BCA V Simon Singh - Press Statement - 15 APRIL 2010
BCA V Simon Singh - Press Statement - 15 APRIL 2010
BCA V Simon Singh - Press Statement - 15 APRIL 2010
Having carefully considered its position in the light of the judgment of the Court of Appeal (1st
April 2010), the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has decided to discontinue its libel
action against Simon Singh.
As previously made clear, the BCA brought the claim because it considered that Simon Singh
had made a serious allegation against its reputation, namely, that the BCA promoted treatments
that it knew to be “bogus”. The Honourable Mr Justice Eady, the UK's most experienced
defamation judge, agreed with the BCA’s interpretation of the article and ruled that it made a
serious factual allegation of dishonesty.
The Court of Appeal, in its recent judgment, has taken a very different view of the article. On its
interpretation, the article did not make any factual allegation against the BCA at all; it was no
more than an expression of ‘honest opinion’ by Simon Singh. While it still considers that the
article was defamatory of the BCA, the decision provides Dr Singh with a defence such that the
BCA has taken the view that it should withdraw to avoid further legal costs being incurred by
either side.
As those who have followed the publicity surrounding this case will know, Simon Singh has said
publicly that he had never intended to suggest that the BCA had been dishonest. The BCA
accepts this statement, which goes some way to vindicating its position. .
The BCA takes seriously its duty and responsibilities to members and to chiropractic patients.
The BCA has considered seeking leave to take this matter to the Supreme Court and has been
advised there are strong grounds for appeal against the Court of Appeal judgment. However,
while it was right to bring this claim at the outset, the BCA now feels that the time is right for the
matter to draw to a close.
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