High School
High School
High School
High School:
Rus Ts will be offering a fitting day on April 2 from 10:00-12:00 for tuxedo rentals. They will
also pick up the tuxedos at after prom. For more information pick up a flyer in the office.
FBLA members attending state there will be a mandatory meeting Tuesday at 7:40
in Mrs. Moreland's room.
FCA: We still need five Casey's pizza coupons by Tuesday afternoon for breakfast
pizza Wednesday. Bring them to Mrs. Ensor.
The CTA senior-faculty games will be held on Monday, March 14, starting at 6:00.
This annual event is a fun way to raise money for scholarships for seniors planning
on entering the education field. Seniors - please sign up in the office to play
basketball or volleyball against your favorite teachers and staff! All seniors are also
asked to bring an item or two for the cake walk. Items can be dropped off with Ms.
Otto on Monday.
Jostens will be here on March 14th at 7:30 to deliver Senior announcements/cap and
Art Club is meeting every day during first intervention in the Art Room to work on the mural.
All students who are interested in vo-tech next year need to pick up an application from Mrs.
Junior High:
Practice for NEMO Junior High Honor Choir on April 18 is every Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday from 7:40 - 7:55 in the Music Room.