Doneejournal 4 1
Doneejournal 4 1
Doneejournal 4 1
The topic of gender, race, and class are significant to cultural meaning
in the world of television in our country. Often writers use the realm of
gender, race and class to create shows in effort to become relatable to their
target audience. When television shows are created with stereotypes and
generalizations in effort to create relevance for the viewers it makes it harder
for society to move aways from generalizing others based upon things such
as race, gender or social class. It is rare to see television shows that break
away from using stereotypes or over generalizations in fear that they will not
be able to relate to the audience which then causes the audience to be
unaccepting of others who do not fit into the popular generalization of others
race, age, or class that is familiar to them in the world of mainstream
television that is a large part of peoples lives in american culture.