Rules of Clan
Rules of Clan
Rules of Clan
Art. 1- Members in clan must respect leader, any fault of respect is equivalent to a Total Ban (3-7)
or a 5k TC pay.
Art. 2- Members in clan must obey leader, any disobey is equivalent to a Total Ban (1-3 Days) .
Art. 3- A member must have tag in every moment, otherwise, we can consider him as not part of
clan, or if he wants to stay, he must give a 3k Pay to clan.
Art. 4- Every member must give 1 idea for Software when entering, otherwise he is not
considered member.
Art. 5- Every NEW member must post his information in Members Information category in forum,
with name, rank, favorite mods, age, country, login hours, why I join.
Art. 1- Religious Racism is not tolerated, a member who makes it will be automatically kicked out
of clan.
Art. 2- Any other type of racism, except the ones mentioned in Article 1 will receive a Total Ban
Art. 3- Insulting other members will result in a total ban (7-14) or a 5k pay to every victim, and 2k
to clan.
Art. 4- Insulting other clans without reason will result in a Total Ban (3-7). (see Article 5)
Art. 5- If the act in article 4 results in a clan war, the member must receive a Total Ban (15-40) or
paying 5k to us and 2k to other clan.
Art. 1- Every Member must have xfire, or he is not considered in clan, not using xfire will not be
tolerated, and if any supervisor (high rank member) accepts any exception will receive a
Rank Penalty (no more promotion).
Art. 2- Members who don’t accept using xfire are considered as inactive until they have xfire