This document is a physics test containing multiple choice and subjective questions for a 9th class student. The multiple choice section has 6 questions testing concepts about heat transfer mechanisms, thermal conductivity, and insulation. The subjective section has 10 short answer questions asking about topics like the greenhouse effect, conduction in gases, heat retention in a thermos flask, radiation, gliding, convection currents, what allows a glider to remain in air, how heat reaches Earth from the sun, why metals are good conductors, and why bottoms of cooking pots are made black. The final questions define thermal conductivity and derive its formula, then asks the student to calculate heat loss through a glass window over an hour.
This document is a physics test containing multiple choice and subjective questions for a 9th class student. The multiple choice section has 6 questions testing concepts about heat transfer mechanisms, thermal conductivity, and insulation. The subjective section has 10 short answer questions asking about topics like the greenhouse effect, conduction in gases, heat retention in a thermos flask, radiation, gliding, convection currents, what allows a glider to remain in air, how heat reaches Earth from the sun, why metals are good conductors, and why bottoms of cooking pots are made black. The final questions define thermal conductivity and derive its formula, then asks the student to calculate heat loss through a glass window over an hour.
This document is a physics test containing multiple choice and subjective questions for a 9th class student. The multiple choice section has 6 questions testing concepts about heat transfer mechanisms, thermal conductivity, and insulation. The subjective section has 10 short answer questions asking about topics like the greenhouse effect, conduction in gases, heat retention in a thermos flask, radiation, gliding, convection currents, what allows a glider to remain in air, how heat reaches Earth from the sun, why metals are good conductors, and why bottoms of cooking pots are made black. The final questions define thermal conductivity and derive its formula, then asks the student to calculate heat loss through a glass window over an hour.
This document is a physics test containing multiple choice and subjective questions for a 9th class student. The multiple choice section has 6 questions testing concepts about heat transfer mechanisms, thermal conductivity, and insulation. The subjective section has 10 short answer questions asking about topics like the greenhouse effect, conduction in gases, heat retention in a thermos flask, radiation, gliding, convection currents, what allows a glider to remain in air, how heat reaches Earth from the sun, why metals are good conductors, and why bottoms of cooking pots are made black. The final questions define thermal conductivity and derive its formula, then asks the student to calculate heat loss through a glass window over an hour.
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation Thermal conductivity of rubber is ______ W m-1 k-1 A. 0.08 B. 1.7 C. 0.2 Example of bad conductor is A. Gold B. Iron C. Wool In gases, heat is mainly transferred by A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation Metals have _____ A. Free electrons B. free protons C. both False ceiling is done by ____ A. Lower the height of ceiling C. keep the roof clean B. Cool the room D. insulate the ceiling
D. Absorption D. 0.59 D. Graphite D. Absorption D. None
Subjective Part Q#2. Attempt any EIGHT questions. 1. What is greenhouse effect?
2. Why conduction of heat does not take place in gases?
3. How tea remains hot in thermos flask?
4. What is meant by radiation?
5. What is meant by gliding?
6. Where is convection currents used?
7. What causes a glider to remain in air?
8. How does heat reach us from the sun?
9. Why metals are good conductor of heat?
10. Why bottoms of cooking pots are made black?
Q#3. Attempt ALL questions.
1. Define thermal conductivity. Also derive its formula. 2. How much heat is lost in an hour through a glass window measuring 2m by 2.5m when inside temperature is 25 0C and that of outside is 5 0C the thickness of glass is 0.8cm and the value of k for glass is 0.8Wm -1 K-1.