Food For Thought Lesson 1
Food For Thought Lesson 1
Food For Thought Lesson 1
Sharifa Pratt
Lesson number: Lesson Title: Lesson #1 Food For Thought
Grade/Subject: 4th Grade / Healthy Eating Habits
Learning Segment Essential Question:
How can we use portion sizes to help us make better choices of food?
(If this is a literacy-based lesson, please complete this box)
Central focus: To comprehend the appropriate portion size of specific foods
Essential literacy strategy: Compare and contrast
Requisite skills: Comprehending text with various types of charts
Reading and Writing connections: Children will need to be able to read from a pie chart, a
diagram and a flowchart
Content/Common Core Standard(s):
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that
information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
Learning Objectives associated with the content standards:
Students will be able to identify words in a text with flowcharts and pie charts.
Academic Language Demands
Description of formal/ informal assessments: Both formal and informal assessments will be
What is being assessed: If students know the differences between healthy and unhealthy
choices of food to eat
Assessment accommodations: Give students different choices of food (on paper). Have them
categorize each food into a healthy section or an unhealthy section
Type of feedback that will be given to students: Score how well or poorly students did on
assessment after lesson. Ask what they learned and what they will do in the future in order to
make healthy choices of food.
What students will do with the feedback: Students will begin making healthier choices of food
Instructional Resources and Materials: Printable place mat
Connection to prior academic learning and prerequisite skills: Students will compare and
contrast the portion sizes of healthy and unhealthy foods
Connections to cultural/personal/community assets: Students may discuss any cultural dishes
their families make. We will analyze the ingredients and assess whether or not it is a healthy
Motivation/Hook/Anticipatory Set: (10 min) This video will begin towards the middle of the
lesson after I explain the differences between healthy and unhealthy choices of food. This
video will set up the discussion for choosing proper portion sizes.
Teacher Action
Student Action