Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation
Submitted to : Submitted by :
2. Ashley Sehgal
3. Hamza Salim
4. Madeeha Ali
5. Pulkit Goyal
6. Shah Omar
7. Shainal Agarwal
Market Segmentation
1. Attributes of effecting segmentation
2.Criteria for selecting market segments
3. Basis of consumer market segmentation
4. Basis of business market segmentation
Forming Segments
1. Requirements for segmentation
2. Product differentiation and market
3. Customer group identification
4. Forming groups based on response differences
1 Hindustan Lever limited
2 Titan watches
3 Indian automobile’s segmented on basis of purchasing power.
The market for any product is normally made up of several segments. A ‘market’ after
all is the aggregate of consumers of a given product. And, consumer (the end user),
who makes a market, are of varying characteristics and buying behavior. There are
different factors contributing for varying mind set of consumers. It is thus natural that
many differing segments occur within a market.
In order to capture this heterogeneous market for any product, marketers usually divide
or disintegrate the market into a number of sub-markets/segments and the process is
known as market segmentation market segmentation. Thus we can say that market
segmentation is the segmentation of markets into homogenous groups of customers,
each of them reacting differently to promotion, communication, pricing and other
variables of the marketing mix.
Market segments should be formed in that way that difference between buyers within
each segment is as small as possible. Thus, every segment can be addressed with an
individually targeted marketing mix. The importance of market segmentation results
from the fact that the buyers of a product or a service are no homogenous group.
Actually, every buyer has individual needs, preferences, resources and behaviors.
Since it is virtually impossible to cater for every customer’s individual characteristics,
marketers group customers to market segments by variables they have in common.
These common characteristics allow developing a standardized marketing mix for all
customers in this segment.
Through segmentation, the marketer can look at the differences among the customer
groups and decide on appropriate strategies/offers for each group. This is precisely why
some marketing gurus/experts have described segmentation as a strategy of dividing
the markets for conquering them.
Buyers vary according to how they use the products, the needs and preferences that
the products satisfy, and their consumption patterns. These differences create market
segments. Market segmentation is the process of identifying and analyzing subgroups
of buyers in a product market with similar response characteristics. Recognizing
differences between market segments, how they change better and faster than
competitors is an increasingly important source of competitive advantage.
d. Profitable - There is no use in locating segments that are sizeable but not
A segment should be measurable. It means you should be able to tell how many
potential customers and how many businesses are out there in the segment.
A segment should be accessible through channels of communication and distribution
like: sales force, transportation, distributors, telecom, or internet.
Segment should not have frequent changes attribute in it.
Make sure that size of your segment is large enough to warrant as a segment and large
enough to be profitable
Unique Needs
Segments should be different in their response to different marketing efforts (Marketing
There are number of variables involved in consumer market segmentation, alone and
in combination. These variables are:
• Geographic variables
• Demographic variables
• Psychographic variables
• Behavioral variables
Geographic Segmentation
A company, either serving a few or all geographic segments, needs to put attention on
variability of geographic needs and wants. After segmenting consumer market on
geographic bases, companies localize their marketing efforts (product, advertising,
promotion and sales efforts).
Demographic Segmentation
• Age
• Gender
• Income
• Occupation
• Education
• Social Class
• Generation
• Family size
• Family life cycle
• Home Ownership
• Religion
• Ethnic group/Race
• Nationality
Demographic factors are most important factors for segmenting the customers groups.
Consumer needs, wants, usage rate these all depend upon demographic variables. So,
considering demographic factors, while defining marketing strategy, is crucial.
Psychographic Segmentation
• Interests
• Opinions
• Personality
• Self Image
• Activities
• Values
• Attitudes
Behavioral Segmentation
• Usage Rate
• Product benefits
• Brand Loyalty
• Price Consciousness
• Occasions (holidays like mother’s day, New Year and Eid)
• User Status (First Time, Regular or Potential)
Business market can be segmented on the bases consumer market variables but
because of many inherent differences like
Market segmentation is the process of placing the buyers in a product- market into
subgroups so that the members of each segment display similar responsiveness to a
particular positioning strategy. Buyer similarities are indicated by the amount and
frequency of purchase loyalty to a particular brand, how the product is used and other
measures of responsiveness. The opportunity for segmentation occurs when
differences in buyers demand function allow market demand to be divided into
segments, each with a distinct demand function. The term market niche is sometimes
used to refer to a market segment that represents a relatively small portion of the
buyers in the total market. Segmentation identifies customer groups within a product
market, each containing buyers with similar value requirements concerning specific
product/ brand attributes. A segment is a possible market target for an organization
competing in the market. Segmentation offers a company an opportunity to better match
its products and capabilities to buyer’s value requirements. Customer satisfaction can
be improved by providing a value offering that matches the value proposition considered
important by the buyer in a segment.
To get a product or service to the right person or company, a marketer would firstly
segment the market, then target a single segment or series of segments, and finally
position within the segment.
Market Segmentation is the process of placing of subsets of buyers within a market that
share similar needs and demonstrate similar buyer behavior. The world is made up of
billions of buyers with their own sets of needs and behavior.
There are many ways that a segment can be considered. For example, the auto market
could be segmented by: driver age, engine size, model type, cost, and so on. However
the more general bases include:
A company will evaluate each segment based upon potential business success.
Opportunities will depend upon factors such as: the potential growth of the segment the
state of competitive rivalry within the segment how much profit the segment will deliver
how big the segment is how the segment fits with the current direction of the company
and its vision.
Firm's policy or strategy guided by market trends and customer needs instead of the
firm's productive capacity or current products.
1. Segments
2. Value opportunities
3. Capabilities/segment match
4. Target
5. Positioning
Creating New Market Space
Market analysis may identify segments which are not recognized or served effectively
by the competitors. There may be opportunities to tap into new areas and create a
unique space in the market.
For example, in France Accor has established the highly successful formula 1 hotel
chain by building a new market segment in between the traditional strategic groups in
the hotel market.
In general one –star hotels offer low prices; on the other hand two-star hotels offer more
amenities and charge higher prices.
Accor analysis of customer need found that customer choose the one star hotel
because it is cheap, but trade up from the one star hotel to the two star hotel for the
“sleeping environment “that is clean ,quiet rooms with more comfortable beds –not all
the other amenities that are offered.
While formula 1 provides the superior “sleeping environment” of the two star hotel, but
not the other facilities, which allows it to offer this at the price of the one star hotel.
Formula1 had built a market share larger than sum of the next five largest competitors.
Broad competitive comparisons can be made for the entire product-market, more
penetrating insights about competitive advantage and market opportunity result from
market segment analyses.
Atlas AIR carries flowers and shoes from Amsterdam to Singapore for KLM and fish
cattle, and horses from Taipei to Europe for china air.
There was a time when finding the best customers were like throwing darts in the dark.
Target marketing changed all that. Today’s savvy marketers know that finding their best
prospects and customers hinges on well thought out targeted marketing strategies.
Defining a target market requires market segmentation, the process of pulling apart the
entire market as a whole and separating it into manageable, disparate units based on
Target market is a business term meaning the market segment to which a particular
good or service is marketed. It is mainly defined by age, gender, geography, socio-
economic grouping, or any other combination of demographics. It is generally studied
and mapped by an organization through lists and reports containing demographic
information that may have an effect on the marketing of key products or services.
Target Marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your
marketing efforts on one or a few key segments.
Target marketing can be the key to a small business’s success. The beauty of target
marketing is that it makes the promotion, pricing and distribution of your products and/or
services easier and more cost-effective. Target marketing provides a focus to all of your
marketing activities.
Market targeting simply means choosing one’s target market. It needs to be clarified at
the onset that marketing targeting is not synonymous with market.
Through segmentation, a firm divides the market into many segments. But all these
segments need not form its target market. Target market signifies only those segments
that it wants to adopt as its market. A selection is thus involved in it. In choosing target
market, a firm basically carries out an evaluation of the various segments and selects
those segments that are most appropriate to it. As we know that the segments must be
relevant, accessible, sizable and profitable. The evaluation of the different segments
has to be actually based on these criteria and only on the basis of such an evaluation
should the target segments be selected.
Positioning involves implementing our targeting. For example, Apple Computer has
chosen to position itself as a maker of user-friendly computers. Thus, Apple has done a
lot through its advertising to promote itself.
They iterate that any brand is valued by the perception it carries in the prospect or
customer's mind. Each brand has thus to be 'Positioned' in a particular class or
Example: Mercedes is positioned for luxury segment, Volvo is positioned for safety.
The position of a product is the sum of those attributes normally ascribed to it by the
consumers – its standing, its quality, the type of people who use it, its strengths, its
weaknesses, any other unusual or memorable characteristics it may possess, its price
and the value it represents.
Although there are different definitions of Positioning, probably the most common is: “A
product's position is how potential buyers see the product", and is expressed relative to
the position of competitors. Positioning is a platform for the brand. It facilitates the brand
to get through to the mind of the target consumer .The position of the brand has thus to
be carefully maintained and managed.
Example: When Marlboro cut down its prices, its sales dropped immediately, as it
began being associated with the generic segment. Watches like Rolex are positioned as
luxury segment watches, thus they being one of the most expensive have become a
symbol for accomplishment in life. If Rolex reduces its prices, it loses its perceived
image and hence is in danger of losing its customers.
Selecting the Market to be Segmented
Market segmentation may occur at any of the product –market levels . Genric level
segmentation by segmenting supermarket buyers based on sjopper types
shopping time .
Product type segmentation is shown by the diffrences in price, quality and features of
shving equipment.Product variant segmentation considers the segments within a
category such as electric razors.
Consumer Markets
Demographics are often more useful to describe consumer segments after they have
been formed rather than to identify them. Nonetheless, variables are popular because
available data often relate demographics to the other segmentation variables.
Geographic location maybe useful for segmenting product markets. Example, there are
regional differences in the popularity of transportation. In several US states the most
popular vehicle is the pick-up truck. The truck belt runs from the upper mid west &
through Texas & the Gulf coast states. The Ford brand is dominant in the northern half
of the truck belt while Chevrolet leads in the southern half.
Lifestyle variables indicate what people do (activities), their interest, their opinions, and
their buying behaviors. Lifestyle characteristics extend beyond demographics & offer a
more penetrating description of the consumer. Profiles can be developed using lifestyle
characteristics. This information is used to segments markets, help position products,
and guide the design of advertising messages.
An array of specialty magazines enables company to identify & access various specific
lifestyle segments. Example, Peterson publishing company, publishes 23 monthlies, 9
by monthlies, and 45 annuals. The company’s magazines portfolio includes motor trend
MTB (mountain bikes), circle track & teen magazine. Specialty magazines match
buyer’s lifestyle interest with articles that correspond to the interest. Subscriber profiles
help companies match their market target profiles with the right magazines. Many of the
specialty magazines conduct subscriber research study that is useful to companies
targeting lifestyle segments. The availability of new technologies also enables more
general publication, to create themed sections or demographically targeted edition.
Example, time magazines can produce customized versions of its national edition at the
extreme as many as 20,000 different versions of a single issue.
The global feature describes the success of BMW in positioning its mini as a lifestyle
vehicle, promoted through unconventional routes that fit with buyer characteristics in
this niche of the automobile market.
Organizational markets
Concentration considers the number of customer and the relative buying power. Product
customization determines the extent to which the supplier must tailor the product to
each organizational buyer. If one or both of these factors indicate quite a bit of diversity,
segmentation opportunities many exist.
Boeing caters to the specific needs of each air carrier purchasing commercial aircraft.
Example, an airline ordering a 747 has a choice of 4 configurations for the interior wall
at the front of the rare cargo compartment. This decision how 2,550 parts are installed.
While Boeings efforts to provide customized designs are preferred by the customers,
the costs are high & Boeing has had to evaluate the value/cost relationship of its
attempts to satisfy the needs of single airline segments.
Needs & preferences vary according to different use situations. Consider, for example,
segmenting the market for prescription drugs. Astra/Merck identifies the following
segments based on the type of physician/patient drug use situation:
• Cost sensitive – physician for whom cost is paramount such as those with
a sizeable number of indigent patient.
Customer needs
Needs motivate people to act. Understanding how buyers satisfy their needs
provides guidelines for marketing actions. Customers attempt to match their needs
with products to match their needs. people have a variety of needs, including basic
physiological needs (food, rest, and sex), the needs for safety, the need for
relationships with other people (friendship), and personal satisfaction needs.
Understanding nature and the intensity of these needs is important in
• Determining how well a particular brand may satisfy the needs, and/or,
Buyer’s attitudes towards brands are important because experience and research
findings indicate that attitudes influence behavior. Attitudes are enduring systems of
favorable or unfavorable evaluation of brands. Attitudes may develop from personal
experience, interactions with other buyers, or by marketing efforts, such as advertising
and personal selling.
People often perceive things differently. Business executives are interested in how their
products, and salespeople, stores and companies are perceived. Perception is
important strategically in helping management to evaluate the current positioning
strategy and in making changes in this positioning strategy. Perception mapping is a
useful research technique for showing how brands are perceived by buyers according to
various criteria.
Purchase behavior
Consumptions variables such as the size and frequency of a purchase are useful in
segmenting consumer and business markets. Markets of industrial products often
classify customers and prospects into categories on the basis of the volume of the
purchase. Example, a specialty chemical producer concentrates its marketing efforts on
chemicals each year. The firm further segments the market on the basis of how the
customer uses the chemical.
The development of CRM systems offers fast access to records of actual customer
purchase behavior and characteristics. CRM and loyalty programs are generating
insights into customer behavior and segment differences, and providing the ability to
respond more precisely to the needs of customer’s indifferent segments. Example,
Cons data is a CRM company working for the jigsaw consortium of some of the largest
fast-moving consumer goods companies in the world. Unilever, Kimberley-Clark, and
Cadbury Schweppes are sharing the costs of a giant database that can divide countries
into any size segment and determine exactly who lives there, where they shop, what
they buy, their lifestyles, and attitude data. Initial applications are in the precise
merchandising of supermarkets shelves to reflect local segment characteristics.
Similarly, Accor, the French-based hotel group, has adopted sophisticated business
intelligence systems for its Sofitel and Novotel hotels in the United States. The potential
benefit is to identify different customer’s preferences, to differentiate and to customize.
Using survey data, records of guest’s visits and preferences or problems, the data are
mined to draw up “golden nugget maps” to identify which customer segments have
potential, which already have been heavily exploited, and which have limited potential.
Since buying decisions vary in importance and complexity, it is useful to classify them to
better understand their characteristics, the products to which they apply, and the
marketing strategy implications of each type of purchase behavior. Buyer decisions may
be classified according to the extent to which the buyer is involved in the decision. A
high-involvement decision maybe expensive purchase, have important personal
consequences, and impact the customer’s ego and social needs. The decision situation
may consist of extended problem solving (high involvement), limited problem solving, or
routine problem solving (low involvement).
Involvement may vary from person to person. Example, a high involvement purchase for
one person may not be such for another person, since perceptions of expense, personal
consequences, and social impact may vary across individuals.
Forming Segments
The credit card division of American Express (AMEX) identifies market segments based
on purchase behavior. One group of cardholders pays the annual fee for the card but
rarely uses it. This group of zero spenders is made up of:
AMEX’s objective is to identify the second group of potential buyers because they offer
card usage opportunities and may potentially give up their card. AMEX uses self-
selecting incentive offers (e.g. two free airline tickets for heavy card use over six
months) to identify the valuable nonuser cardholders. While this segmentation approach
is expensive, it costs less than obtaining a new customer to replace one who leaves
AMEX. It also does not require using expensive marketing research to identify card
holders with the ability (financially) to use their cards.
1. Response Differences
2. Identifiable segments
It must be possible to identify the customer groups that exhibit response differences,
and sometimes finding the correct groups may be difficult. E.g. even though
variations in the amount of purchase by customers occur in a market, it may not be
possible to identify which people correspond to the different response groups in the
market. While it is usually feasible to find descriptive differences among the buyers
in a product-market, these variations must be matched to response differences.
Recall AMEX’s approach to identifying cardholders with buying power who use the
card infrequently. Incentives are used to attract nonuser card holders with buying
3. Actionable Segments
4. Cost/Benefits of Segmentation
Finally, the segments must show adequate stability over time so that the firm’s
marketing efforts will have enough time to produce favorable results. If buyers’
needs change too fast, a group with similar response patterns at one point may
display quite different patterns several months later. The time period may be too
short to justify using a segmentation strategy. However, this question is also one
where the impact of narrowcast media and advanced production technology may
drastically reduce the time over which a segment target needs to be stable for it to
be an attractive target.
Database Segmentation
• Relationship buyers
• Transaction buyers
The widespread adoption of CRM system offers greater opportunity for timely and
detailed analysis of response differences between customers. The “data warehouse”, by
integrating transactional data around customer types, makes possible complex analyses
to understand differences in the behavior of different customer groups, observe
customer life cycles, and predict behavior.
• Evaluate how well the solution corresponds to the data that are
Several factors working together point to benefits of considering very small segment in
some cases, segment of one. These include:
Mass Customizing: providing customized products at prices not much higher than
mass produce item is feasible using mass customization concepts and method.
Achieving mass customization objectives is possible through computer aided design
and manufacturing software, flexible manufacturing techniques, and flexible supply
There are too forms of mass customization. One employs standardized components but
configuring the components to achieve customized product offering. E.g.: using
standardized paint component retail store are able to create customized color shades
by mixing the components. The other mass customization approach employees of
flexible process. Through effective system design, variety can be created at very low
cost. E.g.: Casio’s customization approach enables the companies to offer 5000
different watches.
Finer Segmentation Issues: while the benefit of customization are apparent, there are
several issues that are need to be examine when considering finer segmentation
Is it possible that buyers will become confused and frustrated when offered too
many choices?
Is it possible to increase buyer’s desire for variety creating a competitive
• Maturity of market
The more comprehensive the segmentation process, the higher the cost of segment
identification will be reaching the highest level when field research studies are involved
and finer segmentation strategies are considered. It is important to maximize the
available knowledge about the product market. An essential first step in segmentation is
analyzing the existing customer base to identify groups of buyers with different
response behavior. Developing a view of how to segment the market by managers may
be helpful. In some instances this information will provide a sufficient basis for segment
formation. If not experience existing information are often helpful in guiding the design
of customer research studies.
The five segmentation criteria discussed earlier helped to evaluate potential segments.
Deciding if the criteria are satisfied rests with management after examining response
differences among the segments. The segmentation plan should satisfy the
responsiveness criterion plus the others criteria
The latter criterion may be less of an issue with mass customization since changes can
be accommodated.
The competitive advantage gained by finding a new market segment can be very
important. Segment strategies are used by a wide range of small companies with
excellent performance records. E.g. Segmenting the market for people. One way to
segment is according to the used situation. The uses of paper include:
• Newspapers
• Magazines
• Books
• Announcements
• Letters
• Other applications
Crane and company, a firm competing in this market is the primary supplier of paper for
printing money. The segment of the high quality paper market consists of single
customer the US treasury. The company’s commitment to making quality products as
sustained to competitors its competitive advantage in this segment since 1879. In the
early 1990’s crane introduced a new currency paper designed to identify counterfeit bills
by placing a polyester thread in the paper. The other 3 quarters of cranes sales includes
fine writing papers and high quality paper products
• Customers
• Competitors
• Positioning strategy
Customer analysis: when forming segments it is useful to find out as much as possible
about the customers in each segment. Variables such as those used in dividing product
markets into segments are also helpful in describing the people in the same segment.
The discussions of customer profiles include information needed to profile a product
market. Similar information is needed for the segment profile although the segment level
analyzes is more comprehensive than the product market profile.
The objectives are to find descriptive characteristics but are highly correlated to the
variables used to form the segments. Standardized information services are available
for some product markets including foods, heath n beauty aids, and pharmaceuticals.
Large markets involving many competitors make it profitable for research firms to collect
and analyze data that are useful to the firms serving the market.
An essential part of the customer analyses its determining how well the buyers in the
segments are satisfied. We know that customer’s satisfaction is measured by
comparing customer expectation about the product and supporting services with the
performance of the product and supporting services.
Competitor analysis: market segment analysis considers the set of key competitors
currently active in the market in which the segment is located plus any potential
segment entrance. In complex market structures mapping the competitive arena
requires detailed analysis. The competing firms are described and evaluated to highlight
their strength and weakness.
Market position
Positioning strategy
Operating strengths
Management experience and capabilities
There are dangers that managers may prefer to retain traditional views of the market
and structure information in that way or the segmentation strategy will be driven by
existing organizational structures and competitive norms. It is to build effective
marketing strategy around market segmentation mandates and emphasizes on
actionably as well as technique and analysis.
new segments
• The ability to work with partners may be needed to develop new products and
Segment analysis illustration: A 2 year period is used for estimating sales, cost,
contribution margin, and market share. Depending on the forecasting difficulty,
estimates for a longer time period can be used. When appropriate estimates can be
expressed as present values of future revenues and cost. Business strengths refer to
the present position of the firm relative to the competition in the segment. Alternatively it
can be expressed as the present position and estimated future position based upon
plans for increasing business strength.
Nirma Washing Powder became a national brand soon after 1982, when the Indian
Television went commercial and started color telecast. The product immediately caught
the fancy of the middle-income customers; who was finding it difficult to make both ends
meet with a limited monthly income. Nirma was the lowest priced branded washing
powder available in the grocery and co-operative stores .The middle class housewife
was more than satisfied, as she could now choose a lower priced washing powder
rather than the high priced Surf detergent powder from HLL.
Nirma also had an impact on upper middle income and higher income families where it
was used for washing their inexpensive clothes and linen. Initially, HLL responded by
launching sales promotion campaigns on Surf—by offering a bucket at subsidized price
for every 1 kg of Surf, or by trading premium brands of toilet soap with every kilogram of
Surf. These schemes, however, could not stop the decline in the popularity of Surf. HLL
then launched a head-on attack on Nirma .Without naming it (though it was obvious)
they came up with an advertising commercial comparing 1 kg of surf with 1 kg of low-
priced yellow washing powder and showed that Surf washed more clothes than the low-
priced yellow washing powder—and hence it was economical to buy Surf.
The commercial did not bring in any substantial results. It was at this time (around 1984)
that HLL decided to take a fresh look at the market. Research was conducted
throughout the country which revealed that different income groups of the consumers
had varying expectations from detergents and washing powder, it also showed that
different colors of washing or detergent powders were associated with different types of
For example, yellow colored washing or detergent powders were mainly bought by
middle and lower middle or lower income group people. They washed all their fabrics
and associated whiteness in clothes to a yellow colored powder .Also, middle class
families used the blue colored Rin bar or the white colored Lux flakes for washing their
expensive clothes. The research further indicated that blue or white colored detergent
powders were bought by middle to higher income group people, and these colors were
also associated with washing clothes clean.
In fact, the housewife was known to add “blue to her laundry to give that extra
whiteness to the white clothes. Interestingly, green was also a color that was perceived
to clean extra-dirty clothes.
Armed with this research on color perceptions and income groups, HLL launched the
following :
Sunlight (yellow)
Rin (blue)
Surf Ultra(white)
Detergents powders for different market segments. This strategy of segmenting the
markets, understanding its needs and then evolving marketing mix to suit separate
segment needs helped HLL win back its lost market.
In fact Nirma made all other consumer product companies sit up and take a fresh look
at their markets It announced ,for many, a beginning of an era of low priced products for
a highly price sensitive Indian Market , and, to others ,an end of a mass marketing era.
Titan Industries is the world's sixth largest wrist watch manufacturer and India's leading
producer of watches under the Titan, Fastrack, Sonata, Nebula, RAGA, Regalia, Octane
& Xylys brand names. It is a joint venture between one of India's most respected
business organizations, the Tata Group, and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development
Corporation (TIDCO). Its product portfolio includes watches, accessories and jewellery,
in both contemporary and traditional designs. It exports watches to about 32 countries
around the world with manufacturing facilities in Hosur, Dehradun, Goa and
manufactures precious jewellery under the Tanishq brand name, making it India's only
national jewellery brand. It is a subsidiary of the Tata Group.
After carrying out an in-depth market study, Titan identified three distinct
Market segments for its watches. The segments were arrived at using benefit
And income level as the bases.
1. The first consisted of the high income / elite consumers who were buying a watch
as a fashion accessory not as a mere instrument showing time. They were also
willing to buy a watch on impulse. The price tag did not matter to this segment.
2. The next segment consisted of consumers who preferred some fashion in their
watches but to them price did matter. While they had the capacity to pay the
price required for a good watch, they would not purchase a watch without
comparing various offers in the market.
3. The third segment consisted of the lower-income consumers who saw a watch
mainly as a time-keeping device and bought mainly on the basis of price.
For the first segment, Titan offered Aurum and Royale in the gold/ jewellery
Watch range. They were stylish dress watches in all gold and precious metals.
The prices ranged between Rs.20,000 and Rs. 1 lakh.
For the middle segment, Titan offered the Exacta range in stainless steel, aimed
at withstanding the rigours of daily life. There were 100 different models in the
range. The price range was Rs.500-700. Titan also offered the RAGA range for
women in this segment.
And, for the third segment, Titan first offered the TIMEX watches and later,
when the arrangement with Timex was terminated, the SONATTA range. The
price range was Rs. 350 – 500. It was offered in 200 different models. Titan
also offered the “Dash!” range for children.
The automobile industry in India is the ninth largest in the world with an annual
production of over 2.3 million units in 2008. In 2009, India emerged as Asia's fourth
largest exporter of automobiles, behind Japan, South Korea and Thailand.
India has emerged as one of the world's largest manufacturers of small cars. According
to New York Times, India's strong engineering base and expertise in the manufacturing
of low-cost, fuel-efficient cars has resulted in the expansion of manufacturing facilities of
several automobile companies like Hyundai Motors, Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen and
In 2008, Hyundai Motors alone exported 240,000 cars made in India. Nissan Motors
plans to export 250,000 vehicles manufactured in its India plant by 2011. Similarly,
General Motors announced its plans to export about 50,000 cars manufactured in India
by 2011.
In September 2009, Ford Motors announced its plans to setup a plant in India with an
annual capacity of 250,000 cars for US$500 million. The cars will be manufactured both
for the Indian market and for export.[9] The company said that the plant was a part of its
plan to make India the hub for its global production business. Fiat Motors also
announced that it would source more than US$1 billion worth auto components from
According to Bloomberg L.P., in 2009 India surpassed China as Asia's fourth largest
exporter of cars.
It is the largest segment in Indian market. Here the entry level starts from Rs 1.5 to 3
lakh. Maruti 800Maruti 800 and Omni are the dominant players in these segments. With
the launch of Tata NanoTata Nano with a price range of 1lakh the outlook of this
segment has changed. This segment is sometimes referred to as the small car
segment. Competition in this segment is extreme in Indian market.
It lies between budget car and family car. Preferred price range is between Rs 3 to 4.5
lakh. Maruti Zen, Fiat Uno, Tata Indica, Santro, Matiz is some of the dominant players in
this segment.
The purchasing capacity of buyers of this segment is somewhat higher than that of the
budget and compact car segment. Price ranges between Rs 4.5 to 6 lakhs.
Maruti Esteem, Daewoo Cielo, and HM Contessa belongs to this segment. In India cars
that are sold in India as ‘Budget Car’ and ‘Compact Car’ do not meet their purpose,
especially in term of space, that they turn to ‘the family car segment’.