student." (The Teaching Profession, p.45)
The end goal of a profession is service and as we have heard many times
"we cannot give what we do not have." We can give more if we have more. His
Holiness Pope Paul VI affirmed this thought when he said: "Do more, have more
in order to be more!". For us teachers, continuing professional education is a must.
For us teachers, continuing professional education is explicit on our
professionalization law and our Code of Professional Ethics.
Our service to the public as a Professional turns out to be deducted and
committed only when our moral, ethical and religious convictions inspire us to
embrace continuing professional education.
If you take teaching as your profession, this means that you must be willing
to go through a long period of preparation and a continuing professional
development. You must strive for excellence, commit yourself to moral, ethical
and religious values and dedicate yourself to public service (The Teaching
Profession. p.47).
Bachelor of Elementary Education. BEED is a four year degree program
designed to prepare students to become primary school teachers. The program
combines both theory and practice in order to teach students the necessary
knowledge and skills a primary school teacher needs.
Motivation is a cardinal principle in learning. A learner will learn only those
things he wants to learn. If a student is not interested in what he is learning, he will
simply "go through the motions" or worse, he will not engage himself in the
learning act at all (Principles and Strategies of Teaching, p.28).
Scholarship grants attract capable students, like those enjoyed in special
degrees that are fully supported by DECS, CHED, DOST and other government
agencies which generously fund scholarships in all disciplines. Stiff competition in
a nationwide examination and the school's qualifying tests enable the school to
select the intellectually capable and deserving. Consistent guidance and counseling
services provide assistance in cases when difficulties are encountered (Teacher
Education Journal, p.17).
Jeanneret and Cantwell, a further complication to the teacher education
process who discovered that, one cannot assume that exposure to a particular
instructional tactic will facilitate a willingness to use tactic in the classroom
Motivational issues in education can have significant consequences for
students, notably affecting levels of engagement, learning, achievement, and
influencing future career paths (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Hardre, 2003; Pintrich &
Research Literature
Different studies were reviewed pertinent to the present study to further
validate the findings of the study about the BEED Pre-service Teachers'
Motivation to the Teaching Profession.
Barte (2010) stated that teachers characteristics determine a considerable
extent on how much learning will take place. Teachers attitude as well as
expectation manifestation in their behaviour and practices contributes to the
enhancement of students motivation. Therefore, teacher is considered as the
highest important person in the field of teaching.
According to the study of Lardizabal (2000), teaching is a conscious
influence that one person exerts upon another that causes him to learn. It is a
complex human activity since it involved a wide range of human interactions of
performance. She likewise discovered that those who were highly qualified
academically where more opportune to be promoted to higher positions or even
grunted with academic scholarships grants and privileges.
Garote (2009) stated that a teacher himself is a teacher in the classroom and
a teacher to his learning regardless to his physical, psychological disturbance,
status and community roles yet still he will only be affected by the pupil.
As cited by Olayao (2003) the task of a teacher is usually a variety of
human traits and competencies. The teachers job is not only to teach but to
influence and promoting the development to the individual learning environment.
In many instances teachers spend more time with their students than their
parents do, school schedules are demanding so it is important for teachers to be
effective in their method, instead of simply being the figure head of the classroom.
Gellel (2010) has termed communities of practice, connecting pre-service
teachers with practicing teachers, students and wider school communities. Gellel
argues that the practicums currently offered to teachers during their degrees are
not enough, and that pre-service teacher education should enable the creation of
communities of practice through short residential periods, social activities and
discussion groups (p.173). Further, pre-service teachers must be allowed space
within these communities to reflect, acquire stories and develop concepts that echo
the everyday realities of teachers and schools. For these communities to be
successful, Gellel stipulates that they must be led by teachers working within the
school reality and must have concrete links with schools and practicing teachers.
According to the study conducted by Garcez (2007), it was found out that
by increasing career development activities, which includes setting career goals,
students had a higher self-esteem. Maybe even more important, however, is that
students were more satisfied about the education they were receiving. This will, in
turn, hopefully lead to students having a deeper desire and commitment to succeed
in their education. Another outcome of a higher self-esteem, is that those students
chose more difficult goals than students with low self-esteems. She noted that
excellent detailed plan for teaching parents and teachers how to teach young
students to set career goals. The plan requires a total community effort through
educators, parents, and businesses. Students must be given an opportunity to
identify and explore their desired careers. They can accomplish this through the
"School to Work Transition" or "Job Shadowing Program". Through the
cooperative efforts of the entire community, students can identify career choices,
set career goals, and have higher self-esteem at an early age. Ultimately, they will
further their education and have a better chance of succeeding in the "do or die"
world in which we live.
Eduwen (2000), opined it is realistic that students desire help in order to
make satisfying choice of the occupation. Interest is one of the essential factors
that help an individual to choose a career, the individual may be interested in a
career that involves frequent interaction with people and demonstrate his love of
dealing with people by being humorous, friendly, helpful and understanding.
The study by Sinclair (2008), helps to get a better view as to why pre
teachers are entering the field and what motivates them. It also tells us a little
about the pre teachers who think on the contrary. Many pre teachers will not want
to teach or find that they are not cut out for the position. Others will go on and
become some of the best teachers in the world. "Entry and changing personal
motivation and commitment, along with initial teacher education coursework and
practicum experiences, have the potential to attract student teachers to teaching,
and affect how long (retention) and to what extent they will engaged deeply
(concentrate) in their initial teacher education courses, or question their initial
career decisions."
Related research studies had been discussed to give a background about the
present investigation.
The study of Almerino is similar to the present study as it focused on the
occupation of parents which can affect the career preferences of a student.
Meanwhile, it differs from the present study because it emphasizes only to the big
picture of a big family with low educational attainment and inadequate investment
was the sole foundation of choosing a course which was psychologically
that majority of the teachers engage in activities such as advance studies in the
graduate and post-graduate has a high rating in their teaching performance. She
likewise discovered that those who were highly qualified academically where
more opportune to be promoted to higher positions or even grunted with academic
scholarships and professional grants and privileges.
Connection to the present study was established with the study of Vocal and
Barte wherein they both discussed the profile of the respondents which can affect
the role and responsibilities of a teacher and also they discussed the quality of
education that is largely dependent on the quality of teachers and teachers
characteristics determine a considerable extent on how much learning will take
place. Meanwhile, it differs from the present study as a focus on the different
appropriate strategies in presenting subject matter while the present study
emphasizes on the awareness of freshmen of the college of teacher education in
the teaching profession. They also both make use of a survey questionnaire in
assessing their respondents that is similar to the present study because it uses the
same tool for gathering data but it is different because it aims to evaluate quality of
education and the attitudes of a teacher rather that assessing the awareness of the
respondents of the present study.
Another study, which is different to the present study, is the study of Garote
and Mendoza both studies pointed out that a teacher himself is a teacher in the
classroom and a teacher to his learning regardless of his physical, psychological
disturbance, status and community roles yet still he will only be affected by the
pupil. And teacher in modernize days prepare to be realistic on doing to their
profession which likely disseminate their personal part but they differed in terms
of place and investigation. It is similar to the present study because they both
make use of a survey questionnaire to be answered by the chosen respondents and
at the end they both tried to come up with a intervention activities that can help
students and teachers to easily understand teaching profession.
Generally, the cited studies aided the conceptualization of this study. Like
other studies, it is done to know the awareness of pre-service teacher motivation
related to career choice in teaching profession at batangas state university-rosario
that will lead to the betterment of the student's performance in educative process.
Conceptual Framework
This part presents a concept of the BEED Pre-service Teachers' Motivation
to the Teaching Profession. This study intends to assess the motivation of Preservice teachers of the College of Teacher Education in the teaching profession at
Batangas State University-Rosario Campus.
In the conceptual paradigm as shown in figure 1, the researchers used the
Input-Process-Output approach in presenting the variables of the study.
The input presents the level of awareness to teaching profession
Next is the process, this included the procedures like survey questionnaire
that were undertaken by the researchers to access the input.
Lastly, the output dealt with the outcome of the study which is a proposed
Action Plan.
Research Paradigm
Level of Awareness
Survey Questionnaire
to Teaching
motivation to the
Teaching Profession
Figure 1
A Conceptual Paradigm on the BEED Pre-Service Teachers' Motivation to the
Teaching Profession at Batangas State University-Rosario.
Chapter III
Distribution of Respondents
BEED 3101
BEED 4101
Scale Range
Verbal Interpretation
4.50 - 5.0
3.50 - 4.49
Great Extent
2.50 - 3.49
Moderate Extent
1.50 - 2.49
Some Extent
1.00 - 1.49
Least Extent
Percentage and Ranking. It was used to show the distribution of the factors that
motivate the respondents to pursue the profession.
Weighted Mean. It was used to determine the extent of the pre-service teachers
motivation in teaching profession.
Chi-Square. It was used to determine if significant relationship exists between the
respondents extent of motivation and level of awareness in the teaching
Date: _____________________
Direction: The following are the factors that can serve as motivation to
pursue the profession. Please indicate the extent to which these
motivators/factors encourage you to take the profession by checking the
corresponding column.
The following scale will be used:
5 Very Great Extent
4 Great Extent
3 Moderate Extent
2 Some Extent
1 Least Extent
Motivating factors to pursue the profession
1.1 Scholarship Grant
1.2 Personal Choice
1.3 Prestige of the Profession
1.4 Influence of Peers
1.5 Influence of Parents
1.6 Prospect of Attractive Compensation
A. Book
Pintrich, P. R and D.H. Schunk. Motivation in Education: Theory, Research and
Applications. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River N.J.: Merill Prentice Hall, 2002.
Bilbao Punta P. Ed. D., Corpus Brenda B. Ph.D., Llagas Avelina T. Ed. D.,
Salandanan Gloria G. Ph.D., 2006. The Teaching Profession. Lorimar Publishing
Co., Inc.
Barbosa, Claudine C., Endencio, Marites M., and Saurez, Lovelita M., 2013,
"Motivational Techniques used by Public Elementary School Teachers in
University-Rosario Campus,
unpublished thesis.
Caringal, Irma M., Fragada, Jennifer C., and Lalucis, Nica Marjorie F., 2013,
"Expectations of Freshmen of the College of Teacher
Education in the Teaching
%20Teachers%20Identities_and%20work.pdf of Education (Bachelor of Elementary Education) in the Philippines
D. General References
Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary; 2001
Webster's Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus; 2002
Britanica; 2002
New Online Dictionary